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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87.00 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
203534 No.203534 [Reply] [Original]

what's in your collection?

>> No.203539


>> No.203544


>> No.203546

I have that DearS figure. Mine smiles.

>> No.203548


>> No.203551


I have a few posters in my room (well, more like 5*7 A4 pages), asides from that no visible power level

>> No.203570
File: 42.00 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203595

so, are those dolls like your friends?

>> No.203614
File: 49 KB, 625x476, Fozzie_Bear025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no silly, dolls aren't friends...
the little man who lives in my finger is!

>> No.203624

I miss Room Guy.

>> No.203629

let's see...
Kinomoto Sakura
Hello Kitty

>> No.203719
File: 258 KB, 1008x1066, DSC02889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, smiles. I haven't had time to take all of my figures out of their boxes since I moved here. I'll take a pic of her out later, when I get back.

>> No.203749

Girl detected

>> No.203783

oh shit i want!
ding ding ding ding ding! tell him what he's won johnny!

>> No.203833

where did you get it? i can't seem to find one anywhere...

>> No.203883

I read that it was sold only in the store, but I was able to buy on off of ebay.

>> No.203895

sage for png

>> No.203940

5 figs, including that Saber over there.

>> No.203954
File: 15.00 MB, 1200x1600, CIMG0541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always awesome to find a gem on ebay, i've had some horrible experience with ebay and bootleg figures, one of my first figures i bought off ebay and it was a bootleg but i was able to sell her.

>> No.203968

which saber i've got 3 sabers in that first pic

Good smile company holiday saber
Alter Swimsuit Saber
and Kotobukiya Saber

>> No.203972

99% sure that you're a lesbian. That, or a guy.

>> No.203977

tits plz

>> No.203983

nah, got a boyfriend he's into gundam models so we tend to argue over which is better figures or models.

i do like both but i prefer a stable pvc over joints any day of the week

>> No.203998

Why would a straight girl collect figures of half-naked/fully naked girls? Unless...Ondore? You found /jp/?

>> No.204012
File: 122 KB, 1078x947, 6typesoffangirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 6th would do that

>> No.204022

I'd probably hit number 2.

>> No.204025

i didn't start collecting them for the naked girl factor but for the favorite character factor. my first few figures were male bleach figures when i was a bleach-o-tard. >_<
then it progressed to Card Captor Sakura figures and Haruhi figures, then to figures with awesome character designs, then pretty figures that just happen to be cast off. I don't get a figure unless i love the character design or unless i love the character. I would prefer if the big 5; Megahouse, Kotobukiya, Max Factory, GSC, or Alter made more male figures but i'll settle for some of my favorite bishoujos until they realize that females also collect figures as well and start to make more bishonens

>> No.204032


Every point in this post is a lie. It must be.


>> No.204050

I kind of like the sixth type. Apparently there are plenty of them on /u/ and /c/.

>> No.204073

yeah, we need kaiji figures

>> No.204088
File: 44 KB, 500x600, 1205439621024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, female anon, how would you react if someone called you anon-tan?
What do you think about the anon-tan concept?
And, how is your selfsteem? do you consider yourself to be 3d pig disgusting?

Sorry for unrelated to figs, but I can't let go a research chance for AND.

I have a few figures myself, nothing too big or notable. I get what I can get my hands on without actively importing.

>> No.204094

How do YOU feel when someone calls you anon-kun?
Yeah, just like that.

>> No.204100
File: 73 KB, 392x235, 1205439802588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't count, I can't rage. I would probably just laugh it off...
damn nice day threads, they've left me a broken man.

>> No.204108

i don't consider myself to be disgusting. i'm not fat but not super anorexic skinny. i'm normal.
i do however like that design there, and anon-tan is cute

>> No.204116

ok then, agree or disagree with the following statement:
"Listen, don't call me anon-tan. I'm real, and have flaws like you do. You don't really want me, you just want what I represent"

>> No.204128


>> No.204136
File: 55 KB, 314x296, 1205440574150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a really impressive collection, you must be proud of it. Sorry for bothering you, have a great day.

>> No.204144


Sage for tripfaggot who thinks it's cool to use avatars on a goddamned image board.

>> No.204151
File: 89 KB, 750x750, unlimited facepalm works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... you must be new here

>> No.204153
File: 76 KB, 600x800, gscalicia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no problem
and thanks i <3 my collection and i'm quite proud of it

back on topic of figures, i'm on the quest for the GSC alicia. I found one seller on ebay but he's a jerk so i don't want to buy from him because i can't verify if it's a legitimate figure or not. anyone have any ideas of where i can find this lovely undine

>> No.204166


I guess so. In my dimension, tripfags are hated for being attention whores.

