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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 250x332, waha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19982752 No.19982752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lol u tk him 2da !bar

>> No.19984911


>> No.19984967

I wonder about the origins of this legendary phrase. I always found it improbable that someone would actually post an apparent question about taking some male to the bar in text speak on 4chan. I really would love to know if it's a real quote from somewhere or if it just came from literally who's inflamed imagination.

>> No.19985069


>> No.19985090

It is by definition indecipherable text

>> No.19985120

I always thought it was some post from SA.

>> No.19985185
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>I always found it improbable that someone would actually post ... in text speak on 4chan.
You know, given how much early 4chan ironically posted in/made fun of chatspeak, netspeek, l33t, lolspeak, typos, and the like, I'm surprised that 4chan became more and more anal about writing patterns over time instead of descending into low quality nonsense by people who thought they were in good company. It's not like the quality of posts rule was enforced that much. Netspeak just became really uncool for some reason, even though kids still use it.

>> No.19985219

i always thought it was referencing gikopoi for some reason

>> No.19985230


>> No.19985643

Of course is was.

>> No.19986453

Yes, this is the most likely explanation.

>> No.19986537

it was something about taking a kid to a bar or something. It has long since left my memory.

>> No.19986849

It was a nerd thing to make fun of nerd things, took a life of its own, got picked up my normies and used unironically, then largely abandoned and scorned because newfags and alternative culture reasons except for trolling purposes.

>> No.19986986

l33tspeak was unironically by script kiddies pretty much since it became a thing. At the very least it acted as a shibboleth.

>> No.19987567


>> No.19987661

remember when 4chan banners had porn and swastikas in them

can't have those now, people might wrongthink

>> No.19988102

Someone posted that on /b/ and got banned. Normally it would've just been brushed aside but at the time the board was completely lawless and users were losing faith in the administrative powers at work. When said poster got banned along with an anon that asked why OP was banned people made a huge deal out of it for it reminded them that yes, moderators were still doing their job to uphold rule 1.

>> No.19988109

If you disable your adblock, there's plenty of porn ads and whatnot. Also I'm fairly sure there's never been a banner with explicit porn.

>> No.19988549

What was the context?

>> No.19988565

The Brave Soul banner had a butt in it from an ingame sexscene

I miss that banner because it was one of the first eroges I played.

>> No.19989363

dot net fo shizzle

>> No.19989407

The original was something like a guy got stuck babysitting a little dude...his nephew or something. And he wanted to go drinking so he just took the little kid with him. Hence the reply. This is going back like14-15 years.

>> No.19989408

Yeah, where is that guy?

>> No.19989780
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why'd they get rid of the old banners anyway

>> No.19989810
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probably for the same reason other old things have been removed or banned

>> No.19989859


>> No.19989876

That's interesting, but also sounds oddly familiar. I wonder if I've ever seen a screencap of this exchange. Thanks, anon.

>> No.19989891

Because either the advertisers complained about them or they merely looked like the advertisers might complain about them. It's kind of pathetic.

>> No.19989936


>> No.19990070

the ads i have seen on occasion look 1000x worse than any banner from any era

>> No.19990073


>> No.19991239

happy birthday

>> No.19991330
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>> No.19991336

eh whadda fuq don't convert my link >>19373471

or https://boards.4chan.org/jp/thread/ 19373471 maybe that'll work

>> No.19991354
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works on my machine

>> No.19991362

Aha, my script was redirecting me faster that the pic loaded, and I wouldn't notice when stopping the page loading.

Still gross. Just slapping that shit up there on the 404 page of all things. Come on, son

>> No.19991445
File: 342 KB, 1182x845, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there fags that don't adblock?

>> No.19992563

My uBlock Origin config didn't block these ads automatically.

>> No.19993337
File: 215 KB, 788x713, 1351096225127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ar Tonelico threads.

>> No.19994202


>> No.19994211

Funny how there's VPN ads on 4chan when most (if not all) VPNs are blocked for non-pass users.

>> No.19994283

make it block them then, its not hard

>> No.19994356

That's synergistic marketing!

>> No.19994556

Huh, they have been gone since summer. What happened?

>> No.19994562

4chan absolutely devolved into low quality nonsense, it was just low-quality autistic rants about anime and video games instead.

>> No.19995085


>> No.19995293


>> No.19996413

This, thist post got me.

You know you're fucking old when you remember THIS was the phrase associated with Snoop Dogg, not "smoke weed everyday". Which btw was actually said by Nate Dogg in the song and not Snoop, but everyone attributes it to him instead.

>> No.19996421

I've been on this fucking website since 2005 and I still don't know who marmandy jones was.

>> No.19996826

I've been here since 2006, but I feel like I've missed a lot of stuff from that time. I was so snobbish as a teenager that I totally preferred smaller boards and rarely posted on 4chan. I never even raided Habbo. It's a strange feeling.

>> No.19996891

It doesn't stick for me.

>> No.20000176

Time to ban vtuber fags
It is the only way

>> No.20000184

Ban all 3D shit here

>> No.20000273
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>> No.20000290

Habbo raids were incredibly boring. The only fun thing to do was to piss off and enrage your fellow raiders.

>> No.20000323

Your memory for the trivial is astounding.

>> No.20000344

I have forgotten petabytes of accumulated chan nonsense but occasionally something comes up that will pull recollections out from the graveyard of vodka and frosted flakes soaked bad sectors in my head.

>> No.20000371

It's probably for the best that some of those memories are fuzzy or glowing like some sort of hangover dream.

>> No.20000452

literally the first result when you search that phrase on google

>> No.20000487
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How is Zaiger doing anyway? Last I heard things were not going well for him.

>> No.20000807

Raids did more to ruin 4chan than the sites they raided.

>> No.20001470
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We can't go back to who we where back then. The userbase is just too different. If anything, excessive moderation would only make /jp/ stray further from what it used to be; it was actually moderation that killed a lot of the non-general threads back when /jp/ started to take its current shape. Now almost everything is a general thread, and this thread too will get deleted once a janitor finds it. That's the current state of /jp/.

I could never get into Ar Tonelico, but I quite enjoyed the Atelier discussion in the Gust threads. The Arland trilogy recently got rereleased on Switch and PS4 (English version and Steam release coming December 4th), and I've been playing Totori again. I'm managing surprisingly well considering my limited knowledge of Japanese.

>> No.20002523

>it was actually moderation that killed a lot of the non-general threads
No, it was constant shitposting flooding relevant, but slow moving, threads off the board. If there had been stronger moderation there probably wouldn't even have been general threads other than the idol ones and a few niche like the untranslated VN thread.

>> No.20002778

>The userbase is just too different
And that has been pretty much the only real problem. Solving any problems that caused that to happen simply isn't the matter anymore.

>> No.20004326
File: 63 KB, 200x200, Shii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys wanna see what Shii is doing now?
If some new-fag mod who doesn't know who Shii is bans me for doxing, I will personally go to the U.S.A where the 4chan servers are hosted and call a jihad
Also, 4chan in 2003 https://web.archive.org/web/20031122004728/http://www.4chan.net/

world2ch.net https://web.archive.org/web/20030601000000*/world2ch.net

>> No.20004403

gust generals are dead because nobody wanted to talk about blue reflection and nights of azure. also mysterious sucked.

>> No.20004419

I'll read his book some day.

>> No.20004442


/i/ndeed sir.

>> No.20004451

The only ones capable of making /jp/ good are us, by making good posts.

>> No.20004457

I didn't know world2ch used "Nameless" instead of "Anonymous", though it makes sense.

>> No.20004502

I remember /l/ was gone pretty early, but I thought guro lasted quite a bit longer than it apparently did.

