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File: 1.12 MB, 2048x3072, Dq2FRPRUwAA5tEz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20173724 No.20173724 [Reply] [Original]

I hope your girls didn't get tummy aches from eating too much candy last night.

Old, out of date FAQ: dollfaq.buyfags.moe

Previous thread: >>19984595

>> No.20174613
File: 1.10 MB, 1296x864, IMG_7716e 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to do a spoopy little photoshoot for Halloween, but it was sunny and in the 70's, so Usagi and I wound up doing something cuter.

Anyone have a good idea of what to name her stuffed bunny?

>> No.20174621
File: 1.03 MB, 824x1254, IMG_7689e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point her hat nearly blew off!

>> No.20174626
File: 1.09 MB, 864x1296, IMG_7694e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully it didn't get too far.

>> No.20174633
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Last one, just a little portrait.

>> No.20175357
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>> No.20176027

So cute!

So spook!

>> No.20176102
File: 248 KB, 750x1000, DSC00920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I still like the wig I have on my karin. It makes her look kind of weird when she isn't alone.
Also, arms are hard to pose.

>> No.20176115
File: 218 KB, 750x1000, DSC00908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it always likes to part in a weird place.

>> No.20176200

Some girls go through a few wigs until they find there look. One of mine went through 4 wigs.

>> No.20177542
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 5EC3E1AF-FCC4-46EA-B2B6-B7D75008E9E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD x SD wife in coexistence

>> No.20177545

fuck mobile site

>> No.20179050
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>> No.20179083
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>> No.20179576

So many accessories !

>> No.20179685

i know that knife, it's good shit

>> No.20180481

Miku looks so fucking ugly compared to the other doll

>> No.20180529

Really? I think Miku is one of the best looking default heads/faceups while the only SD that doesn't look ayy lamo as fuck is Kanata.

>> No.20181434

>Free Flickr accounts slashed to 1,000 pictures; the rest will be deleted
RIP cute pictures

>> No.20181979
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x940, Dq2LBYSVsAAlR_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photos of 2B are starting to show up.

>> No.20182097

Holy fuck my wallet is so happy she is not smiling. Because she is cute as fuck and if she was smiling I would but the fuck out of her!

>> No.20182148
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x3000, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got thing from Volks.

>> No.20182151
File: 1.36 MB, 2000x3000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20182449


Ahhh poop I kinda wanted those, but congrats on your buy. Tell me are her tails fluffy?

>> No.20182482

They are very fluffy. I just wish Volks came up with a better way to keep them in place than an elastic cord since that limits the number of outfits they can be used with by a lot.

>> No.20182750

i really cant stand volks's girafe neck, nice fluffy ears tho

>> No.20182781

Very pretty.

>> No.20182848
File: 1.11 MB, 2074x2765, P1010561 resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, it's been several years at least since I've last been here, and it's very refreshing to see that doll threads are still being made.

While I didn't do anything spoopy with any of my girls this year I have recently begun interacting with them again after a very long period of depression. This particular picture was the first time I've changed Cirno's outfit in more than a year or so.

>> No.20183087
File: 1.35 MB, 2420x3226, P1010599 resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a long while now, I've sought out a darker skinned doll, which is surprisingly hard to find. Most doll makers like Volks, who my previous four girls have been from, only seem to have at most like a very dark tan.
I eventually decided to look at SmartDoll, since I remember them being an up-and-comer back in the early 2010's and earlier. I was quite surprised at their selection of dolls, and their variety of colors and how their internals function like that of Volks' DD's
After mulling over it for a while I decided last month to buy one. I've named her Petra

>> No.20183093
File: 1.62 MB, 2420x3226, P1010600 resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20183135
File: 524 KB, 1308x1466, miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I get sexy DD lingerie?

>> No.20183173

Try looking around on Etsy.

>> No.20183345
File: 460 KB, 250x250, heck yeah!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just won yahoo auction with my first girl, after half or two whole years of trying (depends of how you look at it).
I already know fair account of techniques how to take care of your doll, but I still feel kind of unconfident and afraid I will mess something up...
What are some of not-that-obvious things and beginner mistakes you should consider when taking care of a doll?

>> No.20183558

Who's the prized girl?

>> No.20183830
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Pray tell who/what you got~

As for tips, I would say make sure and keep most of the bags and packaging that you receive when you get your doll and clothes. It's easy to toss the various plastics and packaging away, but I've found that keeping it helps to keep it organized and preserved, especially the frames and nets from the wigs that you get.

ehh, maybe I'm just anal though, but I think it's helpful.

Another thing: I'm not sure about other companies dolls, since for the longest time I've only owned Volks (SD16 and MDD) and now a really new SmartDoll, but when I first started out, I was extremely delicate with my girl, and later girls. As time went on though, I found I was being far too delicate and I could be more free with handling them because they are actually quite sturdy and somewhat rugged. It's okay to pose and change them often. Move them around. If something slips, take a deep breath, overcome that jolt of anxiety, and look at what actually happened. Most of the time it will have been nothing and it's just an over-reaction on your part.

Well anyways, that's just from my experience

>> No.20183836

shit, sorry about skewed picture and no name >_<

>> No.20184460


Cirno looks good like that, also I really like your SmD! I have decided to get one of those dark skinned girls when the plastic cortex one is released, or if it doesn’t save a ton I will just get the vinyl one.

>> No.20184633
File: 78 KB, 570x570, dd03_pic05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! This adorable young lady!!

>> No.20184657

looks good.
How much did you get her for ?

>> No.20184669

a lot. ;_;

>> No.20184685

>a lot. ;_;
so i would say around 200k yens ?

