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19547947 No.19547947 [Reply] [Original]

Now With Less (Embed)s Edition

old: >>19520517

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Omake Overhaul English release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.81 (29/07/2018)
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (28/07/2018)
>Latest Custom
E+C 1.80.4 (24/07/2018)
OOENhack (28/07/2018)

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.19548356

Where can I find the source code?

>> No.19548460

Why does everyone want the source code so much recently? Anyways, custom's source ships with it as the .hsp files, but it was made with the decompiled source of plus. Omake Overhaul doesn't seem to even have the decompiled source available. The vanilla source code is only available by emailing noa.

>> No.19548559

>The vanilla source code is only available by emailing noa
I thought that he publicly published it quite a while ago. In any case, would you happen to know his mail?
How about Elona+?

>> No.19548911

If you were going to make the Super Lure available for purchase like the Stradivarius, how expensive would you make it?

>> No.19549043


>> No.19549103

80k music tickets

>> No.19549226

If I get a sandbagged monster, will attacking it count as being in combat for the purposes of custom pet AI turning on?

>> No.19549241

>Omake Overhaul doesn't seem to even have the decompiled source available.

Like 5k at most. I don't see a reason people should have to grind to absurd numbers of tickets just to get a fun item that makes a single task faster.

>> No.19549277


>> No.19549458

Don't know his email, but it should be on his website still. I think the wiki links to it somewhere. As for plus, no. Ano doesn't want people moding his mod till he's done, and noa doesn't want other's handing out his source which ano uses. However, custom should include the decompiled plus code as well, You'll need to ask in the release thread on the wiki's forum for more info about it.

>> No.19549484

Elona+ is full of fun items that makes a single task faster/easier, and they all require either stupid amounts of grinding or an official marriage certificate signed by you and your bride Lady Luck in your inventory.

>> No.19549494

So? They're stupid. No need for it to also be stupid. Stradivarious is literally one of those items and its only 8k.

>> No.19549541

But stupidity is pretty much a tradition in E+, and it's important to always respect the local customs in Irva.

>> No.19549545

But stradivarius is on south tyris

>> No.19549550

Nah fuck that.

>> No.19549552

Are you on drugs? Irva is our world, of course.

>> No.19549589

I didnt knew we got periodic demon invasions

>> No.19549772

Cats... why are they so cute?

>> No.19549892

Something something shopkeepers are really strong something something

>> No.19550260

You kidding?

>> No.19550547

This is quite sad, thank you.

>> No.19550561

>Ano doesn't give source
>People just take it anyways

>> No.19550844
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Should I just be rolling around with as many pets as I can have, or should I focus on just 1-2 pets? I basically have an army of minotaurs following me around now and I feel like this isn't how I'm meant to be playing

>> No.19550921

Just do what you want the game is fucking easy so anything works its kind of the appeal

>> No.19550955

Anything is fine as long you can handle it, be it the loneliness of being a no-friends adventurer or the horrors of inventory management with a +10 pets party.
Having one or two pets definitively is a lot easier to manage, though.

>> No.19550987

If you're running a full army set up, start preparing picnic baskets.

>> No.19551108
File: 122 KB, 850x850, __serval_kemono_friends_drawn_by_poifuru__sample-4aec7144966bfe872d3c44b8659a4d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Op took my advice about removing the (embeds)

Depends on the game version. E+/Custom makes pets significantly more deadly than in the base game by allowing you to add/remove skills, and modify AI, essentially allowing you to do anything with any pet.

In vanilla or OO they're more reasonable. But at the end of the day, I guess a pet is still a way to double your firepower without many drawbacks... so still kind of overpowered.

>> No.19551162

>allowing you to add/remove skills, and modify AI
desu this is such a hassle to do.
i always make my party full of melee fags so that i don't have to worry about anything other than make them charge and kill.

>> No.19551207

>Ano doesn't want people moding his mod till he's done

>> No.19551236

Probably doesn't want someone to do a better job and steal all his thunder or mess with his stories

>> No.19551271

Popular discussion suggests he's pretty selfish and egotistical. If that's true, it's almost certainly because he want to compete with others that could do things better than he does, and make him look bad.

>> No.19551312

don worry one day foobar anon will finish his thing and uplift us

>> No.19551329

I wanted to try porting it to Linux and the toy OS that I am making but I guess that this is not going to happen, not without rewriting all the code by myself at least.

>> No.19551488

toy OS?

>> No.19551513

I am making my own operating system. Since I added a graphical mode to it a few days ago I decided to try and port some of my favourite games to it.

>> No.19551522

>making your own operating system when Windows exists
>surprised when your favourite games don't work


>> No.19551529

Sounds fun, keep it up!

>> No.19551618

Good luck. Don't let any glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers get you.

>> No.19551783

>desu this is such a hassle to do.
Yeah, but the vanilla AI is complete crap in vanilla/OO.

You have no idea how awful it is to give a pet a godly weapon, and watch it spend 80% of its turns waiting rather than firing at targets will within range. It's like its AI is actually just an RNG from a list of potential actions rather than an actual AI that makes proper decisions based on the circumstances.

I can understand why you only play with melee pets in OO given the shit AI.

>> No.19551936

>It's like its AI is actually just an RNG from a list of potential actions
Not "like". That's exactly how Elona's AI works, barring the handful of "cast supercure/superbuff/superregen at <X% health".

>> No.19551990

Specifically, it's
-Set of five actions, equal chance for each
-Second set of five actions, also equal chance for each
-Percentage chance to use the second set instead of the first set
-Preferred distance to remain from opponent
-Percentage chance to move if not at preferred distance
-Action to use when below 25% HP

Anything else would be a hardcoded exception or something I guess.

>> No.19552161

Sweet mother of God, that would explain why the AI is so bad in Elona. And probably why pets are so powerful in E+, with its ability to make custom AI rules.

>> No.19552166

Anyone know how food blessing works in OO? Are all consumables treated equally, or does quality or cooking have any effect on the potential gains?

>> No.19552177

Pets ain't strong in Elona because of the custom rules. If they just had that, most of them would be comparable to the PC, the exceptions being those with moves we don't get, particularly good or bad bodies/base stats or those with broken flags like metal.
They're broken in E+ because they get double AP from all sources, nearly triple stats from items and potential for just gold.
Seemingly the idea behind their balance in + was ''its apain to make all your pets strong at once since they share items'' but he somehow completely derped and forgot we share the same items and sources of exp with them and already have a harder time maintaining high potentials in skills for most of the game.

>> No.19552519

Public Performer is pretty awesome as a range pet in OO even with the derp AI. You need a good stealth Lv to keep it's aggressiveness in check however. If enemies spot you, your pet will respond too quickly to the threat. It'll get swamped. Other than that, it chooses shoot and retreat very often. A decent weapon lets Public shine.

>> No.19552808

Is Thief class skill actually retarded?

You already have greatly increased chance to crit out of stealth

>> No.19552868

Yes, it is.
I wish you could pick the class feats yourself. I always play as a fucking farmer or claymore or warrior because they're obviously the best feats in the game.

