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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 260 KB, 700x1000, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20356745 No.20356745 [Reply] [Original]

Last Chapter:


New chapters soon and last volume too.

>> No.20356752
File: 780 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl!

>> No.20356768

Digital release soon

>> No.20356769

Why asama looks like shit but horizon got the best?

>> No.20356778
File: 3.88 MB, 1800x2462, 1449588820185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Asama is much more bigger than Horizon, with the transformation introduced by kawakami's influence she obtained a deformed body.

>> No.20356781

God I fucking love bodysuits and big chests

Anyone else share this view?

>> No.20356791 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.50 MB, 4138x2200, 1543885329399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone? but only when you get decent proportions.

>> No.20356838

It took me until today to realize that the BDbox releases on a Friday and will probably be held up in shipping for me until after Christmas

>> No.20356938

Amazon probably will send it one day before the release date.

>> No.20357096

4 through 6 were the golden age.

>> No.20357133

>There was a somewhat troublesome thing about the Musashi Vice President.

>…She’s really acclimated herself to Musashi’s weirdness.

Masazumi's character development is easily one of my favorite parts of Horizon.

>> No.20358465
File: 1.63 MB, 3072x4096, DtjpaiiU4AAIuo8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Bitches

>> No.20358501

>fold lines
Fuck I hope not.

>> No.20358677
File: 160 KB, 788x916, coverImage_3194394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon yet so far.
Anyway, just brute forced this from their covers so we're getting some purchase bonuses as well.
These are usually quite low resolution, though. Too bad.

>> No.20358698

What was the point of Yoshitsune and Qing-Takeda as a whole? They were pretty prominent in volume 3 but I’ve hardly seen them mentioned beyond that.

>> No.20359094

Read volume 11.

>> No.20359241

Worth reading?

>> No.20359247
File: 250 KB, 1600x1200, DtkK7gVVsAA5XBX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what the Melonbooks box to contain all the Horizon volumes looks like.

>> No.20359254
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>> No.20359265

As much as I like the mega illustration from volume 4-C. Paying that much extra, considering importing, for colored cardboard isn't really worth.

>> No.20359275

We all have our limits.

>> No.20360262
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, DtkQP-fU0AAJCmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's OnC in the box

>> No.20360278


That's a fat book

>> No.20360586

Has Toori actually gotten to fuck Horizon yet? They’ve finally got the armament of lust finally, right?

>> No.20360622

Twice at the very least. With livestreaming to the rest of the class.

>> No.20360634

Two times, one of them broadcasted to the entire class plum, another one after being revived. Also he did have sex more than 1500 times with Asama and Mitotsudaira.

>> No.20362185
File: 2.14 MB, 1820x2656, 675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20362693

Isn’t the Toori sex revival thing kind of an asspull? It’s like Kawakami wrote himself into a corner with the contract and had to BS in order to get out of it.

Pretty fucked up that Toori gets to come back and not people like Yoshiyori or Anne.

>> No.20362739

Are you retarded or just pretending?

The whole contract worked as intended, if he breaks the contract, he dies. It was Asama the one who managed to mess with Shinto thanks to her abilities ( which came from her her lineage since her mother was already increadibly good with this ) and allowed toori to stay in a place right before the afterlife.

Yoshiyori and anne are a completely different matter, Yoshiyori sacrificed himself in order to open a future for Musashi and Satomi, he wasn't affected by any contract and nobody was able to save him. Anne was already dead, only thanks to the life support is that she was still in this world, in fact she couldn't even remember herself when dealing with the Dragon Reactor, plus she's not working with Shinto so there was no way to save her and the only person with the authority to do something was XIV but he knew this was her own will.

If that wasn't enough for you, Toori is less powerful now, his contract was completely overpowered and now since he's some sort of demi-god he can't really use his new power all the time, Asama is weaker now unless she fulfill certan conditions and the same goes for Nate so this isn't an asspull by any means, is completely understandable considering how religion and technology works on Horizon.

>> No.20362819
File: 151 KB, 446x1000, 1419386164816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judging something you can't read or understand

>> No.20364214

>excuses central

>> No.20364279

No bigger asspull than, like, everything else in this universe.

>> No.20364833

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20365154

Nice argument kid, next time try to at least not showing yourself as a retarded newfag that resort to shitposting when you don't even read anything.
But just by checking your reply and the previous thread I can see that you're bitches new friend.