>> No.20004513

im surprised this thread has lasted this long
thank you jaypee

>> No.20004547



>> No.20004553

I miss >>>/z/ and the dick bees
Was fun baiting newfags on /v/ into looking

>> No.20004818

I've compiled links to a few interesting/amusing threads and one board. Sadly, the games board doesn't seem to be archived. We'll probably never know if they had a danmaku thread there.

>Racism in Japan and how to avoid it

Something Awful


just a bizarre fact

>What are you listening to right now?


>Discriminative writing can be post only in here.

>> No.20004922

Fansub thread

>> No.20004933
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>but I thought guro lasted quite a bit longer than it apparently did.
local internet terrorists did their best trying to save it, though

>> No.20005054
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I have found a link on world2ch to what looks like 2ch's Matrix fan film project. Did anything come from it besides vid related?

>> No.20005245

I want a fucking raspberryheaven.net email address

>> No.20005269

only the oldfags know this meme XD

>> No.20005366


The GNAA were the heroes we needed.

>> No.20005410
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>> No.20005423

They also liked Ruby before it was cool.

>> No.20005469

Homovan more like homovan.

>> No.20006093

>4chan is not part of the anime community, it is part of the wanking-off "community".
Prescient. Also, it's funny how this is one of the better threads on /jp/ right now.

>> No.20006421
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My static IP is going to be permabanned in less than 5 hours. See you guys in gensokyo. Good thread.

>> No.20006436
File: 68 KB, 473x590, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the old /jp/ shitposters back?

>> No.20006439

Ultra old image!

>> No.20006462

More like janny isn't back yet.

>> No.20007082

>You write out what will no makes sense as semantics.
You made it. Congratulation!
Maybe proud of your parents would be happy with your greatheartedness outcome.
Valuable of your life time realized an unexpected to live in this world.
Go for it.

New copy pasta folks!

>> No.20007106

It seems like Ebichu was the Doremi of 2ch.net

>> No.20007138
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>> No.20007294

I wonder what happened.

>> No.20010010

They never left.

>> No.20010051

How many pre-wall /jp/ posters do you think there are?

>> No.20010171

I hope someone got to congratulate him on his marriage before he left.

>> No.20010205
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I've never been to one, only got into AT earlier this year. How did they look like?

>> No.20013801

Rest in peace

>> No.20015266
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>> No.20015457
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>> No.20015917

>Moot shut the text boards
Don't fucking remind me

>> No.20016116

4-ch is still up, you know.

>> No.20016158

Yes, but old ██████ is gone forever.

>> No.20016209

I haven't posted regularly since 2016, but I occasionally drop in when I'm drunk and feeling nostalgic.

>> No.20016486
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bitch ass faggot

>> No.20016867
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>> No.20016940
File: 699 KB, 1000x1029, __jougasaki_mika_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_irohakaede__9912ec6782e40c090b595decec093c56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is depressing, and it's tragic to see just how thorough the homogenization of 4chan's once-distinct individual boards really was/is.

But I guess we all have to move on eventually, don't we?

>> No.20017397
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it's regrettable but I'm glad there are at least good times to look back on.

>> No.20021028

4chan was never good

>> No.20021166
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In the 1995 Ghost in the Shell movie, "Makoto" quotes the following passage from 1 Corinthians to Batou after merging her ghost with the puppetmaster and leaving Section 9:
>When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

Given that most of us long-time regulars found 4chan in our youth, I find this quote highly relevant.

>> No.20021180

growing up is for norms

>> No.20021260

Life is about maturing and experiencing new things.

>> No.20021310

Grow up? No! Grow down, you fools!

>> No.20021352

life is about taking it easy.

>> No.20021358

cirno please

>> No.20021382

When I matured I found it to be a wholly unpleasant world, and the path and new experiences I took are not those of the normalfag. I doubt I would be considered "grown up", but I know what my soul truly wishes for and what makes me at peace with my life.

>> No.20021596

What's it like to be young and on 4chan? I was like 20 even when it was created.

>> No.20021727

It affects your development

You end up being very ironic and shitposting in your speech and life

>> No.20021800

But quotes from the internet are telling me that maturing is bad and you should keep your inner child.

>> No.20022028 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 489x499, 1538149887156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how everyone suddenly has been here for 15 years
it's ok to admit you're new

>> No.20022070
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>> No.20022178 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 680x478, we will never go away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look mom I sorted by oldest on warosu

>> No.20022185

I remember old 4chan to be more sociopathic and racist. Nowadays, you can't even go so much as say nigger without getting a daily ban. Fuck.

>> No.20022258

Did you join 4chan in 2016 and first go on /pol/ or something?

>> No.20022274
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I don't really remember too much. I enjoyed the novelty of anonymous posting. Beyond that it wasn't much of a shift, since before 4chan I spent my free time lurking FYAD and during the 00's the humour of both boards was very similar (although FYAD was way more mean and elitist, which is why I found /jp/ attractive)
It's hard to really take it easy if you spend a whole decade doing pretty much the same thing.
You can grow out of the interests of your youth and explore what the world has to offer without conforming to what society considers normal.
My quote is from the Bible, if that makes a difference.

>> No.20022282

4chan wasn't any more or less sociopathic, but there was less serious racism and more ironic racism. Then, we eventually attracted real racists who mistakenly believed themselves to be in good company.

>> No.20022422

I joined 4chan in 2011 but I still feel like a newfag. When will I become an oldfag, /jp/?

>> No.20023110

>You can grow out of the interests of your youth and explore what the world has to offer without conforming to what society considers normal.
Why would I grow out of the interests of my youth instead of retaining them in addition to new interests?

>> No.20023137

>although FYAD was way more mean and elitist, which is why I found /jp/ attractive
It was more mean than still-mad-at-/v/-and-/a/ kill-yourself-out-of-/jp/ era /jp/?

>> No.20023284

This site basically raised me, my only good memories are of this site and yet I feel it has also completely ruined me as a human being.

>> No.20023424

Did you browse ADTRW?

>> No.20023550

It's addicting and dangerous. I ended up committing a LOT of truancy as I discovered 4chan in high school.

>> No.20023612

I wonder what would be needed to make a new community be as vibrant as this one once was. I doubt just making a copy of 4chan on some crap vichan install will work, perhaps the concept needs a new style, or even just be changed completely...

>> No.20023934

>I wonder what would be needed to make a new community be as vibrant as this one once was.
What do you mean by that? If you mean like 2003 /b/, you need a community composed ONLY of hardcore gamer/anime nerds who aren't afraid to make fun of each other/themselves/the things they like/the internet as a whole. They also need to not be tainted by twitter/tumblr reposting culture and not too lazy to make their own content. They also need to be experienced in that restricted forum style of posting and able to see 4chan as "that place where I can speak freely without being judged by post history or number of likes/upvotes/karma" and not as "that place where I can be a total retard and jackass with impunity". You also need a plan to stop those people who rather than going to a porn board to post porn, want to go to the most public place they can and post porn and turn that into a porn board.

>> No.20023960

It gives you delayed onset asshole syndrome. You try to be a good boy IRL despite your /b/tardation but then some time passes and you have a deserved reputation as an asshole. An alternative view of the same events is that you were an asshole to begin with and that's why 4chan clicked with you.

>> No.20023977
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>> No.20023979

/jp/ - Meta threads Culture

>> No.20023985
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>> No.20024020

Make it harder to join on a technical and cultural level. E.g., Tor-only with at least a hiragana captcha. The problem is that it would be very hard to bootstrap this kind of community. Nobody will put up with the difficulties if there is nothing special there.

>> No.20024045

You would need a community made of people who thought that the internet was exciting and new, armed with the childlike sense of wonder that allowed people to create dumb things and celebrate them for what they were. What we have today is a bunch of jaded faggots, looking mostly for ways to criticize everyone else to death. I'm pretty sure the retarded children on Twitter and Tumblr today have a culture more reminiscent of the 4chan that was than the 4chan of today does, but they're crippled by the inherent shittiness of the social media structure and social media faggotry in general.