Of course, excluding the mage classes, since playing a mage in this game is such a hassle compared to other classes

>limited amount of spellcasting (stocks)
>getting spells is RNG (dreams)
>everything got shadow step to instantly close the gap and fuck your face
>spells can fail the cast
>need memorization,control magic,learning and level your spells meanwhile others just need to level their weapon skill

did i miss anything? others just slap a weapon and begin murdering

>> No.19553137
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wat the hell can I even trade for it because I can't kill this dude

>> No.19553231


try corruption potions or scrolls of oracle

>> No.19553556

looks familiar, like this here
what's the point of regurgitating posts 2 threads ago, this was done last thread too

>> No.19555511

Haven't played in a few years and I'm going to give OO a go. Someone pick my race/class for me.

>> No.19555564

Play something you couldn't normally play in E+/Custom because the classes were underpowered, just to spice things up.

Things to note for OO:
- Weapon/magic feats are highly specialized (up to +100% damage), but take up to five feats to master. This means you absolutely don't want to switch weapon/magic specs after you specialize.
- Everyone doesn't get magic resists that scale like in E+, so mages are still competitive by lategame.
- Read the wiki article on Omake feats. Many of them allow you to turn normally unrelated skills into combat bonuses (gardening, etc).
- Idols and samurai have special abilities unique to their classes
- Martial artists can have feats that allow them to use light weapons two-handed and retain their normal bonuses

>> No.19555580

Also, forgot to mention perhaps the most important thing:
By default, plat costs are exorbitant. (20 for the first skill, scaling up). Ultimately, it can take over 1000 plat to learn every skill via trainer if you pick one of the classes with fewer starting skills. So consider your starting skills much more carefully than in E+.

Though its worth noting that the english OO has an option where you can set drop rates on EXP/Plat/Gold/items/etc. So you can modify this if you feel it's too unfair.

>> No.19555637

Bring back corpse effects on eggs

>> No.19555704

>what's the point of regurgitating posts 2 threads ago, this was done last thread too

People never need a reason to complain about something.

>> No.19555827

I appear stuck with the main quest. I'm supposed to go find "<Karam> on the 17th floor of Lesimas", according to the librarian. I cleared that floor a while back, and returned to find Karam's not there. Not sure if I accidentally killed him and forgot, or if he didn't properly trigger some flag, or what.

What do? Does he respawn? Or alternatively, anyone know if/how to edit the save using EloSnack to force the quest to progress to the next step?

>> No.19555967

If you're on top of a town or the stairs leading to a level, you can reset it by doing the following: hold down the Backspace key, and while holding it hit Enter, then answer 'Yes' when it asks if you want to initialize the room.

>> No.19556003

It worked. Thanks anon, you're a lifesaver.

>> No.19556027

>>I wish you could pick the class feats yourself.
you can in OO

Make custom ones. They're pretty imbalanced otherwise as the ninja has innate speed bonus which is >>>> any other bonus from any other class.

>> No.19556036

OO is shit
stop propagandizing this piece of unfinished and unpolished garbage

>> No.19556137

Juere/Prostitute, monotheist follower of Inari. Prostitution feats for easy cash, and maybe get the sex addiction if you want some extra challenge.

>> No.19556148

Monotheist is a bad idea on his first OO character. He won't see miracles for more than one god, when they're one of the main new additions.Makes more sense as a thing to do on a gene file after trying out OO gods with miracles and seeing which you like.

>> No.19556241

Bad idea. Prostitutes get that -75% health class trait, don't they? (Maybe it varies between which exact patch you're using.

Also, NEVER take the compulsion negative traits. They apparently scale up very badly and can give crippling penalties at higher levels.

>> No.19556344

Samurai have a stupid high amount of starting feats. Both Dancer and Barbarian also gets speed bonuses (just +5 instead of Ninja's +10) and have good starting skills/feats (like axe two-handing and a combat-oriented performer).

Monotheist isn't that bad if you aren't a title hunter. Miracles takes a fairly long time to unlock and you can't really use them all the time, and Inari have the coolest stuff (immunity dagger, more cash, faith improves your dagger skill, etc), even her passive is pretty nice.

>> No.19556364
File: 52 KB, 886x586, 1532535971998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been killing the same blade alpha for 2 hours via F2 reload and no plate drop,i am convinced this item does not exist or i got shitty luck

>> No.19556391

Stop copy/pasting posts from old threads you nigger.

>> No.19556393

it was funny the first time

>> No.19556436

Samurai also innantely take bonus damage and do more (perma fury) because of one of their feats to balance it out. Given you already 1 shot most enemies with +100% damage feats, this really just means taking more damage, making them meh.
Really all its feats mean is tactics are easier to learn and both short and long swords are broken on it, not just 1 wep type or 0 like most classes.
Balance super bad

>>Monotheist isn't that bad if you aren't a title hunter. Miracles takes a fairly long time to unlock and you can't really use them all the time, and Inari have the coolest stuff (immunity dagger, more cash, faith improves your dagger skill, etc), even her passive is pretty nice.
Monotheist is literally locking yourself out of a large part of the games new content when he's playing OO to experience the new content, for a whole 1 feat point. It makes literally 0 sense to rec it. At all. It not being relevant until you've invested an insane amount of time into a character is even more reason not to take it.

>> No.19556443


>> No.19556491

>It makes literally 0 sense to rec it.

Actually, most of the negative traits seem to be like that; far too extreme of a penalty given what the cost. They might be justified if you only look at balancing on game start (+1 feat = +33% feats), but by the endgame when you have nearly 20 feats total... they're absolutely not worth it. Things like "no magic" or the compulsion traits which scale up horribly, or pacifist, etc.

I wish there were more "reasonable" negatives like in other roguelikes. Like maybe instead of no magic, just a -25% or -50% for an extra trait point. Or maybe instead of no changing gods (or no gods, full stop), maybe just greatly increase the penalty for swapping gods.

>> No.19556494

It's generated on the blade when it's created, not on its death. You could go ahead and kill it for the next 24 hours and it wouldn't make a difference.
If you really need to scum an item, save before entering a dungeon that has that enemy type, go down a floor and read a scroll of oracle. If it generated, go find the monster holding it. If not, reload and repeat the process.
For future reference, this page specifies when is the item created http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Loot_table

>> No.19556584

I wouldn't call "two spacts per god that you can use once in a blue moon (if you have the required godly-tier weapon for one of them)" a large part of OO's new content, the game have a lot more than that.
And, to be fair, none of the negative feat points makes "any sense" at all if we are talking about combat balance, except maybe eternal virginity since prostitution isn't that good without some feats.
Pretty much everything in OO's design puts RP and variety over balance, with a few exceptions.
For example, nothing is stopping you from creating a bunch of lazily-made custom gods with wish gems, so you can have +10 free wishes per year.

>> No.19556597
File: 549 KB, 500x357, a690911e26a12243596388b883d36a619466b08689dfa25e33b0bea40f52a180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of "stop copy/pasting posts from old threads you nigger" were you too subhuman to understand?

>> No.19556601

You wouldn't, I would. He maybe would. Regardless, its more content than ''lmao you can't do shit now''.

