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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 469 KB, 1500x1500, touhou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1977822 No.1977822 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you, Japanese bro who made us this chart!

I think it explains the current state of Touhou in Japan quite well.

>> No.1977833

Touhoufag for life.

>> No.1977926

I am somewhat between General Touhou Fan and Touhou Fag, I like games a whole lot, music a bit, don't give a fuck about doujins, and my arrow would be "fun".

>> No.1977933

Nico killed Touhou

>> No.1977937

Everyone from hereon after is going to say, "I'm general touhoufan/touhoufag"

>> No.1977938

Nico killed the Touhou star~

>> No.1977947

People who aren't fans of danmaku games learned about touhou from nicovideo? Noooo.

>> No.1977951

fuck yes

>> No.1977956

This sounds...awefully familiar....

>> No.1977954

I enjoy all of it. First experience with Touhou being the STG, Perfect Cherry Blossom which I played through a few times enjoyed and left for a while before getting further interested in Touhou when /a/ started mentioning it more (before hijacks, back when /a/ kind of liked it).

Then I basically decided to download more of the translated ones and got hooked there, finding out what I could about the characters before finding doujin works online and rearranges of the music I liked.

I like pretty much all aspects of it now. Though it's not like I've downloaded all the doujins, I've read practically all the translated ones but only keep the ones that were amusing in some way, my favorite is probably still Charming Border of Life (Ennui Akadako). Played all the games, though I've not played them obsessively enough to beat hard yet, still stuck with the usual 1CCs of Normal on a good day.

Touhou is best if you enjoy all of it in my opinion and have fun with it. In my opinion you can't fully appreciate some of the references in the rest of the fan work if you haven't played the games.

>> No.1977970

When did Japanese nicofags learn things like "MAI WAIFU" and "touhoufags"?

International communication sure travels fast these days

>> No.1977971

"Touhoufag" seems to be a person who doesn't play STGs, or thinks that Touhou is the best/only STG out there, thus "CAVE is a copy of Touhou". The creator should have probably used a different label though.

But I like how the Japanese guy used the -fag suffix. He has lurked quite well.

>> No.1977974


Probably, though really I don't see what's wrong with finding out about Touhou because you enjoyed a IOSYS flash. I mean sure, there are obnoxious fans who just parrot memes and jokes from the fandom non-stop, but that's always happened to some extent and you'll always get faggots in any community.

Providing a fan isn't too annoying and gets a feel for the series it doesn't matter what originally interested them about Touhou, hell, even people who just stick to the fanart and doujins aren't too annoying, it only becomes annoying when they parrot stupid shit everyone has heard thousands of times before. Hurrr, Aya is a slut. Yes, we get it, the odd joke about it isn't so annoying so long as you don't insist whole heartedly that's her character.

>> No.1977990
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I'm nowhere in this chart, hmm.

>> No.1977991
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◑ ◔
║▓║▄█▀ █▄ █▄█ ▀█▀

>> No.1977993


That makes sense. I was wondering what the difference between 'general Touhou fans' and those consigned to the 'hopeless gulf' was.

"Anti" would be who? People who hate on the series just for being popular? So the elevens have those too?

>> No.1977994


>> No.1977997

>When did Japanese nicofags learn things like "MAI WAIFU"

They used it first, we copied it.

>> No.1978015
File: 22 KB, 200x187, 1232969535138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1978019

Holy Fuck, I lol'd

>> No.1978022

I got interested in Touhou through the simple yet effective process of "Ooh pretty pictures" but, after playing The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil I don't see how the series got to it's current state aside from the music remixes

What exactly am I overlooking

>> No.1978030

I was introduced to the series because of /a/'s bitching and saw how hard the game was on YouTube. Downloaded IN at random choice and even though I don't know anything about the characters, I was hooked.

>> No.1978040

Started with the games (PCB) because it was talked about on /a/, played it, played a few others, found that I liked the music more. I only like listening to the music and collecting nice Touhou pictures here.

>> No.1978041

where does Mauller fit into this?

>> No.1978043

Is there anyone on 4chan that was initially a shmup fan and learned about Touhou because it belonged to that genre? We are all touhoufags.

>> No.1978044
File: 76 KB, 500x333, 1232971123532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Is there anyone on 4chan that was initially a shmup fan and learned about Touhou because it belonged to that genre?