>> No.204184

ITT:We feed the troll.

Your dimension sucks.

>> No.204191

That bin of muppets crammed in the corner. watching you with soulless eyes doesn't bug you?

>> No.204292

Can you post that background please? It's pretty cool.

>> No.204302

>i didn't start collecting them for the naked girl factor but for the favorite character factor

Bullshit, I see that Fauna figure. No straight girl would watch/play that shit.

>> No.204383

bump for background.

>> No.204419
File: 221 KB, 1944x2592, P200208_14.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.204433

how the hell does that thingstand up?

>> No.204436

It has legs

>> No.204451

>Why would a straight girl collect figures of half-naked/fully naked girls?

Why do straight girls plaster their rooms with Abercrombie & Fitch posters of seductively clothed posing women?

It's no different, except one is nerdy and the other is slutty.

>> No.204470

But wouldn't it tip over because of the xbox hueg sword?

>> No.204471

>Why do straight girls plaster their rooms with Abercrombie & Fitch

They don't.

Sounds like your sister may be a lesbian, Anon.

>> No.204481

>>204025 then pretty figures that just happen to be cast off.

>> No.204495
File: 135 KB, 2000x1164, diebusterwall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.204505

God, I wish. I wouldn't have to worry about her getting knocked up at 14.

>> No.204523

she's the first figure i ever got from a series/game that i had never played. i did however see the hentai after i got her. but i mainly bought fauna cause she was so cute and i never owned a full castoff figure and as a figure collector i felt that if i was going to have a full cast off figure it might as well be fauna. with clothes on she doesn't look slutty or overtly sexual, she looks cute and innocent

>> No.204530

the awesome thing about being a woman is that we can admire the female body without being lesbians. we understand the anatomy and it's more of going, "man i wish i look like her" instead of "damn she's fine"

>> No.204544

and the fact that the female body is more attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.204548

Have a look that is marketable in Japan? Be skinny as hell and look kind of white and kind of asian. Idk it worked for me.

>> No.204562

>"man i wish i look like her"

I'm a guy, but I think like this too.

Is that weird?


>> No.204572


I would actually buy these.

Are there any akagi figurines?

>> No.204574
File: 23 KB, 600x450, max04094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up, mail.

>> No.204590
File: 343 KB, 1024x768, soukobeya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive, OP.

But how is your Eroge collection?

>> No.204595

well after much drama with my boyfriend moving in with my best friend and her boyfriend and then being kicked out afterwards i am left atm with only one honest friend.
she understands my collection and she understands that it's not about tits and ass, for me it's about collecting pretty things. my mom collects Lladro figurines, my dad collects model trains and planes, my friend collects guitars and fish. so it's no different to her in her mind. i also know that when i start to ramble about figures that if she starts to look bored to shut up cause she really doesn't care...

>> No.204603

Why was he kicked out?

>> No.204610

Nice Makoto PVC, got mine a few days ago too!

>> No.204623

i'm going to get him soon, i'm all for badass male figures. but then i have soooo many fsn figures i kinda want to stay away as well
wow thats a lot of eroge, i have played a couple but not many. i would like to play more actually but mainly for the story.

>> No.204654

>but then i have soooo many fsn figures i kinda want to stay away as well

I know exactly how you feel. I only have 12 figures, but about 7 of them are Seiba. She's too damn moe, I can't resist buying any Seiba figures I find.

>> No.204663

we had an argument about the a/c, it was 120 degrees inside during august and they didn't let us turn on the a/c. we were also under the impression hat it was broken so we had a few fans on during that month. when the electricity bill came in for $80 they were pissed claiming that it was way to high mind you this is a three bedroom/two bath house). when the next month when it cooled down to about 70-80 a month and the bill went to $50 they said we turned on the a/c and racked up the bill.

they then said it was all our fault and wanted us to pay the entire bill for that month. but they had countless parties that month and had an older fridge that racked up the bill as well. after lots of yelling and screaming we were kicked out.

did this yesterday with my makoto, http://dancingqueendq.wordpress.com/2008/03/12/makoto-through-the-flowers/

>> No.204671

have you played anon's nice day?

>> No.204679

spoiler: it's a guy

>> No.204694

never heard of it

>> No.204718
File: 181 KB, 1062x713, room3042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.204731

giant ass computers, sucky monitors...

>> No.204761


Right now we're working on expanding the story, adding CG and character art.

>> No.204791

Thank you!