>> No.19556698

>Pretty much everything in OO's design puts RP and variety over balance, with a few exceptions

That's not really an OO issue; the same statement is true with virtually any game with a large modding scene. Go on the Steam Workshop and look at mods, and the majority of them effectively boil down to better, stronger, and prettier versions of stuff that's in the vanilla game. It's human nature to want something you put time into creating to be outstanding compared to its peers.

>> No.19556725

So when playing OO, I randomly saw "[Heroname] realizes the limitations and leaves North Tyris". Is this something unique to OO, or was it in the vanilla game as well? And what does it mean, that a hero became too powerful and was taken out of play to make room for more rookie heroes? Or that you can only encounter the hero on the other (unfinished) continents from now on?

>> No.19556743

Don't Starve was ridic for this. Every character was either ''a normal char in a new skin'' or ''does 3 x normal damage, gets all stats back on kill, has double hp, moves super fast, is a furry''

Pretty sure I've seen that in other versions. It just means they left the game entire to cycle in new heroes. I think its just an on death thing they sometimes do

>> No.19556757

Anyone know what the rules are concerning blessed food in Omake? I keep having blessed food that I tuck away into my cooler box turn back into unblessed food. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or there's a condition/timelimit on blessings.

>> No.19556770

Must be a bug. I have blessed food I made like 20+ hours ago. Still blessed. I don't use coolers.

>> No.19557073

>''lmao you can't do shit now''
This is one bit may be hard for me to explain, and it's just my opinion, but I will try anyway.
For example: you take the nil magic feat, so you can't cast magic anymore, losing access to loads of spells and the spellmaking feature, and now you have to rely with potions, scrolls and rods.
But you can't cast magic because first and foremost that is how your character is, and that is the challenge you decided to take on. The extra feat is just a small reward for your choice.

Just throwing around my opinion a bit more, but I don't see Omake Overhaul and Plus as the same kind of game, even though they are both children of the same mother.
In E+, thanks to the fast leveling and other QoL features, penalties in general are minor issues, while doing a bit of everything is easy to do and almost always rewarded.
OO, on other hand, makes your starting race/class of choice a big decision because everything is very expensive so you can't just go on a shopping spree. OO's feats (and other changes in how combat works, like new features for base weapons) rewards specialization, so, unlike E+, being good at a few things not only is the easiest route but also a rewarding choice.
It's kinda like a "low rates vs high rates" MMO server discussion, we are talking about the same game but we can't easily apply the same point of view to both of them.

I'm not defending OO's balance (I agree that there are tons of issues), I'm just trying to say that you can't really "port" your playstyle from Plus to OO and vice versa, since both games won't give you that same toys to play with. So, "lmao you can't do shit now" doesn't hurt as much as it does in E+.

And, to avoid possible confusions, I'm not defending the suggested "prostitute" build. I'm just talking about the game in general.

I'm not just talking about custom content, even stuff like Inari's artifact dagger or Ninja's +10 speed are stronger than some other options available on the same level. But ninja gets that bonus because "ninjas are fast", and that is how said aspect is represented in the game.

>> No.19557233

Ok, so, this is something that has been confusing me for a very long time long time in e+ and i just don't seem to understand it very well

0 charisma = 2 pets
5 charisma = 2 pets
10 charisma = 2 pets
15 charisma = 3 pets
20 charisma = 4 pets

is this right?

>> No.19557285

>Every character may have at least 2 pets, plus one more pet for every five charisma starting from 10, up to a maximum total of fifteen pets

wow that was hard

>> No.19557316

i still don't get it
so it's the way that i said it was?
just answer the question you pretentious faggot

>> No.19557434



>> No.19557438

Not many people really cared to find the finer points of that. All they cared about was need more pets => get to the next multiple of 5 charisma.

I think its 2 + charisma/5 myself, but if it isn't then it should be charisma/5 with a minimum of 2.

>> No.19557766

Who should I bio Printer keep in mind im in act 1 still since im assuming its 1 time usage

>> No.19558057

Yeah, you absolute mong.

>> No.19558358

Maybe little Gwen if you don't want to kill her, since she will grow up after act 01.

>> No.19558416

The King, Innocent Gwen and that one guy who dies in Lomias all vanish forevers far as I know. But all can just be killed. And you need to kill them if you also want their card or flesh doll. So it don't really matter
Maybe a god if you summon one for some reason

>> No.19558828

All of a sudden, after grabbing a few PCC's and character sprites I experience several seconds of delay when loading a save, talking to an npc or entering cities. Anyone know what might be causing this?

>> No.19558919

I had that issue in OO until I made a new OO folder and transfered stuff over to it. I assume my old one got a bit too messy when overwriting things multiple times to apply patches and the hack version with the damage numbers

>> No.19558969

I kinda solved it for now by simply deleting large unneccesary files (like the complete archive of elonauploader) in case the game tried accessing them. Rebooted my computer too and now everything is fine again. What a strange game

>> No.19559074

gonna use it on gwen then since the king died already dam

>> No.19559346

The King shows up in the Void, as do several of the Lesimas NPCs.

>> No.19560669

yeah but have you tried killing npcs in the void?
it's hard as fuck. they're very strong there.

>> No.19560892

Anons. If somehow i become successful in my gamedev. Someday. Ill try to make elona in 3d or cute hand drawn sprites.
It should not be really that hard since the source code is available and just needs porting to another engine.

>> No.19561101

Uhh...I...guess? I mean a good number of us are probably on floor 100+, and things do eventually get challenging, but honestly I've never had an issue finding them before floors 20-30

>> No.19563843
File: 273 KB, 840x525, opatos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, that'd be rad.

>> No.19564048

I just got a t rex but is it even worth grinding up my riding to fucking 51

>> No.19564054

If you are playing vanilla or OO as a Golem, yes. If you are playing literally anything else no

>> No.19565750

Which NPC has the highest life? Does anything beat Fire Dragon Child? Even Meshera is lower.

>> No.19566889

>fire dragon child
is he really a child when you evolve him like 2 or 3 times though?

>> No.19567144
File: 18 KB, 481x26, hatred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My name is not important... What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on it's carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred... and I always wanted to die violently. This the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill... and it's time for me to die."

>> No.19567241

Everything in Elona is a child until you fuck them. Then they're adults, as fucking children would be immoral.

>> No.19567253

If you want something easy you can't go wrong with yerles ninja.

>> No.19567279

Mohammad fucked a 9 year old girl

>> No.19567280

Karam does respawn after a few days.

Heroes retire in all versions, though you'll encounter it more in OO more often. They spawn in dungeons, which means they die more, which comes with a chance to retire. Also you can send your pet to become an adventurer, and when you do an existing adventurer will retire to make room for them.

>> No.19567284

Good for him. He fucked a 9 year old adult.

>> No.19567296

I fucked a 9 year old adult too

>> No.19567298

Riding is insanely good outside of E+. You're better off starting with a horse and working your way u to a t rex though.

>> No.19567775

Oh yeah, and increasing your pet's strength will also help make up for a low riding skill. It's counterintuitive but lowering your pet's speed can also help. If you have the ring of steel dragon, equip it on your t rex (might have to engineer the slot on first) and it should boost your speed considerably.

