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20099476 No.20099476 [Reply] [Original]

DJT comes to senses

Guide & resources:
https://djtguide.neocities.org/ (legacy)

How to learn Japanese TL;DR - Learn kana with DJT Kana (+writing if you want), read Tae Kim's grammar guide, then start reading and listening to compelling content intended for adult native speakers for several hours each day.

Last thread: >>20092606
One before last thread: >>20083147

>> No.20099491

y o s h i

>> No.20099540
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time for my reps

>> No.20099564

tkyosam is the best japanese speaker ever. 2100% fluent.

>> No.20099623

Man what's weird is that everything they discussed in that video we had talked about in the thread that day. Matt is on djt or there is some serious hivemind going on.

>> No.20099703

I'm sure Matt knows about /djt/.

>> No.20099810


>> No.20099890

Would anyone be interested in setting up group buys for ebooks? The library is missing a lot of more recent material and it's all available on Amazon.

>> No.20099936

broke up with my japanese girlfriend today
fuck my motivation to learn japanese has tanked

>> No.20099941

get a japanese boyfriend

>> No.20099993

【悲報】なんJ民 ヨかがわからない
1 :名無しさん@おーぷん:2017/07/22(土)19:50:49 ID:Y7W(主) ×
131: 風吹けば名無し\(^o^)/ 2017/07/12(水) 08:54:35.82 ID:Efzkk37Z0

135: 風吹けば名無し\(^o^)/ 2017/07/12(水) 08:55:11.20 ID:1vvgZKxVM

139: 風吹けば名無し\(^o^)/ 2017/07/12(水) 08:55:32.56 ID:yPhu/gci0

146: 風吹けば名無し\(^o^)/ 2017/07/12(水) 08:56:22.63 ID:4Q2CYzlua

472: 風吹けば名無し\(^o^)/ 2017/07/12(水) 09:24:43.95 ID:U/Ne4vVV0


2 :名無しさん@おーぷん :2017/07/22(土)19:51:21 ID:Zl4 ×

>> No.20099995

I had a simular situation. Took me years to start studying again. If I bump into her again I would blow her away with how much better I am now though. I guess in the end you can't control people, not even yourself. If you truly want to be fluent it's just a matter of time so get out of the way and let destiny happen.

>> No.20100039
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yoshi time for listening

>> No.20100049

>learning japanese for girls

>> No.20100054

thanks senpai
I'm thinking I should try to get right back into it
I was studying hard before meeting her, I can study again without her

>> No.20100064

studying isn't learning

>> No.20100073

I want to make japanese friends online before I visit japan
what is the best way I can do this? I know a little japanese but not enough to carry conversation.

>> No.20100093

I was learning because I want to live there someday, having a girlfriend was never the goal
helpful comment

>> No.20100094

This. Only legit reason is learning for 2d girls

>> No.20100108

If you can't hold a decent conversation I wouldn't rush it yet. You don't want to be too much of a burden and talking too much early on wont be so helpful. You can meet japanese people all over the internet. There are lots in english teaching places asking how they can meet english speakers.

>> No.20100129

tfw posted in old thread by mistake
I missed the jlpt registration. Thought it started in early october and ended in late october for some reason. I got n2 last year and wanted to try n1 this year. Woopsie.
Oh well. Good luck to all taking it

>> No.20100149

How long did you study to get n2?

>> No.20100341

6 months of sentence mining

>> No.20100391

10 years of anki

>> No.20100423

Poster you replied to here (I know it doesn't really matter). Think it was about 4-5 months of anki and reading.
I read a lot in a short period of time. Not as much anymore. But yeah I basically went from being able to read kana and a handful of kanji to n2 in that period of time because I read so much. If you want to gitgud fast read with rikaichan enabled on your browser until you no longer need it.

>> No.20100443

>install yomichan
>setup was a pain
>hear rikaisama is better
>don't want to install because yomichan annoyed me

>> No.20100470

Huh? What did you read in your browser?

>> No.20100492
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>4-5 months
Did you get a decent score?

I knew N2 was a joke but I didn't think it was that easy.

>> No.20100537
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Pixiv fanfiction. I'm a fujoshit
pic related
Could've done better but a pass is a pass.
Oh ya, I've also listened to 600+ blcds. So that probably helped with my listening skills.

>> No.20100555

he failed the N1

>> No.20100565

Fuck off stupid memer

>> No.20100579
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What? Do you think I made that up?

>> No.20100604

>Pixiv fanfiction
Is that really all you've used as your learning material so far?

>> No.20100655
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I said I used anki as well for those months until I broke the routine/stopped caring. I guess I could've added that I already had a decent grasp of grammar etc thanks to all the years of watching anime and listening to blcds. So all the "studying" I did was anki flashcards for memorizing kanji. I wrote them down to help memorize them as well. I have very little confidence that I could write a paragraph in japanese on paper though.

>> No.20100689

>I said I used anki as well for those months until I broke the routine/stopped caring.
By "learning material" I meant "reading and listening material". Have you really not indulged in anything else besides fanfics and BL audio?

>I already had a decent grasp of grammar etc thanks to all the years of watching anime and listening to blcds.
So when you actually made the decision "Alright, I'm going to learn Japanese", what sort of level were you at by that point? Had you managed to pick up enough vocab and grammar that you were already able to understand your homoerotic audio recordings to some degree?

>So all the "studying" I did was anki flashcards for memorizing kanji.
So you never used Anki for vocab, only for kanji? What sort of method did you use for kanji?

>> No.20100744
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>By "learning material" I meant "reading and listening material". Have you really not indulged in anything else besides fanfics and BL audio?
No, not really. Even if I did it wouldn't have made any difference in comparison to the sheer volume of fanfiction I read. I probably read MLA 10 times over in gay jap fanfiction on piviv.
>So when you actually made the decision "Alright, I'm going to learn Japanese", what sort of level were you at by that point? Had you managed to pick up enough vocab and grammar that you were already able to understand your homoerotic audio recordings to some degree?
To a degree, yeah. I could follow plot lines sometimes(they can be plot heavy, especially longer series. It's not just ""plot""). Sometimes not really.
>So you never used Anki for vocab, only for kanji?
Actually I guess not. I just loaded up anki to check. I was using core 10k which gives you words and example sentences. Pic related
>What sort of method did you use for kanji?
I'd write down the kanji I was having difficulty remembering. That's about it.

>> No.20100756


>> No.20100758

otintin misete

>> No.20100762

Is shadowing a meme?

>> No.20100773

If you already know know some Japanese (N3-N4) but still kinda suck at assimilating new Kanji AND want to write just do RTK.

>> No.20100774
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>assimilating new Kanji

>> No.20100776
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>> No.20100780

>Definition of assimilate
>transitive verb
>1a : to take into the mind and thoroughly understand

>> No.20100794

What makes VNcore better than the usual core decks?

>> No.20100796

Anyone else finding themselves thinking in japanese when jerking off? I noticed I repeat the name of the girl I'm masturbating to in my head a lot, also saying stupid shit in a low voice after cumming like「草」 or「ファック」, there wasn't this much depth to fapping before I started learning japanese. I bet it's the only language that makes everything more meaningful in general.

>> No.20100805

>> No.20100816

solid post. thick, sturdy, solid nice epic
I like it

>> No.20100823

Core is shit but VNcore is even worse since it has no audio or example sentences.

>> No.20100899


>> No.20100905

>2 threads alive

thanks OP

you fuck

>> No.20100934
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>> No.20100991
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>> No.20101040
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>> No.20101074
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So I'm doing Tae kim

>Will do homework from today tomorrow

I just spent the longest time trying to understand the sentence above, I couldn't work out how it was saying to do it tomorrow and not until tomorrow and it was annoying the shit out of me. I've only now just realise that I was right and it did say until tomorrow and I fucking misread the English translation in tae kim.

>> No.20101087
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Where can i find complete N2 mock test? Every time i search for some all i found is some questions, sometimes it doesn't even have any correction.
The test is in two weeks and i'm getting anxious, i'm starting to think i'm gonna fail please help.

>> No.20101113

Why would you even do N2? I can almost understand N1 since it arguably has some use if you're living in Japan or moving there in the very near future, but with N2 you're just wasting your time and money on a test which proves and means absolutely nothing. Even passing N1 doesn't mean you're fluent.

>> No.20101124

Time for immersion

>> No.20101128

This is why you should stop using shitty grammar guides with misleading definitions that will ingrain themselves and cripple your Japanese

>> No.20101138

You can't say don't do x without suggesting an alternative Y. What should I do instead of Tae Kim, just give up now maybe?

>> No.20101153

Not him, but I'll agree with you that Tae Kim's guide is bad. At the time when I was just starting out though, it was still the best option in spite of its flaws. Is there anything around these days that trumps Tae Kim?

>> No.20101159

Start reading and acquire grammar naturally

>> No.20101169

I am reading at the same time as doing Tae Kim, I generally alternate between the two, but without some sort of grammar guide it's a pain to try and decipher what is being said.

>> No.20101188
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snibbity snab
stop being such a salty crab and let him do what he wants

>> No.20101215

Because you can put it on your cv, it is as simple as that.

>> No.20101220

For those who don't know what it means it is the equivalent of a resume.

>> No.20101236

Why would you put N2 on your CV?

>Non-fluency in Japanese

>> No.20101259 [DELETED] 

In my uni to do exchange in Japane they prioritise those who already have N2. And N2 is still better than nothing.

>> No.20101327

it seems like someone is salty that he didn’t pass N2 and is now lashing on others

>> No.20101408

>Been doing LOTS OF READING for 2 months now but still do anki core separately
>Started to notice about a week ago that I much more easily remember cards of words I've seen even just once, even if it was weeks before I got the card.
Fuck, I've seen the light.

>> No.20101416

Now kill your core deck if you're using one and switch to mining exclusively.

>> No.20101440

N2 in six months is still patrician as fuck, though. Core10k >>> all other methods.

>> No.20101473

Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar deck for anki. If I remember correctly, you can't download it from the official shared decks list, but it's not hard to find it on google.

>> No.20101500

DoJG isn't a grammar guide, it's a grammar dictionary. It's not structured as a beginner resource at all. Definitely not a replacement for Tae Kim.

>> No.20101502

Because から get's covered in a later lesson and まで is something you'll have to look up on your own.

>> No.20101543

It's perfectly possible to follow DoBJG after learning hiragana if you're not a brainlet. They have a specific section, "Characteristics of Japanese Grammar", aimed at people who know nothing of Japanese. Even if someone finds it too overwhelming, he can just watch some random youtube videos explaining basic sentence constructions for beginners, of which there are tons.

>> No.20101570

I might have to, I use to argue that core decks still have more useful vocab but I've been running into that vocab in reading anyway. I think it's better to just learn how to pick which words to mine.

>> No.20101607

Problem is, the example sentences don't have any consideration for what grammar the reader may or may not know and just use whatever grammar the authors felt like using. A beginner guide should only use grammar which has already been covered and explained when demonstrating a new grammar point, otherwise a beginner has no hope of making sense of the sentence.

It can be easy to forget once you've been at this for a while, but try to remember back to what it was like for you when you only just started out and knew literally nothing. At least in my case, there were plenty of sentences I struggled with in Tae Kim in spite of them only introducing one new grammar point to me. I can only imagine how shit it would've been to go through the DoJG as if it were a grammar guide only to encounter half a dozen unknown grammar points per example sentence. I think telling beginners to read the DoJG is just stupid (actually, I don't think the DoJG is needed at all; anything not covered in Tae Kim is acquired easily enough through exposure).

>> No.20101641

The key sentences in the dictionaries are written in such a way that one does not need to know other grammatical points to understand them (aside from the aforementioned "Characteristics of Japanese Grammar"). They are extremely easy to understand. The examples are additional material, and the beginner can focus on them in later reps when he has a better grasp of Japanese in general.

If someone is willing to put effort enough to become decently proficient in Japanese, then surpassing the initial hurdle of understanding DoBJG should be a walk in the park, specially with the help of Anki.

>> No.20101651

>droning grammar dictionary
never change djt

>> No.20101662

That's what you get traitor.

>> No.20101684

Better order than the ones in the mega. And it's straight up frequency derived from VNs.

However like the other anon said there's no audio or example sentences. I'm OK with that since I read and listen a lot and, that more than makes up for those drawbacks.

>> No.20101802

Tae Kim's guide is good. It's short and to the point. People just attack it because it's popular or because they got BTFO by Kim when they made some petty criticism and are forever butthurt because of it.

>> No.20101817

Tae Kim's grammar guide is one of the better ones but the fact he's still learning Japanese himself should set off red flags. Definitely use his guide but don't make it the thing you cite, for example.

>> No.20101819

Just got finished droning the DoJG deck and vncore. Mad?

>> No.20101827

Only pity.

>> No.20101830

>but the fact he's still learning Japanese himself should set off red flags
Speaking of which, memes aside, what is Sakubi like?

>> No.20101907

>The fastest way to improve your Japanese is to simplify your lexicon. The fastest way to simplify your lexicon is to stop watching Attack on Titan and Goblin Slayer.
-Dogen's latest tweet
Is this true?

>> No.20101930

sounds like someone who hates something because it's mainstream

>> No.20101935


>> No.20101949

Or just watch dubs master race

>> No.20101952

I think he's right in that the most common words will cover the most meaning, and it lets you focus more on grammar. I think he's wrong in that it's compelling content that motivates people to progress.

>> No.20101972

Irozuku JP subs anywhere?

>> No.20101985


Once you have a handle on simple vocabulary, you can define more complex things using those simpler terms. This naturally lends itself to enhanced learning since more often than not, you can refer back to similar kanji/words to reinforce meaning.

>> No.20101989

Guys what does どんな頭してたら mean? usually it's followed by こんな

>> No.20102037

Please write a complete sentence.

