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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.2040706

Shit shit is shitty shit.

Also shit.

>> No.2040723


Same person.

>> No.2040739

>Drunken Murder VN
I'm not working in their team, but I'd suggest you don't bring so much attention to it until it gets a proper name? Their story works best from suspense, and if everyone here already knows the twist, that won't be any fun.

>> No.2040745


To be fair it is the most obvious twist known the man.

>> No.2040757


>>To be fair it is the most obvious twist known the man.
>>twist known the man.
>>the man.

nice the thing the there, the bro

>> No.2040767

I agree.

Please change the name before anymore people get spoiled.

>> No.2040772


You think that was a real grammatical error? Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.2040783

>hurrr someone didn't understand a /v/ meme, he must be a faggot

>> No.2040786


>>hurr I make giant assumptions

>> No.2040790

Posting to promote tripfag drama and to call out CurryButt.

>> No.2040797

you fags can just ignore this thread if you dont like it

>> No.2040798

Try going to the paintchat thread. He likes it there.

>> No.2040819

he's probably asleep.

>> No.2040822

Don't make me imagine CurryButt doing something cute like that.

>> No.2040857
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>> No.2040869

lol @ op deleting "why was my thread deleted" thread after getting told off by /jp/.

You have your own forum, discuss it there.

>> No.2040874
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So, is it dead already or what?

Show me your struggle.

>> No.2040881

This is stupid.

You guys are stupid.

>> No.2040885

since just about all /jp/ regulars already know about the /jp/ Project, i don't think we need to have a thread up about it all the time. yeah, some of the groups could use some help, but they probably weren't going to make it. others are already set. it'll be 2 months, maybe longer, before any substantial progress is made on the VN front (possibly shorter for the arrange album folks). point is, this /jp/ project threads are getting increasingly less useful, should give it a break for a while.

>> No.2040891

None of these look like they've been worked on for more than a couple of hours.

>> No.2040895

Just stop making these threads for now. They're starting to annoy /jp/, so give it a break.

>> No.2040897

sup brahs u gys lookin fora raper? i rap hardcre n sh!t i be putin it down n da /jp/rojects

>> No.2040899

The first one annoyed me enough.

>> No.2040901

Because you hate seeing /jp/ actually working on something?

>> No.2040902

Because this is staffed by retards.

>> No.2040903

> Because you hate seeing /jp/ actually working on something?
Because it promotes nameshit. If I enabled names I bet I could find two or three namefags in this thread.

>> No.2040908

God forbid the worst thing imaginable to humanity is that someone posts as something other than anonymous, thus disrupting THE LEGION.

You could hate it for more justifiable reasons, but that wouldn't be rational.

>> No.2040906

Not that guy, but it just really chafes my ass because we all know it's never going to be finished and even in the unlikely event that something is completed it'll still be shit and forgotten about by the end of the month.

>> No.2040909

It's not like I'm going to use a name outside of that forum.

>> No.2040911

/jp/ should be like an old folks home. Complaining about everything and doing nothing.

>> No.2040912


>> No.2040915

Hate on THE LEGION all you want, but anytime /jp/ gets especially pissed or excited expect to see it in full force.

>> No.2040916

only newfags use THE LEGION

>> No.2040918

People working on a project just so they can work on their /jp/-cred? Sounds like a logical reason to hate this.

>> No.2040919


Go back to /b/, what the fuck is your problem? I never understood irrational hate for Internet aliases. I mean, I think this is dumb as well, but at least I don't hate it for the wrong reasons.

>> No.2040921

Stop lying out of your ass, you wouldn't be doing this for other reasons than getting famous and showing off your talents to everyone.

>> No.2040924

Take your shit to /a/ or /b/, we don't want your kind here (take this thread along with you when you leave, please).

>> No.2040927


But as was pointed out, nobody is using names from the forum when posting here, so theoretically, you shouldn't care. Not that I approve of it existing, but you should hate something for valid reasons.

>> No.2040935

Yeah, fuck that faggot, we should just sit around and do nothing, amiright?

>> No.2040938

I hate it because I'm intimidated by people that have seniority over me and/or friends. Take away names and ways to identify ourselves and we don't have that problem. Let's say they did this whole /jp/ project anonymously; it'd be for the glory of the board. Throw names in the mix and we've got assholes flaunting their egos and at worst someone who manages to take over the project for their own personal gain.