Aggressive shitposting and serious business have killed the internet that was. We won't see its like again.

>> No.20024068

We'll see it again if there is a new layer over Internet like the Web was.

>> No.20024104

This notion that if you just figure out how to make the community elitist or insular enough that the good old days will return is dumb. I mean, it feels really good to believe, but it's still dumb. There are countless hyper-elitist communities out there that are not "vibrant" and "fun" in the slightest. The "fun" communities that still exist today are profoundly stupid ones.

It was the simultaneous combination of "enjoying dumb things" and "striving for something better" that made for a vibrant community: the courage to post dumb shit, the humility to realize that we're all dumb shitters, and a sense of community that incorporated the ideal of all us dumb shitters trying to achieve an ideal together. Missing one side you get nothing but boring professional serious business shit and missing the other side you get inane shitposting around the clock.

I don't think there will be a new layer over the internet. If somebody tries to invent a new layer, someone else will build an interface for that new layer, and yet another someone else will mass-market it and bring over the entirety of the current internet. Meet the new web, same as the old web. There's no reason to think that people won't drag everything that exists into the "new thing" the same way that all of real life has already been dragged onto the internet.

I really hope someone out there will prove me wrong about this, but I can't help but think that the days when the internet were a "frontier" have come to a permanent end.

>> No.20026218
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I don't think /jp/sies at any point in time ever took it upon themselves to thoroughly doxx and harass forum members just for doing spectacularly retarded things.
I also vaguely remember FYAD collectively reacting to Vilerat (a SA mod they hated) getting killed by Al-Qaeda with "lol owned".
ADTRW was (and still is?) what reddit is today. The board was a good resource for warez links, fansubs, and other niche info, but the discussion was never tolerable enough to follow.
We're all newfags, it's the original sin of 4chan.
>I really hope someone out there will prove me wrong about this, but I can't help but think that the days when the internet were a "frontier" have come to a permanent end.
This is just my own theory, but up until 2008-2009 most normal people still considered "the Internet" to be another device that you use to communicate with other people, find information and make tasks easier. You could play games on it, or watch flash videos and movies in glorious 480p. You could absolutely waste a lot of your time on a computer with internet access.

But to do this, you usually had to stay rooted to a desktop. Laptops were these massively clunky things, batteries would die after two hours doing anything beyond reading text files, public wifi wasn't widespread and where it did exist it was often crap (and sometimes cost money). Mobile internet was expensive and barely functioned. Smartphones were mostly for businessmen and rich kids. Early chan culture was therefore representative of the mindset of people who WOULD spend their fridey night on their desktop, getting into flame wars and reposting image macros. While normal people would be disconnected from the internet on their days off or at work, we would spend our days off from school/uni permanently online, interacting with each other in these small homogeneous communities of lonely nerds.

We can't go back to that. Genie's out of the bottle. Early chan culture was very much a product of its technological environment and that's gone.

>> No.20026300

A new front won't last forever, but it may be the closest thing to the previous one while it lasts.

>> No.20026312

Read let’s try to instil Plato’s idea of the creation of a perfect moral community, from the ground up. That means A LOT of b& hammers for we don’t want in the site.

Maybe let’s start by using Plato’s method, so let’s say we have an Internet forum and there are four posters in the forum and they each want to sustain themselves and have fun - what will the posters do?

>> No.20026342

/jp/ definitely harassed people, at least on the board. Like the guy who really hated that this person with "fujiwara mokou" as a name would put his livestream link in the email field and would spam whenever that person posted, and the person(s) who didn't get selected for that LN magazine someone tried to make and started spamming fake threads about it 24/7. The people relating to shitposting doxxed each other I think, but I think that was mostly on /ghost/ than here.

/jp/ always seemed pretty serious when talking about death too, be it suicide or telling others to die, though I don't think they ever made fun of anyone. The closest thing I can think of is everyone laughing at that attention whore Mugen when the police investigated his "company" for smuggling onions into the Philippines and mocking him with images of onions every time someone even brought him up. Though that was more about the absurdity of it.

>> No.20026374
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unclemugen might have been attention whore but he was our attention whore, the onion smuggling incident was hilarious though. There was also sudo, Zun!bar and couple of other tripfags whose names escape me right now. I guess memories grow sweeter with time.

>> No.20026492

Did it ever come to the level of obsession that FYAD had with the groverhaus and goon island sagas? People spent years digging up everything they could about posters who were deemed annoying enough to dogpile

>> No.20026769

I think only /b/ and /v/ have ever been that autistic.

>> No.20026848
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>> No.20027570

Don't wanna be mean anon, but have you noticed in which board are you posting?

>> No.20027597

What if Moot took 4chan back?

>> No.20027630

He doesn't want it.

>> No.20027685

Are you paying attention to the conversation or did you just skim over the word "autistic?"

>> No.20028221

Prague was never good.

>> No.20028317

nevar forget

>> No.20028675

Although I understand that``X was never good'' is a popular adage for good reason, I do believe that---so long as one sets up a correct expectation for what good should be in this context---██████ was good. I do not think I can make a well-reasoned argument for why this is so, so as far as my contribution is concerned we will have to leave things at our personal differences.

>> No.20029555

That is why he asked what if, not what will happen when.

>> No.20029664

Nobody does meta quite like /jp/
/qa/ just has too much shitflinging and /a/ has declined.

>> No.20031422
File: 86 KB, 402x562, Waha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread makes me curious about old /b/
>go back to THE FINAL COUNTDOWN thread archive on /b/ from 2005
>its just non sequitur comments and old memes spammed with pictures of cats and unrelated images
/b/ really never was good

>> No.20031573

/b/ in 2003 was great, I don’t know why but it just manages to make me laugh

>> No.20031591

This is hilarious.

>> No.20032240

I miss him.

>> No.20032320

Well imagine 13 year olds spouting nigger infront of their parents
That was me 10 years ago

>> No.20032746
File: 246 KB, 1545x1243, 2006 nanoha thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Waha get so popular? Was Suigetsu that influential as a VN? Then again, Nanoha was a side character that somehow managed to start a whole franchise.

>> No.20032902

History is nothing without context and perspective, anon.

>> No.20032912

Well, as someone who played both Suigetsu and Toraha, I'd argue their circumstances and motives for getting popular were different. Waha really is nothing but a unimportant side character (well, she did have a route though) in Suigetsu who got popular because of the fandom, the game also had plenty of excellent lolis whose I wonder to this day why they never got popular like her or Yuki.
On the other hand Nanoha is pretty much the second most important character of Toraha 3 (the fandisc is pretty much the sequel for the main game instead of a fandisc), but she wasn't exactly the most popular one before getting it own series, I think.

>> No.20033129

this thread makes me realize how much site features like quotation links and marking the OP post has spoiled me.

>> No.20033594

>Netspeak just became really uncool for some reason, even though kids still use it.

It just lost the most useful vectors, and stopped being relevant:

>PC Gaming
From the days of Quake until the standardization of voice chat, you needed to type efficiently to communicate during the game. These days, you just activate an emotespam or micspam for the same effect.

In older, super-busy channels, it also made sense to type as quickly as possible in order to carry on the flow of conversation. I can't remember the last time I was in an IRC channel and this was the case (except for bots).

>AOL Online Chat & Co.
See Above

Probably the largest overall driver of condensed text. With the emergence of non-SMS mobile chatting utilities, along with touch/swype keyboards that allow a relatively low amount of effort for decent WPM, this too has only been actively preserved in certain contexts.

>> No.20034322

So you stopped?

>> No.20034729

It's called growing up.

>> No.20034729,1 [INTERNAL] 

Took them a while.