>> No.20102058


>> No.20102100

I'm still learning, so don't trust me completely, but I think 「セリフが浮かぶ」means having some phrase or expression "floating in your mind", or thinking something. 「どんな頭してたら」probably means "what kind of mental state" or "what kind of mind". Therefore, the whole phrase would mean something like "What kind of mental state does [someone] have to be in to think something like that?".

>> No.20102119

I only got thru half of tae kim before i got bored, but i finished sakubi in like 2 or 3 days. It greatly helped me get started reading japanese, but ultimately what helped the most was reading. It's the fastest way to find out what you know, what you dont know, and what you need to work on. It'll also give the fastest growth.

>> No.20102176

Where's the download to vncore?

>> No.20102179

Tae Kim knows Japanese.

>> No.20102185


>> No.20102188


>> No.20102221

not that anon but I'd like to interject, in my country people slap B2 English on their CVs
so you tell me

>> No.20102224

The introduction page says he's still learning.

>> No.20102231

Are you retarded?

>> No.20102254

are you?

>> No.20102299

You never stop learning, not even your native language.

There are English words right now that you don't understand, yet you'll have no problem accepting their meanings when you run into them, even if you don't 100% comprehend it.

>> No.20102300

It does make sense the way you described it, and it seems to be used in similar way a lot of the time from what I can tell, for example どんな頭してたらそんなこと出来るんやろ。or どんな頭してたらこんなの思いつくんだ。

Thank you.

>> No.20102301

>4-5 months
>passed N2
Meanwhile how the fuck is ヌクちゃん studying HARD since 2006 and can't pass the goddamn N3.. somebody get that man some adderral or something holy hell.

>> No.20102309


>> No.20102313

if tae kim says he's still learning then he's just being insincere to try to make the reader feel more at ease. to do otherwise would banal and perhaps, more importantly, being humble makes one seem more erudite. also >>20102299

>> No.20102327

Humbleness is often misunderstood in the west as people are basically taught modesty is a weakness.

>> No.20102352

stfu kokoro chan

>> No.20102382

ok threads over time to go next >>20092606

>> No.20102496

I'm not going back to /matt general/

>> No.20102502

ヌクちゃん said he seriously studied for a couple years and quit. he mentioned getting a japanese linguist rank in the navy from their language test, but never took the jlpt, just the j-cat.

>> No.20102516

this dog looks stupid

>> No.20102529

Test yourself.

>> No.20102533

nuke talking smack about djt again.

>> No.20102540

pretty much everything he says about us is probably true.

>> No.20102596

He didn't really talk smack. Just commented that redditors are more toxic than us and that we meme a lot.

>> No.20102603

New みさ
she did immersion style teaching

>> No.20102667

Ayye nuke does come here!
Sup ヌクちゃん!

>> No.20102682

>Friday means "Money day"

>> No.20102692


>> No.20102743
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lol he busts out Jamal on his english sub'd meme

>> No.20102752
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>Shin-Kaizen Master
>N2 Grammar
>1 lesson per day
>Forget all the terms from the previous lesson

>> No.20102759
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Just finished Tae Kim and kind of wondering if I should just quit before I go too deep with learning moonspeak since the only point for doing it is japanese media, but my consumption of jap stuff is just one anime or h-game every few weeks at best nowadays. I don't want to travel to Japan or interact with japs either so that isn't very motivating too. Please help.

>> No.20102762
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>> No.20102779

i mean hes very much beyond help its no surprise that he doesnt understand why its important

>> No.20102785

he literally thinks by watching subs youre trying to learn specific words from them lol

>> No.20102787

If your desire to knowing Japanese isn't enough to motivate you then it's going to be hard, since you clearly don't have much of a need for it.

>> No.20102794

I wonder how long it will take him to fully embrace our memes

>> No.20102797

fucking lol

>> No.20102878

hey nuke review vn core 1250 it's in the treasure box in the library in the OP

>> No.20102882
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I don't think I have desire for it, it's indifference. Only started moon at random since a timeslot became free recently and wanted to fill it with something but I never thought about the why until now, and now it doesn't seem like a very good choice since there's no tangible difference to knowing it besides digesting content without subs every few weeks.

>> No.20102895

oh he actually mentioned it nvm

it was actually curated btw

>> No.20102922

Well, whatever you choose to do I wish you good luck.

>> No.20102947

doesn't matter. nobody besides you recommends it because it's retarded.

>> No.20102953

learn the French or something instead then

or the piano, or pretty much any other skill

t. retard who has no use for Japanese but is already in too deep to quit

>> No.20102992

>tfw eating GS instead of watching
skipped a lot of words while mining

>> No.20103009

cant really say i expect any more or less at this point

>> No.20103027

I've been saying that for a while now. Most of the things they say in anime, especially scfi/fantasy isn't going to be nearly as useful as lets say a jdrama. I think his point is that you can learn the weird words later and just have a tightened up core of useful vocab first.

>> No.20103030


>> No.20103040

idk why folks got this kind of mentality dont worry about japanese and just have fun ?

only problem i have is its still tv drama

why do it half ass and watch gay ass shows for stay at home moms and teenage girls when you could just start engaging with real unscripted japanese ?

>> No.20103042

nuke seems like a good sport, he should make a regular feature of this. maybe we could convince him to read more

>> No.20103044

There is even science to back it up. Reading english will just make you better at english. Don't get trolled by jamal.

>> No.20103048

>How to learn Japanese TL;DR - Learn kana with DJT Kana (+writing if you want), read Tae Kim's grammar guide, then start reading and listening to compelling content intended for adult native speakers for several hours each day.

So you guys don't recommend learning vocab using anki before starting read?

>> No.20103053

whos trolling me telling you to do a thing that will 100% without fail give you something that you can actually build upon once youve spent extensive time doing it or the folks who push the garbage that lead to shit like geyline guy

huh sounds to me youre just really afraid that people might start making it through the nihongo gate you are trying to keep with something so simple and easy

>> No.20103062

>when you could just start engaging with real unscripted japanese
How so? By the way some of those jdramas are pretty good and made for dudes. Like Ultraman, Kamen rider, Arakawa, Crows blood, etc. But even teh chick ones are way better than anything I've seen on western tv. At least they feel much more interesting.

>> No.20103077

Nothing in life is easy, if it's easy it's not doing anything.

>> No.20103084

people who know what they're talking about recommend doing a premade vocabulary deck to learn your first 1k or so words so you don't waste your time mining super basic shit

>> No.20103085

theres japanese people out there online and in person go bother them

life is a cyoa dude its like telling you to go get a job youre just gonna have to get up and do it yourself

but most people now just want the lazy way and will dismiss anything that requires them to engage on their own

and to that i say dont spend your time doing half assed shit that you dont wanna do anyway and just watch fuckin anime ftw

actually language learning is really easy even a toddler can do it

>> No.20103087

i mean you can do whatever you want if you really wanna but it's not gonna be what makes you get good you only get good from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlCRfTmBSGs

>> No.20103088
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>(アカネ)響くん “武士は食わねど高笑い” ってやつ?

>Hibiki, are you the "stiff-upper-lip- even-when-hungry samurai" type?

can anybody explain this meaning? the translation doesnt give me any understanding.

>> No.20103092

tfw all the good fps worth practicing have been dead for 15 years : (

>> No.20103094

I'm not parotting jamal but speaking from my own experience. 10k hours may be insane, but with 4k hours under my belt listening comprehension is a joke to me.
As long you don't go full americlap and pay at least some attention to the dialogues, even english subbed can be beneficial, especially if you don't know any Japanese.

>> No.20103097

>Kamen rider
isn't this really cheesy and shitty?

>> No.20103103


>> No.20103105

only the people with the experience are really gonna get it so its tough but thanks for speaking up #metoo

>> No.20103106

It's basically the equivelant to 'the flash' in the US, so yea cheesy as fuck

>> No.20103108

you forgot to take off your signature

>> No.20103111

you forgot to put it on

>> No.20103133

How good are you at reading? Is listening comprehension "a joke" to you for *any* anime?

>> No.20103162

when you start reading having watched a sufficient amount of english subbed anime youll find that you know that a lot of words make sense in specific locations before you can even read them and you will be right a lot

can you imagine how nice it is to have some kind of working japanese that you basically understand a lot of things (at a basic level mind you) that the hardest part is recognizing kanji??

this will be your path if you just fuckin enjoy the animes for a while and once you start gaining skills with the written language holy shit you are gonna be so far ahead of the flashtards and whatever you would call nuke chan its gonna be crazy

and then when you start adding social interaction to it holy shit its gonna be like someone finally opened the curtains to bathe you in the radiant light of the rising sun and its gonna feel so good

life is so easy once youve watched like 10000 hours or maybe just a teeny bit less of anime with english subs i promise

>> No.20103175

i mean if you're a loser who doesn't like anime you can probably make it work without the anime

but is that really a life worth living i say no

>> No.20103219

It's cheesy but it fucking rules. It's just live action anime, ultimately.

>> No.20103227

10000 hours is such a long time, probably i will be dead before i can reach that amount.

>> No.20103244

well maybe just watch anime for a long time until shit starts to feel good when you try to do other things like play a video game and go from there ┐(‘~` )┌

you dont even have to watch anime if you dont want to (tho its fuckin gay if u dont) its mostly the many hours and english subs that are important on getting you going with being able to learn

>> No.20103252

>imagine typing all of this out and still being obviously wrong to everybody

>> No.20103255

2000 should be plenty to get you started.

>> No.20103271

yea? show me someone whos right with proof im still waiting its been 2.5 years

>> No.20103292

guys i deleted anki. i have a mental illness where i don't think i can learn japanese without putting stuff i learn into anki. i'm just going to read and watch a lot with a dictionary from now on wish me luck

>> No.20103298


To summerize, unless you're an absolute super noob foreign language subtitles are better.

>> No.20103320

"absolute super noob" does not apply to Japanese. Without furigana you literally can't read the words in this language unless you already know them or are very familliar with used kanji components.

>> No.20103503

The nice part is once you have a fairly decent base vocabulary and kanji knowledge built up, it's easier to learn new shit because not everything is new shit.

>> No.20103529

So is it something a beginner should avoid since it lacks those things?

>> No.20103532

Looks like an alternate of 武士は食わねど高楊枝
it has to do with samurai being prideful even when destitute. It can be a good/bad thing.

>> No.20103537

It shouldn't be a problem if you finished your mandatory xxxx hours of anime.

>> No.20103571


>> No.20103626

just do it. it doesn't matter.

>> No.20103706

As a complete beginner you should start with 3 months of meditation and RTK immersion.

>> No.20103714

Thanks for the straight answer.

>> No.20103731
File: 80 KB, 815x622, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20103743

>tfw actually enjoying anime again because of jamal's sage advice

b a s e d

>> No.20103774

Studying is meditating. Both are about honing in your thought so they don't wonder aimlessly. Things will pop up from your past and other random distractions, but you have to stay present, clear, and focused. That's 99% of what seperates the slow learners from the fast.

>> No.20103780

what separates the slow learners from the fast is how much time they spend reading and playing eroge and watching cartoons

>> No.20103781

Cool so you should be fluent around 2030 then, and also know more about anime then any japanese person.

>> No.20103785
File: 44 KB, 960x643, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20103790

you should fuck with some real ninja otaku sometime

>> No.20103792

I'm not sure why **** claims to advocate for that which will give you the best long term results. You should be meditating for a year or maybe even two before even thinking about Japanese. Your mindfulness will be so amazing that your learning efficiency will be quadruple what it would have been otherwise, which means it will have taken a total of 4 years to become native level (factoring 2 years of meditation) rather than the 6 it'd have taken without meditation. I'm disappointed. I really hope his updated timeline video addresses this.

>> No.20103797

>6 years
8, but whatever.

>> No.20103803

give that shit a rest this is the 新時代 of watching and enjoying anime and having fun in general


>> No.20103805

any cool new memes on matt's website?

>> No.20103806

I'm actually able to enjoy anime again now that I watch it without subs.

>> No.20103810

you gotta have subs first to know the 喜び of life without them

>> No.20103814

what about sci fi anime with fake words

>> No.20103817

just face it you cant stop this train of good vibes


>> No.20103828

damn i wish I could could chill with jamal irl

>> No.20103837

do you really wanna just come over and sit on the patio and watch me post on djt all day lol

>> No.20103840

me too, I'd love to しゃべる with him and smoke some 鈍く
If I was there you wouldn't have to shitpost on djt bro, you could banter with me

>> No.20103852

theres still gonna be posting for sure

>> No.20103857

I wanna watch anime with Jamal Sensei!!

>> No.20103869

jamal is gay and 69 years old, u dont want to be alone with him

>> No.20103876

>Most of the things they say in anime, especially scfi/fantasy isn't going to be nearly as useful as lets say a jdrama

Wrong. It's really fucking useful for watching the sci-fi/fantasy shows that I want to watch

>> No.20103885


>> No.20103888

just sitting in jamal's living room the whole afternoon drinking beer and shitposting on our phones while watching JoJo on the big screen

>> No.20103889
File: 33 KB, 708x131, jhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you supposed to pronounce it when text has stars in it?

>> No.20103892

ok now ur just too see thru

>> No.20103900

the star is silent

>> No.20103904
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, dwrri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally I can read djt

>> No.20103907

that girl look fucked up i hope shes ok

>> No.20103914

Don't bullshit me Jamal.

>> No.20103915

she's probably not ok, looks like someone drugged her and put her in a box

>> No.20103943

what's an easy ゲイ vn?

