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20147421 No.20147421 [Reply] [Original]


Where summer has gotten out of control, again.

>> No.20147447
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>> No.20147491
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Tsukumos BTFO

>> No.20147565

Okay, we pretty much now know that the next big chapter in the overall story is going to be about hell. How do you think things are gonna develop in the future story?

>> No.20147578

So the last two chapters were just pretty much beach episodes without any plot importances?

>> No.20147596

new 2hu confirmed

>> No.20147637


Picked up, worshipped.

>> No.20147855
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>> No.20147882
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Halloween when?

>> No.20147892
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More wet fairies.

This man can't be stopped.

>> No.20147899
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>Marisa implying this is hard to accomplish
Chibi witch

>> No.20147903
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Fuck off

>> No.20147910
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Okay so when is this happening? The latest WaHH released before this, didn't it? Shouldn't Reimu still be dead?

Regardless, both manga are dropping a shit ton of hints towards the characters going to visit Hell. TH17?

>> No.20147920
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Oh my God!

Read WaHH!

>> No.20147927

Okay but really what the fuck is Heca/Piece up to?

>plot importances
It's the fairies manga... Then again I'm asking a question about plot in this very post

>> No.20147934

I can't believe Marisa is fucking dead.

>> No.20147946

Unless referenced directly, each series takes place independently of one another. At least, that's what I believe.
Besides, Reimu won't be dead for long. Next chapter or two and she'll be coming up with more ways to make money.

>> No.20147965

Aaaah~, my fairy daughterwives are so cute!

But he restrained himself and only drew her torso. He could have depicted a wet sexy Cirno with clothes sticking to her loli fairy body.

He should have.

>> No.20147972

I won't say they're completely unimportant, since it shows what CP's torch can do. I mean he can probably do it without making what is essentially a beach episode, but who cares, we got wet fairies.

>> No.20147985


>> No.20148020

Demons killing Reimu's pet Marisa when?

>> No.20148080

I dont think Reimu being in Hell in WaHH is actually connected to whats happening here. My guess is ZUN decided we wanted too expand on Hell more and as a result he has alot of different ideas he's rolling with right now that wont necessarily tie into eachother storywise.
Personally, I dont think this is going too lead too a new game. Mostly given ZUN's general workflow of how he actually makes them, he likely wont deviate from how he normally does things. He has never foreshadowed non spinoff games before and I doubt he would build a game off of this because I dont think he would make a game that requires you too read the manga in order too have a good sense of everything going on. I think that this whole subplot is going too only stay confined too manga, as it seems too be a plot specifically made for it.

>> No.20148245

>Little devil
For some reason I find this hilarious next to the actual full names of the other characters.

>> No.20148271

Well, I mean, that is her "name"

>> No.20148286

And not a single newer character in sight. Fucking EoSDfags. Well, at least there's no "big fairy" character taking spotlight as well.

>> No.20148309

This chapter is in Summer and Chapter 47 of WaHH is in Autumn, since Reimu wanted to hold a fall leaves festival. So the events of this chapter are before Reimu's death.

>> No.20148563
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Why doesn't Hirasaka ever draw their wings folded down/back? They look like a hassle to always be sticking out like they're ready to fly and it's not like they can't move them.

>> No.20148609

Why do fairies always have their hands on their hips?

>> No.20148734

Cirno was so dumb and so cute this chapter.

>> No.20148822
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Because Hirasaka is too lazy to draw more than like 4 postures and fills in pages with lots of closeups of eyes and feet

Go get some drinks and take a sip every time he drew someone making the thinking gesture with their hand to their chin this episode.

>> No.20148833

who are the poorhus getting covered by the sign

>> No.20148922

Okina is back in a cameo

>> No.20149064
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how the hell did Hirasaka get away with this?

>> No.20149180
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How does this work exactly?
The fairies get the sweets
Sap comes out

>> No.20149192

They lick the sweet sap off the shaft. I mean tree.

>> No.20150404
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Reimu's too poor to afford ice, so I'm guessing Marisa brought it for her as usual.

>> No.20150453

She has a freezer.

>> No.20150511

Cirno was with the fairies today, so she probably passed by the shrine and Reimu got some ice from her.

>> No.20150525

So you're saying Reimu squeezed some ice cubes out of Cirno?

