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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 187 KB, 994x743, 1534194048821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19663341 No.19663341 [Reply] [Original]

DJT is a language learning sub designed by and for those studying the Japanese language.

Japanese speakers learning English are also welcome.

Consult the page below before posting questions.


>> No.19663353
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>> No.19663357

lmao someones gonna be PISSED

anyway keep talking about tukihime its more interesting

>> No.19663359
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>> No.19663364

Are we just not gonna number the threads anymore

>> No.19663366
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>> No.19663368

Incoming thread wars

>> No.19663369 [DELETED] 
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Did someone mention piss

>> No.19663373 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19663376
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man! misa sensei makes me sweat when she looks so cute explaining japanese grammar

>> No.19663377

hello djt

>> No.19663379


>> No.19663383

i was so scared that djt wasnt coming back this time

>> No.19663384

what the FUCK is kino's problem? that was the most fucked up conclusion thus far.

>> No.19663386
File: 50 KB, 1024x893, f01756263c9824c9e15cdab2ac1140d9215a73ad_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone experienced some kind of phenomenon with their personality when they think, and speak Japanese? I've noticed it happened to me quite often, since, in the language, sarcasm do not exist, so it's difficult for me to banter and be myself unless I am around friends that speak both languages.

>> No.19663389

does sarcasm really not exist in japanese

>> No.19663390 [SPOILER] 
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forgot image like the dumb bitch i am, spoilers from the "avengers/colosseum" chapter of kino volume 1

>> No.19663394

this looks fun

>> No.19663399


no japanese doesnt have sarcasm *winks really hard at the camera repeatedly lookin like im havin a seizure and shit*

>> No.19663400

It does not. Japanese comedy and other mediums are often STTP and they take everything literally.

>> No.19663403

Wow! haha, what a disgusting practice!
Im grateful that these sort of things aren't done anymore

>> No.19663408

no they dont understand what sarcasm is

>> No.19663413
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new op

>> No.19663415

global rule no trolling outside of /b/

>> No.19663418

who's trolling

>> No.19663420


>> No.19663424


if you really wanna get deep in the shit you can totally construe those horrific tukihime changes as being a direct result of the slutgarden that akiba has sadly become

>> No.19663435

to be honest their guide looks better than ours 冗談じゃない

>> No.19663436

Kino is mad at everyone for being stupid, and is also mad because of what happened to the couple in the past

>> No.19663438

what no way akiba sounds awesome

>> No.19663440

i get that completely, but man, telling everybody in the country to fight and kill each other until only one is left... i guess nobody's forcing them to follow that law but still.

>> No.19663449

this is way better though

>> No.19663450

no!! its not anymore!! it was tho

it was a great place

until a certain someone showed up


but we thought it was ok she was just our little sister we thought

oh how wrong we were she was the devil wearing our little sisters clothes

>> No.19663453

any guide that unironically recommends self-studying from textbooks cannot be used

>> No.19663455

it's better but i wouldn't go so far as to say way better

>> No.19663458

ghonestly after getting baited to go to reddit for the first time in my life i stopped readinbg at

What's the most efficient way to learn Japanese?
Since what works for one person might not work for another, it really does depend. The best advice that can be offered is that you should explore your options and define your learning path relative to your goals.

>> No.19663464

Someone remake the thread and mass report this one.

>> No.19663466

you're going over my head with this lore
i should clarify that miniskirts are awesome not JK business

>> No.19663471

op text for the remake for you

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Old guide site below.

Last thread: >>19652550

>> No.19663477

also the remake number is 1987

>> No.19663478

you cant bring girls to the boys club

>> No.19663479

thanks i don't know what an archive is

>> No.19663485

just use this thread otherwise the numbers and shit are pointless as this is 40+ raw unadulterated djt posts that are possibly the best 40 posts out of the last 40 djt threads not counting the tukihime derail at the end of last one

>> No.19663493

the tsukihime derail was literally the peak of djt

>> No.19663495

let's talk about the intricacies of nasuverse metaphysics

>> No.19663498

shiki can kill servants lol

>> No.19663501

okay but don't spoil me i am not good enough at japanese to trek into the nasuverse proper

>> No.19663504

>check out this youtube vid
>turn up volume because can't hear anything
>nothing but girl squeeking insanely loud
dont post this again. most of us have other people in our house.

>> No.19663505

in order to understand fate/stay night you must first read dies irae. in japanese

>> No.19663508

most of us learned to use headphones in our basements like civilized neets

>> No.19663513

deez irae is always hailed as being hella good but i just can't get past the premise of "nazis everywhere"

>> No.19663514

where do you get the tsukihime audio cd? i never got to finish it past the first round because i realized there was no audio and it was annoying.

>> No.19663519

what about in the original german
i watched one episode of the anime and that did not get me excited

>> No.19663522

>civilized neets

>> No.19663525

well you'll be happy to know that dies irae is the most profoundly written anti-nazi story you could possibly read in 2018 if you choose to do so

>> No.19663527

>watching an anime adaptation of a visual novel
the strength of a visual novel is that it can spend 80+ hours on exposition so it can give you 2 hours of trauma-inducing emotional moments so you kinda played yourself there m'lord

>> No.19663528

well you're wrong about the last part

>> No.19663529


>> No.19663534

i'm just saying if you feel shame about what comes through your speakers you don't need speakers

>> No.19663540

it was so bad that i don't remember a thing so i'm good to go whenever i learn japanese

>> No.19663567
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>> No.19663584

did he make it

>> No.19663592

Need your advice jp. I'm at 4k in the core deck, but in starting to find the words at this point in the deck aren't that useful. Should I stop adding new cards in the deck and focus on adding her cards through reading at this point?

>> No.19663595

I'd like to believe so. NEET is the only way to fluency

>> No.19663597

the shirt lmao

>> No.19663600

> jp

>> No.19663601

yes you probably should have a little while ago

>> No.19663603

havent i read this before. yesterday? the day before maybe?

>> No.19663606

nasu thinks smokeing weed turns u into a mindless crazed demon

hes the cutest kid

>> No.19663608

start reading

>> No.19663609

i meant in life, we're kin

>> No.19663612

my headcanon is that the weed that yakuza groups grow in nasuverse is genetically modified with magic to produce liner-inducing chemicals instead of just thc and cbd

>> No.19663624

What's the difference between は and は?

>> No.19663627

one is a particle and the other is not

>> No.19663633

How the fuck did the Japanese invent particles before physics existed?

>> No.19663639

H-He just wants to 『STAY HYDRATED』

>> No.19663641

japan has always been ahead

>> No.19663649

Probably, I posted it on int but got no response so I asked here

>> No.19663659

I don't get it? you mean did he successfully manage to neet his way through life? I didnt meet him so not sure. all I know is 働いたら負け

>> No.19663665

srs in language learning is best at reinforcing words you've encountered naturally
further, core was based off of newspapers for native adults, which is obviously quite different from what you're learning with

>> No.19663680

i'm was asking if in some manner he is not starving on the street right now
we gotta look out for each other

>> No.19663697

Pretty much this, I flashcard fresh words I encounter in the wild and "learn" them the same day, then add them to my growing review piles which I cycle through whenever they hit about 300 cards (physical cards because can't use phone at job, so actual cards will have to do). Though, the number of those words I need to pull these days is thinning out because I must be at well over the 2000 常用. Most of them I can just figure out through guessing, and the occasional unknown kun-reading still throws me off, but it's not terrible.

I'm up to around 6000 cards in my collection and let me tell you, my wife does NOT appreciate having stacks of Japanese words floating around the house.

>> No.19663702

are you suggesting he rehydrates with his piss

>> No.19663708

Why is he always looking at a script

>> No.19663714

oh well not him so not sure. I hope he did though. gives me hope as a neet.

also for any non neets out there, you can't learn Japanese.

>> No.19663718

I keked at this way more then I should have

>> No.19663722

you're only allowed to post here if you have Japanese blood

>> No.19663731

You should only be allowed to post here if you're full Japanese blood, having anything else will permanently cripple your Japanese.

>> No.19663735

is store-bought okay

>> No.19663736

Why even learn Japanese if your not Japanese? Learn German or Spanish instead.

>> No.19663752
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Bonus - you'll be to the learning "critical point" in 6 months with either of these languages, where you can drop SRS completely and learn purely from immersing in native materials and context.

Of course, if it ends up taking you 8+ years to score 171 on the JCAT, you probably didn't have any hope for learning those other languages in the first place...

>> No.19663763


>> No.19663765

>40 days to learn an adult vocab (200 words per day)
>5 months to learn grammar and fluency through reading and listening a lot
If it takes you any more than 6 months to learn Japanese then you're a literal dekinai.


>> No.19663773
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I'm not nuke though

>> No.19663781

>200 words per day
this might be the only place in the world where anyone would いう such ばかっぽい bullshit

>> No.19663789


>> No.19663790

With a healthy 8 hours of sleep that's about 12.5 words an hour, or nearly 5 minutes to memorize a single word. It's entirely possible.

>> No.19663791

don't bully nuke. he's actually very good for the time he takes off studying (6 months at a time)

>> No.19663794

This, you just have to make up stories for all of the words and it's pretty easy.

Stay dekinai, losers

>> No.19663798






>> No.19663804

Ohio /djt/.
I learnt kana,
Now I'm doing radicals.
What should be next? RTK?

>> No.19663806


>> No.19663818

not sarcasm btw. i follow his videos and he dissapears for 6 months at a time.

>> No.19663902

This thread is whack.

>> No.19663907

No u.

>> No.19663911

I have this song called 祭りのあとかぜ and I'm a bit confused.
I can't figure out what Ato kaze means. It's not an entry in tangorin and gets machine translated as "afterwards", as in "after the festival". is that accurate?

>> No.19663921

If you can't find it, it's safe to assume it's either a prefix or a slang.

>> No.19663923


What is hard about this

>> No.19663924
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>> No.19663938

shit i missed a bump on his upper lip someone else is gonna have to clean this up i'm not up to the task sorry guys i fucked up

>> No.19663956

I've only seen kaze used for illness or wind so far, so that's why.

>> No.19663969

The wind after the festival

>> No.19663982

>go to /int/
>they claim /jp/ doesn't know japanese (took me a while to decipher their japanese)
>ask /jp/ about it
>they claim they only input, but are way better than /int/
who is correct?

>> No.19663983


>> No.19663987


>> No.19663989


>> No.19663992
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>> No.19663999

Japanese knower here. /jp/ used to be considerably better, but now that the janitor has forsaken this thread it's pretty shit. It'll never be shit enough to make me go to /int/, though.

>> No.19664002
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> https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/wiki/index/startersguide

>> No.19664010

Are you here because we shitpost more than they do or what?

>> No.19664011

what's with all the people who think anyone knows japanese

>> No.19664018

Japanese people dont know Japanese

>> No.19664021

I'm here because I already browsed /jp/ anyway and would never set foot in a normalfag nest like /int/, and because I have nothing to lose, unlike all the people who waste their time shitposting instead of studying.

>> No.19664022

/int/ for asking questions, /jp/ for memes and the latest learning methods.

>> No.19664031

the only reason not to ask questions here is because for some reason newfags coming from other communities (like koohii, reddit, and matt's discord) avoid /int/ for some reason - maybe because it's /pol/ lite, or at least used to be - and they LOVE answering questions they're not actually capable of understanding

this also makes it so that, instead of just answering the questions, oldfags argue with the newfags instead of answering the original question

it doesn't have to do with a lack of people who are skilled in japanese here, just that there are more idiots

>> No.19664037

>oldfags argue with the newfags instead of answering the original question
no one has ever participated in an argument about learning methods who isn't a beginner

>> No.19664038

this is demonstrably false

>> No.19664041

hyperbole but it's rare especially this year

>> No.19664043

i'm n2 and argue about learning methods all the time because i can't help myself

>> No.19664048

also if n2 falls under your definition of beginner then your definition of beginner is worse than useless

>> No.19664054

for most people it gets old pretty fast

that day will come for you one day too

>> No.19664057

i sure hope so

>> No.19664058

there can't be more than twenty people in djt history that have surpassed n2 and came back so no worries
i can't help myself either but i'm self-diagnosed n4

>> No.19664062

what would you do if djt went back to /a/

>> No.19664066

Anything below N1 is beginner

>> No.19664067

okay hon

>> No.19664069

celebrate that i'm no longer a filthy crossboarder

>> No.19664070
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>> No.19664072

I'd be sad.

>> No.19664077

why's that?

>> No.19664078

Did you mean to post your reading of a script? Good pronunciation doesn't necessarily mean you're not a beginner.

Relax it was a meme.

>> No.19664081

be glad that I don't have to feel like a weeaboo anymore

>> No.19664083

>Good pronunciation doesn't necessarily mean you're not a beginner.
you don't know japanese

>> No.19664086

The thought that you can't have good pronunciation but be unable to construct a meaningful sentence is so illogical that I'm surprised you're arguing it.

>> No.19664088

If you can speak a text, one that does not have full furigana, with correct pronunciation and prosody, you are not a beginner.

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19664090

"Beginner" stops long, long before you start producing meaningful sentences on arbitrary topics.

You're a beginner.

>> No.19664094

you probably think that you have good pronunciation don't you

>> No.19664100

>If you finish RTK and have good pronunciation, you know Japanese
top kek

Ok so explain again why you can't have good pronunciation if you don't have grammar. What the FUCK stops a person from making the correct sounds? Is there a physical constant of the universe that prevents one from making the correct movements with their vocal cords and mouth before they know grammar? You're retarded.

Not at all, づ and い are very hard for me to get.

>> No.19664104

If you think RTK has anything to do with readings or prosody then holy shit.

>> No.19664108

>Ok so explain again why you can't have good pronunciation if you don't have grammar.

Good pronunciation requires good prosody, and good prosody requires an understanding of what the grammar in a sentence is doing, because different structures attach in different ways and do different things to pitch accent and stress.

>> No.19664110

he probably doesn't even know what the word prosody means, which is why he ignored it
stop feeding him and go do something else

>> No.19664112

Japanese pronunciation is literally retard tier. You have to learn how to pronounce ten vowels, ever, and you get the rest of the language for free.

>> No.19664113

Ok let me make this simple enough for a 3rd grader to understand since apparently that's your cognitive level.

>Learn the readings of a kanji
>Learn how to make the sounds
>Learn nothing else
>You are not a beginner as per your own words since you can read stuff without furigana with a good pronunciation, even though you have no idea what the sentences or words mean

>> No.19664117

The amount of shitposting in /djt/ would increase tenfold.

>> No.19664118

>Not at all, づ and い are very hard for me to get.
do you really think pronunciation is nothing but phonetics holy fuck
you too

>> No.19664122

RTK doesn't teach readings or pronunciation.

Learning readings and vowels does not mean that you can pronounce anything correctly.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Stop posting.

>> No.19664124

Nice strawman, faggot.