>> No.1978049

Cave is Touhou's copy.

>> No.1978052
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1232971363058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, my first videogame ever. Fucking-hard-as-hell bullet games with good soundtracks are my childhood.

>> No.1978051



But being a moefag lent me to falling way more in love wih the series than I should have.

>> No.1978055
File: 76 KB, 610x791, 1232971647906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had been a huge Psikyo fan before being introduced to Touhou and nominally Imperishable Night by reading, surprisingly enough, /v/ talking it up.

>> No.1978067

Personally, my first shoot em up was Space Invaders in the arcades on the seaside.

I'd like to have a good mooch around the world of tohou, but all the stuff seems hard to find.

If the men of /jp/ could point me to a site where there are mu/rs/mf links to all the games and soundtracks, that would really help.

Am not into torrents, and at the moment the frustration at not having found somewhere to just leech the whole lot at once, is putting me off giving tohou a try.

Help, please?

>> No.1978088


>> No.1978376

Heh, that's the guy that did Touhou Typing Reverie

>> No.1978385
File: 492 KB, 1500x1500, 1232978808987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1978386

Shmup are fucking old bro, everyone has got to have played some before touhou.

>> No.1978396

4chan ZUN,
適当 = proper 
適当 =/= random

>> No.1978398

original differs much from the translated one

>> No.1978422

Yes. Not everyone is a trendfag.

>> No.1978428

Yes. I learned about it when some guy uploaded IN on a private torrent tracker.

>> No.1978470


>> No.1978478
File: 78 KB, 547x547, 1232981319869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, too popular for you?

>> No.1978482

Typing in full-width doesn't make you look Japanese.

>> No.1978509

I know, I was just too lazy to switch. Polite sage.

>> No.1978554


I thought the few that Touhou is the best STG ever made combined with having played it first is what made you a Touhoufag, I think most accept Touhou is nice but not likely the best around... it just fits our tastes more.

>> No.1979728


>> No.1979773

What brought me to Touhou was a Yuyuko x Youmu doujin and StudioK2 music. I was doomed the moment I started to download IN.

>> No.1979857
File: 188 KB, 900x600, 1233004251251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definately. The few Cave/Raizing/Arcade threads we have here are usually pretty busy, even if it's usually the same dudes and kept alive with Reco image dumps and "which touhou is this lol?"

I actually hope there's a reverse progression of touhou fandom > touhou games > other STGs. And then someone can finally find the Aki Eda Mushihime-sama doujinshi...

>> No.1979874

In the last "Let's Play Danmaku" some people said they would not like to play non-touhou in the competitions, as they would not feel an attachment to the characters.

>> No.1979879
File: 420 KB, 605x605, 1233004581232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do CAVE and Touhou have to fight, anyway?

Why can't they work together?

>> No.1979881

One person, and a troll at that.

>> No.1979908

Touhoufags and Nicofags hate each other?

>> No.1980167

It would seem that it would be much the same way that we hate the IOSYSfags on youtube

>> No.1980215

Yeah, they think of them as newbies, even though both groups are idiots. They blame them for the overflow of people in reitaisai 5.

Man, this reitaisai is going to be crazy. Just seeing that the number of votes in thwiki character poll went from 12K in '08 to 22K makes me wonder how many people are going to assist this year.

>> No.1980280

Yes, I was into doujin shooters/shooters in general before Touhou grew. Touhou made me more anal as towards using continues/scorefaggotry though, which might have ruined me a bit.

>> No.1980320

What the fuck does "comicalize ver." mean?

>> No.1980357

It's an "english" word made up by the Japanese. It means to adapt an existing property into to a commercial manga.

>> No.1980454

What's the meaning of 厨? I now it can be translated as "kitchen" but I don't see the connection to the intended meaning.
I seem to recall that the term for newfag used the same kanji but I lost my source on this.

>> No.1980480

From kanji misconversion of the chuu in 中坊 "middle school kid", an abbrev for 中学坊主 or 中学坊や
Japanese equivalent of newfag/summer breakfag/underagefag etc

>> No.1980575

I don't understand this chart at all. Terrible translation or something?

>> No.1980603

Note how there is nobody on that chart that actually plays the Touhou games.

>> No.1980610

Touhoufags and general Touhou fans.