>> No.20184690

if she really was too much to the point of being embarrassing, might I suggest in instead watching the limited models that Volks releases a few times a year? Half of the time they're also lotteries but don't come at inflated prices

>> No.20184722
File: 1.69 MB, 2420x3226, P2070506 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My experience with volks' doll lotteries is very forgiving. Three of my four girls were collected through the limited lotteries over a course of 4-5 years.

Not to dissuade you from getting exactly the girl you want that is, but it's something to consider

>> No.20184726

It was half of >>20184685 so not really that awful, but my poorfag wallet and Scrooge McDuck like tendencies will need some long time to recover from this trauma.

>> No.20184766
File: 3.40 MB, 4288x3216, Cirno (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my, I hope you're able to enjoy yourself thoroughly until that time then!

(I'm just posting old pictures for filler)

>> No.20184782

Dam! She is truly one of the cutest sculpts! You did good I love her! Make sure you take care of her and buy too many new outfits for her!

>> No.20184868

Looks cute but the eyes are soulless

good thing or i'd have pre ordered by now

>> No.20184920
File: 207 KB, 960x1280, CXyt3iHUEAEWHYZ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will do my best!

>> No.20184974

Ohhhhhh! Is that her? Cuuuuuute~

>> No.20185022
File: 532 KB, 2432x1824, 6fEghおはよー 朝ごはん♪.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I think owner might changed her original wing thought...

>> No.20185028


>> No.20185110

Also there's Coolcat and obviously YJA.

>> No.20185143

are both of these pictures from the auctioneer? If so, that looks like the original wig to me. I really like the side tie hairstyle though <3

>> No.20185215
File: 146 KB, 640x427, 17095266669_edbd4ff3cb_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I got these photos from someone on twitter.
My girl is new/unopened.

>> No.20185432

i hope you buy her tons of custom parts

>> No.20185516
File: 85 KB, 956x1280, photo_2018-06-06_20-16-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some of not-that-obvious things and beginner mistakes you should consider when taking care of a doll?
Don't trust Volks clothesy even if they are made for DDs, they will stain your doll.
I bough some black clothes and only wanted to try them on my doll before I destain them but they immediately stained my doll.
Had them to wash with vinegar multiple times until they stopped staining.
Normally it's enough to change the clothes every few days before they can start staining. Also moving the doll helps against steins because the skin isn't always touching the same parts of the clothes for a long time.

>> No.20185549

Don't beat up your dolls anon. That's domestic abuse!

>> No.20185753

Holy shit! I've yet to have that problem, even with my dark shit! Not to say it won't happen but make sure you either guard your dolls with undergarments or wash the potentially offending clothing to help prevent such a disaster!

If something like that has already happened, I've read it's helpful to have a "magic eraser" style sponge ready.

>> No.20186925 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 1078x1802, IMG_20181102_191425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that dolls are for sexualizing

>> No.20186961

But I wanna sexualize YOU, anon.

>> No.20187657

die homo

>> No.20187678

Oh, I just assumed you were a guy, my bad.

>> No.20187493

Big tits look so bad on doll bodies

>> No.20188232

Thanks anons

>> No.20189750

i don't own any dolls, but be careful with magic erasers (also known as melamine foam), they're pretty much super-fine sandpaper.

>> No.20190088
File: 1.69 MB, 2420x3226, P1010603 resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My three oldest dolls

>> No.20190321

Why is it so hard to find tanned dolls ?

>> No.20190422

because their vinyl skin is not affected by sun, bakaaa

>> No.20190464

that made me laugh.
Seriously though, it seems it's because of the demographics and beauty standards of the typical doll makers. Where are the most prominent doll makers located? In Eastern Asia. What's their demographic? - Typically very fair and fair skinned peoples. What's typically the darkest skin color they are familiar with? Those from south-east asian areas, who even then are at most a mild to moderate tanned skin tone (compared to westerners)

>> No.20190930
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>> No.20191512

those clothes look really well done

>> No.20191640

She is a cutie!

>> No.20191833

Newfag here what makes a DD cost like twice as much as an azone hybrid for around the same dimesions?
I mean the difference in picture arent really noticeable

>> No.20192019
File: 366 KB, 550x750, 081030_chisa_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've honestly never looked at Azone outside of pictures here, and have never known them to have anything comparable to standard SD's or DD's besides Yo's, so my knowledge is pretty worthless on this subject.

>> No.20192345

Most Azones have decal eyes but assuming you get one of the ones with acrylic or resin eyes then there's not a whole lot of difference. It's easier to find DD clothes though, especially if you're looking for something really form-fitting since they're more prevalent. Then there's brand recognition of course, same as why people pay more for Volks SD dolls over other resin dolls.

>> No.20193021
File: 68 KB, 533x800, FIGURE-043888_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand recognition and popularity mostly. Azone's 1/3 scale dolls didn't used to look as good as they do now but they've been stepping up their game for a while now. They used to use just use painted on eyes like they still use for their 1/6 and 1/12 scale dolls and the default Obitsu 50cm bodies but they've started making heads that use regular interchangeable doll eyes and they have their own custom bodies now that use the same inner skeleton as the Obitsu 50cm bodies.

Being based on the Obitsu 50cm bodies they are a bit shorter than a regular DD which are around 60cm tall.

>> No.20194350

I bought some more clothes from Choo. I have been happy with them that’s why I keep buying them for both my SmD and DD. But fuck I wish they were a bit cheaper, I remember when I though Volks clothes were expensive but there so cheap compared to Choo.

>> No.20194546

Thanks for the clarifications

>> No.20197555


How is the fit for his clothes on DD? Well, I have a DDS coming, so I figure pants are out of the question, but top wise how well do they fit?

>> No.20198686

I know it's a custom head but which standard head look the closest to this one

>> No.20198953
File: 679 KB, 1592x2856, D012CC21-2698-4023-BE28-55F8BF77F3F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottoms are a bit tight and the tops are great. As for DDS you can use the jeans, just roll them up on the inside at the bottom. Everything in this image except the hat is a SmD item on a DDS

>> No.20198969
File: 633 KB, 1603x2354, 26D44D7F-1314-446C-A822-4DDE6207E915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On a full height DD3 the jeans work great.

