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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20083 No.20083 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight, /jp/ is the new place for the ancient weaboos who lurked the old /a/,to make place for the newfags in new /a/, or is it backwards?

>> No.20145
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>> No.20674
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>> No.21181
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The old weeaboo ways stop here.

>> No.21259
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a half-baked idea took root.

>> No.21281
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>> No.21528
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>> No.20108


Pretty much. Watch out for morning /jp/ though.
It's still a battlefield

>> No.20116

Let's phrase it this way: You are in the Pantheon. Gods lurk here.

>> No.20117

no you pretty much got it right.

>> No.20118

Who even knows.

I just want the manga paradise that I dreamed of.

>> No.20099

/a/- Gurren-Lagann fanfags.

>> No.20098

Moot just wants /a/ to be fore Anime and Manga; it is really just that simple.

>> No.20138

No, it was created for touhou faggots because they ruined /a/

>> No.20123

Gods lurk here MORE.

>> No.20128

its like that episode of dbz where buu split into two.

>> No.20131

But if you must put it in some way, it's more for ancient /a/nons and the night shift crew.

>> No.20132

You're thinking like you're from /b/...

Though I have to admit, it is sort of true. /jp/ isn't making nearly as much SERIOUS BUSINESS about this which leads me to believe certain things.

>> No.20165


But /a/ sucks without toohoos

>> No.20152

shit got serious and i facepalm'd in daytime. it's now past 10 pm here; let's see how things go from now.

>> No.20186

/a/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> touhou faggotry

>> No.20207

14+ replies and no trolling,nor stupid memes...
I think I'm gonna like it here...

>> No.20217

It's the same people.

And /tg/. Now they can keep their AIDS in one place.

>> No.20249


ahaha, stupid newfag, scapegoating toohoo for wrecking /a/, even though the board was really wrecked by GL/LS/Clannaids faggots like yourself

>> No.20251

Two Naruto threads on /a/'s front page. Methinks we can get along without them.

>> No.20277

My god...

>> No.20283

Good call.

>> No.20274

It's nighttime. If you want to like the place, start lurking... well, around this hour. Or even later, if you prefer.
Every anon is same people. Even you.

>> No.20302

Good fuckin' riddance.

>> No.20738

/jp/ is going to become /a2/, probably...

At least as long as we don't start making threads dedicated to the idea.

>> No.20984

so about how many weaboos do we count with at /jp/?

>> No.20994

Fuck, I keep clicking on /a/ to go back to the first page. It's just so damned convenient up in the corner there.

>> No.20997

Not enough. But in retrospect, /a/ is significantly less inhabited today, too.

Perhaps people aren't going to either /a/ or /jp/, but are instead not coming to 4chan at all right now.

>> No.21000

lurk moar newfag

>> No.21012

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a tripfag on such an awesome board.

I post anon 60% of the time anyway.

<3 /jp/

>> No.21022

GTFO of /jp/ and go back to /a/.

You can have its corpse.

>> No.21070


I cried.

>> No.21069

/jp/ will be a paradise only during the night. I came in this afternoon after having such a good time last night and found the same shit that was making daytime /a/ unbearable.

Waifu threads, half assed trolling, etc.

>> No.21089


Nothing wrong with waifu threads. They don't ruin the other threads around them.

>> No.21137

fucking saved and signed

>> No.21146


That doesn't really bother me. /a/ used to talk a lot about Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and all sorts of shounen crap back in the olden times and anonymous were content enough to just ignore the threads and things went on as they did.

Now everyone throws around "shit shit shit shit" whenever they see people talking about an anime they like and thats why its impossible to actually talk about anime or manga anymore.

>> No.21191

GTFO 4chan and go back to gaia online

You have to be over 18 to use 4chan.

>> No.21199

Because /jp/ is clearly trolling /a/? That thread was sagebombed anyway, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see? Elitism ITT?

>> No.21201

Good thing I am over 18, then.

You probably can't boast the same.

>> No.21227

Things like Naruto and Bleach are a way to detect the people we don't want on our boards. However, I agree that the Kyoani vs Gainax, moe vs. gar, etc. shit was annoying.

>> No.21254

Here's to hoping saigar remains on /a/ as well.

>> No.21271

Enjoy your one month of "Touhou is great" threads followed by deafining silence as there is nothing more to say on /jp/.

>> No.21289

>Good thing I am over 18, then.

Suuuuuuuuuure you are. Keep flapping those cum crusted lips, sonny.

>> No.21293


Yeah, keep thinking that. A little bit of it probably is us, but I doubt it's all us. Like that Bleach thread earlier. Who the hell actually reads enough Bleach to be able to discuss it like that?

>> No.21315



You're thinking of /r9k/. That board is going to TANK in a month.

>> No.21344

why are so many butthurt /a/ fags in /jp/?
We discovered our new land of awesome...
Either join us, or scram...

>> No.21369

hur hur hur

>> No.21370

/jp/ front page:
Weaboo music
Puffy wolf vuvla
Ronery virgins thread
Ecstasy aka Darks, who has been claimed for /jp/
Bandit Keith
Gibberish Canada-tan

>> No.21383


>> No.21389

jesus christ enough with the shitstorm

>> No.21409

Enough with the bullshit. Just enjoy /jp/ for what it's worth. Thread hidden.

>> No.21414

Visual Novels
Melty Blood
Waifu threads

>> No.21441

Sounds good to me.

>> No.21483


>> No.21712

toxins will live in another fish. bot happy.

