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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 376x500, Asashoryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1971791 No.1971791 [Reply] [Original]

Asashōryū WINS!!!

Shit, that was epic. With the final bout leading Hakuhō and Asashōryū to 14-1 tie in wins, leading to a Final deciding bout for the Emperor's Cup, with Asashōryū coming back for the win!

Man, that bout was almost good as November's deciding bout between Hakuhō and Harumafuji with 13-2 tie.

Any thoughts /jp/?

>> No.1971797


>> No.1971799


This is supposed to be /jp/ not fucking /a/ with touhou shit hijacks all the time.

>> No.1971800

I don't care about sumou. However, my Japanese teacher was a fan of it.

>> No.1971801

faggot. /jp/ isn't just about touhou and VNs.

>> No.1971802

.. pig disgusting?

>> No.1971804
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>> No.1971806

Reported for /sp/

>> No.1971811

I lol'd

>> No.1971812

/sp/ doesn't like good sports.

>> No.1971814

Sports can be good?

>> No.1971815

Starcraft is fun.

>> No.1971816

started watching sumo about a year ago, it's an interesting sport, i'll give it that. there is a lot of spirit in the sport, and it's interesting to see a sport with ritual/ceremony mixed in.
it's also interesting to see that some of the top sumo are not japanese, the current yokozuna, i think are mongolian?

>> No.1971852
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/sp/ just gives me this

I thought /jp/ would appreciate some japanese culture, but now i realized, that it's just full of /v/tard's and /a/tard's that come to /jp/ because it's a safe haven for constant touhou shit and don't appreciate anything of the japanese culture except for animu and video games and are so fucking full of themselves that they think they are the hottest shit on the block and won't accept any new material or actual Japanese culture in a board specifically for Japanese subjects and not just a single entity of video game/anime/touhou related material.

>> No.1971856


what r u watchin this on

>> No.1971860

It's nice you finally cleared up the misunderstanding. Better late than never.

>> No.1971862


And of course, this is an excellent way to make them understand.

So in the end, you're unhappy, we're unhappy. Everybody is happy.

>> No.1971863

>they are the hottest shit on the block
Got that much right, bro.

>> No.1971885
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>> No.1971888


I watched it on TV.

The only way to watch this on TV in the United States is to get either
1) Get it through your satellite provider for an extra fee
2) Be lucky that your University has it provided on their cable (as in, they pay to have it on their satellite to distribute to their cable tv users)

I have the 2nd option, been thinking about paying extra for my Dish network at home to have NHK/TV Nippon. (Though, it's expensive, I think about 15-30$ extra) Some of the bigger shows have dual audio, like the sumo matches that happen every 2 months, but it's mostly in Japanese, but some of the shows are exclusively in English, like J-Melo (a music show about japanese music).

>> No.1971890

it's funny how the people who come to troll /jp/ by claiming we're too obsessed with japan are more accurately describing pals like >>1971852

>> No.1971893
File: 151 KB, 430x615, 1232874900679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thread.

>> No.1971894

Sumo is awesome, but ain't watching it streamed nor do I want to pay Dish Network $25/mo for the privilege of watching it live.

If possible, try and make yourself useful in the future and upload the best matches from a given day, preferably in HD.

Now you're catching on.

>> No.1971903


But to more properly answer your question, I watch it on NHK World/TV Japan International.

Pic is of my favorite sumo wrestler, he got promoted to Ozeki last fall, which is the second highest rank in Sumo. Him and Baruto are probably the best disciplined in the sport, attitude-wise.

>> No.1971904
File: 10 KB, 183x163, 1232875150503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ isn't just about touhou and VNs.

>> No.1971906

Everything has been shit since Akibono and Musashimaru retired.

>> No.1971912
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>> No.1971913

i'm sorry but i don't understand at all :(

>> No.1971914

Awesome, someone else with NHK. Did you see the debate at some college a few weeks ago? Shit was the most intelligent Japanese conversation I ever saw on tv.

>> No.1971935
File: 11 KB, 131x225, 1232875530302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You insult the sacred honor of /jp/ with your 3D. I thought that you would have discovered the importance of respect from this "sumō" but it looks like you have much to learn.

This very thread shames my ancestors. I'm going to have to ask you to leave /jp/ and never return.

