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19770365 No.19770365 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss the titles that NekoNyan will be announcing this Thursday 30 and Friday 31.

Hints so far:
>Both are from new partners
>Neither are from Favorite (Chuee himself confirmed this)
>One is a plotge/chuunige and Steiner will be translating it.
>According to Tamaki Sakura (NN freelancer), the other isn't Aokana, so there goes that rumor.

>> No.19770416

Chuuni and Aokana, there you have it, fucking shit thread

>> No.19770425
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>>According to Tamaki Sakura (NN freelancer), the other isn't Aokana, so there goes that rumor.

Yep, now's confirmed.
SakuraGame got it.

That game's cursed, I tell you.

>> No.19770433

preparing myself to be disappointed

>> No.19770442

Maybe what he said is a feint?

>> No.19770446

>According to Tamaki Sakura (NN freelancer), the other isn't Aokana, so there goes that rumor.
He said that the one he was working on was plot-heavy (Likely the same one that Steiner is doing) and it wasn't Aokana. How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.19770462

You poor EOPs, you have to suffer shitty translations from chinks and Redditors.

>> No.19770503

since you got laid off that means your job was nothing more than shitposting and not important?

>> No.19770517
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PR is pretty important thought...

>> No.19770526

Judging by how shit their PR was and still is, you might be right. Because things aren't working for them right now.

>> No.19770558

>one is chuunige/plotge

>> No.19770591

I love chuunige!

>> No.19770598

Don't you already have a general where all the EOPs are?

>> No.19770637

One of them is going to be Daitoshokan, mark my words.

>> No.19770657

>and chuunige
It's over. NekoNyan is finish.

>> No.19770664

But chuunimoege is the best type of moege. 2/4 of their upcoming releases are already chuunimoege.

>> No.19770712

There's nothing chuuni about Daitoshokan, you damn EOP.

And Daitoshokan is too good for you subhumans-

>> No.19770771

we are not subhumans, we are thinking man, getting you jops to translate vns for us

>> No.19770790

You mean getting neet Redditors that couldn't get a real job with their Japanese?

>> No.19771458

>neet Redditors that couldn't get a real job with their Japanese
sounds like typical Jop to me

>> No.19771851

Translate more moege to us, JOPshitter.

>> No.19772006

Would licensing out Aokana even help Sprite? I don't think Western sales are nearly enough to save a company that's fucked, unless said company is really small in the first place.

>> No.19772041

Any extra cash can't hurt. But yeah, EOP sales are low of everything. It's clear Western release aren't the salvation many people hoped for.

>> No.19772514

Maybe nekonyan overpaid by a lot for the license, although this wouldn't be very smart for a new company to do.

>> No.19772524

Didn't that one MG release (I forgot the name, but I think it was an Otome game) save a Japanese company from bankruptcy?

>> No.19772569

In this case the "company" was mostly one woman making the games.

>> No.19772626

Quick rundown?

>> No.19772687


>> No.19772790

There are rumors that the Nekonyan head is rich. When starting up a company, it's not unusual to have heavy losses as a way to build a foundation to growth and future profits. I don't think Aokana has enough appeal outside of the core VN fanbase to do that, but we'll see.

Coincidentally, that person used to work with Alicesoft. We'll probably never know, but it's interesting to imagine that connection was relevant for negotiations. She also happens to be the writer of Luckydog1, which almost definitely how MG got the license.

>> No.19772958

>There are rumors that the Nekonyan head is rich.
If that's true, it probably would have been better to license something like Eushully (Himegari or Amayui in particular).

This might be hard for you to believe, but not everything August published is Eustia.

>> No.19772980

>Coincidentally, that person used to work with Alicesoft. We'll probably never know, but it's interesting to imagine that connection was relevant for negotiations.
She did assistant writing for one game and main writing for one game by a dead sister company. I doubt that it had any effects on negotiations.
That said, I'm still angry that MangaGamer will never license Yoru ga Kuru.

>> No.19772999

>As I mentioned before, there is nothing drawn under the mosaics in this case, so the only option would be to hire an artist to draw the parts in question, which is something we're currently too poor for because of the two titles we're going to announce.
They're probably exaggerating, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was somewhat true.

>> No.19773018

Actually guys, Akerou, NN's boss, is rich.

>> No.19773023

>it probably would have been better to license something like Eushully
If they cared about money then JAST could probably have tempted them ages ago by channeling J-List money to them. They are just well known for thinking the west is full of pirates and so don't want to licence anything over here.

>> No.19773045

And so is everyone else in this thread. Don't believe me? Well too bad.

>> No.19773072

People were saying the exact same thing about Alice Soft five years ago. And, at this point, there's probably more people who've pirated Eushully titles than there ever would have been if they were officially translated.

>> No.19773150

It took lots of negotiations, and for Haruka to sell lots, to convince them to open up for their good stuff. Same as it took JAST 4 years to negotiate for Majikoi.
I am just pointing out that throwing money at a company won't just instantly convince them to hand over a licence, especially if they are as wary of the west as Eushully. So it doesn't matter of they are rich or not.

>> No.19773174

Wouldn't that make it also impossible for them to have licensed Daitoshokan like this anon said >>19770637, since August are also anti-gaijin.

>> No.19773207

Nearly every eroge studio is anti-gaijin. Hell, even most Western game studios think that anybody who plays games on a PC is a filthy pirate.

>> No.19773238

Each company is anti-gaijin to different degrees (and some not at all). Eushully is the one that really went out about how much they think we are all dirty pirates.
I never said anything was impossible. Just that some licences are unlikely. There isn't even a Steam boom to point to now to show how well most things would sell in the west any more to help ease away the fear of flops.

>> No.19773242

Funny cause there are thousands of Japanese IPs pirating Eushully's new releases. Hasn't killed them. It would be nice if Mangagamer can show off those Alicesoft sales as a point of persuasion to prove that their titles have a good chance of having success regardless of any pirate action. Kamidori was basically the Sengoku Rance for them in terms of getting recognition. In fact it even has more votes on VNDB than it which is pretty insane considering the popularity of Rance. Eushully have a name in the west, and I think they're being stupid to not utilize that. But I'm preaching to the choir aren't I? Watch the first game they use to test waters be that pirate game lol. It would be almost poetic 'justifying' their wariness of the west.