>> No.20199045

None of them to be honest, if you want this kind of look go for Super Dollfies instead. Or just buy her since she's on preorder, and if you don't want the rest of her set maybe arrange a split? It'll probably never be easier to get her than now.

>> No.20199258

When is Danny gonna make lolis?
Did he gave up on Japan already?

>> No.20199483


Thanks so much for the pics, that helps a lot.

>> No.20200432
File: 175 KB, 458x458, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First i wanted to buy pic related as my first doll but now i think i'll just buy a standard DDS instead since i planned to buy new part and new clothes anyway

>> No.20200479

Buy a body and commission a head, standard models are uggo.
New ones are a bit better, but still pretty bad compared to customs and limited releases.

>> No.20200524

While not a terrible idea, if he likes the standard Model why not get one?

>> No.20200648

Maybe he is not aware he can do that. It's his first doll after all.
And of course he can do whatever, I'm just stating my opinion about Volks standard models being subpar, especially the older ones.

>> No.20200678

Do you have any advices on where is the best place to order a custom head ?

>> No.20200775

Etsy, Instagram and doll forums. Those should be in the $100 something range, maybe even cheaper.

If you have big budget you can try Yahoo auctions, but the best ones there sell for thousands

>> No.20200820

Yeah i checked etsy there's one shop with heads in the 150 € range
I dont really see what i should search for on instagram tho since shit is a hashtag mess

>> No.20200982

Toobie, I'm crying again... I'm walking alone on the sand~
The sound of the sea, brings you back to me... oh so cleary~
Feels like you're holding my hand~

Toobie, there's no one to blame... when young hearts get burned by lover's flame~
The love that we made, was a game that you played... 'til it faded~
But I still feel the same~

Broken hearts find their way... back in time, to the scene of the crime~
So I'm here once more, where we love before and I walk the shore, calling to you~

Toobie, we happened so fast... like summer, never thought it would not last~
But what can i do, my life's about you... oh Toobie~
Set me free from the past~

The sound of the sea, brings you back to me... oh so clearly~
Oh Toobie~, come love me~
Toobie~, come love me~
Oh Toobie~, come love me~
Toobie~, come love me~


>> No.20201020

My biggest problem is that she releases in a year, it'll be so hard to wait.

>> No.20202375

I suppose so, but I think it's better than just impulse buying a doll for the gratification immediately. Get the one you really want! Though again if you look around maybe you'll fall for another doll, so I'd say browsing Super Dollfies may be a good idea as well.

>> No.20202393

I browse them all since i saw 2B and desu 2B is still by far my favorite limited dollfie even if i cant stand the DDY bust that like retarded balloony tits

Maybe some realistic DDY custom bust exists somewhere but i fear the price

>> No.20202542

If you trim down a regular DD bust (like cut the ribcage area off so the bottom of the bust piece is just below the bottom of the boobs and it's the same length as a DDy bust) it fits fine, so it's not that expensive at all. I think some people on the DD forums used an exacto knife and got a rough edge (good fit though) but you can sand vinyl smooth if you're careful so yeah

>> No.20202657

On Instagram Choo posted a video, at the end we see cortex. What strikes me is how different the colour is you can tell immediately which is which with the un assembled one on the table. Also the gaps look rather large now.

>> No.20202683

It's important to only buy a full doll if you want the whole package! Most dolls are actually custom jobs in some way. That's why limited models from volks cost so much.

Personally, all four of my Volks girls were limited models, and were exactly what I wanted, so I was willing to pay more for them. I've also sure my skills to make a custom doll, which is primarily it's face, is less than sub-par. That is a huge part of my willingness to pay the premium for the completely finished doll.

>> No.20202732

>all four of my Volks girls were limited models
Can i inquire wich ones ?

>> No.20202762 [DELETED] 
File: 3.12 MB, 3216x4288, Liliana (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first girl was a MDD Mirai, fully painted
My second girl was a SD16 Daria
My third Girl was the MDD Cirno
My actually don't remember the base model of my fourth SD16, since I bought her directly from a Volks dollfie store when I visited Japan in 2014. Here's her picture though

>> No.20202782

Thanks for the answeri think i'll pre order 2B even if i dont like the bust when naked she's 90% what i'm looking for and why i took interest into doll in the first place.

And since buying clothes and part is a huge part of the hobby i dont see why not order a custom chest the future

>> No.20202789

If you're really dead set on like liking the bust of 2b, you could see about getting her a different chest sculpt. I don't remember off hand which size the DDy's correspond to but DDy's are specifically designed to have extravagant busts, hence the "Dynamite" designation

>> No.20202804
File: 3.12 MB, 3216x4288, Liliana (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit. I deleted the wrong post >_<
Anyways, I'll repost:
My girls in order are:
1: MDD Mirai
2: SD16 Daria
3: MDD Cirno
4: Another SD16 of which I don't know the base model since I bought her directly from a Volks Dollfie store

>> No.20202855
File: 14 KB, 326x98, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you in a year when i finally get her

>> No.20202883

congrats Anon~ I hope you're happy when she arrives!
Also it typically only takes 2-3 months after the lottery period is over, plus shipping (or at least it was last time I did a lottery)

>> No.20202891

She's planed for release fall 2019 i just hope i'll get her for xmas 2019.
If that's the case i'll probably buy her a cute santa set

>> No.20202905 [DELETED] 
File: 2.83 MB, 3216x4288, Liliana (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn. Well, that'll give you plenty of time to look for clothing and accessories

>> No.20202911
File: 2.83 MB, 3216x4288, Liliana (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot damn. Well, that'll give you plenty of time to look for clothing and accessories

>> No.20202929

How charming! She is super cute.

