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1960870 No.1960870 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know about you guys, this is how normal mode Perfect Cherry Blossom ended up playing out for me. Some would argue Youmu isn't nearly as hard as the Prismrivers, but I've practiced them so much I find myself loosing more lives on Youmu then I usually lose on the sisters.

In any case, this game your experience with each games difficulty as they progress. I know if I'd have have done this with Mountain of Faith it would have been mostly smooth up until 4 when it would start to get a little steep before finally hitting a wall at Konako. Seriously, what the hell.

>> No.1960916

Youmu was one of the easier bosses in the game, and might be the easiest stage 5 out of all of the PC games. Yuyu was laughable about difficulty. the fucking sisters still occasionally take a life from me.

>> No.1960925

>Easier than Reisen
You best be joking.

>> No.1960935

nope, I have issues with one of reisin's cards and will occasionally loose a life to her.

>> No.1960941
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Maybe because I've practiced on Stage 6 (and Stage 3) a lot, but it feels like it's no longer a bullshit level in my experience, (though I still can't do a no-miss on it, at least I would always get confident of playing through with minimal loss). Can't say about Stage 4 & 5 though.

Also, what difficulty mode are we talking about?

>> No.1960947
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Maybe because I've practiced on Stage 6 (and Stage 3) a lot, but it feels like it's no longer a bullshit level in my experience, (though I still can't do a no-miss on it, at least I would always get confident of playing through with minimal loss). Can't say the same thing about Stage 4 & 5 though.

Also, what difficulty mode are we talking about?

>> No.1960953

I never really considered the final card that hard, it's a easy pattern just really tight movements on higher difficulties.

MoF last card is what I would consider a bullshit card.

>> No.1960955

>before finally hitting a wall at Konako


>> No.1960957

What. the. fuck.

With a few specific card exceptions, Youmu is far and away the hardest Stage 5 boss for me, and most of the reason why I find PCB the hardest game (I can barely 1cc it with SakuyaA and end up spamming bombs all through the last 2 stages). The only easy parts for me are her 2nd and 3rd spellcards; all her nonspells, her midboss card, and her 1st and 4th spellcards are all very likely deaths if I don't bomb. And this is after practicing the stage a gazillion times. The Prismrivers used to be where I had trouble (on Easy, Youmu was a joke compared to them) but they're nothing now.

By comparison, only threats from Sakuya are her 2nd nonspell and Marionette (autobomb there), Reisen has nothing (on Normal anyway), Sanae has her 1st spellcard (and sometimes her 1st nonspell is bullshit that forces me to bomb), Orin has her midboss card, 2nd nonspell and annoying but not really hard 3rd spellcard.

>> No.1960959

MoF's last card is a boring endurance card. Terrible spellcard to end the game on.

>> No.1960964
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>> No.1960983


the last ones are all "endurance cards" faggot

difference is that MoF one is awesome and demands reflexes while the other ones are the same old boring lifeless shit

>> No.1961001


This artist does the best faces

One day we're gonna need a thread full of them

>> No.1961012


Youmu gives me trouble, perhaps it's because I refuse to watch other peoples breakthroughs over and over again to see the best way of getting through the trickier cards and I've always had trouble with the criss crossing danmaku she opens up with. If anything my problem is knowing I need to get used to completing card and loosing lives instead of just bombing through the ones I have trouble with.

I'm hoping to improve enough to be able to do it without as much trouble, hard most is impossible for me to 1CC on any of the games at the moment, I rarely 1CC normal unless we're talking about Imperishable Night, I can reliably do that normal mode but then it would be embarrassing if I couldn't it's that easy in comparison.

For other stage 5 bosses, I'll admit Youmu isn't the worse. Sakuya on the same difficulty will usually rape me, but I blame at more on lack of practice. Orin is pretty much the queen of bullshit level 5 bosses. I've hit a wall on SA normal with her, the other bosses up to her are much easier. I imagine at Hard Satori will jump up in difficulty with her gimmicky second set of spell cards based on the player, but until then I'm entirely used to her so she's not hard. I'm mostly used to Sanae, but she can usually score a life or two depending on my concentration at the time. Like someone said, Reisen is probably the easiest stage 5 boss, though occasionally I'll get cocky and lose a life on her. That said, again I know how the difficulty leaps up on hard and I wouldn't be surprised if she became a real threat compared to Normal.

Normal and Hard are two very different games, unfortunately I've not gotten good enough to do hard all the way, unless I want to spam continues for the experience at least. Normal is about my level with varying success based on each game.

>> No.1961017
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>> No.1961018

wait till you get to lunatic. some bosses you found easy get hard as hell and some don't even change that much. also prepare for maid rape, and the only boss where winning is almost up to chance (remilia)

>> No.1961031

Sanae is the easiest. Almost all of her spellcard and non spellcard attacks follow exactly the same pattern.

The only risky attack she has in her opening one - and it's only hard on Lunatic.

>> No.1961033

In anycase, feel free to map your own experiences. It's not like I'm saying 'this is how PCB plays out', more this is how it felt to me.

In a sense I have a easier time with Yuyuko's cards then I do the Prismriver's, but Yuyuko is a test of endurance and some of the earlier cards can be rather tricky, like the one with the laser that forces you to weave through the danmaku on the opposite side to avoid it. I still fuck up positioning on the later entrapment cards from time to time. In comparison the Prismriver's I've had a lot of practice with (I cut my teeth on PCB and ended up practising stage 4 a lot) and I've worked pretty much all their cards to the point I only lose lives if I'm careless. Usually the opening one oddly enough.

>> No.1961035

And by opening, I don't mean her midboss opener. That one is the easiest of them all.

>> No.1961089

I don't see why everyone complains about the Prismrivers. They're hard as hell if you play Sakuya, and Marisa can have some trouble with them too, but playing Reimu I found them to be pathetic. Their last couple cards that they cast as a team die absurdly easily if you use a bomb because you get triple damage, and the first one like that has some safe spots (though the spots change every 5-10 seconds or so when they change patterns). Youmu, though, gives me nightmares. Waves of rape that suddenly speed up and splatter you if you don't weave through the random bullshit bullets thrown in for good measure fast enough. This is the concept for 3 or 4 of her cards. Yuyuko is just a bitch with too much life on her spell cards.

>> No.1961118

You use Reimu? Disgusting.

>> No.1961169
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<-- SA Hard