>> No.19664126

You literally don't know Japanese. Stop posting.

>> No.19664128

Sorry you had such difficulty mastering the language with the easiest pronunciation on earth.

>> No.19664130

Nice ad hominen, faggot. You sure are showing me with your advanced argumentative skills.

>> No.19664134

what are some easy to understad SoL anime?
(i dont know if SoL is the easiest but i imagine it is)

>> No.19664135

nobody in this thread knows japanese

>> No.19664136

I do. I can't speak it though. I'm mute.

>> No.19664143

>[pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n]
>1. the act or result of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress, and intonation, often with reference to some standard of correctness or acceptability
>2. an accepted standard of the sound and stress patterns of a syllable, word, phrase, etc.

>> No.19664147
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>> No.19664150

I'm changing my answer, /int/ for asking questions and /jp/ for memes and getting triggered over memes.
/jp/DJT/ can't go a single thread without spurging out over something stupid, /int/ can and does.

>> No.19664153
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>> No.19664154

Just bring a laptop everywhere you go and speak through SofTalk or VOICEROID like the guy from that one anime. If you buy a recent enough one you'll even get perfect pronunciation for free. What a deal!

>> No.19664155

i didn't think anyone would take up the torch, i'm satisfied

>> No.19664161

He looks Jewish

>> No.19664162

Don't forgot to donate and subscribe.

>> No.19664163

you literally cannot place stress on the correct syllables if you have too poor of an understanding of the language's grammar's inner workings

this is why many ESLs sound so bad when they speak, even when they can pronounce individual words correctly in isolation; they literally do not know how to put the right emphasis on the right syllables because their understanding of grammar was tainted by excessive memorization and too little exposure. they do not have enough of an awareness of the subtleties of how stress and emphasis change what things mean or what things are put into focus when. this doesn't have to do with an engrained, unfixable "False grammar" or anything by the way, they just know too much to realize that they have to go back and relearn a lot of the basics about sentence structure.

if someone is capable of replicating a language's natural stress patterns, then they are necessarily no longer a beginner, unless they're just some kind of savant.

just like how JSLs have such a hard time with が and は if they haven't taught themselves to

not putting marks against ESLs by the way, it's just that they're often taught very wrong and it's a very useful thing to point at for analogy here

>> No.19664165

REPLY to me faggots

>> No.19664173

sorry were you getting lonely

>> No.19664176

can you post some examples of が and は being difficult
t.absolute begginer who doesn't see how they're difficult

>> No.19664182


>Despite common misconception, she can't speak French. She hired a dialect coach to help her in the French film Fanfan (2003) and learned her lines phonetically. She also needs the help of a translator when she is promoting a film on French television.

Oh fuck I guess she knows French lmao

>> No.19664183

- being unsure of which one to use at the start of a conversation to make an observation about something you're both looking at (it depends on what you're trying to express!)
- when to use them in narration
- when to not use either of them at all and just not have an explicit subject
- when you can't use either and actually have to use も, とは, って, ったら, etc

>> No.19664185

Fuck off.

>> No.19664186

memorizing the inflections of individual lines according to instruction is not at all comparable to generating the correct pronunciation of an arbitrary sentence and you are proving your bad faith by attempting to make the comparison

>> No.19664188

if you're an absolute beginner and you think you understand them you were probably lied to by whatever grammar resource you read

>> No.19664190

never said that

>> No.19664191

also "not a beginner" does not mean "knows the language" which is a whole other can of worms and another piece of proof that you're acting in bad faith

>> No.19664196

Good job asking the guy to do >>19664070 to prove he knows Japanese then, dumbass.

>He said bad faith
Oh no, I automatically lose!!!!!! That's THE MEME WORD that makes you win on /DJT/ no matter what!!!!

>> No.19664204

can you quote where in that post it says "prove you know japanese" or anything at all like it

because i'm pretty sure he never said any such thing at all! in fact, that meme is SPECIFICALLY designed to vet out actual beginners who are arguing about shit they don't understand, not to vet out people who don't know japanese. guess you're a newfag too, huh!

>> No.19664209

if i wanted to pronounce something correctly in japanese i'd first read the line in an internal monotone (which i have to do since i still parse japanese syllable-by-syllable), then read it again (internally) in a character's voice, then do my best to imitate the character with my own voice out loud on the third pass

i'm sure i could do at least a passable job with most lines even if my chances of doing a successful cold reading of a line i'm seeing for the first time are definitely zero

>> No.19664211

are you telling me that if you hired a coach to spend a couple of weeks to help you read one page it is hypothetically possible you could fool djt
shit this changes nothing
joke's on you no one here can afford that
if he can do it he might not be a beginner
if he can't do it he definitely is a beginner
pretty easy to figure out my dude i believed in you but it seems it's time to give up on you

>> No.19664212

Good thing 90% of sounding decent as a beginner is as easy as putting stress and pause between て clauses, or just on particles in general (esp the "but" が), and using things like でも・一方・しかし・確か、など to great extent while also knowing how to conditional decently and some fairly basic other things.

And 90% of that comes through listening and reading.

>> No.19664213

congrats, you're not a beginner

>> No.19664217

dude you got me XD you win again! make sure to always use BAD FAITH when you're out of things to say. Just like calling people a troll when they're obviously not, this is sure to give you the high ground. Pretending that the other person is lying on purpose makes you automatically the victor!

>> No.19664219

everything you just said is actually either completely wrong or completely inapplicable to reciting someone else's written text lmao

>> No.19664221
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>> No.19664224

what do i filter to get rid of the XD guy before he posts it

>> No.19664225

bad faith does not mean lying on purpose

>> No.19664228

Good idea, I should nick you for that for every post you made in the last half hour. God you're fucking retarded.

>> No.19664229

have fun getting banned for abusing reports

>> No.19664231

just ignore mixed-case posters

>> No.19664233

Oh fuck I'll have to press a button on my router to get a new IP how will I manage?


>> No.19664235

deception and lying are not the same thing

are you a child

>> No.19664240

I'm sorry anon I didn't realize you were actually retarded, I shouldn't be using that as an insult anymore.

>> No.19664242

if you think saying you're acting in bad faith means you're lying then i think you're the retarded one

>> No.19664243

I was told to shit post in this thread.

>> No.19664247

you're late, as you can see it's well under way

>> No.19664248


>> No.19664252

By whom?

>> No.19664251

welcome take over my shift and respond to the guy trying to say that beginners might be able to successfully recite arbitrary text with proper phonetics, inflection, and stress for me

>> No.19664253

If you're using that word in every argument you get into as a failsafe when you're out of intelligent things to say and you don't even know what it actually means then I think you're the actual retard here.

>> No.19664255

but i don't
in fact i'm not the person who said it in the first place

>> No.19664260

Oh fuck dude you got me again, I mistook someone on an anonymous image board! Clearly mixing anonymous users up puts me at a severe disadvantage. I'm glad you took the time to point this fact out because it definitely mattered in this conversation.

>> No.19664262

hey man i always try to have good faith and assume the people i'm talking to are intelligent, well-adjusted, and not hostile

>> No.19664263

This is the saddest attempt I've seen someone try at justifying not recording a vocaroo.

>> No.19664264

Wow me too but then I got hit with the bad faith meme, my hostility is spawned from your hostility.

>> No.19664266

that wasn't me though in fact i just said so

>> No.19664267

>He doesn't even know about the plural you

>> No.19664268

sorry but plural you doesn't have to include the individual that is the second person

>> No.19664270

so why are you trying to get 2000 posts?

>> No.19664272

this is just like one of my shounen animes

>> No.19664273

honestly i probably have like 20k at this point

>> No.19664276

Explain to me how having good pronunciation confirms or denies that good pronunciation does not mean you're not a beginner and I'll consider it. So far all I got was bitter virgins shouting that I'm wrong with no evidence to the contrary, and when I gave evidence they just started spitting out the bad faith meme.
In other words they are, dare I say, acting in bad faith. Unwilling to give an actual argument while denying the other side's argument unjustfully.

>> No.19664281

One cannot produce correct stress for arbitrary sentences as a beginner.

One needs to understand HOW the language's grammar works, not just what means what, to be able to do so. Anyone who understand HOW the language's grammar works is automatically at least an intermediate. If you do not agree with this, then you simply do not know enough of any language other than your first language, or enough about linguistics, to be having this conversation at all.

Any definition of beginner that includes neurologically healthy people that truly understand the language's grammar is a worse-than-useless definition of beginner.

>> No.19664286

>shouting that I'm wrong


yeah that sure looks like yelling with no evidential points being made

>> No.19664290

>One cannot produce correct stress for arbitrary sentences as a beginner.
[citation needed]

>One needs to understand HOW the language's grammar works, not just what means what, to be able to do so.
[citation needed]

>Anyone who understand HOW the language's grammar works is automatically at least an intermediate.
I agree.

>If you do not agree with this, then you simply do not know enough of any language other than your first language, or enough about linguistics, to be having this conversation at all.
ad hominem, disregarded.

>Any definition of beginner that includes neurologically healthy people that truly understand the language's grammar is a worse-than-useless definition of beginner.
ad hominem, disregarded.


>> No.19664293

also your evidence is completely irrelevant because it concerns memorizing individual lines one at a time, not speaking an arbitrary bunch of lines that someone else prompts you with

if you actually think that remains relevant then you're a lost cause

>> No.19664297
File: 362 KB, 835x1200, とらドラ!_1_039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's try this again
record yourself and put it up
the quest is not proper pronunciation, it is the ability to read the text clearly, including the words that don't have furigana (which are all very basic)
if you cannot do this then you are not credentialed enough to have an opinion on what people are beginners

>> No.19664298

If you can pronounce Japanese well, as in recite full sentences that sound largely correct, you are almost certainly not a beginner. It is THEORETICALLY possible to be a complete beginner with good pronunciation but this is highly unlikely.

However, even if you are not a beginner, you may not be able to pronounce Japanese well.

Is there anyone in these threads that disagrees with these two statements?

>> No.19664299

you don't know japanese

>> No.19664302
File: 84 KB, 802x1200, とらドラ!_1_040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad have one with text on it

also telling you that you don't know enough about a topic is not an ad-hominem attack, it's fucking advice. take some for once

>> No.19664307

>also your evidence is completely irrelevant because it concerns memorizing individual lines one at a time
She learned to phonetically cold-read lines but she still can't speak French.

>not speaking an arbitrary bunch of lines that someone else prompts you with
Good thing I was given an arbitrary bunch of lines prompted by someone else to "prove" I have good pronunciation the, huh.

>if you actually think that remains relevant then you're a lost cause
ad hominem, disregarded.

ad hominem, disregarded.

>if you cannot do this then you are not credentialed enough to have an opinion on what people are beginners
reasoning needed, see >>19664276

>> No.19664309


>> No.19664315

>She learned to phonetically cold-read lines
individual lines that she memorized one at a time
>Good thing I was given an arbitrary bunch of lines prompted by someone else to "prove" I have good pronunciation the, huh.
you have the reading comprehension of an angry sixteen year old, which is probably what you are

>> No.19664318

>you have the reading comprehension of an angry sixteen year old, which is probably what you are
ad hominem, disregarded

>> No.19664320

you don't know japanese

>> No.19664322

>She learned to phonetically cold-read lines
>Good thing I was given an arbitrary bunch of lines
i wonder how these two points go together

>> No.19664323

Is it a good idea to be intentionally be "accidentally" rude/annoying/weird once you already know japanese and are very fluent just to piss off native speakers?

>> No.19664324

they don't

>> No.19664326

Why are we trying to make someone recite something instead of trying to make them translate a brief text from Japanese into English or English into Japanese? I would never vocaroo my own voice because I don't want it on 4chan and I'm not on either side of this big shit festival.

>> No.19664327

Heh, Japan.

>> No.19664328

ad hominem, disregarded.

It sure is strange how, from your side of the argument, what seems to be 80% of what I'm getting is ad hominems. hmmmmm

She can say arbitrary lines with a perfect accent which is what you are asking me to do. She cannot speak French, therefore me doing this does not prove anything about my Japanese.

>> No.19664329

>She can say arbitrary lines with a perfect accent which is what you are asking me to do.
that's not what arbitrary means at all

>> No.19664330

i genuinely believe you are smarter than this

>> No.19664331


>> No.19664335

They won't notice, right?

>> No.19664338

it's ironic that he's trying to piece them together if that's what you're saying
i will always accept translations instead of recordings

>> No.19664339

The fact it is possible to learn to phonetically cold read Japanese without knowing Japanese is irrelevant because 99.99% of people do not learn Japanese this way. It's harder than French for a very, very, very fucking obvious reason.

The overwhelming majority of people who are able to recite a text they read will know Japanese and the overwhelming majority of people who know Japanese will be able to recite a simple text.

>> No.19664342
File: 121 KB, 819x957, 1534184696275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19664343

It doesn't matter to me, I was just using similar vocabulary as the other guy to stay on the same page as him. He called his page from toradora arbitrary despite it not being so so I'm following suit to make the conversation flow.

Yes, none of us learn Japanese that way because it's stupid to do so. But the fact you can proves that you can pronounce perfectly without being past a beginner level.

>> No.19664344

Even if they do notice it's not like you'll see them again, unless they live in your area or something

>> No.19664347 [DELETED] 


>> No.19664349

would it make you feel better if i admitted that you could spend a couple of weeks paying a native speech coach to coach you on the page before you get back to us and it is hypothetically possible that we would be rused?
if i admitted that it's not foolproof even though it still gives information?

>> No.19664354

French is an order of magnitude harder than Japanese, if only because French speakers act IRL like you shitposting goons towards French-second-language speakers. Plus fuck verb conjugations, Japanese has fucking none in comparison.

>> No.19664355

>It doesn't matter to me, I was just using similar vocabulary as the other guy to stay on the same page as him.
this is like
one of the definitions of bad faith
using words you don't understand the meanings of in context
>He called his page from toradora arbitrary
when it comes to reciting it, yes, it is very arbitrary. you have never seen any of it before. it was selected on his whim. which is one of the definitions of arbitrary. the lines that the actor spoke in that movie were not arbitrary. they were, in fact, the very definition of specific. she learned to recite specific lines, not arbitrary ones.

this isn't hard to understand. you have the reasoning skills of an angry highschooler.

>> No.19664357

It would make me feel better if you admitted that you could do the same by listening to anime or JDrama for a week.

By the way, I have pretty good pronunciation for every word that's in my lexicon. Words I haven't seen before I obviously would have to sound out and struggle through the first time.

>> No.19664358


>> No.19664362

we should run contests in these threads

at a designated time, someone posts an excerpt from something with a designated translation deadline, and everyone more than 20 seconds late on the answer will be disqualified for cheating (anyone who posts an answer BEFORE the deadline will be ruining the game, but oh well whatcha gonna do)

it'll be fun

>> No.19664363

>I have pretty good pronunciation for every word that's in my lexicon.
that's... not how pronunciation of entire sentences and lines of narration works
you don't know japanese
this might save djt

>> No.19664366

I was talking about English.