>> No.19567913

Is there any reason to boost your fishing skill past 60 or whatever? It seems like at 60 you always catch something using the beetle and fishing apparently doesn't influence what you get.

>> No.19568402

Any info anywhere on making the servant for a god? How stuff like Ai act's numbers translate into the actual game, how to give it spells. A lot of its pretty self-evident or simple trial and error but these things and the meaning of ''ai heal'' I'm lost on. Dunno how we give the things stats too. Trying to make a high life monster that only moves via short teleport.

>> No.19568554

I'm pretty sure this'll help you, especially the external links:

>> No.19568889
File: 32 KB, 604x56, colours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo friends
do the color of these seeds means anything at all?

>> No.19568963 [DELETED] 


I want to say that green is usually vegetable, gold is fruit, and blue is herb. But I'm not certain if that's accurate.

>> No.19570771

Item frames and colors are generated randomly, and can be re-generated between versions from time to time. They don't affect whether the item is actually cursed blessed or whatever.

>> No.19571723

What happens if you downgrade versions instead of upgrading? should it work as long as you arent in a safe map? i know you should lose the newer version items or NPC

>> No.19571727

are in a safe map like vernis or palmia which arent changed between versions*

>> No.19571883

I imagine the save file will just get corrupted if anything, I guess it couldn't hurt to just try and see what happens?

>> No.19571922

Had a new playthrough
i think the game bugged somehow
Wished for a seven league boots though it didnt appear.
God im frustrated.

>> No.19572265

did you misspell it or something?

>> No.19572274
File: 91 KB, 338x134, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that works for stats, seems possible to do everything else I want too. Just made a new race with these stats to see if it works and it does.

>> No.19572444

What's a good source of Scrolls of Flying? I want to get an altar in my home to make gaining favour easier

>> No.19572479

Magic vendors. They appear like 1/5th as much as Corruption pots for me.

>> No.19572674
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Oh shit they're that rare? I thought they'd just be in higher level dungeons or something.

>> No.19572776

I find them occasionally in high-level dungeons, but I'm pretty sure I've gotten more more by just investing in a single magic shop and checking it regularly. (I think I've gotten slightly more more flying scrolls than potions of cure corruption, but I haven't been keeping track.)
If you're willing to mess around with hiring shopkeepers for your house, that'd probably be the best way to get lots of them.

>> No.19572956

I'm gonna need to level investing then by the sounds of things, lol.

>> No.19573513

What I like to do in + is max 400% investing then invest 50 in one go for sick charisma gains.

>> No.19573581

What enemy in the game has the lowest possible INI? Snail? I'm thinking of recruiting one and building it from the bottom and up.

>> No.19573604
File: 66 KB, 1126x99, invest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did that. Wewlad

>> No.19573765

Congrats to Shuden on her 9th birthday, she's now Legal in Tyris

>> No.19573776

I'm sure she'll be happy to hear that

>> No.19573925
File: 36 KB, 812x900, burnt woj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can any somebody help me how to install the overhaul

>> No.19573936

Download Elona 1.22. Drag into folder.
Download Omake_Overhal_Eng. Drag on top of that.
Download Omake_Overhaul_hack (its in the comments), Drag on top of that.

>> No.19574498

What's the best class feat?

>> No.19574682

As a general rule, I'd say Warmage for casters, otherwise Predator. Nothing wrong with wanting something else, though.

>> No.19574715

With a high enough dual wielding skill, is it possible to reach 8 swings per turn reliably without wearing a bunch of extra attack triggering artifacts?

>> No.19574851

As near as I can tell, having 2000 Dual Wield is roughly the same as equipping the <Twin Edge>, <Five Horned Helm>, and <Mighty Arms>. (67 CDATA_EXTRA_MELEE / 1005 ENCHANT_EXTRA_MELEE.)

>> No.19575870

If a pet earned the wish for you, the item will appear at the pet's feet rather than yours. If you haven't left the map yet, go check the local wells.

>> No.19575878

The AP gains of a snail over something like a god servant are going to be tiny. It's not worth it.

>> No.19576363

Yeah this was my bad.
I think it was my pet who got the wish
I found it.

>> No.19579848
File: 130 KB, 309x336, 1515529961805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Load up my old save
>Time is suddenly going extremely fast even when standing still

>> No.19580193

What’s the best thing to spend ap on? I got like 1000 for me and 800 for my pets.

>> No.19580210

Speed until you cap it. Then the broke as fuck mp=hp thing. And continuous attacks if you are hitting enough for the chain system to gimp you

>> No.19580280

The Obstinate trait is good too, since it always increases your critrate and critblock. If you're a caster and don't want to get Barrier, you could get the Charm trait instead. You can always switch traits later if you change your mind.

>> No.19580359
File: 216 KB, 800x800, afd0a9bfe8b2951764ef0a2cf859cea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of genre/setting would a elona anime/manga be?

>> No.19580364

Slice of life with dungeon delving, like that one manga that already exists I ain't read 'cause I don't read manga

>> No.19580547
File: 47 KB, 405x720, cage cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have failed you

>> No.19580571

whats wrong?

>> No.19580641

I cannae get my custom NPC to use Shadowstep. It just wanders around me and does melee. I even gave its custom race shadowstep in case that's something you need to do (which it shouldn't be since most enemies are of races with no special acts). Doesn't matter if I put Shadow step in act or sub act or how likely sub act is

>> No.19580646

aiMove is probably too high.

>> No.19580658

Its 0. It still moves though, which is weird. Its supposed to be an incredibly slow but high statted god pet that occasionally teleports to things and kills them

>> No.19580814
File: 56 KB, 364x309, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is weird. cNPCs I've made used shadow step fine, sound effects and all.
I attempted to reproduce your ai through elosnack on OO. Try adjusting offset 848 to encompass the actual amount of actions. When it was anything below 4 in my example, my pet would only stand around and do nothing until something entered melee range. It would only move if it was not in combat. If that doesn't work then I'm out of ideas.

>> No.19580822

I just made it with the OO CNPC stuff. I don't even have Elosnack. I'll have to get it later and see how it works

>> No.19581136

Actually nvmind I just had to set AI to rush in in game. On the default act normal AI it refuses to do it

>> No.19583289

Slice of Fuck

>> No.19584000

Speed first, then the barrier feat. Once you have everything else you want, buy skill points.

>> No.19584019

How do I give my pets feats in Omake Overhaul?

>> No.19584036
File: 174 KB, 665x713, strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19584079
File: 535 KB, 1041x1047, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this modded or some shit?

>> No.19584226
File: 23 KB, 797x575, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay which of these files do i need?

>> No.19584881

Feat menu, press z or x to switch to ally. Then same as you

Unzip 122. Then unzip omake_overhaul_en into that folder. Then hack in the same folder. Overwrier when asked.

>> No.19585156

>Feat menu, press z or x to switch to ally. Then same as you
Thanks anon!

>> No.19585164

Probably either from the deep void or an awakened nefia.

