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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2042705 No.2042705 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when 4chan was nothing more than its purpose as a mix of /a/ and /jp/?

Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.2042715

I am sorry to say that I do not.

>> No.2042710
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>> No.2042714

Remember when /b/ was /jp/ + Anime/Manga

>> No.2042718

No, I've only been here since December of 2007. Back then I was staunchly against loli and I thought tripfags were mods.

>> No.2042722

/a/ and /b/ were one. /g/ was guro and we still had /l/ around for the lolis ... good times (don't remember if we had shota board or not, or if that was just a not4chan thing)

>> No.2042723

I'm sorry, but my memory has been foggy lately. I can hardly remember what I ate two days ago.

>> No.2042724

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

>> No.2042727

>Back then I was staunchly against loli

This shit is cropping up everywhere, especially on /a/. I want to call them trolls, but I think they're serious.

>> No.2042729

I've been here since November of 2007.
I always loved lolis.

>> No.2042738

When I first found 4chan back when there was still a loli board, I didn't like loli either.
But now I have over 30gigs of loli and I feel like I really missed out.

>> No.2042739

They're chritfags, it's even worse.
I trully hate them.

>> No.2042744


>> No.2042754

I think I came to 4chan for /gif/ back in 2004 or so, I miss the days when porn was the minority there.

I didn't actually bother going to /b/ for a while because I looked at it and found what you self-proclaimed oldfags worship to be utterly retarded. I decided to go back when you fags starting shitting up my regular forums with your Habbo raids and ended up sticking around for /a/ since it was actually good back then.

tl;dr /b/ was always shit

>> No.2042751

Normalfags ruin everything they touch.

>> No.2042752

I sure like nostalgia threads.

I remember thinking Anonymous was one pathetic loser who replied to his threads and replies.

Somewhat true.

>> No.2042756

Remember when there were good threads in /jp/ instead of shit threads and metadiscussion?

>> No.2042759

Same here.

>> No.2042761


>> No.2042762

Came to /b/ in '05, /a/ in '06.

You guys suck.

>> No.2042764


Go make one.

>> No.2042765


>> No.2042767

that lasted for 500 000 posts.

>> No.2042769

Why, because we didn't hear about something back when it was relatively obscure? I'll admit that a lot of the people who drop by now that the site is well-known are douchebags and idiots, but that doesn't mean everybody who started coming after 2007 is a retard.

>> No.2042770


More like 50,000.

>> No.2042773

>Remember when there were good threads in /jp/ instead of shit threads and metadiscussion?
You mean never? There were practically only metathreads the first few days.

>> No.2042775

More like 5000 really.

>> No.2042776


>> No.2042777
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Reported for offtopic.

>> No.2042779
File: 93 KB, 573x1172, 1234048908527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not about metathreads.

>> No.2042786

I've been here since 2005, but I spent my first year in /c/ and /e/. Then I moved to /b/ in 2006. Epic lulz were had. /v/ was my next board. Then /jp/ was made, and I never looked at another board ever again.

>> No.2042784

I remember lurking for a year before I posted for the first time in 2006.

I have no idea why.

>> No.2042787

I remember it, and I don't miss it. In my opinion /jp/ really is the best board ever.

>> No.2042788


I want Revy to sit on my stuff.

>> No.2042793

I spent my first two years on 4chan lurking, but then again I only came here for /h/.

>> No.2042792
File: 205 KB, 1216x912, 1234049085177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how people initiate dates in Japan?

Do people get lonely in Japan?

How do people tie their shoes in Japan?

>> No.2042791

It really is isn't it, bro? xD *glomps*

>> No.2042798

Yeah, I like the part where there's only about 3 people that can seriously have a discussion about Touhou that doesn't devolve into mindless, "HURR, YOUR INTERPRETATION IS COMPLETELY WRONG EVEN I DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE" or "lololol memes".

>> No.2042797

I learned about 4chan in late 05 started posting in early 06
Haven't visited any boards other than /b/ until 08

>> No.2042800


I usually lurk on other websites too, although its mostly due to email verification crap that I;m so annoyed of.

>> No.2042802

/gif/ wasn't around in 2004.

>> No.2042803

I still don't understand this image.

>> No.2042807
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>> No.2042809

That's why I said "or so", I don't record timestamps every time I visit a new website.

>> No.2042811
File: 84 KB, 800x427, 1234049388384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lurked for half an year before I made my first post.

Everyone just seemed so cool but scary to me at first, I just didn't want to post.

Pic related, it was my first post on 4chan.

>> No.2042819


/a/-/jp/ split

When people said gb2/jp/ trying to be clever, they are actually sad.

>> No.2042821

i hate 4chan

>> No.2042825

I just don't bother as soon as I've got to register
It's a hassle

>> No.2042827

Actually, /jp/ was created because a dozen of faggots kept fucking whining.

