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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2015446 No.2015446 [Reply] [Original]

What are you bros listening to?

>> No.2015453

ネクロファンタジア - 高音質ver

>> No.2015458


>> No.2015459

shiny smile (M@STER VERSION)

>> No.2015461


>> No.2015463


>> No.2015464

Keep in Gates - A.B.A.'s theme - Guilty Gear

>> No.2015467

"(A Shimmering Radiance) Diadem Of 12 Stars" by Wolves In The Throne Room

>> No.2015468

恋色フルーツ - Innocent Key

>> No.2015469


>> No.2015470

【手描きPV】 下剋上(Ver.レン)に絵をつけてみた 【鏡音リン・レン】

>> No.2015475

The computer's fan

>> No.2015483


>> No.2015489

cant take this out of my head

>> No.2015485

Sol's theme is god tier

>> No.2015492

筋肉少女帯 - サーカス団パノラマ島へ帰る - 5 - アメリカン・ショートヘアーの少年

>> No.2015496

Shit, bro, the hell's wrong with you

>> No.2015499
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The depressing monotonous sound of the heating system here at work.

The last /jp/ related thing I listened to was project-Delta (TAMUSIC × Re:Volte) - #07 東方幻奏録 -参- - 08 - 二色蓮花蝶 ~ Ancients & 春色小径 ~ Colorful Path & 少女綺想曲 ~ Capriccio

>> No.2015502

Alstroemeria Records - The Garnet Star

>> No.2015504

So much weeaboo crap in this thread...

Expand your music tastes, guys.

>> No.2015508

hell yeah

>> No.2015510

>So much weeaboo crap in this thread...

>> No.2015516

Sumaga Music Galaxy - イデアリズム

I really like this song

>> No.2015518

少女さとり ~ 3rd Eye

>> No.2015520

One In The Jungle - Andy C - 24.05.1996

sage for /jp/ related


>> No.2015521

I don't get it

>> No.2015523

Usually not actually weeaboo.

>> No.2015524

Usually not actually weeaboo.

>> No.2015525

links to it?

>> No.2015526
File: 322 KB, 500x500, 1233606089197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M23 from the KnK 5 soundtrack

>> No.2015532
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, 1233606132651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out, normalfag.
Also Necrofantasia fuck yeah.

>> No.2015535

Fuck yeah

>> No.2015536

Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [E-mail] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page, while still counting against its reply count. Threads that reach their reply limit can no longer be bumped, causing them to sink to the back pages and be pruned more quickly. Abusing the sage function by "sage-bombing" is frowned upon and may result in a ban.

>> No.2015547

Over The Hills And Far Away - Nightwish

>> No.2015548
File: 29 KB, 300x400, tshirt-m-gtfo-Green-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2015549

I thought it was MOU IKKAI

>> No.2015550

Dio - Holy diver

>> No.2015551

Rainbow Girl

>> No.2015552

Haha, so if you listen to something other than Japanese music, you're a normalfag now? Hilarious.



Your song is ten times more overrated than what I listen to, dummy.

>> No.2015554


in before it's shit/generic/nothing special.
I like it, that's enough.

>> No.2015556

ok, now you seriously need to get the fuck out

>> No.2015557

GY!BE - Sleep

>> No.2015559

Don't worry, everything we hear is like that

>> No.2015561

Frank Zappa - 'Torchum' Never Stops

>> No.2015567

Whatever is on http://www.mogulus.com/possessedbyphoenix.. This thing is more like Touhou Radio.

>> No.2015571

Just calm down, anon. I'm really sorry for spending some time looking for good music, instead of listening to what everyone else listens to. Will you ever forgive me?

>> No.2015577


>> No.2015573

>hurr hurr, durr hurr durr durr derp derp hurr hurrrr, derp derp hurr? durp


>durr durr derp derp hurr hurr derp derp durp durp hurr derp, hurrrrr

>> No.2015575


>> No.2015576


You make it seem like Japanese doujin music is mainstream.