>> No.19587958

Yea, its +

>> No.19588617
File: 575 KB, 1440x808, ranching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, while I've been killing time waiting for the 11th month to summon the 8th and last god mani, I've been harvesting my 2 leech ranches. This is just a 1-month haul, and it's really starting to get out of hand. I've already filled 200M in yacatact banks, and have another 100M on me.

>> No.19588647

+ balance sucks, who'da thunk lol

>> No.19589224

>not even 2k speed


>> No.19589318
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, maughlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm i'm gucci

>> No.19589405
File: 2.27 MB, 1440x1616, More Speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah. I only have 1300 base speed. But when I ditch my pets and use buffs, it shoots up to 2900. Grinding small medals for Hermes is a pain, and speed uppers aren't much better. I'll probably use up the last of my wish stock on herme's potions after fighting the inner gods. Unless someone knows a better way that I've missed.

>> No.19589534

show your gear tab

>> No.19589540


>> No.19589957
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>> No.19590135
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>> No.19590513

How do I give my gobbo the pointy ears?

>> No.19590688

Would it have killed the HSP guys to put in an indicator of the exact line preventing code from compiling? It took me like half an hour to narrow it down to a single string where I'd accidentally deleted the opening quote.

>> No.19590768
File: 687 KB, 1019x768, short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys! I'm new to the game and i have a question

Are short swords viable for endgame? I'm planning on dual wielding with several weapons, but i heard that you can make any weapon to be very light using scrolls of flight, so i'm not certain if i should stick with short swords or not.

>> No.19590979
File: 2.44 MB, 1440x2424, Godslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins! Or, ends I suppose. Now that I've cycled through the last god for their god gifts, I'm taking them down. I started with Opatos, since he's supposed to be the hardest. The fights will be held in lesimas, the second to last floor. Its an easy to get to static location that I don't mind if it gets destroyed.

>> No.19591093

Anything's viable for endgame with enough training. A beginner should worry about the present, not the future.

>> No.19591451
File: 235 KB, 970x545, x-men-sentinel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hands
mutie scum

>> No.19591506

i'm an Asura

>> No.19591640
File: 2.42 MB, 613x290, asura punch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19591666
File: 3.92 MB, 1440x5616, Boss Rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boss rush! I only died to Izpalt, who caught me off guard with a mana burst. I made sure to always heal to full health for the others.

Now with that I'm technically done with this character. I even have some stats at 2000-ish too. I might play this character off and on a bit more, maybe try to max base stats/speed/life/mana/etc. But this is probably the last you'll see of snail for a while at least.

>> No.19591700

Oh, I forget. At around the half way point, I switch back to the solar cane from the blood rod. While the blood rod works as advertised, it only gets +200 to dice rolls. But I have around 600-900 bonus damage from boosts and such, so it only adds 25% extra damage at best. Pierce really is the only weapon stat that matters end game.

>> No.19592189
File: 814 KB, 909x683, 333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the Elona folder and open the config.txt

find a line called "ExtraRace" and set the number to "1" to enable the debug races

after that, boot up the game and create a new character.
It starts with very few slots, but there's an NPC at act 2 that gives you bodyparts in exchange for life.

>> No.19593246

Is the solar cane really good enough to beat out a living lightsaber, or is your staff skill just much higher than your long sword skill?

>> No.19593417

In terms of raw damage living weapons make a strong early-mid game, but fall down end-game. The +enchants they get are even worse off than the blood-rods MP-dice conversion. Even using all 10-15 level ups for magic damage doesn't match artifact fusions + magic damage fusions. It is easier than grinding socks though. I might switch for time stop.

Honestly, it's not the damage that's the main problem. I just keep running out of MP. The blood-rod still matches or out damages the solar cane when I have enough MP, but with up to 16,000 MP used per attack depending on multi-hit, I was using half my MP just defeating the outer-god pre-fight. It's worse for dungeoning. I thought I could out-level the problem, but I even with all that MP and 1200+ meditation it drops to nothing and stays there.

>> No.19593600

I believe it's a screen shot from a lot of threads back when someone cheated to see what kind of stats monsters had very deep into the void.

>> No.19593983

I get that artifact fusion ultimately beats out living weapons, but can't you only fit like two +magic damage enchantments on the solar cane? I'm surprised if that's enough to beat 10 living weapon levels of magic damage.

>> No.19595140

I just unlocked all 3 rewards from Opatos of Earth, and looking at the wiki, it seems there's not that much punishment for switching god, the debuff only lasts 10,000 turns and isn't that crippling.

Can I just keep switching gods until I unlock all the rewards without any real penalty? It seems pretty meta

>> No.19595160

From the Adventure Seminar:

I'm translating it as:
Many adventurers collect rewards from all eight gods before deciding who to truly believe in. Gods have individual personalities, so you might want to stay with a god that fits your personality. Or you can just go with whatever sounds fun.

>> No.19595572

Oh, yeah no. If I was going to min-max I probably wouldn't use the solar cane. I've actually switched to the vice staff for the extra spell enchant. Still, when I was looking it up, the living weapon bonuses where +100 each, while the fusions where +300 each. So solar cane could get up to 600 bonus magic, or 6 levels worth on a living weapon. It's actually pretty good.

If I was going to min max this, I'd want a miracle/godly long sword updated into a light saber with as few useless enchants as possible and as many great ones too. I'd then pick up the invokes elemental scar, and a bunch of lightning or fire damage from arasiel. At the level scar would be cast at even bosses would probably get nailed within 10 attacks, and it would be a massive damage boost.

For now though, I'll switch to OO and see what the fuss is about.

>> No.19596523

oh right that'd make sense, I thought it was just a custom npc with insane stats or something

>> No.19596634
File: 151 KB, 527x163, 132312313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find this many hedgehogs?

>> No.19596667

If you really don't know, a thousand hedgehog is a higher level hedgehog. You only need 3 of them.

>> No.19596758

>Can I just keep switching gods until I unlock all the rewards without any real penalty? It seems pretty meta
Yes, that's what everyone does, at least for the rewards worth caring about.

>> No.19598473

Does the last evolution of fire dragon child still get Megid Flame? It's not an option under its custom AI, and I've never seen it used even when I turn it back to default.

>> No.19598993

if ( cdata(CDATA_EVOLUTION_STAGE, tc) > 1 ) {
gosub *AIFindAction
gosub *AIAddAction
if ( cdata(CDATA_EVOLUTION_STAGE, tc) > 2 ) {
gosub *AIFindAction
gosub *AIAddAction

Have you tried "Re-Initialize Actions"?

>> No.19599855

Where can I get a gem cutter? It's bothering me that no matter how much I go spelunking and investing in shops, it won't show up

>> No.19599875

I've found them a lot in random dungeons, I think they even show up in the Puppy Cave quite a lot

>> No.19600099

You sure? I've been running through puppy for hours triyng to find one while collecting accessories for yact. Maybe it's because I'm playing Elona+?

>> No.19600161

They show up in plus. You just have bad luck, or ignore them by mistake.

>> No.19600257

Curious. There's a carpenter's tool and a sewing kit in the info shop in Vernis, and the Cyber Dome has alchemy tools in the back, but I can't find a gem cutter lying around anywhere, at least in North Tyris. Is there a guaranteed one anywhere?