>> No.20365284

I am shocked, shocked, that you think I have friends.

>> No.20365979 [DELETED] 

Don't you get the feeling that there's someone in here replying to himself and flaming just because he has nothing better to do?

>> No.20366131 [DELETED] 

No Amtro, we all know is just you the one trolling since the previous thread when you got exposed. That's why mods took care of you right away and that's going to happen again here.
Is sad that your ego is so weak that you need to shitpost in these threads for days just because you can't accept the fact that nobody needs you or wants you here.

>> No.20367411
File: 227 KB, 773x1200, 1425936960608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20367910

As usual, Kawakami's showing off some considerable historical knowledge. The potato played a huge role in European food production.

>According to our most conservative estimates, the introduction of the potato accounts for approximately one-quarter of the growth in Old World population and urbanization between 1700 and 1900.

See: https://doi.org/10.1093/qje/qjr009

>> No.20367967

When Kimi mentions Europeans disliking it for being a root vegetable and being ugly, she's referencing the Doctrine of Signatures, a sixteenth-century European belief that the shape of a plant corresponded to its effects on the body. Hence walnuts were good for the brain, etc.

Since potatoes back then were much uglier than they are today, they were associated with leprosy, and in fact many areas had them banned.

Potato cultivation didn't really take off until the Thirty Years War. The armies wreaking havoc across all of Europe fed themselves by taking from local peasants, so it suddenly became much safer to grow potatoes (which could be left in the ground) rather than wheat or barley, which could be stolen easily.

>> No.20368529

So around 13-14h until the preview if it drops similar to last time

>> No.20368714

Actually less than 2 days.

>> No.20369309

5ch leak on the general spoiler thread any time between now and 3 days after release. So better rev up those proxies and press F5.

>> No.20369472



>> No.20369504
File: 1.71 MB, 1808x2640, 237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20369516


>> No.20369974

Well, considering the book releases tomorrow...

>> No.20370540

Yeah, probably along with all other previews like last time, meaning in almost exactly five and a half hours.

>> No.20370650
File: 1012 KB, 1800x2555, Hexennacht_v04_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get Baka-tsuki to move Hexennacht from the "up-to-date" category to the "completed" category?

>> No.20370855

So, will Masazumi get tentacled down in the end or not?
That tentacle monster may be the only thing standing between futurepast and totaler krieg.

>> No.20371112

She already have a wife and a daughter...

>> No.20371119

By asking Js06 if he can do that.

>> No.20371158

EDGE information came.

>> No.20371184

The side bar is protected and only admins or whatever can edit it. I tried already quite a while ago.


>> No.20371559
File: 182 KB, 863x1200, DtukfSXWkAAnliz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20371662


As expected, we're getting all of them on the 21st. Bonus was just some bookshelf skin, sadly.
For now, I'm getting all gaps and some older volumes directly on release day so we have all volumes and I can start volume 4 editing.

Stupid preview still not up, though.

>> No.20371711


>> No.20371754

Is this bitches or muton?

>> No.20371785

They're really going all-out with this and the book collectors box

>> No.20371792

Muton. I thought it was pretty obvious from the post.

>> No.20371794

So the day came.

>> No.20371818

It did indeed. Hopefully the quality is okay. But I can already see us still scanning the spreads.
You should have a mail by me in case you didn't see it yet.

>> No.20371873

What does it matter?

>> No.20371949


>> No.20371962

Is bait, we still don't know what's going to happen after horizon, wait for Js06 since he's the only one with the skills to read Horizon properly.

>> No.20372244

Preview out yet?

>> No.20372579

Epubs where

>> No.20372720

Anyone got the full colored scan of the 4-C mega ilust? or just the black and white one edited.

>> No.20372894

>still no preview
>still no full version of the first ova preview

>> No.20372929

Just wait till tomorrow nigger.

>> No.20372939


5ch general spoiler thread, may show up here. Keep an eye on geek akiba as well.

>> No.20373886
File: 1.25 MB, 211x206, 1436226945191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches are you getting the digital and physical copy? it would be nice to see some of your usual spoiler pics for the end.

>> No.20373897

Only physical, and I'll be getting it tomorrow, not today.