>> No.2040947

/jp/ never had irrational hate for tripfags. We had pre-split /a/ tripfags posting since >>1. In our first months, 10% of all posts were posted by name/tripfags. While people always bitched about specific dumb tripfags, not many people had the "DURR USING NAMES ON THE INTERNET IS EVIL" mentality.

The "Anonymous cult of personality" is a /b/ thing, we're the ones who don't want your kind here.

And like I said, I don't care for this project and I believe nothing of value will be accomplished. But at least I don't hate it for all the wrong reasons.

And fuck you moot for crippling sage, why should I be forced to bump this crap just to reply?

>> No.2040951

>Throw names in the mix and we've got assholes flaunting their egos and at worst someone who manages to take over the project for their own personal gain.

But none of that is happening! Stop being so paranoid and negative, anon.

>> No.2040953

The problem with some people using names is the exact same problem with the "anonymous is legion" people. You obviously have a problem with the latter. Essentially, everything you hate about them applies to trip users. The only difference is a unique name instead of "Anonymous".

>> No.2040954

>Let's say they did this whole /jp/ project anonymously; it'd be for the glory of the board.

/jp/ is not a nation state. Doing something for "the glory of the board" is /b/ think. We don't do things for /jp/. /jp/ is just a medium through which we can insult each other and share our uncommon interests.

Your premise is flawed from the very beginning.

>> No.2040956

These threads... nay, THIS WHOLE PROJECT, represents the worst of 4chan. Fuck you all.

>> No.2040960

Say what you will Alabama, but it has happened before and it will happen again. Need I remind you of fanime, the tsurupettan dub, the 2M GET, and the Maxine incident.

>> No.2040964

> The "Anonymous cult of personality" is a /b/ thing, we're the ones who don't want your kind here.
Stop bringing that shit up, take it back to /b/ where you came from you gigantic faggot.
> And like I said, I don't care for this project and I believe nothing of value will be accomplished. But at least I don't hate it for all the wrong reasons.
My reasons are right and your are wrong.

> /jp/ never had irrational hate for tripfags. We had pre-split /a/ tripfags posting since >>1. In our first months, 10% of all posts were posted by name/tripfags. While people always bitched about specific dumb tripfags, not many people had the "DURR USING NAMES ON THE INTERNET IS EVIL" mentality.
Names aren't so bad, what's bad is that the namefags can first post with their name and then follow it up anonymously with something like "DYRR HURR ATHENS WIMMENZ XDD~``````"

Either no names or forced registration of user, nothing else works.

>> No.2040968

>Throw names in the mix and we've got assholes flaunting their egos
It's really hard to get organized when you have no names. You don't know who you can count on, you don't know who's doing what and it's really easy to bail out on something if no one can contact you. It's fine for one man projects, since you don't have to rely on anyone else, but when you need to count with other people, it gets really hard to get reliable help when no one's using names.

There's a reason why anything 2ch gets done has a shitload of tripfags backing it up.

Plus, if the people who have names there post as Anonymous here, how the hell can they flaunt?

>> No.2040970

All of which nobody gives a fuck about now. Things like that blow over quickly if you stop caring about them. They're often forced by the same two or three people posting thread after thread about them, even while our intoxicated janitor works to delete them.

The illusion that this kind of shit resonates with the majority of people that use /jp/ is only destroyed by not playing into it.

>> No.2040973

err... i'm not the admin anon guy

>> No.2040978

You can't pretend it didn't happen. History will repeat itself and ignoring the past will only expedite that.

>> No.2040979

>Names aren't so bad, what's bad is that the namefags can first post with their name and then follow it up anonymously
Because you totally can't reply to yourself as Anonymous, right?

But I agree, all boards need 2ch-style IDs. The text boards used to have them, I have no idea why they were turned off.

Also, are you some kind of retard? You're the one behaving like a /b/ user, why are you telling me to go back there?

>> No.2040982


>> No.2040983

I remember when "ANONYMOUS IS LEGION" mentality wasn't a problem on /jp/. What the hell happened to this place, did you guys start spending time on /b/ again?

>> No.2040991

I wasn't the OP. I deleted the thread with the question after I realized that OP was just making a new one.