>> No.19600665


Good question. I had a quick look around and couldn't find one either. I thought the workshop had one, but that's the only tool that isn't there.

It's weird since you can find almost every other crafting tool in several locations (IIRC, pot for fusion is the other exception). Seems like an oversight. But then again, I've never had a problem finding them in dungeons or from a general store.

>> No.19600921

You know what they look like right?

It sounds like your character is pretty early in the game, so there's not a whole lot you'd likely be able to do with one. Scrolls of inferior material and return could be somewhat useful, I suppose.

>> No.19601146 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 1920x1080, dual wield asura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please teach about crits

Critical bonus x 2 + 10 > Random number (0 to 399) + Random number (0 to weight modifier + 1) x 2 + critical reduction equipment attribute

Critical bonus: total equipment attribute strength / 50 + (Eye of Mind)^0.5. Maximum 30.
Weight modifier: Weight of weapon or ammo (integer part only) x 50. Lower limit 0, Maximum 200.

Does this mean the crit rolls max out at 70 to compare vs other side, that seems a bit low if I wanted a high crit char. 4s weapon makes 70 roll vs 0-599

>> No.19603278

Naplus' Pot of Alchemist is guaranteed, although it's heavy (and an unstealable precious item). Seems like the gem cutter is the only one where an absurdly unlucky person would have to burn a wish.

>> No.19604514

Yeah they're definitely in E+, they can easy to miss though I suppose

>> No.19604708

The Crooked in Noyel sells them the most often.

>> No.19604904

Is there a way to make god artifacts in OO not weps? I've been stuck on my god for ages 'cause I just can't think of an artifact for it. But its gem already looks like a helmet, so I could use that, then make the gem something else.

>> No.19605164

Isn't the custom artifact template just the normal custom item template used by Omake? You can probably change the "reftype" number to any item category you want.

>> No.19605188

How do I remove thirst exactly?

That mechanic in the new Elona+ is terrible.

>> No.19605226

Do you use Custom? I read it has an option to disable thirst.

>> No.19605260

Either drink potions or pay a bartender.

I'm working on creating a modded version of Custom that removes thirst and a few other questionable decisions. (Attacking with extra hands being nerfed, the gold reward from Nefia being reduced and scattered throughout the dungeon, Violent Garden being weakened, Junk Make being nerfed, etc.) As soon as I'm done making sure that everything works right, I'll post it.

It does not. Trust me, I've gone over the source with a fine-toothed comb. Maybe you're thinking of the "Block dust" setting that was added to E+? It prevents urine/shit/vomit from being generated, but doesn't remove the thirst mechanic.

>> No.19605271

Then I was thinking of this: >>19524764
From the last thread.

>> No.19605277

meant for >>19605188 too

>> No.19605334

Ah, so I'm not the only recent modder, eh? Not surprising; BloodyShade really outdid himself with that code refactoring of his. Well, the more the merrier, I say.

>> No.19605570

Found it. Gavela's lab in Melugas has one.

>> No.19607448

Smashing the walls of the venue apart because they're stopping people from watching your band's performance is pretty fucking rock and roll.

>> No.19607808
File: 346 KB, 1282x795, elonaAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with this Defender AI? It casts Holy Shield and then unless it's already in melee range just sits there spamming "doesn't know how to respond to the situation".

>> No.19609247

The attack (melee) line is the issue.
The defender will always try to do a melee attack when his HP is above 24%, even if there are no enemies around because there is no target check lines stopping him from spamming it (like "target distance = 1").

>> No.19609266

Shit, I'm blind and missed your target check line. I think the issue is the HP checks for the movement lines but I will first get new pair of glasses before I post more stupid shit again.

>> No.19609535

Close, but no cigar.
It's an issue of order. The target of move forward and away is the pet itself if you write it like that. Set it up so 7-8 and 9-10 check for enemy distance first and pet health later, like you did with 5-6.

>> No.19610103

You've got some unnecessary lines there. Remember, Custom AI checks from top to bottom and executes the first valid line it finds. So if "HP < 25%" is already covered, you don't need to specify "HP >= 25%" afterward.

>> No.19611381
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1530804381693s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally find a gem cutter this morning
>Go do minotaur quest
>Find 3 (THREE) on the first floor

>> No.19612273

I want to play this Elona shit but the gdrive seems to be dead

should I just go for Elona+ Custom?

>> No.19612596

Who's in charge of the English translation? Alternatively, can I edit the translation myself? For example right now the options for riding say some weird shit instead of "ride" and "be ridden"

>> No.19612984

>Who's in charge of the English translation?
Do you mean for Elona+, Elona+ Custom, or Elona Omake Overhaul? Elona+ Custom has a GitHub project for translation, if memory serves. I believe Elona OO's translation team has a Discord.
>Alternatively, can I edit the translation myself?
I'm only familiar with Elona+ Custom, but you definitely can there; the source code for E+C is provided with the download.
>For example right now the options for riding say some weird shit instead of "ride" and "be ridden"
With Elona+ Custom, you can find the strings for that in source.hsp by searching for "#deffunc txtsetride". If you're using Elona+ Custom v1.81.1, it starts on line 9578.

>> No.19613030

E+C is the patrician choice.
get 1.81 and dive in

>> No.19613256

>tfw pee pee wee wee on the bad guys so they know they fucked up

>> No.19613648

>patrician choice

what a fucking pee pee wee wee pleb
1.75 masterrace

>> No.19614213

What is the optimal setup for a tanky and murdering fire dragon child?

1 - Head
2 - Body
3 - Neck
4 - Ring
5 - Back
6 - Hand (claymore)
7 - Hand (claymore)
8 - Hand (scythe)
9 - Hand (scythe)
10 - Arm
11 - Feet
12 - Ammo
13 - Shoot

You guys think my fire dragon party will be unbeatable like this?

>> No.19615693

An optimal setup would involve all weapons using the same skill and lightsabers are the best weapon type.

Since you're in plus, I'd also recommend against multiple multi-hand pets. A more efficient route would to be to engineer only a single hand onto each of them, and then equip them with >4.0s lightsabers. This will allow the use of the two hand skill despite using only a single equipment slot.

>> No.19617948

nice thumbnail

>> No.19618320

Are you a door to door Elona Custom salesman?

>> No.19619646

Alright! Elona+ Custom-G is finally finished!
Download links:
Includes the source (naturally), as well as simple instructions for compilation in case you want to compile it yourself.
Some highlights:
-Undid nerfs to multiattacking, Gravity Sphere/Graviton Buster/Violent Garden, Nefia gold rewards, and Junk Make.
-Hydration has been completely removed. Also removed the Curtain Call "anti-AFK" thing, and that bit where you had to sleep before you could use items with a 24+ hour cooldown.
-No more "Sorry, this is untranslated text." All text in the game has at minimum a machine translation. I put in more effort where I could; for example, the Adventure Seminar should actually help people now.
-Some typos have been fixed (e.g. fire@dragon child), and I tried to make names more consistent. (Eye of Eternal Darkness->Origin of Vice, Vessel->Bethel, Ylva->Irva, Rehmido->Remido... I didn't change any instance of "Rehm-Ido" of course, just made the dungeon only have one name.)
-The Super Lure can now be bought from Stoke for 10,000 music tickets.
-Zombies now have a 1% chance to drop a potion of descent. (I totally copied this from that other mod.)
-A few new options in Custom's Tweaks menu. If you want, you can sell furniture in your shop, or get EXP from sandbagged enemies.
-Soul Mate pets can now cure the player of brainwashing with Squeeze or Magic Kiss. (Use Custom AI for this.)