>> No.20373915

Oh nice I hope you consider posting the pics, please remember to throw the afterword so we can get some hope for the future!

>> No.20373926 [DELETED] 

Please for the love of god stop moving the sperging from here to AS.
I can't fucking post there thanks to faggot relentless being a Cunchyroll jew working for them but I already see a shitstorm there.

>> No.20373940

AB or Charasu? Maybe Zefyris?

>> No.20373955

First one, Chara can't post thanks to Proxy issues and Zefyris is too busy fighting on SukaSuka threads to post on another place. Only cosmic eagle is still there with someone called Jord providing details

>> No.20373971

Thats sad dude you were doing gods work there.

Why did you went into a fight with the admin lmao?

>> No.20373984

TL;DR posting summaries on licensed light novel but instead of deleting it and send a warning the retard just straight up banned me for 30 days so I told him to fuck off.
I mean what's the point of having light novel threads where you can post spoilers or little summaries when they get triggered because of daddy CR?

>> No.20373998

That sucks man but use anonymox or shit like that man.

Anyways lets wait for the juicy stuff here maannnnnn can't believe it's been 10 years

>> No.20374004

I don't think we're going to get anything relevant for the time being. Wait for JS to get his copy and read it, that would take around a week or less if we're lucky.

>> No.20374073
File: 388 KB, 1580x1150, 1th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok people let's play a game while we wait.

What do you want to see from these options:
>2nd Ahead
>More Obstacle
You MUST say why.

>> No.20374122

EDGE 100%

The war in the heavens, other solar systems, new planets and evolution of all the species. Just imagine all the possibilities.

>> No.20374129

I feel like Obstacle has more potential for time loop fuckery, and I'm a sucker for those kinds of stories so I'd love that.
On the other hand, Edge is the most unexplored so it might be interesting to see how exactly it differs from City.
Mostly I think it would be fun if Kawakami went back to being Aerial City-tier edgy again. Horizon and Hexennacht are wonderfully goofy but I know he still has it in him.

>> No.20374163

I am the only one here that likes Osaka and Virtual City?

>> No.20374328



>> No.20374343

Better check using this


>> No.20374386

Uhhhhhh I can see good comments in the most recent ones but how?

>> No.20374417

Just go with ホライゾン. Far from everyone posting their impressions and spoilers are going to post using the full name, let alone the hashtag.

>> No.20374576
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>> No.20374618
File: 1.72 MB, 1600x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like nokia
You can kill with it

>> No.20374655

You have to keep the spoilers short. A cliffnotes version, if possible. If you post long summaries and literal translations they will ban you.
If you just post "X beat Y", then elaborate little by little in further posts as if you were actually discussing, then it's fine. That's what they've been trying to get people to do all this time.

>> No.20374671

I would do anything for more Sayama, but since that hardly seems likely, then EDGE. I'd love to see humanity's original journey to the stars.

>> No.20374772
File: 1.47 MB, 863x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any moment now

>> No.20375075


This is what a real hardcore fan looks like, Js06 and bitches should be at the same level of madness to buy all of this.

>> No.20375211
File: 128 KB, 776x821, DrgOV0JWwAEH5gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20375219

Yeah, I have all of that and more.

>> No.20375238
File: 134 KB, 900x1200, DtyJOu8UcAYf_3y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20375248

Throwing a random number, how much you think is all that worth?

>> No.20375254

The only thing that kinda annoys me is if they have reprinted CITY, because most of my copies are second hand.
They're not in bad condition, far from it, just a bit of yellowing on the pages, which looks better than the books do after I read them, but still buying them new would be kinda nice.

>> No.20375270

Around 50000 to 60000.
Which means I spent far more on the first BD releases.

>> No.20375274

That means better scans or still a lot of work?

>> No.20375283

It's all over, lads.

>> No.20375328

Still a lot of work if anyone is going to rescan them.

>> No.20375334

People will have ebooks, so that probably won't be necessary.

>> No.20375356

10 years. My fucking heart.

I’m too attached to these characters after all this time. Am I the only one feeling sick thinking about how we’ll never see these characters again?

>> No.20375361

Nips are just attached as you are.
I'm sad now.

>> No.20375375

The same happened with OnC but this time is double the feeling because of how long it took to finish Horizon.
I hope we can get some words from Js06 about the ending when he gets his copy.

