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File: 29 KB, 550x412, 54653020061218-Archer-UBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
198293 No.198293 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, shit was awesome beyond expectations. I never saw most of the plot developments coming, and plot stayed interesting throughout.

Also, Shirou is explained better in this version. He's not exactly the bland moralfag I thought he was, tho his character is based on a single moral. But once you see that he's as literally deficient in his way as Shiki was, it starts to make more sense

>> No.198328

Too bad Fate is an amazingly mediocre game, at best.

>> No.198338 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 786x480, 1205359712269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs moar heaven's feel

>> No.198340

Actually I'm a little disappointed. Finished it one hour ago and I'm feeling a little perplex, it was good no doubt but let say I expected something more "awesome".

>> No.198718

I was expecting UBW to go on a bit longer...though I will replay it when the official patch comes out and go for the Good End.


>> No.198728

I feel sorry for Archer, I kind of wanted him to kill Shirou and have TIME PARADOX, so he didnt end up with the shittiest existance


>> No.198743



>> No.198886

Oh no you didn't.

Finished UBW a few hours ago (thanks, Ascalon!), and I was positively surprised. If I had to nitpick, I'd say that the final battle wasn't quite as epic as I'd hoped, but the Shirou/Archer fight on day 14 more than made up for it. I mean, holy shit.

I guess now we'll just have to wait another year or so for HF.

>> No.198887


What makes you think Shirou wasn't moral in Heaven's Feel?

>> No.198910
File: 51 KB, 800x600, 1205367438288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, what the fuck.

>> No.198918

I think he's saying that Shirou's ideal is him being a MORALFAG. and Shirou throws away that ideal in favor of saving Sakura (lol worst girl) in Heavens Feel

>> No.198942

Well, it is an old beta version, after all. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be seeing "DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH SWORDS?!" in all-caps in a few weeks.

>> No.199034


I believe I know how to fix this, but since there's two different xp3s floating around, I don't really want to.

If care enough to fix it, I'll tell you how though.

>> No.199039

>I feel sorry for Archer, I kind of wanted him to kill Shirou and have TIME PARADOX, so he didnt end up with the shittiest existance

That pretty much happens anyways. The past was changed even if Shirou's still alive.

>> No.199159
File: 60 KB, 810x656, 1205370556870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shirou stops time and jams it in while no ones looking

>> No.199271

>>slashed his meat
>>his meat

hahahah good job

>> No.199292


Yes but Archer doesn't disappear. If he had killed Shirou himself there was a slight chance he might, but now he basically screwed.

But I think he doesn't hate it as bad at the end

>> No.199304

link for the patch?

>> No.199305

What choices do you have to make to get onto the UBW route?

>> No.199312

when shirou summons saber: "stop her" when she goes after archer

>> No.199315


And only if you completed the Fate route before.

>> No.199317


"Holy shit! Look at all these fuckin' swords! They'll fucking CUT ME WIDE OPEN"

>> No.199330

lol thats it?

>> No.199337


>> No.199348

>Shirou's ideal is him being a MORALFAG

His ideal is not different from that of Kiritsugu's, Archer's, and Saber's. The difference being that by the time of F/sn Shirou was not experienced. By the end of all routes he realises he'll have to make sacrifices in order to achieve his goals.

No, they won't change it. The one in that pic is the correct translation.

>> No.199355

Lancer was fucking awesome in UBW.

>> No.199362


>> No.199459

UBW blew me away. TakaJun is selling himself short saying that's unpolished. I only caught a few glaring grammar errors.

Shirou was a bit less pathetic, realizing his dream was nothing but a house of cards, but believing in its beauty anyway. I think it's like: Fate route is the true path that Shirou followed, but then UBW happened when he interfered in his own past; there's little chance Shirou becomes the same archer after the events in UBW.

>> No.199537


This is always something that confuses me. If there are two type's of Archer's then where the hell did the heaven's feel one come from?

UBW Shirou = Fate Archer
Fate Shirou = UBW Archer

I can figure out that much but exactly which Shirou brings about the Heaven's feel Archer(Or in other words,which Shirou is he)?

Bah,I should really play some of that briefly translated Heaven's Feel route before I think too hard about that.

>> No.199547


Fate route wasn't shitty enough for him to become Archer I think.

It's inferred that the route that produced the original Archer persona was a pretty shitty turn of events and resulted in his death by self sacrifice and transformation to a guardian

Neither in Fate or UBW routes did Shirou had to "sell his soul" to the universe in order to save someone, thus initially establishing his Archer's status as a guardian, so unless it happened later in life, neither is it

>> No.199559


This isn't necessarily true. Archer is the same Archer in all routes. He just didn't have the chance to act to kill Shirou in Fate route because he went from wounded to fighting Berserker. But it was the same Archer.