>> No.2015582

Eddie Nelson - Love and Marriage

>> No.2015585

>doujin music is mainstream
Well, among us it certainly is.

>> No.2015591

Pani Poni Dash's 2nd ending.
Or third, if you count Behoimi's song as the second.

>> No.2015594

This is now playing in your head

>> No.2015596

You meanie.

>> No.2015602


>> No.2015604

That's the worst one of the lot.

>> No.2015610

IOSYS - Marisa stole the precious thing

don't care what anyone says, I like it

>> No.2015619

Well that's retarded

>> No.2015625

Nah it's pretty good. Reminds me of the time I first learned about Touhou.

>> No.2015624

Well, it still has a special place in my heart.
まさみティー - 霊知の太陽信仰でメタルっぽい何か is playing now. That awesome version of Utsuho's theme.

>> No.2015626


I hope you don't mind, I made your TOOHOO good.

>> No.2015631
File: 44 KB, 599x435, 1233607602346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We like it too.
We just like saying we hate it.

>> No.2015641

Fucking awesome

>> No.2015638

Don't worry
IOSYS - 株式会社ボーダー商事・社歌

>> No.2015652

The character songs are the best of Pani Poni Dash!

>> No.2015659

hell yeah

>> No.2015661

I like some non-Japanese music. Like Loli Ripe.

>> No.2015664

oh dear, what the original name of this? to find it in my IOSYS folders

>> No.2015670

Far superior

>> No.2015675

Even if you're trolling, Fuck yeah Loli Ripe.

>> No.2015687

What's so good about it? I don't get it.

>> No.2015690

Hammock - Winter Light

>> No.2015697

thread needs more awesomeness


>> No.2015702

Bing Crosby - Swinging on a Star

>> No.2015703

generic j-rock bullshit do not want

>> No.2015708
File: 60 KB, 489x600, 1233608545386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just busy being the both touhou theme http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=P7dLp2Eb7cg&fmt=18

>> No.2015706

Sound Horizon, dunno which song.

>> No.2015709

Just listen to the whole song, man.

>> No.2015711



>> No.2015713

>dunno which song


>> No.2015728

Don't mind me, just busy being the best touhou theme

>> No.2015733


You like it or you don't. Bare in mind that 90% of anything is shit, don't judge the stuff on 1 or 2 tunes.

>> No.2015736
File: 60 KB, 489x600, 1233608890930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just busy being the best touhou theme

>> No.2015740


>> No.2015742



>> No.2015756

uhhh, this turned to confusing

>> No.2015768

What the fuck

>> No.2015773

Galneryus - silent revelation

>> No.2015785

Just do what I do and hide music threads on /jp/.

>> No.2015808

How about getting the fuck out of /jp/ instead

>> No.2015819

Can't connect for some reason

>> No.2015867

Not really listening to anything, bro.

>> No.2015871

No, these threads make me laugh so I look at them sometimes.

But I like /jp/. Your music tastes aren't all that great, but I still love you guys.

>> No.2015889

Great and we hate you.

>> No.2015961

Kirinji, because they're classy as fuck.


>> No.2016120

Well, I'm listening to that one

>> No.2016136

The sound of my computer's fans spinning.

>> No.2016232


>> No.2016248

幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble
Due to >>2016182

>> No.2016263

Interesting how this thread is still alive. Several days ago an identical thread was made, and it quickly 404'd. Got to love how fickle the janitor and mods are.

Not listening to any music atm.

>> No.2016320

Didn't see much shitstorm, maybe that's the reason

>> No.2016329


>> No.2016334

Actually, there wasn't any flaming. It was perfectly civil, but got deleted around 40 replies. Oh OK, the thread was started by athens, but for once he didn't make any mention of... well, you know. Would sage post for meta discussion, but I used up my SP minutes ago.

>> No.2016341

源屋 - Shining Dayz

>> No.2016356
File: 181 KB, 599x850, 1233617904087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bure bure bure bure

>> No.2016360

Weird, but then again, it was athens

>> No.2016370
File: 143 KB, 402x400, 1233618148141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2017077

Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon
