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1988486 No.1988486 [Reply] [Original]


I can understand the slightly angled superfast rape lasers with a dodgehole of one pixel, but they come from FUCKING TWO DIRECTIONS AT ONCE JESUS CHRIST!

>> No.1988500

I finished EoSD, PCB and IN on normal, can get to stage 6 in MoF without problems, but I can't even beat stage 5 in SA. I believe I need more training.

>> No.1988506

Kudos to you for Reimu C

>> No.1988545

I still can't win against Orin on normal. And continues are useless, as I usually lose 4 or 5 lives without even beating her.


>> No.1988556
File: 64 KB, 640x480, SAextra KoishiSC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit's not that hard, you're panicking because you're not used to it. First barrage of lasers that converge, place your hitbox directly above the "y" in "enemy". You will never be hit again. Second barrage that crosses, center yourself with Koishi. Congratulations, you beat that spellcard.

>> No.1988606

I always dive into Koishi's skirt at that barrage... shit, I'm missing graze points.

>Why is SA so FUCKING HARD??
Why do you post a picture of Extra?
Koishi is even easier than Suwako.
Sanae is the only relatively hard part of the Extra. Only a few hours ago I died on the last Spell Card which ruined my perfect run (and I even had 4.00 power ;_;)

>> No.1988631

I must be one of the few people that use the 'ENEMY' marker as a bullet market.

Leftmost 'E' on the first barrage, centre ''E' on the next.

>> No.1988633

I must be one of the few people that use the 'ENEMY' marker as a bullet marker.

Leftmost 'E' on the first barrage, centre ''E' on the next.

>> No.1988773

Most people do that.

>> No.1988781

Please. I can beat Suwako without even trying, this is much harder than that.

>> No.1988813
File: 502 KB, 600x600, 1233000668434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoSD: Fun and games up to Sakuya.
PCB: Not too hard, overall enjoyable.
IN: Good challenge.
PoFV: Bit choppy and uneven, but overall manageable.
MoF: Bit harder than the previous ones.
SA: No mercy.

>> No.1988881

Suwako has that annoying survival card, Koishi's is simple and easy. Sanae is the only hard part of Extra, but you should play with Reimu. Marisa's hitbox is HUGE.
Sanae midboss > Kanako midboss
Suwako > Koishi

>> No.1988899

I can't really see how Genetics of the Subconscious is easier than any of Suwako's spellcards...damn that card.

>> No.1988906
File: 62 KB, 496x739, gilko7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH, I can't get passed Chen in PCB on easy mode without dying at least once. I only play touhou for the music... that and the 1300 year old lolis.

>> No.1988905

how is MoF harder than either PCB or EoSD?

>> No.1988911

People suck without bombs.

>> No.1988916
File: 452 KB, 620x874, 1232309513219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Koishi waves her arms around.

>> No.1988921

I was like that too at first. Then I practiced stage 2 over and over and over again, restarting whenever I died. Now I can usually get to stage 4 on Normal before dying once.

>> No.1988924


MoF and SA give you much more bombs to your disposal. If you learn when it's ideal to bomb, you can pretty much avoid potential problem areas and be back to full power in in under 30 seconds.

>> No.1988930

It's because ZUN apparently likes making "HURPDURPIMAHAPPYLOLILETSPLAYDANMAKU" extra bosses, exceptions being few.

>> No.1988936

Ikeda mocks you all.

>> No.1988950

>slightly angled superfast rape lasers with a dodgehole of one pixel

....You lost me at angled superfast rape lasers. I was actually thinking of trying out a Touhou before this topic, but... nevermind.

>> No.1988977

This is an extra boss. You don't have to worry about stuff like that in the main game.

>> No.1988978
File: 20 KB, 214x271, 1214796727900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys still play on normal?

So much fail

>> No.1988985

Genetics of the subconscious is all about knowing where to be at what moment. The first view times I got to that card, I had to time it out, but since I read on some Japanese site where I should be when she makes that charging sound (after that she flies to your position. the first time she does that, you should be on the top left), she became easy.

Native God "Froggy Braves the Elements" is about as hard as that card (since it's the small bullets are very randomized)
Native God "The Red Frog in the Fourth Year of the Houei Era" too (I think this card can be easy, but I have no idea how to move when the second frog appears)
All of them cost me 1 bomb (average)

>> No.1988987

I know, such failures, they should be playing on lunatic.

>> No.1988999

LOL. Since when were extra bosses even as hard as anything in the game.

>> No.1989002
File: 30 KB, 351x366, 1232667635481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1989001

epic fail guy would be ashamed -_-

>> No.1989006

holy fuck OP, you suck. You have seen this card 9 times now and not capped it once.

>> No.1989007

>Suwako has that annoying survival card, Koishi's is simple and easy

you best be joking

actually capturing Suwako's is tricky, but there's no worry of dying until near the very end. Koishi's is just OH GOD WTF BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB DIE BOMB BOMB. Plus Koishi has the eyefuck heart cards and Genetics (although I don't really have too much trouble with Genetics as far as survival, I always wind up timing it out though)

Of course Suwako is a bitch in her own way, Froggy Braves the Elements is possibly my most despised Extra card.

