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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1960576 No.1960576 [Reply] [Original]

I just tried iced green tea for the first time, and I have to say, that was not a very memorable experience. There was no taste except an aftertaste, and it faintly recalled breakfast cereal of cheap beer.

Why do the Japs drink this stuff all the time?

What's wrong with water?

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960579


Also fuck off with the sig.

>> No.1960580

what the fuck

>> No.1960582

I'm merely looking for the appeal

I can understand coffee because it gives you a buzz, soft drinks because they are sweet, water because it's cheap, but what's the appeal of green tea?

I suspect they drink it because it's Japanese and everyone else does

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960593

Green tea is refreshing.

The good ones, not the cheap manufactured ones.

>> No.1960594

What a creative troll

>> No.1960599

Troll checklist:

Stupid content on the wrong board.

It's like he's doing his homework in Remedial Trolling for a community college.

>> No.1960601

>Martin is the badass
try hard next time

>> No.1960604

Sounds to me like you have been brainwashed

Just exactly what makes it "refreshing"

I want to know

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960613

I had a long reply all typed out, but fuck it, I'm not feeding this troll.

>> No.1960625
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>> No.1960629

So much sage...

and still not enough.

>> No.1960636

I dunno, the Lipton bottled Green Tea is pretty good. Then again, it doesn't taste like green tea at all, just citrus and sugar. However, green tea I've made hot and then chilled did taste like utter shit.

>> No.1960638

I agree unequivocally

It makes one wonder whether people just say they like green tea to appear cultured and high-brow

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960644

To put it in the eloquent words of >>1960579:
Kindly fuck off with the sig.

>> No.1960645
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I'm trying to see how /jp/ handles trolls.

Normally, to get rid of a troll all you have to do is ignore it. And by ignore I mean don't even sage. So far /jp/ has been failing the test. Next I'm going to go and test /g/.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960650

Maybe they're just retarded. I drink hot green tea for the caffeine and because it's convenient (I have an electric tea kettle in my room). Then again I also drink Oolong, Darjeeling, Earl Grey and Chai, so maybe I'm just a teafag.

>> No.1960652


Boy you sure got us.

>> No.1960656

I kinda like fresh hot white tea with a bit of lemon, ginger and honey. But that's because I have a really bad sore throat from a cold.

>> No.1960659

I drink earl grey too. 2 sugars and a half slice of lemon.

It's fucking delicious, full of flavour and wonderful.

But green tea?


Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960661
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Try again, bro.


>> No.1960664

I drink earl grey too

two sugars and a half slice of lemon. It's wonderful and full of flavour. Yum.

But green tea?


Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960667

a serious response to your troll. Green tea is actually very delicious, just give it time. I hated it the first time, but now I cant stop drinking it. Also drink it with appropriate foods and its even more delicious. Your stupid idea that everyone drinks so that is why they drink it shows that you have been in Japan for less than 6 months easy.
Also Try to get off disgusting soft drinks.

Your signature you have very bad taste anyway.

>> No.1960671

I'm confused

You hated it at first, but you continued drinking it? That's fucking retarded.

You know what, you don't even get to have an opinion.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960674

It's called fitting in, you should try it some time

>> No.1960685

I bet you never ate your vegetables when you were a kid.

>> No.1960686


I see your problem. You are drinking Korean tea.
Oh, and Iced Green tea? Next time try drinking real green tea you fag. Also, you do have bad taste.

>> No.1960695

Martin is the badass is an annoying pseudo-intellectual with all the wittiness of a bizarro world Black Adder, and has begun to constantly use a god damn awful sig which is annoying the fuck out of everyone.

This is 4chan, home of basement dwellers and trolls. MITB is neither , he is merely a gigantic faggot.

Repeat - He is not a troll. Do not let his feeble attempts to convince you otherwise fool you, he merely is just a giant fag.

I'm going to post this as much as I can , regardless of bans (dynamic IP lol) To let this cocksucker know he is not wanted, anywhere.

Get the fuck out MITB, Sage in all fields, copypasta, you trolled ect ect

>> No.1960702

The reason, my fellow American, that I am asking about iced green tea is because it is the most popular drink in Japan, moreso than "real green tea you fag"

And I wouldn't know about Korean tea, I've never been to korea.

Only sprouts. The rest I ate and continue to eat.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960710

The irony is, it's people like you who are ruining this thread

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960728


Green tea is popular cold, but what is sold cold is not by any means high grade tea, my fellow American. But of course you knew that right?
It is however still good cold.
Soda on the other hand is disgusting in large amounts. There is no "buzz" unless you are 15 years old.
Maybe if you would not try to take cultural bits out of context and serve them cold you would get the picture more? Drink tea with Japanese sweets or senbei. I dont need them to enjoy my wonderful green tea though.
Gasp! Perhaps taste is an acquired thing?!

>> No.1960737


Wrong, people like me are ruining YOUR thread,asshole.

And what a fucking shitty idea for a thread, ''oh hey guiz i dnt leik green tea lol'' No one cares jack ass.

The very first reply you got was spot on.

>> No.1960738

So you're saying that people drink and enjoy green tea because they drink it and drink it, despite not liking the taste, until eventually they do like the taste...right?

That's pretty deep man.

But couldn't you do that with...say...piss?

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960740

But this IS my thread

lol ur silly

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960749

Way to fail.

>> No.1960753


Wow, its clear you got out of Philosophy 101 with about a C. Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. By the way, why don't you look at the piss called "soft drinks" that you have learned to love. You actually grew to love a medicine-like syrup filled unhealthy mess. Again, You have bad taste. That is all.

Australians love that vegimite crap.
Dont hate me because im trolling.

>> No.1960754


Well, as far as that goes, diet sodas that contain aspartame as an artificial sweetener turn into a mild amphetamine after your liver struggles to handle it's inherent toxicity. That's why the balding Wall-Street types suck that shit down like mad.

>> No.1960759

This, its an acquired taste. And it tastes fucking good after a while.

Its good for you thats why I kept drinking it to begin with

>> No.1960762


Piss? You'd have to ask /hc/ about that. They're the ones with all the porno with chicks that enjoy toilet games.

>> No.1960768

Where do you get the idea that I like soft drinks?

All I ever drink is water, Earl grey, Darjeeling, orange juice and OCCASIONALLY apple juice

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
Love me because I'm bad

>> No.1960767

Martin is a girls name. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.1960771

Actually, I've got to hand it to this one. It takes effort to go out of your way to be this much of a faggot. It's a level of trolling so low that it's very method offends everyone's intelligence to the point it's almost impossible to ignore. It's the kind of obnoxious shit you really want to see result in a bann for the amount of disruption it causes just by being so bad people can't help but point out how blatant and retarded it is.

I mean really, you couldn't be more obvious without outright posting a avatar of a toy TROLL as his image to every reply. That's how subtle we're talking about here. It takes a sad level of dedication to be that obnoxious.

Well done OP. Well done for single handedly making /jp/ somehow worse than it usually is.

>> No.1960782

ITT we all should never leave our countries.

>> No.1960791

You mean "What's wrong mede in korea ?" ???