>> No.20103948

onomatopeia words are low key kinda gay

why can't something just glitter? why does it always have to キラキラ glitter? it's redundant and sounds dumb

>> No.20103957

but you don't have to use the words キラキラ and 輝く together

>> No.20103965


>> No.20103984

in the novels I've been reading they almost always pair onomatopoeia words with their respective verbs in descriptions and such

it always strikes me as weird because it's so unlike anything in western languages

>> No.20104011

you carry the EOP soul.

>> No.20104074


>> No.20104110

He's creating a false dilemma. There's nothing stopping a person from watching moeshit AND Goblin Slayer, but he's speaking as if you can only choose one or the other. I'm watching no less than 17 shows this season.

>> No.20104127

do lots of shit ftw

>> No.20104128

See >>20104074
Dogen's actual advice is to watch the same live action shit over and over again. He thinks anime in general is not good for learning.
I don't really get it because Goblin Slayer and SnK do not use some kind of fake Japanese, you can learn plenty of basic things from watching them and even the fantasy specific shit is very helpful if you like those anime and want to better understand others like them in Japanese.

>> No.20104133

what's r/djt/ drinking tonight

>> No.20104134

its prolly stemming from his own insecurities about his weird anime narrator voice

>> No.20104135


>> No.20104137


>> No.20104150
File: 395 KB, 1334x1002, 64e563c22a7c3531bb62c88a7c26ca4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20104155

>I only got thru half of tae kim before i got bored, but i finished sakubi in like 2 or 3 days. It greatly helped me get started reading japanese
Did you find the explanations in Sakubi easier to understand compared to Tae Kim? I remember when I read Tae Kim I found a lot of his explanations really confusing, and I felt like his super literal example sentences didn't help matters either. It was enough to get me honestly frustrated a number of times.

It would be nice if there were a better guide we could recommend to beginners, but I've never bothered to give Sakubi a look because of all the negative attention that tends to surrounds it in these threads. Being that I'm not a beginner anymore and can no longer really appreciate it from that perspective, I don't know that I could make a fair judgement of it even if I did read it now.

>> No.20104162
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x768, 1461020797704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20104197

Two hours a day is lot more than it sounds... Honestly, I'd go with 30 minutes to an hour and probably not every day.

Doing two hours every day is too much to retain unless you're working on the same thing for a few days at a time. Even then you would probably just burn out eventually.

That just me though... If you can manage to do two hours every day and absorb all that information then more power to you.

>> No.20104219
File: 81 KB, 583x890, 1525732837458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180 hours a year
See you when you're fluent in 2030.

>> No.20104229

>It would be nice if there were a better guide we could recommend to beginners

>> No.20104239

>I felt like his super literal example sentences didn't help matters either.
Those were a godsend to me.

>> No.20104240

this looks like a meme

>> No.20104246

ah shit tagalog looks harder than I thought

>> No.20104248

the best thing you can do to "beginners" is ignore them and pretend they dont exist

as soon as you give them your brain aids its all over

>> No.20104250
File: 532 KB, 1278x956, 1535234933590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what vn?

>> No.20104260

What, why does Japanese have an asterix and not Chinese which is arguably much worse?

>> No.20104267

see this >>20103948

>> No.20104272

You're overestimating how much two hours is. You can easily go over that without even realizing it if you're reading something compelling. If I stopped after 30 minutes I'd never get anywhere.

>> No.20104273

>Chinese which is arguably much worse?
lol Chinese is a fucking joke compared to Japanese.

>> No.20104280

theres no nuke marines of chinese

people just learn it

>> No.20104282

pineapple juice from a tin can, quite depressing.

>> No.20104286

Chinese has no grammar and a simpler writing system.

>> No.20104288


>> No.20104292

Japanese the manga way is really good. Only issue is that the pdf isn't a proper digitization of the book so it takes more work to use for reference.

>> No.20104300

god i love the wayne p lammers book what an epic publication

>> No.20104309

What's it like to read without rikaichamp?

>> No.20104321

you can feel the authors thoughts and feelings and get a general idea of what they are like as a dude

>> No.20104326


Whatever you are learning, spending lot of time in one sitting allows one to go much deeper. Though maybe some retention work doesn't require this.

Also this is my personal opinion but I think if you are having fun you aren't trying hard enough, this applies to pretty much everything in life.

>> No.20104337

its not about the quantity of the time but the quality

its not about if youre trying hard its about if youre trying smart

but none of this really matters with learning nihongo because you dont have to try and you only have to watch 10000 hours of english subbed anime to get started ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20104421
File: 121 KB, 350x365, 2018-10-18 23_44_16-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20104468

Just noticed there's yet another Rikai replacement now for Firefox:

I'm assuming based on the username that this is made by the same Wareya behind that VN stats page and who is also alleged to have written a certain controversial grammar guide.

>> No.20104501

Oh, this is actually pretty good. It has its own built-in version of those auto-scrolling blank HTML pages + clipboard inserter from the resources guide for hooking VNs, and the pop-up actually moves along with your mouse instead of having a fixed position above each word. Performance-wise it feels really fast and responsive. It apparently has Anki support too but I haven't tried that out yet.

>> No.20104519

I'm just gonna go over kana again

>> No.20104533

How do you describe the grammar on the left? I want to look it up

>> No.20104534

After the ga i mean

>> No.20104544

What are you talking about? Verbs modifying nouns?

>> No.20104545
File: 584 KB, 1601x899, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you playing superior Japanese games right now?

>> No.20104548

I'll stick to reading DoJG's example sentences.

>> No.20104551

oh yes haha thank you

>> No.20104557

looks positively enthralling

>> No.20104569
File: 595 KB, 1601x900, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one even has pure girls

>> No.20104576

that game is pretty good i played it on ps vita 2 years ago

>> No.20104591

Is she deaf?

>> No.20104610

but does it have fat blimpy ass girls

>> No.20104615

Doesn't seem like it

>> No.20104649
File: 514 KB, 1599x901, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but it has cute dancers

>> No.20104664

thats a disease mate

>> No.20104689

does this game contain hentai content?

>> No.20104701

obv not its a nippon ichi game for the ps vita

>> No.20104704

it's a console game you can answer that question yourself

>> No.20104706

I hate this font and style

>> No.20104710
File: 125 KB, 1440x1080, 1519524620324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20104720
File: 531 KB, 1599x898, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's on Steam now

>I hate this font
Because you can't read it?

>> No.20104729
File: 46 KB, 1531x542, Screenshot_2018-10-21_00-23-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played around with it some more and this definitely beats everything else out there for me. Its behaviour is way more customisable than the competition and it has a bunch of useful options that I've never seen in any other Rikai replacement, like
>lookups of hiragana strings will not produce definitions that are not at least usually kana

The downside is that the Anki support is not very good, at least for now (I presume the author will improve it at some point). Functionally, it works a similar way to Yomichan's Anki support, but it doesn't seem like there's any accompanying Anki add-on so you have to manually save the cards it creates to a text file and then import said text file into Anki. It also seems that you have no control over which information you want to mine about a particular word*. Fortunately I don't use Anki so this isn't an issue for me, but for others I could see this being a deal-breaker.

*Default seems to be: word (dictionary form), reading(s), definition, word (as it appeared in the text), source sentence, position with in the sentence... I think (e.g. mining 一撃 from "一撃で命を奪う…" will yield the number "1"), and finally the word's JMDict ID. Doesn't seem possible to select just one reading unfortunately, so mining 少女, for instance, will give you 《しょうじょ、おとめ》 in the reading field (pic related). Also, since the cards have to be manually saved to text, it goes without saying that they don't contain audio.

>> No.20104731

i mean i guess the fonts gay but nothin to specifically nipah about

>> No.20104736

its a perfectly good and not gay font wtf

>> No.20104742

you can technically get the audio from the JMdict id but it's involved in you have to know what you're doing

>> No.20104749

its prolly more just a im just a fan of the classics issue

if it even feels a little like it was made in the last 20 years my aspergers acts up

so its not really the fonts fault

>> No.20104760
File: 15 KB, 413x215, nhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your audio doesnt have the pitch the way its used with particles and other words then its pretty much worthless anyway

you anki drones' next job should be putting together a core deck with all the audio from this NHK pitch accent dictionary

>> No.20104768

Where do you get this NHK accent dictionary EPWING from? I've seen it in Matt's videos but I've never been able to find a download for it.

>> No.20104780
File: 43 KB, 513x592, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I downloaded a large epwing pack from I don't remember where and the pitch accent dictionary was in there.

>> No.20104790

i downloaded it from a link in one of his video descriptions


its in the 8gb epwing pack

>> No.20104797

Hey dudes my cards aint got audio how convinient for me to find you guys talking about audio

>> No.20104817

Ah, so it was in that massive RAR. I wasn't sure if that file was just a repackage of the EPWING torrent from Rutracker and didn't want to download a huge 8GB file only to find out that the NHK dictionary I wanted wasn't in there, so I tried looking for a separate download for it but never managed to turn it up.

>> No.20104822
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge 8gb file

your living in the past my friendo

>> No.20104867

How does that tell you the pitch accent?

>> No.20104894
File: 123 KB, 960x1280, photo_2018-10-21_02-59-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>changing your switch language/locale to jp instantly turns all your games to japanese.

>> No.20104895

It's huge when you're downloading from a shitty file-sharing site with a 500kB/s download speed. Size affects more than just storage.

>> No.20104912

>bricking your nintendo bc u cant figure out how to make it english again >_<

>> No.20104917
File: 17 KB, 401x215, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that notation means the pitch goes up where the red line is and drops back down at the little hook

you also see it noted with numbers like いもうと[4]

平板型 words have no hook

true but unimportant since all you have to do is click a button and wait a couple hours

>> No.20104963

it even does you the favor of making some english games japanese and when theres no option to change the settings back to english in the menu you are reminded to go back to immersing in real compelling content :)

>> No.20104973

ah yes the ass immersion approach

>> No.20105007

just be up to your ass in nihongo & you are set to win the jlpt gold medal

>> No.20105028

just immerse your ass into your gamer seat and to hentai beat your meat

>> No.20105036

>watch 1,5 hour worth of your favourite show
>dont feel like watching any more
I don't think I will make it lads

>> No.20105051

whats said show

>> No.20105052

It just kind of varies. I think some of the explanations in TK were a bit long-winded, and some of the explanations in Sakubi are way too brief. But ultimately, no grammar guide is perfect, just something to quickly build a groundwork with so you can start reading ASAP.

>> No.20105073
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, goku amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions for this one
>What's ハズ doing in the first sentence?
>What's かもしれん?
Thanks lads

>> No.20105078


>> No.20105087
File: 88 KB, 1263x811, come on man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20105113


is this GOAT kind of deck?

>> No.20105117

it's a legitimate question, I really don't know what hazu means - it usually just gets used as a shorter way of saying husband transliterated

>> No.20105126
File: 278 KB, 663x711, marii2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it usually just gets used as a shorter way of saying husband transliterated

>> No.20105135

i feel like if i start watching a show that isn't urusei yatsura, i'll never finish watching it.

>> No.20105156
File: 157 KB, 1440x1080, takahashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ハロー! モーニング。

>> No.20105164

maybe just watch all the other fine rumiko takahashi shows? after all shes the one who invented anime

well thats your problem its not anime its just idol crap

>> No.20105168

anime is for fags, idol drama is for patrician alpha males

>> No.20105215
File: 52 KB, 741x500, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20105228


>> No.20105253

i feel like if i start watching a show that is urusei yatsura, i'll never finish watching it.

>> No.20105261

it's a fun show, i can usually hardly even finish most shows i watch but i'm 35 deep and still going pretty strong with UY.

>> No.20105348
File: 308 KB, 1491x2092, reina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possible, but it may just be the lightning
they put weird stuff on their hair so it might be part of that too

>> No.20105380

Recalling a definition based on the context of the sentence on the front of a card isn't a bad thing because the nature of sentence mining is that you'll be adding sentences with that word being used in other contexts.

>> No.20105409

Any way to bulk lookup lists and tag them?

I've been mining a lot of words and I don't know which ones are actually common or useful but it would be a bitch to look them up and tag them all individually.

>> No.20105430

why not just read instead of looking at a list of random out of context sentences

>> No.20105465

nah dude just need to drill some nice sentences from a bunch of different places and that arent designed to teach anything

>> No.20105473

Just mine them all retard. If you're that picky then only mine words you've seen twice or more

>> No.20105530

if you wanna mine some words i got deposit here for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKdBX_cqtAs

>> No.20105611


I just found this, I'm not sure how useful it'll be yet though since it doesn't tell you which characters say what.

Script for some Doraemon episodes.

>> No.20105648

In sentence mining you don't put the sentence on the front. Sorry your mom didn't take her folic acid, anon

>> No.20105658

Nothing wrong with drilling what you already know.

>> No.20105671

that's just normal mining if you're sentence mining you're supposed to put the sentence on the front like all of the people who suggest sentence mining who did ajatt talk about sentence mining being

>> No.20105732

>Not hand bag

>> No.20105736

Ah I see

>> No.20105812

Gloves are bags for your hands.

>> No.20105840

one makes sense and the other doesn't

>> No.20105872

my love for learning Japanese is finally revitalized :)
Very happy

>> No.20105933

So, breakthrough for me. Instead of only looking for simple sentences I simply use a dictionary on everything and try to understand everything now. This is a natural SRS for simple things in the sentences and primes me to learn the more complicated things when I'm ready

>> No.20105947

Geyline 2.0?

>> No.20105950
File: 475 KB, 878x515, 1540091671056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrapped up the basics (not essential, yet) on grammar a few times and fortunately, I know these words. Please rate for accuracy.

>Thank you for coming to play today.

>> No.20105965

Think of it in terms of 上着・下着

>> No.20105976



>> No.20105993

Hey what's this?

>> No.20105994


>> No.20106011

Actually it says "Arigato for giving me the favor of coming and playing today also ne."