It would be nice if there was a compiled 'proof' list of companies being anti-gaijin as grounds of not licensing their content.

>> No.19773254

>It would be nice if there was a compiled 'proof' list of companies being anti-gaijin as grounds of not licensing their content.
If they block foreign IPs from visiting their website they are probably very anti-gaijin.

>> No.19773267

I mean I can see that, but didn't that mostly happen thanks to rapelay or whatever? I feel it's more paranoia than disdain, but you could be right.

>> No.19773277

At least in Alicesoft's case, it was more from the fallout of Daiteikoku and how China eroge players didn't like how it glorified Japan and portrayed China as idiots.

Also, Daiteikoku is terrible and I weep every time it appears on MG's list.

>> No.19773291

Anti-nationalist detected. You disgust me.

>> No.19773312
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Not related to Nekonyan announcements at all (maybe?), but it looks like one of Quof's titles might get announced in within the next month, the way he described the company as one that "has released many absolute classics over the past five-ish years" makes me think it's an Orcsoft title since they did say they were interested in overseas localization and Quof is a big fan of their titles. But speculation as to what the title/company is aside, I can't figure out what localization company he's working on it for, since it's only Sekai Project who have a convention next month and they don't really license nukige.

>> No.19773325

No, I don't care about its message or themes, I just think it's a shitty game.

>> No.19773340

>I can't figure out what localization company he's working on it for, since it's only Sekai Project who have a convention next month and they don't really license nukige
They could have just decided to publish it themselves with no real fanfare. All they have to do is negotiate with someone like Nutaku and ask to put it on their store.

>> No.19773380

That would make sense. The other option I was thinking of would be FAKKU, since they seem to be showing interest in getting into the localization scene, although I don't know if they have a panel at AWA like Sekai.

>> No.19773400

god forbid

>> No.19773620

I'd rather have a company that seemed sorry over the Maitetsu fiasco over one that isn't.

>> No.19773630

It would be funny if Quof's game was the Nekonyan announcement, but it could be Cherry Kiss Games for all we know.

>> No.19773664

>but it could be Cherry Kiss Games
It would be very surprising to me. They currently only have licenses for Norn and Miel shovelware games. To move up to licensing games from a company that according to Quof has released "many absolute classics" would be very impressive. Although, Quof does have pretty shit taste so a classic to him could be just your average nukige.

>> No.19773728

Remember, Quof has translated titles from Miel in the past.

That said, it's far more likely that it's Orcsoft. As for the licensor...it's probably either JAST or MangaGamer, since NekoNyan licenses almost exclusively moeshit and Sekai/Denpa never localizes nukige.

>> No.19773731

I'm not exactly sure how well Cherry Kiss Game's titles have been doing, but upgrading from small to large nukige wouldn't be a stretch. They also happen to have experience with crowdfunding, if a nukige company wants to go that route.

>> No.19773736

Not to mention "many absolute classics" could be said in jest. I hope not though.

>> No.19773763

The thing that makes me doubt it's Cherry Kiss Game's (if it's not a Miel/Norn license) is that their survey a month or two ago for what new titles they should pick up was exclusively Miel/Norn titles and didn't allow any choice outside of that, so I don't think they are quite ready to pick up higher costing licenses just yet.

>> No.19773764

He called Escalayer "a big deal for the world" which isn't completely wrong since the Escalayer OVA was one of the few H-OVAs that made it to the West back in the day, but it's fair to temper your expectations.

>> No.19773794

I believe Quof mentioned that that was said in a half joking manner and he didn't expect people to take it at face value. That's what prompted my suspicion of it possibly happening again. So yeah my expectations are more in check this time, and I can't imagine he'd want to juggle too many large scale projects at once (LxC2 and Escalayer), so I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't something special.

>> No.19773809

>I can't imagine he'd want to juggle too many large scale projects at once (LxC2 and Escalayer), so I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't something special.
Assuming it is Orcsoft, their VNs aren't exactly the longest, especially when compared to something like LxC2 or Escalayer.

>> No.19773819

Toushin Toshi 3 when bros?

>> No.19773828

I'd be surprised if Arunaru didn't want it to be licensed, but I think he's probably got enough on his plate already.

>> No.19773839

What is Maria doing now?

>> No.19773842

Back when he was a fan translator, he did a series of blog posts detailing why Toushin Toshi 3 was shit (or at least mediocre) and why he didn't really want to translate it.

>> No.19773847

Being a fat misandrist cat lady.

>> No.19773864

Your guess is as good as anybody else's. Could be Rance 01, could be Yuri, could be 3rd Eye chuunige, could be something else entirely. Unfortunately her translating history doesn't really help with predicting future projects. She recently finished Rance Quest so I imagine it'll be some time before her next project is announced.

>> No.19773894

I personally think it's going to be an Anime NYC announcement. It would be funny if MG announced yet another Alicesoft or yuri game, but I wouldn't bet on that.

>> No.19773910

Hopefully the titles are a little more exciting than last years offerings.

>> No.19774000
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>I believe Quof mentioned that that was said in a half joking manner and he didn't expect people to take it at face value.
I'm still surprised that they did. Like, how can you get more obviously hyperbolic "it will be a big deal for the world" when visual novels are as niche as they are? With that in mind, "many absolute classics" is definitely a very tongue in cheek statement.

>> No.19774148
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Since VNTS is already dead and we're off-topic anyway.

>> No.19774169

Like someone in the replies said, it could be Mirai Radio to Jinkou-bato since it comes out on the 31st.

>> No.19774360

>Check out our new world premiere trailer of DareSora: Tears for an Unknown Sky.

>A multi-part #visualnovel series with part one scheduled for a September release.

That's unexpected.

>> No.19774382

Episodic VNs are shit.

>> No.19774465

Same. The flaws outweigh the positives of potential faster releases. The biggest one is that the company could just not make enough from it and so decide to can the thing with a rushed ending or sometimes without a real ending at all. Just looked at how Supipara went down as an example.

>> No.19774511

Get out of here this is the nekonyan shill thread didn't you know?

>> No.19774657

Higurashi was really the only case where an episodic release schedule worked. Everything else either gets left unfinished or is just profoundly disappointing; that is, when they had any promise to begin with.

>> No.19774662

Are you saying Higurashi is finished (officially)?