>> No.204809

no problem, got /w/ to vector it for me after i noticed there was only one version of it and it was small and shitty

>> No.205294


God! I love that printer!... Expensive but Wise choice Sir... Now I do suggest you modify it and install CIS in there to save Ink Cost...

Oh! and don't listen to >>204731

You got one hell of a set-up there Sir... but I really do suggest you switch to LCD's since they consume less electricity...

>> No.205421
File: 3.00 MB, 2136x2848, DSCF1064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont mind me, i just like taking pictures

>> No.205452
File: 5.00 MB, 2848x2136, DSCF1084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute figures i couldnt resist buying

>> No.205458
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>> No.205465
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>> No.205477


Where did you get your touhous?

>> No.205499
File: 185 KB, 1024x768, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine I saved it for the lulz.

>> No.205535


>> No.205540
File: 24.00 MB, 2848x2136, DSCF1070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the touhous on amiami

>> No.205571

figuregirl, where do you go to buy your figures?

>> No.205644

This thread is so full of weeaboo fail it's astonishi-...
Woah....is that Shana?

>> No.205724

i like to think i have good taste in figures

>> No.205737

You don't even know what Weeaboo means.

>> No.206217

did we ever get a link for this?

I:d love to see more of the guy:s room.

also, anyone here having problems with their Japanese IME2002 input recognizing your keyboard as if it:s a Japanese one? I can:t type symbols properly now, while in Japanese language bar mode. I:ve never had this problem )been using it for 2 years now till last week.

>> No.206263

HLJ mostly but sometimes i do find some awesome ones at local anime stores but it's mostly HLJ for me. I stay away from ebay since i have had my far share of bootlegs and doin't like to deal with them much.

>> No.206416
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>> No.206424
File: 56 KB, 596x500, HOB-FIG-8520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Horo fig? DO WANT!

>> No.206458
File: 56 KB, 687x990, 10068846a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not another Kanuu fig

>> No.206474

OP should be changed to "ask me about being a girl with a /fig/ collection"

>> No.206761

i read from anon that HLJ's delivery/shipping can be too long... is that true?

>> No.206808

Depends on if you choose EMS or SAL etc. I choose SAL to save on costs. The last fig took a couple of weeks from what I recall to the UK.

>> No.206836

There are way too many Ikkitousen figures.

>> No.207013

chooose EMS and you'll get it in like 3 days 5 tops. choose sal and you'll get it in like 2 weeks. for figures i always get EMS for artbooks, plushies and such i use sal since i don't need it asap.

>> No.207088

I am thinking about buying a figure, just maybe 2 or 3 tops. Should I not even bother, because I may end up like all of the fig collectors and collect 40 of them and then be doomed if anyone sees my room?

>> No.207121

if you're going to buy one, you might as well go all-out and buy 100 of them.

>> No.207415


Stop fooling yourself. No one is going to see your room. You might aswell fill it up with figures.

>> No.207456
File: 36.00 MB, 3008x2000, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collection threads? I love these!

>> No.207492


Doomed? What are they going to crush your fragile pride or something?

>> No.207541


Which is safer?

>> No.207569


They're both good. One is more expensive and faster, the other cheaper and a little bit more time. Depends on how badly you want them.

>> No.207568

EMS comes with a tracking number Sal does and EMS is also insured so EMS is defiantly the way to go with figures since they also tend to be expensive...

>> No.207575

EMs comes with a tracking number and insurance, sal doesn't. my local post office is horrible at getting packages in on time and they are awesome at loosing packages. so with expensive figures i tend to go with EMS

>> No.207582



In fact why don't people always go EMS? The price difference is marginal compared to the total cost of whatever you're buying and indeed how costly this hobby is. It also means that you never have to worry about being out of pocket on a missing item if it's insured, it's good practice to always make sure that both the seller has credability (online store or not) and that the shipping method has accountability. I have been shopping online got a good 5 years and nothing has ever gone wrong for me due to these practices.

>> No.207803

Thanks all.

EMs it is then.

I don't mind getting stuff slow. But too long and without any tracking method might make me paranoid.

>> No.207834

wow! you guys got awesome rooms! i keep all my anime/manga/weeaboo things in boxes and plastic storeage tubs because i smoke in my apartment. anyways, i couldn't afford things like this because i'm poor.

>> No.207842

damn! that DDR board is cracked and broken. maybe it's time to loose some weight you fat ass

>> No.207887

maybe he broke and cracked the DDR board while trying to lose some weight?

>> No.207894

you are poor.. and you can afford smoking?

>> No.207959

This is truth. The female body is like a piece of art, but guys are misunderstood when we admire them strongly, and get labeled as perverts.