>> No.20106016
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1534835015618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20106042


>> No.20106057

actually it says arogato for coming inside the pleasure

>> No.20106108

Does anyone have azw3s of SukaSuka? Library only has epub

>> No.20106214
File: 226 KB, 1920x1080, 1516578075981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally finished downloading it but the audio won't play

>> No.20106215

what are you using?

it works for me on ebwin

>> No.20106242

So I'm guessing this thread doubles as a shitposting hovel?

>> No.20106248

Tried qolibri (via Wine since I'm on n00buntu and can't get the native Linux version to build) and ebview and neither works. Just tried installing ebwin in Wine though and fortunately the audio works fine with that. Thanks.

>> No.20106249
File: 80 KB, 524x869, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been learning for 5 months and I'm already holding conversations with natives on discord.

What is your excuse?

>> No.20106279

as jamal would put it, "wow thats some aids"

i'm about to turn myself into the hospital for aids treatment because of this

>> No.20106283
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, img502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20106294

>one word
>two words, one particle, copula
>reaction image
>two words, one particle, copula; two words, one particle
Even someone who just finished Tae Kim or Genki could manage this level of "conversation".

>> No.20106298

>native Japanese
>has a picture of a white baby as an avatar

>> No.20106301

We talk all the time, every day. It's not just this.
I don't understand that either, but I already know he is a native from outside of discord.

>> No.20106303

>3d male
>has a picture of a 2d anime girl as an avatar

>> No.20106306

>human begin
frankly embarrassing

>> No.20106308

for real tho i dont know why you posted that here its just some gross twitch emotes and you said like 3 things one of which sounded pretty stilted

>> No.20106313

Motivation. It doesn't take very long to get to the point of talking with actual Japanese people. I started in May. Some people stick to Anki or some shit for years but it is not necessary.

>> No.20106320

yeah it's not necessary indeed, that was some top tier nihongo you displayed there lad, really showed them anki drones'

>> No.20106325

Yeah sorry I didn't scroll until I cherry picked some length conversation. You are aware what conversation looks like on discord / twitch, right? It's not exactly master's thesis level.

>> No.20106335

yeah i don't think japanese people existing online is a mystery to anyone

the issue is nihongo is kind of like pregnancy and you dont really get anything if you push it out at 5 months

mb u should have cherry picked

>> No.20106338

>yeah i don't think japanese people existing online is a mystery to anyone
>the issue is nihongo is kind of like pregnancy and you dont really get anything if you push it out at 5 months
What do you mean? I could have just anki droned for a year or 2, or I could do it for 3 months and then learn by actually talking to people rather than talking in my head. I learned more in the past week than I did in my 3 months of Anki.

>mb u should have cherry picked
but that would require caring

>> No.20106340

Teaching something you just learned is a good way to reinforce it because it forces you to recall information. This is usually done in a controlled environment such as a classroom so the teacher may correct any misinformation. Just some thoughts

>> No.20106343


>> No.20106372

>Being proud of talking to natives
They dumb down their Japanese for you until they're sure of your level. I had a ""conversation"" with a native a week into study about how I hate エビ and it was smooth communication but she was talking to me like I was a 3yo.

>> No.20106383

obv you cared enough to post the image

all i mean is theres a limit to the quality of your interaction when you cant get complex thoughts across or understand when someone else is doing so

the best you can get at 5 months is a little hugbox where everyone knows you arent native and watches their step to make sure you dont get confused or feel uncomfortable for it, which is nice from a social perspective but not the most conducive to learning

if everybody in djt just wanted to tickle party with irc buddies we would be doing it, go peek at 2ch if you want to see the jp version of derisive ironic memes and argumentative shitposting

>> No.20106384

to be fair hating shrimp is what a 3yo would talk about

>> No.20106400

Well obviously, and I do the same for them if they want to learn English. That's the best part.

>the best you can get at 5 months is a little hugbox where everyone knows you arent native and watches their step to make sure you dont get confused or feel uncomfortable for it, which is nice from a social perspective but not the most conducive to learning

Not the most conducive to learning? Are you retarded? I actually cannot think of a better way to learn than talking to people who speak natively, who are willing to correct you if you make a mistake, and can answer questions whenever you want. What the fuck could be better than that?

>> No.20106407

It's just nothing to show off about. "Oh look at me, after only FIVE MONTHS I can have baby talk in a discord!"

>> No.20106413

I'm not showing off. If I wanted to show off I would have found a good screencap to grab of a conversation to make it look like I know way more than I should.

But I actually do know what more than most people do at 5 months, because most people are doing it wrong.

>> No.20106419

>I've only been learning for 5 months and I'm already holding conversations with natives on discord.
>What's your excuse?
Sure sounds like your showing off. Anyway if you weren't so new you would have a Lang-8 and be doing this shit daily from day 1 anyway.

>> No.20106422

>tfw Japanese is easy but assimilating the thousands of vocabulary words just takes a lot of time


>> No.20106429

>>tfw Japanese is easy but assimilating the thousands of vocabulary words just takes a lot of time
The vocabulary is the easy part. At a moderate 20 words per day, you can blaze through core2k in a few months.

You're right dude, I was showing off. That makes all of my points incorrect and everything you said automatically correct. Because that's how arguing works.

>> No.20106435

What is your "point"? The only things I've seen is you showing off and you stating the obvious that everyone already knew as if you were some messiah who came to bring us out of the dark ages.

>> No.20106438

for starters opening a book or cartoon would be a solid improvement

when you are chatting with natives they will maintain your level of language because they're not interested in raising a communication barrier, so you are essentially sloshing around in the mud and not learning a whole lot

don't rely on them making corrections to everything you screw up either, it'll just be major things at best

for instance this is immediately at fault for being a gaijin sentence:
but i don't see anybody correcting you on it, because why would they? it just breaks the 空気 and you won't get the explanation anyway because you haven't watched your 10000 hours of anime

as for questions all of them have been answered by natives on google :-)

>> No.20106445

This, I constantly say shit like ごつ instead of いつつ and nobody corrects me because nobody wants to be that guy or take the time, unless it's some place like Lang-8 where the entire purpose of the site is to correct each other.

>> No.20106477
File: 46 KB, 700x177, Screenshot_2018-10-21_06-48-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another positive: it doesn't suffer from that bug Yomichan and RikaiRebuilt have where they falsely reports the passive conjugation for godan verbs ("u verbs") ending in る as "potential or passive" (Yomichan is even worse in that it reports the passive conjugation for す-ending ones as "passive or causative" and can't even read the actual causative conjugation for them).

Another negative: it doesn't seem to detect when a line of text is too close to the bottom of the window for the pop-up to be fully displayed so instead of the pop-up going above the word in question in that event pic related happens. It would seem the dev is aware of this issue as the "Reader" window (clipboard inserter page) has new text appear at the top of the window instead of the bottom, most likely to counteract this problem (that being the case, I hope it will be fixed in the not too distant future).

>> No.20106511

>At a moderate 20 words per day, you can blaze through core2k in a few months.

1) 2k words is a joke
2) premade decks are a joke
3) you're a joke, don't @ me

>> No.20106519

If you learn 食べる and memorize Tae Kim's grammar guide, you already know like 100 words from just 食べる's conjugations.

>> No.20106578

Why isn't this reddit-tier garbage banned on the spot

>> No.20106639

mina saikou arigato kkkawaii

>> No.20106640


>> No.20106712


>> No.20106729

Keep studying Nuke, I believe in you!

>> No.20106745

Nuke please include me in your next video, you didn't deserve the disrespect yogapants gave you desu.

>> No.20106755

Anyone have fourth volume 火傷少女?

>> No.20106772

i'm sure nuke will contact you directly anon. dumbass.

>> No.20106775

Fuck off, Yogapants

>> No.20106805

Fuck off, toilet hair. Your 1990s emo rendition of Hitler's combover isn't fooling anyone. Your hairline is even worse than Matt's.

>> No.20106822

>computer broke
>last anki sync was weeks ago

>> No.20106855

now you're finally free brother

>> No.20106889


>> No.20106908


>> No.20106914


>> No.20106920


>> No.20106930


>> No.20106938



>> No.20106942


>> No.20106964


>> No.20107098

How do you construe this statement, /djt/?

>> No.20107166

>Plz don't DM me with questions; if you want to talk to me: [patreon link]
How big of an ego does this guy have? Does he really expect people to pay him $10 just to ask him a question? Actually, he apparently hardly even uses his Discord so I guess you need to pay him $20 instead (for 30 minutes LOL), or even...
>$100 or more per month
>Skype with me for an 60-90 minutes each month!
Fucking $100 for a casual, hour-long conversation. So much for his buddhist meditation bullshit freeing him of worldly desires or whatever.

And the worst part is there are actually morons out there who pay him and fuel his delusions of grandeur.

>> No.20107175

He clearly doesn't understand how torrents work

>> No.20107187

has anyone ever been able to get fcitx-mozc to work properly?

>> No.20107194




>> No.20107207

girl you is so 良い

>> No.20107281

watasi ni ha makku chikin da

>> No.20107396

>B-But I put in A LOT OF TIME for each of my videos to bring you the best! I know that I make mistakes but I have to put out the videos anyway so people can correct me so I can make another video with the correct answer so we all learn!
If you want to continue this conversation please pay me $10.

>> No.20107497

matt is based and redpilled

>> No.20107559

Reminder that as long as you cling to these ecelebs you will never learn Japanese

>> No.20107567

>tfw did wanikani all the way to level 60

>> No.20107603
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit l( . ) ( . )k at these

>> No.20107641




>> No.20107700


>> No.20107792

Is there a way to use the NHK epwing for anki, without adding the information manually?

>> No.20107799

>I actually cannot think of a better way to learn than talking to people who speak natively
lol why do so many of you dipshit redditors end up here? Go read more dude.

>> No.20107812

The lack of word highlighting makes it annoying to keep track of what you're looking at, plus it lacks audio and has the same problems the other non-yomichan dictionaries have which is that you can't scroll through definitions. I like that it's fast though.

>> No.20107817

i knew you were an anon cuz of the tweet you sent dogen

>> No.20107824

why is anki bad now?

>> No.20107828

its not bad in the hands of the capable

>> No.20107834

actually he was so incredibly wrong about RTK that his drones are deleting their RTK decks after finishing RTK:

now he's making the same mistake by insisting that people put off reading for an entire year so that their accent is perfect, but his drones are getting antsy because they'd like to start reading now. that includes the drone i linked and another drone on twitter who finally started reading manga after crying about how badly he wants to read but has to stick to **** sama's timeline to get that perfect accent.

>> No.20107865

delivery is the way of the world

if you convince someone youre serious theyll believe it

conversely if you dont act serious no one will take you serious

for there to be a shepherd there must be sheep ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20107893

do you learn all the common words that contain the letter F after the ones that don't like how RTK introduces radicals in such a fucked up way?

>> No.20107966

I'm 3 minutes in and he's just talking about meditation and back pain. What does this have to do with learning Japanese?

>> No.20107968

30 seconds in
>so there's one thing I want to get out of the way: I haven't done any mediting in the last 1-2 weeks or so
So THAT'S the power of m*tt drones

>> No.20107970

Also his tooth hurts

>> No.20107981

oh look another long vid about a neck beard that isnt learning japanese looks epic

>> No.20108071

>allotted reading time where you read as much as possible, skipping sentences which are too difficult
>allotted review time where you take a second look at sentences you didn't understand but think you could understand with a bit of searching
Is this the most POWERFUL way to level up?

>> No.20108079

no just read more

>> No.20108081

take out the second step and yes

>> No.20108084

make sure to get a lot of clips and upload them to streamable.

>> No.20108085

if youre skipping big chunks try reading something where you dont have to do that? or you know just watch 10000 hours of epic english subbed anime to ensure you dont have to do that

>> No.20108087

The space between seeing the difficult sentence and researching it definitely helps, but I would actually lightly research a sentence I don't understand, let my sub-conscious mess with it for awhile, then come back to it later to see if my sub-conscious figured anything out. If not and I still cant understand it, I just forget about it until I see it again somewhere.

>> No.20108089

But think about how much more stuff you'll be able to comprehend if you level up and unlock a new grammar point.

>> No.20108094


is he right

>> No.20108106

you do that by reading

>> No.20108107

in the case of anime try using your ears and eyes to pick up that point?? idk just a thought

>> No.20108131
File: 58 KB, 622x266, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothign to nipah about after seeking thru it for about a minute so this will have 2 do

>> No.20108133

Imagine being so stupid, uninformed and American that you put off learning a language because it has more than a single accent/dialect

>> No.20108236

I just watched JFZ George attempting to read a VN, and fuck me this guy does not know Japanese

pretty much every other Kanji compound word he can't read, even pretty basic ones. How does he stand the embarrassment of streaming this shit and then calling himself a Japanese teacher

>> No.20108239

Watching that is even worse than streaming it. Could you read the same VN?

>> No.20108241

Dude just needs to meditate more, you too 邪魔る先輩

>> No.20108243

get out matt

>> No.20108253

Don't have to imagine it, this is literally the American mindset towards language learning, except people put it off because "everyone else is just gonna learn English anyway"

>> No.20108263
File: 3.60 MB, 1920x1080, re zero 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just finished reading the light novel serie i was reading, now i hesitate beetween reading three: Danmachi, No game no life and arifureta.
Which one should i read first? No game no life seems a little too complicated, danmachi a little too boring (i'm searching something rather on the adventure side since i was reading a slice of life) and apparently arifureta gets shitty with the harem after volume 1, except i love harem.

>> No.20108271

Read the one you'll like the most, which by the sounds of it would be No Game No Life. It's also the one I would pick.