>> No.19774703

Higurashi was finished over 12 years ago.

>> No.19774712

I mean the localization, obviously.

>> No.19774719

Eh, there's practically 0 risk of MG not finishing Higurashi at this point. It's long overdue though.

MG sales of the Higurashi series have dropped with the newer episodes, but they should spike back up when episode 8 comes out. Or maybe people will wait until 11.

>> No.19774734

The localization was finished in 2011, MG is going back to fix it because the original translations were garbage.
Point is, Higurashi was finished, and the ending wasn't complete garbage, which is more than can be said for most episodic VN releases.

>> No.19775111

I found a review of Sekai Project's CyberRebeat.


>> No.19775134

It looks like a murder mystery if all the blood means anything.

>> No.19775198

Why does Sekai keep picking up freeware shit?

>> No.19775211

It's cheap to license.

>> No.19775215

Surely it's not worth the time and effort put into it though.

>> No.19775217

same reason they shill oelvns so hard, larger margins and it targets the most gullible consumers that will literally eat shit
same marketing strategy as 419 scammers

that being said I'm actually interested in this one

>> No.19775227

Jesus, and I wondered why the ChronoBox guys are making an episodic VN with separate ero.

Turns out they caught EOP pander syndrome.

>> No.19775269

The twist is that Hiro has amnesia and is one of the 2 super hackers called Warlock. The other twist is that the USA is behind using computer viruses to kill hackers and foreign businessmen with computer fires.

>> No.19775588

thats rude

>> No.19775731

Maybe it's good bundle fodder.

Paying for a license to sell a freeware game honestly sounds silly, even if I get why it has to be that way. Free money for the Japanese dev I suppose.

>> No.19775803

>multi-part #visualnovel series
rip Sol Press

>> No.19775877

2018 Anime Boston's announcements were more noticeable than expected since MG announced both a sizable moege and a sizable all ages otome game, both which seemed more appropriate for Otakon. It might be the same for Anime NYC, but MG needs some small nukige to ensure that it can keep its at least monthly release schedule.

We know Conjurer's project is being announced there, so there could be a chuunige or plotge there to make up for the lack of those in the previous 2018 conventions. I personally think that there will be about 4 announcements: 2 small titles and 2 medium to large titles.

>> No.19775897

The large titles would probably be Sakura no Mori Dreamers and a 3rdEye title or whatever else the Sorcery Jokers hint was hinting at.

>> No.19776011

It's worked out for Grisaia: Phantom Trigger so far.

>> No.19776280

I wonder what time they'll announce today's title.

>> No.19776638


>> No.19777149

They want to bait unsuspecting EOPs before laying on the vaginal mutilation and nose rings.

>> No.19777770
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>> No.19777778

Unexpected, but good.

>> No.19777785

Holy shit BASED Steiner

>> No.19777835

Getting announcements an hour after everyone else. Sasuga jaypee.

>> No.19777878

So, tomorrow is Tayutama 2 then?

>> No.19777884
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I have no idea what this is.

>> No.19777885

Doddler said Bokuten is moving again.

https://twitter.com/The_Doddler/status/1035065926859681792 (embed)

>> No.19777888

who cares

>> No.19777896

Not bad from the looks of it. Could use a synopsis though.

>> No.19777907

You could try reading the site, retard.

>> No.19777908

Damn, I guess I have to read this fast, before you subhumans get it.

>> No.19777921


>> No.19777930
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>> No.19777938
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Updating to version 1.10.

>> No.19777947
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And here we go.

>> No.19777955
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That's pretty brutal anon.

>> No.19777959

Man I thought you were shitposting ironically this whole time. Thanks for ruining everything.

>> No.19777967

Why does it matter whether you read a VN before EOPs read it?

>> No.19777971
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Synopsis from the back of the box.

Hey, why do you think I read Dies irae few years ago? I was always telling myself I can enjoy it later, but then the announcement came and I knew I have to act fast. And I'm glad I did, DI was really good. Hello Lady!'s also a well-rated game, so I'll be glad to enjoy it now.

>> No.19777981

>DI was really good

>> No.19777987

I enjoy it. Like fair enough, you can say certain parts dragged on but overall it was good.

>> No.19777992
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English ver.

>> No.19777997

It felt like reading the same shit 4 times. Endless 8 of VNs.

>> No.19778004

Since Hello Lady is coming from Hikari Field, i'm assuming it'll have mosaics. Have they made an official mention of that anywhere?

>> No.19778016

>Are H-scenes going to be mosaic-free?
>We're still confirming that with Akatsuki Works.

>> No.19778017

>coming from Hikari Field

So it'll be a machine translation?

>> No.19778026
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Oh that's good to know, thank you anon.

>> No.19778040

It's not coming from Hikari Field, they just announced a partnership with them to share licenses for different areas. The NekoNyan version will have an 18+ patch unlike the Hikari Field one. The reason Hikari Field is partnering up with NekoNyan is because Hikari Field doesn't want to create a crappy English version.

>> No.19778053

A chink company caring about quality in English releases? This can't be happening.

>> No.19778066


>As some of you might know, Hello Lady has already been released by the Chinese localization company "Hikari Field." We were fortunate enough to get to know the people from Hikari Field and actually to meet up with them.

>Unlike certain other companies, to them, it's not about making a quick buck. In fact, they're coming from a very similar background as we do, having originally started out as a fan translation group, and are likewise a small team of people with a passion for visual novels. As such, it was never their intention to release subpar English translations, and they took the criticism they faced with their previous attempt of releasing one of their titles in English very seriously, reevaluating their plans of releasing titles in English.

>Having found that we both have the same passion for the medium and also follow the same philosophy, we decided to engage in a partnership for mutual benefit and release visuals novels together. In other words, we're going to handle the English localization while they're going to handle the Chinese localization. Other than the obvious benefits of getting our games out in one additional major language, this partnership also makes it easier for us to get new licenses; getting both a quality English and Chinese translation is very attractive to developers.

Looks like a mutual benefit decision to help them both get better licenses.

>> No.19778067

It is coming from Hikari, the license is anyway. We don't know if they have any overhead on the english translation or not which is why I added them in as part of the process.

they don't care, they just know they'll make more money if they share the license and have an actual western publisher handle it than releasing it themselves.