>> No.19664370


>> No.19664372

i am very strongly convinced by this post alone that you do not know japanese
if you can even phonetically read that page i will admit that you are right about everything
i'm not the main guy you're arguing with but that should count for something right

>> No.19664380

>using words you don't understand the meanings of in context
Ad hominem. Disregarded

>this isn't hard to understand. you have the reasoning skills of an angry highschooler.
Ad hominem. Disregarded.

>you don't know japanese
Ad Hominem. Disregarded.

>> No.19664382

this thread is gona 404 once it hits the bump limit.

>> No.19664385

thank you so much please 404 it asap

>> No.19664387

don't worry mixed-case will revive it if no one else does so he can have his playground back

>> No.19664388


>> No.19664390

looking forward to the next itazuraneko update anyone else?

>> No.19664392

Don't worry, I intentionally wrote it vaguely so that you would fall into the trap of saying that it's wrong.
I am fluent in English, a native actually. But words I have not seen before, I cannot pronounce the first time correctly. That's how it is with everyone, you can only sound it out.
That's also how it is in Japanese and every other language ever.
"You can't pronounce well until you're past beginner"? That's so incorrect it hurts, it's total bad faith to say that. A beginner could perfectly pronounce something like 僕は(名前)です。 Despite what you might want to say, that constitutes as correct pronunciation. Correct pronunciation for words in their lexicon. Words not in their lexicon? Fuck no, they can't pronounce those words. Neither can you. Neither can a native. You have to hear it at least once or else get extremely lucky.

>> No.19664394

this entire post is the definition of bad faith lmao

>> No.19664400

>Reading the post in 30 seconds, thinking of a reply, and writing it.
Nice job not reading the post before replying. Total bad faith.

>> No.19664402

yes actually it only took me 30 seconds to read

>> No.19664403

i propose the following:

1. everyone should be synchronized to time.gov (or any other NIST time source)
2. you're done working at the deadline; you have 30 seconds to put in the captcha or DQ
3. it will hardly prevent cheating, but post translations in spoilers anyway
4. if you cheat at this game you're a loser of truly unimaginable proportions

do you want to go first, or me? i suggest something shorter than a full page of toradora just because the shorter it is the more people are likely to casually drop in to play even when they have nothing to prove

>> No.19664411

just tell people to set their autoupdate intervals to less then 10 seconds and make a post when the scheduled time hits

any post that comes in more than 45 seconds after your post is DQ'd

>> No.19664412

Mind replying to my actual argument or are you just replying to feel good about yourself and take something you believe is the high ground? Because every post you don't is a post that's further driving your side into the dirt.

>> No.19664415

arguing in bad faith isn't actually arguing

>> No.19664417

Just read random NHK EASY pages

>> No.19664420

>A beginner could perfectly pronounce something like 僕は(名前)です。
i'd be genuinely shocked if you could do this at this point
is your strategy to spend an hour lowering everyone's expectations so it's easy to impress?
you're going to call this ad hominem so i'll throw out something helpful for you:
this was never about being perfect, the mistakes that are made are illuminating of your skill level, missing a word is not necessarily a problem and you are changing the subject by complaining about it

>> No.19664424

Why the hell does 大味 mean flavorless?

>> No.19664429

expansive, flat, bland, neutral

>> No.19664430

>i'd be genuinely shocked if you could do this at this point
ad hominem.

>is your strategy to spend an hour lowering everyone's expectations so it's easy to impress?
ad hominem and strawman

>you're going to call this ad hominem so i'll throw out something helpful for you:
This sentence doesn't make the above an ad hominem, it just means you were fully aware it was and still did it.

>this was never about being perfect, the mistakes that are made are illuminating of your skill level, missing a word is not necessarily a problem and you are changing the subject by complaining about it
I agree, if you said this at the beginning instead of saying that you LITERALLY CAN'T have good pronunciation without being AT LEAST intermediate then maybe we wouldn't have had a shit flinging contest. Instead you decided to paint it in a black-white picture.

>> No.19664433

if you actually look up 大味 on google images by the way you will realize that it does not mean "bland like cardboard" but rather bland like rice or other starches mixed with random ingredients that keep it from tasting like anything in particular

>> No.19664447

>LITERALLY CAN'T have good pronunciation without being AT LEAST intermediate
the argument was actually that anyone who has good pronunciation is automatically no longer a beginner and i'm the one that said it not them
but okay

>> No.19664450

>LITERALLY CAN'T have good pronunciation without being AT LEAST intermediate
>would it make you feel better if i admitted that you could spend a couple of weeks paying a native speech coach to coach you on the page before you get back to us and it is hypothetically possible that we would be rused?
>if i admitted that it's not foolproof even though it still gives information?
not much else is true, you can't have good pronunciation without being intermediate unless you are coached fairly rigorously, specifically for what you're about to pronounce

>> No.19664454

see >>19664163
>you literally cannot place stress on the correct syllables if you have too poor of an understanding of the language's grammar's inner workings

Even if this wasn't you, which I'm sure it wasn't, you had an opportunity to say that's not true but you chose not to because you perceived them as your side and didn't want to debase them even a little bit.

>> No.19664458

someone who can place stress on the right syllables of a sentence they were not trained on, and can inflect them correctly, has, by doing so, proven that they have a good understanding of the language's grammar's inner workings

someone who understands the language's grammar's inner workings is automatically at least intermediate; any definition of beginner that includes some people whose grammar so good is not a valid definition of beginner

>> No.19664462


>> No.19664465

that feel when you have a vanilla 4chan setup without autoupdater

anyway without further ado i'm just going to try one, everyone is free to play, this might work or might not. i will post something to translate at 04:00 EST (the current time is 3:57 EST).
everyone has fifteen minutes to produce an english translation of a link i will provide. post answers, in spoilers, at 04:15 EST but not before and no more than 45 seconds after.

the material in question will be a ~2 minute excerpt from a C94 crossfade with lyrics provided.

>> No.19664470
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, さよなら.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translate it weebs

>> No.19664472

that sounds longer than necessary desu

>> No.19664473

translation target: crossfade for yuuhei satellite's C94 album 玉響咲いた背後の永久 tracks 1-4 (ending at 2:22)

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTq6a4nBgdc

japanese subtitles are available if you pay attention; go

>> No.19664474

translating lyrics is surprisingly hard, trust me
not him btw

>> No.19664480


>> No.19664484
File: 121 KB, 1015x651, 1418369890010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please enable JavaScript in order to use this application.

>> No.19664491

I wonder if its easier to understand Japanese if it's explained in another language
like maybe a japanese concept translates better or is easier to understand in Spanish or Russian or German or something instead of English

>> No.19664512
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, 1486440918139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people need to be a lot more aware of your hothouse attitudes when it comes to people with different studying methods

>> No.19664532

If you realize that you are knitting in eternal purple it will be knitted
If you come true I want to leave the gap of this crowd
No signal that can not be done I can not do anything
I want you to notice I am showing you
Show me it is only once to stretch out the middle of the dark I want to know

Noticed by the fingertips
This cryogenic disappearance should be changed
I want to change my tears and I want to tell Asterisk

Hey it looks like a baby and there is no power
But the night sky that has been in the fog forever spreading the moon also holds a small life and holds up the fog over the sky that flows the fog

>> No.19664534

This eternity that bends in violet shades
Will be woven together in transient waves
If one desires to clear this unease
I say let it sit in between this gap's eaves






It took me like 13 minutes just to transcribe it lmao.

>> No.19664538

If you don't wish it, you can (???) your dream
An eternity that flutters in violet,
is bound woven together with a fleeting instant-
If my wish could be fulfilled, I would hope that
the gap of this pounding heart could go on

This flying, (?) cold wind blows
In this borderless, silent night
This signal that could not be expressed in words
The deal I want to make
is to show you a me that was unable to do anything.
I would like you to notice, just once,
The signal that sends my thoughts flying on the wind
The reason I reach out my hand in this dead of the night
is because I wanted to know you...

(???) will show you!
My fingertips notice those,
tears that should have dried up,
in exchange for this frozen voice of mine
the asterisk i wanted to communicate

i've been totally blown out

>> No.19664553

well there we have it

three attempts total, nobody finished, at least two of these three people are wrong and i wouldn't bet on the third one being right either

nobody in this thread knows japanese

>> No.19664555

i'm going to call you the winner but i come in close second with google translate the hero
transcribing was a mistake i only did it to shitpost and it took me the same amount of time

>> No.19664561

fifteen minutes is actually a terribly short amount of time to translate 24 lines of lyrics

i've spent a total of sixteen hours trying to translate Two Fucking Stanzas from one of my favorite songs (which has a terrible translation) and ended up with something barely passable


別れた 遠い日さえ

Far away, now a distant shadow looms
Far away, under the horizon blue
No matter how distant it may be
It can no longer be seen

Dream a dream, a hazy fleeting dream
Scene by scene, long forgotten what it means
I leave myself, even who I praised
Leaving not a single trace
Leaving not a single trace

>> No.19664573

honestly thought that was quite fun desu we should do it again some other time, maybe with more advance warning so that more people will participate. i don't even want to start "QCing" these translations, i can't speak for anyone else's but mine isn't anything i'd even think about submitting anywhere.

i encourage other people to think of challenges for this thread so we can do something during our long and inevitable thread downtime rather than argue about the same thing we argued about last thread for the 2917483th time.

>> No.19664594

Do this one, you have 30 minutes.


>> No.19664603

To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to understand Subahibi.

>> No.19664605


>> No.19664611

i also want to place on the record that not a single one of our gallant participants was able to transcribe OR translate the partial lines in the songs that were not subtitled because they were part of the fade-in, which just goes to show you that truly japanese subtitles are lifesavers, i would truly hate to see the sad results that would have resulted if the XFD didn't come with them

for completion's sake i'll just examine the two translations provided for song 1:

>This eternity that bends in violet shades
>Will be woven together in transient waves
>If one desires to clear this unease
>I say let it sit in between this gap's eaves
this looks decent, and super bonus points for attempting to produce a translation in song form - i'm just very uncertain about the last line and hopefully somebody can specify what the true answer is

>An eternity that flutters in violet,
>is bound woven together with a fleeting instant-
>If my wish could be fulfilled, I would hope that
>the gap of this pounding heart could go on
"pounding heart" is probably a failed translation of munesawagi due to non-recognition of the phrase, i can see the interpretation of the last two stanzas but still not sure here

japanese is so hard

>> No.19664614

I fucking hate Kansai and every writer that includes it to make their characters so unique XD

>> No.19664615

>i'm just very uncertain about the last line and hopefully somebody can specify what the true answer is
if you're curious i destroyed the relative clause spanning lines on purpose and willingly; i was literally seconds away from the deadline and already had a rhyme pop into my head to use

>> No.19664624

I've got some stuff I need to attend to but I will attempt up to the 涙だ by trying to squeeze in five or ten minutes before the deadline. Yes, I'm a flake. I might not even do it. I wouldn't want to shatter anyone's very low expectations or anything.

>> No.19664627

I fucking hate Scotland and every writer that includes it to make their characters so unique XD

>> No.19664637

That's a sign of your immaturity. Kansai is just a thing in Japanese language and culture. TV show hosts often speak kansai, for instance (you may know of Arino from Game Center CX). Saying you hate Kansai and every writer that includes it is like saying you hate contractions and characters only say "don't" instead of "do not" because the writer is trying to make the characters sound so unique XD.

>> No.19664639





>> No.19664645

None of the translation attempts are mine btw.

>> No.19664647

Death penalty.
I will totally not let you die normally.
More humiliating... more painful... Ah, so so, I will not forgive you even if you scream. First of all, in front of the public, tied up naked. Of course, both men and women, with burning scissors with burning heat, to the calves of the right leg... Next to the thigh, the right arm... finally hollowing out the chest... girls are hollowed out to the breasts from the meat so that I can see the bones. In each of these hollowed holes... Pour the mushy lead that boils with iron cheese. Into the calves... Into the thigh... In the arms... Naturally also in the hole hollowed out in the chest.... It smells as if you smell like a grilled meat. Mild leaves burn your flesh from the inside. Pota, pota... What? What's this? Rain? No, it is a tear. White eyes
I get wet with tears. Hey, hey, how many times that amount of tears I cried. There is no Zama. No one will feel sympathy for you. It seems that no one ever compassed me to sympathize... Nobody has any sympathy for you. No. The death penalty will continue. Next, the rope for hanging up with a horse... Attach it to your limbs... along your thighs, legs and arms... I instruct them to pull at once. But according to the story I heard, it seems that it is not easy to cut limbs with a horse. Pull on a horse again and again. Every time you will give a voice of suffering that I can not name. It is not enough with four heads... to six heads. Still it can not be cut off.... Four hours half... The horse tries to torn you guy... but the limbs are not cut at all. It can not be helped... The death penalty puts a notch in each limb with a dagger with instructions from me. The incision reaches the bone. If you do not do it, you cut it with a horse.
It is because you can not do things... When the horse pulls with full force in this state, the sound where meat gets splashy. Sounds where bones are crushed. At last the limbs are cut. But it seems that human beings will not die if they become so much. Although it is in such a state it seems to struggle to suffer. As if you are talking, the lower jaw is moving up and down... Prime minister I will give the last command while watching the sight. "Put it in the mountain of firewood!" Trapped limbs... and finally the trunk... While being separated apart, you can not die. Just keep it alive and burn it.

honestly this is the quality of translation it deserves and i hope this is the quality of translation available

>> No.19664652

also I think the last two lines are an answer to the first two lines: it's a common theme in touhou fandom that gensoukyou - or life in it - is very temporary (e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b96TuiF0Flg ) and I feel like it's saying that they want to leave behind one of their few moments of clarity, the "gap" between their other apprehensions. bonus points for being a gap pun

>> No.19664654

by the way this song is brilliant song listening practice

>> No.19664658

Good job

>> No.19664657

>i also want to place on the record that not a single one of our gallant participants was able to transcribe OR translate the partial lines in the songs
i was wondering if they were supposed to be included given that we were told in advance there would be lyrics

>> No.19664666

i was going to high ass it and really polish the turd but i had a hard time going through with it as i started to see more of the wonder that i was working with

>> No.19664668

What the fuck did you just fucking say about SCA-自, you little bitch? I'll have you know he graduated top of his class in Tokyo University, and has been involved in numerous EGS-certified kamige, and has over 5 authored games. He is trained in continental philosophy and is the top scenario writer in the entire eroge industry. You are nothing to him but just another gaijin. He will wipe you the fuck out with wordsmithery the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth.

>> No.19664671

now this is the kind of shitposting i like to see /jp/ djt have thank you all for participating and i look forward to working with all of you from now on

>> No.19664677

i might genuinely participate next time but i'll have you warned that i'm probably n4 reading comprehension and n6 listening
which admittedly is pretty good around these parts

>> No.19664680

listen to some music on repeat then listen to some anime on repeat and that n6 will turn into an n3
not joking

>> No.19664682

(you have to be listening to it intentionally though)

>> No.19664685

Props for trying.

>> No.19664686

higher quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdDSouF7DUI

>> No.19664693

music on repeat hasn't been doing it for me even when full focus is on it
any suggestions on anime to repeat? easy shit seems to often have sparse dialogue

>> No.19664696

Katanagatari, Tatami Galaxy.

>> No.19664697

anything with lots of moe girls with hard-to-understand voice actors (really high pitch voices and histrionic accent patterns)

so basically any shounen-demographic girl's life show like gochiusa, umaru, etc

>> No.19664699

thanks, i've been making excuses against ramping up my listening

>> No.19664715
File: 160 KB, 500x375, 1497364222126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thread still hasn't been deleted
Remember when the meido had a mental breakdown over people changing the thread name from DJT to OJT? leddit in literally the op and it's still up.

>> No.19664717

deleting it would mean deleting the single good thing to happen inside djt for weeks

>> No.19664720


>> No.19664724

Of the 36 people in this thread not a single one actually needs or reads the OP, we've all been here forever.

Also I can't believe that all 326 shitposts in this thread were by just 36 posters. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.19664727

My name is April. Would it be appropriate to use 四月? Or should I write it エイプル? エイプリル?

I'm trying to figure out namely two things. The first is whether or not it's appropriate to write it in Kanji like that. Since 四月 is essentially just "The month of April" in Japanese (4th month). And my name has the same origin in English (4th month).

The second question was for when I write it out in katakana. I'm not sure whether I should include or exclude the リ.

I realize most western names don't/can't translate, and as a result it could just be odd. Wasn't sure where/who to ask, so I figured I'd post here.

Is it weird? Inappropriate? Simply incorrect? Perhaps something like 四月? I just thought it'd be a neat stylistic thing, but I'd rather not do it if it'd come across poorly.

Thanks for the help :)

>> No.19664731


>> No.19664732

looks like quality shitposting time is over and it's amateur hour again

see you all tomorrow

>> No.19664738

we have nothing else going for us so let's hope we make it

>> No.19664760

Guys my parents fund my japanese notebook and I'm freaking out. Both of my great-granddads died during WW2 in the pacific, my grandparents absolutely HATE the japanese. My grandmom was the one who found it. I feel like I'm spitting on the graves of my ancestors, the shame is too much. I'm done.

>> No.19664761

Just use katakana. It comes across as obnoxious if you try to use kanji.

>> No.19664767

in approximately 16~17 minutes, at around 5:30 EST, i will post a link to a touhou arrange and also its lyrics if i pick and transcribe it on time
your task is to translate it in under 30 minutes. your post should be in at around 6:00 EST. i will tolerate anyone who posts up to 30 minutes plus 45 seconds after the original post, even if it's after 6:00 EST.

bonus points for:
- sounding musical
- matching the original song's meter and stress patterns
- not using generic purple prose to sneak in rhymes (unless you think the original song is doing so)

the translation does not need to be complete; if you translate half the song (as in up to the 50% time mark), your entry is valid

>> No.19664774

Thanks for sharing this. I always liked reading the lyrics of Touhou doujin songs (in translation), it's part of what made me want to learn Japanese in the first place. Alstroemeria Records is always classic.

>> No.19664801


actually i didn't transcribe the lyrics myself, i found them floating around, but they appear to have been transcribed by an amateur (like myself) judging by them containing spaces

so make sure you actually listen to the song and don't just translate the lyrics with edict lmao

ずっとずっと 遠くに響け

(壱 弐 参 肆 春よ来い)

一片の 语り部は
心の機微 を史 に託す
始まりの 呼声を かけて ゆく

不確かな 紅い目は 歴史を綴る園を護る
歲月を 積み重ねてゆく

幾つもの 枝葉を 拾い集めて
流れ着く さながら 河の様に

-- halfway mark --

道行きの 琴弾きは 高鳴る願いを音にする
白と黒 謠いを奏でて いる

寄る辺もない 長い黒髪 塗れた绘筆で色を染めて
人形にも 命の声 高らかに
(壱 弐 参 肆 春よ来い)

嗚呼 童の心


>> No.19664816

ps: the lyrics contain hanzi that i didn't bother to swap out for kanji but if you're not translating with edict as a crutch that shouldn't be a problem for you!!!

>> No.19664840
File: 430 KB, 848x1200, 624567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19664862
File: 2 KB, 33x34, fuck kanjitomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.19664865

A Kanji for ants.

>> No.19664866


>> No.19664870
File: 21 KB, 149x124, can't see shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, friend.

>> No.19664874

Innocent youthful heart,
Straightforward child's song,
Ever and ever echoing on and on -

Innocent youthful wish,
Straightforward child's dreams,
will surely come true one day
one, two, three, four, come, now, spring -

A single petal, the narrator of the court,
commits the subtleties of the heart to the written word,
The first cry comes flying,

These uncertain red eyes protect the garden that bound together history.
Piling on the passing months and years -
Gathering up countless leaves and branches
Like a river ceaselessly bearing them to shore.

Well, I tried.

>> No.19664875

>the lyrics contain hanzi that i didn't bother to swap out for kanji
What? Where?

>> No.19664883

translate this faggot

>> No.19664887

Oh nevermind.

>> No.19664888

Hey, as far as I know, you might be the only entry. Looks like the thread is in dead mode right now.



>> No.19664892

I reread what I wrote and I already am pretty sure I got a chunk of that wrong. C'est la vie.

TL Note: C'est la vie means shikata ga nai.

>> No.19664898


>> No.19664899

You did better than I'd do in such limited time with such an antique-flavored song.

>> No.19664904

I'm finding RTK quite fun so far
I just don't trust Heisig anymore after some particularly wacky keywords
I do a quick search on each kanji to see what it roughly means and if the given keyword lines up with it, and if I want to make my own keyword a quick ctrl+f checks to make sure I am not duplicating
and inventing your own stories is a lot of fun (some of his are just shit)
but all in all I am finding the process enjoyable and that's what counts

>> No.19664916

I worked to get the first stanzas to match the meter of the song, but that took enough time that there was no way I could even try for the next two (assuming they've even met a base standard of correctness) and left it at that. Well, victory by default is still victory.

Also, all sane Americans are asleep and all proper Europeans are at work. The only people left are people like us and I'm about to disappear myself. No doubt someone will come along and eviscerate my work when non-dead hours return.

>> No.19664925
File: 111 KB, 636x767, 1534328078900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, my friend!

>> No.19665056

ごご - how are you supposed to pronounce this?
Sorry if this has been asked, I can't find anywhere online or in the archive's search-bar. I'm going through Genki I on my own after a class I was in disbanded - we always pronounced it as "gogo", but it does not seem like it should be pronounced that way according to Genki. It sounds more like "gomo" to me, but I can't tell. How am I supposed to say this? Is it one of those things that's pronounced differently depending on region? Like in Germany with ich: "eesh" or "ick"?

>> No.19665072

its pronounced gogo

>> No.19665078
File: 759 KB, 1287x201, 1519115884938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665097
File: 38 KB, 514x222, 1534198184584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based KKLC

>> No.19665152

Why do think it would be pronounced gomo?

>> No.19665153

where do they come up with this shit

looks like the second 'go' is a bit nasalised sometimes
just a variation I'd say

>> No.19665196

I double checked the reddit guide and I can confirm it's much worse because it doesn't place enough emphasis on the importance of early reading, and instead dedicates an extra couple paragraphs to further textbook study with shit like Tobira.

>> No.19665220

The reddit guide is much better.

>> No.19665226

I don't really get this belief system, or why redditors think they're being nice. I think if you pressed them they would say "Well X is theoretically faster but not everyone can keep up their motivation doing X, so we try to encourage people to do what they want." But how many people quit Japanese because their "preferred" method is inefficient and isn't actually as enjoyable as they thought it would be, and they spend months/years making little progress? That's what textbook study is to me.

>> No.19665302

it's really not
textbooks are not a viable way to get good at using japanese

>> No.19665307

"The reddit guide" refers to the /r/learnjapanese guide, not the /r/visualnovels guide. You know. The one someone put in the OP.

>> No.19665339

Then maybe you should use the /r/visualnovels guide since it's better

>> No.19665350

We already have a guide that's better than the normal djt guide. https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/pages/alternativeguide.html

And the OP site contains a lot more than just the guide. It contains a full mirror of Tae Kim and A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar, among other things.

>> No.19665411

>better than the normal djt guide
So is the /int/ DJT thread the normal one and this is Neo DJT?

>> No.19665414

They're both the "normal" djt. This thread was just made by a troll. The OP is supposed to have two guide links, just like the /int/ one.

>> No.19665427


>> No.19665532

i've read 900 pages of yotsuba and i don't really feel any smarter

>> No.19665541

so read something more difficult

>> No.19665556

like what
i've already read dies irae in english

>> No.19665561


>> No.19665570

how's tht hard

>> No.19665578

hanahira is the hardest japanese known to mankind. not even the greatest multidisciplinary linguists like George Henry Shaft could crack its secrets. only a monk who has trained the mountains for ten years, consuming over fifty thousand hours of unsubtitled japanese anime, can hope to glimps at its soul at anything more than a surface level, and understand the true nature of ギャップ萌え.

>> No.19665587

Oh no the shill is back!

>> No.19665594


>> No.19665674
File: 5 KB, 401x418, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow can't believe I forgot this after 3 months. what a trash book.

>> No.19665679

Seriously? The site in the OP is no longer being updated. So someone started a new website so that it could continue to be updated. That's all.

>> No.19665692

It's because manga isn't reading

>> No.19665705

His ego was wounded after people called out his temper tantrum over the site design (even after the owner implemented changes we requested) and now he thinks he needs to establish dominance by attacking the new site for no reason.

>> No.19665720

Oh my apologize, I didn't realize you were handicapped.

>> No.19665791


>> No.19665843

It's still not reading.
Serious answer though, start reading harder things or something with more words. There's a reason why hanahira is recommended, but you're best off checking starter material in the CoR. When at a loss you should always check what stage of the guide you're in

>> No.19665845
File: 425 KB, 720x1042, IMG_20180815_203817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19665848

hanahira isn't actually recommended for any good reason other than its short length just fyi

>> No.19665850
File: 342 KB, 720x1039, IMG_20180815_203835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19665856
File: 370 KB, 720x1038, IMG_20180815_203852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has this ever happened to you guys before?

>> No.19665893

Why the hell are you reading that in English?

>> No.19665904

Why are you typing in English then.

>> No.19665905

There's nothing wrong with the new site but the "alternative guide" page that you linked had been shilled here for months even though it's shit and filled with obnoxiously-presented opinions, you'd know if you weren't so painfully new.

>> No.19665914

after all, anon are you Kanji weak?

>> No.19665916

How to study Kanji and learn Japanese Grammar at the same time?

Absolute beginner here. I am struggling a bit with understanding how to best coordinate these two things. Since Kanji is essentially a script, there is this tendency in me that says "Ok, first you learn the script (=all the kanji), then you can start learning the actual language (=vocab & grammar)"

However, this doesn't seem to be a clever approach when learning Japanese. At the same time I don't understand how to go about it, coordinating both things - I have started with the free version of WaniKani and have also now started with Genki (Chapter 1), but already here there doesn't seem to be much overlap.

Whats your advice?

>> No.19665920


>> No.19665924

I wanna piledrive these redditors so bad.

>> No.19665927

Hi guys, I'm a beginner with the language and have been trying on and off to learn for years. I'm extremely prone to distraction, so I was hoping there was an interesting or fun way to learn kanji that would help me remember. I used the app "Learn It! Japanese" to memorize all of the kana, which I still have a bit of trouble remembering sometimes, but I've got it down to the point where I can reference pretty quickly in a sentence if I forget one.

I really want to beat Kanji into my head so I can start reading some basic sentences or books or whatnot. One of my personal goals is to be able to play a simple video game (already tried pokemon, but I understand zero Japanese grammar and how to put together lines and lines of kana to make out words).

What would be the BEST resource for someone like me to learn the basics of kanji and Japanese grammar at the same time so I can start building up my knowledge past the kana? I'm really lost here, guys. Learning alone is hard.

>> No.19665931

minna genki? lmao

>> No.19665933

Anki w/RTK 6th edition decks
Kanji study phone app (select rtk 6th edition)
I never used the rtk books they were shit, but I like the order they use for studying. It links things together better.
Once you know the meaning of them all start studying vocab compound kanji and learn the reading of the kanji. You should have picked up half the reading using Anki anyways.
After that you need to memorize/create sentences, and have started reading regularly to keep up with the kanji.
All this while hopefully watching nothing but japanese stuff with no subtitles.
After 2 years you'll be N1

>> No.19665943

im fine

>> No.19665954

Because he clearly couldn't understand me if I typed in Japanese.

>> No.19665963

Look at the link in OP and read the guide.

>> No.19665965

you might wanna look at the op first before you say that

>> No.19665977

yall need jesus


>> No.19665983

Oh fuck, OP is retarded. Nevermind then. Use this guide then

>> No.19665984

>advising a reddit copypasta to read a reddit guide
what's the problem?

>> No.19665985

if they're gonna do that they have to actually do so instead of it being an accident

>> No.19665986

oh fuck op is retarded nevermind then use this guide then


>> No.19665990

If you see the word 'Jamal' attached to anything, it's highly recommended to be skipped, because it's almost always trolling.

>> No.19665997

oh fuck everyone is retarded nevermind use this guide then

>> No.19665998

nice self own

>> No.19666007

shame on a ninja

>> No.19666022
File: 60 KB, 908x766, ajatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the actual guide people should follow but with a few changes. Immediately skim Tae Kim and start reading while using DoJG as a reference, and only do 10 kanji per day from RTK. However listening should still make up the bulk of your learning, a minimum of 2 hours a day.

>> No.19666024

doesn't contain the word read
it's bad

>> No.19666033

Everything between brackets is optional but I'd recommend doing it from experience. In that order:
Pick up Tae Kim or Imabi (or another grammar ressource, no textbook), start reading it
(Set up a vocab mining deck w/ anki integration)
Learn the most basic Kanji: shit like numerals and easy pictograms. By learning I mean knowing one meaning and the writing. Make sure you can visualize them PERFECTLY; you should be able to count the number of strokes in your head and write them although your writing will probably be bad (that's fine)
Attentively browse kangxi radicals, try to recognize radicals for the kanji you already learned
Focus on grammar and vocab (mining, no core), start reading basic shit to test yourself.
(If vocab still looks like scribbles and you feel your retention is bad either pick up RTK or something or read more. Your brain needs to learn how to differentiate between/recognize/visualize kanji better which either comes with a lot of active studying and exposure. don't be retarded and do the entirety of RTK in isolation or something, just use it as a way to get better at "kanji" if that makes sense).

>> No.19666039

hot new guide coming through

>> No.19666042
File: 12 KB, 564x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19666045

reverse the emphasis and this is perfect

>> No.19666048
File: 35 KB, 960x720, phase.chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that method sucks and doesn't teach you japanese.

>> No.19666053
File: 140 KB, 908x766, 1525692583502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed version

>> No.19666054

>10k sentences
this is like 2k words

>> No.19666056

imagine learning japanese with a guide lmao

>> No.19666058

Man, I agree with everything you say, but that's ugly as fuck.

>> No.19666062

No, it's fine this way.

>> No.19666066

it's fine but it's not perfect

>> No.19666085

I disagree with your crossing out having a consistent sleep schedule.
Having a consistent schedule in general makes it much easier to form a habit, and if learning Japanese is a habit, then it'll be much easier to motivate yourself every day to do the parts that aren't fun.
I recommend waking up an hour earlier then you would normally and doing Anki first thing every morning. That way, you get the worst part done immediately and can move on to the more important and more interesting bit, reading.

Also, I disagree with the guide on RtK. You should really get the book (There is a PDF in the resource pile) and do it chapter by chapter. Some chapters are huge (one is like 150 kanji), so split it up, stopping on radical boundaries, but you should always aim to learn all of the kanjis related to a radical in one sitting.

>> No.19666094
File: 55 KB, 908x766, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19666117

matt says he's never spoken to anyone who attempted to make the monolingual transition relatively early in their learning who regretted it

>> No.19666127

>who attempted
>anyone who made the monolingual transition*
it's tough and some people don't feel like doing it, but those who do it are glad they did

>> No.19666129

the monolingual transition only makes any sense for sentence cards and sentence cards are bad because you should just spend that time doing more listening and reading or intentionally, outside of SRS, memorizing important facts that are necessary to function "like a native" when consuming general media (like the 五十音, major locations in japan, etc)

>> No.19666136

While I agree that having a good, consistent sleep schedule can definitely help, I don't think this shit has anything to do in language learning guidelines. M*tt is a heavily opiniated fuck who thinks he has found the absolute best way to go about learning a foreign language.
I disagree with your views on RTK, to me it's just a way to get better at recognizing Kanji so doing all characters with the same releated radical in one sitting doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.19666141

i used to have trouble reading daijirin and koujien definitions so used a childrens dictionary for my early monolingual transition. looking back, the childrens definitions aren't that good... but it got the job done so try it out

>> No.19666149

that's not even the way matt learned his epic japanese. he did like the opposite of that guide.

>> No.19666152

Any recommendations for a children's dictionary?

>> No.19666162

that is what he did, just add 3 years of pointless classroom study before.

>> No.19666164

the overwhelming amount of vocabulary you have to look up is best understood through what it means (銀行 means "bank", you do not need to read "a place where people store money and take out loans"), by pictures or examples (大味), or by just knowing that it's the name of some obscure plant you don't need to learn

have you ever seen a j-j definition for a type of animal? here, have a look: https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E9%AE%AD

>> No.19666170

Honestly, it drives me nuts when people write guides that they themselves didn't follow. Because those three years of classroom study COULD be key to his knowledge and he just doesn't recognize it. I doubt it, but it's hard to say.

>> No.19666171

he recommends using english translations for stuff like animals

>> No.19666173

> Kanji before kana
Something's not right here...
Good advice.
> Kanji study phone app (select rtk 6th edition)
Which one exactly?
What's a monolingual transition? Forgetting all but one language?

>> No.19666178

you don't know what it is until you look it up

>> No.19666180

Monolingual translation is learning Japanaese in Japanese only. You have Japanese definitions for Japanese words.

>> No.19666182

no one on DJT thinks that classroom study is the key to getting good at japanese so i think you're alone on this.

>> No.19666187

How do I learn to enjoy reading fiction? I have never liked it, regardless of the language.

>> No.19666188

or you could just use a dictionary program that automatically looks stuff in j-e and j-j dictionaries at the same time instead of isolating yourself from j-e definitions for words that don't need explaining or isolating yourself from j-j definitions for words that j-e dictionaries handle poorly

>> No.19666193

develop a sense of self

>> No.19666196

I did say that I doubt that it was key to learning. I just am pointing out that you can't completely discount that it might have primed him to learn better later on.

>> No.19666197

you seem like a bright guy so i'm gonna give you a moment to figure how why this isn't a problem

>> No.19666201

matt doesnt speak to anyone because hes in his room fillin up piss jugs all day and telling his mom not to kick him out because he has a low wage patreon job

>> No.19666203
File: 2.48 MB, 3024x4032, children's dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a チャレンジ小学国語辞典 第六版
honestly if i could go back in time though i would buy an ipad and buy the childrends dictionary off the app store for 10 dollars or whatever. paper dictionaries waste your time.

>> No.19666206

the only way this wouldn't be a problem is if you're making sentence cards which is something you shouldn't do

>> No.19666210

Try reading mythology and short stories. That's what drew me into fiction anyway.

>> No.19666211
File: 26 KB, 1037x766, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so bad I couldn't really make it good but here's my attempt.

>Meditate for 1 month
This is my favorite meme.

>> No.19666212

of course it probably helped. there's a difference between a really inefficient and shitty method (classroom study) priming you for a better method, and it being the "key" to the better one working.

>> No.19666217

Ah, damn. I was hoping there was one online that I had just missed. I hate how Japan seems so resistant to putting stuff like that online for free.

>> No.19666219

>typical recs: ... imabi, genki

>> No.19666222

Sorry I go to more than just /djt/ so sometimes I get places mixed up, I thought Imabi was hit or miss and genki was generally recommended but acknowledged as having awkward Japanese.

>> No.19666226

Linguistics is interesting though.

>> No.19666230

no. first of all he lived in japan and was outputting at school and with his host family from the beginning. second he did lazy kanji (learned kanji -> keyword) and didn't do rtk proper until he was fluent. he really just didn't follow the method he prescribes at all. just keep that in mind if you want to replicate his path

>> No.19666231

Honestly, that's just so very clearly khatz being khatz. He's pretty into the whole self help genre from what I can tell. There might be something to it though, because since he was always fired up, he learned stuff very quick.

>> No.19666238

Not him but it seems more like social commentary than anything. Like, even if you just consider yourself a spectator to humanity's cruelties you will quickly assume the same stance as them if you were put in their circumstances. People have a tendency to blindly follow authority as well. It puts a bad taste in your mouth but it is probably more thought-provoking than if Kino simply tidied things up for them. Instead of waiting for some savior to do things for you, you need to think for yourself and act accordingly.

>> No.19666246

you eceleb shitters are fuckin gay tho for reals


>> No.19666248

>first of all he lived in japan and was outputting at school and with his host family from the beginning
he said he barely outputted and that this caused his family to resent him because he was inputting all day instead of talking to them and doing things with them
>second he did lazy kanji (learned kanji -> keyword) and didn't do rtk proper until he was fluent
yea but why does this matter
>he really just didn't follow the method he prescribes at all.
he did. he did lots of listening and reading and did sentence cards and did the monolingual transition, etc. etc.

>> No.19666251

> his host family
How did he obtain one?

>> No.19666254

learn about studying abroad as a grade school student

>> No.19666256

grade school means elementary school
you meant lower education student

>> No.19666257

he did an exchange program in high school i think

i guess you can believe what you want but i believe there's a lot more to the story than what he says. it doesn't even matter i guess. i'm just trying to say he didn't follow the method he suggests so take that for what you want

>> No.19666264

high school is grades isnt it

>> No.19666265

grade school is a fixed noun phrase and means elementary school

>> No.19666275

>i'm just trying to say he didn't follow the method he suggests
no you're trying to say that it's a bad thing to recognize mistakes in your learning process and suggest that people do things differently, like not doing a couple years of jap highschool classes or lazy kanji.

>> No.19666279

Hey anon I'm not in this fight and I'm not going to read the entire fight but if he said he's trying to say x, he's probably trying to say x. A man has no reason to lie about what he's trying to say, it in itself is admitting he's doing a bad job of communicating his ideas is all. I think you should chill out a bit.

>> No.19666285

idk i question the prescription of doing rtk before you learn any japanese when you didn't do it yourself. khatzumoto at least did that himself and recommends it but what is matt basing it on? i don't have a problem with no output, i understand that

>> No.19666289

>I'm not going to read the entire fight
then don't post about it because you don't know what's going on.

>> No.19666295

no ones fighting its just tards grunting at each other and flopping their bent arms that dont work right at each other

>> No.19666309

>lazy kanji
What's that even

>> No.19666316

>spending his whole day every day shitposting in this thread
You must live a really sad life. Might want to get help for that depression

>> No.19666317

training your brain to think of english keywords when you see kanji

>> No.19666324

he does tell you to learn japanese, but through listening, not reading. because he thinks too much early reading negatively affects accent. so if you're not going to be doing much reading, then you might as well knock out RTK for the 2-6 months you'll be listening. if you told him "i disagree with your theory on accent acquisition" or "i don't care about accent" or "i just wanna read" then he'd tell you to go ahead and just read. he's said it before.

>> No.19666333

Isn't that precisely what M*tt advocates with RTK though??

>> No.19666343

if you do rtk as written in the book you train yourself to think of a kanji when you see an english key word. this does not result in you thinking of english key words when you see kanji

>> No.19666346

>attacking other people in djt of all places
you must live a really sad life might want to just get help in general

>> No.19666352

Anon, your argument is getting in the way of the thread. From the 2 posts I read it seems the other anon is just trying to share his opinion and you are getting angry at him for doing so, he doesn't appear to be attempting to force his opinions as fact. If you wish to continue, I'd like to calmly point you to the direction of https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=bitchbrawling

>> No.19666354

RTK helps more with recall than recognition. You can write the kanji but you don't necessarily associate that kanji with an english keyword when you read it unless you practice it.

>> No.19666360

Minna genki?
Oh wait no one uses Genki

>> No.19666365

harness the power of your inner genki to become one with nihongo

>> No.19666370

the best way to stop discussions you don't like is to stop posting about it, not making up shit about something you're not reading, nor concern trolling.

>> No.19666372

>training your brain to think of english keywords when you see kanji
Sounds actively harmful. You should think of Japanese words containing the kanji when you see it.

>> No.19666380

imagine how many people permanently corrupt their memory doing that shit and can never learn nihongo as a result

>> No.19666392
File: 60 KB, 720x318, d7d65828-afa2-43ff-8cb3-3d8313e177c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did rtk

>> No.19666397

I don't even know where those people find the time to first recall an english word into their head and then work out the meaning of the compound whatever while reading.

>> No.19666401

it probably is possible to p#rmanently corrupt your memory depending on how long you srs stuff for (i.e. your memory is strong enough where you won't forget it unless if you lived for longer than the average human lifespan). most of it can be repaired (forgotten) by pure immersion for a long amount of time while ignoring the english connection

>> No.19666405

>brain works on win10
>doing rtk
Makes sense.

>> No.19666415

i ask cortana chan to teach me nihongo she say dekimasen lol

>> No.19666422

It really isn't possible to permenantly corrupt your memory, no matter what anyone says. Anything can be forgotten or overwritten with effort. I found that after I did RtK, I pretty quickly overwrote every kanji I ran into with a Japanese word until nothing remained.

>> No.19666433

well i dont think you actually repair it what happens is if you start doing actually the right things to where you get positive reinforcement in doing so it just blossoms into a beautiful flower and you just use that memory and ignore that retarded shit thats still there if you think about it but you try not to

>> No.19666438

did you continue reviewing english key word -> kanji or did you stop rtk reviews once you got through the book? did you swap the english key words with japanese words? curious because i'm working through rtk and idk if i want to keep doing english key word to kanji after i finish the book

>> No.19666443

This. Unlearning is more difficult than initial learning but it's not too bad. Relearning muscle memory is a bitch though.

>> No.19666452

Isolated kanji study: yay or nay?
Show screenshot.

>> No.19666463

I did it for a month after I finished RtK and then I stopped because I was consistently over 99% on my retention (Except for when I dropped below 100 things to review a day and on occasion missed one)

That being said, I'm not sure how you would use Japanese words for keywords because there are too many that have the same sound. Like, たべる for 食 is easy, but かける for 掛 is a bit harder because there are a LOT of かける verbs.

>> No.19666464

third option: gay

>> No.19666466

Sure thing, go for it. You can use it as an 十八番.

>> No.19666468

>yay or nay?
Depends what you want to be honest. Isolated study will net you recognition of all the kanji much quicker but it'll be boring grinding anki.

>> No.19666469

>kanji study

>> No.19666483

In general, people who have done it are glad that they did it, but a lot of people advise that it might be a waste of time.

Personally, I found that I mistook a lot of kanji for each other until I had done RtK, so I thought it was worthwhile.

>> No.19666513

Doing it right now. It doesn't help a whole lot but considering I do it when I have a spare 5 minutes, I'm not really losing anything by doing it.

>> No.19666514

Yes it is then. I'm thankful that /djt/ exists, even if it has mattposters and jamalposters

>> No.19666517

yeah. my idea was to create a new field to put japanese words in. multiple words could be used to specify the kanji like かける かけ算. and then make the english keyword and story fields white so you need to highlight them to see the english. i haven't done it yet though so i don't know how it will work

>> No.19666527

why study kanji for 5 minutes when you can read for 5 minutes

the shit adds up boys

>> No.19666529 [SPOILER] 
File: 700 KB, 800x600, 1534346936138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, dekinai and Steve posting was truly the golden era.

>> No.19666544

Because the speed up in reading from having learned kanji is greater then the time lost. I almost never have to do radical look up, can just type in a different word with that kanji and go from there, or if I don't know a word, just grab the kanji from the keyword.

>> No.19666546

this is dumb post touhou music again

>> No.19666548
File: 8 KB, 908x766, 1525924411691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the actual guide people should follow but with a few changes.

>> No.19666550
File: 6 KB, 193x200, That is my fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19666551

do you also enjoy lolcats and icanhascheezburger and reddit

>> No.19666556

Is there any reason why To-kyo and Kyo-to are just rearrangements of the same two syllables?
Or is it just a coincidence

>> No.19666557

wait a minute shocking revelation

found the reddit repost spammer

>> No.19666563

capital city
eastern capital

>> No.19666564


>> No.19666565
File: 422 KB, 577x470, fluency shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do find the occasional lolcat funny, nothing wrong with a cat making a funny face on the internet. It's not something I binge though.

Glad I could help. You can keep that one for a rough day, anon.

>> No.19666569

did you know dog backwards is god

>> No.19666575

capital metropolis
east capital

>> No.19666576

it's actually different.
to- is not the same as to

>> No.19666590

Yes, but both are cities so I thought there might be some story behind it.