>> No.20375455

>gets his copy.
on Monday that was she said

>> No.20375545


>> No.20375565

The squished fall from the avalanche of Northern light bombs?

>> No.20375602

After the naval battles Horizon encounters Fate and performs body docking and becomes giant Horizon. She pro-wrestles.

雪崩式 is a pro-wrestling move:

North Sunlight Bomb is another wrestling move

Basically Horizon pro-wrestles fate.

Sounds like bullshit, but might be real. Nothing on 5ch yet for the record.

>> No.20375608

Sounds right, Destiny/Nobunaga have one full set of weapons and Horizon have another full set of weapons that were made to counter Nobunaga's.

The last volume is probably including the fight between them which is something bond to happen.

>> No.20375638

The way you worded it initially, I thought she fucked herself.

>> No.20375640

She's a mecha musume, anon.

>> No.20375737

Didn’t a full-on Armaments battle already happen in like 9-B?

>> No.20375816
File: 3.20 MB, 3264x2448, 2018-12-07 15.57.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change of plans.

>> No.20375959

Okay, I'm going to be spoilering a bunch of these photos for a variety of reasons.

>> No.20375961

Nice, thanks.

>> No.20375965
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>> No.20375969
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>> No.20375972
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>> No.20375976
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I think this is supposed to parallel their meeting on the execution grounds.

>> No.20375978
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>> No.20375979

I feel all fluffy inside thanks to that smile.

>> No.20375982
File: 699 KB, 3264x2448, DSC_0375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 45 more images after this, so this will take some time to finish.

>> No.20375984

What a beautiful smile.

>> No.20375986
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>> No.20375988
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>> No.20375992
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>> No.20375993

Cute mom-fox and daughter-dog.

>> No.20375995
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>> No.20375997
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>> No.20376002

Tease the Gin!

>> No.20376004
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>> No.20376008
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>> No.20376009 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376014 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376018 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376017

God I wish that were me

>> No.20376022 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376024
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>> No.20376025

Variety of reasons indeed.

>> No.20376029
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>> No.20376033
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>> No.20376036 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376042
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I don't remember clicking Spoiler on that last one.

>> No.20376046
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>> No.20376051
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>> No.20376057
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>> No.20376059
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Half way.

>> No.20376062
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>> No.20376063
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>> No.20376068
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>> No.20376069

Certainly a variety of reasons. Damn son.

>> No.20376071
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>> No.20376074
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>> No.20376076
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>> No.20376082
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>> No.20376085
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Pope Badass

>> No.20376086
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>> No.20376089
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>> No.20376090
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>> No.20376091
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>> No.20376095
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>> No.20376098
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>> No.20376099
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>> No.20376102

What the hell is happening

>> No.20376104
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>> No.20376105

Quite beautiful.

>> No.20376106
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>> No.20376107 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376110 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20376113
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>> No.20376115 [SPOILER] 
File: 654 KB, 3264x2448, 1544172660973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, that was supposed to be spoilered.

>> No.20376117 [SPOILER] 
File: 645 KB, 3264x2448, 1544172725194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20376118

Don't do this to my heart.
I can only praise Satoyasu.

>> No.20376121 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.53 MB, 3132x2448, 1544172801769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20376123
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>> No.20376124

Yes! I was hoping for another mega illustration at the end and here it is.

>> No.20376125 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.57 MB, 3215x2448, 1544172931224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was supposed to be spoilered too.

Anyway, the end.

>> No.20376127

>no check

You blew it mang.

>> No.20376128

Goddamnit, so cute.

>> No.20376129

Oh fuck I’m gonna cry

>> No.20376133

>10ZO lost in background

I just realized how much I will miss this.

>> No.20376134

Okay, and as for the afterward. Kawakami says that he is planning to write side stories and continuations to their adventures, but it isn't stated it will be next or what the next series will be.
The second half of the afterward is mostly contemplation on how his idea from junior high school finally reached completion and such.

>> No.20376142

I remember js06 speculating about something like that as well because it always said that the "main" story is over.

>> No.20376144

Oh god, is that the letter that she wrote all the way back in volume 1?

>> No.20376148

Likely so.

>> No.20376153

Hirano a cute.

