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2029617 No.2029617 [Reply] [Original]

Remind me who the gods or goddesses of the Hakurei Shrine are? Is it really a Shinto shrine? It doesn't seem very much like it.

Or is it really nothing more than a fake, a front for the Hakurei Border?

>> No.2029638
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Guess who?

>> No.2029645

>Or is it really nothing more than a fake, a front for the Hakurei Border?

Pretty much. But she still tries to be a good Shrine Maiden.

>> No.2029655

The Hakurei Shrine is a godless, run-down, penniless shanty on the literal eastern Border of Gensokyo, existing both Outside and within.
Demons and youkai frequent it more than humans or gods do.

>> No.2029668

In other words it's a scam shrine.

>> No.2029671


>> No.2029677
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>> No.2029676

Reimu is the goddess of her own shrine.

>> No.2029767

Reimu is a heretic.

>> No.2029778

Is there such a thing as a "heretic" to Shintoism?

>> No.2029785

What? I thought it actually had a god and Reimu was trying to resurrect it, but then again, I'm practically asleep

>> No.2029803


Because "Hakurei Shrine" sounds a lot like "Yuyuko", right?

>> No.2029823


Because "Hakurei Shrine" sounds a lot like "Yuyuko", right?

And even that only lasted for a little while, before she realized that she was actually trying to resurrect her own body.

>> No.2029828

Mima may or may not be around anymore. While not a goddess, as a ghost that was never alive she fits some definitions of kami. That is, if she still exists.
Also, Konngara is probably still in the basement.

>> No.2029830
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You heretic!

>> No.2029833

Mima was last trying to revive herself back in Story of Eastern Wonderland (or at least that was when she talked about it the most). That's what you're thinking of.

>> No.2029844
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dunno, but having Mima and Suika in a shrine doesn't guarantee its purity.

>> No.2029845


>> No.2029875

Sound like something I would have made a confusion of, so this must be right, thanks

>> No.2029882
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What are you talking about? Suika's probably the most pure of them all. Even compared to the turtle.

>> No.2029889

Genji was turned into stew, so Suika is the most fairest of them all.

>> No.2029911

More like 70% pure alcohol, lol.

Seriously though, she's an Oni, they're not known for their chaste, demure lifestyles. It's less likely that she HASN'T had a drunken one-night-stand at some point.

>> No.2029912

Ok, so who's Shingyoku

>> No.2029915

Fuck, poor Genji

>> No.2029919

There's nothing disgusting or impure about sex.

She's pure because she's not a liar like all the other Touhous.

>> No.2029924

Mima is the evil god of Hakurei Shrine.

Zun agreed, don't ask him about it.

>> No.2029944
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There is only one man in Suika's life, and his name is Jack Daniel.
But since it's Touhou, men are not necessarily involved.

>> No.2029954

I think it's one of two things:

The Hakurei god is really, really fucking powerful and doesn't deal with the day to day running of Gensokyo, while I can't recall where it's been alluded that one of the dragons is the Hakurei god.


It's a shrine with no particular dedication but rather respects all gods in Gensokyo equally, this makes sense as Reimu learns to summon the power of Sumoyoshi in SSiB. So Reimu is like a freelance Priestess.

>> No.2029956


>> No.2029959

Suika would drink Jameson.


>> No.2029965

Who was that again?

>> No.2029968
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>> No.2029977


She probably would go for the high class of JOHNNY WALKER BLUE LABEL.

At any rate, all three of them are guys regardless.

>> No.2029976

The three part god that helped make the rocket reach the moon, it's not been given it's own avatar. Which is what I think Reimu's ability as a Miko is, assuming I've understood the concept of Shinto correctly, she acts as the earthly medium for divine spirits with no form of their own.

So where as Reimu can work with any disembodied god, Sanae can only draw on Suwako or Kanko but with greater effect.

Or something.

>> No.2029978
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It's safe to say she's been having affairs with Johnnie Walker, Masamune, and a very strange Irish bird. So can't see why not.

>> No.2029981


Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream - 夢時空.TXT

★ 久遠の夢に運命を任せる精神  ・・・ 魅魔




>> No.2029991

Yeah, it's not like ZUN will ever clear that up

>> No.2029995

>she is looking forward to more upcoming events.
Like in TH12, hell yeah

>> No.2030003


>> No.2030009

It will happen, bro, it WILL happen

>> No.2030023
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We bros got to stick together!

>> No.2030027

How to bring Mima back:

-Bribe ZUN
-Learn to program and make a patch for SWR.

>> No.2030045

>Bribe ZUN
with beer, right

>> No.2030094

Sounds good to me

>> No.2030111



I lack the money and skill for the other 2. Don't worry, he brought Yuka and Alice back post-transition, so maybe eventually...

>> No.2030131
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Virtually killing Alice's mother as far as continuity is concerned and making Yuka homeless (and gateguard-less).

>> No.2030138


So... what would Mima lose?

The ghost tail, and be stuck with legs?

The notion that she ever had any interaction with Marisa before?

>> No.2030161

She already had feet in PC98.

>> No.2030176

Maybe the astrology theme? Marisa has that all to herself now, although seeing them team up would make me cream my shorts.

Picture it, Marisa and Mima together once more!


>> No.2030190
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Also, pleasant conversation, walking slowly, and tea.

>> No.2030192

I seem to remember that some shrines don't have any gods in particular, but may honor certain youkai or other nature spirits. The Hakurei shrine may just be there for general purpose in this regard.

I always thought, though, that the purpose of the Hakurei Shrine was to serve as a linchpin for the Hakurei Border, or at least has something to do with those forces that hold it in place.

Whether or not it is still a useful shrine in this light is debatable, however, since the border is pretty damn well indestructible (save a few gaps here and there).

>> No.2030219

Yukari is actually the shrine goddess of the Hakurei Shrine.

This is why Reimu seems to have become her favorite plaything.

>> No.2030221


There is a god, it's just unnamed.

>> No.2030231


>> No.2030234

Yuka isn't homeless she just spends a lot of time in the garden of the sun

>> No.2030239


Touhou 14:
The Goddess of the srhine decides it's time to remake Gensokyo and Reimu will be stage 5 boss.

>> No.2030247

It's a god

>> No.2030248

You know? This might actually be the god

>> No.2030252

No male characters in Touhou games.

>> No.2030257

Kourin, Youmu's father, Marisa's Father, all the guys in the human village, etc

>> No.2030259

>No male characters in Touhou games.
Read again

>> No.2030262


>> No.2030266

Well, he said male alright

>> No.2030267
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Males. Lots of them.
Shiki has the lewdest background.

>> No.2030268

Yeah ok, but still, Genji

>> No.2030270

I don't get it

>> No.2030272
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The Moriya Shrine. Why believe in less?

>> No.2030282

No playable or as bosses anyway, story wise; there are males.

>> No.2030297

Don't worry.
That just means you suck.

>> No.2030333

Genji was playable.

Infact, he was who you were controlling in all pc-98 games.

Of course, the shoot button controlled reimu, but the d-pad controlled Genji.

>> No.2030415

Last boss of TH13, where Reimu accidentally awakens the Hakurei god

>> No.2030527


Faith in the Moriya Shrine?

But that's for the transient people!

>> No.2030533

That was before they kicked common sense out of the window.

>> No.2030547

>Genji was playable.
>Infact, he was who you were controlling in all pc-98 games.
>Of course, the shoot button controlled reimu, but the d-pad controlled Genji.


>> No.2030692

Who didn't know that, fuck