>> No.19778075

Is it kamige

>> No.19778076

Not anymore :^)

>> No.19778092

Every kamige, when translated, becomes a god game. So you can't call it kamige anymore, but it's still a kamige, just translated.

>> No.19778097

Looks like they will release Aokana tomorrow then, partnered with Hikari Field.

>> No.19778098

Nope, it's monobeno.

>> No.19778102

Nope, it will be something no one expects just like today.

>> No.19778113

Luckily I read it three years ago.

>> No.19778129
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Well since Chuee said this you can assume it's not.

>> No.19778133

Since Chuee the lolicon said it's better than Hello Lady, you can assume it's not a lolige?

>> No.19778136

He's not the biggest fan of Monobeno.

>> No.19778138

Fuck him then.

>> No.19778199

My guess for tomorrow is Noratoto.

>> No.19778214


>> No.19778281

That'd make sense.
A dual Chinese/English release would sell significantly higher than just an English one, enough to pull Sprite out of the finalcial deficit they're currently in.

>> No.19778323

Looks boring as shit, so it has a high chance of being picked up.

>> No.19778425

The sequel is the winner of moe game awards 2017, dumb plotfriend.

>> No.19778476

Moe game awards mean absolutely nothing, dumb newfag.

>> No.19778484

I find it hard to take that award seriously when Wagahigh won the grand prize in 2016.

>> No.19778550

WagaHigh was good.
No need to be upset.

>> No.19778594

>DI was really good.
It was okay

>> No.19778603

Dat Sakuragame shade tho

>> No.19778625
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>I..it's not MTL senpai! No bully!

>> No.19778627

>Unlike certain other companies, to them, it's not about making a quick buck.
Heh. Here's hope Hikari Field displaces SakuraGame as the top Chinese localization company.

>> No.19778770

China doesn't care about quality, but if Steam China fucks over Sakuragame, Hikari Field has a better chance of surviving because of Nekonyan.

>> No.19778959

Nekonyan not licensing moeshit, colour me suprised

>> No.19779401

this and Rance X are literally the only good licenses made in the last 2 years

hoping Nekonyan doesn't make a joke of its translation efforts here as they did in Fureraba

>> No.19779436

>Due to the complexity of the writing, we were very careful in choosing who is going to work on it, so we want you to rest assured that the utmost care is going to go into achieving the highest quality possible and honoring the original work.
Apparently very carefully choosing who is going to work on it means picking Steiner to work on it.

>> No.19779451

i'll give him the benefit of the doubt, what i'm mainly hoping here is for no cringeworthy memelations and some actual QA this time.

at least Chuee (i hope) and his buttbuddy aren't working on it, they have turned in nothing but trash as far as their translations go

>> No.19779456

I just saw this
>Basically, everything, including the QA process, is finished at almost the same time as the tl/editing process
So that's why it seemed like there was almost no QA in Fureraba.

>> No.19779469

Since it's not moege you can pretty much guarantee Chuee isn't working on it, he'll be working on whatever the second project is, and because of that I hope it's not Aokana.

>> No.19779585

NN partnering with HikariField seems interesting and it opens the gate for quite a few licenses out there.
I wonder if that also means that MangaGamer will get cucked (again) for Sakura no Mori Dreamers this time.

>> No.19779620

I doubt it, Moonstone to MG is basically what Nitro+ is to JAST.

>> No.19779632

MG's "sakura" hint still hasn't been announced, so we might not know for sure until November when Anime NYC happens.

>> No.19779696

WagaHigh was mediocre as fuck. It's a generic moege where every heroine is a titcow. It certainly isn't better than Amatsutsumi, Akeiro Kaikitan, Baldr Heart, or even Onikiss and Senren Banka.

I don't know Chinese, but I've heard that SakuraGame's Chinese localization are actually okay. That said, I can at least appreciate Hikari Field's dedication to reasonable pricing and not flooding the market with shitty English MTL.

I'm assuming that NN will also be handling Magical Charming and Tayutama 2 then?
Hey, at least any Wataru Hino translation is going to end up being better than that piece of shit Comyu translation.

>> No.19779702

What do you mean even OniKiss? OniKiss is better than all the other VNs you posted, fucker.

>> No.19779715

Moonstone sells way too well for MG for that to happen, I think. Even that fucking trash Monster girl moege they released recently did pretty well all things considered. Moonstone is guaranteed money for them so I can see MG keeping them

>> No.19779718

Not him but I know you guys hype it up over at /vn/ but it's really nothing special, most of you people posting about it haven't even played it and are just participating in an epic meme.

>> No.19779731

it's one dude who really likes it because he has a fetish for subsetvient imoutos and a few other dudes parroting him, yeah

the girls in the new one are better anyway, and hugs > kisses

>> No.19779736
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, imouto marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is no joke. I would never joke about imoutos. I have read it, and it's absolutely amazing. Read Asahi's FD ending and then say something.

>> No.19779767

I agree that it's good for what it is, but if you actually think it's objectively better than Akeiro Kaikitan you're mistaken.

>> No.19779807

I haven't read it, but let's go through its page together.
First, there are two hags which need a paperbag over their faces on the cover. One of which is an NBR(!) onee-san. Now, I can appreciate cowtits and to some degree even older women, but this looks like the disgusting Sailor Moon slut game that got translated recently.
One true end and multiple route mystery, meaning all the players' choices are completely irrelevant.
Bullying, violence, rape, death, "horror" - classic shock value bullshit.
MC has glasses.

>> No.19779882

>One true end and multiple route mystery, meaning all the players' choices are completely irrelevant.
That's practically every scenario-ge ever made.

>> No.19779924

Tsukihime came to my mind almost instantly.

>> No.19779950

Don't forget that Moonstone tried branching out on their own a while back. If MG doesn't want Sakura Mori Dreamers because it's not a moege or a nukige, I wouldn't be surprised if Moonstone decided to license it to someone else.

That said, I think tomorrow's announcement is somewhat likely to be Aokana because of the rumor that Aokana was in talks with a Chinese company.

>> No.19780007 [DELETED] 

I think there's a good chance it will be Tayutama 2 or Alia's Carnival with more emphasis on the former given they are already doing a Lump of Sugar title. I wonder if both of these announcements are in relation to their partnership with Hikari Field.

