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1952397 No.1952397 [Reply] [Original]

Look here you little fuckers. I am sick and tired of you faggots starting up on a fucking rant in the middle of class about how GREAT the samurai were.


I am fucking tired of you faggots in my East Asian History class.

>> No.1952399

Seppuku is honorable though. People shouldn't aim to live as long as possible, but as good as possible.

>> No.1952398

Welcome to /jp/, newfriend.

>> No.1952403

The samurai were low class feudal nobles, right?

>> No.1952407

I never quite understood how killing yourself served your master.

And you're an idiot.

>> No.1952409

overall, i think samurai will win. and for those who say samurai are not good in swords, are totally wrong. samurais kills ninjas with their swords skills. if samurai sword skill is mediocre, why ninjas have to throw shurikens?

>> No.1952410
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The ritual suicide which starts the whole 47 ronin-incident is caused by a disagreement over fish.

Tokugawa era samurai mentality was basically another word for mental illness.

>> No.1952418
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and ninjas dip shurikens into shit to infect them with bacteria

>> No.1952442

Mongols > all

The only thing that stopped them from going into Europe was the death of Genghis Khan

>> No.1952448


Ogedei Khan.

>> No.1952451
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>> No.1952459

But by that logic, the Mongols would have still gone on in spite of his death. I think you meant Genghis Khan > all. Without him, the Mongols are worthless.

>> No.1952481
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Ghengis Khan is so pimp.

>> No.1952486

You're the idiot asshole. Let's take this hypothetical situation:

You have no education, you're unhappy, you don't see yourself anywhere in the future, and you suffer from chronic depression, and you're at a genetical disadvantage making you undesirable in the eyes of a woman.

Why would you want to live as long as possible in that type of situation you freaking coward?

>> No.1952490
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Anyways, you seem to have come to the wrong place - /jp/ has basically no delusions about samurai (or interest for that matter) unless they are also lolis, catgirls, MANRY or all three. The type of people you seem to be dealing with probably hang elsewhere.
If you want to get rid of them, this is what you must do.

1: Turn the one thing they hold dearest against them. Just tell them the truth, that samurai in general were just bullies and thugs with silly haircuts and swords - those few honourable samurai they take for granted being akin to diamonds magically appearing in a huge steaming pile of crap.
Upon hearing this they will likely react violently and go into denial. After a while they will either accept the truth as good enough (which will leave them a lot more discrete about it), or withdraw into permanent denial and leave you alone.
2: Point them in the direction of actual Japanese political history and clan history in particular (I'm assuming they aren't learning much in class) - they'll find it painful, but once they start reading they won't be able to stop. Once they realise the value of ashigaru and massed firearms, they will likely soften up.
3: Listen patiently to everything they have to say about Miyamoto Musashi - and correct them mercilessly at the slightest mistake or exxageration. DO NOT at any time let them talk about samurai bunnies.
4: Point them in the direction of some facts about actual Japanese blacksmithing - Clive Sinclair's Samurai is a good start. Once you get them interested, it is only a matter of time before they begin to think straight and stop thinking in NINJAS SAMURAI LOL 9000 terms. They won't shut up, but they will be acceptable listening to.

>> No.1952493

You're the worst new namefag.

>> No.1952502

>Turn the one thing they hold dearest against them. Just tell them the truth, that samurai in general were just bullies and thugs with silly haircuts and swords - those few honourable samurai they take for granted being akin to diamonds magically appearing in a huge steaming pile of crap.
You know it's funny because people have the exact same image of knights as honorable and heroic when they were really just your typical asshole noble who were often raping their own villages.

>> No.1952505

Yeah, that's correct. Genghis Khan was pretty much the sole focal point which united the Mongol tribes. Without him, the Khanates had no reason to work together and just went back to fighting one another. And by then the Khanates had discovered that its more profitable to tax and manage territories they owned than it is to conquer new ones.

>> No.1952506

Disregard that, I was obviously wrong.

>> No.1952507

wait wait wait, it's like you know nothing of human psyche. Rather animal psyche. "I want to live" There ain't much after that bro.

>> No.1952509
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Tristan was here, Samurais are savages.

