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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 141 KB, 472x600, 1229997057041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1976572 No.1976572 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Janitor, Katawa Shoujo is /jp/ related.

Do your job correctly and delete the other off topic threads on /jp/.

>> No.1976574


>> No.1976580


>> No.1976583

Aw fuck I can't believe I missed a KS thread!

>> No.1976598

diapers aren't /jp/ related

>> No.1976588

Let's troll the aidoru threads, janitor treasures them lulz.

>> No.1976591

Let me get this straight... One blind, one with prosthetic legs, one with no arms HELP ME GREEN LANTERN, one deaf, and one burned?

>> No.1976600

Nice sage there.

Go back to /b/

>> No.1976605


>> No.1976615

Secret Santa, someone put in "draw a girl that has all the disabilities of the 5 girls combined" or something along those lines.
That's the result.

You'd be suprised.

>> No.1976620
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, 1232945582853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese diapers are.

>> No.1976621


Surprised at what, how butthurt people get around here?

>> No.1976624

KS demo?

>> No.1976627

It's based off of something a Japanese artist drew. Not lottery, unless he did that, too.

>> No.1976628

When it's done.

>> No.1976633
File: 88 KB, 812x647, 1232945696594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many subtle references the japanese make to diapers.
Some aren't even subtle at all.

>> No.1976637

No they're fucking not.

>> No.1976641

Seriously though, "diapers" should trigger an autoban.

>> No.1976648

That would be glorious.

>> No.1976651

moot doesn't like /jp/
I'm sure it'll never happen.
Oh and this isn't some stupid joke, moot really doesn't like /jp/ at all, he even posted this.

>> No.1976659

Everything is /jp/ related as long as you start the thread by asking "what does Japan think about this non-Japan related subject?"!

>> No.1976664

...Huh. Not sure how much I'm looking forward to this, but I think it's significant...

>> No.1976670

We have threads about video games, movies, dramas, idols, anime, manga, language, travel etc. etc. that all could be posted somewhere else, and it still works - I don't understand the confusion.

>> No.1976680

Moot doesn't like any board.

Except fucking /b/.

>> No.1976678

yeah, a reference there to NOT WANTING to wear diapers.

Even dog lolis know that wearing diapers beyond infancy is a bad thing, why can't you diaperfags understand that?

>> No.1976689

Why the fuck do you all hate diapers so much?

Grow up.

>> No.1976693

moot hates /b/.
He likes /a/, and he seems to like /v/ I guess.

>> No.1976699
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 1232946133128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, the irony.

>> No.1976700

Diapers aren't bad in the slightest.

>> No.1976702

>Why the fuck do you all hate diapers so much?
>Grow up.

Hopefully I'm not the only one appreciating the irony in this.

>> No.1976703


>> No.1976707

Being attracted to 2D and little girls is bad.
Hey at least I'm not vocal about my fetishes.

>> No.1976708

I wouldn't mind diaperfags so much if they weren't so fucking vocal about their fetish. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.1976713

Don't know if it's moot that likes /v/, but a certain mod seems to. An Anonymous ## Moderator pops up occasionally during the GOMTV Starcraft threads and bans people that tries to shit them up, and even stickied the Season 1 Finals thread

>> No.1976721

Diaper lovers aren't necessary infantists.

>> No.1976724

>Hey at least I'm not vocal about my fetishes.
Words fail me.

Also holy FUCK the sage shit is touchy. Thanks for fucking up sage, Moot!

>> No.1976730

I like diapers, but I avoid trying to be vocal about it, and keep it to these types of threads.
Also to clear up some misconceptions, no we don't like to shit ourselves, no we aren't flurries, no not all of us are vocal about this.
Sage, since I know people don't like this being brought up

>> No.1976737


>> No.1976744

You assume that wasn't my first post in this thread about the fetish.
I hardly ever talk about my fetish because I know people don't want to hear it.
I'm not asking you to accept it, and I'm trying not to force it either. It's a touchy subject.

>> No.1976749

>no we don't like to shit ourselves
Some do, not most though.

>> No.1976771
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1232946869336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those parts are perfect!

>> No.1976768

There's a board for unusual fetishes.

It's called /d/.

>> No.1976772

What's the deal with Katawa Shoujo anyway? I'm too busy to be bothered reading the blogs and shit on it. How are they planning to distribute it? Are they gonna sell it at Comike or anything?

In light of the recent Hoshijima incident, that'd be pretty lulzy.