>> No.2040999

No, /b/ has been spending time on /jp/.

>> No.2040996

> Also, are you some kind of retard? You're the one behaving like a /b/ user, why are you telling me to go back there?
What? Let me quote you:

I don't like shit like that, delete your posts.

>> No.2041002

someone post their forum link on /b/ or /a/. they will troll the shit out of it for the lulz.

>> No.2041003

That was me mimicking you.

Are you autistic?

>> No.2041016

> Because you totally can't reply to yourself as Anonymous, right?
That's not my point, namefags take the discussion off-topic and make the topic themselves just by posting thanks to the anonymous retards.

> But I agree, all boards need 2ch-style IDs. The text boards used to have them, I have no idea why they were turned off.
There are very few namefags on the text boards, so it had no meaning. With the small userbase it is better to make it look like there are many people posting.

>> No.2041022

Our user base is no longer 100% pre-split /a/ people. I like our current user base overall, but people also tend to overreact like idiots to stuff like WOMEN and PEOPLE POSTING WITH NAMES.

The former being athens's fault, not really sure what caused the latter.

>> No.2041023

This is why I don't like these /jp/ project threads: they deliver faggots duking it out over some menial shit.

>> No.2041025
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>> No.2041030
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This project was destined to fail since the beginning, it says /jp/ project but /jp/ isn't a forum nor a wiki. It's an imageboard. No matter the argument you guys use to validate your approach, people won't agreed which forum faggotry, this is 4chan deal with it.

You want to make a project for the entire board? Then make something that everyone can consent. No forum, no wiki, Anonymous only. If tripcodes are willing to help for the good of the board they wouldn't mind dropping their alias for once, won't they? If they aren't willing for internet fame that is.

Know your allies before going to battle, you obviously weren't prepared.

Akio was here, laughing at your sorry faces. har har

>> No.2041029

When did I ever speak of this so-called Legion?

>> No.2041032

Reported for avatar use.

>> No.2041036

>There are very few namefags on the text boards, so it had no meaning.
I disagree, on slow boards, same person posting can be terrible, since you can just reply to yourself over and over without anyone interrupting. But then again, turning off IDs makes the board actually look active.

>> No.2041040

So this is what you've become, /jp/? I see now. ;_;

>> No.2041045

People who dislike names for no reason usually have that sort of mentality.

Shitty self-important attention whore gimmick trolls like you are the reason why people hate tripfags to begin with. Go away.

>> No.2041050

So your belief is that it's the wife's fault that her husband beats her, because she makes herself obvious? So she's the one that should cease to exist, because if she didn't exist, her husband wouldn't beat her?

This is ironic, coming from you. Also, wrong. As was pointed out, it's impossible to coordinate with people when you have no way to identify them. Also, there's no reason for an "anonymous" existence on a project in which only a group of people participate in. If it were everybody on /jp/ doing it by some form of mental sharing on the level of hivemind, then it would be anonymous.

>> No.2041064

unfortunately, that will never happen when it involves whitekids. there will always be a troll or two or twenty hundred among the Anonymous.

>> No.2041065

This thread is absolutely terrible. I love it. xDDD

>> No.2041066


Link related to thread.

>> No.2041067

You cannot make that kind of face in real life.

>> No.2041068

> People who dislike names for no reason usually have that sort of mentality.
I assume you are talking about someone that would refer to the so-called Legion. If you think about it, maybe they HAVE a reason to dislike names (but I cannot see a reason for them to).

> As was pointed out, it's impossible to coordinate with people when you have no way to identify them.
So what? Maybe one in a hundred online projects have good enough leaders that it would make a difference.

>> No.2041070

/jp/ project is for gathering bored people from /jp/ who individually might be able to write, draw, compose, or code well but lack other skills or motivation to produce anything. by working together with similar people they may be able to make something. that's all it is, and really has no relevance to /jp/ other than the fact that many of the participants want to make a VN.

>> No.2041071

>Maybe one in a hundred online projects have good enough leaders that it would make a difference.

The same could be said of any project, online or not.

>> No.2041072

EPIC SHITSTORM, TROLLS. and the best thing is the there are even tripfags among trolls who troll anons who uses a name outside of 4chan to keep track of work.