Anyway, I find both of them more of a pain and less fun than any of the previous Windows Extra bosses

>> No.1989015

I'd like a link, because it takes me too long and requires too much risk to beat that card.

>> No.1989022
File: 663 KB, 1200x950, kanako4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you beat this fucking shitcunt?

Virtue of Windgod is fucking insane!

>> No.1989024
File: 279 KB, 800x848, sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, calm down, and keep going. Save your replays, look for openings/patterns, abuse the fuck out of them.

Also, I know who you are. Pic related, she's your favorite.

>> No.1989044

Difficulty order: Easy to hard

Suwako -> Mukou -> Koishi -> Ran -> Flandre -> Yukarin

ZUN agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.1989048

You best be joking nigger

>> No.1989054

Virtue of the Wind God is a Hard and Lunatic card. If you rage too much, you should try to clear the Normal version first, or simply bomb when virtue becomes difficult (after around 20-30 seconds, I don't look at the clock when dodging danmaku)

I don't have it. I was posted here on /jp/ by a Japanese person (or someone pretending to be Japanese). It linked to a walkthrough of Extra Stage. (I clearly remembered that he advised the player to spare one big fairy and to actively bomb in "P. of a Hated person". Seemed to be aimed at easy mode players.
Though it was quite informative about Genetics and Hated Person (shows the way that thing moves in the labyrinth).
I'll try to look for it...

>> No.1989061

I never touch chicken modo. lunatic all the way.

Not much power left. Cant bomb my way through

>> No.1989074

That's not the page I meant, but it's explanation is at least as good.
On the top and bottom of the page are links to the other spellcards.

>> No.1989085


>> No.1989128

Yes, that's the page.

>> No.1989140
File: 152 KB, 768x1024, 1215585560006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I play lunatic alll the time, I love getting raped by yamame!

>> No.1989146

Which tohou is she?

>> No.1989445

>Save your replays, look for openings/patterns, abuse the fuck out of them.

So obvious and I never thought about it. I kept thinking I would have to take quick glances while playing and hoping to spot something useful for next run.

Then again I've used a lot of continues when I play which prevent me from saving replays. Maybe I should stop that.

>I finished EoSD, PCB and IN on normal, can get to stage 6 in MoF without problems, but I can't even beat stage 5 in SA. I believe I need more training.

There is something different with the later games for sure. I can beat the previous games on hard (cheating with 2 or so continues since I still move right into objects by sloppiness, not to mention I constantly die with 4 bombs left).

MoF on the other hand I can't get past stage 5 easy mode, because I can't abuse continues. (Not that I need continues in easy/normal of the previous games any longer).

I'll look into that replay thing I think.

>> No.1991168
File: 376 KB, 1600x1200, 1213731066557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, I know who you are. Pic related, she's your favorite.
No, that's not him, that's me. And I'm still boycotting SA ;_;

>> No.1991207

I hope you have to keep boycotting touhou forever.

>> No.1991216
File: 52 KB, 500x350, 13142061e9e5236ed5881cb95f3b7779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play SA if she's in the next game. She'll be in the next game, I just know it ;_;

>> No.1991239

Is it just me or does /jp/ suck at Touhou? GO BACK TO YOUR DOUJINS

>> No.1991242

Fucking idiot, SA is great

>> No.1991245

Most of /jp/ is full of secondary Touhou fans.

>> No.1991252
File: 153 KB, 480x640, 1218955970803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well it's Zun's fault for not including the meido!

>> No.1991257


For people used to the genre, Touhou doesn't feel unreasonable. For casuals who are trying to get into this stuff, it's like being punched in the dick by an enormous Norwegian guy. Quit scaring the doujinfags away from the games. They'll get better eventually.

>> No.1991265
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 1233209447407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it's not like I initially blooked forward to play SA or anything...I just thought I might have had some freetime if the meido was playable character in it. But it didn't so yeah.

>> No.1991268
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 1232993347721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it's not like I initially looked forward to play SA or anything...I just thought I might have had some freetime if the meido was playable character in it. But it didn't so yeah.

>> No.1991270

not your /blog/

>> No.1991272

Your post was worse than his.

>> No.1991280

Have you seen those danmaku threads? There are actually some decent players around here. The problem is that most of the 'Touhou players scene' chicken out when things come with the word competition.

>> No.1993305

I watched a few replays and placing yourself at a good spot or just seeing the pattern seems like anyone can learn. But when they speed through random bullets I just can't see it being possible. Perhaps with slowdown or tool assisted, but to actually zig-zag around random bullets seem impossible. Especially when almost everything is covered in bullets and the person isn't even using shift for focused movement but still zooming at top speed.

>> No.1993394


SA extra is shit anyways. Don't worry about it.