>> No.20108280

I didn't watch the whole thing, I was just curious how his reading was because he said he'd never read a book in his life

And it's about as bad as you'd expect

>> No.20108282

Link? Can't find the video.

>> No.20108284

I'd like to read something with less exposition and a lot of dialogue. Any suggestions? I'm not saying it has to be easy.

>> No.20108285


>> No.20108290

have you tried manga ?

>> No.20108292


>> No.20108297

why is no game no life even popular

I watched the anime and it was incredibly trash

>> No.20108307

it was fun

>> No.20108308
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1200, re zero 153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you hate the most about this show?
Maybe you just don't like isekais which is fine.

>> No.20108317

lmao and like magic i can seek to the absolute best part of this one instantly


>> No.20108319


Uhm? It's all voiced, he didn't have to read anything. Is this how you guys "read" VNs?

>> No.20108321

I'm wondering where the epub files in the library are from. From what I'm seeing there don't seem to be official digital releases. Also the case for some other works. Are these done by OCR?

>> No.20108334

I don't know what isekai implies but if it's shitty romance harem trash I guess I don't.

>> No.20108341

isekai in japanese means "shit"

basically rezero guy is saying well if you dont like shit like i do then thats cool too

>> No.20108348

The movie was pretty good, went to see it in an actual cinema expecting nothing but it blew me away.

>> No.20108355
File: 3.13 MB, 2048x1460, re zero 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't like harem, well that's fine as well.
And the fuck you don't know what isekai is? Do you live in some kind of cave?

>> No.20108359

you cant blame him even i have trouble keeping up with what the teenagers like

>> No.20108387

yeet on them

>> No.20108397
File: 574 KB, 1536x2048, B20AEF14-66AE-4C78-A6DB-6AC0FFB3A176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average time guys in japan masturbate per week

>> No.20108411

Was that self reported or actually measured?
Because people often exaggerate in self reports.

>> No.20108421

You are really dumb.

>> No.20108428

So, any reason to use Google's IME instead of the MS IME on Windows 10 (w/ October's update)?
Also, I've noticed that if I have language input set to MSIME when I play Metro Redux games (both 2033 and LL) my FPS in menus and in-game when there's a button prompt on screen drops to 15-20. Switching language input to anything else instantly fixes this issue but it's a weird bug.
>I don't know what isekai implies

>> No.20108439

you winbabbs are beyond salvation.

>> No.20108479

I use the google one because it lets me keep my keyboard layout (QWERTZ) and doesn't force the Japanese one.

>> No.20108504

what's good my fellow germanic poster

>> No.20108513

why does he not know 漂う ?

>> No.20108548
File: 492 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but finnaly i think i will go with arifureta since after reading some pages it seems rather easy compared to what i'm used to.
Once i finish it, or once it gets shitty as some are saying it gets, i'll read no game no life.

>> No.20108552

I might be germanic in flesh, but I'm trans-japanese in mind.
I ate rice with umeboshi, natto and seaweed earlier. My weeb levels are growing stronger every day.

>> No.20108578
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>> No.20108583

i feel you

truly the most potent combination, other anons can't compare

>> No.20108600
File: 290 KB, 1280x720, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to stay and chat a little longer, but cute anime girls demand my attention.
I hope you can understand.

>> No.20108603

光輝 is a name in this context.

>> No.20108698

Manga isn't reading.

>> No.20108719
File: 724 KB, 1147x1829, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshi, post whatever page you're currently reading.

>> No.20108724

is anyone worried about turning gay because of japanese? I used to be mainly into edgy stuff like berserk and junji ito but ever since I started learning japanese I increasingly find myself drawn to moeshit and kinda suspect LNs

>> No.20108732
File: 159 KB, 683x844, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you wish you were the girl in the pornos ?

>> No.20108739
File: 520 KB, 706x1078, 真っ赤ちゃんトランプいわゆる大統領サマ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20108750
File: 132 KB, 848x960, 1467973117027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be a meme.

>> No.20108765
File: 1.76 MB, 1282x752, lovely x cation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read my post? I wasn't even reading it yet, but whatever. Pic related a visual novel i'm currently playing.

>> No.20108766

low-key yes

what about you jamal

>> No.20108774

hell yea

>> No.20108791

>turning gay
Not possible, no need to worry.
Being gay is not a choice, you can't influence whether someone is or isn't gay.

>> No.20108801

you're a real one jamal

>> No.20108802

I'm turning gay now just to spite your dumb ass haha!

>> No.20108839

How quickly can I become proficient in reading the アイドル-twitter?

>> No.20108850

idk man start reading it and report your findings

>> No.20108858


>> No.20108876

why is there so many staccato in her sentence

>> No.20108879


>> No.20108893

man that game looks visually terrible

>> No.20108894

>interaction, contact
What's wrong with 6k deck?

>> No.20108898

terrible in which sense? The good or the bad one?

>> No.20108907
File: 292 KB, 1280x720, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20108915

there's nothing wrong with it

>> No.20108936

oh sweetie...

>> No.20108947
File: 71 KB, 352x499, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your body ready for vol 8? It's out on the 25th

>> No.20108958

i mean the chara doll looks bad but the cg art would kill my immersion every time

>> No.20108976

those tits look misplaced desu
too low

>> No.20108979

>he doesn't like low hangers

>> No.20108984

low hangers are whatever its more just her tits are retarded she should take a lesson from someone with a more refined rack >>20107603

>> No.20108988

I don't mean like national geographic low-swingers
It looks like they're attached to the bottom of her rib cage

>> No.20108993
File: 215 KB, 1280x1883, 2[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth learning this language for boat slut doujins?

>> No.20108997

its more like they arent even tits and she just has a incredibly fucked up muffin top ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20109003

I'm gonna put some beef on the stove and then watch an episode of DxD to finish up my listening practice today.

>> No.20109004

yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2e1Nc41Jmw

>> No.20109009

Why is it so fucking hard for me to memorize vocabulary?
I tried using the Core 6K deck and I barely ever remember the words the next day. How do you guys do 30 cards a day? I can't do 15.

>> No.20109013

you should be donig it because anime owns and u love it not to do "listening practice"

>> No.20109018

No, I'm just doing it for listening practice. Enjoyment won't come for a long time.
Are you reading? They reinforce one another.

>> No.20109026

I do read but not every word in a 6K deck is going to appear in what I read even if I read five hours a day.
Especially when the 6K deck doesn't show you words in order of frequency but randomly.

>> No.20109027

if u aint lovin it now u aint ever gonna love it

print this post and put it on your wall

>> No.20109030

In order to memorize, you must first understand.
Core 6K just throws random words at you and leaves out the understanding phase.

>> No.20109034

I know. There will be words you just won't remember for awhile until they show up in what you read. It's normal.

>> No.20109035

It's because people are begging to talk to him. All of his patreon levels with limits are already maxed out

>> No.20109040

I mean each word has an example sentence and native voice recording, it's not that I don't understand it in a context.

So my reviews will pile up to the hundreds?

>> No.20109043

>insisting that people put off reading for an entire year

No he's not. He literally said most people should have a 50/50 split. It just depends on your long term goals

>> No.20109045

So long as you're a dumbass who thinks he should keep doing new words even though his reviews are piling up that high, then yep. And considering you're even asking the question I think that describes you.

>> No.20109060

he claims that most people should split it but he frames his advice in such a way that your long term goal should be native accent, and if it's not then you're not really giving it your all. that's why dumbasses like japancode were striving for it. they bought into his nonsense at their own detriment.

>> No.20109065

Anki has an option to only do reviews and not new words?

>> No.20109074

>being mad some people want perfect accents
>being mad that Matt explicitly said most people should do 50/50

why you so mad white boi?

>> No.20109083

you just manually set new words to zero

>> No.20109095

You don't have to set new cards to 0. There is a global Anki setting that makes review cards appear before new cards always.

>> No.20109118
File: 346 KB, 1018x589, DJT!!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play shit
>read shit
>watch shit
>remember the times when you saw and heard words

Gotta replace those dumb RTK mnemonics with actual memories my dude, you'll never remember 沼地 until you've seen one, never remember キラキラ until you've seen something sparkle, never remember 下りる until you've done it and seen the action unfold before you.

>> No.20109119

should I mine アヒル?

>> No.20109121

Unfortunately doesn't work for some games, like splatoon and xenoblade.

You should confirm the languages included with the game in the eshop to be safe.

>> No.20109133

you should fuck one

>> No.20109140

I mined it from ranma 1/2.

>> No.20109163

There are a crapton of LNs free to read today on bookwalker, does anyone knows a way to download them? We should preserve them.


>> No.20109169

You'll never remember 尺八 until you experience it.

>> No.20109180

I never used RTK, I'm using WaniKani and Kanji Garden. Knowing the kanji in a new word really helps though so maybe I just need a few hundred more kanji down?

>> No.20109185

You have to look at your source and ask yourself if you want to be like them. So of course you should.

>> No.20109186

learn to read. they don't want perfect accents which is they're giving up on matt's shitty advice.

>> No.20109187

You'll never remember ゲイ until you become it

>> No.20109196

then if you flunk any of your reviews the relearning gets mixed in with your new cards which is really bad

>> No.20109199

甘城ブリリアントパーク seems to be the only one worth something.

>> No.20109213

If you flunk then who the fuck cares, that card is already fucked

>> No.20109230

yeah no

>> No.20109234

>which is really bad
go fuck yourself

>> No.20109251

>matt's shitty advice
>matt's advice is 50/50 split

white boi is triggered af

>> No.20109256

Should I mine a word if I know it's meaning but not the reading? Adding it will make me remember the reading

>> No.20109265

have fun with your -0.5% leech retention

>> No.20109267

Yea I adjust this everyday before I start depending on how well I did the day before. I start my deck off at 100 new cards, then 50, then 40 for a week or so and now I"m doing 20 new cards and reviewing about 300 cards a day. It's taking almost 3 hours which is a little more than I like but I'm at about 75% retention so not too bad.

>> No.20109273

Depends on the word.
If it's rare you won't have to bother with it ever again.
If it's common you'll learn the reading even without mining.

>> No.20109275

read the fucking conversation
>So long as you're a dumbass who thinks he should keep doing new words even though his reviews are piling up that high,

>> No.20109286

the scarey thing is that matt says he still mines at least 20 new words a day for 8+ years.. so theres that to look forward to if you plan on being any good.

>> No.20109290

Have you never used the setting? It won't mix reviews and new cards. Assuming shit is actually piled up you will go over the relearning cards before new cards too (or you can just wait ten minutes to make sure)

>> No.20109298

*a** deleted his anki deck after realizing he was wrong. he sure is wrong a lot.

>> No.20109301

I seriously doubt it was 20 per day when he stopped doing Anki. Anyway, he was reading fucking books from the 1800s so it's kind of an extreme case

>> No.20109307

he thinks in absolutes too much, he needs more meditation

>> No.20109313

think about what you are saying before you say it

>> No.20109325

1: leeches
2: normal cards you flunk that just happened to be at the end of the review queue

>> No.20109332

This line of conversation is Literally about Not Doing New Cards At All.

>> No.20109333

You'd do better giving yourself a time limit for each rep. 10s would do for now.
Sorry but I don't believe he's actually mining those if it's even true that he's adding that much.

>> No.20109349

>so theres that to look forward to if you plan on being any good
What if I don't use anki?

>> No.20109372

Yea I think you're right.. I'll drop it to 10 and see if I can't get some efficiency back

>> No.20109394

You first

No shit, you just stop before getting to the new cards i.e. have no reviews left

>> No.20109399

That's how you should use anki.

>> No.20109401

why does the order of the review queue matter whatsoever in the slightest again?

>> No.20109403

yeah you still have relearn queue cards when you get to the new cards dude

>> No.20109409

because anon told anon to not do new cards and anon said to change the queue's ordering instead of disabling new cards

>> No.20109410

What's the easiest way to add cards to a mining deck?

>> No.20109414 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 667x576, 4579t45ytg7hy47gy49sgdfhjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20109436

> I'm wondering where the epub files in the library are from. From what I'm seeing there don't seem to be official digital releases.

That book in the library is an official digital release and can be purchased from multiple ebook oulets, including Amazon, ebookjapan, bookwalker, etc.

>> No.20109452

what medium are you mining

>> No.20109455

Not necessarily, you can just wait 10 minutes (though assuming your review backlog is huge they may just come up while doing reviews)

>> No.20109466

Anon, again, this conversation is literally about not doing new cards at all, period. There is no "wait ten minutes".

It's okay to be wrong.

>> No.20109472


>> No.20109501

Wat, I've been doing the thing I've been describing for a year and I've never had to do new cards

>> No.20109505

by the way that's not how the learn ahead limit is programmed

>> No.20109511

That's because you waste time instead of just setting new cards to zero, or you do a ridiculously small amount of cards.

>> No.20109520

Wrong and wrong.

>> No.20109521

I mean yeah they would be doing a really small number of cards if they're never adding new cards :)
i.e their story is bullshit and they're leaving something out

>> No.20109531

I did new cards at night retard. I liked to do reviews in the morning and new cards at night

>> No.20109540

Post your stats.

>> No.20109544

and that's why you don't have any problems with the relearning queue

>> No.20109547

is kklc really that bad? isn't it just rtk with readings?

>> No.20109552
File: 14 KB, 480x480, 1519859773497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ankidrones 出て行ってください

>> No.20109555

matt literally doesn't understand what isolated kanji study is for so he doesn't understand what kklc does differently from rtk in any lens other than that with which his terrible kanji learning method - which he has abandoned by the way - praises rtk

>> No.20109559

in other words no kklc is different in ways other than just having readings. for one, the ordering was obviously educated by a basic understanding of Japanese vocabulary, and the key words aren't random useless bullshit

>> No.20109561

He didn't abandon it, he just moved it

>> No.20109568

the whole point was about "when" the entire time.