>> No.1976785

/d/ is for hentai. not discussion.

>> No.1976787

I'm pretty sure it's going to be a freeware VN that you can download.

>> No.1976814

Actually, as long as you post examples at the same time, we /d/eviants are usually pretty willing to discuss things.

>> No.1976816

Distributed for free on the internet.

>> No.1976823

See? Now stop fucking up every KS thread with your diaper shit.

>> No.1976837


/d/ is awful.

>> No.1976852

Stop being tsundere, anon. We prefer that you just be direct and tie us down.

>> No.1976893

I'd change Hanako's wet diaper.

>> No.1976902

Fuck off.

>> No.1976907

I like it here.

>> No.1976908

Nice sage there.

>> No.1976909

Some sort of diaper OEL VN.

>> No.1976911

That will keep the normalfriends away.

>> No.1976931


Everyone hates you faggots. It doesn't matter what level of weeaboo they are.

>> No.1976942

All the people that knew about my diaper fetish accepted it, and most of those were fellow /jp/ Anon.

>> No.1977001

I'd change Rin's pullup.

>> No.1977076

Yeah, so the 5 people I've told hate me yet they still keep me on in contact and one even lets me keep my access to his server?

>> No.1977088

So let me get this straight, you're trying to say that, because 5 people know you like diapers and haven't broken off all ties with you, anyone who complains about them is a normalfag (which is a stupid term to begin with)?

>> No.1977120

I'm not the one who said that people who don't like diapers are a normalfag. Should have been more clear on that.

>> No.1977210
File: 67 KB, 300x830, 1232952431791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is still a disgusting fetish. If I ever told someone I would like to meet a mermaid/lamia/harpy/monstergirl, they would call me a hopeless romanticist. You even see people on S&M gear on parades.

There are some fetish that are just plain wrong.

>> No.1977232

I won't.

I'd be proud you can dream something like that.

>> No.1977235

Not wrong, just socially unacceptable.
The way I see it, if a fetish gets in the way of leading a productive life (amputation fetish for example) or is harmful to others (rape, molestation, murder, flashing, HIV/AIDS fetish) then it's wrong.

If it's something that doesn't really harm anyone/harms yourself, good, we don't care. Infact I'm sure a lot of people don't care about other's fetishes, it's just things like diapers don't really come into people's heads when they think fetish.

At least that's what I think.

>> No.1977260

I love know what other people's interests are.

>> No.1977275

you are a diaper enthusiast in denial.

>> No.1977289

I agree with you, but I don't see why people always bring up diapers on /jp/. It's completely off topic.

>> No.1977372

When did I say I WASN'T into diapers?

I don't have an idea why. At least I know I'm not the only one on 4chan. Also I'll sage my post as well, for you.

>> No.1977777

lol diapers

>> No.1977814

Aren't same of the devs into diapers?

>> No.1977821

Aren't some of the devs into diapers?

>> No.1977835

Exactly one editor. The rest detest anything to do with diapers. It. Is. Not. Happening. So please quit trolling every KS thread with this shit.

>> No.1977845
File: 54 KB, 382x392, 1232964398940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /jp/
> on topic

just toughen up and ignore it, i fucking hate diapers but the threads don't bother me at all

>> No.1977847

Wait, someone on KS actual does like diapers?

>> No.1977857

They don't really bother me either. I probably find them more tolerable than the idol threads. The fact remains that diapers are even more off topic than most of the shit that gets posted here.

>> No.1977858


Actually, I think they were making a new character that wore diapers.

>> No.1977874


>> No.1977877

Damning a fetish just because you don't like or understand it is laughable considering where you are. As long as both parties are into the same thing, what really is the harm in partaking in a given fetish.

>> No.1977878

Who is it?

>> No.1977880

Nobody would care if they weren't so vocal and hijack threads.

>> No.1977882


It's like furries, so you like fucking animal-like things? Who gives a fuck. But the fact that furries are so goddamn loud and that they have to throw their fetish into every-fucking thing is what gets people hating it. The fetish itself isn't hated, it's the people.

>> No.1977894


>> No.1977903

I think it was Losstarot.

>> No.1977932

MTV airs Starcraft matches?

When did this happen?

>> No.1979186

So, where's the demo?

>> No.1979252


>> No.1979276

We can only pray for it's safe return.

>> No.1979287

I think the raptors got it

>> No.1979348


did Nitro+ just buy the license of this game or what?
that pic is "PUKE"
