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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20381461 No.20381461 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/

>> No.20381533

Nevada wa

>> No.20381608

This girl probably had sex.

>> No.20381711

With me.

>> No.20381771

I hope she's doing alright.

>> No.20384640

Edgy kiddo

>> No.20386298


>> No.20386360
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Nevada gets released one week from today!

Send her lots of KFC!

>> No.20386432

Is this true!?

>> No.20386517
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7 days!

7 days of Nevada!

>> No.20387590

Welcome her back to reality and show her the wonders of the world!

How do Nippons fair after years of jail? Is it like burgerland where people end up miserable? Reverse Europe where you're beaten to death and put bac into a bottomfeeder reality and mentality? Or reverse Nipponland where you slave your life away like gyaru trash only to barely get by like ShindoL's "Emergence" with slight changes?

>> No.20390920

Don't let this proposition go to waste!

>> No.20391894

I want to buy the book about her.

>> No.20392125

There's a book about this girl?

>> No.20393719

140 IQ
Reminder that nevada was super intelligent.

>> No.20393933

Looks like aside from NEETs, who know every outcome of any and all encounters, ideas, ideals and motivations as well as personal beliefs vs reality among other doompost-esque levels of accuracy, Navada-tan appears to be very intelligent though now up until the end of her life, a convict.
How true is that, Anon?

>> No.20394076

Pretty true. At least before the 4th comma.
t. NEET.

>> No.20394754
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はじめまして /jp/!


>> No.20394908
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you get absolutely shit on by the general public (till the press cycle forgets you) while sustaining a mediocre experience depending on where you've been institutionalized.

>> No.20396059

There's no doubt that Nevada's been preyed upon by vicious prison dykes.
Poor Nevada-tan! Stay strong! Only a couple more days to go!

>> No.20396953

I want to fuck Nevada-tan. She defended her honor when insulted by some little bitch, that's hot.

>> No.20398289

Honestly /jp/.
If you could do any one thing for Nevada-tan, what would it be?

>> No.20398385
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>> No.20399605


>> No.20399830

Oh God, I've just had a horrible idea in response to your question. Imagine making her character a virtual YouTuber voiced by the original. I am sorry.

>> No.20403778
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>> No.20405205

Nevada isn't interesting for neo /jp/!?

>> No.20405389

she's basically a christmas cake at this point, why would /jp/ be interested in her

>> No.20405393

Implying she's not the alpha dyke

>> No.20405456

It was 14 years ago. It's not interesting for anyone but old people.

>> No.20405713

You.. Are forgiven.
What a horrid idea.

>> No.20405720

So. There was an early age, the Junior Idols age, the shitpost age, the /jp/ vs janman age, the fallout age, another /jp/ janny age and then Neo-/jp/? What era was best?
Touhou has always been around.

>> No.20405959

I heard that Nevada has an anus because she's a real life human loli, but I'm not too sure.

Can such a cute girl really have an asshole? I seriously can't imagine her taking a shit. She is so cool and badass with that knife in her hand. How can she possibly degrade herself by shitting out a huge turd?

I don't believe it.

>> No.20406012

>Nevada will never commit sudoku as a loli and become Satan's personal cum dumpster in Hell for killing her friend
Why live?

>> No.20406109

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20406148

Your waifu in Hell.

>> No.20408182

/jp/ has only had two emperors, and hence two eras.

>> No.20408263

wtf she's a human,anon.

>> No.20408464

Why did Nevada have her head so far up her ass?

>> No.20408557

I want to go on a date with Nevada-tan!

>> No.20408716


>> No.20408863

Nevada-tan is probably some random classmate and the real killer was a little uncute fat kid that wasn't in that photograph

>> No.20409231

The fact that super cute lolis have honor and pride just like everyone else is hella lewd! It humanizes and therefore degrades them!

>> No.20411383

She didn't...

>> No.20411591

She woke up one day, realized that she was a super cute loli with a lewd butt and decided to look at her own ass all day, eventually going inside.