>> No.19619694

If you sell furniture in your shop, what happens to the cash register and safe?

>> No.19619769

Those already had built-in exceptions to being sold, completely separate from the "no red books, no deeds, and no furniture except wildflowers" code.

>> No.19619805

>No more "Sorry, this is untranslated text." All text in the game has at minimum a machine translation.

Nice. I don't understand why this wasn't done for Custom several versions ago. If no one's actively working on the translation of certain parts, you might as well run them through a machine for accessibility's sake. It's not like they can't be fixed up later on.

>> No.19620108

Do saves from previous versions work with this?

>> No.19620153

I don't think there'd be any problems. (Of course, you should always keep a backup copy of your save folder just in case.) If you already have Marking, it just won't do anything.

>> No.19620163

>it just won't do anything
Uh, to clarify, I mean that Marking will be functionally identical to the Do Nothing action.

>> No.19620317
File: 303 KB, 685x411, elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only starting playing a few days ago managed to get this by trading for 8 scrolls of oracle.
Is it worth the ether speed up , have 6 cure corruption pots by save scumming casino.

>> No.19620362

You could always give it to a pet. They aren't fazed by ether.

>> No.19620554

>Elona+ Custom-G

what did he mean by this

>> No.19620833

How should I go about upgrading my equipment? Currently, I save up stacks of blessed change material (around 25) and up the quality of my gear. Right now, my pets and I all have atleast dragon scale equipment but I don't know where to transition from here. Nothing about the superior materials screams to me that they're better than what I already have that I should use my stash of superior scrolls on. The only thing that seems viable to me is to use my pot of fusion to change my equipment type to something better. Any ideas?

>> No.19620939

>-Undid nerfs to multiattacking,
>Nefia gold rewards
I love you, be my waifu.
I'll miss pee'ing on things but its a small loss compared to dungeons being rewarding outside of Nefia time again.
Fuck now I'm conflicted on playing this or OO more

>> No.19620974

>All text in the game has at minimum a machine translation.
Does this include characters that had the wrong text?

>> No.19621032

Do you have a complete changelog list for this mod? this looks interesting.

>> No.19621373

Fellas am i doing something wrong if im just gettign 10k gold per almost session on music time?
I've been doing ensembles all the time but max i just net 15k each per run.

>> No.19621384

party time* my bad

>> No.19621464

I fixed every problem I could find. Anything in particular I might've missed?

The readme file has a full list of changes.

>> No.19621482

I remember <Rovid> having <Arasiel>'s text in particular. I haven't upgraded yet, so I don't know if that's fixed.

>> No.19621742

I thought that sounded vaguely familiar. From the Custom release thread:
>Not a bug, Ano has this annoying habit of copy-pasting text everywhere and just changing the Japanese text, we've seen this time and time again. I wish he would just stick with the "untranslated" line.
Anyway, it'll be fixed in I'll wait a day or so to see what else crops up.

>> No.19621918

you didnt give us any info on performing levels so kind of hard to tell but seeing as you literally just press a single button i dont see how you could fuck it up. stradivarious solo gets more gold, items and tickets than the pet thing because its so much faster though
performing is pretty balanced as a money source; gets you enough to buy what you want like pots of potential and pay bills, but doesn't completely trivialize the entire concept of money like pet shops do. if you are looking at it v pet shop and thinking ''wow this sucks'', yea, it does. everything does. pet shops are probably the single most broken thing in elona

>> No.19621955

'V'iolent Garden inflicting 1 turn of Bind instead of 3, dealing less damage, and having a lower SP cost. (v1.65, v1.81''
Violent garden was nerfed during the time I wasn't playing Elona, and its still this broken? What the fuck was he thinking when he added this other than ''more gardening and therefore kumiromi bias''?

>> No.19622127

Do I need to set my PC to jap to use HSED3 work? Or did I get the wrong download? All I could find that's actually downloadable is a backup far as I can tell, but maybe its a dif thing entirely, HSEDBACK. Just comes up with some error in jap on opening.

>> No.19623182
File: 106 KB, 458x407, 1529789878273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway you can include a no spell stock option, so that when you learn a spell, you fucking keep it?

Only other mod I've seen that does this is:


Which turns the game into easy mode.

But apparently thats the only mod that does this change that should honestly be a menu tweak option already.

>> No.19623620

Drop blessed scrolls of change material on it. Ether has bad stats for armor anyway.

>> No.19624466

You could use elosnack to edit your save and set spellstock to 999999 for all your spells.

>> No.19624671

that would be cheating

>> No.19624680
File: 30 KB, 803x500, hsp.tv_make_downlist.html.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to mess with language settings, thankfully. Just make sure you've got the right download. (That's what the checksums are for...)

The Vancian spellcasting has been part of Elona forever. The spell writers and Memorization skill exist solely because of it. I personally don't think it should be removed.
Still, you could make the change easily on your copy of the source code. Just search for and remove the line "spell(efid - STARTING_SKILL_SPELL) -= calcspellcoststock(efid, cc)".

>> No.19624787
File: 1.00 MB, 1360x768, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the stradivarius at my past characters and i thought ensembles are much better thats why i didnt bother to get it this time...(is this true?) Right now i have 4 of my pets with performer and mostly of them are like at 20 perf some 30. I haven't checked.

>> No.19625125

Are you going to revert the living weapon nerfs?

>> No.19625504

Where exactly are you downloading this from? Nothing I can find on google even remotely resembles the site in the screenshot outside of the very first result, but it doesn't have ''hot soup processor''. Google translating it shows all it has is some video capture stuff.

>> No.19625533

The link's in the readme file. Also in that image filename over there.
>Compiler download site:

>> No.19625544

Oh so it is in the readme lol. I even read the changes in readme and missed it. Thank

>> No.19625545

Not him, but look closely at the filename

>> No.19626047

Ayy thanks for help. Added back Pee Pee Wee Wee (just the special act) with 0 thirst requirement since that awful mechanic is gone now. All I wanted to do. For some reason when I pick new game on this exe the game closes and opens itself then I have to pick it again which is confusing but doesn't seem to cause any issues

>> No.19626063
File: 71 KB, 500x281, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not mess with that whole deal, at least for now.

>> No.19633124

Is there a way to text hook Elona? The usual methods don't work for me

>> No.19633852
File: 89 KB, 1128x950, 1516447930234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want to use the moongate file from elona uploader, what version of elona do I need? since they keep deleting themselves whenever I try to use the show house on 1.81

>> No.19634752

how do I play as a slut in this game

>> No.19634955

Play OO with prostition job and feats.

