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File: 88 KB, 778x600, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2044352 No.2044352 [Reply] [Original]

Aw, just when the thread was getting interesting.

Shall we continue our discussion of fine wines?

>> No.2044369

The wine is red tonight. You will know intoxication.

>> No.2044382


>> No.2044389

Lurk more or go play the games to under what he's referring to.

>> No.2044410

Oh, right, it's a Remilia quote.

I actually don't use Reimu that much. I'm more of a Marisa fan.

>> No.2044418

I don't like vampires. Fucking filthy creatures, desecrating the bodies of the humans they used to be.

>> No.2044467

If I was a loli vampire, I wouldn't resort to drinking semen to survive, I would live off it completely.

>> No.2044484
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>> No.2044487
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>> No.2044523

We were discussing whether you would resort to drinking semen if you were a starving vampire. 100% the people said yes, but only if they got to be a little girl vampire.

>> No.2044533
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Isn't it sad, Arc? You are too old, even for a vampire.

>> No.2044536 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 800x600, 1234072535405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not

>> No.2044561

It depends. How much semen are we talking? Like, what's the "exchange rate" between semen and blood?

>> No.2044567

I would not suck someone's penis as a little girl because I am not a homosexual with a desire to suck penises.

>> No.2044574

Resort to it? I'd live off it if it were feasible.

>> No.2044575
File: 745 KB, 700x904, 1234073020050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia sure has bad table manners.

>> No.2044583

Your loss, man.

>> No.2044589

Sometimes I like to fantasize about Remi flirting with and teasing Sakuya until Sakuya's blood is overheated and swimming in adult hormones, the poor maid desperately aroused. Then Remi shoves her down and mounts her, drinking deeply. Her small young body rapidly heating as the blood flushes her pale skin. Intoxicated and empowered by her servant's lustful feelings Remilia ravishes her weakened maid through the night. Better stop before I end up writing a fic or something.
Why would she ever drink semen when she could drink of the lustful wishes of her adoring maids, experiencing her own high in the process?

>> No.2044591

if you were a little girl it'd be a straight thing to do.

>> No.2044599

>>2044589 Why would she ever drink semen
I dunno, cuz it's tasty?

She must have SOME reason, if she does it.

>> No.2044610

She probably drinks guys' blood after she sucks them off. That way she gets both.

>> No.2044631
File: 193 KB, 628x756, 1234073815972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the setting. Some settings go into detail on how vampires don't drink blood for the sake of blood itself, but rather feed on some vaguely defined pseudoscientific life force carried by blood.
A religion themed setting would probably include for the same life force to be present in semen to some extent, whereas a more scientific setting would probably try to explain it with proteins. A more everyday slice-of-life setting would not be likely to include it.

Unrelated, for some reason I imagine period blood as the vampire equivalent of cheap canned student food.

>> No.2044634

It's nice to mix things up a bit every once in a while.

>> No.2044642

arcueid is a dude in that pic

>> No.2044643

I have a doujin about vampires who drink semen as a substitute for blood.

>> No.2044646

>>2044631 Some settings go into detail on how vampires don't drink blood for the sake of blood itself, but rather feed on some vaguely defined pseudoscientific life force carried by blood.
>A religion themed setting would probably include for the same life force to be present in semen to some extent
Basically what I had in mind when posting the original thread.

>> No.2044658
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Actually, it's more similar to the cheeseburgers you can get at McDonalds - exquisitely greasy, moist and lukewarm, with far too much salt and bits of badly chopped meat waiting here and there, to burst inside your mouth when you chew them and fill your tongue with what tastes like sewage.

And yet it's filling, satisfying, and delightful when you haven't had real sustenance in a while.
It also brings a sense of guilt after you've finished.

I made myself slightly nauseous as I wrote this. Mickey D's is terrible...

>> No.2044668

An educational manga about concept of vampires drinking semen instead of blood.

>> No.2044666


>arc is a dude

this bro posted this before I even got to the thread, excellent timing anonymous.

>> No.2044675
File: 27 KB, 128x256, 1234074430923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the same knowledge could be applied to all other flesh-eating monsters out there, like zombies.

>> No.2044676

Yes, that's what I was talking about.
I came buckets.

>> No.2044697



>> No.2044786
File: 29 KB, 245x479, 1234076216207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one doesn't look like it.

>> No.2044791

Warcueid is moe.

>> No.2044798

I don't get how the artist even got that inspiration to draw a moe warcueid. warcueid, of all characters.

>> No.2044811

His Nanaya is even better.

>> No.2044815


Now, imagine her in a really deep, growling voice going... hmm...

>> No.2044832

You got his site address? I lost it in a reinstall of XP.

>> No.2044841
File: 118 KB, 867x664, 1234076989505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish. That's the only pic from there I have.

>> No.2044852

What's Warcueid? Type moon version of Wario?

>> No.2044854
File: 158 KB, 533x400, 1234077244321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all of his images saved, except for new ones, obviously.


>> No.2044856

tatari (basically evil) version of arcueid in melty blood

>> No.2044857

Warcueid is an incarnated fear of what would happen if Arcueid went insane with blood lust. The result is a warped version of Arcueid who is an imitation of the Crimson Moon inside of her.

>> No.2044866
File: 124 KB, 628x852, 1234077622105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically Arc, only 'zerking and eating people.

>> No.2044898

Because Dark Saber was already moe. They needed evil Arc to be moe as well.