>> No.20376154


>> No.20376156

Not even sure where he could go from this. I mean side stories is good and all but what's next? The books can hardly get thicker, nor the content crazier.
I'm kind of hoping the next series is conceived as an anime.

>> No.20376164

Hex could be argued to have been conceived as a possible anime. City is even structured as something edgy from the late 80s, with tits and gore flying around.

>> No.20376166

He could always do that, yeah. MZKM did that and it was fucking amazing.

>> No.20376253


>> No.20376310

>Hex could be argued to have been conceived as a possible anime.
It would have probably worked better in an OVA format than in LN form

>> No.20376467

Is it translated? Is there a pdf batch for this?

>> No.20376503

You could literally look at the OP and see up to where is it translated and on what site.

>> No.20376635

He is there in various pictures right?

>> No.20376674

He still has Edge to fill out, so probably that. After that, he can just focus on SoL.

>> No.20376707

So the Twitter spoilers were real, we got a good ending with everyone saving the day an a massive participation from the characters, important ones such as the pope, Rudolf, turenne using her spirit for and more stuff like the sacred beasts fused together.

Horizon and toori finally together in the "horizon". Looks like the ether moon was destroyed and now is a ring surrounding earth which reminds me certain old title that showed something similar.

Also based on the afterword, this is the reason why the Amazon page and some other Twitter spoilers said this is the ending of "the main story". Probably we're getting more GT and other side stories like that.

>> No.20376715

Not really.

Edge is one of 3 more eras missing, he has a lot more to do than that.

>> No.20376718

Should be somewhere. Probably gophering.

>> No.20376724

He is there >>20376113 and there >>20376123

>> No.20376748

There are novels set in every era but Edge now though.

>> No.20376892

That appears to be the trend these days. Main series ends, 50 "spinoffs" and "epilogues" to keep the author fed.

>> No.20376910

Kamachi curse.

>> No.20376919

That's not going to happen with kawakami, if you guys haven't been following this for a long time you wont understand why.
Side stories for Kawakami are literally things like girls talk which are the same size as normal LNs, continuation of the adventures for different characters would be nice considering that they saved the world.

Knowing how kawakami works, he's probably going to wait for a bit before publishing a complete new era for his works but we're getting that for sure.

>> No.20376952

I want to see what happens with class plum or their future kids, after all they are the second generation, imagine the SPEERS but multiplied x2 and all the crazyness with Class Plum.

>> No.20376954

Kawakami writes spinoffs and epilogues because he wants to. Horizon isn't THAT popular that the publisher would force more to be written so it'd sell under the brand name.
Sure, it's still profitable for them, but Kawakami has a loyal enough fanbase that he could write any of the other stories he has in mind and would still pull around the same sales so they'll just let him do what he wants.

>> No.20376984

The Kyokai Senjou no Horizon anime was quite popular during its time. People not getting sucked in by the LN is entirely on him and his overly verbose, meticulously detailed, complicated and drawn out story. Horizon was certainly popular for some time. If he writes shorter spinoffs that aren't too reliant on the main story and perhaps a bit episodic, it's bound to sell. Dengeki bunko is also a very popular brand. The window of opportunity is there, but honestly I'd prefer to see him write something else.

>> No.20377000

It wasn't massive in a 10 year period and it wont be that massive now, everyone knows that. Girls Talk proves that point too.

You can tell that Horizon in particular is a pleb filter, the fanbase is there because they wanted to stick thanks to how complicated and huge is the world, unlike anything else in the genre. Selling numbers aren't needed for this and it never will because it's been very stable for almost 20 years.

>> No.20377020

>If he writes shorter spinoffs that aren't too reliant on the main story and perhaps a bit episodic, it's bound to sell.
I kind of don't think so. Long, overly complicated novels are also part of the Kawakami (and especially Horizon) brand now, for better or worse. Even if the text gets more accessible I doubt it will bring new people into the Horizon franchise. Though I see how the Dengeki bosses may make a different assessment.

>> No.20377051

>The Kyokai Senjou no Horizon anime was quite popular during its time.
Not outstandingly, though. Remember it averaged around 20k per volume (which isn't bad, but isn't spectacular; it didn't top any charts). Getting the boxed set is pretty much a miracle.
Sales of the LN certainly got a boost from the anime, but still, it's not in the league of the really popular LNs. And I'd say it's pretty much too late to make shorter spinoffs that don't rely on the main story because who are you targeting them to? The people who watched the anime five years ago but didn't get invested in the LN series?

