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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.18 MB, 1446x2047, 72107196_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20422601 No.20422601 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread >>20392504

>> No.20422659


>> No.20422666
File: 272 KB, 379x378, spooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever makes these threads should make a non-priconne OP next.

I play priconne too and post updates whenever I can about the game but come on, we definitely need more OP images that aren't priconne.

>> No.20422668 [DELETED] 

>another cunny thread

>> No.20422674
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>I-it's not precum gen I promise
At least pretend my dude.

>> No.20422680

The best way to generate discussion about something is to talk about it instead of complaining about it.

>> No.20422701

We, the colopl people need to take the thread back from pricunny

>> No.20422704


>> No.20422705
File: 72 KB, 466x466, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I play both?
They're casual enough for me to easily keep up. And that's not happening today at least, cygames fest is running which means big princess connect news soon.

>> No.20422709

I might if they give me 1k gem and not get shitty fourstar projects

>> No.20422715

Never ever

>> No.20422717
File: 36 KB, 400x502, raff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>winter release
>pre reg

>> No.20422736
File: 166 KB, 383x264, 1544383043394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CygamesFes starting today
>Crossover event with GBF active
>Cute image in general
>Everyone complains anyway because >PriConne
You people are never happy.

>> No.20422740

It's /mbgg/, no one is ever happy unless the company game they are playing is being shilled actively

>> No.20422744

Will they finally announce Dragalia's service closure?

>> No.20422756

Doubt it, their grossing ranking is kinda so-so but not exactly great either

>> No.20422775

>One QR code for Shironeko from Kusopl Fes is supposedly one-time use unlike Tagameme QR codes
Truly kuso.

>> No.20422776

There's also kusoplfes, why giving preference to one company, specially cykagames?

>> No.20422784

I'm not complaining, priconne's the main thing we discuss so I thought we should at least give other games a spotlight in the OP to maybe attract more people to it so whoever makes the next thread should consider it.

But yeah, with Cyfest ongoing its pretty hard to not talk about it considering its one of their biggest events of the year.

>> No.20422800

Wonder what happened to mbgg people that play T7S and scooter spirits.
You people still here?

>> No.20422810

Scooter spirits had an anniversary post and stuff happening soon, their new subtitle was "Stop crying your heart out"

>> No.20422824

Wasn't there an anime and PC game planned for this game? Did it happen already?
I checked my phone and now the game title is shoumetsu toshi 0, not 1 or 2

>> No.20422829

Yeah, they're going with Shoumetsu Toshi 0 for their new story arc. The anime hasn't happened but they do have one planned if I recall correctly.

>> No.20422892

When is Priconne going to be on Cygamesfest? Or did I miss it already

>> No.20422900

They're still on granblue so you haven't missed it yet, no clue when its priconne time honestly.

>> No.20422922

1 hour from now

>> No.20422926
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>> No.20422930
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Should be in around 1 hour

>> No.20422997

Didn't it literally end like yesterday?
I know this poster was probably made several weeks ago, maybe even months, but they really aren't great at keeping up-to-date on stuff like this.

>> No.20423030

>Granblue fightan game by Arcsys
No amount of money is enough for KMR it seems.

>> No.20423046

Super Cygames Bros soon

>> No.20423053

I never understood why people like Smash so much. It's like a watered-down fighting game in every aspect. I'm glad Cygames chose to collaborate with Arcsys. Those guys may not be the most popular company, but they know how to handle kakutoge.

>> No.20423154

The N64 one was fun, before it turned into pseudo-serious fightan game on successive consoles.

>> No.20423165

Stream's up friends

>> No.20423170

>Fun party game with friends
>Items on, levels didn't matter, characters didn't matter
>Try to do that now with friends
>Top tier only
>3 stock
>Stages banned
>No items
We live in the worst time line.

>> No.20423173

Maybe you need to find better friends, I still do that with mine

>> No.20423177

Haven't really played scooters much anymore, but I'm still following some news. The anime is coming in 2019 (no specified season) and the 3D game is probably not going to be finished in the near future.

And the real life SPR5's first album is coming out next month.

>> No.20423178

>Top tier only
>3 stock
>Stages banned
>No items
This is the optimal party format for non-shitters

>> No.20423274

>Reset the 500 stages dungeon in Shironeko hoping to get the Memorial Sword since it will be gone permanently next Monday
>Already bored of it while I only cleared 100 floors again so far
Probably I should have just let it expire.

>> No.20423304
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>> No.20423311

The character messages were nice
No clue what Anna said though

Also KMR apologising for the new Ayane being Christmas limited sounded so hilariously insincere

The Twilight Caravan group raibu was nice I hope someone ends up ripping it to YouTube

>> No.20423332

Rikka sounded kind of off in the Kyaru ED

>> No.20423340

well another 2 cunnies that I need to farm hard maps everyday for

>> No.20423350

>Granblue action game by Platinum
>Granblue fighting game by Arcsys
>A boatload of freebies given out by the VAs doing various tasks
>New limiteds, new jobs, new skins etc.

>PriConne gets a single limited and some more unique equipment to grind

So exciting.

>> No.20423358

I wonder if the special event is free 10 roll daily.
Man, dragalia could REALLY use that honestly.

I'm just waiting for the 2x drop for hard or normal maps right now.

>> No.20423408
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Christmas Ayane's UB animation

>> No.20423451
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Pointlessly fancy reveal of the new map

>> No.20423454

Any VODs out there?

>> No.20423517

>No mention about Lost Order despite the beta was one and a half year ago
RIP in pieces.

>> No.20423577
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It's a party game where you smack around your siblings and friends. Then try-hards realized they can do neat tricks to ensure a win by maiming their hand.

>Get upset by any small amount of rng
>Posting in an rng general
You lost anon?