>> No.20411643


Come join the murder,

>> No.20411780

You were born decades before this girl and she has had sex before you have. How does that make you feel.

>> No.20412350

Nevada wa tan hella tan incredibly tan so tan.

>> No.20415128

She is human!

>> No.20415699
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nevada my friend

>> No.20416608
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>> No.20419039

The human body of Nevada-tan!

I can't believe there is a creepy skeleton under Nevada-tan's sweaty flesh!

>> No.20420023
File: 44 KB, 303x287, 1544364381681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people make me sick!

I mean if she doesn't have an anus then how is she gonna poop on my face?

>> No.20421648


>> No.20421746

Why would you want that?

>> No.20422085
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Wow I didn't realize /jp/ stood for
> Jealous Prudes

>> No.20422294
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goody goody

>> No.20423341

Goody 2 shoes.

The fact that Nevada even felt the need to seek revenge is just mindblowing. She is such a cute loli, but she's still a human being with her own thoughts, self-esteem and dignity. Incredible! She felt so humiliated after Glasses called her a "goody-goody" in her own blog that she became psychotic and planned a murder.

Lolis may look like beautiful, innocent creatures in the eyes of your average otaku, but they have complex minds and can experience soul-crushing humiliation! Lewd!

>> No.20423402

>you will never be insulted, mooned, punched, thrown to the ground, beat up, spit on, pissed on, farted on, shit on and finally murdered in cold blood by an 11 year old autistic Japanese girl
>you will never die at her feet with a massive boner in your pants as you imagine the eternal tortures and humiliations that she will suffer in Hell for commiting murder
Why live? The only reason I don't commit sudoku is that I still have the hope that my life will be claimed by Nevada-tan someday.

>> No.20423425

I want to get killed by Nevada or some other murderloli. How do I get a cute loli to kill me without messing up and falling face first onto the knife like a dumb twat?

Kids these days are fucking retarded, aren't they? Nevada was able to design a guro website by herself at age 10. Was she just an autistic savant or has the average IQ really dropped hard in recent decades and lolis used to be way more intelligent?

>> No.20423437

nevada did nothing wrong

>> No.20423439

She didn't design the Red Room, that was already a thing.

>> No.20423459

She had a blog where she posted guro humiliation hentai and Battle Royale fanfiction. The Red Room was just one of the sites she liked to visit, yeah.

>> No.20423589

Why is Nevada tan cute?

She is taaaaan cute.

>> No.20423712

I'm pretty sure that was BS that was spun from rumors. I've never seen anything credible mention the guro porn.

>> No.20423996

Ah yes the lewd ass loli kid.

>> No.20425802


>> No.20425821


>> No.20426078


>> No.20426100


>> No.20426678


>> No.20426702
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>> No.20426757


>> No.20428046

Is Nevada ashamed of her human condition?

>> No.20428134

Do you think when she had her first period that she was reminded of the blood pouring out of her victim as she died?

>> No.20428194

Who quote?

>> No.20428273

How long do you think it would take to cure Nevada's psychopathy with my dick?

>> No.20428615

Nevada is a kid. What a loser! Her brain is literally not full developed! Her IQ is lower than 80! Lewd!

>> No.20428811
File: 10 KB, 640x573, nevadatanasmilingcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20428895

Yeah, Nevada's 25 years old now.

>> No.20428936

Also, according to the internet, she changed her name and got married.

It's time to move on, /jp/.

>> No.20429012

Source a claim that serious. She should still be on probation or incarcerated or something.

>> No.20430269

she was let out years ago

>> No.20430607

Nevada has a 140 IQ.

>> No.20431674


>> No.20431682

>implying the victim's father didn't pay a faceless old man to rape Nevada and cuck her husband

>> No.20431684

She will cut your dick.

>> No.20431726

I must have completely blanked. I remember now.

>> No.20432493

I wanna have my head so far up Nevada-tan ass I eat her dinner before she even digests it!