>> No.2041088

Great, now they're going to crack admin's password and make everything look pretty with goatse. Thanks a lot, /jp/, I always loved you! ^_^

>> No.2041096


>> No.2041098

If there are no gaping security holes and the password isn't ridiculously easy, nobody on /b/ will give a shit.

>> No.2041099

If it's not related to /jp/ then GTFO off my /jp/.

>> No.2041107

oh the irony... here we are trying to make something for /jp/ as a whole, and we get our own fellow anons in /jp/ about trying to create fame for ourselves, accusing us for being a tripfag, and making bullshit statements about how things should be.

i didnt expect to see the day Cancer comes to /jp/. Nice.

>> No.2041112

Nice use of capitalization, bro.

>> No.2041115


>> No.2041117

Actually, I don't want you to do anything for me.
Stop making original content I don't care about.

>> No.2041119

> oh the irony... here we are trying to make something for /jp/ as a whole, and we get our own fellow anons in /jp/ about trying to create fame for ourselves, accusing us for being a tripfag, and making bullshit statements about how things should be.
Noone is accusing the project members of being tripfags. I'm saying this kind of thread attracts tripfags.

>> No.2041122

I was being ironic.


>> No.2041123
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Are you sure you're even on the correct board?

>> No.2041124

then ignore us. nobody is forcing any shit on you

>> No.2041128

Oh, I agree with you. That is why I've been saying that these threads need to stop.

>> No.2041132

there were such accusations in the previous threads

>> No.2041133

I'll tell it like it is.

I'm jealous that everyone else has skills and that there's nothing I can do to contribute, so I get pissed and troll. That's all there is to it.

>> No.2041138

Oh yes! This thread is definitely attractive to me on so many levels.

>> No.2041145

no. this kind of threads attract trolls like yourself.

>> No.2041146
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Can we change the poster girl of Dandelion Girl to Yuka and the title to Sunflower Girl? The presence of a Touhou and parasol would make it /jp/ related.

>> No.2041148

Oh my gosh, someone didn't capitalize sentences? SAGE SAGE SAGE Oh what's that? A favorite touhou thread? My favorite Touhou is Ran! What? Someone said Kaguya? RAGE RAGE RAGE, SAGE SAGE SAGE, let's see what's going on in the music thread. Oh, Demetori. I like listening to Demetori while fapping to Touhou porn. Woah, someone mentioned Kokuyasou. It's SHIT SHIT SHIT, SAGE SAGE SAGE. I AM SO ANGRY NOW, I NEED TO TROLL, I WILL GO TROLL THE IDOL THREADS. OH FUCK, THEY DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO ME, OH GOD I NEED TO TROLL. Wait no. FAP FAP FAP. Felt good, man! OKAY, NOW I REALLY NEED TO TROLL. OH, IT'S THAT /jp/ PROJECT THING. LOL IT'S SHIT, THEY WON'T MAKE ANYTHING, JUST A BUNCH OF ATTENTION WHORES, BARK BARK BARK SAGE SAGE SAGE, HEY, /b/, PLEASE HELP ME RUIN THEIR FUN, ANONYMOUS IS LEGION AND HE DOESN'T FORGIVE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLLOOLL

>> No.2041150


Unfortunately the story is not Yuka-related AT ALL

>> No.2041155

Who the hell said that? Sounds like ur own faggotry to me, brah.

>> No.2041156

You are the AIDS that is ruining /jp/.

>> No.2041157

Welcome to weekend /jp/.
I suggest we freeze the project until Monday, at least.

>> No.2041158

they're trying to make a VN. VNs, shitty or not, is /jp/-related. just in case you've missed out the title of this board, its /jp/ - Japan/General.

if you say shitty VNs isnt /jp/-related, then i can name several other threads for you trolls to troll in.

>> No.2041159

u mad?

>> No.2041160
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Then we get that guy to make it so.

>> No.2041164


>> No.2041165


>> No.2041168

>Discuss, troll, tripfag, nay-say here.
This is from OP's post. No one here is going off topic, this is all part of the discussion; if you have a problem with it go to /b/ or something because I really don't care.

>> No.2041172


>> No.2041169

this trolling thread is just so much fun that i'm going to keep making it when this thread goes autosage although i'm not on contributing anything to the /jp/ faggot VN crap.