>> No.19635602

Stock up on alcohol and get everyone drunk.

>> No.19635861

You might say so, but I just did that so people wouldn't have to deal with some of the crap that's been added. You're doing a better job than I could. The one thing I have to ask is that you change it so you can get stamina from enemies if their SP is below 0.

>> No.19636091

You got a special thanks in his changelog lmao. Not entirely sure why. You are far from the only other modder who posts here, even if we ignore OO existing.

>> No.19636257

Your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.19636555

What's the point of god items that reduce stats? Supposedly, it makes it easier to train said stat but I'm seeing no noticeable difference when using them

>> No.19637491

>Not sure if it's kumiromi or larnneire

>> No.19637501

Well, in Elona+ skill potential levels extremely fast already, and there are so many ways of doing it, it probably won't make a major difference unless you skill is insanely high already.

>> No.19637551

If i breed Asuras on a ranch, is it possible that one of them might spawn with a Twin Edge?


>> No.19637674


>> No.19637693
File: 518 KB, 900x900, 1516908333290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just some random anon that knows nothing about getting moon gates working.

Any idea on what I need to do?

>> No.19637791

I made a few identical or similar changes, and his source code made it easier. Credit where credit's due.

>The one thing I have to ask is that you change it so you can get stamina from enemies if their SP is below 0.
I'm going to take a different approach to the problem that this would be a makeshift solution to.

Here's Elona+ Custom-G


The Fishing and Cooking skills, as well as the Reading Party and Lock Break actions, have had their SP costs reduced by 80%. I figure, cutting the SP cost of accessing 4-dimensional storage by 80% was a good idea, so why stop there? SP as a limiting factor makes sense for combat and Party Time! quests, but not so much for routine tasks. Also, Lock Break no longer destroys an item inside the target container, so it's not a complete waste of space now.
In other news, <Rovid> now has his own dialogue, and you can wish for "dog whistle" to get one of those (since "AnoInu" kept generating grand pianos for me).

>> No.19637793

I'm fairly sure anon was referring to tour pic.
Also, didn't moon gates break in 1.7 something?

>> No.19637814

As much as I love my army of jedi fire dragons, are there other pets I should be on the lookout for? I really want to incorporate some wizards into my ranks and The Exile alongside Fox Brother seem like a good pick.

>> No.19637837

Moon gates only work in the omake branches, I believe.

>> No.19637856

>SP as a limiting factor makes sense for combat and Party Time! quests, but not so much for routine tasks.
I think Reading Party has such a high SP cost to keep normal reading a viable option, as it has no other disadvantages.
It sounds now like Lock Break is superior in almost all aspects to regular lockpicking too. I don't think that's a good change. I'd keep the "breaks one item" part, since it's using brute force to open a chest, or maybe make it a 50% chance to break an item.

>> No.19637866

Huh I now have a reason to try out omake. Thanks anons.

I also have no idea who coffee girl is supposed to be, I just find shes good for asking questions.

>> No.19637896

Even as someone who only uses pets in shop and ranches, I still think the SP change makes sense. Sure, its bettet han what I get, plainly. But waiting for stamina to regen is fucking boring. And the game is about having fun. Shouldn't not make an apect more fun just because it makes it even more better than the other option imo.

>> No.19637906

Check out ''Victoria_Iris/Personal_Pet_List'' on the wiki. It has some silly and simply misimformed shit like thinking NPC fairys have the feats, limitations and bonuses of the player race (they do not), but for the most part its a very comprehensive list.

>> No.19637978

i love your Custom-G mod
do you have a website or a paypal i can donate to?

>> No.19638014

>Dudes translate entire OO mod to english
>Kind of cool
>Guy undoes a bunch of old changes, adds a few QoL things to existing mod in english, machine translates some stuff

>> No.19638156

too bad OO is shit :^)

>> No.19641773

Will you make a post on the elona wiki when you post new versions?
It would be easier to get from than old threads on here.

>> No.19644601

It would probably be an action/comedy isekai

>> No.19644670

I should be able to do that, although is going to take a bit to finish.

>> No.19645178

still doing a better work than ano

>> No.19645430

Animated 8-Bit Theater.

>> No.19645618

It's a character from idolmaster, anon.

>> No.19647254

I don't anything about wizards, but for my money, defenders are the best pets in the game. Once per day they can prevent the death of one party member (including you) which is tremendously convenient in general and a must-have for permadeath play.

>> No.19651608
File: 207 KB, 1024x768, 1498023453752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you consider removing the 'ragnarok summoned things don't drop chests' nerf?

Considering people are likely to save scum small medals anyway, this would be a more engaging source to get them.

>> No.19652040

When will Elona get auto-explore?
It would be so nice if it was added, compared to a lot of roguelikes you can easily become op enough to never be in danger so auto-explore would be really nice.
But the on the other hand the number of tilesets is so low I'm not sure if it's even worth it.

>> No.19652242

>ever adding something that would make AFK grinding easier

Good joke. But if you map Shadow Step, Violent Garden, and Teleport to hotkeys, you can basically o-tab your way through Act 1 Nefia.

>> No.19653709

How do you individually change NPC sprites in 1.81?

>> No.19657710

How does having a Fire Dragon Child pet works?

I'm supposed to gene engineer him all the parts except hands?
I'm supposed to gene engineer 1 or 2 hands?
Is he supposed to use a weapon or just martial arts?

>> No.19658424

Here's Elona+ Custom-G


Now with even more machine translations, so you can get the general idea of Act 3's story instead of just looking at a wall of "Huh."s. Also, high potions of disaster should respect sustained stats now.
NOTICE: Due to poor planning on my part, Custom-G's tweak settings were stored where any new tweaks added to Custom would go. I moved them, so there won't be any future problems, but anyone currently using Custom-G might want to disable its tweaks before upgrading and then turn them back on afterward. (Otherwise, Custom's new tweaks would inherit the values that had been set for Custom-G's tweaks.)

>> No.19659992
File: 15 KB, 251x334, 1510296069393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defender started to eat Egg of Defender
What the fuck

>> No.19660119

someone please respond
there's a hand of dead on my ranch for like 4 months now, and i'm not sure if i'm supposed to give my martial arts dragons hands or not

>> No.19660140

Martial arts works without tonfas/claws, and you'll even get up to double attacks later. With claws/tonfas/shields your multi-attack is capped at 4, without its 8. So not having hands means you aren't wasting that equipment slot.

>> No.19660158

You can get to 8 attacks even without hands?
Is the double attacks really worth missing the bonuses that claws and tonfas give?

>> No.19660183

The bonuses are static. They'll be nice early game, but endgame you can have up to +600 bonus just from stats. That'll completely drown out the tonfa bonus unless you have like 20 hands. You can use martial arts and it's extra attacks without hands.

>> No.19660196

Alright. Handless dragons it is.
I'll probably use the 2 extra slots as rings or arms.
Thank you for the help my dude

>> No.19660656

is there to use flame breath with there being enemies around in E+ i wanna train my control magic

>> No.19660714


>> No.19660778


You can hit your pets with it. You can also just fire it at the ground, but you'll have to target it via * every time.