>> No.1971938

I only have the NHK World when I get back to the university, and since I didn't get back until a week ago, i must have missed it.

Also, I'm not fluent in Japanese, I can only understand about 1/4 to 1/2 of most conversations. Though, I do find I can get most of it, if I'm paying attention, mostly just from the Japanese expressions. If there is one thing I learn from NHK, it's that the Japanese LOTS of music shows, LOTS of comedy, and LOTS of food shows.

Not to say that's a bad thing though.

>> No.1971951

enjoy your ban for false reporting.

>> No.1971952
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elitist detected, Captain

>> No.1971956

Trolls are against the rules.

>> No.1971962

Ah the food shows....NHK is a government sponsored network so they don't have too many of the "good" entertainment shows. I only watch NHK for entertainment when stuff like Tameshite Gatten or the occasional Nintama rantarou or Conan episode is on, otherwise It's just my japanese news source.

>> No.1971970

>You insult the sacred honor of /jp/ with your 3D.
This isn't /a/ anymore bro, deal with it.

>> No.1971972


Yes, because a hopeful discussion about something that has to do with JAPANESE culture is trolling. *eye roll*

>> No.1971980

I remember when a local channel is able to broadcast NHK shows. I miss that cooking show called "Dotch".

>> No.1971984

Only trolls use *emotes*.

>> No.1971985


See, that's the thing, the Japanese channel that I have is a combination of NHK World and TV Japan International.

So the only time the news is on, is in the early morning and afternoon time. Other than that, there is a lot of comedy shows/cultural shows/music shows with the Thursday and Saturday Conan epidodes and Tameshite Gatten, which is really interesting.

>> No.1971989

>claim to not be trolling
>*eye roll*

>> No.1971997

So i heard that sumo wrestlers can't have any tattoos on their bodies. Is this true /jp/?

>> No.1972000


>> No.1972002

Yeah, I think we have the same thing. I get mine from Dish, but the whole Jidaigeki, Drama, Enka, etc... stuff bore the crap out of me.

>> No.1972004

Having a tattoo in Japan isn't a good idea in the first place.

>> No.1972012


You don't like the yearly Taiga dramas?

Last years Atsu-hime was really interesting, I haven't seen much of the new one, Tenchijin.


I'd guess that they can't have tattoos, just because I've never seen a sumo with them. Then again, most Japanese people don't seem to get tattoo's, probably because they are more associated with Yakuza and not being an ideal member of society.

>> No.1972020

I just can't get into them...I haven't seen a drama since that one boxing one a long ass time ago. My parents like to watch stuff like Atsuhime and Dan Dan though.

>> No.1972022

Different anon here. I enjoyed Komyo ga Tsuji but kinda lost interest after the point where Nobunaga died. Tried to watch Furin Kazen but I work at night and had trouble keeping track with the schedule.

>> No.1972085

I try to come here for other stuff, but all I ever see is 3D PIG DISGUTSING TOHOU RONERY FAGGOTS, so I stay away usually.

>> No.1972097


hopefully one day, /jp/ will be able to go back to what it was intended to be and not the bastard child of /a/ and /v/

>> No.1972107

I would really like that. If this board actually served it's intended purpose it could easily become my primary home on 4chan.

>> No.1972125

So did anyone have a video of the match? I suppose I'll have to catch it when it comes on Eurosport a few months later...

>> No.1972128


Except it's exactly what it was intended to be. A place to kick /a/'s runoff to. Did you perhaps miss the very sticky that christened the opening of this board?

Perhaps you should begin looking for a new place to fulfill your wishes.

>> No.1972139

/a/'s runoff allowed here and intended to be for /a/'s runoff are two different fucking things. For fuck's sake, moot literally said UNFORTUNATELY THIS INCLUDES.

>> No.1972149

He also literally said "this board is for all the shit that you tried to argue belongs in /a/." It was intended to house /a/'s runoff. There is no other reason he created it. If it wasn't for Touhou we wouldn't have /jp/.

I don't even mind the occasional non-Touhou or vn thread, but anyone who thinks that those aren't the reason this board exists are delusional.

>> No.1972151

I see the rules that say "All Things Japanese Welcome". Not if you try to discuss anything here that isn't Tohou you get saged to oblivion and told 3D IS PIG DISGUSTING.