Setting variables don't change between routes, it's always the same at the start, and unfolds differently, but it's exactly the same archer and exactly the same shirou

>> No.199568

It could be just an alternate chain of events leading from Fate; same Fate archer in both UBW and HF perhaps but supposedly Shirou is more awesome from one arc to the next culminating in HF. So maybe Archer approves of HF Shirou or something; of course I have no idea of the plot of HF.

>> No.199580

spoiler: the game is lost

>> No.199590

Of course it happens in later life; Archer is much older than Shirou if you haven't noticed. What I meant is that the future of the Fate route Shirou is to become Archer, and the UBW would not because Archer interfered in his past (he still exists because he was set outside the time axis in the throne of heroes).

>> No.199595

not only does he approve. Archer saves him and slices off a goddamn arm for him

>> No.199651

Fate Route: Childish Shirou
UBW Route: Teenage-like shirou
Heavens feel: Adult-like Shirou

>> No.199653

>>What I meant is that the future of the Fate route Shirou is to become Archer, and the UBW would not because Archer interfered in his past (he still exists because he was set outside the time axis in the throne of heroes).

Both become Archer. It was one of the darker elements in UBW that even tho Archer is interfering and doing everything in his power to change Shirou's ideal, Shirou still sticks to it, even if he himself realizes that it will ruin his life and make him Archer.

He justs says it won't happen as a bluff, and he even admits he knows it's a bluff.
The only solid hint that UBW Shirou might escape becoming Archer is the part before the True Ending where archer tells Rin to stick with Shirou and he might not end up like that, but that's probably optimism to close the scene, or you decide

>> No.199709

Archer is Shirou, however Shirou is not Archer. The Shirou we see in game can't become the Archer we see in game. And Archer is the exact same person in each route.

>> No.199743

>>The Shirou we see in game can't become the Archer we see in game.

Sure he can, and he will. UBW spent half it's script clobbering you with that fact over the head, how is it possible that you still deny it I'm not sure.

As long as he sticks to this ideal he has, it's Archer for him. And he sticks to it in Fate and he sticks to it in UBW

>> No.199761

except in UBW he's got Rin to kick his ass in gear from doing so stupid as become a guardian.

Which is what archer asks rin to do in the true end

>> No.199775


That's the only optimistic part about it. But it doesn't guarantee it.

It's possible he comes up against that situation from the dream later on, where he needs to save people he can't, and does that pact where he sells out his soul and becomes a guardian.

Just having Rin with him changes nothing about the important part of his character that caused him to become Archer, the whole ideal thing.

>> No.199785

>fucks the imaginary girl
>fucks the school Idol
>fucks the next door girl

fix'd for realism & superiority

>> No.199793


I see what you did over yonder

>> No.199806

OMFG I'm laughing so hard, this girl doesn't even /cgl/. are there pictures of her in lolita? I don't think so. and even so I think she's kind of cute. compared to Kate anyway.

>> No.200150

>It's possible he comes up against that situation from the dream later on, where he needs to save people he can't, and does that pact where he sells out his soul and becomes a guardian.

When people say Shirou won't end up as Archer they mean, he won't end up regretting his actions, nor will he end up bitter like Archer.

The difference between them being that F/sn's Shirou realised that a hero is only a cleaner. Shirou (in Archer's timeline) remained like Shirou at the beginning of F/sn; he simply wanted to save almost everyone, without accepting that fact that such a thing was almost impossible, and that sacrifice had to be made.

>> No.200165

>It's possible he comes up against that situation from the dream later on, where he needs to save people he can't, and does that pact where he sells out his soul and becomes a guardian.

When people say Shirou won't end up as Archer they mean, he won't end up regretting his actions, nor will he end up bitter like Archer.

The difference between them being that F/sn's Shirou realised that a hero is only a cleaner. Shirou (in Archer's timeline) remained like Shirou at the beginning of F/sn; he simply wanted to save almost everyone, without accepting the fact that such a thing was almost impossible, and that sacrifices had to be made.

>> No.200229

>So maybe Archer approves of HF Shirou or something; of course I have no idea of the plot of HF.

No, just as in Fate, he simply decided to help. Why? Because he's a nice guy like that.

>> No.200952

you also have to remember, during that dream scene, it was mentioned that Archer had friends and a lover. A bit odd adding and emphasizing "a lover", maybe it's the old translation or maybe Nasu sucks at writing, but I am guessing this lover might be Rin. So in effect, everything still came crashing down in the end and Shirou became Archer.

>> No.201120

Rin wasn't that close to Archer in his life. Ilya was the closest girl to him and her death was what effected him the most.
