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File: 67 KB, 1615x125, 1757b763da4245bcad804daceb0cc192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19597665 No.19597665 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder Hecatia is the strongest 2hu.

>> No.19597744

Still weirdo T-shirt

>> No.19597813

Well, obviously. She's a titan. She's naturally stonger than all gods. She's a super-god.

>> No.19597826

All that incredible power, and she's still a hag with a horrible sense of style. How sad.
How's she compare to The Dragon-God, by the way?

>> No.19597827
File: 196 KB, 558x581, 1523731040743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heca is rad.

>> No.19597835

>completely past the level of anyone in gensokyo or the lunar capital

>> No.19597853

Yukarifags eternally btfo

>> No.19597863

I never like Hekatia. Lampades are weird, and while the myth unit buffs are great, all the Altantean myth units suck. Except for Hekas, which ironically Heka can't get. I guess you could go Automatons? Maybe? It still doesn't sound that great. Neat GP, though.

>> No.19597893

Her design is stupid. I think she lurked too much on /fa/

>> No.19597901

As if ZUN even remembers the dragon exists.

>> No.19598049

He probably wrote that dragon god stuff while being drunk on top of that.

>> No.19599563

>since she's an enemy that doesn't play by the rules, you can't even call it a proper match
Doesn't this mean that if both sides were playing by the rules, she has a chance of losing?

>> No.19599603
File: 799 KB, 681x1000, __hecatia_lapislazuli_touhou_drawn_by_hillly_maiwetea__8598be917f7abb17d7253631b16a5c58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so awesome and fashionable! There is no other Touhou girl with a more up to date fashion sense! Most of them look like grandmas! Get with the times!

>> No.19599618

He's referencing the fact that both Junko and Hecatia fought together in the extra stage against the heroine. Hecatia wasn't being serious in that fight.
>It's just playing around

>> No.19600754


>> No.19602224
File: 1.13 MB, 826x1169, heca zeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not until Zeus becomes mentioned in canon.

>> No.19602986
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, __usami_sumireko_touhou_and_violet_detector_drawn_by_arkatopia__8d258236b33261ee0c039cd8634b12c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone who doesn't explicitly live in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital can beat Hecatia, got it. That's quite a few Touhous.

>> No.19603694
File: 305 KB, 1454x1356, Sariel 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is stronger than heca

>> No.19603813

How does Doremy compare? While I'm certain her full power is within the Dream World, even outside of her realm she still has some nasty powers up her sleeve such as self-cloning.

>> No.19603930
File: 368 KB, 750x750, __yagokoro_eirin_and_yakumo_yukari_touhou_drawn_by_meneru__b683027f2bc41452e6f118d154b41aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Eirinfag I'm sorta upset. At least this makes Yukarifags mad too, so it's not all bad.

>> No.19604167

Is Hecatia smart?

>> No.19604853

Angels aren't stronger than gods, anon.
Nice meme but Hecatia is a titan while Zeus is a mere olympian.

>> No.19604878

Powerlevels in Touhou are pretty much meaningless since half of the cast wins against anyone else as along as they go first.

>> No.19604893

Stop trying to bring up spell card shit in powerlevel threads. The spell card rules allow anyone to beat anyone. They are not a measure of power.

>> No.19604908

I didn't mention spellcard rules though? I was saying that it doesn't matter if someone "is the strongest" since half the cast has win button abilities. As long as they move first, they win.

>> No.19604962

>win button abilities
Pretty sure Reimu's Fantasy Nature, Yuyuko's insta death, and Yukari's boundary manipulation would be null and void with Hecatia.

>> No.19605078
File: 299 KB, 1280x883, 1502463585077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty sure
That's nice but also nothing but speculation. For all we know she may shut down any magical based effects because she's a fucking goddess of magic. If ZUN says that she's the strongest than we just work with that.

>> No.19605111

Or somebody from a religion that's still has a lot of worshipers. I imagine the Touhou version of Shiva or Vishnu is a million times more powerful than everybody in Gensokyo combined.

>> No.19605112


>> No.19605113

*that still has a lot of worshipers.

>> No.19605120

Yes, we already know that Zun really likes Hecatia and forced her into canon despite the outcries of the fans. Thanks anon.

>> No.19605141
File: 722 KB, 1080x726, 7689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna grope your doc!
translate it weebs
gross headcanon

>> No.19605432

*Good headcanon.

>> No.19605445

You know the titans got their shit wrecked and imprisoned or killed by those "mere" olympians, right?

>> No.19605681

The titanomachy was successful because the olympians banded together with the gigantes, cyclopes (who made the olympians special weapons), and hekatonkheires. A singular titan is stonger than a singular olympian but together with the giants, they were quite the army against the titans. Also don't forget that Cronus' father, Ouranos, literally cursed Cronus to suffer an uprising from his own children as Cronus did to him.
This. There is no point in arguing. ZUN already made Hecatia the canonically most powerful being so far.

>> No.19605715

Fantasy Nature isn't magical though, neither is Yukari's border manipulation.

>> No.19605720

Still doesn't change the fact that Hecatia outclasses everyone in Gensokyo or the moon.