>> No.20202950

She looks really good in that pic.
But yeah when i was looking for cheaper dolls i browsed some clothing stores and i noticed that i was hard to please when it came too dolls lingerie

>> No.20207409
File: 3.58 MB, 4288x3216, Cirno (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20207421

i wish they made a new one

>> No.20208206
File: 1.20 MB, 1242x1226, 2074ED51-C524-4C39-9709-51FDFC29EA93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cortex will launch at AnimeNYC next week. Still no price and you can see the gap here.

I need to know the price because those lines kinda stand out.

>> No.20208228

nice tummy

>> No.20208721

i kinda like those lines my biggest problem would be painting the face

>> No.20209725

I believe it comes painted.

>> No.20210781

SmartDolls come with face-up, but it's kind of minimal. It's about the same as DDs and still looks good though.

I think I'll wait and see what's going on with cortex. Honestly though I wish I had know this was just around the corner, even though I'm still happy with my girl. Also those lines.... not sure if want

>> No.20211061

good to know, if the price is reasonable that could be a good option

>> No.20211087

Is she a jew?

>> No.20211100
File: 33 KB, 450x713, justcanadapostthings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just feel how expensive the ransom note is going to be.

>> No.20211483

Alberta!!!! I live in Alberta!

>> No.20212245

i hope you have a lot of cute things for her ready

>> No.20212995
File: 3.47 MB, 4288x3216, Cirno (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you're not in germany!

>> No.20213000

Isnt it the same everywhere in europe ? so around 30% of the price ?

>> No.20213080 [DELETED] 

No I often don’t pay anything. Of course saying that my SmD clothes will need to be payed for.

In other news I have more Cortex info.

He is selling them at AnimeNYC for $450 usd, he says that includes $310 usd of clothes. Considering a jacket, belt, jeans, and anti stain jeans just cost me $360 cnd I am not expecting more then just a single outfit.

On the site now a regular SmD girl with outfit sells for 62000 jpy that is $545.94 usd right now. That’s 95.94 usd less, ignoring shipping costs.

But if we remove the stated cost of the clothes the doll costs $140 usd. So I have no idea how much the doll with cost nude but I am guessing somewhere between $140-$300 usd compared to the $457 usd of a regular SmD nude.

He says that cortex will go up mid December if all goes well but no price for online set yet. And lastly he teased a pocket sized SmD.

>> No.20213085

I have more Cortex info from instagram.

He is selling them at AnimeNYC for $450 usd, he says that includes $310 usd of clothes. Considering a jacket, belt, jeans, and anti stain jeans just cost me $360 cnd I am not expecting more then just a single outfit.

On the site now a regular SmD girl with outfit sells for 62000 jpy that is $545.94 usd right now. That’s 95.94 usd less, ignoring shipping costs.

But if we remove the stated cost of the clothes the doll costs $140 usd. So I have no idea how much the doll with cost nude but I am guessing somewhere between $140-$300 usd compared to the $457 usd of a regular SmD nude.

He says that cortex will go up mid December if all goes well but no price for online set yet. And lastly he teased a pocket sized SmD.

>> No.20213089

Items with a value over 150 euro have a 19% import tax

>> No.20213111

>Items with a value over 150 euro have a 19% import tax

yeah same here i do a 30% increase because that's around the total cost with shipping fees and other shit to pay

would be nice if we could buy the doll alone for 150$

And i hope they're really compatible with standards parts like he said, because i really like big tits and the standard size is too flat for my tastes

>> No.20213143

He says all vinyl parts are compatible.

>> No.20213152

>He says all vinyl parts are compatible.
yes but i'll wait for people to test that shit, it'll probably have first batch problem

>> No.20214596

I saw a nice Pyra doll recently but i cant find it again

>> No.20215504

I wanna see that, where did you see it anon?

>> No.20215588

I'm pretty sure I've seen the one anon is talking about posted in a Xenoblade thread on /v/. Also pretty sure I have the image saved but I'd have to dig for it.

>> No.20217056

>Also pretty sure I have the image saved but I'd have to dig for it.
It would be very nice of you

>> No.20217321

I wonder if i totally stain a doll with blue/black i could use it as a ZombieLand Saga doll

>> No.20217602

People have done such things before. Usually In an attempt to get a darker skin tone.

But the same problem always rears it’s head and that’s the plastic joints.

>> No.20217783

i guess repainting the doll would work better but i was already shit at painting warhammer i wouldnt do it on a bjd

>> No.20218173
File: 807 KB, 1671x2678, F1B0FF88-6F42-4CEC-A2D4-C597035EC04E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warhammer and dolls yer like me.

>> No.20218209

nice paint job now give those dolls a sororita set

>> No.20218534
File: 69 KB, 696x1024, 1525824001242m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found it. It's pretty much just her head though, no costume or accessories.

>> No.20218575

Nice, thank you, her hairs are nicely dressed
Face is random anime girl with red eyes but that's what pyra is anyway.

Still, nice hair be it the color of the styling

>> No.20218627

Isn't that a generic wig though? I think I saw it on some websites in the avaliable ones you can choose from.

>> No.20218690

i've been looking at wigs and i havent seen one with this style,not even with this red probably missed it

>> No.20218740

It might have been for a love doll though. Lately I've been looking at those as well.

>> No.20218782

i know it's the wrong thread but i wonder if there's good bjd love dolls since they're far bigger they could be nice to play around with

>> No.20218802

What I can tell so far is that the faces look very bad if it's the anime style. And the realistic face is, you know, realistic.

>> No.20218816

yeah very uncanny most of the time, they should go full anime robot instead.
Like a Medarot

>> No.20218828

Those would be insanely expensive though. The robot ones are already 2000$+ and the only thing they do is talk.