>> No.20109573

its ok just let em get it out theyve done good to 我慢する for this long theyve earned a little release time

>> No.20109580

ankidrones 中出し

>> No.20109581

I'm not even an ankidrone I just know their bullshit better than they do

>> No.20109582

Nope, sorry pea brain

>> No.20109588

wow so the idiot who doesn't understand how "anne kee" works is also a dumb Matt drone I'm Amazed!

>> No.20109591

His entire video revolves around doing kanji study before anything else. The entire philosophy is invalid if that criteria is gone, which it is.

>> No.20109596

intravaginal ejaculation? wut?

>> No.20109597

Anki is useless once you enjoy media, and if you never force japanese input it will never become enjoyable. So it is best to never use anki as it encourages less use of native material.


>> No.20109598

is there an auto paste extension for chrome? using firefox just for this.

>> No.20109599

He still recommends doing kanji study before Japanese. The only thing he changed is now he only recommends you learn how to write kanji after learning Japanese. You fucking retard, just leave

>> No.20109600

Reminder that it isn't about low rep or high rep. It's not even about the amount of volume.
What matters is:

>> No.20109604

wanikani is good

>> No.20109605


>> No.20109613

No, the entire methodology for learning kanji early on is different, even Matt knows this and recommends different methodology now. Lazy kanji is not just not learning to write, the way that you structure the information that you're learning is different.

>> No.20109614

Anki should be used on the side, as it helps you remember.
It's not because some morons misuse it and think they can learn the language through it that you shouldn't use it at all. The same goes for textbook.

>> No.20109617

rtk's ordering and shitty keywords are literally useless if you're not learning to write

>> No.20109624

you seem to not understand that time is finite

there is no "on the side" if youre doing it right

>> No.20109625

Yes retard, you now do a different type of isolated kanji study first. Then you do the other type later. Good retard, you get a treat now *unzips dick*

>> No.20109634

You're terrible at this. You can't even stay on the same topic for more than three posts.

>> No.20109635

Nope, since ordering builds upon itself new kanji are made of combinations of old kanji you recognize which makes it easier.

>> No.20109637

No, I don't use anki and my vocab is stronger than yours, thus anki sucks. I genuinely hate anki and get ptsd any time I see the interface or here it being talked about.

>> No.20109639

okay please defend that 人 is basically at the very end then spoiler you can't

>> No.20109645

Until media becomes enjoyable you should use anki so that you learn certain concepts more quickly. There are grammar points and phrases that I repeatedly come across but I still forget their function. Anki would help me remember them. Anki has helped me remember some.

>> No.20109651

my anki reps take around 25 minutes a day and i do them a few minutes at a time throughout the day at times when reading wouldn't be practical

i guess "read instead" is good advice for NEETs though

>> No.20109653

if media isn't in some way basically enjoyable at Ground Zero you don't have a reason to learn Japanese

>> No.20109656

I used to think like you. In like a year you will be more like me in your world view. I am just trying to warn you about how horrible anki is. Just read epic content and watch epic anime. See easy, no anxiety required.

>> No.20109660

if its not epic dont waste your precious finite time on it ftw

>> No.20109665
File: 38 KB, 668x646, 1536016376221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is ass thanks to anki shitposters, please die

>> No.20109668

In a year I'll probably have the same view since I'm not going to forget that anki helped me reach the point where I can like media.

>> No.20109669

You can learn a language from cratches but you'll never do it as fast as if you were to learn the basics first. The 2-3000 words are fucking everywhere but if you try to learn them only through text it wil take you a huge amount of time as you'll have to battle first through far less common words.


>my vocab is stronger than yours
What makes you say so?

I read a lot as well, most words i know i learnd them through reading and listening but i would never say something like anki is useless.

>> No.20109672


if you enjoy spending one hour reading a page of yotsuba because you literally have to look up every word then you might actually be autistic

>> No.20109675

you dont learn the basics from flashcards period

>> No.20109676

Manga isn't reading buddy.

>> No.20109684

This is why I first watched 10000 hours of anime and then taught myself the kana.

>> No.20109689

If you're wasting an hour reading a page of yotsuba instead of just skipping to the parts you can understand it's your own fault you don't enjoy it

>> No.20109695
File: 134 KB, 1150x1266, 1518991500205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess this means if youre not autistic you cant learn japanese

>> No.20109697

Physical manga mostly for now

>> No.20109701

it's the 3k words from core moron, ignore them

>> No.20109707

here's a list of options read something else skip things you don't understand only look things up for like 30 seconds and then give up if you can't figure them out read something else watch anime read something else skip more stuff read something else did I say read something else yet

>> No.20109715

Anyone else struggling to pronounce the japanese r properly?

>> No.20109716

Then how do you learn them? Even both genki don't cover that much vocabulary even though people reccomend to spend at the very least 6 months on them. Anki helps you learning that much way faster and helps you not forget them.

It has already been proven, you have a 70% retention rate through reading and a 90% retention rate through anki.

>> No.20109719

If you skip to the parts you can read you're not learning anything new

>> No.20109720
File: 48 KB, 472x590, 664d95eb74fd0ba2d9a9afac0724dc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait people don't like yotsubato?

I enjoyed it a lot back when I ate it.


>> No.20109721

by reading

>> No.20109722

>It has already been proven, you have a 70% retention rate through reading and a 90% retention rate through anki.
dude anki helps but wtf are you talking about

>> No.20109727

there is always something to learn from any random piece of text you come across unless you are at the level of an advanced native academic reader

>> No.20109729

just use l sound and dont worry about it youll always sound cool

>> No.20109732

they're just pulling things out of their ass and hoping that people take them at face value

>> No.20109733

Why is Matt so retarded over KKLC? It's just a RTK+

>> No.20109734

I know this is probably a meme but people who read stop and look stuff up right? Otherwise I can't imagine how else you'd learn new words

>> No.20109736

If you don't know and you cannot look it up you will not learn, is what I'm saying. If an unknown kanji is staring you in the face you can't learn it from context alone.

>> No.20109737

And then you'll never learn Japanese, because she skipped almost everything.

Yes, especially some words like 資料館. The way I do it, is to listen to recording of natives and try to mimic that sound. Also listening to 10000 hours of anime helps, but not for all words.

>> No.20109741

You learn by inferring things from what you don't understand

>> No.20109750

this can all be solved with 10000 hours of english subbed anime

>> No.20109763

I guess I'll just listen more before trying to speak.

>> No.20109765

okay Little Johnny I'll let you in on a little secret
you look up things that you think you have to learn because you don't know them
you don't look up things that you sort of recognize and think that you know because you think that you know them
and if you don't know a single goddamn thing you're reading than either you literally don't know anything at all or you're reading something that's too hard for you
there is an ideal amount of looking things up and that amount is actually really low because so much can be gleaned from context
now as for learning the readings of words that's a completely different problem but that shouldn't get in the way of the other 95% of learning Japanese

>> No.20109785

>now as for learning the readings of words that's a completely different problem but that shouldn't get in the way of the other 95% of learning Japanese
lol wut knowing the reading for words is a lot more than 5% of japanese, you can't speak or listen at all if you don't know how the characters are read

>> No.20109786

You're just downloading the zip file using anki, but thats only one step towards the install. It efficiently gets the info into your head but it's up to you to install it the rest of the way or it will just get moved to the trash bin.

>> No.20109794

Today I mined:


And by mining I mean leaving the dictionary browser tabs open until tomorrow to test myself because I don't use anki.

>> No.20109795

you're a beginner

>> No.20109802

Just do anki and listen for 6 months. Ignore any other suggestions. Reading early will fuck you up.

>> No.20109808

anki is boring

>> No.20109809

Fuck you up how?

>> No.20109810

I'm really not, but if someone is reading, sees 橋 and infers from context that it means bridge, but doesn't bother to learn how to read it and hears someone talking about bridges later that guy is going to be confused as fuck.

>> No.20109811


>> No.20109822

you really are a beginner if that's the example that you come up with
learning to remember how words are pronounced when you see them in kanji is a different skill

>> No.20109830

reading early will make you hate reading and youll stop 100%確実

as long as you watch anime for 6 months idc about the flashtard part

>> No.20109831

When you read you're speaking in your head and since you don't really know the language yet you're building up a bunch of slight fuck ups that are hard to correct later. You don't want to touch a book for at least 6-12 months.

>> No.20109841

everything you just said can be corrected by listening at the same time as you read

and even then there's no proof or evidence that it is hard to correct if you actually care

>> No.20109848

Unless somebody is a retarded outsider who never watched anime in their life it shouldn't be a problem at all. Outsiders deserve to get fucked up.

>> No.20109849

i think most people that come here have at least 6 months worth of familiarity tho but i cant actually speak from the knowledge of someone who tried to read in japanese when they dont have a grasp on sounds and flow yet

hopefully u can find some epic fail tard to vet your post but im pretty sure what happens is they find what they are doing really gay and quit

>> No.20109850


>> No.20109851


>> No.20109852

True, but you would have to find parallel audio of eveything you read but there are plenty of people like even マット who said it fucked him up. Language is a hard thing to have proof on, but we do have anecdotals from experienced people.

>> No.20109870

if ur referring to the popular in djt yet maybe 1 or 2 people actually get it visual game はなひらっ its important to have the っ

>> No.20109880

>When you read you're speaking in your head
Not necessarily.
Deaf people don't for example, and you're gonna be reading at a snails pace if you voice everything in your head.

If you ever wanna get good at reading you have to stop the voices.

>> No.20109883

or you could just read visual novels

>> No.20109892

I'm pretty sure everyone who comes to these threads is at the very least familiar with the language to some extent though.

>> No.20109904

I've never been able to understand without subvocalizing.. if you got some tips that would be cool.

>> No.20109911

r u kidding me narrating in your head is half the fun of reading

what kind of suck ass monochrome existence must it be to not read with voice

if i ever go deaf and finally complete the trifecta with dumb and blind u better believe im still gonna be internally narrating for epic win in the soundless void

>> No.20109923

this tripfag is blind?
I want to imagine a black NEET sitting in his room using TTS to hear 4chan shitposts

>> No.20109926


>> No.20109930

no im the eyes still work but i still bump into things like moe anime girl blind

>> No.20109935

Chapter 3 of goblin slayer and i can't understand what the old geezer is saying

>> No.20109948

straight up ドジっ子 shit kinda blind

>> No.20109952

>if you got some tips that would be cool.
Meditate. Learn to shut your inner voice up before it randomly starts spouting crap.
You gotta fill yourself with void.

That only applies to people born deaf of course.
You'd still have all the memories of how speech sounds.

>> No.20109962

Ok I see the problem.

So by proof of induction, If you can get to the basic level of japanese to enjoy easy material, and you can slowly progress to more difficult material you can reach complete fluency.

There then in lies 2 problems

1. Some people genuinely do not enjoy japanese and only want to learn japanese for travel or other superficial reasons, this makes it near impossible to progress the necessary amount.

2. People struggle getting to that initial point of enjoying easy material. They then fall for traps like ajatt and leddit. The solution is to understand the process and realize time solves all issues. If you are not at that initial point yet just try to find the small points of enjoyment in the process and harp on them until you finally reach the laddering progress of learning.

I don't know why I tried to make an intelligent post on this board, but if you take away anything then that should be to only spend your time doing things you enjoy and learning japanese is incredibly enjoyable for me and should be for you no mater how advanced. It does not need to be difficult.

>> No.20109963

>You gotta fill yourself with void.
yea but you still understand whats going on with nothing happening on a concious level?

>> No.20109974

>by proof of induction
what proof?

>> No.20109988

>relistening to audio and rereading the same script to try to hear what's happening

>> No.20109995


>> No.20110001

imagining a guy reading a hentai game and pressing the voice replay button over and over during a sex scene so he can work on his pitch accent

>> No.20110003

ok but where's your proof?

>> No.20110010

>traps like ajatt
The trap of fluency?

>> No.20110022
File: 50 KB, 650x430, og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are conscious, but your automatic brain isn't.
When you read you aren't consciously voicing stuff, you only react to those voices. You want to eliminate the middle man.

Look at this pic, you don't have to think at all, you know at a glance it's a human face and it's obama.
Why shouldn't you be able to do the same thing with all symbols?

>> No.20110028

hey it looks like you wrote a lot of really smart words there (youre so smart!) but while i didnt personally read all of them i agree that all you gotta do is go out and play with japanese

your learning will be as natural yet strange as the first time you jacked off

>> No.20110035

N1 after 2 years of AJATT....fucking EZ.

>> No.20110045

rage quit at "onky"

every last one of these fail fuckers says it

>> No.20110046

is that supposed to be a joke?

>> No.20110049

n = yotsubato

From any given n you can progress to a slightly more difficult material. This is true as this is literally the only way people have ever learned a language. Read up on Krashen if this confuses you.

Therefore if you can read yotsubato and you continually try you will be fluent.

I don't understand why I would respond to some high schooler who obviously does not understand basic mathematics.

>> No.20110060

i take back what i said about you being smart

smart people dont name call and belittle

>> No.20110063

how many people do you know who get N1 after 2 years, let alone thought it was so easy they considered it "a joke"? and mind you he only decided to take the test after 2 years. his ability could have been above N1 for months and months.

>> No.20110083

anyone who spends their time reading eroge and watching anime
you look like a falseflag

>> No.20110090

3000 hours over 2 years is 4 hours a day of enjoying Japanese media, no retarded passive immersion necessary. Anyone can do it, it's not impressive.

>> No.20110092

I kind of get it but its hard. You just drift over and acknowledge it without voicing it at all.. Hard to do in english and still comprehend it let alone a new language. I'll try it out though, thanks.

