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2016116 No.2016116 [Reply] [Original]

So when is Sakuya going to finally back stab Remilia and reveal that she's a vampire hunter?

>> No.2016117

First day they met.
She learned fast not to try it again.

>> No.2016125

After Mima appears in a windows game

>> No.2016133


>> No.2016139

Never. Seen any vampires around? No? That's because they're nearly extinct. Remi and Flan might be the last two left. If they go, then all the vampire hunters are out of a job, and more likely than not out of luck. Their retirement gift, if history is any indication, is going to be a persecution and purge.

Might as well just keep tabs on the few remnants of the once-proud vampire families instead of going for the kill.

>> No.2016143

>>Never. Seen any vampires around? No?

Remi's power level is too low; she can't make new vampires. And Flandre just stays at home.

I'm sure they exist outside of Gensokyo, though.

>> No.2016145

Touhou 12.5 scarlet revenge.

>> No.2016151

Shouldn't be that hard. Now she has her trust, stop time stab her in the back. GG Remilai.

>> No.2016170

Sakuya is the good maid, the perfect maid, she would never do that to Remilia ;_;

>> No.2016172

More like her stomach is too small.

>> No.2016197


I thought they were a recently discovered race in Gensokyo.

>> No.2016229

Time hax doesn't work that way. She can't stab, only throw. Or start up time with the blade at her heart. But Remilia will dodge it anyway.
And even if she does manage to stab her, vampires can regenerate quickly.
And I haven't even factored in Remilia's fatehax yet.

>> No.2016233

I'm sure she already regularily sticks her long, hard blade into Remilia from behind, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2016235

If she is a vampire hunter(huntress?), she fails at it, she shouldn't stab the back, but the heart.

>> No.2016239

Are you talking about her penis?

>> No.2016262

OTP do not backstab eachother

>> No.2016272

You have NO idea how her time stop works

Danmaku rules are not real applications

She would not be able to do half the shit she does in maintaining the mansion if she had so much restrictions. Remember that she does almost all the work of the mansion on her own

>> No.2016350


I imagine she just can't stab things while time is frozen, so she sets up knives in motion right next to her target.

>> No.2017131

Isn't Undodgeable Danmaku illegal in the system

Or something like that

It doesn't make sense that such a random restriction would be an inherent part of her ability. It's obviously just a danmaku rule

>> No.2018772

necromancy SHAZZAM!