>> No.2041173

nice meltdown bro.

>> No.2041175


>> No.2041176

You guys are forgetting the main point, you say this project is for /jp/ but we never asked for anything. This project was nothing but mutual fellatio disguised as community project since the start.

Now the attention whores are all butthurt because people are against it. I wish you all could just stay in this shitty forum you created and never come back here.

>> No.2041179

that 'we' also includes us who wants to work on it. /jp/ doesnt just consists of you faggots, but us too.

>> No.2041183


Epic find, bro. Let's teach those fags a lesson.

>> No.2041184

more like you people are having a butthurt because we are doing something you don't like, hence the trolling

>> No.2041185

Nobody needs the permission of /jp/ to do anything. People on /jp/ that think they're kings of the fucking internet should kill themselves.


>> No.2041193

sure is ironic around here.

>> No.2041197

So, you and your ten friends consisting in some retarded tripcodes thinking they are a legend or something wants to make a project. Cool, go ahead. But never use our name on something that clearly isn't for us.

>> No.2041200

not >>2041158, but i'm gonna do exactly what >>2041158 said he would do in the event >>2041158 fails to do it. i wanna see how long you trolls can keep trolling.

>> No.2041205
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Posting Yuka in hope of getting Sunflower Girl. Long haired Yuka could be the wife.

>> No.2041206

your name? you don't have one, hence making your argument invalid. just so you know, this isn't your board.

>> No.2041207

>Nobody needs the permission of /jp/ to do anything.

Then don't use our name, faggot.

>People on /jp/ that think they're kings of the fucking internet should kill themselves.

Tripcodes on internet that think they're kings of the fucking /jp/ should kill themselves.

>> No.2041214

But I'm not even affiliated with the project, bro, so your position is irrelevant. Also, I don't consider myself king of anything. Enjoy your strawman.

>> No.2041223

So, what is /jp/ all about to you people? Really.

>>2041148 this? Sitting in your chairs and doing absolutely nothing?

>> No.2041222

Oh, yes this board is mine. Mine and countless of anonymous people. You want to do something here? Cool, but if I don't agree I will make sure to shit it up until I get satisfied. Don't like it? Too bad.

If you aren't satisfied then go back your forum, get yourself an avatar and a signature and enjoy your own board.

>> No.2041230

So you're just a useless piece of shit. I thought as much.

What a joke.

>> No.2041234

>Cool, but if I don't agree I will make sure to shit it up until I get satisfied.

And that is the end of /jp/.

>> No.2041235

This is the main difference between /jp/ and /tg/: they might be as nerds as we are but their activities force them to learn how to cooperate while /jp/'s hobbies are mostly lonely ones.

>> No.2041236

Well it's definitely not about trying to become SUPER COOL VISUAL NOVEL MAKERS HEY GUYS WERE MAKING A GAME XD.

>> No.2041240

nope i dont think you're moot, and its just you samefagging this thread, not 'countless anons'

>> No.2041247

You're not obligated to post here, bro.

Leave if you're not feeling welcome.

>> No.2041255

FUCK DAMN IT SLKFH:DFLAHD:FAHAS:DH:SLAFKHHAFS:lhkfa;lafkha;lhkl;sakhfla;sfhla;sh

That was my cat on the keyboard, and he said "fuck you all".

>> No.2041257

And I don't think you're moot either. If you can make you shitty faggy project I can bring it to ashes too.

>> No.2041258

>its just you samefagging this thread
No, I think this is a shitty idea too.

>> No.2041260

Thread successfully derailed. I'm giving myself a 10/10.

>> No.2041264

But why do you care so much about it?

>> No.2041271

Uh, dude, derailing a /jp/ project thread is no feat, as every single fucking /jp/ project thread is about bawwwing over menial shit and masturbating over drinking, dandelions and murder.

>> No.2041273

I always knew /jp/ could bring forth some results using teamwork.
Good Job, bro.

>> No.2041281

Thanks man, I couldn't have done this without your help.

>> No.2041284


>> No.2041285


>> No.2041286


Your BUH I AM MIGHTY I CRUSH YOU attitude is pretty goddamn stupid. You don't even have to do anything if you want to see these projects fail; they probably won't get past the planning stages anyway.