>> No.19666599

Sure. Kyoto was the old capital, so the kanji meant capital city.
When Edo became the capital, it was renamed Tokyo, the eastern capital.

>> No.19666612

whats the difference between ko and kohh

>> No.19666619


god damn can't you even fkn google

>> No.19666627

one is こ and one is こう, one mora difference. the first one could mean "child" like 子(ko) the other could mean "like this, in this way" こう(kou)

>> No.19666628
File: 12 KB, 423x219, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're drunk, LingQ, go home.

>> No.19666631

but whats the difference

>> No.19666632

Absolutely proprietary

>> No.19666635

Dude you can't farm karma here.

>> No.19666636

everything is the difference. they aren't the same at all

>> No.19666642

my bad i should have told him to watch 10000 hours of anime and then he would intuitively understand the difference

>> No.19666644

Any way you learn it you're still going to be wiring thoughts the same way. Building upon what you already know is a backdoor to speed things up. Pretending you can create a completely separate brain in your brain will make things needlessly difficult.

>> No.19666647

That's actually right. You're getting trolled by the way.

>> No.19666653

i didnt even have to say it this time we got there naturally ftw

watch your anime kids watch 10000 hours of it

>> No.19666659


>> No.19666658


me looking at yall

>> No.19666695
File: 19 KB, 400x400, khatz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if this guy can do it you don't have any excuses.

>> No.19666700
File: 15 KB, 277x135, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you write strokes 5 and 6? like the left or right?

>> No.19666701

And in a year no less.

>> No.19666702


>> No.19666704

either one is okay unless you're taking kanken

>> No.19666745

wtf is 渋い

>> No.19666777

yea, left then right

>> No.19666791

my posting face

>> No.19666837

nukemarine is going hardcore on terrace house. is he trying to mack on young girls or something? the man is like 60 years old

>> No.19666861

he said he doesn't like terrace house but that it's one of the best sources to learn casual japanese speech. and he doesn't like anime. another 10 years and he'll move on to something else.

>> No.19666868

>he doesn't like anime
He can't learn Japanese

>> No.19666883

Show me your handwriting Nanashi-san

>> No.19666897



>> No.19666915
File: 290 KB, 2325x729, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19666922

nice, but what does it say?

>> No.19666925

Man I hate reality shows but used terrace house for studying and ended up really liking it. Gave me some strong feels a few times. I don't wan't to drop spoilers but it's pretty good. They bring people from all over japan too so you hear the different accents.

>> No.19666940
File: 21 KB, 600x300, 手書き.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19666945

Too concise.

>> No.19666989

yeah my も is all freaked up too. i gotta work on that

>> No.19667035


Look like one of the guys who accosted me outside the VR zone in Shinjuku.

>> No.19667066


>> No.19667080

thats too many horizontal lines across the long part of the candy cane

>> No.19667250
File: 1 KB, 23x21, what the everloving fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the ever-loving fuck is this kanji? I can't find it in the dictionary.

>> No.19667257


>> No.19667262
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1517748702990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19667269

The print's so small I thought the top was connected to the side, thank you.

>> No.19667273


>> No.19667286
File: 7 KB, 583x435, 1142069420691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19667313

Is it even possible for humans to recognize kanji so fast?

>> No.19667314


Khatzumoto reading Japanese

>> No.19667341

where did u find this

>> No.19667347

he reminds me of myself where hes got the working nihongo but he has to read more to become more literate

>> No.19667358

oh this is from a channel by another retard whos a lifelong studier of japanese who thinks he deserves money for regurgitating someone elses shit

>> No.19667362

Matt doesn't like it either. He's outgrown it. If I didn't like anime/VNs/LNs I would never want to learn Japanese. What is even the point?

>> No.19667365

matt btfo

>> No.19667378

I'm supposed to believe Japanese people confuse this guy for a native over the telephone?

>> No.19667382

>He's outgrown it
So he only watched DBZ or some other dubbed shit as a kid

>> No.19667385

is you mad yous a fuck ninja

>> No.19667405

yo lmao look at this dudes wicked hair line


>> No.19667416

ninjas hairline be like 超wavyでgomenne爆笑

>> No.19667457

I'm planning on getting RealKana on my phone but I saw that there's also RealKanji, is that any good? I've tried learning moon in the past, that time writing them on paper, learning the stroke order. But I eventually grew tired of it. I feel like having it on the phone would make it easier to keep it up each day. Just wondering if it is worth getting both RealKanji & RealKana or just RealKana.

>> No.19667461

Try learning real Japanese.

>> No.19667469


holy shit

>> No.19667470

He watched a lot of anime for immersion but grew tired of the samey gay bullshit tropes in anime, and looking back the only ones he really likes are the ones universally recognized as great like Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.19667475

If he's that fluent is he making money at it? That's pretty impressive t b h..

>> No.19667482
File: 318 KB, 1150x451, 爆笑.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin feels bat man lmao

>> No.19667493

He worked in Japan for like a decade as a programmer at a Japanese business.

>> No.19667502
File: 12 KB, 480x640, stifled_laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Please don't judge

>> No.19667503

by the way someone told me i should explain some of the more minute details a bit more openly so people can understand

but i intentionally cut that image to leave only a slight portion of the next line visible so if you know english you should have no problem reading it

you need to be able to do this in japanese as well to consider yourself literate

>> No.19667522

lol did you guys see this yet?

>> No.19667529

where did you find my channel

>> No.19667539

note to わたし自身 tight sleeves over flabby biceps is a bad look

>> No.19667551

>n1 which is basically the one that they compare to japanese native fluency level

can anyone with n1 confirm that this is true? matt said n1 was so easy he could do it in his sleep but he didn't take the test he just looked at some example problems online

>> No.19667558

What a nerd.

>> No.19667564

well also matt has underlings like ben who passed N1 while ben himself admits matt is way better.

>> No.19667567
File: 50 KB, 500x500, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core10k JinJoyo DLC (Collector's Edition) - https://pastebin.com/1D0RsXcd

Good deck for Kanji collectors, with 1064 outside of Core10k's range. Get it while it's hot!

>> No.19667570

>Says he's going to create an E M P I R E
>The most Japanese he's willing to spit out is a standard fill-in-the-blank greeting
I hate when people do this.

>> No.19667571

i couldnt make it past 3 mins of that vid that guy ran out of steam really fast im sure hes a hit with the japanese ladies lol

the n1 actually works really well at tripping people up who can read it because its full of stupid gotcha questions where 2 choices can seem right

i dont think any japanese people themselves put any stake in the actual exam its just a soft gaijin block plus you know some shit about money if they get more people paying the japan foundation to take their stupid test that doesnt really mean much of shit

>> No.19667581

though frankly until the streets are overrun with shit garbage gaijins im pretty sure if you tell a random japanese person you have a n1 cert they are going to praise u

>> No.19667592

If you can introduce yourself and respond to anything at all then the same people will praise you daily.

t. living in japan, N3 reading level N4 speaking level.

>> No.19667595

Why is /r/JapanCircleJerk so mean ;_;

>> No.19667605

Are they making fun of us again?

>> No.19667607

I've heard from several people that the JLPT is pretty much irrelevant and unheard of to the average Japanese person (i.e. anyone who doesn't work in language education or HR or some other field that requires them to ascertain foreigners' proficiency), and that if someone is impressed by N1 they're probably confusing it with another exam that's actually meant for native speakers, like 漢字検定 or 日本語検定.

>> No.19667608

it's a manifestation of their inferiority complex

>> No.19667609

nice reddit report
anyways anyone who actually knows japanese and isn't illiterate will have zero trouble with the N1

>> No.19667613

that nice elderly lady saying 日本語お上手ですね with a 苦笑い isnt praising u

i mean real praise

but yeah of course a lot of folks enjoy when outsiders try to engage properly and dont act like that one dude who was taking selfies with corpses in suicide forest

>> No.19667615

are they the ones who think anime are a terrible way to learn japanese because they don't think you can fix your keigo in a week

>> No.19667619


>> No.19667627

This is true.
Just like us.

>Isn't praising you
Yeah they are, their English education is so abysmally bad that even being able to do something as simple as introducing yourself in a foreign language is already above average in their eyes.

But I agree that it's different than actual praise, 100%. I've gotten actual praise before for my writing which was corrected by a native because I was expected to give a speech in front of people, THAT was real praise and it was totally different. It also sucked because I had to spend the next week telling people to dumb their Japanese back down for me.

>> No.19667650

I live next to a japan town and was practicing my japanese there a lot and everybody kept saying that to me and it took me a year or so to realize it was a subtle troll and I was really shit and that's what they say to shitters. At least they were conversant with me though.

>> No.19667660

You should just reply with あんたこそ結構やるじゃないか next time it happens.

>> No.19667663

Yeah they're generally really nice and willing to converse with you, I just wish baa-chan would stop telling everyone that I "understand everything they say" when I don't. Because of her I had to learn 言いすぎ

>> No.19667671

there is no such thing as 言いすぎ you want everyone to talk to you just rapid fire as much as possible

>> No.19667672

If you want to never have them speak to you again.

>> No.19667677

言いすぎ means exaggeration, anon. As in, she's exaggerating my ability.

>> No.19667678

are all japanese people this happy to encounter someone who can speak japanese? even in the US? i had an impression that weebs speaking broken japanese had ruined the uniqueness of it

>> No.19667681

Not him, but I'm going to use it.

>> No.19667683

seconding dont say this

thats not a proper response to 日本語お上手ですね think of it like ping and pong or yo and sup

theres a proper response here and there can only be one and anything else is frankly 許さない

>> No.19667689

Proper response:

>> No.19667692

it seems she is

>> No.19667694

Proper response:
wave your hand in front of your face and say iya, zenzen

>> No.19667697

In my experience people are pretty happy to talk to you in the US too. I met an exchange student in college who visited our Japanese 101 class and she was into talking to me because I was way above 101-level (not saying much, N5 is way above 102 level to be honest).
I think generally they're interested in anyone who gives an honest effort into it. If you're a kid "learning" Japanese through duolingo and can just spit out random words then you get old after a minute or two.

I usually say that I can't even speak English, which never fails to get a laugh.

She really is.

Textbook response is そんあことがありません or something.

>> No.19667702

proper response: give a gloomy depressed look straight into their eyes like you just died a little then smile really big and say いやーまだまだです

>> No.19667705

all right im bored of this one bring in the next one

>> No.19667708

Is there a good collection of the キノの旅 novels in .epub format? I can only find scanned collections.

>> No.19667716



>> No.19667737

lets get down to the real important questions in your nihongo life

hisui or kohaku

>> No.19667744


>> No.19667761
File: 35 KB, 347x350, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19667787

Amber is beautiful, if I had a chink daughter that'd be her name.
Jade is fine, too, but... meh..

>> No.19667801

*mehs loudly*

>> No.19667804

The same could be said of pretty much every language test. Most English speakers have no idea what TOEIC is, and most Koreans don't probably don't know TOPIK. People on language forums are always talking about the European language levels (A1-C2) but most Europeans probably don't know anything about it. Just because most people don't know them doesn't make them irrelevant.

>> No.19667839

Kohaku, how is that even a question

>> No.19667870

How often do you see people on 4chan talk about ESLs (usually as an insult), and how often do you see anyone mention TOEIC?

>> No.19667873
File: 31 KB, 640x480, I ♥ HIsui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What point are you trying to make?

>> No.19667875

look if you wanna compare toeic scores all you have to do is ask

>> No.19667892

I'm saying language tests are in fact irrelevant as far as actual interactions with native speakers go (which is what my initial post was referring to). When you meet a foreigner you don't ask them about TOEIC, you just try talking to them in English and gauge their level.

>> No.19667893

Manga isn't reading though.

Hisui, how is that even a question

>> No.19667926
File: 46 KB, 660x440, 2016.09_catfood04-660x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> accidentally deleted my freshly downloaded deck with bleachbit
i'm running out of data. the thing is almost 300 mb
help me
the core 2k/6k optimized (from here! https://djtguide.neocities.org/anki.html))

someone who has that deck in their anki, will you export the deck as "notes in plain text"
> that would just be a few mb

upload it to zippyshare or wherever

> thank

>> No.19667937

>i'm running out of data
What third world country do you live in?

>> No.19667944
File: 13 KB, 168x134, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19667958

> is this an insult
somewhere a few hours away from 日本

>> No.19667967

Sounds like they just didn't want to discourage you. It doesn't mean they look down on you or anything. You have to start somewhere.

>> No.19667972

because sarcasm doesnt exist in japanese 日本語お上手ですね can only be taken one way and one way only

>> No.19667980


>> No.19667981

>lying == sarcasm
The absolute state of /djt/

>> No.19668000

lying without sarcasm is just cruel and messed up

>> No.19668003
File: 26 KB, 810x179, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heisig is a clever man. what an easy way to think of it

>> No.19668010

man it would be really fucked up if someone thought they were doing rtk to learn japanese

>> No.19668015

the great thing about RTK are the fans who come up with their own mnemonics and post them online.

>> No.19668016

yeah that would be funny. considering it's just a book to teach you how to write chicken scratches from memory and nothing more

>> No.19668019

rtk is stupid

>> No.19668041

You're stupid.

>> No.19668063

stupid is as stupid does

>> No.19668070 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1534360930068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been making video for over a year
>most viewed one has only 113 views and it's not even about learning japanese
This is almost too pitiful for me to laugh at. Almost.

>> No.19668088

You're really edgy. The dude is absolutely sad and I couldn't force myself to laugh at him no matter how hard I try.

>> No.19668104

on the real im sure nicks gonna be fine hes just gonna create another years worth of content before he starts his epic advertising campaign because he doesnt wanna put half assed shit out there first and thats respectable compared to some other folks who will remain unnaaamed

>> No.19668118

I feel kinda sad for him but also irritated with him because he's trying to offer his "services" when there isn't anything for him to offer in such a crowded space. Just comes off as an ass.

>> No.19668134

Why does this thread even talk about online Japanese-learning ecelebs?

If any other thread spent most of its time talking not about the topic of the thread, but about video-making Westerners who made videos about it, that thread probably wouldn't even exist anymore. Imagine if the Love Live thread spent all of its time talking about a Western Love Live eceleb who made 2000 hours of talking head video instead of about anything related to Love Live itself.

It's just so impossibly fucking stupid that I want to know where this obsession came from.

>> No.19668146

as if anyone in djt should be laughing at anybody

>> No.19668150

Because a few months ago some people started spamming that shit in every thread, and since the new janitor doesn't moderate the board, eventually other retards joined them.

>> No.19668152

i have no idea but at this point im gonna have to make a patreon because im convinced that just by making one i can get a few extra quid

build it and they will come or some shit

except if youre nick

>> No.19668161

So did it come here from the /a/ threads or is it /jp/ original shitposting?

I'm just going to report all of it starting next thread (probably near-on 200 posts in this one).