>> No.19605728

Again, that's debatable. We don't the exact measure of her abilities.

>> No.19605729

Just because she's "the most powerful" doesn't mean she'd win against everyone in a no holds barred fight. This may be a shit analogy, but: a nuke can do more damage than a gun. But if you shoot the person that has the nuke before it goes off then you win.

>> No.19605732

Flan would still be able to pop her. Don't know if she'd need to do it three times or if it'd all count as the same Hecatia.
Good headcanon for a loser.

>> No.19605772

But it doesn't say she's "the most powerful." It says that she's completely past the level of everyone else and doesn't play by the rules.

Just because you can come up with some ludicrously strained interpretation of ZUN's text that preserves your position doesn't mean that's the interpretation that people should use. The interpretation that should be used is the obvious one until something indicates otherwise.

>> No.19605837

This has to be bait.
I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics you guys are going through right now but it seems you have no idea what "she's completely past the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital" means.

>> No.19605854

>she's completely past the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital
Explain it for us, Professor.

>> No.19605891

It means she's completely past the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital.

>> No.19606130

I am loathe to agree with you on this because Hecatia is nowhere near my favourite, but it is true and it's written clearly there in black and white.

It is of course obvious that trying to rank certain characters by raw power and ability alone is ridiculous. Yukari and Okina, along with Eirin and Kaguya are all practically omnipotent, with power over all time and creation.

It makes no sense to ask "what they could they do?" More interesting is to ask "what would they do?"

Why are they several and not one? Why are the past and present of Gensokyo and the Lunar Capital as they are? The four aforementioned characters could literally do anything so why don't they? Who is their katechon? Who is the mediator, preventing the balance to tip too far towards either of the Extreme Deaths of the Lunarians' immortal unchanging eternity versus Yukari-Okina's rhizomic complexity and entropic gap chaos meltdown?

Hecatia neither needs nor has such restraint. She is the singular master of her domain which is without limit - Hell expands to fill the ever-growing number of souls who continue to fall in like snowflakes.

>> No.19606143

Not bait, Yuyu might not be able to death the Hecatia but Flan can surely pop her.

>> No.19606162

Basically, but it seems like such an asspull. ZUN hasn't even clearly explained what makes her so powerul. I hope he dives deeper in to that instead of forgetting her altogether like he does with 90% of the cast.
>completely past the level of anyone in gensokyo or the lunar capital
>completely past the level of anyone in gensokyo
>completely past the level
>anyone in gensokyo

>> No.19606211

So? You really think Hecatia's going to nullify Flan's ability somehow? I'm sure she could kick Flan's ass in a fist fight but in the end Flan can probably still pop her, regardless of >anyone in gensokyo, my good friend.

>> No.19606213

Not that anon but even though she's past the level of anyone in gensokyo or the lunar capital, that doesn't mean Yuyuko wouldn't be able to kill her in certain conditions, like in an ambush.

>> No.19606215

Those were ZUN's words, not mine. If you want to have your own headcanon then go ahead but it'll never be a reality.

>> No.19606218

That doesn't make it insignificant. That we're discussing it proves that.

>> No.19606232

>ZUN hasn't even clearly explained what makes her so powerul
She is one of the primordial deity. What else do you need?

>> No.19606245

Does that ability even work against gods? When originally described it said it can kill any living being whether "human or youkai". In fact, it seems your forgetting that the yama appointed Yuyuko to be the ruler of the netherworld. If the yama outclass her, what do you think Hecatia, the leader of the yama, is to Yuyuko?
The point isn't to speculate. There is no speculation here. What ZUN said was clear as day. Hecatia outclasses everyone we know about so far.
I would prefer something that isn't as vague is "yeah she's the stongest lmao".

>> No.19606260

How you're interpreting his words is headcanon, but suit yourself, buddy.

>> No.19606267

Read a wiki then nerd.
>She was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery.
There you go.

>> No.19606269

There is no interpretation. It is what it is. What he said has no interpretation as it is as literal as it can get.

>> No.19606276

An angel made by yahweh, the most praised god on earth is
Zeus before he became the king of the greek pantheon might’ve been weaker, but all of that Greek faith and modern fame probably makes him stronger.

>> No.19606320

She gets fucked by dogs daily

>> No.19606339

Speculation like that is not relevant in this conversation. It seems you have forgotten that Shinki has created everything in Makai, and not God (who does not even exist in Touhou so far).

>> No.19606349

Define "beyond the level of"(or rather, whatever japanese words you surely haven't read) and how it means that all abilities used by beings that are weaker than them are automatically nullified, and maybe I might buy into your headcanon you've loosely based upon ZUN's words, my dude.

>> No.19606363

The Japanese term used is レベル, which is literally the loanword for "level."

>are automatically nullified
If X being completely beyond Y's level is inconsistent with Y being able to one-shot X, then one of them must be false. Nobody needs explain how it works.

>> No.19606373

Beyond the level of means beyond the level of. There is nothing to argue. Now if you're gonna claim the translation is fake and wrong because we can't read Japanese and "how can we trust the translators!?!?!?" then I raise you this: how do we know Reimu doesn't have a fat futa cock, huh? We can't read Japanese so we don't know. Those lying translators probably hid it from us, right?

