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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1972572 No.1972572 [Reply] [Original]

Should I just face the music and accept this shit is never going to see an English Translation?

>> No.1972580

Who cares if it doesn't?

Just use AGTH.

>> No.1972585

But AGTH+Atlas=Nearly incomprehensible english, hell, Fansubber's have destroyed the story of a few Anime series' I've watched without simple Human error checking...

>> No.1972599

Very little news on anything so far.

Someone just needs to fucking fan translate it.

Why not use AGTH as a guide and just clean it up?
Nobody cares as long as it fucking makes sense.

>> No.1972623

Duh, Animated cut-scenes won't be fucking Hooked.

>> No.1972646

Having played this translating it as I go along, I can say this REALLY needs a proper translation, it's a blast the whole way through, and the strategy sections are pretty awesome, too.

>> No.1972705

We can only dream ;_;

>> No.1972714

what are your thoughts on the heroines?
I kinda wanted to play this, but no ones' catched my interest... Milfeuille seems just a moeblob, Ranpha your average HOHOHO Ojou-sama, not interested in loli, Forte is actually awesome but with a kid protagonist I feel like hooking him up with his mother.
The Rune heroines are, like, paper-thin characters.

>> No.1972719

Why not set up a translation wiki? Extract the text, arrange into chunks of dialogue, and then put it up there for people to work on. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would be willing to ensure this gets translated.

>> No.1972724

>Ranpha your average HOHOHO Ojou-sama
only she's not though. She's more the average tsundere type.

>> No.1972742

Err, fuck no.

>> No.1972744

I don't have the games yet...

>> No.1972748

>Milfeuille seems just a moeblob

That's what the Anime watchers actually believe.

She has mood swings, she cries all the time, she's not exactly the "Perfect" girl...

>> No.1972750

She does get quite Moe, however...

>> No.1972775

>not interested in loli

You dont belong here.

>> No.1972779

Basement dwelling pedophiles with morbid obesity don't belong to this world either, but it's not like we can just tell them to go away and expect them to do it.

>> No.1972781

HUURRR everyone that browses /jp/ must be a pedophile DUUUUUUUURRRR

believe it or not there are people who are here not for touhou fanwank pedo shit

>> No.1972785

Exactly! I'm just here for the pedo wank shit! Touhou means nothing to me!

>> No.1972789

u guise r so randum XD

>> No.1972813

Milfeulle is my Waifu.


>> No.1972822

Who the fuck are the girls?

>> No.1972820
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>> No.1972824
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Coco and Almo, bridge crew members of the Elsior

>> No.1972832

See this is shit I would have known if the game was translated...

>> No.1972827

Is this from the GA2 Game?

Or is Takuto in the GA Rune anime?

>> No.1972828

Coco (left) and Almo (right), the bridge bunnies. Coco's a (not-so-) closet fujoshi and Almo has a crush on your first officer.

>> No.1972835

It's from the PS2 version of Eternal Lovers. They added CGs to a few more scenes to coax people who already bought the PC version.

>> No.1972838
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>> No.1972845

See, that really shouts "MOTHER SON RELATIONSHIP!"

>> No.1972850


But Tact is 21 years old and Forte 22

>> No.1972860

Most likely the fact that Takuto really looks young for his age and Forte looks old for her age...

>> No.1972854

It doesn't scream anything like that to me. I think you have some issues.

>> No.1972857

Not the age, the look of it...

>> No.1972862
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>> No.1972871
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>> No.1972877

Er, disregard the "Again"

I must sleep..

>> No.1972874

If this does end up getting translated, spam it on /a/ and /v/, this shit could be /v/'s flavour of the month again.

Which is never a bad thing because then it isn't subject to their constant criticism and hate.

Then again it could easily backfire...

>> No.1972937

Err. Fuck yes.
Don't speak if you don't know shit.

>> No.1972968
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>> No.1972981
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>> No.1973010
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>> No.1973037
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>> No.1973225


>> No.1973281
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>> No.1973319


Never Broccoli USA went out of business and even before that, they quit on the translation.

>> No.1973374

we can hope for a fan translation.

>> No.1973579

Just like every other companies.
What is at fault, really? Pirates? Unreasonably high game prices? Not enough demand for non-H games?

>> No.1973597

just torrent it and download fan subs
its what i do with all series and movies

>> No.1973611


No fansubs for a untranslated game.

>> No.1973624

just learn japanese if you really want to play this
after all, if you play this you are a weeaboo

>> No.1973645


If I play any visual novel or Japanese game video at all according to you I am a weeaboo anyway. And?

>> No.1973652

nothing wrong with being a weeaboo, but i recommend you to learn japanese

>> No.1973775

can you romance this version of Vanilla in whatever game?

>> No.1973784


>> No.1973794

get that man away from milfy

>> No.1973806

Forte > Mint > Milfeuille > Ranpha > Vanillia

From what I've seen at least.

>> No.1973836

Get that Sion banned from this board. Forever.
Does anybody here has that huge complete Angel-tai raking with all the possible variables?

>> No.1973855
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Where's my Commander Coco route Broccoli!?

>> No.1973927

My favorites after playing all 3 GA games.

Chitose > Mint > Vanilla > Milfeuille > Ranpha > Forte

I'm just not a Forte fan, she's cool and all but she's kinda ... more aggression than I like in a girl.

>> No.1974032
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>> No.1974070

Chitose > Milfie > Ranpha > Forte > Vanilla > Mint


>> No.1974078

Does this work with AGTH?

>> No.1974628

Do you advice playing the first game if you're going for Chitose? For the continuity effect alone, I know Chitose appears in the second game only.

>> No.1974659

The first game has the best plot of the three, so I don't recommend skipping it.

Also, you have to finish at least one of the other routes in Moonlit Lovers to unlock Chitose's route (as well as install the expansion disc, of course).

>> No.1974726

Yes, the assumption in the second game where she appears is that you took none of the girls to the dance. So after the events of the first game just assume a 6th ending where Tact returns to his old ship prior to Chitose arriving.

>> No.1974752

Where's my Noa route!!!!!

>> No.1974784

The first game actually does have a sixth ending, which Chitose's route proceeds from. It's a "bad end" which you get if you screw up with the Angel whom you took to the Fargo ball, mainly by making the wrong choice in the very last conversation with her before the final battle.

Interestingly, Chitose's route in Eternal Lovers, the third game, portrays Tact as a wishy-washy guy who has a hard time expressing his feelings and needs copious goading from the other Angels to get his relationship with Chitose moving.

>> No.1974794
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...That reminds me, what does Noa look like in the GA2 games? I'm pretty sure the Noa in ML and EL is a real girl and not an AI like the one in the first game, so she should have grown up a bit between the first and second series...

>> No.1974803
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like this

>> No.1974819
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>> No.1974832

I'd hit it.