>> No.1972152

Fuck off, sumo is awesome. It's both /jp/ and /sp/ related.

>> No.1972166


Perhaps you missed the companion /a/ sticky? The 'unfortunately' is merely moot lamenting that it would be dominant force of the board.

Not that any of that matters, as you seem to be hoping that one day none of that will be on this board, which is unfortunately not going happen at the current rate of expansion.

Hence my suggestion, perhaps you should begin looking for a new better place to fulfill your ideals?

>I see the rules that say "All Things Japanese Welcome". Not if you try to discuss anything here that isn't Tohou you get saged to oblivion and told 3D IS PIG DISGUSTING.

Do you not understand the concept of a community? You seem to wish for a rapid change of ideals in a large amount of people, which will not happen.

I'm merely suggesting you rethink this venture, and state the de facto truth of the matter. That this board is filled with people you don't like, and will likely continue to be. As things will continue like this, your outrage and shock are completely useless. If you are so displeased with the truth, perhaps you should be seeking someplace else to fulfill your need?

>> No.1972173

ITT: moot fanboys and ex-/a/ users

Back to sucking moot's dick in /a/, faggots.

>> No.1972190

The rules also say no shit posting. If you don't like something that isn't Tohou ronery bullshit, they doesn't give you an excuse to shit up the thread. Why not just take this shit to /b/? Place is already a fucking cesspool.

>> No.1972194

Meta-thread time?

>> No.1972223


please meta-thread time nao

>> No.1972239


I have merely been offering suggestions at your outrage. You may not believe it, but I don't generally declare my dislike of a subject, I just stop frequenting places when they no longer hold my interest. Especially due to the fact that sages are limited, and I like to use mine politely.

But, as stated, it is a community issue. If you want "shitposters" to go to /b/, you'll have to move half the board. At that point, why not just relocate yourself instead of tilting at windmills?

>> No.1972269
File: 500 KB, 536x1629, 1232881080403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, look what I found

Touhou and sumo related pic

>> No.1972273
File: 12 KB, 131x225, 1232881163239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's the lack of sleep, but the OP post still makes me laugh everytime I see it. It's hilarious, what with the fake enthusiasm, the way it reads like a wiki entry with the ō and ū usage, etc.

Funny stuff, bro.

>> No.1972292


Since you're so anti-anything besides Touhou, guess I'm just going to have to post that pic everyday until you like it.

>> No.1972296


Go for it. I support anything that pisses off zun.

>> No.1972300

I see no windmills. Those are clearly giants.

>> No.1972302

reported for trolling

>> No.1972307

Sumo is actually a sport I can watch.

>> No.1972316

Enjoy watching fat men grope each other.

>> No.1972318

Less gay than western wrestling at least, they don't roll around on the floor on a greasy mat.

>> No.1972331

Plus, as far as I know, sumo matches aren't scripted and produced. What's worse: coming in contact with sweaty old men one time, or coming in contact with sweaty old men repeatedly?

>> No.1972340

Sumo - Fat men grope each other
Football - Large men grope each other
Basketball - Tall men grope each other
Baseball - Men groping themselves

Why, we should all be watching cricket, by God

>> No.1972341


Having any kind of contact, physical or verbal, with Vince McMahon.

>> No.1972342

>>Since you're so anti-anything besides Touhou

Don't be silly. I make it quite clear that I adore 2D in all of its forms. And feel free to post whatever you wish. But shouldn't you be calling it Tōhō?


I don't "rage" like your bros from /a/ and /v/. Actually, only one Anon has ever affected me during the entire existence of /jp/. He knows who he is.

>> No.1972343

There's been rumors of "corruption" in the sport. But if you have to bribe to organize a thrown fight, that at least mean it isn't a hollywood production haha.

>> No.1972344

You are comparing wrestling to a different type wrestling. No matter how you flavor it, it's still fundamentally gay.

>> No.1972348

"Less gay" is key here imo.

>> No.1972360

Looking at a man in any situation is gay.

>> No.1972365

So pedophiles aren't gay

>> No.1972377

Only the ones that are into little boys. Being attracted to little girls isn't gay.