>> No.207964

Anon became poor because of smoking.

>> No.207986


Not cracked. The plastic cover is just shredded.

>> No.208601

Quoted for the truth.

>> No.208687

requesting sauce on the bottom right corner figurine carrying the lance

>> No.208729


Angela from Princess Waltz

>> No.208824
File: 610 KB, 960x1280, DSC01509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I collect Japanese musical instruments, art, and antiques, so I guess I wouldn't fit in here. But at least I'm not spending thousands on bits of plastic...

>> No.208845


Instead, you're spending thousands on bits of wood. Your point?

>> No.208846

Brown-orange SG is pig disgusting.

>> No.208883


It has value, like any handcrafted instrument. Same with antique paintings and books. Try selling your treasured anime figures and see how much you get back on your investment...

>> No.208889

i like it instead.

>> No.208895

Are you kidding? Natural burst looks delicious and caramelized. Everyone has the cherry version.

>> No.208903

Most people like the natural burst, mainly because it's somewhat original and looks awesome.

>>208846 is just a butthurt figure collecting troll.

>> No.208969
File: 737 KB, 1600x1200, CA390015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.208972

awsome, I was looking to fill my "people who will never have sex" folder some more

>> No.208993
File: 48.00 MB, 2816x2112, S6300167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ooh add me too!

>> No.209296

Wow, this thread is still alive.

It's Kotobukiya one.

Sage because no one cares about this post.

>> No.209479
File: 231 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_5277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting loli ass in /fig/ thread.

>> No.209610
File: 589 KB, 1600x1200, IMAG0345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer plushies to figures.

>> No.209639


Thats odd, every fig I've bought from HLJ using SAL only took a week to get to the UK

>> No.209644


wow they look fucking bad, i'd kill for a good scale fig of sei or yoshino

>> No.209704

awesome ryuk!

>> No.209803

yeah he's pretty fucking badass

>> No.209818

well i did ask "what's in your collection" and this is /jp/ so that works in this thread i guess

>> No.210704

Well I can't really remember since I have not ordered from hlj for quite some time. May have been shorter. Anyhow I have a Azone doll heading my way which was sent off on the 11th. Will see how long it takes using SAL. Wondering if I should have used EMS now. It's £5 difference on this item. I did not realise SAL is uninsured. I just thought it was slower. Will bear that in mind next time.

>> No.211254
File: 606 KB, 1280x960, PICT2237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this today, not very expensive and it's 1/10 scale but it looks good. Also, her chest i made of "feels so good" material.

>> No.211269

Sadly it lacks the nipples.

>> No.211361
File: 700 KB, 1280x960, 1205527049288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my only figures so far.

>> No.211366

What's up with the AK?

>> No.211378

Dunno, it's supposed to be a toy gun. Don't remember seeing it in the series though.

>> No.211379


it appears in episode 1

>> No.211380



>> No.211417

Buying antiques as an "investment" is laughable at best. If you like them for sentimental value, that's fine and everything.

But considering how much more antiques cost in general and the fickleness of the appreciation rates of them, you're probably looking at a 99% chance of them becoming worthless over the long run.

>> No.211435

...yeah I couldn't finish the first episode. It looked like a 4th gen bootleg from the early 90's.

>> No.211773
File: 190 KB, 1000x667, 1205531024391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where did you buy that OP-flag?
in b4: sage for me being a shounenfag
Some of my shitty collection.

>> No.211777

sage for shounenfag

>> No.212899
File: 158 KB, 800x690, 1205542236519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had more room....

>> No.212907
File: 344 KB, 1296x972, 1205542299210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I had more room....

>> No.213466
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, 1205547179744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't moved my bedroom furniture to this house yet, so they stay in boxes for the moment.

My phone's camera is awful.

>> No.215001

absolutely adore your 1/1 midori it's this one if i'm correct right? http://www.hlj.com/product/CMS65014
i am now on the look out for her as well as GSC 1/8 Alicia!

>> No.215040

Wow, this thread is still around. Amazing.

>> No.215766

lol i remember that blurb on the box... "SO SOFT! FEELS SO GOOD!" and then there's a pic of the boobs getting felt up by fingers.

>> No.215773

how soft are the boobs? I didn't get it cause I'm afraid it might crack and break on me. Weather here is quite dry and hot.

>> No.215788

i'm not the anon who posted the pic. yeah, that's the same 1:1 Midori.

I have it too. Wished I could find the happy face one instead of the worried face one.

>> No.215791

Holy shit. Where did you get that Miku Hatsune pillow cover?

>> No.216502

not same guy but I saw one in a store in Akiba a few weeks ago