>> No.20218978
File: 22 KB, 225x283, 80116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see how something looking like that would cost more i'm not talking of making it an automata

>> No.20219261

Oh, so it would be giant jointshit. Maybe get into CAD and 3D print it yourself. Not many people would want something like that so it would be more expensive.

>> No.20219683

DD Jupiter and Venus when.

>> No.20221538

Is this a word now?

>> No.20222116

I guess. I read his post twice and I am still not sure what it means though.

>> No.20222474

It's usually used in buyf/a/g threads for stuff like figmas. Since they are inferior to scales or something.
Never heard it used for dolls tho.

>> No.20223281

Is Aliexpress decent place to get clothes for dollfie?

>> No.20223471

I'm interesting in trying my luck on Yahoo Auctions, but all of the listings with cute custom heads have their bids restricted to accounts with a positive seller review score. What do I do?

>> No.20224239

God, Angel philia's emma got a restock on faitzh shit is tempting me

>> No.20224328
File: 3.58 MB, 4288x3216, Liliana (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit those are expensive. I can't imagine how expensive clothes for them would be on top of that with their exaggerated figures. Don't get me wrong, I love me some hips, thighs, and booty, but I'd probably never be able to show a doll like that to others lol.
The two with the normal faces (sayo and emma) look rather pretty though. I tend to be a sucker for pouting/sulky faces, like my Lilliana <3. I wonder what they'd look like in normal clothes.

>> No.20224348

they dont cost more than a SD or a standard DD
but yeah emma's the only one with a pretty face

>> No.20224416

Oh, you're right. I didn't realize the HKD was another currency. Feel kinda dumb now. But I can still imagine clothes being hard to find and expensive.

>> No.20224455

The codenoir clothes they're promoting looks well fitted and not more expensive than shit you find on etsy

Anyway i pre ordred 2b and i shouldnt be looking at a doll in that price range right now.
That's why i'm putting my hope into cortex being fairly priced and of decent quality

>> No.20225508


Only if you want super stains.

>> No.20225510


Depends on who you're using as a proxy. I've never had that problem with FromJapan, I think they just use any name that has high enough rating.

>> No.20225517

Even if clothes are white?

>> No.20226690


White should be fine, but be careful of colored stitches in the garment. Those can often do more staining than the fabric itself.

>> No.20228562
File: 404 KB, 1279x1706, B4DB3A5B-B491-4A55-B76A-CD31F3E8A41D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Maple has her own outfit! She has been wearing Cake’s old clothes since I got her.

>> No.20228568
File: 389 KB, 1279x1706, AE3B03AF-301B-4751-821D-3323BB79157C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also here is that gun from Goats Guns. It’s cool I guess.

>> No.20228657
File: 455 KB, 1280x1280, E638E7F0-411D-4D48-A397-AB2234F3A892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shot though the heart! She is really cute.

>> No.20228689

Cute~ I like the glasses and jacket on her. Are all the firearms from that store 1/3rd scale?

>> No.20229032

nice doll and clothes but why do you have your motherboard framed ?

>> No.20229033

I believe so but I feel rather meh about them. To be honest I wish they were plastic so it’s easier to hold. The detail is good though.

>> No.20229037

It’s my old motherboard and i5 2500k. I have many framed such things like two sound cards and 3 videocards.

>> No.20231150

>>Can't tell if doll has blushed chin or just an awkward stain.

>> No.20231258

Get some paint (including a metallic one) and give it a weathered look.

>> No.20231520

No I don’t care about it enough for that.

>> No.20235126 [SPOILER] 
File: 853 KB, 864x1018, 1542026152819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Usagi's new friend is being mailed off for repairs today. She was beyond cheap on ebay, even after the reroot, touchups to her faceup, and a new body she's still cheaper than getting a new doll from Azone.

>> No.20235822
File: 1.16 MB, 3687x2765, P1010603resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out my new lightbox. I was thrilled to get it, but then realized it only just barely (by like 1cm or 2) fits my large girls standing up. I must have been drunk at the time and though "25in? My girls are 25! Perfect fit!". Thankfully it still fits my smaller girls perfectly so it's not a total washout. And I could always take pictures sitting down with the other girls

>> No.20235997
File: 3.49 MB, 4032x3024, DE17A9C4-E48C-49A4-BD6E-D6D2F479B691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn on the TV
>it’s a Twitter tomodachi

>> No.20236013

Are they bullying him because he has dolls?

>> No.20236093

Poor guy, he just wants to have fun with his nekomimi dolls

>> No.20236158

Mochiron. Just like 2years ago when the other guy was taking pictures by the Sumoda.

>> No.20236180
File: 258 KB, 768x1024, 107C9CD2-6731-436B-9EAC-A7276380F0B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh he’s not shy about his hobbies. Otherwise he wouldn’t done the interview

>> No.20236212

cute doll

>> No.20236225

Those girls are cute AF

>> No.20236583

I love how she's like "My owner is a fucking retard, lmao!"

>> No.20236637
File: 220 KB, 666x1000, DSC01001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuzu a cute

>> No.20236670
File: 522 KB, 2048x1536, DrHlT1rVsAAdulB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you see it

>> No.20236674

Holy fuck those are adorable as fuck! I love them.

>> No.20236677
File: 66 KB, 403x466, 1336165A-FCCF-4307-A517-7013E36053E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you take a family photo only to discover after that grandma just died.

>> No.20236685

Cute dolls and camera equipment. This is truly my weakness.

>> No.20236702
File: 18 KB, 340x340, Oh my~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hurts, but it's true lol

>He has a trump doll...

>> No.20236706

I need to get her a miniature camera, but I don't know where to find ones that actually look good.

>> No.20236714

I love MDDs with short bangs that reach the middle of their foreheads, it always invariably makes them look like retarded kindergartners. Top cute

>> No.20236716

Yuzu is my favorite doll of the ones people regularly post here.

