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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1985178 No.1985178 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so lazy

>> No.1985202
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I'm lazier, and angry.

>> No.1985264

Hey, what do you know, I'm pretty lazy too.
For instance, I sleep about 10 or more hours each day. I fucking love sleep, probably because it's an alternative to being awake.

>> No.1985268

         / ,' 3  `ヽーっ I'M LAZY
         l   ⊃ ⌒_つ

>> No.1985275

I'm lazy, however I can only manage to sleep for ~6 hours, after which I can only lay in bed. I generally get up and sit infront of the computer and feel tired.

>> No.1985278

>sleep for ~6 hours

>> No.1985283
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same here, lol.

>> No.1985288

I just slept for 12 hours. Now I feel great, and will go to sleep again in a few hours.

>> No.1985293

I hate both sleeping and being awake. Fuck.

>> No.1985294

So much need neet in this thread

>> No.1985308

I've slept for 24 hours straight before, feels good man

>> No.1985309
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So much neet in this thread

>> No.1985316

Okay, this is a good opportunity to answer this question I've had for a while. How does Shirou manage to go to school, work manual labor, train his mind until one in the morning, wake up at five to make breakfast for three people, and still have energy to fight evil? I know it's just a VN but still.

Sage for off topic post.

>> No.1985319

I know, it also makes my mind slow(er), or at least reach that point earlier in my waking day.

I'm not sure how much longer it will last though, I went through a phase not long back where I would sleep for ~13 hours and be ready for sleep after being awake for 8 hours. Good times.

>> No.1985326

Didn't he have that scabbard in him?
That might've done the trick

>> No.1985385

I'm a master procrastinator.

I have 2 major tests tomorrow and I haven't read a page from either of the text books.

>> No.1985420

I sleep 5 in the morning, wake up at 2. Study the whole day for exams, then study french and japanese, then spam /jp/ while watching j-drama.

Everything is possible.

>> No.1985433

Why haven't you? Don't you care about the future? You know, /jp/ doesn't care about you. They're here to be entertained, when they find something better to do you'll be alone yet again.

>> No.1985437

The first thing I do when I wake up is spend at least 2 hours on the internet or watching TV. I have to screw around for a few hours before I can force myself to study for anything.

>> No.1985449

I live 32 hour days. Sleep 16, awake 16. Or, wait. Sleep 12-16, wake 8-16. So, 20- hour days minimum, 32 hour days maximum. Usually it's a 16 to 8/10 ratio.

>> No.1985482

I wake up, run a few blocks to keep my health, fix my breakfast, go to college, then work, and if I feel like it I hit the gym. I usually just check /jp/ while reading my mail and cooking some dinner.

Oh who am I kidding we're all NEETs here.

>> No.1985489

I wake up, take it easy, eat something, take it easy some more, and go to sleep.

Living is easy.

>> No.1985495

i'm lying in bed right now

>> No.1985504

When am I going to win the FL lottery????

>> No.1985505

I'm pretty lazy but I'm forced to be busy lately.

Caffeine is the only way I make it.

>> No.1985508


Wow at least I know there are others like me..

I used to be a neet and in doing so fucked up my college career. Now I dont know what I'll do after graduation. Yet I'm trying to correct my ways and be a good citizen in society.

>> No.1985511

The most productive thing I do is write for the school paper, but I mostly find it to be a pain in the ass a lot of the time. If I get on a beat I don't like, I have a habit of half assing the article and waiting until the last possible moment to turn it in so they can't turn around and make me redo it.

>> No.1985522

GTFO of /jp/

>> No.1985528

He's right. I don't give a fuck whether or not that guy fails his exams. It's mildly interesting while I'm reading the thread but as soon I close this tab I'll forget about him.

>> No.1985545

I care. I want anonymous to be successful in life. I can't help but empathize with the other loser weeaboos on this board.

>> No.1985552

No you don't. Not really. It's never going to cross your mind again once this thread is dead.

>> No.1985554

Are you fucking kidding me? You're all scum. I know you'd leave us as soon as you find something better to do. I'd fucking leave this place faster than the speed of light if I had gotten my social life back.

>> No.1985573
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>> No.1985574

Truth. I'm not interested in getting a "social life" but I would certainly enjoy having something better to do with my time and would gladly stop coming here.

>> No.1985615

What is this social life you speak of?

>> No.1986296


>> No.1986313

Yes I do. Not everyone is as cold hearted as you, anonymous.

>> No.1986332


>> No.1986396

Stop that.

>> No.1986414

Why the hell am I being bashed for procrastinating on my tests?

I don't care if you guys care, I was just pointing out how lazy I am.

>> No.1986426


>> No.1986435

Only one judging you is Smash, and he's a fag.
I think all of us are guilty of wasting time on /jp/ when we should've been doing something else, so relax.

You probably should be studying though. I worry about you sometimes, anonymous.

>> No.1986441

Smash just got permabanned from /jp/.
Thanks mods.

>> No.1986447

This is good, and you should feel good.

>> No.1986451

Because we care about your future. Really!

>> No.1986468

hey USfags!!
cunt-man is here!!
nice to meet you, fags!
why don't you come to OtintinLand?

>> No.1986502

Posters putting "fag" on the end of everything is really starting to irritate me now...

>> No.1986627

yeah, I miss the days when it was just tripfag and furryfag.