>> No.20110098

>anyone who spends their time reading eroge and watching anime
let's see the proof then. i'll wait, since readmorefags never provide evidence for their claims :)

>> No.20110102

dont worry the answer to that is simple they all left and vanished without a trace only after getting epic : )

>> No.20110104

i think passive immersion is dumb too but what your post boils down to is "all he did is that which got him N1 faster than most people. no big deal." well thanks for that insight?

>> No.20110105

>if you got some tips that would be cool.
Occupy your mouth with something, like chewing gum, lunch or humming. You're less likely to use your inner voice when your mouth does something.
Count 1,2,3 on endless repeat with your inner voice while reading to shut it up.
Listen to classical music or something else instrumental while reading.

As you get used to how it feels to read without subvocalizing you can stop doing these things and try to focus more on comprehension.
It's hard because you're unlearning a habit someone taught you as a kid.

>> No.20110114

But I have fancy engineering degree, please stroke my ego.

>> No.20110123

I use ibus-mozc and it just werks. Never tried fcitx, but the solution to getting it working is probably on this page somewhere:

>> No.20110126

I think the humming is kind of working. Good tip.

>> No.20110127

I tried reading this post without subvocalization, but when I do that I instantly forget what I just read. I wonder if "speed readers" suffer from decreased comprehension but either don't realize it, or they don't think it matters. If it's the latter then it's misleading since I feel like the implication is that you comprehend just as much as someone reading slowly with subvocalization.

>> No.20110132

>Not giving each character/anon their own voice while reading
You are missing out sempai

>> No.20110134

Wait, so he admitted the advice he gave about RTK was bad and misled people but he left the video up anyway so it could mislead even more people?

>> No.20110137

good post

>> No.20110138

Yea I mean they have to be digesting the information less regardless.

>> No.20110139

>which got him N1 faster than most people
because most people spend 30 minutes a day and waste their time sticking with beginner material for too long

>> No.20110142

i dont think having a degree is smart post big career achievements and real world problems you solved on the job that distinguish you from other degree havers : )

tho i do want to make it clear im not trying to take away from your work put into your education im just trying to say it doesnt mean much if you dont apply it (thats life)

its like someone who claims they can read japanese and understand everything but cant say anything coherent on the spot

>> No.20110144

>I don't understand why I would respond to some high schooler who obviously does not understand basic mathematics.
t. freshman undergrad math (or even worse, compsci) student who just learned about induction last week in calculus and thought he'd totally look cool if he tried to apply his newly-acquired formal proof method to non-formal sciences such as second language acquisition theory.
Just so you know, just because a certain someone (in this case Krashen) says a certain something is true (in this case his input hypothesis) doesn't make it a valid proof argument.

>> No.20110145

yeah that's basically what happened

>> No.20110148

If I read something after watching the anime I read it in the seiyuu's voice.

>> No.20110150

waiting for the "4 hours of genki and tobira every day for 2 years and got N1" folks. any second now they'll turn up

>> No.20110153

All these "speed readers" who sell this bullshit barely understand what they read and mostly read self help garbage and think the point of reading is to gain knowledge.

>> No.20110159

>Just so you know, just because a certain someone (in this case Krashen) says a certain something is true (in this case his input hypothesis) doesn't make it a valid proof argument.
fucking OWNED.

>> No.20110162

When did he ever admit that? Is there an up to date new MIA flow chart? I did the old ajatt way they had laid out like 6 months ago.

>> No.20110163
File: 129 KB, 1200x900, DkhAteiXcAAkRm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20110171


Did this blow anyone else's mind?

>> No.20110173


I think this works well because you don't lose time from moving your eyes.

>> No.20110180

not my mind but it made me shit my pants because of how scary this vtuber is

>> No.20110187

i hated the voice for the first minute and then i found it eroi wtf

>> No.20110192

>nightmare fuel

>> No.20110198

ぜ is not a reading for 女, so why?

>> No.20110203

>as we've already learned there are NO conjugations in Japanese
What the fuck am I watching
Also I barely understand anything this mouthbreather says

>> No.20110205

because you can literally put any kanji you want to anything

>> No.20110208
File: 642 KB, 1718x1871, (C94) [Kedama Gyuunyuu (Tamano Kedama)] Boku wa Chiisana Succubus no Shimobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys the best method to learning japanese is masturbating to hentai because not only do you learn a lot about social dynamics, the human body and reduce your country's birth rate, but you get exposure to native language and tiddies

>> No.20110209

>a reading is not a reading


>> No.20110211

thats a disease right there friendo

>> No.20110212


>> No.20110214

If you don't understand what she is saying you either do not know Japanese or are a mouth breather yourself.

>> No.20110223

>trying to learn from watching Hunter x Hunter
>can't stop jacking off to Gon's butt

Holy shit stop blocking the screen

>> No.20110225

>Japanese explained with trains
This is getting weird.

>> No.20110226

> freshman math

Actually junior computer engineering thank you very much. I already finished my calculus and differential eq. I am taking discrete math right now, that is why I was thinking about proofs. Don't you look stupid. クサクサクサ

But seriously, you are not that far off.

>> No.20110229

she's speaking english though

>> No.20110234
File: 987 KB, 500x382, kissyface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20110235

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvV6d-RETs8#t=335 literally nutted hands free here

>> No.20110251

this is actually helpful but wtf is that voice

>> No.20110254

That "womb" tattoo is too high to be one desu

>> No.20110265

shes not human so she just has one big reproductive system instead of regular internal organs

>> No.20110267

yea yea tell it to the judge sicko

>> No.20110278

jamal jealous he cant get hard and jack it to doojinshi

>> No.20110279
File: 63 KB, 1200x630, mfw_arguing_with_actual_babies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color me fucking surprised

>> No.20110284

I finally understood the suffering passive.
Always thought it was just a made up stuff by gaijins.

>> No.20110296

I'm scared to watch her in case she gives me bad habits

>> No.20110297

are you kidding me dude you have no idea the mess ive been making in my drawers https://streamable.com/yczoj

>> No.20110299

I meant the English part 笑
It's like I'm learning English all over again.

>> No.20110310

im seriously reborn sexually thanks >>20110171

>> No.20110311

Good call. I think watching that video set me back about 4 months of Japanese with a small chance of permanently ruining my Japanese.

>> No.20110315

This KawaJapa is the new Tae Kim

>> No.20110318
File: 22 KB, 581x156, Screenshot_2018-10-21_20-59-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lack of word highlighting makes it annoying to keep track of what you're looking at
The word is highlighted in the top left corner of the pop-up (pic), but yeah, that does make it more inconvenient to tell exactly which part of the sentence you're getting results for. That said, I actually feel like this loss of convenient might be a blessing in disguise. For a long time I've been thinking that having Rikiachamp/RikaiRebuilt/Yomichan/etc. visually parse the sentence for you makes things too easy and means that you don't pay proper attention to what you're reading. That's my feeling anyway; I'm going to stick with Nazeka for a while and see how it works out.

>has the same problems the other non-yomichan dictionaries have which is that you can't scroll through definitions. I like that it's fast though.
I do occasionally miss that feature of Yomichan, but only occasionally. For me the increased speed and performance (and visual attractiveness) that comes with the classic Rikai style of mouse-over dictionary is worth sacrificing that feature for.

For me the biggest problem with this add-on so far is definitely the pop-up disappearing off the bottom of the window. That's a serious issue which really needs fixing ASAP. RikaiRebuilt largely works okay with text at the bottom of the window, but Rikaichamp is really fucking buggy in that case (it handles it even worse than Nazeka). Yomichan behaves very well with text at the bottom of the window on the other hand and I don't remember ever having an issue with that. Been too long for me to remember now if Rikaisama had any problems with this.

>> No.20110321

Jamal your shitposting does not work as well when we know who you are. Take a break.

>> No.20110323

Here the bag is the subject, bags can't suffer.

Here a person is the subject of the same thing, so if you say it like this it's suffering.

>> No.20110327

im going to when it gets cold

>> No.20110333

I think it's the guy who wrote imabi talking through a voice modifier.

>> No.20110351

I'm going to marathon these, red pilled grammar made ez

>> No.20110395

>gone from watching shows about muscle-bound men to shows about cute girls
How is this gay, exactly?

>> No.20110399

nigga it already cold, it like 30 outside.

>> No.20110408

>>When did he ever admit that?
Think it was in this video:

>> No.20110425

Better buy their Unlocking Japanese ebook too, and share it here with your fellow colleagues.

>> No.20110429

no i meant the ejaculate in my drawers post nut

i already handled it

>> No.20110440

Considering turning the audio off and just reading the subs. Why the fuck would they choose this awful voice for their videos?

>> No.20110479


>kanji you mix up

>> No.20110485

doesn't happen. thanks RTK.

>> No.20110487


>> No.20110492

>links 1:19 minute video
I mean the video is long enough he probably rambles all kinds of stuff. I skimmed through it when it was new and he's just basically saying he was too rigid before. He believes there is room to breath and still be excelling in ajatt.

>> No.20110499

I'm gonna become a virtual youtuber and read LNs out loud on helium.
Please give me money on patreon, helium is expensive.

>> No.20110503
File: 2.87 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181021_142729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold weather don't stop me, just enjoying delicious japanese literature in my makeshift 炬燵

>> No.20110514

installing fcitx-im made it work.

>> No.20110516

>doesnt shave his legs

>> No.20110521

shave your legs if youre going to post images for me

>> No.20110526


not that it matters ;)

>> No.20110532

i don't care enough to watch the video again but he says his RTK advice that beginners do keyword -> kanji was wrong because his patrons were forgetting how to write all their kanji because they hadn't yet gotten fluent. so now he recommends beginners do lazy kanji.

>> No.20110534

What does matt think of reading hentai?

>> No.20110540

hairy legs make me rigid

>> No.20110548

same except im gonna explain the deep meanings to rap lyrics like what kowichi san means by 汚れてたforce one


>> No.20110553

doesnt happen if youre not a brainlet.

>> No.20110556

He basically spends the first half of the video rambling on about it.

To summarise: He didn't actually learn kanji the way he told others to. His discord drones who followed his advice found that doing RTK without knowing any Japanese didn't work and that their retention rate was plummeting after a certain point in time. He admits that he actually learned kanji the way that Khatz said (kanji -> meaning with no writing) and didn't do RTK until he was already fluent. He tells people that they should just do what Khatz said all along and then do RTK properly once they're fluent.

>> No.20110558

Read more.

>> No.20110563

I haven't updated it in a while though.

>> No.20110575 [DELETED] 

Feeling disgust or shame because of not shaving is a learned behaviour and unnatural.

You really think women 200 years ago cared about shaving? The same thing goes for being topless.
The tribes in africa that haven't learned that breasts are shameful don't care. Women in asia used to work the rice fields topless as well before westerners came and teached them.
The old greeks ran about one breast out.

I think it's a social disability to find the natural human state disgusting.
Everyone who feels shame because of hair is disabled / mentally retarded.

>> No.20110584

wow if only there was some kind of program to manage this kind of reviewing.

>> No.20110587

>Women in asia used to work the rice fields topless as well before westerners came and teached them.

>> No.20110592

where are your stripy knee socks?

also this: >>20110516 >>20110521

>> No.20110594

Today I mined:
And by mining I mean adding the card to anki

>> No.20110597

wow. what a giant pain in the ass.

>> No.20110600

I'll make a deck of these

>> No.20110608

lmao i didnt think there was one of these guys among the ranks here

compared to the actual retarded shit people do to their bodies now a little shaving isnt something to get all up in arms about ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20110610

I'm sure you can find some historical drawings.

>> No.20110623

Today I mined:
And by mining I mean fucking your mom

>> No.20110631

its not about shame i just wanna see some skin

>> No.20110659

Not to burst everyone's bubble but I am a guy.

>> No.20110663

and im a ゲイ what else is new

>> No.20110668
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just for you babe

>> No.20110678

Yesterday nanase tweeted:

What's with the ぷ?

>> No.20110680

There are more reasons than just shame to shave body hair. Hygiene, for one.

>> No.20110686

are we talking about beards or cunnies?

>> No.20110691

>Hygiene, for one.
STDs keep going through the roof in the west because people mistakenly believe "shaving down there is cleaner"
At least Japan is still relatively safe from this bullshit.

>> No.20110694

dont bite your nails

>> No.20110701

btw nice bumps idiot

>> No.20110704

Isn't it funny that ぷ looks like a pile of poo? LOL

>> No.20110705

least intelligent comment of all time.

>> No.20110706

literal farting

hair is actually hygienic as fuck

>> No.20110713

>Nu~males actually think this

>> No.20110718

>STDs keep going through the roof in the west because people mistakenly believe "shaving down there is cleaner"
[citation needed]

Also, I wasn't even thinking particularly about genital hair. Shaving under the arms reduces body odour considerably because the odour-emitting bacteria which make you stink live in your armpit hair.

>> No.20110726

and if it doesnt go in your hair where does it go then lol

>> No.20110732

btw ill give you a hint you fuckin reek harder and smell like SHIT instead of just ass

>> No.20110738

Odor bacteria living on hair? Citation needed

>> No.20110740

you can also get rid of those pesky microbes in your body by drinking bleach

>> No.20110750
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>> No.20110753

you can drink bleach but i prefer reading it 8 )

>> No.20110755

>The shaving of hair has sometimes been used in attempts to eradicate lice or to minimize body odor due to accumulation of odor-causing micro-organisms in hair.

They live on your armpits anyway, but by having hair there as well you give them way more room to live and thus end up with much of them making you smell a lot worse.

