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File: 174 KB, 800x600, Kotori - do something sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2011476 No.2011476 [Reply] [Original]

Oh ho why not do something sexy?

>> No.2011549

[ ] Invite Kotori inside.
[ ] Do not invite Kotori inside.

>> No.2011557

I would play DC if they got rid of the protagonist's ability to make snacks with magic.

>> No.2011561

You fuck her like three days in a row.

She goes home with difficult to walk.

>> No.2011565

What a stupid hat. I wouldn't be caught DEAD in that hat.

>> No.2011569

Protip: this is not important to the plot. At all.

>> No.2011583


It's just ridiculously unnecessary which makes me hate it

>> No.2011578
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What's wrong with it? I liked how it drained his own calories.

But you gotta play it for Moe; she's pretty moe.

>> No.2011580

Why not practice with a banana?

>> No.2011591
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>> No.2011598

Hey, he inherited it from his grandma, leave alone.

>> No.2011615


Sometimes the main guy's friends were hungry, and he would use his power to feed them (and thus draining his own calories/making himself hungry in the process).

It really isn't important to the plot at all, but it was a nice little thing to show how selfless main bro can be.

>> No.2011630
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Yoriko > *

>> No.2011638


It's just so silly. It doesn't help that I thought he was kidding the first time he did it.

>> No.2011657
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>> No.2011656

i like Mako

>> No.2011666

Does anyone have a CG rip for this? Surprisingly, /rs/ turns up nothing except the sequels.

>> No.2011675

what is this game anon?

>> No.2011677
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>"I can only make Japanese snacks. I am a bullshit magician."

>> No.2011681

the one with two Miharus giving oral was the best

>> No.2011682

Da Capo.

>> No.2011684

what VN is this

>> No.2011692


I guess that makes it a bit more tolerable.

I do wish I could do that, though.

>> No.2011710
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>> No.2011712
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>> No.2011717
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The sex scenes were pretty short, but I'm accustomed since I'm Key fan.

Kotori's scenes were a bit longer.

>> No.2011719

If you could close and open your hand to produce an object, what would that object be?

>> No.2011722

dude it's the best magic ever. You use up calories to make the shit, so you never ever have to exercise and you'll never get fat.

>> No.2011723

god, what a terrible game.

>> No.2011726

fuck, that sounds pretty good

>> No.2011731
File: 198 KB, 800x600, 1233539341612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma tracin' your dessert...

>> No.2011775



>> No.2011799

Wouldn't you still have fats, oils, and cholesterol in your system?
I guess if you could make any kind of food, it would work better.

>> No.2011805


I'm seeing quadruple!

>> No.2011816

Seconding this. Uncensored CGs where?

>> No.2011834


Most of the times it's better if they are censored.

>> No.2011835

Yeah, I hated Sakura and Kotori's routes too

Miharu, Mako and Yoriko > *

>> No.2011856

Does anyone even like Nemu?

>> No.2011859

so where can i get the game and english patch.
i want to love mako and raep miharu if possible

>> No.2011863


>and english patch

But... but...

>> No.2011868

Sister route was not bad

>> No.2011869
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 1233540726623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants you so bad in every freaking route that it's hard to not feel sorry for her.

Officially released.

>> No.2011871



You'll need the crack too (which is right there on that page or on /rs/).

>> No.2011886
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 1233540983455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2011891

She's pretty much my favorite.

>> No.2011897

I do, she can be pretty cute at times.
I'm still more of a Mako man, though.

>> No.2011903


Well, I fucking hate her

>> No.2011904

Yes. You didn't play Moe's route, bro.

>> No.2011899

I have played Sakura, Nemu and Kotori's route, and they were awful. I deleted the game. Did i do wrong?

>> No.2011900
File: 266 KB, 804x629, 1233541207435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone mind opening Nemu's scene replays and tell me what I'm missing here? I think it's kind of awesome that they include everything, but at the same time I'm a perfectionist and it's driving me fucking batshit whenever I find out I've missed something.

Also jesus christ Moe is so fucking moe.

And did anyone else feel cheated with Miharu's route? I know it wasn't a main route or anything but robots? God damnit I just wanted to sex Nemu's awesome friend.

>> No.2011907

my thanks, good sir

>> No.2011910

I'm missing that same one, as well as Nemu's last 4-11 scenario and Moe's first 3-5.

>> No.2011911

>>2011899 see >>2011904

>> No.2011916
File: 217 KB, 800x1200, 1233541425981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2011928

Moe's first 3-5 I was missing too, someone on /jp/ was awesome and told me how to get it.

Set your alarm for the latest time (7:30, I think) every single day. You'll get a new event (and cg) with Moe. I'm not sure if you have to be on Moe's route or not, but I don't think so. Just incase you might want to be, though.

Nemu's last 4-11 is a sex scene. Not sure.

>> No.2011935
File: 115 KB, 806x625, 1233541683594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2011940

awww cmon, no sex with miharu?

how about sex with mako?

>> No.2011945

Well. You sort of sex Miharu. It's a robot that looks like her. Which kind of sucks.

>> No.2011955

I fucking hated that.

>> No.2011968

Wait what, that's one of the best superpowers one can have. You can eat all the sweets you want, then eat the same sweets again. And again. And again.
Fuck, why doesn't my town have a magical cherry tree already.
(Well, it had a lot of plum trees placed handily on my way home, so I would pick up a few plums from each tree as I passed and end up with quite a nice snack. There was this gigantic morus tree too, but they cut it down. Pity. )
Bah, this reminds me of times when I wasn't "so ronery". I'll go play some Da Capo.

>> No.2011980
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>> No.2011999

woo new robot harem addition.

go stand between aigis and aiko

>> No.2012006

i guess thats ok.
and Mako scenes?

>> No.2012009
File: 169 KB, 800x600, 1233542543253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012010

Sorry, haven't done Mako's route yet. It seems like a legit route, though.

>> No.2012025

Anyone got the other 3 that never appeared?

Tasty Shafts
Shera, My Witch
My sex slave is a classmate

>> No.2012058

So what's the name of this VN.

>> No.2012059

I like Nemu she's okay. I liked her more in the anime though. The anime is better than the game. The game is pretty boring, especially since the first 2 hours is pretty much pointless shit.

>> No.2012099

>The game is pretty boring, especially since the first 2 hours is pretty much pointless shit.
Just like how the first 12 episodes are pointless shit.

>> No.2012127

no, those short stories they put at the end of some of the episodes were pointless shit

>> No.2012131
File: 38 KB, 269x291, 1233544491172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The anime is better than the game.

>> No.2012250
File: 272 KB, 408x469, 1225026247519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.2012390
File: 152 KB, 800x600, 1233547590054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22:14 No.2012131
>22:37 No.2012250