>> No.19668162

hows this for your answer >>19666529

>> No.19668168

it's just a fad. besides if you get rid of e-celebs it will just go back to everyone posting their anki stats. at e-celeb posts start discussion

>> No.19668186

Hello djt!

>> No.19668191

はい こんにちは

>> No.19668202

This is like throwing shit on a fire because you're out of wood.

Having the things slow down for a bit is still preferable to making the whole place smell like burning shit.

>> No.19668206

ヘロ エブリバイティ

>> No.19668251


>> No.19668289

well i went to the /int/ djt thread and it's basically the same shit except there are flags

>> No.19668306

and actual japanese

>> No.19668316

thats a bit of a stretch

>> No.19668325

kohaku is more fun to play in mb

>> No.19668328

oh no i actually just checked and there is a slight amount

>> No.19668337

>There's a reason why hanahira is recommended
it's a meme
>hanahira isn't actually recommended for any good reason other than its short length just fyi
that's why people who haven't read it recommend it, the reason that people who have read it recommend it is to troll

>> No.19668340

if you havent already found jesus hanahira will help you on your quest

>> No.19668352

i'm glad i've reawakened something in you\

>> No.19668355

I recommend it because every single line is voiced. I haven't seen any other VN that has that.

>> No.19668360

its always fun to think about mb and the old togeki intros were fuckin lit lmao

>> No.19668366

what VNs for beginners have the most voiced lines?

>> No.19668372

there is no such thing as "vns for beginners"

need to put that shit in the guide

>> No.19668375

There aren't any "VNs for beginners". They're all made for Japanese people.

>> No.19668387

What VNs are the easiest for beginners to get through and also have the most voiced lines?

>> No.19668398

just leave the beginners part out and look for game with voiced protag there now youre pimpin glhf

>> No.19668400

相州戦神館學園 八命陣
天ツ風 ~傀儡陣風帖~

>> No.19668405

why do you think that's so important and did you read it as a beginner

>> No.19668412

see what i mean >>19668000

>> No.19668413


>> No.19668427
File: 44 KB, 960x643, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19668444

Just how many fucking words for a crossroad can this fucking language have?

>> No.19668452
File: 16 KB, 181x309, cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is this enough censorship?

>> No.19668459


>> No.19668460

what gem is it from

>> No.19668463


>> No.19668465


>> No.19668469

Tamagoro's latest gegege no kitaro doujin

>> No.19668481

>be me
>get high
>autism kicks in
>read Japanese
>actually understand Japanese
>realize how much I'm not actually aware of when I'm sober

>> No.19668489

pick something that looks interesting and doesn't make you lose motivation in the first ten minutes
unvoiced lines aren't a big deal if the difficulty is good for you
to my knowledge, everything by unison shift blossom is easier than hanahira and more entertaining
there are a hundred shitty charts, just get a couple vns and try them and see how it goes

>> No.19668490

Because it is very frustrating to see words with multiple readings and not know which one is correct. And it also means that the entire VN is dialogue, which is generally easier than non-dialogue.

It was the first VN I read and one of the first things I read. I read 2-3 volumes of Yotsuba, then Hanahira, and Flyable Heart after that.

>> No.19668492

theres nothing more epic than reading a hentai game while pigging out on a bag of doritos while highj

>> No.19668508

>djt is a bunch of stoners

>> No.19668522


>> No.19668523

>djt is a bunch of reddit
You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19668542

Weird right? I drink sometimes when studying and sentences just start to flow out of me effortlessly and I go like 20 min thinking in Japanese. I'm like that with English too though so it makes sense. I usually need a few drinks at a party to start talking.

>> No.19668555

Anyone got a pdf of Japanese : A linguistic introduction by Yoko Hasegawa?

>> No.19668556

>multiple readings
this is an okay argument but i think the importance of knowing in the cases it is a problem is overstated when you're at a beginner level
>the entire VN is dialogue, which is generally easier than non-dialogue.
from my perspective, this isn't a good thing, a mix of dialogue and narration gives you a better understanding of grammar and makes you better at reading both, it's balanced
that's one of the problems i see with sticking to manga for too long, it's generally not balanced
i'd be surprised if you didn't find flyable heart to be far easier, and not just because you'd gained experience
i went through 6 volumes of yotsuba, a few hours of hanahira and dropped it, all of aku no hana, and then jumped into leyline and went shit this is easy

>> No.19668558

This is related to depression, where you need things like drugs to make you happy and make you actually enjoy life and what ever it is you are doing at this time.

>> No.19668577

I enjoy life too the fullest and I'm the furthest thing from depression. Just because I mix it up with a glass of wine or a shot of jack once or twice a month doesn't mean anything dumdum.

>> No.19668584

the social lubricant effect isn't necessarily related

>> No.19668618

whats depressing is your ignorance to the absolute ownage that is weed

>> No.19668628

what's depressing is that i can't afford that ownage anymore in this neet life

>> No.19668630

>As for "when will I feel improvement", I'll tell you from my anecdote, but the first 5 visual novels I've read(all of them marked 50 hours long on VNDB, so I'd take 50 hours for a native to read) I've always felt "I feel like I'm improving a bit but I'm still so shit" and only starting from 6th one, in timespan it would be ~5 months, I started feeling like "Wow, I'm shit, but not as much" and maybe like 5 novels later(~3 months) I felt like "Ok, I'm fine". I feel like it's normal once you realize just how damn vast the vocabulary in this language is. I also should say that I mostly did intensive reading, I liked it that way more, the only times I'd just glance for meaning was during super interesting moments to not ruin the flow and atmoshpere

Is this true?

Does it seriously take 6 VNs and 5 months of reading to start to "not feel like complete shit", and 8+ months to feel "fine"? That's it I'm not even gonna try to learn Japanese. I'm out.

>> No.19668634
File: 61 KB, 1336x304, Screenshot_16082018_0352017840049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that really necessary?

>> No.19668640


>> No.19668644

thats just the noob filter. it doesn't actually take that long.

>> No.19668649

what does it say

>> No.19668652

6 vns in 5 months? at 6 hours a day that'd still be only 3x the vndb length, is that what he's claiming or did i misread?

>> No.19668655

Real talk though you can retain double from your srs reps not high. I had to cut way back myself. Even though I absolutely love smoking. I don't want a 2 year process to take me 6.

>> No.19668659

I'd say so. Japanese people sometime censor themselves because words are "taboo" in their culture depending on the medium which is a bit ironic.

>> No.19668663

>this is considered reading japanese here

>> No.19668668

no it's considered eating japanese
please lurk more

>> No.19668672


i dont do such things ┐(‘~` )┌

thats fucked up bro callin the cops

>> No.19668682

He's actually pretty smart.
I don't agree with him about the use of RTK though. Learning kanji in-context does not necessarily mean memorizing kanji as pictures without deconstructing and writing them.

>> No.19668689

That's nice but manga isn't reading.

>> No.19668690

he reeks of the kind of guy that wants to be smart really bad so he pretends to be but actually isnt

>> No.19668696

The fact that you're talking about this guy is actually a proof that he is smart and somewhat accomplished something.

>> No.19668698

i hope that's not the only thing you don't agree with
he's not an idiot but he's still very immature and he seems to think that a little bit of personal growth has made him enlightened
it is however true that not everything he endorses is bullshit, only half of it

>> No.19668700

Are VNs reading?

>> No.19668705

im only responding to retards that bring him up i couldnt care less otherwise

>> No.19668706

you better believe it

>> No.19668714

vns are playing. playing isnt learning. playing is putting off what you should be doing until a later time

>> No.19668718

stop fucking posting about this balding ugly fuck. it makes me so fucking mad when you guys post about him instead of posting smart insightful stuff about learning japanese, like read more

>> No.19668724

lol i think you're in the wrong djt

>> No.19668730

living is learning

>> No.19668731

you don't know japanese

>> No.19668738

we established about 12 hours ago that nobody in this thread knows japanese

>> No.19668742

まあ, so is learning Japanese tbqhfamalam

>> No.19668744

i was following your suggestion my dude

>> No.19668749

i am also jealous of his ability and want them to stop posting him

>> No.19668757


>> No.19668761

see, this is the quality stuff i like to see. i'm learning so much japanese.

>> No.19668762

oh sorry carry on then

>> No.19668774 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 622x416, 1534367566694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started learning Japanese yesterday, I have memorized 〇 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 百 千 日 月 火 水 木 金 土 雨 天 田 円 天 気 空 石 川 山. I programmed a Japanese response so that I literally "read" them in Japanese. I look at 田 and think "Ta" and then the after thought is Rice Field. I also have all their stroke orders memorized. Its fun learning these, my question is. Should I just memorize like two thousand kanji before I even begin Genki I and Genki II? Or is it a bad idea? I kind of thought of just building a solid Kanji foundation but this thread and the plebbit guide don't mention this. Thoughts?

Pic Unrelated

>> No.19668788 [DELETED] 


>> No.19668793

This is a reddit repost.

>> No.19668841

I don't use Reddit. I just started learning Japanese. I looked up some basic tutorials and found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gwgWlsRu7w.. It seemed easy enough to follow. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.19668854

well the first words in that vid are japanese thats a great start

>> No.19668855

posting in the spirit of reddit might as well be a reddit repost

>> No.19668856

Shit memorized like 300 my first week. Then you realize you didn't really memorize them but got the in your mid range memory. You'll forget them all if you don't do rep's of them in no time. What slows you down in Kanji is having to relearn them all over and over every day till they get permanent residency in your brain. Then you can pull them up quick. I'm at about 1200 so far, but that's less than half way if you add in the reps I need on them all still.

>> No.19668869

why are you learning shodo from a guy with bad penmanship

>> No.19668880

endorsing this vid and any other content from this person

>> No.19668901

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VPm8MqaxBw this is the shit djt needs it was right under your noses all this time

this is the ultimate channel for baby

>> No.19668919

>it was right under your noses all this time
already knew about it but by the time i found it i wasnt learning anything new shame cause i like his voice and how he pauses and repeats himself often

>> No.19668929

Oh damn thanks. Perfect for my level.

>> No.19668944

this dude just goes so fuckin ham with that aka pen holy moley

this is the guy

>> No.19668962

>ただいま means just now
shit just blew my fuckin mind

>> No.19668965

it's interesting that he has a bit of trouble with english but his he has the phonetics of english down far better than most

>> No.19668973


it just prolly means he was born somewhere not japan

>> No.19668983

how do you _____become funny__ in japanese

>> No.19668991

just yell about the things that are happening around you really loud.

>> No.19668995

watch joshiraku and showa genroku rakugo shinju on repeat 24/7 for the next decade
pretend (lol) you dont know japanese and scream about how bullshit (lol) the language is

>> No.19668997

**** said to listen to podcasts from comedians whose style and manner of speech you'd like to copy.

>> No.19669000

just be the tsukkomi and let someone else be the boke

>> No.19669021

変顔 is real popular shit too

>> No.19669023

watch variety shows and mimic the foreign talent to the best of your ability

>> No.19669025

just run around screaming なんでザーメンを飲まないといけないのだ!!!

>> No.19669033

add ぞ at the end of each sentence

>> No.19669039

add ぞい at the end of each sentence

>> No.19669046

this but unironically

>> No.19669061

Ahh I see fellow redditors can appreciate a good laugh. Always a pleasure lads.

>> No.19669067

Is "なにがあってもあなたおたすけます。" the correct way of saying "I'll save you no matter what"?

>> No.19669068

? i learned that from djt i dont go to reddit

>> No.19669078

i dunno lad just go watch and episode of naruto to find out dattebelieve it

>> No.19669081

Are you hitting on a nip lady?

>> No.19669083

たすける imo bro its more in line with the rest of your shit

>> No.19669092

you can sound like the meat head of your dreams

>> No.19669095

swap たすけます with だすけます and you're fine.

>> No.19669097

no dont

>> No.19669126


>> No.19669130

i haven't set up sentence banks in anki yet so i can't search for you

>> No.19669132

we all knew you would eventually show up

>> No.19669136

if he wrote わ someone probably would have spoke up too

>> No.19669146


>> No.19669147


>> No.19669153

real answer: なにはあってもあなたをたすけます

>> No.19669159

I think this is the best version of what you're trying to say. I could be wrong.

>> No.19669160

without anki i don't know whether or not i'm sufficiently investing effort into remembering the words+readings i'm having to look up for every word.

>> No.19669166

Anki is life

>> No.19669174

what's your favorite kanji? mine is 零

>> No.19669178

i've considered adding 5 cards a day at most to keep reviews down since i fucking hate reviews. at the same time, without reviews i feel like there's nothing really compelling me to remember anything since i'm using yomichan to look it all up anyway.

>> No.19669186


>> No.19669195


>> No.19669197

theyre all my favorite thats why i remember them without english key words

>> No.19669206
File: 6 KB, 47x152, Oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19667250 anon again.
I can't tell what the fuck the kanji circled in red is. There's too much shit crammed in too few pixels.

>> No.19669209


>> No.19669212


>> No.19669220
File: 15 KB, 675x295, deliberation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, meant deliberation. My bad. Also thanks Heisig.

>> No.19669224

That wouldn't be a problem if you had known Japanese.

>> No.19669226

you should know what it is just by seeing 不思

>> No.19669228

Literally just shoot me oh my god.

>> No.19669230


>> No.19669231

wtf mate

>> No.19669237

this, and even if somehow you didn't, search 不思* in jisho

>> No.19669244

Why? His book helped me recognize that blurry kanji.

>> No.19669249

imagine how epic it would be if you didnt have to stop to identify that kanji because you knew the word

>> No.19669259

I'll develop that later.

>> No.19669260

that's one ugly kanji

>> No.19669271

shoulda watched 10000 hours of anime such as ふしぎ遊戯

>> No.19669273

god i cant even think of in good faith telling someone to watch that in 2018

>> No.19669286

why is there 6 kanji for discussion.. fml

>> No.19669306

i don't think you understand how common that word is so i'm just going to go ahead and let you know that you're not gonna make it

>> No.19669308

Did you mean 遊戯王?

>> No.19669321

no? but thats a fair addition to your road to 10000 hours

>> No.19669360


this one reminds me of cthulu so was easy to remember

>> No.19669394
File: 43 KB, 598x694, 1430074552330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

絞 because it looks like a jk crossing her legs to strangle me

>> No.19669399

嬲 cuz i self insert as the 女

>> No.19669429

The ones that remind me of pussy were all instant remembering.

Looks like a girls spreading her legs and revealing her hole

looks like the bottom of her butt

Looks like a guy blowing between a girls legs

These kanji I literally instantly remembered because of this trick. Someone should make a sexual rtk method.

>> No.19669436

>Someone should make a sexual rtk method.
check out koohii you sound like you'd fit right in

>> No.19669439
File: 78 KB, 400x300, rafure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there are tons of sexual mnemonics in kanjidamage.