>> No.20110763

i think this thread has run its course, someone start a new one

>> No.20110772
File: 94 KB, 992x681, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no this is great

>> No.20110774

Wikipedia isn't a source. Go back to high school

>> No.20110783



>> No.20110788

wheres the skirt and the thigh highs are you even trying

>> No.20110789

I've raised those little dudes in my pits for years. They're little homies and I've never had an odor complaint so they've done me a solid. If it aint broke don't kill it and chop it's homes down. Raise them strong like little pokemon and make them your first line of defense.

>> No.20110790

fuck off jamal if you didn't reply to every off topic post in every thread maybe we'd actually talk about japanese sometimes

>> No.20110802

i tried that and you guys spent like 2 hours freaking out over flashcards


>> No.20110812

Two different dekirus posted pictures with a kindle so I was curious how you guys read.


>> No.20110819

this is actually legit

>> No.20110821

thats a pretty big assumption there im honestly not convinced they dont just sit there staring at a bunch of shit they cant read only picking out tiny bits that are occasionally comprehensible

however i voted in your poll cheers

>> No.20110822

Physical Book & Computer.

>> No.20110831

oh fuck i guess its time for round 2

>> No.20110837

Well there 60% and 71% through there respective book. But just by the fact that there actually actually trying with native material makes them more dekiru then most posters.

>> No.20110851

reading physical books seems like such a pain to me

although i guess it's pretty cool to flex on people in public

>> No.20110854

yea? come step to me with your light novel strap and see what it gets you

>> No.20110855

I just watched 4 of them. I like the philosophy behind a lot of what they say. It's probably the best explanations I've seen on a bunch of confusing grammar.

>> No.20110863

i guess i should chime in and say that it was also the reasonably good explanations that contributed to my sexual arousal

>> No.20110864

Too bad they give you ear cancer

>> No.20110865

It can be, but pain makes you grow my friendo.

>> No.20110867

its no different from digital books if you actually know how to read

>> No.20110871

no way dude that shits fuckin mad ハイセンス you just gotta listen with your dipstick

>> No.20110872

If only somebody could redub them..

>> No.20110876

I also watched the first 4 now.
It's weird that she knows all the Grammar stuff but the Japanese sounds so unnatural at times.

>> No.20110880

well duh

but you have to be pretty good at japanese to never have to look up a word, and looking up kanji with unknown readings is just such a hassle that it's not worth it for me

>> No.20110886

Ha, he had the exact same experience that I did when I did kanji rote. I got to the end of my deck only to realise that knowing how to write a kanji and being able to recognise and associate it with its meaning are two different skills. On top of that, I was also having the same problem Matt's followers had with RTK where in the short term I was able to remember everything just fine but once the intervals got larger I just started forgetting everything. I actually ended up quitting Japanese for a while out of frustration over this when it became clear that my three months of daily torture had all been for nothing.

>> No.20110887

Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, maybe intentionally for explanations sake.

>> No.20110889

It's a hassle only because you avoid doing it.

>> No.20110893

actually ill give you some mind blowing insight

japanese people skip kanji all the time (in the cases of less common words obviously) and just say fuck it and they also never go look it up

furthermore japanese language as a whole is largely a formality once context is established so its not even a big deal ┐(‘~` )┌

>> No.20110894

i regret having done RTK because of the time investment but on the other hand i never confuse similar kanji like dorks in this thread so it wasn't a complete waste.

>> No.20110914

consider this if you watched anime and enjoyed it its literally impossible to look back on it and say it was a waste of time

>> No.20110915


gtfo with your zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance bullshit stopping your reading to tap a bunch of radicals on your phone is super annoying no matter how efficient you are at it

fuck off jamal no one asked you

>> No.20110921


Wow I didn't realize matt was an actual racist. Definitely unsubscribing from his channel and patreon now. Can't fucking believe I followed a racist.

>> No.20110937

Honestly only 3 months ago I could not imagine reading a physical book. But after really forcing myself to read every day for the last 6 months I have gotten to the point I can easily infer word meaning from context. I mean I make mistakes a fair bit especially in terms of pronunciation but reading is very enjoyable. For reference I have been "studying" for almost 15 months now.

>> No.20110941

>stopping your reading to tap a bunch of radicals on your phone
That's not how it works. You make an educated guess of what that word could be and check to see if it's true.
Then you search using ? and * to fill in the kanji you can't read.
Only when that fails you make use of the radical picker.

And you never do it on your phone what is wrong with you. Not having a keyboard sucks.

>> No.20110943

this boruto chan guy seems like my kinda homeboy https://twitter.com/BorutoChanDesu/status/1038093270176411649

>> No.20110949

I don't get this

>> No.20110955

yeah its pretty tough its like the difference between は and が

>> No.20110965

>Anki throws a bunch of words with similar characters and similar meanings at you
fucking why

>> No.20110978
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>> No.20110983

I dont get what he's disenchanted about? Am I missing something?

>> No.20110992

I have like 800 words mature they say start reading at 1k kill me

>> No.20111004

idk what the racism thing is all about but i think its funny to just be like huh well im gonna stop doing japanese study this way because this guys a racist

its like saying youre gonna quit the avocado diet because the guy who invented it is a neo nazi

>> No.20111007

I say start listening at 0k, I hope you did that to prepare for the reading.

>> No.20111009

To give you the best chance at getting their meaning & reading. I remember getting 発言, 発生, 発見, 開発, 出発, consecutively

>> No.20111013

Enjoy being mediocre at Japanese for the rest of your life.

>> No.20111015

The fuck you on about, nobody on this thread has endorsed anki in like 9 months. Ever since that 3k is most efficient guy quit this thread has been a lot better. I feel recently we have been digressing into a matt poster era, but that should blow over in a couple months.

>> No.20111016


>> No.20111021

don't bother

800 is plenty to start reading

it's going to suck in the beginning no matter how much you drone

>> No.20111028

That's still like asking a baby to start reading..
Imo: 90% listening 10% anki till you are familuar with like 3k words
Then you'll understand the pronouncement better too
Then do: 50% listening/watching 40% reading 10% anki

>> No.20111033

enjoy never even making it to mediocre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZuRrCeBSWs#t=19

>> No.20111051

Well, if N1 is lower bounded by mediocre, and I believe it is, then i have made it to mediocre already.

>> No.20111054

Sorry to ask for spoonfeeding but I looked in the op
Where can I find beginner listening materials? I feel like it'll be harder to start listening than starting to read

>> No.20111061

Sam said something like "I'm black" jokingly but not in a negative way. He also said something about something being retarded or maybe himself being retarded. I forget what it was. Basically Boruto is looking for an excuse to play the victim so he can use it to assert power over others.

>> No.20111066

*posts the "pass n1 not even close to fluent" vid*

>> No.20111071

definitely sounds like that but if hes vilifying maatt i cant really come down on him

>> No.20111074


fucking sad. this is where not reading or listening gets you

>> No.20111076

the most obdurate matt lie that i still hear a lot here is that you should prioritise listening in the beginning when in fact it does next to nothing for you

>> No.20111080

Just watch anime/jdrama without subtitles. The more you can stand rewatching the better. If you know the scene already in english it's perfect to watch in japanese. Some people start off reading and thats fine if you don't really care about fluent speach.

>> No.20111088
File: 42 KB, 268x402, fc90ece57de68b3680a460077ae0fa91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some really low ball japanese for you to try your luck with.

>> No.20111092

>Where can I find beginner listening materials?
First thing I watched without sub was all three seasons of gokusen.

>> No.20111096

You have to get familuar with the patterns of speach. When you go to study anki later and you've already heard the word it sticks in your head permanently. The two methods together are how everybody gets record learning rates in ajatt.

>> No.20111099

finna watch samurai champloo without subs brb

>> No.20111103

i remember gokusen ill bump this shit

>> No.20111104

Has the Matt shill officially returned? He's been doing OT in this thread.

>> No.20111117

This tiny child story just to test your might.


Long form novel - it is written in a pretty straightforward language.

http://djt.netlify.com/ there is a lot of LNs - you might be familiar with some of those if you know cartoons and comics that were made based on them.

I found it useful to have english translations of what I'm reading in case I just can't comprehend some or other phrase.

>> No.20111119


>> No.20111121

you know this is my first time actually seeking thru that vid and this kids actually fuckin not retarded https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5t37q1neC4#t=2093

>> No.20111141

>tfw watched all of jojo without subs
Maybe I should just go take the N1 blind.

>> No.20111144

Does anyone know why when I convert a book to azw3 from epub it makes it read horizontally instead of vertically?

>> No.20111151

prolly just take your jdog or jcat or whatever the online thing is called first before you humiliate yourself and be out some cash and time

>> No.20111153
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hes not retarded he just never wanted to know japanese

all he wanted is good grades and a status symbol so people would like him

>> No.20111156

Oh shit you just asked for listening material my bad
only reading stuff for beginner here.


>> No.20111159

well, even if you fail you still comprehend shit better than many people who do pass N1. JLPT is so fucked because so many study specifically to pass it instead of to test where their actual comprehension ability is at. so even if someone who reads a lot for a year only gets like N2 they very well could have higher overall comprehension than a genki drone who passes N1.

>> No.20111162

citation needed senpai

listening in the beginning when you don't know any words is doesn't do shit because your brain can't parse the sounds it's hearing

and we're all used these nebulous japanese speech patterns anyway because we watched hundreds of hours of anime before starting to learn japanese

> The two methods together are how everybody gets record learning rates in ajatt.

it's actually the massive time investment that does this, not the method itself

>> No.20111169

Do they give you your money back if you pass N1?

>> No.20111183
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>> No.20111184

no in fact they are even more pissed because now they gotta give u a certification

>> No.20111193

lmao matts a goner i didnt even have to do anything

rip matt chan

>> No.20111199

>taking the JLPT costs money
Nevermind then.

>> No.20111208

That's not even the problem
>you have to reserve your seat like 9 months prior the exams

The fuck by that time you are already N1++

>> No.20111209

Matt and the fat guy mentioned 4chan in his latest video. I wonder how much matt is aware of this thread. Matt if your reading this, you seem ok, just a bit autistic and gullible.

>> No.20111216

This guy explains it all pretty well. There is quiet a few vloggers tracking their Ajatt progress. Listening (input) while watching situations and stories (context) equals aquisition. You have to start somewhere and I think this is the most natural and effective way.

>> No.20111217


I thought applications closed october 1st for the december exam the same year, that's only 2 months unless I'm missing something

>> No.20111223


>> No.20111226

Not in my shithole of a country.

>> No.20111230

You could also book it when you are at N3 and just get to N1 during those 9 months.

>> No.20111238

>because your brain can't parse the sounds it's hearing

Listening is easy because you already know how to hear.
You can't read shit however without kana and kanji.

>> No.20111239
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>> No.20111250

lol fag

>> No.20111255

I will follow Matt on twitter since you posted him here

>> No.20111262

you better dude he needs you after everyone unsubbed his racist ass

>> No.20111265

Hello Matt here, just wanted to let you guys know that I am actually a cool dude beyond my pretensions exterior. I also unironically like reality shows because the comedians explain to me basic social ques, I am definitely not actually autistic.

>> No.20111266

>great wall of manga
>manga is translated

>> No.20111278

>unironically likes dragon ball and sao

>> No.20111285

i was referring specifically to matt recommending incomprehensible audio immersion while you drone RTK, which teaches you about as much japanese as watching subbed anime (sorry jamal)

>> No.20111286

i think sao traverses some deeper wall that brings it back around from complete irredeemable shit to vaguely intriguing

>> No.20111291
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Matt seems like a cool dude.

I can do dragonball at x1.5 playback speed.

>> No.20111304

i think sao is just a bad hentai plot repurposed into something more marketable that people would and did buy

>> No.20111307
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>> No.20111311

>you can't scroll through definitions
you can if you open the mining UI by pressing "m"
super inconvenient, but you'll only need to scroll for very common words anyway

>> No.20111312

shit tokyo drift was a cool movie

>> No.20111330


he's a shut in patreon NEET who releases almost no content and stole his whole language learning method off some black guy but somehow wasting time on an imageboard is beneath him

ok matt

>> No.20111331


>> No.20111339

uh oh the yokai are talking to each other

>> No.20111340

yea it was ftw

>> No.20111345

he constanstly states or implies that he actually dislikes japanese now and he wouldn't be doing any of this if it weren't for the patreon. so he's doing something he hates for the ez shekels. can't say i blame him.

>> No.20111356

doesn't he live in japan?

>> No.20111358
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>> No.20111369

no. although he said he wants to try living there again so he can take advantage of the hard efforts of the japanese people while being a gaijin who will not be expected to put in that same effort. pretty smart.

he also says that even after gaining perspective on their culture he still hates it and thinks it's inferior to the west.

>> No.20111371

No, he hates Japan. It's Matt VERSUS Japan. He wants to make an army of gaijin to culturally enrich Japan until it's destroyed

>> No.20111380


mind more blown wtf? textbook simplifications actually just complicates stuff for me in the long run.

>> No.20111390

I'm not watching this animoji bullshit

>> No.20111391
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>> No.20111394

it's called causative for a reason

>> No.20111396

jamal is right this is weirdly comfortable and arousing

>> No.20111398

Why did you never post it yet jamal?
you are all abut pretentious shit

>> No.20111401

犬を食べさせた means to cause someone to eat a dog though

>> No.20111406

Any advice on how to start reading? My anki retention has been plummeting for the past couple months and I've lost all motivation. I'm planning to try to start reading Saekano, since I've always wanted to read it.

>> No.20111410

1. download saekano
2. read it

>> No.20111414

Literally open the book nigga wtf do you expect.

>> No.20111417

don't get discouraged

it's going to suck for long time before it clicks and you actually start reading as opposed to deciphering

>> No.20111424

>Any advice on how to start reading?


>> No.20111428
File: 15 KB, 326x289, john the fuckin maniac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fuckin maniac

>> No.20111444