>> No.19606381

>the most praised god on earth
since when? never? never.

>> No.19606421

>If X being completely beyond Y's level is inconsistent with Y being able to one-shot X, then one of them must be false. Nobody needs explain how it works.
Sound logic, but ZUN "beyond the level of" is a rather vague description and might not be referring to Power Level, besides, ZUN also claims that Flan's ability can destroy absolutely anything, so this not being true would also be a contradiction.
triggered moron

>> No.19606459

This level of denial is comical.

>> No.19606468

Your level of intelligence is comical.

>> No.19606484

The question ZUN was answering was "It's the first time we've fought a goddess since Kanako, isn't it?". So yes, the answer of "she's beyond the level of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital" was in reponse to either her status as a god or her fighting capability, both perfectly clear measures of power. There is no separate interpretation, what was said was clear.

>> No.19606493

Flan can destroy anything, but Kaguya can't be destroyed, so oh no Touhou has been disproved since IN.

Or, you can simply resolve contradictions in favor of what the text clearly states.

>> No.19606495

So you've cemented yourself as a baiting shitposter, good. I don't need to waste time with you anymore.

>> No.19606507

Even if it was clear, Flan's ability not working is still a contraction. If it meant 'fighting capability' then while I'm sure that Hecatia is faster and stronger than Flan with no cheap weaknesses like a vamp, she should still be able to be popped.

>> No.19606540

Does this ability work against hourai immortals? Does this ability work against regular immortals? What about gods? What about the yama? What about titans? What a titan that literally rules the yama and every single hell? You do realize that this ability has only been applied to materials like Flan's toys and a meteor, right? Perfect Memento in Strict sense even makes it abundantly clear that the limitations and range of this power is unknown. What is known, however is that Hecatia is past the level in power of anyone in Gensokyo or the Lunar Capital.

>> No.19606573

Kaguya would most likely explode, then come back together. It works. Regular immortals like who? I'd imagine Kanako or Hecatia would explode, then might be able to rematerialise, through faith or otherwise. Youkai could probably come back after being exploded too, actually.
Well, that's the point isn't it.
>in power
Technically never stated.
Good, get lost.

>> No.19606602

Here's the catch, it is canon that Hecatia's soul resides in hell (she may even have multiple souls considering there are multiple hells). She even has multiple bodies. So even if Flandre were to somehow destroy her physical form, which seems quite impossible considering she's the highest god there is, Flandre will not have been able to kill her. Hecatia's immortal soul is tied to hell. If Flandre wanted to kill Hecatia then she would need to find a way to destroy all the hells, and that's even considering she even finds out how to get there and beats all the oni and yama residing there. Point is, Heca would still be able to crush Flandre if a serious non-spellcard battle were to occur between them.

>> No.19606636
File: 113 KB, 850x1068, flanhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough. I say Flan would at least still be able to pop a Heca body, but she has plenty of them, plus overwhelming power, so it probably wouldn't matter.
Now I've got an idea of Flan journeying to the depths of Hell to get revenge on Hecatia for destroying gensokyo or whatever by killing her true form once and for all.

>> No.19610865

The amount of headcanon flying forth and back in this thread is amusing.

>> No.19610906

Nah, it's Zun anon.

>> No.19611007

How does being beyond the level of everyone work when she's a boss in a video game that people have used Reimu and marisa to beat countless times by now?

Also, aren't a lot of these gals sorta exaggeratedly powerful?
Remilia could just "fate" her into dying
Flan does the destroy anything thing
Yuyuko can have anyone die
Sakuya freezes time and kills her
Yuyuko opens a portal into her brain or something

Literally what is the point of saying any character is "the strongest" in Gensokyo?

>> No.19611065

*clap clap* very retarded post

>> No.19611066

Hecatia is the strongest because Zun insisted, repeatedly, that she was the strongest.

Yes, all of your critics are perfectly valid, but Zun canonicalized it long ago, so basically shutup.

>> No.19611085

Can she beat up Shinki?

>> No.19611173

*clap clap*

>> No.19611529

Sounds like a cool plot for a fanmade game. Would almost work as a Doom wad or something.

>> No.19612552

can't we discuss things even though the creator says something is some way? Haven't you ever heard of "death of the author"? But I ain't gonna argue against ZUN, I just like power level discussions and think that, outside of the "voice of god", there are characters with just as broken power levels.

>> No.19615389

But can she beat the cock?

>> No.19615434

But Zun isn't dead?

Anyways I don't like the sound of "death of the author". It sounds like post-modern neo-marxist mumbo jumbo to me.

>> No.19615449

Plotting is more effective than raw power anyways and Hecatia couldn't even get 1 Chang'e out of the moon over many months while Yukari was able to get an object from the Lunar palace itself with almost no effort.

But there's the whole "It was my plan to put Clownpiece in Gensokyo" thing now so maybe MAYBE Hecatia isn't an idiot.

>> No.19621775

Plotting is only effective when you have the raw power to put your plan in motion and take it to the very end.
