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1973535 No.1973535 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing from the previous school days ronery thread:

lol no, f I went back in time that far my elitism would cause me to look down on absolutely everyone for their interests in TV, music, movies, clothing, slang, food choices, cars, being computer illiterate, political stances, and everything in between.

4chan: How to be stuck up without being rich

No one would want to talk to me even if I DID have the confidence I have now because I can't help but trash on other peoples shitty ideas and tastes.

And yes, women are indeed, for the most part, all worthless idiots who are only good for the soft wet place between their legs. They're vapid idiots with the most boring interests and distorted vision of the world because no guy would ever correct them them. Why would they? If they just smile and agree, even if they're secretly thinking about how wrong they are, they'll get some pussy later on (provided they aren't friend zone'd). Hell, go to a party and find a chick who's a little tipsy and done a blunt or two and I guarantee you it wont take more than 10 minutes to get her on your dick.

The best part of your life is NOW anon. It's never too late to improve your self image and social skills. Just be calm and level headed when talking to people as if they're some close friend. Hell, 3D women are typically better a few years after college when they've gotten the mindless partying out of their system and the ones still parting are worthless skanks that no one would think twice about taking a shit on.

Life is what you make of it, feel free to keep wallowing in your self pity but I'll be browsing /fa/ for classy fashionable styles, /fit/ for tips on starting a work outs, and /ck/ for cheap, healthy foods while waiting for my 5 GB loli doujin torrent to finish.

>> No.1973570

>classy fashionable styles