>> No.20423580
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>Was planning to be awake to have kusopl fest up in the background
>RL shifted my hours again
My games don't have any streams anyway. But I found some stuff on other boards.

>> No.20423583
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>This is all they could figure out to do with BGHS
>A ring toss game
>Line was 30min long

>> No.20423590
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Rest is mostly cosplay

>> No.20423640

New Year's Limiteds?

>> No.20423651

I thought New Years Peco was already announced?

>> No.20423670

Sure, we're getting Rajiraji for Valentine's day too

>> No.20423726

Yfw Shironeko service closure and Shironeko 2 announcements tomorrow.

>> No.20423784

What happened to gbfg?

>> No.20423807
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>> No.20423904



>> No.20423942

>Halfway so far and still no Memorial Sword drop
It isn't hard compared to when I did last year because powercreep happened and I have more characters now. It's just boring as hell.

>> No.20423981

deader than pasumemo

>> No.20424273

I finally ran out of skip tickets from the 6 month half anniversary lol

>> No.20424538

>nearly 9 hours after this thread was made and the previous one is still alive
Why does everyone who makes them insist to do it this early again?

>> No.20424573
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>Sky Princess is somehow actually getting new members

>> No.20424585

only 2 new threads in 9 hours
/jp/ is just that fucking slow

>> No.20424607

Shironeko and Tennis related news are tomorrow.

>> No.20424685
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I added some dumb ""leak"" that was floating around but its unconfirmed information, not official and looking less possible every time considering their special campaign thing is 18-22 but we'll see.

>> No.20424724
File: 5 KB, 150x135, 1539149691058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the leak is unconfirmed, not official and looking less possible every time why the fuck would you add it

>> No.20424736

Maybe people will want to see it, who knows. And part of it could turn ou true like the new years limiteds.

>> No.20424967
File: 268 KB, 720x1280, 20181216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 months since my last 4-star
>It's a dupe for someone I don't use
Give me a fucking outfit bag at least god damn.

>> No.20425196
File: 162 KB, 1132x802, Dt-h9vIVAAIYqB_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've update the mega file with the new songs for Venus and Blanche: https://mega.nz/#F!LEwxEJAL!YTlc56WyHdnEkOJQL65XpA

The triple UR gacha will be available until the 17th (can use free BM), alongside class-specific hero gachas that will run for the same period.
There are less than 24 hours left of the final season of the year, then anniversary festivities will shortly follow. The current cutoff point for top 10,000 is about 3870 points. Ganbaru!

>> No.20425307

Where are people hearing this New Years leak from?

Also the free multi-roll leak is still reasonably possible since the campaign isnt listed as 18th - 22nd but as 18th and 22nd
One could be the start of another login campaign while the other is the free daily rolls

>> No.20425334

Facebook apparently which should tell you how credible this shit is

>> No.20425406
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Merry xmas!

>> No.20425629
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>> No.20426142

>Top right
It was like she was looking at walking garbage.jpg

>> No.20426262

150 seemed easier than 140. Anyone beat 150EX?

>> No.20426410

I just beat floor 80 today...

>> No.20426441

150 is easier because Bell girl is very low threat and you can easily snipe Nanaka. Compared to 140 with weeb and useless maid constantly pounding you with AoE UB attacks along with the boss too and you lose members much quicker there. Only difficult part of 150 is the health pool.. which shouldn't be a problem when you no longer have the 15 man limit per day anymore so you can just throw 50+ bodies at him.

>> No.20426566

>Tried Eleanor solo on Island 13 coop
>Keep failing on 2nd room because having to kill the small skull heads with normal attacks while dodging 4 laser attacks and 2 mob enemies at the same time is too much for me and she get 1-2 hit killed most of the time

>> No.20426695

ah they had to give the boss a fuck you RNG skill huh

>> No.20426717
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>> No.20426722
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I wish I could change the music that plays when Sheryl casts her symphony buff. Instead of the christmas track let me change it like the town bgm. How cool would that be?

>> No.20426961
File: 602 KB, 753x773, $$$.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konbanwa Gaijin-domo, just a reminder to whale on the next LIMITED gatcha
You do raiku christmas cunny right?

>> No.20426999

>40k jewels and 2 incoming campaigns
Reab Ayane to me

>> No.20427052

150EX is kicking my ass bros

>> No.20427064

I'm glad

>> No.20427078

bro if you're here lets talk about meta in princess connect. I think this current style is really no good. magic defense aoe cunnies are pretty core now. I can only raise and manage so many girls man

>> No.20427081

Raise a brain while you're at it

>> No.20427087 [DELETED] 

bro why didnt you (you) me. Are you scared?

>> No.20427153 [SPOILER] 
File: 683 KB, 1280x720, 1544923397698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My team for 150EX.
Spoilered for people who want to figure it out themselves.

>> No.20427222

Thanks dude. That worked pretty well.

>> No.20427255
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>> No.20427257

we already saw that /gbfg/

>> No.20427261
File: 150 KB, 1244x705, MQB2U2uwBI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tennis continues getting all the good and fun collabs, how is this allowed?

>> No.20427310

I missed the stream yesterday, Was it uploaded somewhere?

>> No.20427420
File: 118 KB, 930x528, MQEwOBMmhI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the "look how good we can make the models look, but you're forever stuck with giant hands in original Shironeko" episode again.

>> No.20427445

Some of these floors seem stupid hard to make up for being able to use everyone now.

>> No.20427778

And you're gonna be next.

>> No.20427929


Doing the idol rerun reminded me of this, why is Serata such a semen demon?

>> No.20428014

Is anyone having an issue with the DMM version of PriConne where it just flat out refuses to open? I can see the process is opened in my task manager but it's not actually starting up the game. Only started a few days ago.

>> No.20428023

I end the DMM player process and start priconne from its shortcut whenever it does that, it works for me

>> No.20428100

>Granblue on Cyfest
Free rolls for everyone!
>Priconne on cyfest
Free rolls for everyone!
>Shironeko on coloplfes
Haha have fun rolling on this 4 person bait gacha SUCKERS

>> No.20428151

Oh wow, that's beautiful. Just imagine the World End versions.

>> No.20428166
File: 87 KB, 929x520, MQT5wwsuhZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Graham has a fanclub inside Colopl and they like to draw him
He'll really end up playable one day, won't he.

>> No.20428179
File: 145 KB, 928x525, MQUtnPPEUb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of fourstar shinkis, very soon according to Nobu-chan.

>> No.20428203
File: 134 KB, 931x524, MQUzjGPPZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your daily +5 jewels.

Also, install Tennis if you're not already playing for a code to get memosword. Vice-versa for a memoracket.

>> No.20428206
File: 113 KB, 1200x1078, MNdAxyDCS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, or keep him around and unplayable enough that people vote him in for tanabata.

>> No.20428225
File: 93 KB, 930x519, MQVoe9Soyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can now poke Ciela Live2D with a couple other popular characters and wake up to their voice in an alarm clock app. Base app will be free, but won't have as many lines and stuff. Lite version to be released today, or within a day, not entirely sure what they settled at but soon enough in any case.

>> No.20428234

>Shironeko anime
Wait what

>> No.20428236
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>Zero Chronicle anime

>> No.20428251
File: 962 KB, 1006x1788, MQVWppaXSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems this is already out, sooner than expected.

>> No.20428355

>Whole app with Ciela as the poster girl
Still gross how hard she gets shilled, I cant believe she actually lost to Aisha but she's going to demolish everyone next year for Chaguma so I can start getting sad about how other characters won't make it in over her

>> No.20428363

Is it Zero chronicle + World's end or just ZC? WE was infinitely better than ZC so if its just ZC then it'll be kind of ehh.

>> No.20428460

I can't even tell what the hell is killing me so fast on floor 145.

>> No.20428472

Tsumugi fucks your shit up. She hits everyone, hits the second person and her UB hits everyone too. Combined with the obnoxious axe throwing guy who hits spot #3 if my memory serves me correctly means your whole team is taking heavy damage regardless of what spot they're in. For that fight specifically I THINK I did it with fully charged SKaryl/Kyouka/Akari to instantly blast away the first enemy then it lets them work on Tsumugi so she only gets out 1 UB. I think my other two were Pudding and Shizuru to heal with healing and soak up Tsumugi's bullshit.

>> No.20428537

Tfw no random-10 or another extra free 10-roll on rerun gacha.

>> No.20428580
File: 216 KB, 1200x900, 1544949917613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish colopl did nice things like this for Shironeko, their freebie game is pretty weak.

I'd love a playable Graham really but make him actually good/meta and not project tier.

>> No.20429054
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, DuiH5R-V4AER--3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Kyaru is so cute

>> No.20429060

At least spell Karyl's name correctly.

>> No.20429114
File: 714 KB, 1200x448, cp_or_05_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Kusopl ran out of money for these real-life Japan-only lottery prizes and anime planning.

>> No.20429216

It's honestly strange how jewish kusopl is yet they can keep getting away with it.

>> No.20429248

Guys, post 150EX team screenshot. I cant beat the boss even though it is alone.

>> No.20429250

Was that it? Seems like they showed nothing for the main game.
The lotto thing says something about challenge medals to increase jewel count?

>The marvel of the US is how expansive it is for the Japanese
>Send them to New York, another sardine can hell hole like Tokyo but with crime and grime
Is that 3rd place prize for that group?
It's what they'll be yelling when they barely dodge being culturally enriched.

>> No.20429329


SKaryl/Akari/Saren/Ilya/Nozomi - You want to kill Kuuka and Matsuri with this party. Reset if Ilya dies too early or SKaryl gets chunked too hard and doesn't survive the boss UB.

Misato/HPudding/Mutsuki/Tamaki/Jun - You want to kill Akari and the annoying backline thing with this group. Aim to chunk the boss for like 20-30% of its health too.

SKokkoro/Yukari/Christina/Makoto/Kuuka - You kill the remainder of the boss with this. Try to aim Kokkoro's heal towards Christina if you can since she's being chunked in the 3rd spot. Kuuka will be taunting a lot of the time so a lot of the damage will be getting eaten by her thankfully.

>> No.20429367
File: 66 KB, 926x517, MQU7OqEXwD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They missed the chance to reveal new event since it started right before and there will be another livestream for NY, they probably didn't have much left to put here. Maybe they banked on anime announcement overshadowing everything. Oh right, there was some Switch stuff too, but that's not main game either.

We should get 225 jewels and some other junk from the dart throwing too. I'm still disappointed that there's no extra 10+1 for reruns though.

>lotto thing
The new challenge prize thing is a new 6th prize category and has a set number of jewels for how many times you manage to hit it. At least I hope I got that right. More details soon, hopefully.

>> No.20429486

Tfw the event PV is most likely still better than the anime assuming it isn't ended up canceled like Onsen 1 real-life bus tour and other planned stuff. I wonder if it will be animated by A-1 Pictures like World End PV.

>> No.20429611
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>> No.20429716

How do people stand rerolling in PriCon? Having to redownload 2.3GB worth of data every reroll takes a good part of 15 minutes, and is incredibly annoying.

>> No.20429730

I didn't reroll and I'm only missing 4 permanents, 2 of which are farmable

>> No.20429753

Is the game really that generous? I'm really wary of Cyjew's modus operandi, and I'm a GBF vet.

>> No.20429791

There's currently less than a handful of standard characters who aren't farmable and in a month or two they more than likely will be. It's the limiteds that will fuck you over currently and, if starting from new, you'll be missing SKaryl who is vital for magic teams, HShinobu who is autism pvp meta if that's your cup of tea, SKokkoro who is useful, HPudding who has her usage too and, similar to GBF's legfest limiteds, Christina who only appeared during the single legfest we've had thus far. These characters (bar Christina) wont be coming back for another year so once they're gone you're out of luck. Starting out with Jun and Makoto will set you miles ahead though.

>> No.20429861

Would you say the game is f2p friendly though? Plan on playing it casually.

>> No.20429866

Maybe it's my personal opinion, but Priconne's main selling points are large amounts of animations and large amounts of fully voiced stories with cute girls. That's about 70% of its appeal. Everything else consists of autistic grinding and auto-farming equipment so you can autofarm everything else faster and more efficiently. The battle system gets old really fast unless you're into being competitive.
What I want to say is that characters like
>SKaryl who is vital for magic teams
>HShinobu who is autism pvp meta
are not necessary to enjoy the game if you can read moon and are in for the story. Since you can make any 1 or 2 star characters into a higher rarity, the only thing that matter are that they have a big enough equipment rank and skill levels. Which are a pain in the ass to farm, but once you reach a certain level everything becomes easy.

>> No.20429893

I've not spent a penny on the game. I have 20k banked with most characters bar a few limiteds I didn't want, Tomo and Ruka (both of which will be farmable eventually). Priconne is extremely generous. As I say, the only thing you'll be missing out on is limiteds.

>> No.20429904

Yes, I'm >>20429730 and I still have 260 rolls in my bank. Also like >>20429866 says, the main appeal are the animations and the story. If anything some days I wish we could have more stamina because I want to grind more

>> No.20429917

i havent gotten a single 3* since july
keep rerolling

>> No.20430037

There’s something ridiculous like 300-400 rolls equivalent in gems available to be gotten from PvP as a first time reward for reaching the high ranks within your group
Depending on when you start you can get placed in an easy group which shouldn’t be too hard to keep above the competition, after getting the first time bonuses most people just slack off anyway

>> No.20430042

don't forget SKokkoro who has been absolutely key in so many fights.

>> No.20430046

There was a method to get around that if I remember right.

>> No.20430055

>SKokkoro who is useful

>> No.20430060

whoa dont know how I missed that. Its actually really fucked she is event only. They made her way too fucking good and I dont think I could have beaten some luna tower stages without her

>> No.20430366
File: 320 KB, 1280x720, fe28c1d7df90ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ranked Compass season is finally over. Cutoff points for this month: Around 3964 for top 10K and 4166 for top 5K.
There's a free 11-pull double UR gacha available for everyone until the 23rd - I believe you can roll it once a day.
And finally, the second anniversary event will start on the 23rd at 11:00 Nip time. Unsure what time the news segment will start but I should be awake for it anyway.

>> No.20430429
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>> No.20430463

Shinobu is cute and perflat

>> No.20430869

Any tips for floor 118? I don't think I can kill it with one team

>> No.20431285

anyone playing idola still?

>> No.20431328

My Peco is a 3*, Should I make her special equipment or keep farming so I can make her a 4*? She's R10 by the way.

>> No.20431346
File: 87 KB, 1334x750, 1536403004581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20431371

What a cutie

>> No.20431752
File: 117 KB, 1746x876, 1316554545888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else playing Rebirth Union?
shit looks good buy my Japanese isn't that good to understand all the card's effect.

Also, if anyone interested, Warship Girls R will have a global release:
Pre-registrer: http://www.warshipgirls.com/en/

I know it isn't as good as Azur Lane, but I remember we used to play the CN servers back then.

>> No.20431808

The equip should make a bigger difference than 4* and it takes less frags

>> No.20431874

Did princess connect get anything from cyfes?

>> No.20431886


Not a lot but certainly better than what we got in Shironeko from kusoplfes. Seriously colopl, please step up your freebie game during xmas at least.

>> No.20431904

Nah they are just gonna make you mine for those gems with horribly long winded present maps

>> No.20432140
File: 457 KB, 1024x1024, K8lCWs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw this is just an NPC.

They probably will only give some gems and blue memorial sword like last year at best.

>> No.20432369

That's not an NPC, that's Yuni, a very old 4th project

>> No.20432529

I can't believe we're going to be in Uma Musume

>> No.20432673

I think the sentiment is wanting to roll for her instead of getting an Eddy or that other faggot.

>> No.20432777
File: 239 KB, 1200x1139, MNdv8cDLCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui, but yeah. She also got another version for NY '15.

I ended up getting both her versions from including them as 10-pick filler.

>> No.20432967

>Christmas limited after a Christmas limited after a Christmas limited
Please no.

>> No.20433043

As the anon who suggested the name (be written in kana to fit the character limit), I feel an obligation to have to play this now, when it comes out next decade, even if I know I'm gonna hate it.

>> No.20433093

You don't enjoy some throbbing horse pussy?

>> No.20433139

when did /mbgg/ move to jp?

>> No.20433154

Are there any clans with open spots? I joined a random nip clan but might as well join you guys

>> No.20433158

When things had become hell on earth and it was time for New Game Plus

>> No.20433169

I assume you're talking about PriConne?
I don't really pay attention to whatever shenanigans went around the past few months, but the only one I know for certain is still up is スカイプリンセス, don't know what happened to the other two or if they're even still around.

>> No.20433209

Yeah. Sort of active at the very least. Gotta make sure there are spots before I leave my nip clan.

>> No.20433252

130 ex is still retarded. The wolf just decimates my first group before they can even do anything.

>> No.20433316
File: 1.28 MB, 1259x705, 15455176471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he even have time to play video games?

