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File: 74 KB, 432x616, Battle_royale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2044137 No.2044137 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2044167

BR? gib moni pls hueheuheuheue.
Okay. Is Battle Royale good? I have only read two volumes of a manga version, and I don't really know if I liked it or not. Probably not.

>> No.2044173

Could have been better, IMO. I want an Amerifag remake directed by, uh, take your pick of shitty directors

>> No.2044177

It's campy, but I liked the movie.

>> No.2044191
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read the book ftw

book > movie. Novel has been conveniently translated to english as well.

>> No.2044197

with cheese.

>> No.2044211

I read the book; was actually a pretty good book. Extraordinarily depressing at times, but that's to be expected.

>> No.2044547

Seen the film, read the manga, haven't read the book.

Film was meh, manga was awesome

>> No.2044571


I like Takeshi Kitano, but I'm not planning on seeing that movie anytime before reading the book if all that's the case.

>> No.2044579

Is it about people PVPing?

>> No.2044585

Pretty much. Except less "LEERROOOY JENKIINS" and more "BAWWW"

>> No.2044596

I don't get this "BR?" thing.

>> No.2044608 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2044639
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It's a meme that stems from the fact Brazilians are the most obnoxious faggots in existence in online video games, most notably in a MMO called Tibia.

>> No.2044645 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2044647

>the fact Brazilians are the most obnoxious faggots in existence in online video games


>> No.2044650
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>Amerifag remake

>> No.2044651

I got one of them to speak english once. He seemed like a pretty ok guy.

>> No.2044657

Is brazillian.

No one remembers about tibia those days, except brazillians.

>> No.2044659


>> No.2044661

I never got that. Does Tibia have Brazilian interface or something to attract them?

>> No.2044664

not that i know of, but loligolf attracts them too.

>> No.2044671

My brother made me watch that with him.

God, that movie was awful.

>> No.2044679


Out of curiosity, what happens at the end?

>> No.2044689

It was a while ago, all I remember is that the big wrestler guy survived and ended up killing the people responsible for all of it before they got away.

>> No.2044706

Its just that it was the first MMO discovered by a big retarded mass of 12 years old brazillians.

It was a free game and you can run it in any piece of junk so it became ''colonized'' easily by friends that invited friends and etc...

As 12 years old faggots, this retarded bunch never really tried to to communicate in english...or even tried to be friends with other people.

So...in the end a great part of this people migrated to other games and kept staining the reputation of ''normal brazillians'' and another bunch still plays this paintbrush-like MMO until now...well, nobody really cared about them anyway.

>> No.2044726


Wow, sounds like the legend of thai in RO.

>> No.2044799

Typical Pulp fiction-esque book. Read it, but it's nothing deeper than children killing other children.

>> No.2044821

It was supposed to be deep? I thought it was just about the ways kids can kill other kids given random weaponry and a set of (admittedly bizarre) circumstances.

>> No.2044834

LOL its a satire aimed at the government

>> No.2044840


You didn't exactly get it, did you? It's not a masterpiece by any means, but there was certainly something to it beyond "typical pulp fiction".

>> No.2044843

I get B's in English classes and even I get this.

>> No.2044850

A bunch of kids trying to go against the big bad government. It is all too hard to imagine this as a pulp fiction.

>> No.2044872
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>> No.2044880
File: 95 KB, 416x451, 1234078115980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2044890

...Did I just completely miss something in the ending? Because from what I remember, once they were almost all done killing each other, three of them ended up escaping (though one died), and the other two went back to living a normal life. I don't remember them striking back at the government, or even all that much mention of any government. Yes, The Game itself was government-implemented, but aside from that...

It's been quite a few years, though.

>> No.2044911
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>> No.2044947

There is no Battle Royale II.

>> No.2044948

Its a metaphor for the Japanese college entrance system

>> No.2044963

What game is this?

>> No.2044973

Please don't make me remember that horrible thing.

>> No.2045000

Truth hurts?

>> No.2045057

Secret Game