It just doesn't really make sense to do it as a milking enterprise.

>> No.20377071

10k and 20k are their own clubs. Only a few hundred anime (less than 200 iirc) have had that many sales since 2000. And only behemoths like monogatari, madoka, Love Live and Evangelion surpass it. Just 5k is considered a success for a late night anime.

>> No.20377102

Sales charts

>> No.20377106

I can only dream that his 30 years of work will be paid off by some autist 20 years down the line starting an anime company purely to fuel Kawakami adaptations. The best we can hope for is more OVAs I guess.

>> No.20377152
File: 120 KB, 465x300, HorizonIIHeader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One day in the future, someone is going to look back and make one of these but with Horizon.

>> No.20377209

I genuinely think crowdfunding is the way to go. Kawakami adaptions have shown to be profitable but the amount of work needed probably makes companies and investors wary. Letting the core fanbase fund it beforehand would probably alleviate any such worries, and they would still have the sales to new fans on top.

>> No.20377217

Crowdfunded animoo has a bad rap only partially alleviated by LWA.

>> No.20377324

So what you're saying is we need to send him an English-language representative?

>> No.20377339

Yes, American UCAT needs to take over the Leviathan Road.

>> No.20377386

Fucking gmail and its so-called spam filter. Just let me get to the proper screen.

>> No.20377399

American involvement is having disastrous consequences in Japan already. With jewish influenced moneyed groups pushing the wester neoliberal agenda. Numerous studios being overworked and crashing and going bankrupt. Sub par products being released because of tight deadlines and wages being suppressed while an ever increasing portion of the earnings is funneled through production committes (which companies like Netflix and Crunchyroll often sit at. In the case of crunchyroll, it's actually a form of charity fraud because they claim to be giving back to animators).

>> No.20377467

I think mostly we need a trustworthy studio and a competent director. Sunrise and Manabu Ono would be ideal since they've already proven themselves, of course, but I'm sure there are other teams that are capable enough as well. The nightmare would be having a crowdfunding event with a notoriously shitty or unknown studio + director since I'd have to fund it anyway.

>> No.20377474

Nothing of that is exclusive to (((anglo))) though. Square is notorious for insane deadlines in general for example.

>> No.20377486

While I meant that as a joke, yes, the problem is very much real. You cannot, however, fully blame the jews(as much of a problem they are), as the Japanese have such a regressive mindset regarding work culture that it infects every office-based industry on that island to life-threatening degrees. Their inability and reluctance to change at a reasonable pace will be their downfall. It's a multi-layered problem with no easy solution, I think.
I can't claim to be too knowledgeable about production committees, but all I know is that they're literally a shit. That said, I only know a little bit about CR and if my knowledge of Crunchyshit from 4 years ago still holds true, then they only gives back a certain portion of membership fees while they keep all the ad revenue for themselves.

>> No.20377555

In danger of going off on a tangent. What do you know about CR's split deal and do you have any credible sources/people you can refer me to?
I've come to know a quite a bit about production committees, but my knowledge on the internal workings of CR are still lacking. All I know is that they're in effect laundering money (members pay to crunchyroll, which then crunchyroll pays to production commitee, which crunchyroll sits at and thus recovers some of the money they "pay" to animators).

>> No.20377592

Where do I pre-order me that special edition BD Box, and do they deliver outside Asia?

>> No.20377602

Depends on where you get it.

>> No.20377608

Amazon jp does international delivery for a reasonable price. They even have an English site.

>> No.20377678

Apologies, but that was just stuff I remember looking up stuff a long-ass time ago, and I couldn't for the life for me remember where or even say with 100% certainty if the way I worded their business practice regarding fees and ad revenue was actually how they did it. The only thing I remember clearly was that CR was literally just Tazmo for anime before 'going legit'.

>> No.20377900
File: 408 KB, 1536x2048, Dt0N6FmV4AI5jCM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akiba station

>> No.20378137

Got it, no rush.

>> No.20378882

Hybernation has begun until summaries comes out.

>> No.20378952

Are they pregnant?

>> No.20378968

You can always try asking me for specifics relating to certain illustrations.

>> No.20379109

Is there any detail about what happened to Nobunaga and destiny?