>> No.20433942

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20433978


>> No.20434697

Nevada would cut you for saying that.

>> No.20434703

It's always fascinating how a two digit IQ redneck normie retard and a loli technically have the same level of intelligence, but the loli's intelligence is configured in such a way that she's not annoying or off-putting, unlike the retarded normie with shit opinions and literally incapable of critical thinking.


>> No.20434719

That expression means that someone thinks so highly of themselves that they can't see when they are obviously wrong.

It comes from the mental image of a human smelling their own ass and farts (which are supposed to smell bad) and loving it because they are so in love with themselves that they actually like the smell.

When you say that Nevada has her head so far up her ass she can't even get it out, it conjures the absurd mental image of Nevada licking her own ass so deeply that her head gets stuck inside. It means that she has high self-esteem and thinks everything she does is right, even if it's killing her friend over a stupid nerdy rivalry.

The fact that Nevada can even be imagined like that is just mindblowing! I want to say it to her face!

>> No.20434917


>> No.20436798

Why Nevada threads always ends up being lewd?

>> No.20436877

its jp. what did you expect

>> No.20438421

Delicious gay sex the reformatory

>> No.20438893

It's said that one of the things that separates humans from animals is an acute sense of self-awareness.

>> No.20439033
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>> No.20439421


>> No.20439593
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>> No.20444108

Nevada is a goody goody, goody two shoes.

>> No.20446895

Nevada's song.

>> No.20446955

Nevada isn't fat! She is athletic and graceful!

Satomi a shit! Girl A best girl!

>> No.20446960
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>> No.20447019
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>> No.20449410

The Nevada has arrived.

>> No.20453437

still amazes me how she became a meme even after a gruesome episode.
but I find it rather fascinating

>> No.20456926

That's because she was a little girl.

>> No.20458188
File: 51 KB, 268x400, __nevada_tan_real_life__d226c043da113c7f2cbc014de18dd1a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has hybristophilia!

>> No.20461047

how would she react?

>> No.20461089

Mostly confusion and annoyance, maybe some aversion.

>> No.20461684

What if she likes it?

>> No.20463263

I can say with 100% certainty, absolutely, undoubtedly, she wouldn't.

>> No.20464827

Why is Nevada such a cuntass whore?

>> No.20464850

How can she experience those negative emotions even though she's a hella cute loli?

It's pretty lewd that her mind is capable of feeling hatred or aversion.

>> No.20466736

Nevada wa.

She actually wa.

>> No.20469570

she must be a cutie now

>> No.20471259

Does she actually wa?

>> No.20471298


>> No.20472771

Nevada wa. She just wa. She isn't proud of it, but there's nothing she can do about it.

>> No.20473845

Nevada is hella cute

>> No.20475737

How much cute?

>> No.20476304

Cuter than you, for sure!

>> No.20476460

t-that's true.

>> No.20477424

Hecka cute.

>> No.20478094

>you will never celebrate Christmas with loli Nevada after her first year in prison and tell her that everything is going to be OK
Why live?

>> No.20478105

Nevada simply loves getting her butthole ______!

>> No.20478407

Don't misuse the quoting function.

>> No.20478446

Misuse this *whips out dick*

>> No.20479332

Nevada may as well get her butt wrecked.

>> No.20479643

unnoticed and unmentioned

>> No.20481366

She was in a kid jail or in a adult woman jail?

>> No.20483130

A kid one

>> No.20484123

>you will never work in a loli jail
Why live?

>> No.20484476

Did Nevada-tan eat ass in jail?

>> No.20484896

Yes, but all butts are cute in loli prison. She didn't mind.

>> No.20486107

Nevada loves _________!

>> No.20486558

But when she grew up did they transfer her to an adult one or not?

A jail full of asassin lolis!

>> No.20486747

When is Nevada-tan getting added to F/GO? How much are you willing to blow on gachashit to get her?