>> No.19780040

Even the mediocre title that was MML managed to stay in their chart for 1.5 months, I don't really see why MangaGamer wouldn't pick up any Moonstone title that isn't moege or nukige just because they are still selling quite well (same with Alicesoft).
ImoPara 2 will most likely be in their Top 3 most sold chart this year together with Evenicle.
That said the only reason I see that they won't pick up Sakura no Mori Dreamers would be because Hikari Field has the rights to it.

>> No.19780089

How do NekoNyan keep getting all these Never Evers?

>> No.19780102

>That said the only reason I see that they won't pick up Sakura no Mori Dreamers would be because Hikari Field has the rights to it.
The rights for the English version and Chinese versions of games are completely different things, or else you'd already see Hikari Field partnered with Sekai Project for Maitetsu.

>> No.19780398

>I don't know Chinese, but I've heard that SakuraGame's Chinese localization are actually okay.
I'm sure they are but their English isn't and they constantly try to pretend it's not that bad or that they don't give a crap at all

>> No.19780405

Please stop replying to him. He is a shitposting moebuta from /vn/

>> No.19780412

In addition to working on Love Sweets themselves, Moonstone was also in discussions with E2 Gaming for MML and Angel Ring, as E2 made pages for both titles (thankfully they fell apart and MG ended up getting MML).

I imagine that MG can get whatever Moonstone title they wish, but Moonstone wouldn't hesitate to license out their title to another company (that isn't garbage like E2) as they seem like they would like their catalogue translated quicker than MG is willing to work on their titles.

>> No.19780414

Nice ad hominem.

>> No.19780427

>ImoPara 2 will most likely be in their Top 3 most sold chart this year together with Evenicle.

I honestly don't remember seeing Imopara 2 being on the chart, at least not for an usually long amount of time beyond 3 months or so. I'm pretty sure it didn't have as long as a tail as Rance VI, but I might be misremembering.

At least for Tayutama 2, we know Hikari Field has (or maybe had) the English rights to that title. I think that's the most likely to be the Friday announcement, but it could still be any number of things.

Incidentally, I would say Hello Lady interests me more than JAST's or Sekai Project/Denpasoft announcements for this year, speaking as a casual chuuni fan at best.

>> No.19780461

>I honestly don't remember seeing Imopara 2 being on the chart
It definitely was

>> No.19780518

>I honestly don't remember seeing Imopara 2 being on the chart
Then you haven't been paying attention at all. It was released in the last week of 2017 and ended up #7 on the end of year sales chart. http://blog.mangagamer.org/2018/01/10/2017-in-review/

>> No.19780540

I recently read that tomorrow's announcement is a new partner, and since Hello Goodbye is Lump of Sugar, that means Tayutuma 2 is probably not tomorrow's announcment. I don't doubt it being a possibility in the future though.

>> No.19780543

I'm talking about the weekly chart. I'm sure it was there at December, but I don't think it was on there past March, maybe April.

>> No.19780561

>Incidentally, I would say Hello Lady interests me more than JAST's or Sekai Project/Denpasoft announcements for this year, speaking as a casual chuuni fan at best.
Hello Lady is hella chuuni. Just look at the VNDB page; it has Action, ESP, and Magic/ESP Combat right there.
Honestly, I have no faith in NekoNyan being able to pull this off. I'm looking forward to Venus Blood and Sweet Pool
more because there's actually a chance that the translation might turn out well.

>> No.19780574

If the second title is another partnered release with Hikari Field then it may be one of the companies they are following on twitter: https://twitter.com/hikari_field/following

>> No.19780582

It's aokana, no news to see here

>> No.19780601

Just because there are hints doesn't mean it's confirmed. Remember when MG was apparently going to release Galzoo Island back at AX?

>> No.19780608

It's not good to get your hopes up too much, anon.

>> No.19780621

I don't care about aokana, it's just aokana, that's it.

>> No.19780632

I see that Dicks is the editor for Hello Lady. God have mercy on us, him and Steiner. What a combo.

>> No.19780640

Is that supposed to be good or bad?

>> No.19780641

Hilariously enough, there was one huge hint for Rance X that was staring us right in the face (the gal monsters designs on the shikishi were from that game specifically), but no one imagined the possibility of that because we didn't know that Alicesoft's relationship with MG was good enough to enable that.

>> No.19780642


>> No.19780644

He used to edit for commie. What do you think?

>> No.19780662

So what, it's going to be over-localized?

>> No.19780666

Expect overlocalization and low quality american memes.

>> No.19780669

Not Chrono Clock overlocalized, just maybe Evenicle overlocalized

>> No.19780680

I heard there's a character who speaks like 80% of the time in JP memes. So that'll be fun

>> No.19780693

Considering that we wouldn't understand those memes, it's probably for the best to replace them haphazardly with 'murrican memes. inb4 /pol/ memes.

>> No.19780696

We need /tv/ memes

>> No.19780704

Good job using the fandisk cover with the FD-only heroine on it, when the game will not have the FD routes.

>> No.19780731

They are using the Vita version for the all ages edition, which includes the fan disc.


>> No.19780736


>> No.19780744

bsaed nekonyan saving vns and dabbing on the haters xD right bros?

>> No.19780746
File: 15 KB, 890x65, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually fucking retarded.

>> No.19780768

Go back to your containment board please, filthy secondary.

>> No.19780777

Isn't Hikari Field bringing the fandisk over in Chinese? Might be possible if it sells well like with Fureraba.

>> No.19780786

They announced the Fureraba fandisc before they released it though, it had nothing to do with sales.

>> No.19780813

That sucks. The maid looked hot.

>> No.19780857

If Hikari Field is bringing it over, I have no reason to think it won't eventually be announced

>> No.19780869

Do you really think that NekoNyan's /vn/ audience is going to give a shit about Hello Lady?

>> No.19780912

/vn/ eats up anything that has cute girls and looks cute so do I desu but where did you get the idea that /vn/ is the only people buying from them?

>> No.19780919

>All prequel and bane memes
I'd be fine with that.

>> No.19780966

It really wasn't though. Apparently, MG got the go-ahead for Rance X when AS came over to AX. Before then, they might have only planned to announce IX or Escalayer.

>> No.19781174

>anyone's audience
Their audience is primarily composed of Steamfags. They are the main reason why moege are much more viable than they were before the Steam boom.