>> No.20150656

you punch cirno, then ice cubes pop out, just like in minecraft

>> No.20150681
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They've had such an arrangement for quite some time.

>> No.20150773

So this is the new rorikon thread?

>> No.20151031

Lolicon Reimu!!

>> No.20151032
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She wouldn't have to squeeze her. Reimu and Cirno have been on good terms since Cirno was a protag last year. She was even invited to parties at the shrine in WaHH.

>> No.20151102

Sunny is too lewd!

>> No.20151300

This song is awful.

>> No.20152800
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Eternity and Clownpiece are draining the lifeforce out from Gensokyo, with the Stone Cherries either being a tool or a byproduct of whatever process is being used. Eternity's endgame is probably to make all of gensokyo "doyou", eliminating the seasons, and regain godhood. Clownpiece may well just think this is all an elaborate prank.

>> No.20152821

Larva definitely has ulterior motives. This will lead up to Fairy Wars 2. I suspect Okina will once again power up Cirno to her tanned Summer form in order to go up against Eternity in her god form.

>> No.20152875

How would Eternity get those things? Clownpiece knows something but it could be related to whatever's going on in hell.

>> No.20152936

Clownpiece might have some kind of method, either that or the stones are simply being created incidentally. If Eternity is behind this she's definitely working with Clownpiece. Clownpiece herself is clearly a suspect behind this, being hell-related and her actions this chapter. Assuming she's not bait (which with ZUN it's pretty likely she is) then either Eternity or Hecatia are probably involved.

Eternity simply seems like the most appropriate perpetrator because >>20152800 so blatantly sets up for it. Also the muting of seasons thematically parallels Eternity having a doyou door in HSiFS, along with the already-known motive of fucking with the Four Seasons Sage and getting her godhood back.

>> No.20153006
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So you say that Gensokyo needs a savior?

>> No.20153090

Cirno's already reached a level surpassing her tanned form, and she's already solving the case herself.
She'll tell her old friend Eternity not to get ahead of herself before this is all over. If she assumes her tanned form again, not even Eternity's god form would stand a chance.

>> No.20153244

Touhou isn't Dragon Ball Z

>> No.20153290

It's not just lifeforce, all the fairies are gone too. Someone could be using the hell stones to scare fairies away or into a specific location. Directly draining lifeforce and/or somehow making stones would imply killing nature and fairies directly.

>> No.20153352

I really hope this means ZUN really is announcing a new game at the next Comiket, all this teasing would be cruel if there wasn't one in the wings.

A hell civil war would make a pretty good plotline and maybe he'll finally introduce the final member of the Big 4 of the mountain. I also want to say the stone cherry thing is possibly a setup to re-introduce the cherry point mechanic.

Just seems with the new games ZUN is expanding on the lore and since he has already done the moon with LoLK, hell is another big unexplored part of the series that isn't too elaborated on. All we've ever seen of it was old hell in SA and the occasional visit to Higan.

>> No.20153420

People are right though that ZUN has never used supplementary material to set up the plotline for a mainline game, it's only been for the spinoffs. So if it is leading up to a game, it's likely going to be Fairy Wars 2, or possibly (but doubtful) a fighting game.

That said, ZUN isn't exactly reliable when it comes to patterns that people notice from him. "Only stage 5 bosses can be playable!" springs to mind. So who the fuck knows.

>> No.20153423

Only because ZUN liked Jojo more.

>> No.20153432

The fairies are the lifeforce of areas and probably are (in) the soulstones

>> No.20153442

Please no, do not harm the fairies.

>> No.20153449

People need to stop using the term "mainline" like the non-integer games are any less canon or unofficial or something.

>> No.20153462

Sorry dude, your fairy wife is my Philosopher's Stone.

>> No.20153488 [DELETED] 

Reimu sure has a nice way to cool off during a hot summer day!
I wish I had a Cirno freezer >>20150453

>> No.20153492
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Reimu sure has a nice way to cool off during a hot summer day!
I wish I had a Cirno freezer >>20150453

>> No.20153521

Whatever happened to that "An Assortment of Fairies" thing?

>> No.20153551

I've never once seen them used that way.

>> No.20153564

Is using it right now like "mainline" means anything. The other games aren't spinoffs, they're just games without Reimu as the protagonist.