>> No.2042828

Pfft... I waited until I turned 18 before I made my first post. I have no idea why.

>> No.2042831

Nice use of Caster in unrelated imagery.

It's not even sarcasm when you do this. It's the complete destruction of everything that was ever good about any board on 4chan. You either don't care or enjoy it, which means that you should commit suicide.

The difference was that they were good meta threads, as opposed to what exists now.

>> No.2042835

I came to 4chan after iichan died. Before that I was a iichaner like everyone else, since 4chan was the dead one at the time.

What the hell is this thread doing here, anyway. For a moment I thought I was in robot9000.

>> No.2042840

>good meta threads
oh wow

>> No.2042842


What exactly is a good meta-thread to you? Tear down the wall baw?

>> No.2042844

>It's not even sarcasm when you do this.

Because it isn't. When I use emoticons it means that I'm truly happy. ^_^

>> No.2042851

>good meta threads
What? They were shitstorm threads with whining and trolling.

>> No.2042863

Started in the vast wasteland of /b/ around July of 2005, quickly became assimilated into /m/, /d/, and /v/. Hit up /f/ and /n/ (when it was news) on occasion, but really got dragged into /tg/, until someone posted what they claimed was the theme song for the legions of Chaos from WH40k. It was really an a cappella version of "U.N.Owen was her?", and it sealed my fate here in /touhou/.

There's no going home again.

>> No.2042875

Amazingly enough, those threads lead to a lot of good camaraderie in the early days of /jp/. A lot of good laughs, too.

Some people really were trying to get /a/ and /jp/ back together, some were just having fun, and most were thinking of what to do now that a whole new board was open to them. It was the beginning of something awesome, and the good, anarchic feeling was palpable.

Now, it's /b/ IS AWESOME LET'S EMULATE, or /jp/ is shit, or more 3D/JAPANSHIT and less everything that this board was actually created for...

Well, whatever. I still remember when we had dreams. It was a feeling of belonging that didn't necessitate conformity and assaults on every little thing that someone enjoyed. You didn't start a thread and immediately get bombarded with things like "IT'S SHIT, RIGHT?" "IT'S SHIT." the moment after repeated ad nauseum for no reason. This emoticon nonsense wasn't used as a trolling tool with such gusto. Lots of other things. People didn't look at /jp/ as its sole purpose as being shitting on everything that got moved here, trying to turn it into a new /b/, and whining about every little thing. Japanophiles didn't make it their godsent mission to try to destroy every thread that didn't begin with SO I'M IN JAPAN, COREA, NUKES NUKES LOL, or non-memes like that retarded bird.

At least the dog jumping through hoops was interesting, if falling in a similar category.

>> No.2042876

       /(●)(●)   excuse me may i pass through here
       | トェェェイ/   
       | /`ニニ´    
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>> No.2042897

( ゚д゚)

>> No.2042904

I, for one, believe that all emoticons should be banned.
I don't understand why you would use them, even be it for the purpose of trolling.
If you troll using emoticons, people will get annoyed but will ignore you.
If people ignore emoticons, new people might believe that it's alright to use them.
Please, emoticon trollers, tell my why you would want to use something as stupid as emoticons for your amusement.

>> No.2042911

I wanted to post fascinating.jpg, but I think you'll yell at me.

>> No.2042913

I'm here since late 2005 / early 2006, though I lurked on /w/ for more than a year and half.
Then I went to /b/ and I liked it, especially with the habbo raids and the nightly confession threads. I tried /a/ too, but it was shit, except the VN discussions. I just couldn't care about the opinions about the actual 'best' anime.
With time, I started to visit /a/ more often, because my interests in VNs grew bigger and /b/ started to suck. Now I'm here and both /a/ and /b/ are died for me.

Tl;dr: /a/ and /b/ sucks, /jp/ is where the gods lurk.

>> No.2042922
File: 220 KB, 700x700, 1234050990394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, my post was quite long and verbose. I think it's relevant.

>> No.2042942

I first started using them as a way to respond to other trolls while I saged them. I got tired of that and by this point emoticons just made me RAGE. Then there are times like earlier today where shit is so fucked up that it's easier to join them than it is to fight them.

As terrible as that sounds, it was the most fun I've had here since the janitor started deleting loli imouto threads. But really, it's low level trolling and I feel bad when I do it; the only thing that makes it worthwhile would be the amount of reactions you can get out of people with the least amount of effort.

Seriously, DO NOT REPLY TO TROLLS. Not if someone else has replied to them. Not even to sage them or counter-troll. Even one reply from you and the troll has won. There's no feeling worse than making a troll post and having no one respond.

>> No.2042948

What if a troll makes a fake response to his own troll post?

>> No.2042951

That's what normally happens, anyway.

>> No.2042968

Surely, I understand.
But you should know yourself that such trolling methods are fucking cheap, we'll all regret trolling like idiots when the stuff we trolled about becomes what most people post.