Chuee implied on vndb that Hikari Field didn't have the English license to Sakura Mori Dreamers, but that might have just have been a hypothetical example. At the very least, it shows that just because Hikari Field has a license, that won't guarantee that Nekonyan has priority.

>> No.19781331
File: 1005 KB, 267x200, yasss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now everything makes sense.
Knew that I wasn't overhearing things.
It lines up PERFECTLY with what I overheard about us getting outbid by a Chinese company.
With this partnership, if Hikari Field really got the license for Aokana then NekoNyan surely got the English rights.
I can now sleep safe at night knowing SakuraGame didn't get it.

With this post, I bid farewell to my namefagging.
It's been a ride.

>> No.19781382


>> No.19781400


>> No.19781404

It was a bait without proof. Posted by you, likely.

>> No.19781449


>> No.19782677

>WagaHigh was mediocre as fuck. It's a generic moege where every heroine is a titcow.

But that's why it's so good, underage chuunifuag-kun. Moege are the ultimate form of visual novel for those with esteemed tastes. Also cowtit heroines are the best and it's like the only fucking game where the imouto heroine has cowtits too so it's already a 10/10 in my eyes. Hope someone grabs Raspberry Cube post-release now.

>> No.19782703

After WagaHigh supposedly failing, it's doubtful we'll see another game from them. I'd prefer they finish what they started with the WagaHigh OC than another game.

>> No.19783023

Sekai probably massively overpaid. They got that VN before it was released.

>> No.19783190
File: 2.33 MB, 1388x2276, 1534722850196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WagaHigh supposedly failing

>> No.19783193
File: 115 KB, 839x898, Hikarifield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking trust any of those ching chong companies

>> No.19783205

He obviously meant the Western release you fucking imbecile.

>> No.19783221

His comment is so vague maybe he's making a joke on how successful it was in Japan vs the West under Sekai. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.19783230

Read the reply chain. It's not vague at all.

>> No.19783466

Considering that Hikari Field hasn't released an English version since then, I see no reason to distrust them

>> No.19783513

And to add to that, they decided not to go through with it after the trial right? We're getting closer to a year since the demo, so that shows they care somewhat, unlike Sakura game and Hobibox.

>> No.19784037

>MG needs some small nukige to ensure that it can keep its at least monthly release schedule
Does it? They've got like two years worth of stuff backlogged and half a dozen that are at or completely finished TLed/edited already. I don't think they're scrambling to make their monthly release schedule unless they have a bottleneck somewhere in an area that licensing more stuff isn't gonna help. Heck, they're already releasing two "major" things in September if you consider Koropokkur one. (Size-wise maybe not, but it has quite a marketing push as MG's first release as a developer.) They wouldn't do that if they were scrambling for near-future monthly releases.

>I honestly don't remember seeing Imopara 2 being on the chart, at least not for an usually long amount of time beyond 3 months or so. I'm pretty sure it didn't have as long as a tail as Rance VI, but I might be misremembering.
Not as impressive as Rance's last-week-of-year release, Rance finished 4th in 2016 while Imopara 2 finished 7th for 2017, but Imopara is still exceptionally popular as evidenced by Imopara's 1 extremely long tail. Rance then outsold everything in 2017 except PEWH, so I fully expect Evenicle and Imopara 2 are #1 and #2 for 2018 unless MML sneaks in at #2 or MG drops Sengoku Rance by end of year.

I wish, then I might actually bother to read it as a filthy EOP myself. OC has all the good H content.

The English release bombed terribly because it was effectively not marketed at all, and it also had the unfortunate circumstance of being delayed to released one fucking day before PEWH when it was supposed to be done at the beginning of the month.

>> No.19784132

Hello /jp/, it's Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders here once again to implore you to support my Announcements for All program. For example, here's the announcement I plan to submit to congress, ten or twenty minutes early!


>> No.19784137

Holy shit mommy, fucking AOKANA!

>> No.19784143


>> No.19784147

By the way, is this shit even good? I thought Koichoco was absolutely garbage, honestly.

>> No.19784148

but can you still win?

>> No.19784158

it's alright. not that great, not that bad. certainly better than Koikusoge, tho

>> No.19784159

I can't wait for their shitty localization, Chuee is working on this isn't he?

>> No.19784174

Looks like they have more titles in the pipeline already


>Also, since we know that many of you were looking forward to some of the games of studios we had already been working with and we don't want you to feel disappointed, we'll let you know that there are going to be more announcements later this year after Sabbat of the Witch has been released. I mean, with our two super secret projects revealed now, we obviously need two new super secret projects to take their place to keep all of you excited!

>> No.19784176

>Heck, they're already releasing two "major" things in September if you consider Koropokkur one. (Size-wise maybe not, but it has quite a marketing push as MG's first release as a developer.)
Koropokkur is already being released on Steam and is ready to be bought which is good news especially when we were all worrying about delays. I don't know if I should get it or not.
> Rance then outsold everything in 2017 except PEWH, so I fully expect Evenicle and Imopara 2 are #1 and #2 for 2018 unless MML sneaks in at #2 or MG drops Sengoku Rance by end of year.
Agreed. I suspect Rance is easily going to be one of the best sellers and can easily be shilled over on Gaming sites and /v/ due to it having actual gameplay elements and it being unique in the RPG department.
>2018 Anime Boston's announcements were more noticeable than expected since MG announced both a sizable moege and a sizable all ages otome game, both which seemed more appropriate for Otakon. It might be the same for Anime NYC, but MG needs some small nukige to ensure that it can keep its at least monthly release schedule.
I think that may have been a rare time to get enough titles to cater to the Otome, Moege audience that has fallen in recent years despite fan demand. Only three things I can think of is Yuri, Slice Of Life Harem, and Plotge/Chuunige. Those would really sweeten everything and would add more variety especially on the Steam Library for casual fans that gravitate towards that stuff easily if it has good high end art to compliment. Also it would help as well seeing as it may take Steam sometime to get their filters going.

>We know Conjurer's project is being announced there, so there could be a chuunige or plotge there to make up for the lack of those in the previous 2018 conventions. I personally think that there will be about 4 announcements: 2 small titles and 2 medium to large titles.
I know it's been awhile but I am glad to hear a title of plotge being thrown around. Any predictions on what the 4 announcements would be?