>> No.20236852

This sums up perfectly why I avoid doll meetups.

>> No.20236953
File: 2.17 MB, 2919x3892, 6B78F9B1-7023-4B3A-8A57-2C0CC44F55E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cake has a better camera then me with a 5D MkIII to my 5D. Never mind the L lens she has.

>> No.20236976

She has some new guns, it seems. Why not put a bakalite magazine on the AK with a foregrip? Pass it off as an AK74.
god i wish she could rape and kill me at knife-point

>> No.20236983

This sums up perfectly why I avoid camera people.

>> No.20236999


>> No.20237047


>> No.20237057

where do you get your props?

>> No.20237064

she'd make a very effective yandere-chan

>> No.20237641
File: 528 KB, 1920x1280, DSCF9108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warhammer and dolls you say.

>> No.20237716

I’m unimaginative. I just follow what other people do

>> No.20237761

Alright, I won an auction, but other than Volks where's a good place to buy wigs?

>> No.20237771


>> No.20237984
File: 216 KB, 1080x1440, Dr0A6zYU0AEXtUh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20238011


Read this: http://www.jadepixeldoll.com/where-to-buy-dollfie-dream-smartdoll-wigs/

>> No.20238093

mouth job gone wrong

>> No.20239208

Ebay mostly. I probably pay too much.

Dam that’s sweet!

They are really cute!

>> No.20240042

My future daughter thanks you.

>> No.20240787

Glad to see she's exercising proper trigger safety!

>> No.20240857
File: 1.95 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20181113_103524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These dolls are the cutest. I love their paw gloves so much, they look really plush.

It's probably embarrassing of me to take Usagi out with me, but I'd rather have her in case a nice photo opportunity comes up or I find something in her size to try on.

>> No.20240955

I shouldnt have browsed at ringdoll catalog now i want one.
Tho but they cant make bust for shit like most of the manufacturer, feels like the only good looking busts i saw were from smartdoll

>> No.20241023

grrrrr, I ordered this positively gorgeous girl in june, back when she was slightly reduced and you could order her fully finished with all the touch-ups.
I still have yet to hear ANYTHING about her progress, despite two attempts to contact them. I'm still holding out hope that perhaps they're just reaaaaaaally fucking bad at english and customer service. I'm trying real hard to hope...

>> No.20241040

She's a real cutie i hope you get her soon,not a big fan of the fangs

>> No.20241045

i hope you payed with Paypal so you can ask them for a refund if needs be

>> No.20242254

What body fits DDH10 better, MDD or DDP?

>> No.20242292
File: 114 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20181113_153124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolls are for sexualizing

>> No.20242298

i agree with that statement.
it doesnt look like a DDY bust what is it ?

>> No.20242367

fuck if i know, i just hoard doll porn

>> No.20242380

I want to get a doll but I'm worried I'd break it. For example how do you transport your dolls from place to place?

>> No.20242502
File: 111 KB, 800x1200, DbiExaAUQAEwBZj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20242534


>> No.20242535

>he doesn’t know.

>> No.20242580

Unless you're going to be grabbing them by their legs, bashing them against a table or slinging them across a room, my experience with both strung and internal skeleton types (SD16s and MDDs) is that they're no where near as fragile as one might think. Now of course different dolls have different materials with varying fragility which you'd just have to figure out yourself, but I equate it to what most people say raising children is like:
With the first one the parents are tiptoeing everywhere doing everything in their power to make sure nothing interacts with their child unplanned. However by their second one they don't give as much of a shit and cut corners everywhere they can.

>> No.20242594

ah, not to mean you should cut corner or that I do, I just meant that as you gain more experience with your dolls you'll learn what they can and cannot safely do.

Also, as far as carrying, I have a couple doll carrying bags. They're long and round, and can hold one or two dolls depending on the size. SmartDoll is however coming up with a small backpack that can hold the doll in a side pouch with the legs bent back, placing the doll in a kneeling position. It seems kind of neat, especially for being able to carry equipment along with the doll instead of having a separate bag. We'll just have to see though, since it's still in development

>> No.20245728

I have one of the old Volks violin cases, and honestly any similar sized real instrument case would work if you add the strap for waist and ankles. Takes a lot of the “dude carrying a doll” looks and embarrassment away. Even when I take her out, having a professional looking case makes it seem more like some kind of art project I guess?

>> No.20246286
File: 3.03 MB, 3216x4288, Liliana (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say, that even though I'm still very scared of how other people will react to me having dolls, especially out in public, I have experienced a marked indifference in both casual bystanders and personal acquaintances. This was most highlighted for me when I decided to take Lilliana outside for a photo session in the forest surrounding my base while I was in stationed in Germany. I first took her to a bench an posed her a few times while taking pictures. About halfway through my time on the bench another soldier came by with a couple bears and cigs in his hands and he raised his eyebrows at me taking picture but otherwise continued to walk by to another place to sit down. I realized at that point, that while I will always have anxiety over having my dolls in public, most people won't give a fuck beyond initially seeing something peculiar

>> No.20246292

beers and cigs

>> No.20246304

it all depend on how you look to other.
If you had a nice camera and were decently dressed they probably just tought you were taking promotional shot for a doll as your job

>> No.20246804
File: 357 KB, 1847x2420, 46093522_844119665796274_3118573713516134400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl joined me last Christmas and she's been a work in progress since. but a new outfit and she looks C U T E

>> No.20246807

Bears fit the story much better.

>> No.20246844

That starry clothing set! Where did you get it?

>> No.20246950
File: 123 KB, 500x500, ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that's retarded question, but can a black carry bag like picrel stain a doll?

>> No.20247158
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 73215DAC-A4AC-45A4-8D78-1CB11BB61A29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is cute!!!