>> No.19669441

This one reminds me of a bunch of sexy legs standing around. One of my favorites.

>> No.19669443

this one reminds me of the time i spent in a cell looking out the barred window at the sky

>> No.19669446

I haven't even read anything yet so even if it's common that's fine. Not only am I gonna make it but I'm gonna make it faster than most here.

>> No.19669447

This one reminds me of how much Japanese I know

>> No.19669452

don't let anyone talk you down but yourself so that your inevitable crash will be that much more shocking
don't forget to blog about it

>> No.19669463

Maybe I'll be sorely mistaken but I find it impossible to crash because you need to do is get consistent input, and that's not nearly as annoyingly tedious as RTK.

>> No.19669486


>> No.19669531

>Looks like a certain eye
>Means political party

>> No.19669535

you identified the kanji correctly which is good but you gave the wrong answer (heisig keyword isn't of any help to most people). just post the kanji next time

>> No.19669540

Pretty woke.

>> No.19669562

Since I only know japanese on an infant level I had to manually figure out what "ここに歯車あります" meant and for the longest I forgot what 車 meant. So I thought it was something about a tooth? Eventually I figure out it was gears. I just think it is so funny figuring out japanese naming conventions. hehehe tooth vehicle

>> No.19669574

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2cMG33mWVY xD

>> No.19669599

So then wait a minute, what would they call a dentist that has a portable lab in a car?

>> No.19669605


>> No.19669612


>> No.19669614


>> No.19669619
File: 40 KB, 600x450, Cirno doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you

>> No.19669630

後部座席の歯科医院 my ninja

>> No.19669670


>> No.19669703

車 can also represent wheels a bit less frequently

>> No.19669709

俺に研究室はない ―――under the car roof.

>> No.19669723

he tried

>> No.19669725

you really are the most fluent person here

>> No.19669734

most of the time unless that one crazy sick dude shows up and starts talking about kanji no ones ever seen before

>> No.19669771

oh and imoto tan

m(_ _)m

>> No.19669772
File: 77 KB, 398x917, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heisig keyword isn't of any help to most people
The most use I've seen of heisig keywords is on Zkanji's kanji search.

>> No.19669786

Well, nukemarine only said he didn't like anime, maybe he likes other works, like manga.

>> No.19669809

im picturing him reading naurto while listening to his japanese people speaking white noise.aiff files silently in his room whilst turning every word into a flashcard including proper nouns

>> No.19669811

>I mistook this for the name of the country
It's impossible for me, what can I do??

>> No.19669818

slow down

>> No.19669821

>rasengan flash card pops up
>oh i know this one

>> No.19669834

How many books did it take you to not start feeling shit in the other languages you're learning? I don't feel 'like complete shit' with English only after like a year.

>> No.19669867

But I want to read this Japanese work so bad!

Every page, every sentence, every clause, every vocab, every grammar point I either don't recognize or mistake with something else hurts. I don't remember learning English being this painful

>> No.19669882

i haven't seen much of him but he seems more like the busensei type -- lots of encyclopedic knowledge but not capable of doing anything with it aside from maybe passing a test
you're right about imouto though holy shit i want to be him

>> No.19669888

Who's this?

>> No.19669896

you gotta focus on the victories not the defeats
everything you understand is a victory and when you know it's something you wouldn't have understood a month ago that's even bigger

>> No.19669904

im pretty sure the sick ass kanken guy isnt a bullshitter

>> No.19669916

posts only kana with lots of whitespace and roleplays an imouto

>> No.19669923

you're probably right and i should give him the benefit of the doubt regardless

>> No.19669930

they don't give people the benefit of the doubt in this thread. they get jealous of other's success because they regret not listening more.

>> No.19669937

you know now that i think about it why doesn't james call out imouto for a rap battle
imouto might be a fuckin god but he has to stay in character which is like a handicap so it's a fair fight
that would be sick

>> No.19669951

why would i do that i dont wana fight imoto tan we both believe in the same ideals and general philosophy

i only wanna expose and shit on fake ninjas

>> No.19669953

how do I become fake ninjas

>> No.19669956

don't you spar with your buds to sharpen your teeth

>> No.19669981

post in djt a lot until you start convincing people you know japanese

>> No.19669988

So basically what's happening right now?

>> No.19669990

shit if that's all it takes i might already be one

>> No.19669997

Oh man, I'll never be able to do that! You can just tell from my Japanese that I know notihng about it.


>> No.19670008


>> No.19670013

simple solution my man don't post japanese
just argue about learning methods as if your experience is from a decade ago and don't say a word about your ability

>> No.19670030

it's みたくない dumbass

>> No.19670033

did he just stumble over the english fuckin brutal
i hope someone's posting english rap in the det

>> No.19670054

it happens to the best of us

>> No.19670056
File: 474 KB, 600x846, wha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my long (~100000 minutes) of learning Japanese, I can categorically say the best way of learning Japanese is by reading Japanese books on how to draw titties.

>> No.19670057

>everyone instantly reaches for their copy of genki

>> No.19670068

Ok is there some keyboard shortcut for changing the language input to/from Japanese/English in the Caps Lock/Left Shift/A/Z/S area?

Because sometimes I turn on Japanese accidentally and can't figure it out, and having such a short cut would be really handy since I don't use a Japanese keyboard with the dedicated button.

>> No.19670074

titty too big choker too small
oh and about your fronting don't say anything about your experience at all

>> No.19670087

alt+` to switch between english and japanese within the japanese ime, don't bother switching out of the japanese ime

>> No.19670091

"alt ~" in ime
but the keyboard needs to be jp, not English

>> No.19670095

alt+~ using google IME. you can set google IME as your default IME. took me awhile to figure that out.

>> No.19670107
File: 227 KB, 220x258, tkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19670108

Man, thanks for all this advice, bro, you're the real fake ninja

>> No.19670112

Is there an IME that doesn't send everything you type to some company?

>> No.19670118


>> No.19670128

mozc probably
you can disable it in windows ime if you trust that

>> No.19670132

My error just proves my point!

>> No.19670141

You didn't make an error, they just don't know Japanese.

>> No.19670147

Thanks, though messing around I found Caps Lock+Shift (only when text field selected) switches between them. Not sure why but worked out I guess

>> No.19670152

Anthy, skk, kkc to name a few.

>> No.19670153

i aint touchin none of that shit

>> No.19670155
File: 143 KB, 543x522, 1468282469481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19670163

btw you dont have to trust windows all you have to do is monitor outbound traffic and handle the issues yourself if you dont believe turning off the keylogger and shit dont do what its supposed to

>> No.19670178

Thanks for the advice. I just assumed there was no way to turn it off in Windows. I am going to check the outgoing traffic though.

>> No.19670179

50 cents have been deposited into your xbox live account

>> No.19670197

At first I thought the ものかね was the ものか that indicates that what was said previously is highly unlikely, but reading the rest of the page and looking a couple translations I realized it's not. What else could it be? May be I'm parsing it wrong and it's just a もの+かね but i don't know what that mono wold be doing there.

>> No.19670198

Already know Spanish, and I can't use it because all the Spanish "speakers" here in the US don't even speak Spanish. They speak some terrible, ugly, bastardization of Spanish.
And I started learning German but I got bored. I can speak the present tense fully though.

>> No.19670224

how did creepy nuts fare through the rest of the 5th season by the way

>> No.19670236

well if you speak castilian spanish theyre probably doing it on purpose because they dont like talking to maricas

>> No.19670267

watch previous episode for not so yung rs journey up to that point imo

>> No.19670273

he shit pretty hard on the people that are on the show to get shit on now like ace

>> No.19670291

fuckin ante up what a way to start the episode

>> No.19670327

>he doesn't know

>> No.19670344

don't worry he thinks he knows japanese

>> No.19670364

I kinda wish that I had done a listening vocabulary anki deck with only sound on the front of the card + a kanji deck and then did a mixture of listening and reading, rather than doing a kanji vocabulary deck with kanji on the front of the card + a kanji deck and reading. I'm decent at reading, but when I see how poorly I do at my listening anki vocabulary deck (I restarted my old deck with only sound on the front of the card), it's no wonder I can't listen for shit.

>> No.19670420
File: 124 KB, 757x408, 1513422744916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too advanced for News Easy, too underleveled for regular News.
At least News Easy is good for listening practice upping it to 120% speed.

>> No.19670432

how long have you been doing it?
i don't think identifying isolated words is valuable, my vocab deck only exists because of the kanji, i learn the words through actual exposure
i imagine that more listening is what you need rather than more anki

>> No.19670445

regular news is boring and not really challenging since the biggest difference is just the vocab and not the complexity of the grammar
go read m*nga or something

>> No.19670466


I went through around 7k~ words in anki ages ago, stopped using anki, and have finished a few long VNs since then.

I only started concentrating on listening around a month ago, and I'd say that maybe 20% of my reading vocabulary has carried over. My listening deck has helped. I'd imagine that it's much easier to go from listening to reading than from reading to listening, so I'd recommend that newcomers take that approach. Kanji isn't that hard.

>> No.19670480

you cant know nihongo only from reading but you can know it from listening



>> No.19670493

>they are independently of their own will being dishonest to make themselves look better
Completely false when it comes to BritVsJapan ya lyin/lazily misinformed retard.
Watch the first 4 minutes of this video:
This is his 6 month update video. He says 6 months ago he started learning kana. He said 2 months ago he started taking Japanese classes at his university but quickly dropped out because the teacher started teaching grammar and he recognized grammar study as being worthless, meaning he had been AJATTing for 4 months before his Japanese classes and quit his Japanese classes after a few weeks. So Brit isn't cutting out "pre AJATT time". There never was pre AJATT time. The huge progress he makes in his 12 and 18 month update videos are the real deal, and it's thanks to AJATT. And if Brit alone advanced that quickly using AJATT (because that's what massive input does for you) then your criticism that Matt had years of shitty highschool classes rings hollow. But the important point is that you're completely wrong about Brit.

>> No.19670499
File: 17 KB, 900x900, matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19670505

look at this mother fuckers retard hangin lower lip

>> No.19670508

I've only been doing it a month but I try to listen more than I read because I've been warned by so many people that reading doesn't translate that efficiently to listening.

>> No.19670515

that's not what his blog said so i guess he lied somewhere i wonder which one is the truth

>> No.19670522

who cares he still sux and is gay

>> No.19670580

>first month
>people like this exist

>> No.19670646

me lyamo matt

>> No.19670765

Should I be reading things that I find enjoyable but challenging y which I only fully understand maybe 70-80% of the lines or should I just move to something easier?
I'm finishing レイジングループ, which by the way is pretty good, but I'm guessing it took me around 3 times the time it would have taken a native to understand and may be I didn't understand everything as well as I thought.

>> No.19670767
File: 9 KB, 900x900, matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19670809

>read m*nga
Umm I think you mean read* manga

*you can't read manga

>> No.19670810

I try to approach it like a kid would learn. Think how would a kid progress at this stage. You could understand quiet a bit by the age of 3 probably and that was without trying.

>> No.19670814

yeah i know manga isnt reading
thats why i told him to read m*nga

>> No.19670819

Yeah, people should really see language learning in years. Even the so-called 'peak learners', the human who grew up and learning their native language, it still takes about a year to speak, more to read.

>> No.19670822

write this in japanese

>> No.19670838
File: 217 KB, 500x500, 1432577949881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does 盾乙 means?

>> No.19670840


Our brains are completely different from a kid's though. I'd like to at least once read an argument about why one should learn like a kid when one is not.
Still, when I was a 10 year old studying english I would plow through games in english in which I understood like 60% of what was being said and that's how I learned. I've always been pretty autistic.

>> No.19670842

thanks for the d

>> No.19670844

youre making the very dangerous assumption that any of us arent children lol

>> No.19670850

it's even demonstrably false don't bully imouto

>> No.19670857


>> No.19670892


>> No.19670925

whats your issue

>> No.19670927






>> No.19670932


>> No.19670969





>> No.19670976


>> No.19670995



>> No.19671014
File: 44 KB, 403x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19671016

>games in english in which I understood like 60%
Jesus that's pretty bad. I understood 99% by the age of 10. If I ever found a word I didn't know I asked my parents. They were good about that.

>> No.19671017

imouto tan has nothing left to learn

>> No.19671025

are you trying to be funny or genuinely confused

>> No.19671057
File: 17 KB, 900x900, matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19671059


>> No.19671088


「Each of us in truth ina idea if the Japanse、 an unlimited idea of freedom。」

>> No.19671106

even buddhist monks watch matts videos

>> No.19671133
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>> No.19671144
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>> No.19671257


>> No.19671282
File: 23 KB, 900x900, matt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i regret some of my decisions and i've lost drive to continue for now

>> No.19671292

What I read:
>My sister want to enter a penis
Run it through translator and it says:
>My sister wants to get a dick
how does 入るbecome "want to get"?

>> No.19671308

are you looking at the transitive 入る

>> No.19671332

It was meant to mean
>I want to put my dick in my little sister

>> No.19671338
File: 25 KB, 817x505, ごみ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19671349


>> No.19671365

why use は instead of に?
wouldn't that be the proper particle?

>> No.19671370

actually hanahira has like five lines of unvoiced narration deep within

>> No.19671371

You can replace everything with は

>> No.19671377


>> No.19671386

what are they don't leave me hanging

>> No.19671394

This is how I would write it and it translated correctly.. but maybe you know more slangy way of talking than me

>> No.19671416

I don't actually know Japanese, I even forgot that insert was spelt 入れる not 入る (which became hairu).
I did know I could've used に and I usually do but I decided to use は this time.

>> No.19671429

ok thanks for clarifying, I was just curious

>> No.19671463

>be me 2 weeks into Japanese
>meet 手に入れる in a JRPG
>think it's the potential form of 手に入る
>proceed to play a kana-only game the next week and realize i'm an idiot

>> No.19671473

Thank you for making a new thread.
thanks for you build new thread.

>> No.19671478


>> No.19671518

Are you seriously using the news for reading practice? No wonder you're miserable. Not to mention the news makes for shit reading practice. How many articles do you have to make your way through to even amass an hour of reading time?

Go read something FUN, faggot.

>> No.19671525

Bros, can someone explain to me what けど does at the end of a sentence where there is no contradiction or a need to connect to sentences?
For example:
I'm miffed at the moment.

>> No.19671540

>but when I saw the video of him talking Japanese ... I cringed
Yeah, his accent is horrendous. I couldn't believe how bad it was when I heard it.

>> No.19671586

i don't know japanese but as far as i'm aware it's not much different than ending a sentence with "but"
it's used to soften the statement and be less direct, as nihonjin tend to do

>> No.19671608

What did you expect? It's the single most time consuming language for English natives to learn. 10 VNs isn't that long.

>> No.19671629
File: 1.84 MB, 1279x721, 1534391602759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the /int/ thread reads. what have you read lately?

>> No.19671638