>> No.1972425

The saddest part about ths thread is that most 3D IS PIG DISGUSTING HURR DURR faggots aren't trolls but newly arrived cancerous /a/ssholes proving once again that /a/ is just as much of a shithole as it's been for a while now.

As for the topic at hand i don't get NHK or anything out of japan so the only time i would get to watch matches was when i'd catch them on eurosport (hurr durr eurofag).

>> No.1973730
File: 78 KB, 557x840, 1232910908808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asashoryu was apparently offered a death threat through 2ch on the 15th of January. And then he was arrested on the following Sunday.

Asashoryu's back to beat Hakuho this entire year. Unless Harumafuji can pull of a tournament win.

>> No.1973771
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>> No.1973851
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>> No.1973856

Asa-sama was arrested?

> Harumafuji
Someone new?

>> No.1973871


No, the guy who placed a death threat on him through 2channel was arrested.

Harumafuji Kohei, he changed his last name title name to Harumafuji when he became Ozeki last November.

>> No.1973886

Ah, it's Ama. Well, that wasn't a very sumou name.

>> No.1973890


You are a 30+ year old faggot that spends his time trolling and saging threads on an internet forum.

That fact alone explains a lot.

>> No.1973905

Those words can be used against you too.

>> No.1973932


Except I don't purposely troll, sage and report threads I dislike, especially ones that weren't malicious in intent or trolling to begin with, like this one. If it's a legitimate topic of discussion as far as the rules are concerned (in before 100 replies arguing about /jp/'s rules), leave it alone. The thread starter wasn't trolling the board by posting sumo, unlike Smash and his daily threads about useless Japanese crap, so why derail it?

>> No.1973953

bump to piss off that faggot ZUN!bar

>> No.1973960

You're Anonymous, for all purposes and intent you're lying and just another shit troll.

>> No.1973966


Not everyone's a shitposting ronery misanthrope like you, anon.

>> No.1973976

You're implying that somebody gives a shit about that, even more so on an "anonymous" imageboard.

>> No.1974025

Trolling is reportable here, you know.

>> No.1974027
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I wonder what the kids thinking...

>> No.1974034
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>> No.1974038

Confidence: EX+

>> No.1974048
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>> No.1974054
File: 26 KB, 500x477, 1232915004717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yur doin' it wrong

>> No.1974076
File: 37 KB, 400x300, 1232915292817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what the sumo ring, is made out of? looks to be either clay or sand of some sort

>> No.1974086

>Sumo matches take place in a dohyō (土俵): a ring, 4.55 metres in diameter, of rice-straw bales on top of a platform made of clay mixed with sand. Its area is 8281π/1600 metres squared and its perimeter is 91π/20 meters. A new dohyō is built for each tournament by the yobidashi. At the center are two white lines, the shikiri-sen, behind which the wrestlers position themselves at the start of the bout.[3] A roof resembling that of a Shinto shrine may be suspended over the dohyō.

>> No.1974095

oh ok, so it's a mix of the two... thanks

>> No.1974103

post the link or the explanation not both fagget

>> No.1974107

You don't have to read it if you don't want to.

>> No.1974111


>> No.1974137
File: 200 KB, 800x1085, 1232916070159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's in your Japans, stealing your Cups.

>> No.1974155
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good try

>> No.1974246
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1232917218556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know where I can find the commercial with Kotooshu (Prince of Sumo) and Aya Matsuura together? I looked through youtube and couldn't find it.

>> No.1974568
File: 292 KB, 530x730, 1232920954707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Pretz commercial in the orange jumpsuits? If that's the one you mean I have a promotional DVD lying around somewhere I could rip it from.

I'll look for it later (have some more Ayaya).

>> No.1974584


No, sadly. The two or three Pretz commercials she have are on youtube. But the one I'm looking for isn't.

I heard about it on on wiki with "He is noted for being a fan of the singer Ayaya, so much so that it prompted a commercial where they appear together (although a surprised Kotoōshū found out the day of filming that their parts were to be digitally melded). He often appears in TV commercials of yogurt products."

I was looking at Kotooshu's wiki article and saw that, so that's what peaked my interest about this commercial with both of them together in it.

Thanks though.

>> No.1974644
File: 81 KB, 600x688, 1232922070371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I know which one you're talking about now, here you go.

>> No.1974682

This thread is about men wrestling in their underwear, no women allowed.