>> No.20153582
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>> No.20153695

What the fuck part of that post gave you the impression the non-integer games were being talked down as "less canon" or "unofficial"? Are you sure this problem you're speaking of actually exists?
And you're wrong, the non-integer games ARE spinoffs. Whether Reimu is a protagonist in them or not is irrelevant, no less because half of them do have her as a protagonist just fine.

>> No.20153856

Thanks for the valuable contribution too this thread.

>> No.20153872 [DELETED] 
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I want to creampie a fairy

>> No.20153874

He's right, though

>> No.20153882

I'm fairly confident that this whole plotline is specifically going too stay maintained too the manga. Its seems like ZUN has decided too have more of a focus for the manga instead of writing random slice of life bits for every chapter. Taking all of the HSiFS chapters as an example (particularly in WaHH), there is still plenty of room for all of the typical fun nonsense that we're used too but it overall seems like it might be easier for him when there is still something central he can write everything around.

>> No.20153913

Why do you keep typing to as too

>> No.20153941

Because I type fast and make that mistake sometimes. Does it really upset you that much?

>> No.20153970

You've been making that mistake almost 100% consistently across three entire posts

>> No.20153978

Oh no I made the most common mistake possible, my fucking bad dude.

>> No.20154049

I don't see anyone else doing it

>> No.20154067

Well maybe it's just a bad habit. Either way, stop derailing the thread with this shit.

>> No.20154076

You're the one that keeps replying
Get your act together, fag

>> No.20154088
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Not only does she frequently seduce men, but she has lewd escapades with other fairies as well.
Can Star be stopped?

>> No.20154119

What a fun individual.

>> No.20154769

I wonder how often fairies cannibalize each other. Do they play a youkai game instead of hide and seek and kill/eat whomever they catch?

>> No.20155203
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>Fairies are put into soulstones
>Gensokyo turns into a dead landscape
>Heca turns heat up to 11
I could see it happening.

>> No.20155578

Soulstones make me think of Diablo. Gensokyo vs the three prime Hecas.

>> No.20156288
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I want to be Luna-chan's fatherhusband!

>> No.20156893

Your daughterwife is too defenseless!

>> No.20156958

i'll need you guys to stop trying to adoptmarry public use onaholes
if you want to marry someone you could become sanae's husband #2953 and #2954

>> No.20157086

Sanae is old and hella busted.
You can't tell me what to do with my onaholes, get your own.

>> No.20157474

fairy onaholes are the national treasure of gensokyo. you can't just take them for yourself like you're reimu or something
if you want a loli that would gladly let you use her as a personal ona, i hear akyuu's been looking for a husband

>> No.20158774

Of course she is, she is going to get mating pressed! (by me)

>> No.20160507

The thread for the manga is dead!

>> No.20160557

I wonder how fragrant kurapis fairy feet are after playing outside in the summer heat.

>> No.20160660

Is there supposed to be something else left to say? This chapter reminds me of the one where Star found a stone with a torii mark on it though.

Also this chapter sort of makes me think about the conspicuous lack of other fairies in this comic. Fairies are supposed to be everywhere but they rarely ever even see other random fairies.

>> No.20161750

That's because the three fairies of light are weird. It's been said that fairies don't exactly regularly hang out with one another, they just sort of randomly do what the fuck ever.

>> No.20161844

I wonder if that's a trait that all the higher-intelligence fairies share. We know Dai knows where Cirno lives.

>> No.20161859

that operates under the assumption that "daiyousei" is a character

Who knows whether ZUN specified green fae when she cameod playing hide and seek with Cirno once, or just told Hirasaka "a fairy"

>> No.20162318

Yeah but there are a billion fairies everywhere. They should run into them occasionally.

>> No.20162911

Some could just be chilling underground like Eternity or in trees or w/e.
And the majority of them are probably busy seducing Gensokyo's male population, which is why you never see them.

>> No.20163323
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Remember to bring your fairywifes to the water park, they'll love it.

>> No.20163636


>> No.20163685

loli Raiko! loli Raiko!

>> No.20164424

Why does Luna always make the :< face?

>> No.20164810
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Having a permanent chestnut mouth is proof of her upper-class semen demon status

>> No.20164856

Akyuu is boring and unattractive.

>> No.20165727
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Suzu is cute, adventurous, always ready for pressing, and won't die any time soon

>> No.20165811


>> No.20166005
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Yeah, but she's taken.

>> No.20166081

Thats clownpiece you mong

>> No.20168676
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