>> No.2041290

You probably don't understand that, but there is a very amusing thing in annoying people.
I don't especially care about your project, I actually think it's nice to have some people do something.
But in a way similar to libido, the will to entertain yourself knows no morals , and quite often, you stop caring about who you're hurting, as long as you're having fun.

>> No.2041298

Get a life, loser.

>> No.2041300

I'm just doing it for the laughs because I'm bored. And trolling a bunch of faggots who decided to get creative is pretty fun. They can't even defend themselves.

>> No.2041303
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Just to cause more angst and drama with you fags;

This isn't really a /jp/ project in the sense of doing it for the board. It's only "the /jp/ project" in that its related and being done by whichever /jp/ fags want to take part in it. It's not "for the glory of the board" you fucking fags.

This isn't some 'lets make a VN for anon XDDD' it's lets do something because why not - and where better to get a free not-too-serious but can do their part pool of 'staff' for a bullshit VISUAL NOVEL and probably one about something /jp/ relevant?


Everyone gets that 90% of you are worthless shits, that doesn't mean when others try to do something you need to cry like a bitch about it because you don't feel like taking part in it.

Also, I'm the ONLY tripfag that's for certain involved (and my project is obviously me so theres no reason NOT to use my trip) that existed before the project came up. I don't see how anyone is trying to get hurrr /jp/ famous which really, the only ones who have done that are the ones like a certain someone who stopped using his trip "so as to not get attention" which just drew more to him.

I havn't seen a single trip or namefag that came from this project using it in threads other than the project-related ones anyway.

>> No.2041308
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Sunflowers are awesome.

>> No.2041307

Get a life, loser!

>> No.2041314
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Dunno about the actual project but the drama this thing is cause is fun.

Good show, good show.

>> No.2041321

...Same for me actually. I didn't even look at the forum, I'm just making fun of these guys for fun and I like seeing their replies.

>> No.2041317

Get a life, loser!

>> No.2041318

I hate to think that any position I have is in agreement with you. Also, good luck on your project.

There's no reason to defend against idiots like you, and it's impossible to do so since you have no argument to defend against in the first place.

>> No.2041319

Worst thread ever.

>> No.2041326



>> No.2041332

Project is already dead.

>> No.2041335

Speaking of the devil >>2041314

>> No.2041337

I like to think of you in the ministry position

>> No.2041344

/jp/ - Angst, hormonal rage and sweaty palms.

Good lord you are all acting like a bunch of 13-year-olds. HURFDURF I DESTROY U CUZ I CAN'T GET LAID.

>> No.2041346

> 150 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Please post part 8 so we can continue this interesting discussion.

>> No.2041350
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>can't even defend themselves

Against what exactly? You and a couple other anon spamming XDDD U GUIZ R SO STEWPID, LEGUN DUZNT APROVE ^^ PIC RLEATD FSHGSHADS!!! XD EPIC ANON IS EPICCCCC

Can't exactly "defend" ourselves when you aren't putting up a fight in the first place.

>> No.2041353

What? Do you mean as a priest or as a bureaucrat? Because I'd be terrible as either, being an atheist and a government hater.

>> No.2041361

Actually we're having fun seeing you faggots all butthurt.

>> No.2041368

This discussion is not directed at the tripfags who use their names to troll (everyone in this thread), using a weakness in the system to troll people is commendable. It is directed at the real namefags that use their names to build a reputation, why the fuck would you want to do that?

>> No.2041380

But they're NOT DOING THAT. That's the whole problem with your position. None of them are using names on /jp/.

So what's the issue?

>> No.2041381

Are you implying that you CAN get laid?
Wow, this project really is full of normalfags.

>> No.2041383
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1234034573553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure which "side" of this you or the other one is on HURR ANON makes that kind of impossible. But if you're one of the fags whining and "trolling these butthurt fags" about people trying to make some VN's then I think you've got it backwards.

I don't see how anyone can consider the ones simply doing what they feel like (the guys involved in the project) by continuing to work on their project and just replying to your faggotry once in a while as 'the butthurt' ones.

There is clearly a group of people whining and crying, but just as clear is the fact that it's not the ones involved in the project.

>> No.2041391

Your posts are too boring, bro.

Give up.

>> No.2041393

Why the fuck do you think the /jp/ project or its members have anything to do with this?