>> No.20433334

He doesn't. In the original game there's secretly two Kishi-kun's, the game just never tells you about it.
If we're being serious however then IIRC there was something about how time in-game flows faster than IRL.

Speaking of which, when the hell are they gonna implement Kasumi?

>> No.20433351

Sky Princess has been sub 30 members for months now so you're guaranteed to have a spot as long as you're not a shitter and actually contribute during CBs.

>> No.20433362

How do I get in?

>> No.20433383

Just search the name in kana (スカイプリンセス) or post ID and I'll invite.
Honestly I've never been picky with who we let in so long as they remained active and did something during clan battle.
Though in the last few months we lost a lot of members and people playing Priconne in general since they all got tired of playing. Its only been very recently that the random nips I send invites to have actually accepted my invitations.

>> No.20433395

>Nip joins the clan
>Bunch of English fuckheads begging for items
Poor guys.

>> No.20433403

I still find it funny how that one guy probably left because we were a bunch of baka gaijin.

>> No.20433404

>as long as you're not a shitter
love this meme
i first joined when i was a 6x shitter with sub 200k power. just 1 months in and i was already carrying some 100+ oldfags
tl;dr shitters are welcome

>> No.20433415

>and i was already carrying some 100+ oldfags
How the fuck are you even supposed to "carry" them in the context of PriConne?
For all you know they, myself included, might have not given a shit.

>> No.20433421

We'll see what happens with the recent bunch that have joined.
I know enough nip to get by and communicate with my crew in GBF, and they haven't seemed to mind that I'm a gaijin.

>> No.20433522

Just left, gonna send the request later after the thing expires or here's my id:

>> No.20433583

>How the fuck are you even supposed to "carry" them in the context of PriConne?
clan battle points duh
>For all you know they, myself included, might have not given a shit.
i dont know about you but for me min-maxing the runs is ___fun___

>> No.20433595

>clan battle points duh
No shit, genius.
That isn't carrying though, that's just outscoring people who chose different characters and/or got different RNG results in-battle.

>> No.20433622

>that's just outscoring people who chose different characters and/or got different RNG results in-battle.
top 500 could have been real if this was true. just like you said, most people gave no shit

>> No.20433706

Top 500 has never been a real thing because we've never been in a place to do so regardless of how tryhard people could have been. We've always had a handful of lowbies, that alone fucks us. Then combined with 5-10 slots missing, inactive players and others only fighting once or twice and it results in what you get now. Only a few of us actually bothered to 3 fight every single day.

>> No.20433832

Join us in our new home pricon and uma musume sisters!

>> No.20433842

>/vg/ cancer

>> No.20434003
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181217-003501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any rec for frontline tank out of what I have? Ive been using Peco but she usually dies by wave 2 of most fights.

>> No.20434032

>Only 3*'s are Io and Chika
>Only Kaori for useful early 2*'s
I don't want to tell you to reroll but you really should if we get free rolls unless Chika is your priconne waifu and you must absolutely have her xmas limited.

Your best options for tank are peco and llama, dunno if you can get peco's unique equip that early and make her good but she should be godlike as a tank if you're able to get it.

>> No.20434093

Ill reroll more if free draws come out later. Ive already done 10 today and this was the only 5* out of the initial 20 draws.

>> No.20434103

Welcome to PriConne where you are tank starved. Peco is useless until she gets her unique equipment, which you wont get be getting for a long while. I agree with the above Anon, you don't really have much to go with. Ideally you want Jun or Pudding (though Jun would be more ideal) combined with Makoto.

>> No.20434220

I think you're forgetting the guy just started playing. And you're already talking about unique equipment, which is an endgame.
At rank 7 Peko gets a gigantic HP boost, making her soap damage against proper level enemies like nothing. I basically used her all the time until I got Jun. The fact that there are no initally good tanks unless you get lucky with rolls is true though.

>> No.20434270
File: 196 KB, 719x1000, DuSYcQYU0AAh638.jpg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw this is just an NPC
I'm sure the minority that rolls for guys would prefer dragonboy over the likes of Eddy too. But old fourstars are forever stuck as NPCs in Sharehouse, unfortunately.

It's painful to wait for her turn while some NPC-tier giganigga that first appeared a short while ago got a second version out of nowhere this soon. There are even older characters stuck at their first appearance, but Nagi especially stands out when the other girl that debuted at the same time is shilled as hard as she is. I like Ciela too, but come on.

>> No.20434436

>All motifs are whatever tier
Maybe I'm going to get Karma one for that silence immunity.

>> No.20434459

sheryl's is so fucking good it might actually save her.
>crit damage +30%,
>non attribute character attack and crit +75%,
>attack speed and action skill strength +50% when above 80% hp

>status barrier (3 charges)
>damage barrier
>auto revive

>> No.20434482

>I think you're forgetting the guy just started playing. And you're already talking about unique equipment, which is an endgame.
>Peco is useless until she gets her unique equipment, which you wont get be getting for a long while.
>which you wont get be getting for a long while.
If anything I'm telling him to reroll now while he has little time investment in the account because what he has at present is less than mediocre. Peco simply is not good enough and isn't worth investing in. Pudding or Jun will be permanent additions to your team(s) and actually tank effectively. And, starting out, you can't exactly gear out 50 characters so not wasting items is kind of important. Plus his other 2*s aren't that good either. He has Kaori and that's it. No Pudding, Tamaki, Shiori etc.

>> No.20434499

Lunch with these 3 cuties happens during school hours anyway so it takes up 0 extra time

>> No.20434509

It"s only good for her and I don't have her so it will be just a waste for me although it seems some Nips prefer to use Skull weapon instead.