>> No.20379125

Then I second >>20378952

>> No.20379132

I'm sure there are, but without knowing roughly where in the book I'm looking for that information it could take me a long time to find it.

>> No.20379301

Thanks for the pics Bitches!
Can't believe its the final volume..

>> No.20379431

Doesn't look like it.
From what I've gathered the chapter is about transferring Toori from the shrine he is currently associated with to the Asama shrine and there's a possibility to kinda level him up during that process that requires some recognition of him as a "person" that can't be done because his father isn't around.
I don't think I've reached the point of the illustration, yet, but probably they thought of another way he could gain that recognition.

>> No.20380618
File: 269 KB, 1252x1817, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think Hexennacht would ever get doujins, but here's some yuri.


>> No.20380687


>> No.20380766


>> No.20380768

Did they actually say what happened to the Aoi father?

>> No.20381192

We've still got a while to go for TL and spoilers, but still, it was nice being aboard this ride with you guys for so long.

>> No.20381385
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>> No.20381387
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>> No.20381396

Add the side novels to it and it might as well be as tall as Shinjou

>> No.20381913 [DELETED] 

Link please

>> No.20382200


>> No.20382348
File: 404 KB, 2048x1535, Dt3SdegUwAAAoP3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20382423

Too bad amazon didn't sell it.

>> No.20382621
File: 222 KB, 800x1131, Dt31ijYU8AAcT_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20382749
File: 240 KB, 1188x890, Dtx9HNgU0AEdj93.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last bonus card is just some lewd Horizon with signatures.

>> No.20382792
File: 469 KB, 1600x1200, Dt3P8HXU0AA5FMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real life?

>> No.20382801

I need a non-ants version of that

>> No.20382807

Better buy and scan it then. The chances are probably next to zero otherwise.

>> No.20382846

I wonder what the supposed 11-C content in the OVA is gonna be. I recall Kawakami saying it will contain stuff from both vol 10 and 11-C.

>> No.20382865

Aren't the previews already out?

>> No.20382938

It's not like previews show everything.

>> No.20383007

He also said it's going to be different because he wrote it before he did 10 and 11.

>> No.20383069
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, Dt5oHHIV4AUbQXm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20383097
File: 105 KB, 1000x562, IMG_20181208_122015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin UCAT car GT render
>the Chad real life Horizonmobile

>> No.20383102

I still cant believe it's over.

>> No.20383216

GT has itasha now?

>> No.20383317

How come Owari only got as far as a Drama CD?

>> No.20383323

It was not yet time for LN adaptations. Haruhi pretty much launched that a year or so later.

>> No.20383343

We're talking about something made more than 15 years ago anon.

>> No.20383376

Eh, Kino's Journey was 2003, and Owari did win a couple awards by 2005 IIRC

>> No.20383438

Yeah but Owari won those when it was over and in no need for promotion.

>> No.20383440
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, Hassan_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Kino that financially successful though? Feels like the trend didn't really take off before Shakugan no Shana and Haruhi sold gangbusters.

>> No.20383491
File: 453 KB, 2048x1152, Dt5ov2BU4AEj0Qb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20383494

Could you clear up just what the Bandai store bonus is?
Is it just an alternative cover or a complete different bonus novel like Animate and Amazon have?

>> No.20383516
File: 786 KB, 2048x1536, DtzwdmTUcAAw630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20383535

I really wish I could scan these.

>> No.20383556

I've also been on the lookout for an auction. I found one but I think it includes only the first 25, and not all 30.

>> No.20383577

I hope that this isn't your room bitches otherwise I'm going to kill you.

>Those figures
>All those daki
>Every volume ever

>> No.20383808

Is it too late to grab this, and should I bother if I don't have any volumes already?

>> No.20383821
File: 434 KB, 1062x1417, 65244238_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering getting in touch with some Chinese printing company and ordering a few copies of the translated volumes. Has anyone done something like this before? Is there any interest in physical versions of the translations?

>> No.20383888

What would be really cool is if someone somehow got in touch with Kawakami to print English volumes in Japan and just sell them directly.

>> No.20383897

The complete box is sold out, the last volume including the box alone is still available.

>> No.20384151

I think the copyright issues involved may make things a bit more complicated than that, sadly. Mostly because Kawakami likely does not own the copyright and if Dengeki had though there was a market for Horizon in English we'd probably have a translation already.