It could. I decided I didn’t want to fuck with shit and just bought the volks one.

>> No.20247218

You can see the putty on her left eye, pls fix anon.

>> No.20247540

I really need a cute doll in my life

>> No.20248522


Could go the other way. I was taking pics of my dolls with my dslr and a security guard came by asking if it was for work. Let him know it was all hobby and he was okay with it. But I'm guessing if I said it's for work I'd need some permission there since it'd be "commercial".

In other news I have my first ever modded DDH-01 for MDD and need a body and was thinking of waiting for some semiwhite f3 to come in stock. Am I in vain waiting for them to come in stock cause of scalpers always beating me to it and should I settle with a regular MDD?

>> No.20248737

You do!

>> No.20248975

Just check Volks webstore every day and catch the next restock, it'll probably take more than a day to sell out. I'm pretty sure it's more those nuts with like 20+ MDDs upgrading their girls or some people who've been waiting for the f3 to come out to give floating heads bodies than actual mass scalping. Give it a month or so and it'll probably get back to normal.

>> No.20249382

Where the fuck are you that MDD bodies are scalped? I swear these threads make me think everyone’s taking crazy pills????

>> No.20249410

he means the ones with the new skeletons

>> No.20249417

Allow me to clarify: I'm guessing mainly because of the new f3 bodies have been out of stock for a while now.
I did see the MDD NS f3 come in stock for about half a day. But I'm waiting for SW.
Also checking on the DDPs.

>> No.20249709

If you're feeling impatient like I was, you could order the parts and put it together. I did that just last week with a SWS F3. The only thing they were out of were wrists though. But I'm hoping those will be in stock faster than whole bodies. It was easy to put together, but some of the screws did need to be adjusted.

>> No.20250083
File: 59 KB, 692x922, Adelaide (51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A tip for that; instead of putting putty around the socket and using it to accept/hold the eye, place the eye first and surround/secure it with putty.

>> No.20250521

It’s just like supply. Don’t buy into buyfag bullshit.

>> No.20251027

Are there any significant advantages to these other than the possiblity to lock them into a pose?

>> No.20251039
File: 240 KB, 964x1199, DmtpRscU8AAzCum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20251393

Oh my, that articulation. And that's compatible with the standard MDD parts?

>> No.20252262

There have been mods around that have achieved this for a long time now.

>> No.20253510


Is this only for MDD, or do DD and DDS have this coming too? I don't have a doll yet, and need to know if I should wait.

>> No.20253592

All of the bodies have the new version f3 available on the volks site as of like a week ago actually but they might be out of stock so if you want one you might have to wait for a restock

>> No.20254493


Yeah, just looked and they're sold out... and now to play the waiting game.

>> No.20254680
File: 258 KB, 720x1280, DSC01106 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New outfit because it's starting to get cold.

>> No.20254685
File: 181 KB, 720x1280, DSC01118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hat is still too big for everything I have though.

>> No.20254705

Oversized hats are cute! Cute!

>> No.20254847

Too cute!!!!!!

>> No.20254853
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3264, 1542350159592465295299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, no ransom note. Kind of shocked at how big the box she came in is (despite me knowing already that she's 50cm tall).

>> No.20254856

Holy fuck new girl time!

>> No.20254894
File: 1.95 MB, 2448x3264, 154235136822724429275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girl time indeed. Need to figure out a good place to put her once I take her out of the box.

>> No.20254907

in your bed ?

>> No.20254945

Oooh! The Iris Collect girls are so pretty, I love seeing them since there aren't many pics out there! Congrats

>> No.20255063

I was thinking about on the sill over my bed. I roll about too much to do otherwise.

The thought did occur to me.

>> No.20255111

Cute doll, and cute cat! Hope you enjoy your new girl.

>> No.20255159

Sup lads, /o/utsider here. I've kinda started collecting 1/18 scale diecast model cars and I've always wanted a BJD... I've also wanted to make one from scratch. Never thought I would want a tiny one, but if she could fit and model around the cars, that would be 100x more awesome than the larger BJDs out there IMO.

Well, I can't seem to find any dolls that are 1/18 scale - been searching all fucking day and pretty much everything that even comes close is usually in child form... not what I want. Anyone care to point to an adult 9 to 10 cm doll and/or parts? I'm about to say fug it and just buy some paper clay and try sculpting. Hopefully I can find eyes at the right scale as well... oof.
That's fucking awesome - are all of those weapons 3D printed?

>> No.20255233

Definitely no BJDs at this size. At this scale even 1/12 Assault Lily would be too big, maybe a 4inch nel figurine? Probably still too big.

>> No.20255265

Not a bjd and not exactly what you want but it's around the size

>> No.20255321
File: 111 KB, 803x553, sugoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20255447

I believe thats a miki with a silicone bust friend

>> No.20255589

That's very unfortunate... I guess that explains the lack of results. But yes - regarding scale, I have been looking for something at or very close to four inches in size. Just started sketching out a body at scale, and it looks like the eyes can be no larger than 4mm. Ordering supplies and tools, wish me luck m8s.
As you've said, it's not really what I'm looking for. I desire something more realistic and higher quality... and human; preferably acrylic/glass eyes, soft hair like the many dolls ITT, etc. I appreciate the effort for a recommendation however, thank you anon.

>> No.20257357
File: 62 KB, 640x960, 46450834_561071680983503_4864354705318346752_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you is the father?

>> No.20259392


>> No.20259630 [SPOILER] 
File: 439 KB, 1536x2048, 1542420611768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20259961

VolksUSA just put up all the stuff for their Holiday Event starting Monday. I'm kinda underwhelmed with the choices, but there are some re-releases of some limited dolls going up if any of you are interested to check.

>> No.20260349

Certainly not Alto.