>> No.20434561

Yui then Maho then Makoto

>> No.20434570

What a dummy

>> No.20435182
File: 604 KB, 1438x2000, DuN6BHeV4AAkAfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember I could exchange Eris motif tomorrow instead
The problem is her motif is different element with Karma and the status barrier buff can be dispelled unlike full silence immunity despite it's more useful for something like green stun.

>> No.20435205
File: 1.18 MB, 741x1200, Dum3VL1U0AAVSLt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can 1 Smoog be so cute

>> No.20435241

>Wearing diapers

>> No.20435258

>how do i shot web.jpg

>> No.20435378
File: 110 KB, 900x470, Duljnd9V4AAfgYn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Eden 2 announced.

>Saw an announcement about reroll accounts will be banned or something

>> No.20435421

>Banning reroll accounts
Isn't that banning like 99% of your player base? Everyone rerolls in these shitty games, they fucking encourage it most of the time with their shit rates.

>> No.20435465

>banning the strongest factor to keeping a playerbase for any length of time

literally stillborn

>> No.20435525

You shouldn't expect much from the morons at sega.

>> No.20435563

It seems they are only planning to ban accounts with low level MC as support which are suspected as trash reroll accounts.

They should have just give real 5* from tutorial rolls instead of fake 5*.

>> No.20435698

Built in reroll function should be a standard for mobages nowadays, I don't understand why companies are too afraid to add that feature, then throw a fit when their games are filled with trash reroll accounts.

>> No.20435738

That seems less bad, but it still has plenty of room to piss people off.

I'll sometimes keep some my extra rerolls for a game handy, in case my main account does way too bad on the following rolls or I feel like starting an alt account later.

It's definitely nice to have, but then you still often get lots of trash reroll accounts as people try to get a second top rarity to go with their in-game reroll one.

>> No.20435851
File: 104 KB, 554x1199, DunJe8LV4AAD0LB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to avoid getting pic related and the other real-life prizes in Shironeko.

>> No.20436008

Which one is that? I went with A and all I got was measly coins.

>> No.20436025
File: 92 KB, 648x906, IMG_20181217_165551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend kokkoro-chan is cute!

>> No.20436031

That's a general reward any group can get.
I did C and got a mage limit crystal and coins.

>> No.20436037

It looks like they're the same except aiming for different real grand prizes. Smaller stuff like >>20435851 or the in-game stuff is the same for them all.

Rider memorune here.

>> No.20436095

Got myself a warrior memorial rune, what I exactly needed for Eleanor.

>> No.20436207

I did A and got a blue memorial sword which will expire on January. I wonder if if the in-game stuff is purely random RNG or it's actually taken from some kind of box gacha.

>> No.20436236

>/cygg/ - Cygames General #1
guess this is it bros

>> No.20436354
File: 15 KB, 128x128, VjnhRqr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No news on the campaign

>> No.20436531

Hey, I've been wondering whether the western release of Bleach Brave Souls is censored in any way in terms of art.

>> No.20436536

Peco is super late game right now. Her special item fixes pretty much all issues she has. She can tank the Extreme dungeon boss and survive multiple rounds.

>> No.20436571

Rank 9 or 11 for summer Tamaki? I feel that the TP penalty shouldn't affect her that much because of her skill.

>> No.20436576

you want to keep her at rank 7

>> No.20436584

Well shit.

>> No.20436821

>Want Dark Prince
>Already have the other two
>Only have 1k gems left
>Want to start saving for New Year and future gacha
Having E-rank luck on gacha and not having Clairvoyance EX are suffering.

There would be complains of censor if it's censored if you do a search on Google on something.

>> No.20437171

So this came out apparently, just that they goofed up and stuff. Expect an "announced" re-release soon.
inb4 >chinkshit

>> No.20437278
File: 691 KB, 488x868, 8728B993-6863-4666-A50F-3A28807C08EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20437391

man with all these hard maps I need to farm now for character equipment I am incredibly stamina starved. Didn't even get all the 4th item R11 gear done and now we're getting more shit to farm

>> No.20437518

Famitsu's meme pyramid makes my head hurt

>> No.20437561

It's already the 18th, where's my news KMR?

>> No.20437642
File: 1.62 MB, 1859x1033, aaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I play this?

>> No.20438514
File: 163 KB, 584x700, sLoqdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endless descend with ranking for Miki's Forest Christmas card begins in a little bit.

There's some bait weapon gacha right before Christmas Eve too. It's a separate pickup and I think these usually had event bonus for the "version" from new gacha only, but this time it's applied to previously acquired weapons too.

>> No.20438596

>First year I couldn't roll a new Christmas outfit
That nigger Sakamoto-P better have a gift for the players instead of just making everyone waste their holiday running endless, fighting for top 500 to get a card they omitted from gacha because they wanted to do 3/10 gacha since 4/10 is too generous.

>> No.20438659

When are my free priconne rolls?

>> No.20439018

How come Princess connect runs a million times smoother on PC than any of the million granblue PC options?

Can't KMR put some of that money on a decent client?

>> No.20439036

It turns out part of the double shironeko thing means Tennis also has the RL lotto stuff
>Makes you play a singles match on your vote
Alright fuck that

>> No.20439051

Princess Connect runs in its own program. This means it can run to its full potential though, annoyingly, it has no PC only options such as full screen or resolution support. Granblue runs solely through Chrome so regardless of what options or addons you pick it's still just a shitty browser game so it has limitations in what it can do. Unless they make an actual app for it that wont change. Shadowverse runs fine since it has its own program though the mobile UI is pretty garbage.

>> No.20439065

I just find it sad that Shadowverse/Priconne have a single client and it runs like a charm even on low end PCs. Then Granblue has the mobile client, the mobile app, the web client, the andapp client, the chrome app and the DMM version that all run like trash unless your phone/PC is good AND has good ping to the granblue servers.