>> No.20384212

Anything to avoid a licensing company taking profits for a subpar TL

>> No.20384465

>Horizon finally gets an official translation
>It's entirely in Renaissance Latin

>> No.20384926

>In English
You know what level you need to translate this? There is a reason why JS06 is the only one able to do the job.

Most companies that works in this just have N3 or at best N2 with lots of N4. None of them can do the job on horizon.

>> No.20384978
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, [Owari-K.P.A. Italia] Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon 05 [BD][0CF978A7].mkv_snapshot_22.49_[2018.12.08_21.48.06].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kawakami, you fucking madman.

>> No.20385007

Js06 is great and far better than we deserve, but I strongly doubt he's the only one on the planet who could ever translate this. Maybe they won't be able to pay their usual English teacher the usual slave-wage to do it, but it's still a Light Novel series, not some old Sumerian stone carvings that need deciphering. The reason they haven't done it yet is because they don't see the market for an English translation. I think they're right.

>> No.20385016

Read Tadakatsu's description and compare it to the anime?

>> No.20385052

It's a reference to >>20376113

The cup reflects the two moons, Tadakatsu put the blue pearl in the middle (the Earth) and one moon disappears and becomes a ring.
When they made the anime they already knew that, it was a "spoiler" all along.

>> No.20385076

Jesus Christ

>> No.20385086

Nothing less form the madman.
And Sunrise I guess, for going along with his insanity.

>> No.20385087

Horizon in the middle of nowhere

>> No.20385141

>They held onto that spoiler for like 7 years

>> No.20385282

It does beat my collection.

>> No.20385309

And that's where you're wrong.

Horizon is super difficult to read and to understand, the inmense amount of complicated stuff makes impossible to translate certain stuff, even simple things like "Marube-ya" can't be translated if it isn't by Js06 knowledge. So yeah this is indeed old Sumerian as you said, even bitches who's at the N3 level can't read everything in these books.

Someone with N1 is expensive and also not everyone will take the time to translate over 25k pages.

>> No.20385514

Please tell me you have some figures and pictures of them.

>> No.20385582
File: 971 KB, 1600x1060, DSC_6976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big thing is really the size of the project and learning to lingo associated with Horizon, with Kawakami's own quirks sprinkled on top.
It's not so much that it's crazy difficult, but rather that you have a solid base to work from and already have experience reading a lot of Japanese (you can't just jump from textbooks to translating a novel because the slowest part would be literally reading the Japanese).

For those who can already read LNs (or even translate at a reasonable level) it wouldn't be that difficult to start translating Horizon, after getting up to speed on the lingo. Preferably you would read a decent amount in the original Japanese first before starting translation so you'd have good grasp of the commonly used unusual words. The problem is more the scale of the project.

The most recent photo I have is five years old and doesn't show the two figures I have. Of course I have all the novel volumes and almost everything there is still in my home country.

>> No.20385631
File: 44 KB, 640x478, manoftaste2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhh a Natefag, good taste my friend.

>> No.20385637

What are those CDs at the bottom right?

>> No.20385687

I don't know what CDs you're talking about.

>> No.20385692

Drama CDs and Chara Songs

i think some of them are BD exclusive

>> No.20385739
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Ah thanks.

>> No.20386330

The new Dengeki magazine comes out on Monday, maybe it will have some new info.
But then again, by the time the digital release is out we'll probably have the BDs already.

>> No.20386900

Was Asama being half-god ever relevant?

>> No.20387414


>> No.20387951

Of course it has, have you not seen those buns?

>> No.20388762

This is beautiful.

>> No.20388942

No biggie.

>> No.20388954


>> No.20388969

Mating press this foxmama and her doggodaughter!

>> No.20388972

Thanks for the dump anon.

>> No.20388977

That's quite dedicated autism.

>> No.20388987

Look for a proxy.

>> No.20390176


>> No.20390459


>> No.20390501

Way too early, and nice OP for everyone who cares about spoilers. Really good job.

>> No.20391193 [DELETED] 

Please keep crying fag.

>> No.20391212 [DELETED] 

Go back to AS kid, oh wait! ur banned LMAO.

>> No.20391223

Back in the day, being a snitch was a shameful thing, you know.