>> No.2041394

I don't know, man, why else would they actually spend their time sitting on /jp/, trolling a group of amateur writers?

Hormonal rage, that's what.

>> No.2041395

>Cool, but if I don't agree I will make sure to shit it up until I get satisfied. Don't like it? Too bad.


>> No.2041396

But you read them all the same :3c

>> No.2041399

Don't be dumb. We wouldn't be working on this project if we cared about real women.

>> No.2041403


That's odd, I see no actual work done.

>> No.2041404

And that's exactly why I'm not reading them at all.


>> No.2041405
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Because not all of /jp/ lacks will as much as you do. Some of them do have things they enjoy doing, as well as aspirations.

I for one don't have shit like that involved, just thought it would be fun, I'm sure it's that way for plenty of them too.

also mor epiK PIX 4 U GUIZ XDDD

>> No.2041410
File: 37 KB, 407x405, 1234034856807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsun tsun, I know you read them, twice even. Lying won't help you now. XD

>> No.2041411

lol epic butthurt

Needs more internet superstars.

>> No.2041420

OH LAWD they really aren't

epic win, you sir win one internet

>> No.2041423

What!? I do stuff, but I don't post a fucking thread about it.

>> No.2041427

No problem, I can give you all the attention you want as long as you keep shitting the board =)

>> No.2041429

>You probably don't understand that, but there is a very amusing thing in annoying people.
I don't especially care about your project, I actually think it's nice to have some people do something.
But in a way similar to libido, the will to entertain yourself knows no morals , and quite often, you stop caring about who you're hurting, as long as you're having fun.
I found this post really touching. I remembering hating all the bullies back in school and wondering why they did all those terrible things they did. I hated them.

Then I was the bullies.

>> No.2041431
File: 68 KB, 687x603, 1234035082620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread is just for those involved or who would like to be, I don't see a problem with it. If you don't want to get involved just ignore the goddamn thing instead, it's pretty simple.

>> No.2041433

I'm starting to think /b/'s invasion has succeeded.

>> No.2041439
File: 141 KB, 700x1167, 1234035205968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep shitting up the board
1. I am CurryButt, what else have I EVER done?
2. I don't see posting within a thread about something you aren't interested as shitting up the board - though coming and whining about bawww you guyz r so stewpid stop shitan up my /jap/ wit ur stupid threads >:( is more along the lines of ruining /jp/.

>> No.2041438

But I can't ignore it if I know it's still there FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUU-

>> No.2041443

This thread is like motherfucking honey, I just can't keep myself from trolling in it.

>> No.2041456
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>> No.2041465

I'm very pleased by the fact that you feel enlightened by my post.
Indeed, a bully's mind isn't a very complex thing in most cases, and to think that most people have something personal against you often is an error in interpretation people tend to make.
I have always been afflicted with a terrible case of oversymbolisation, considering each and every little detail no matter how random to have some deep and significant meaning, so finding the true motivation behing anything always proves to be a great relief.
But enough with those inane ramblings, let's get back to more practical things.

>> No.2041460

Just keep posting as you're doing now, you're contributing to the shitty without even noticing. Maybe you're just stupid.

I don't have the time to troll /jp/ all the day, I need people to do the job for me when I'm not around.

>> No.2041462
File: 40 KB, 600x400, 1234035388074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITS /b/ TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2041461

Trolling is not the same as whining like a bunch of fags. What I usually do is called trolling, what you guys are doing is just XD SUP /B/

>> No.2041466
File: 4 KB, 126x116, 1234035437515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contributing to the shitty without even noticing.
>CurryButt !CIELBE/jzM

haha oh you.

>> No.2041468
File: 331 KB, 732x690, 1234035486109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flower of Sunflower is actually made up of smaller flowers, amazing things they are.

>> No.2041469

> Trolling is not the same as whining like a bunch of fags. What I usually do is called trolling, what you guys are doing is just XD SUP /B/
It appears to be getting you furiously angry, so I'd say it's trolling!

>> No.2041469,1 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when /jp/ was successful at creating projects.

>> No.2041469,2 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was never successful at creating proje--jokes aside, I'm glad we at least managed to finish one thing. Too bad it didn't lead to more--not yet, anyway.