God forbid you want to do a raid that has multiple targets on granblue, those are the absolute worst.

>> No.20439076

If they were generous we'd have another 10-pick or two. But this is BGHS, so that will be saved for anniversary at earliest. I expect a bunch of non-guarantee tickets, maybe guarantee for Story 2 or something that everyone rolled enough.

I don't hate the ranking cards, but they really should have enough new gacha cards to fill more than half of the pool at first. But it's half at best anyway, so a card moved to ranking or not, the problem is there regardless.

>> No.20439267
File: 1.46 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20181218-112323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks KMR

>> No.20439282

>Then Granblue has the mobile client, the mobile app, the web client, the andapp client, the chrome app and the DMM version that all run like trash
What exactly do you expect? Just because you put a browser game in an app doesn't make it not a browser game

>> No.20439291

Seriously nobody playing Rebirth Union?

>> No.20439322

Wrong board tripfriend, you don't belong here

>> No.20439325

tfw the only other person playing that game you like is some faggot trip nigger

>> No.20439379

Is the paid jewel gacha our Christmas present?

>> No.20439404

there is no way thats it. I mean its just the normal guaranteed 1 SSR paid gacha right?

>> No.20439446 [DELETED] 

/gbfg/ is laughing at us again bros

>> No.20439457

Change priconne for Shironeko and we have a deal

>No roulette confirmed for new year in GBF

>> No.20439460

It's okay, I wasn't gonna pay for KMR's fourth gold-plated jet to begin with anyways.

>> No.20439536

This wouldnt be half as bad if KMR didn’t show his ugly mug during the livestream and tell everyone to look forward to this bullshit

>> No.20439628
File: 1.01 MB, 2160x1215, 67430029_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to include a cute picture with this.

Also what happened to the guy that posted event updates/news? I miss that guy.

>> No.20439712

nobody likes you onso

>> No.20439724

last (you)
i dont associate with tripniggers
fuck off

>> No.20440038
File: 126 KB, 1018x1024, DurdESeV4AAiUHr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second free 10+1 for reruns is now acquirable
>only immediately after part one ended
>HP drain nerfs

>> No.20440080

I wouldnt be upset if he didnt hype it up so much

>> No.20440641

4 eleanor dupe and 2 iris dupe


Not a whale. I started few months back and only rolled once for every new gacha (i lucked out with rouche chaguma and she carried me since). Now im at sub 100 gems, end me

>> No.20440999

>Eleanor area
>Tried using Eleanor with WE Iris for SP regen and she is still run out of SP most of the time.
Use heliobright or any weapon/accessory that generates SP per kill. Dumb turboshitter.

>> No.20441151

>Saw Nips comment about doing refunds because of HP drain nerfs
Too bad the refunds will come from Apple/Google instead of Kusopl themselves.

Nothing aside normal attack.

>Heliobright when most people recommends her with Gigas
I'm not sure if extra 5 gems worth 4 extra ingots although somehow I finally managed to get SS on one of the runs with the hat accessory.

>> No.20441231
File: 188 KB, 849x1200, DutF-PNVAAALgK8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to roll for me before I'm gone

>> No.20441276

Already got her >>20439267
I'm not exactly sure if she's more useful than her original form

>> No.20441803
File: 119 KB, 1334x750, DuYUXLBU0AEnDF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crestoria is receiving backslash after it was revealed Luke, Milla, Velvet and Leon will be featured in the story
>nips think producers had to resort to inserting old Tales characters into the story because they aren't confident the new ones can sell on their own
Not like this. Don't kill my future wife's game before it's even out. Though I agree with their opinion, things don't look well for the original cast if they need to resort to already existing popular characters to attract more people. Hope they do something interesting with them at least.

>> No.20441986
File: 468 KB, 935x526, 17081373235c17631e2fe2c0033-1545036576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems other Tales characters are planned to appear in side story as well.

>> No.20442206

They are probably just going to give a blue memorial sword and some gems with a present quest next week. Tfw no random-10 like last year and the rerun gacha is just a bait so most players will spent their current gems or buy more gems.

>> No.20442761


>> No.20442932

Here's what I tell myself;
Everything about her can be read online, so there's no need to spend for her in the gacha.
That is, of course, only plausible if you didn't fall for the arena meme and play the game for anything more than cute stories and princesses.

>> No.20443428

eww i bet shes over 11yo

>> No.20443443

>Free rolls midway through Ayane rate up
It's not going to happen. If anything it's a login bonus since GBF ends on 21

>> No.20443525


>> No.20443630
File: 1.62 MB, 1667x938, ce806bb88d816b9de8702a48808e4dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they made any significant changes to the gameplay. Haven't played it in years. Game was one of the earliest kancolle clones but it's too bland compared to the newest ones. Has some great girls though.

>> No.20443712

Im looking for a fun rpg/strategy/card game on ios I will get an android soon but it's slow going, Id prefer to play an English game but I already have a JP itunes account just in case, what would you guys recommend? I have tried most if not all the games in the listed in the Frequently discussed stuff and nothings really stuck with me save for Potion maker, the game doesnt have to be recent could be an old good game that just isnt as discussed anymore.

ALSO if possible games that can be played without wifi would be nice too

>> No.20443782

dungeon maker actually would fit your criteria

>> No.20443787

Epic seven, Another eden (Release soon), Shadowverse

>> No.20443799

Ah Fuck I forgot to say that I have no money so Im also aiming for free games, sorry

>> No.20443809

But that is a game I Have actually been wanting for a little while now since hearing about it from another friend

>> No.20443824

Why would I spend $3 on a game when my phone is filled with free games that last longer?

>> No.20443845

>scam games that kike you in gacha
>close the instant they stop making money and turns off the servers
>last longer
no but really is your daily wage like a dollar or something?