>> No.20034729,2 [INTERNAL] 

rest in peace

>> No.20034729,3 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking jannies

>> No.20034729,4 [INTERNAL] 

I really do regret not being here earlier.
Not that it would be of any difference.
"be the change you want to see in this world"
All I can think of is Sailor Moon's Season One ending against Queen Beryl/Metallica. Just what went on between them.
Seriously, the simpler times have left us. Hiro had driven 4chan into the ground with his bullshit and this VTuber shit doesn't make it any better.
It has a high chance to flop, higher to backfire, and a large loss of oldfags will take place.
God don't let /jp/ fall any further than it has with this literal walking piece of garbage's work brewing for disaster.
Fuck you Hiro, fuck you moot, fuck you Meido who has a license to suck my dick.
Take it eajy, /jpeasy/.

>> No.20034729,5 [INTERNAL] 

>fuck you Meido who has a license to suck my dick.
i mean
fuck you Meido who has an OFFICIAL license to suck my dick.

>> No.20034729,6 [INTERNAL] 

cool how mods missed this for over a week and still issued a ban

>> No.20034729,7 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking faggot mods

>> No.20034729,8 [INTERNAL] 

You don't seem to be taking it easy, though...

>> No.20034729,9 [INTERNAL] 

Are you OP? Did they ban you?

>> No.20034729,10 [INTERNAL] 

yes I received a 24hr when it was deleted

>> No.20034729,11 [INTERNAL] 

This is warosu/jp/. It's pretty tame compared to the shit that has been posted here in the past.

>> No.20034729,12 [INTERNAL] 

God fucking hell. Looking at /b/ now to that -- and even comparing /b/ to 2012 /b/. /b/ is just porn now and I mean almost just porn and people jerking off to their friend's facebooks and instagrams. God damn it. People used to complain about 4chan in 2012, but looking at it now? No wonder moot left. Besides growing out of the old culture, he had no connection to the new one forming. And it's poetic that he put janitors in charge to decimate one of the boards that most resembled those of the earlier days of the site.

I don't even come to this shit site anymore. It's not fun anymore. The kids now browsing this place are mentally sterile. Not even an iota as funny as the faggots that used to browse here 10 years ago, let alone 6.

Also, /pol/ became the center of the site, and /pol/ is probably the worst board to ever curse it.

>> No.20034729,13 [INTERNAL] 

/pol/ is currently the board closest to old /b/ and people take it way too seriously, including those /pol/ runoff that come to preach their retardation on other boards. It's not anywhere near as bad as the old /n/ and /new/ variants that happened before /pol/ since /pol/ never took itself seriously to begin with. You have to remember /pol/ is the third iteration after /n/ and /new/ flooded into the boards after being removed.

Also as far as I know, /pol/ doesn't raid forums, prank call gamestop, send hundreds of pizzas to random people on the internet they they don't like, ddos websites, and isn't responsible for the mutation of that comic frog from what it was into what it is today. In fact, /r9k/ is the real problem of 4chan, them and /x/ with its retarded insane conspiracy theorists that get mixed up into politics. It's just a pool of stupid memes, fake infographics, shitposting, and thinly veiled porn threads. The worst thing /pol/ ever did is put a maga hat on Momiji, which while kind of annoying, does provoke irrational anger in people and so is used more by shitposters than /pol/.

As for people getting involved in political talk unnecessarily, that's something that's taken over the internet. It's not a /pol/ specific thing.

>> No.20034729,14 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, I forgot to list /v/ as one of the worst boards for not only doing at least half of the stuff I mentioned in the second paragraph, but also that whole shit that led to 8chan being created. Also being responsible for "reddit this" and "reddit that" everywhere, being responsible for the creation of /vg/, with /vg/ taking most of /jp/'s topic away and now returning them as generals, /vp/, and /vr/ and after that, still being a cesspit of off topic and porn spam.

>> No.20034729,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.20034729,16 [INTERNAL] 

We are taking back /b/ right now, I hope it works but I do not promise you shit.

>> No.20034729,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.20034729,18 [INTERNAL] 

The future failed us.