>> No.20260715

oh lord

>> No.20262199 [SPOILER] 
File: 84 KB, 853x1280, 1542468579444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

>> No.20262278

truth be told, I would never lewd my own girls, but occasionally I find lewd dolls entrancing

>> No.20262510

Nice custom eyes and very lewd doll

>> No.20262530

those eyes are are really something else, aside from the ginormous breasts

>> No.20262535

yeah those silicone breast are really nice

>> No.20262600

how the fuck do you all even find any doll lewds?

>> No.20262620
File: 216 KB, 1280x1024, 25958650233_63d26905df_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20262659 [SPOILER] 
File: 348 KB, 2400x1600, 1542474632488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not always
they're all over twitter, just find one nip who posts lewd dolls and twitter will start recommending you a ton of doll-posters, from there you just go through their photos and decide if they post enough lewds for you

>> No.20262742

but... but I'm scared

>> No.20262786
File: 1.16 MB, 1706x1148, 27487083072_50c409a4b4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20262802
File: 1.09 MB, 853x1280, 29923451185_c3e39c972b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20263161
File: 105 KB, 231x680, 1210741033409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always relevant

>> No.20263184

Some of them are custom made or 3d printed by several different people who usually post under the "armed doll" hashtags on twitter. Others can be bought commercially. A few people from here recently bought some from this store: https://goatguns.com/

>> No.20263197
File: 15 KB, 300x300, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ these dolls with f+ cup breasts

>> No.20263223

that would be 200$+tips for one of those bust

>> No.20263232

I'm scared to pay such interest in a doll interest I'm not completely sure I want

>> No.20263665

Why are all the fucking DD nero on mandarake are SAL not available ?

>> No.20263748

DD boxes are huge.

>> No.20263759

Yeah but some other DD are available for SAL on it

>> No.20263852


>> No.20263954

The Nero box is extra deep for all the armor.

>> No.20263964

But anon, it's not lily.Nero only has a dress

>> No.20264112

Not true. Nero has leg armor and a giant sword.

>> No.20264136

Well that's right but sadly mandarake is the only place i can find her at a fair price

>> No.20264655

Maybe ask them if they can ship in a different box? Unless you want the original one.

>> No.20264667

>there are weebs that don’t know why Twitter is so significant

>> No.20264687

This thread is making me feel conflicted because I'm a guy but I really want a doll after looking at these cute ass pics. Damn.

>> No.20264905

nearly everyone with dolls here is a guy anyways. just stop caring about what normalfags will think about what you enjoy.

>> No.20265088
File: 118 KB, 1200x800, DsPZ66NV4AA_ys4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20265630
File: 115 KB, 801x1200, DsLU71fVsAATVKF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20266263

Cute boy.

>> No.20266488
File: 277 KB, 1500x1000, DSC01126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20266498
File: 609 KB, 1920x1280, E96B859D-59CF-49C2-B0BA-89E1D006AEC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple! It’s what all the hip dolls use!

>> No.20266576
File: 716 KB, 1713x2284, _20181118_173644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of new options for Ai. Just a draft...

>> No.20266680

Striking and cute!

>> No.20266785


>> No.20266819

I was retarded only sal was unavailable i tried ordering it with EMS

>> No.20266919

Personally i'm more worried about it being a whim, and after i buy one it ends up as an overpriced paperweight

>> No.20267401

Don’t even think about it. I have a suitcase full of dolls. It might as well be a $5000 boat anchor

>> No.20268167

so what? Even if they're just on display it's nice to see that they're always there for you, whether you're feeling up to playing with them or not. I had a very long period where I didn't do anything with my girls because of depression, but you know what? They were always there for me, and when I began feeling better it felt great taking them down and playing with them again

>> No.20268244

It'll be an overpriced but very cute paperweight. I waited about a year to buy my first one and I don't regret it yet.

>> No.20268838

Still feel bad dropping a grand on a doll when i know i'll have 2B next year

>> No.20268907
File: 129 KB, 1008x756, Smartdoll Booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine's at Anime NYC right now and I'm honestly pretty jealous of seeing the Smart Doll booth in person. I can't wait until I get my first doll one day.

>> No.20268946

I'd love to see more photos of her, you never see Azone's 1/3rd dolls in here.

>> No.20269166
File: 126 KB, 756x1008, smartdoll 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the size of this fucking doll.

>> No.20269173
File: 95 KB, 756x1008, smartdoll 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a new doll model or just one I've missed until now?

>> No.20269178
File: 151 KB, 756x1008, dollfie booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the Dollfie booth was harder to get photos of because Volks are like that.

>> No.20269193
File: 106 KB, 756x1008, dollfie booth 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No photos of Snow Miku in particular as she's without clothes in the box. At least my friend tried.

I have more photos but this sums up what was worth seeing. I still can't get over that giant Mirai Suenaga at the Smartdoll booth. The tablet and USB cable make me wonder if he's still working on the robotic doll project after all. Maybe he'll post an update after the con?

>> No.20269259

Smart Doll mannequin. 1/2 scale.

>> No.20269321
File: 884 KB, 2681x2497, 3BC7B30E-A6A6-4EFC-B0A5-FFD90DF9F5E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that Miku.

>> No.20269483

can I fuck it

>> No.20269746

With that size she can at least give handjobs.
But if i guess the price you're better off buying a sexdoll

>> No.20269912

Do they make good looking anime sexdolls yet?

>> No.20270602


She's one of the upcoming dolls available only at the event in cortex right now.

>> No.20271255

Ok, thank you. Do we know what they're selling for yet?

>> No.20271537


That one (Haruka is her name) and the other cortex was 450, but included around 310 worth of clothes and they were hybrid, so they had vinyl heads (and busts?). No price point or release date for just the cortex doll yet.

>> No.20272197


>> No.20272299

Speaking of the cortex do we know which head will be availables ?