>> No.20443863

>Buy mobile game for $3 or some triple ayy game at $60
>Lasts me like two weeks
>Free to play game
>Been playing for years without spending and getting tons of enjoyment from it

If not wasting money on the first thing I see means I'm poor then yeah I'm poor and proud.

>> No.20443887

do they not teach people in the third world the time value of money?

>> No.20443890

Honestly I dont have the money for the game yet, my job doesnt pay me enough to spend on a 3$ game, it sucks a ton but I do enjoy helping out when i can

I work at a animal shelter which is fun but I Do wish to get paid abit more

>> No.20443894

Its not worth it anyway, don't listen to the retard. None of the paid apps are really worth when the free games are a lot better.

>> No.20443898

how much do you make a month? I'm totally astounded that someone can't afford a $3 game. That's literally like 5 minutes of work for me.
whats a free game that does the same gameplay of dungeon maker better?

>> No.20443902
File: 289 KB, 1920x1078, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the release is in January

>> No.20443915

In the range of 600-700 I spend it on pet stuff mostly food, and clothing and food for myself, I grow out of stuff pretty quick. also I live in canada so shits far more expensive then it used to be

>> No.20443922

Could you just ignore and not reply to it? Thanks.
We've had that cancer that shits on anyone that doesn't want to buy his game since the thread was on /vg/ for some reason.

>> No.20443927

You get paid $3 every 5 minutes by shilling shitty apps online?
Damn, sign me up for that.

>> No.20443948

Its sad to see how cancerous fucks like Onso or this guy attach themselves to actually pretty nice games because everyone will just associate the games with their shitposting instead of giving them a try.

>> No.20443964 [DELETED] 

well apparently the $3 barrier to entry would literally put some shitskins on the street so I don't some shitposting is going to get in their way to trying a game

>> No.20444006

>tripfag that knows nip, always stays on topic and doesn't reply to the obligatory shitposting from people who don't like him
>ohhh but he has a name he's a cancerous fuck ruining everything for everyone!
There's a setting in 4chanX to make everyone Anonymous. Hope you're not a phoneposter.
>dungeon maker guy
It fits the game the other dude was asking for and he didn't say anything bad about other game or people.

Wasn't enough killing /vg/? Guess nothing changed at all. No wonder this place became priconne general.

>> No.20444021
File: 554 KB, 1080x1080, 1515787387979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter campaign part 2 is up

>> No.20444022

>JP 10project does some weird shit while downloading and makes my nox instance balloon to 15gb
fuck youuuuu

>> No.20444049

*Colopl general

>> No.20444131
File: 41 KB, 506x253, DuwcHR7UYAU4O-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until this kusoge is kill?

Tfw I was thinking to spent money in a kusoge to get a guaranteed character last month but they suddenly announced service closure the next week after it.

>> No.20444135

Top 500 at last lads

>> No.20444241
File: 147 KB, 1072x1442, 1532425181614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20444247

>Literal fugitives
>Walk straight into town for a concert without a hitch
What is Kyaru doing

>> No.20444273

I can't believe my wife is nopan

>> No.20444318

>Twinkle Wish next chapter at last
>Muimi skipping through town
I'm fucking cumming

>> No.20444397

Miumi is not canon to the game and doesn't count since she's not for (you)
Did you forget Kyaru has ties with the legendary Senri Mana?
Or the fact that all the guards are pretty much clamoring for Yuuki's dick.
She's covered from both angles

>> No.20444418

Try coming up with a reply that actually makes sense next time anon

>> No.20444426

That Miumi comment didn't make sense. I was trying to say that she doesn't count as a canon priconne character because she's not for (You). Therefor going against the fact that Priconne is Haremshit
However the Kyaru comment makes OK Sense

>> No.20444467
File: 1.09 MB, 1256x708, wah, what are we going to do on the bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is kishi-kun doing?

>> No.20444517

>New maps drop the judicial god staff
I can finally rank up all my mages

>> No.20444632
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181219-105500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okto gets to fuck this
It's not fair

>> No.20444810
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181219-070834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since my last 3*

>> No.20444825
File: 70 KB, 230x230, 1539727207378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rolling before potential free rolls

>> No.20444839

It was only 1 10 roll.

>> No.20445155

How's Speed Witch Battle? Gameplay looks a little like Divine Gate without the map movement.

>> No.20445217
File: 45 KB, 354x395, 1539192607311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get to NTR this qt away from Okto when she becomes playable

>> No.20445263
File: 336 KB, 2048x1536, DuyOPVoU8AAexDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Global players complaining about a global exclusive character which wasn't shown on a monthly update video while players which play JP games went blind for each month update

>> No.20445284

Last I checked all we had was a suptix

>> No.20445324

theres a surprise coming on the 22nd

>> No.20445340

People are kinda laughing at priconne now

>> No.20445683

Fuck off fag, she's mine

>> No.20445912

It's an old game. Back in the day it used to be the only alternative to Kancolle. It was pretty much a clone but with some slight mechanic improvements that made the gameplay better but still a clone nonetheless. Can't compete with AL and newer colle games sadly.

>> No.20445930

desu I used to play Kancolle for about 2 years and I can't get into AL's gameplay or designs at all. Haven't tried WGR tho.

>> No.20445985

I mean, I used (and I still play) KanColle, but the designs are really off for me. I preffer playing AL or even that Food Fantasy mobage, being sincerely.

>> No.20446122

I used to live a life full of boatsluts games
I played
And KC
I fell out of WSG because Emu was a laggy peice of shit
I fell out of AL because I had to hop from device to device and account to account
I fell out of WoWS because the game lags like all hell on my machine
And I fell out of KC when I started playing GBF.
I hope to hop back into some.

>> No.20446331