>> No.19784202

Well it's a good start honestly. All that is left is the translation and if they release on time.
Like it. Its a good start.

>> No.19784248

Have they stated who is working on it?

>> No.19784287

Akerou and TBAC are going to be the translators, while DxS will be the editor.

>> No.19784294

So dicks is the editor for both Hello Lady and Aokana? Great. Both announcements ruined.

>> No.19784501

>another censored release
so far they're up to 1 uncensored release, 2 censored, and 1 unknown. Starting to look more like sekai project with every release.

>> No.19784509

damn NN might just become the top dog in the scene

>> No.19784511

Based Bernie

>> No.19784535

>Any predictions
Conjurer said it's a middle sized chuunige and the only one that I've found from their current chuunige partners (3rdEye and Propeller) which fits the size is Evolimit.

I can't remember what other hints are remaining (besides sakura and Sorcery Jokers), but I doubt it's Sakura no Mori Dreams, it's too obvious.
Maybe some JOPs will know, is there any visual novel that has sakura petals in them, similar to Supipara and not just sakura as part of their name?

>> No.19784537

Depends on the revenue split or how much money they threw at the Chinese. If they had to sign some unfavourable conditions to get these never evers then it won't do them any good in the long run.
Also they still don't have a killer franchise they can fall back on to milk for more money like Rance for MG and Nekopara for Sekai.

>> No.19784559

Keep bitching over muh mosaics, the most pointless shit ever.

>> No.19784566

I've been wondering why Aokana has been hyped. From what I can gather, it's a moege with high production value.

Going off the hints, I would guess that the 2 large titles would be Sakura Mori Dreamers (or the Da Capo III fan disk) and a 3rd eye game. The small nukige will probably be more from the maker of Sweet Switch and Sweet Summer.

It seems to me that they are blowing that investment money early. If they can't keep up sales, they're fucked. Going for high profile titles early on is a good way to make a name for yourself, but it can also be a good way to burn out early as you bite off more than you can chew.

>> No.19784604

>I've been wondering why Aokana has been hyped. From what I can gather, it's a moege with high production value.
The anime also flopped and their other title Koichoco is a mess and a half (good for a laugh at how absurd some of it is).

>> No.19784618

>The anime also flopped
Pretty sure it hasn't, but I can't confirm it because Stalker is fucking dead. What the fuck?

>> No.19784624

Moege might be decent enough money makers in general, so they might not need a huge money maker since they are largely focused on them, but I have my doubts as to whether they are as consistent sellers as large nukige or not.

I will say that Nekonyan might have made a big mistake with Hello Lady and Aokana. Both are notable within the VN community, but neither seem to have huge appeal outside of it.

>> No.19784633

>Both are notable within the VN community, but neither seem to have huge appeal outside of it.
Yeah, there are tens of thousands of customers outside of the VN community who would be willing to buy VNs if the right one randomly appealed to them in Steam's new releases. You are fucking retarded, dovac.

>> No.19784697

It's just that chuunige have never really sold well in the West. At best, they maybe broke even. Relying on the fact that a particular title may resonate with Steamfags is a terrible business model, especially when that usually, said title has to be cheap to actually resonate.

As for Aokana, it's more likely to appeal outside of the typical VN fanbase, but I still have my doubts. Depending on what Nekonyan's deal with Hikari Field is, Chinese sales might be enough to compensate Nekonyan for likely overspending on this license. I just don't see much reason for it to be a runaway hit otherwise. As far as large moege that were runaway hits, there was Princess Evangile, but that was more of a fluke than anything else.

>> No.19784744

I don't know lifetime sales but I just looked into the /a/ archives since they have alway had stalker/sales threads.
>1,600 Aokana
Probably a bit more by now, but I wouldn't call those good numbers unless it got a really big boost since that point.

>> No.19784758

A useless number without the release date and knowing how long it took to get to 1600. They are not put up on amazon at the same time and they are not released at the same time.

>> No.19784812

>It's just that chuunige have never really sold well in the West.
It's the same in Japan >>19783190

>> No.19784817

Well if you want more data points.
>22 Mar 2016
>1,003 Aokana

>05 Apr 2016
>*1,439 Aokana

And the last stalker points mention was
>19 Mar 2016
>***,459位/***,459位 (***,866 pt) [*,**5予約] 2016/03/18 Aokana

Still doesn't look like it has good numbers.

>> No.19784900

Bonjour ojou-sama will be fucked just from the translator. It would've been ruined no matter who they put on as editor.

>> No.19785212

If they can't even get really minor shit like uncensored CGs right why I should expect them to do the things that actually matter right?

>> No.19785477

Uncensored CG is disgusting though.

>> No.19785919

>Pretty sure it hasn't
You can use Someanithing as wel

Average sales of 1,257. Worse than the Koichoco adaptation

>> No.19785923

>really minor shit like uncensored CGs
From everything I hear about that, getting uncensored CGs seems like just a pain in the ass as most other stuff

>> No.19786158

Some Japanese companies are paranoid about the legality of it, but it's always possible that they lost/disposed of them because they thought that they would never see the light of day.

>> No.19786193

And unlike translation quality, the access to uncensored CGs actually has a small impact on sales, since some people refuse to buy VNs with mosaics. So I imagine they tried, or at least it makes sense for them to try.

>> No.19786644

With that hinting that either one or both will be from studios they have worked with, Making Lovers or some other Smee title seems like an obvious guess especially considering they have gone out of their way to get more Fureraba content.

Aside from that, if both are from existing companies, the best guesses would be either taking over a Lump of Sugar title from Hikari Field or Riddle Joker.

>> No.19787474

>Making Lovers or some other Smee title seems like an obvious guess
I don't know why everyone has the idea that Fureraba did so well, to me it looks like it did average, nothing special. I doubt Smee would give them such a recent title just like that.

>> No.19787492

Highest numbers from the recent releases on Steam, even though it had been properly released elsewhere several weeks before that.

>> No.19788031

>I don't know why everyone has the idea that Fureraba did so well,
Besides that they frequently talk about how surprised at how well it did and they are bringing over the Complete version which wasn't even part of the original release plan, you can look at the Steam charts and see that it did pretty above average for a moege. Last i checked, it was still getting active users even today

>> No.19788036

Also as >>19787492 said, that's only looking at Steam numbers and not Fakku, Nutaku and their own store numbers. Also I think Making Lovers is highly requested in their forum

>> No.19788646

We should make a NekoNyan general :D

>> No.19789345

It's MG update time bros

>> No.19789411

all these fully translated and edited

>> No.19789430

Amatarasu Riddle Star didn't make any progress in a month lol. MG would probably sit on it anyway if it was finished.

>> No.19789507

Not much progress on anything this month.
Maggot Baits went from 93% translated 45% edited -> 94% translated 45% edited.
I thought Kouryuu said it would be fully translated by the end of this month.

>> No.19789847
File: 722 KB, 742x720, 1500517887282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the problem with DxS again? He's no Chuee.

>> No.19789848

Its on hold until the translator can get back to work on it.

>> No.19789867

Yeah, I'm assuming he's prioritizing other stuff? MG already has a ton of nearly finished projects to get out, even if riddle star was finished, it'd just be another one on the pile.

>> No.19789873

He's cartel.

>> No.19790179

He's one of the assholes who stabbed Aroduc in the back for Sekai Project.

>> No.19790265

Is Aroduc Jon Snow? When does Aroduc get revived?

>> No.19790272

When the anime industry dies and he has nothing left to do.

>> No.19790278

FW released a demo for Loca Love, anyone tried it?

>> No.19790345

I'll try it just for you, FW employee.

>> No.19790404
File: 293 KB, 577x363, 1535760782634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, SP is releasing something.

>> No.19790452

The only title that seems almost certain to release by the end of the year is Amrilato. Others that might release by the end of the year are Damekoi, Suki Suki, and Bokuten, all which are a bit overdue at this point. Sengoku Rance is a doubtable unless they start beta this month

>> No.19790465

It seems like they are kind of doing what Sekai is and only focusing on their new licenses rather than working on their older ones.

>> No.19790487

Offering up preorders ahead of time for a title is a change for them (well, without using crowdfunding sites), but with most other companies doing so I wouldn't be surprised if they make it a regular occurrence going forward.

>> No.19790507

A love triangle VN where the heroines are friends, yet no threesome route. What a total failure.

>> No.19790508

So they are releasing Aokana with the new console exclusive event CGs plus ero? Not even Japan has such a definitive version available.

>> No.19790545

Most of their older unreleased licenses MG has have some reason for going slow (such as a slower translator or technical problems) that isn't going to suddenly change, while newer licenses in their fast pipelines will continue to speed along.

>> No.19790552

Yuri titles coming out fast might be because of the yuri hacker autist that is Donson. I don't know if he was involved with Tsui Yuri though. Outside of yuri, I don't see an abnormal focus on new licenses, just a few titles that are in tl hell or dev hell.

>> No.19790558
File: 69 KB, 480x320, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sekai stops announcing new licenses
>At the same time, Nekonyan starts announcing new licenses
>Everyone at Nekonyan is a former Sekai employee


>> No.19790576

Maybe you're right. I was just a little surprised that there was little to no progress on a lot of titles this month.

>> No.19790585

it means you need to stop forcing your retarded meme

>> No.19790699

>no Kickstarter
Are they improving? I would swear that something like this would have gotten a KS two years ago.

>> No.19790711

Are they improving?

>> No.19790847

No. It Supposed to come out in july but got pushed back because of steam.

>> No.19790927
File: 494 KB, 1280x720, 2018-09-01 10-55-32.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I tried it. This is my favorite part.

>> No.19791058

Her nipple’s only erect in 2 of these.

>> No.19791749 [DELETED] 


Sounds like Dovac doesn't it.

>> No.19791790

No one cares, now go back.

>> No.19792548

Releasing on the 7th according to the Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/891510/Loves_Sweet_Garnish/

>> No.19794298

I'm guessing they just got it approved, put the page up when Valve approved it, and now just need to wait the required week to release it.

>> No.19795250

>MG has 17 titles that are at least 85% translated

Hopefully, most of these titles will be out by the end of next year. I get the feeling the reason why Nekonyan can approximate dates early on and be confident about the release dates is because they are paying way more for programming than other companies.

>> No.19795273

>We're currently aiming for an August release of HGB
That didn't go so well.

>> No.19795381

If they only delay Hello Goodbye to their current projected date of November, that's actually not bad. If they delay it again though, then yeah, that won't look good.

>> No.19795441

>I get the feeling the reason why Nekonyan can approximate dates early on and be confident about the release dates is because they are paying way more for programming than other companies.
it's probably more like they don't do any QA at all

>> No.19795568

Don't make it sound like others do a lot of QA.

>> No.19795580

Any QA is better than none.

>> No.19795741

>because they are paying way more for programming than other companies
Who exactly do they have for programming? I know Doddler has his hands in everyone's pies but he is just one guy.

>> No.19795827

Then why do so many games sit in QA for months? Checkmate

>> No.19795899
File: 834 KB, 1282x747, 1488633441687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but probably because they are using it as time to catch up when behind schedule. In some cases that isn't even enough like pic related.
The other reason why things can seem to sit in QA for months is because they need to space out releases.

>> No.19796046

I know how this shit works. I used to be a wageslave in a big IT company. The timelines we provided and the progress we reported was not actually true. This is done just to postpone the boss yelling at you and the boss' boss cutting your budget and firing half of your team. I was in several teams and it was the same shit everywhere.
Plan for a new project - Very generous timeline of 2 weeks for requirement gathering, 3 weeks for design, 4 weeks for build, 3 weeks of simultaneous QA and bug fixing.
Reality - It's supposed to enter QA, but the PM suddenly finds out the coding has barely even started. Even though everyone was reporting everything as all green every week. Goddamn monkeys.

I can't imagine this is very different. Employees are afraid to report the truth to their superiors, the superiors are afraid to report the truth to the upper mgmt, the upper mgmt is afraid to report the truth to the customers. And they'd rather push out a shitty product, as long as it somewhat works, than shift the timelines.

>> No.19796139

Apparently the translator bailed on them and they had to find a new one.

>> No.19796202

Probably didn't want Chuee to ruin all of his work.

>> No.19796672

Looking at >>19795899 after reading your post anon it seems like an accurate representation of how Sekai Project works.
Hell they even cut corners by not editing any images at all.

>> No.19796731

I'm not just talking about SP.