>> No.1952513

I could have sworn there was another Arab trip/namefag living in Europe who was equally as insufferable as Smash, but I don't remember his name. Is he the same person?

>> No.1952517
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A samurai must have the presence of mind to always consider the proper course of action, and may thus not admit mistakes.

>> No.1952523

Samurais kicked ass with swords, that's true but all this HUR THEY COULD KILL 10 PEOPLE IN A BLINK OF EYE JUST TAKING THE KATANA FROM ITS SHEATH is pure bullshit. Musashi was fucking awesome but most of them were no better than your nameless barbarian soldier from Germania or Galia.

Japan's feudal era story is full of folklore and rumor passed forward by people that had nothing else to do.

>> No.1952526

Yeah, those were ninjas.

>> No.1952542

The urge to live is irrational. Living is not always the best solution for you or society, many people have no chance to live a decent life, or a any hope of a future.

why would you want to live a miserable life? I know I'm going to commit suicide when I start to become unhappy.

>> No.1952543
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As a hopeless Musashi fangirl I won't say too much about him. But if I'm not mistaken, Miyamoto Musashi is the *only* wandering "sword saint" historically documented from birth to death.

>> No.1952552

not to mention these average people you mention are being compared to a group that was able to use horde tactics and still had as good or better gear

>> No.1952572

The Mamluks smashed the Mongels to pieces

>> No.1952595

> Samurais kicked ass with swords, that's true but all this HUR THEY COULD KILL 10 PEOPLE IN A BLINK OF EYE JUST TAKING THE KATANA FROM ITS SHEATH is pure bullshit.
Of course it's bullshit sprouted by some knightfag, samurai can easily kill 100 knights with a single strike, not 10 like the knightfags will make you think.

>> No.1952605

The Samurai were better swordsmen than European knights.

>> No.1952609

If the samurai were so great, why weren't they the first to invent handguns?

>> No.1952632
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Pffft, knights and samurai... gunfighters of the west were the real heroes.

>> No.1952652
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Musashi was here. Kojiro is a loser.

>> No.1952665
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Well at least we have yet to devolve into the usual ninjas vs. pirates bullshit.

>> No.1952666

what's that ?

Spell it properly fag, if you're trying to be a cool kid.
Juu Juutsu

>> No.1952673


Spell it properly fag, if you're trying to be a cool kid.
Magic Tricks


>> No.1952675

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon) 1d12 Damage 19-20 x4 Crit +2 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon) 2d10 Damage 17-20 x4 Crit +5 to hit and damage Counts as Masterwork

>> No.1952678

Spell it properly fag, if you're trying to be a cool kid.
>Making yourself taller.


>> No.1952683


>American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
>their killing power was feared and respected
They were killed first because they were easy targets.

>> No.1952684
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So it comes back to this, doesn't it?

>> No.1952685
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Pirates were here.

Samurai are losers.

>> No.1952692

>>American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
>>their killing power was feared and respected
>They were killed first because they were easy targets.
WRONG! They were killed before they were able to draw their swords because when they have drawn it they are pretty much untouchable (they probably can't keep up deflecting and cleaving bullets for an extended time) unless they are surrounded by 20 soldiers with automatic machineguns.

>> No.1952698
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Sasaki Kojiroh: So "famous" the guy who killed him didn't even catch his name.

>> No.1952701

I think it's more about the guys with the swords always charging first.

>> No.1952705


It was because the people with swords were OFFICERS, and you want to kill the officers first for obvious reasons.

Oh, and please fucking stop replying to an ancient copypasta.

>> No.1952715

i could kill a samurai with my bear hands, no training. they're no real threat

>> No.1952716

Its a damn shame I don't have the copy pasta full of the facts on why each of these are superior ONLY in their own setting and that what it comes down to was knights own the shit out of samurai in terms of gear, but in terms of training samurai might stand a ghosts chance in hell.

>> No.1952719

>>It was because the people with swords were OFFICERS, and you want to kill the officers first for obvious reasons.

So the stack would lose the leadership bonus?

>> No.1952725

Fucking bear hands?

How did you get those?

>> No.1952726

that and you don't want them marring your paint job. its a pain having repaint back over it.

>> No.1952728

mail order

>> No.1952736

Yeah, I hate when my enemies move or attack TWICE IN THE SAME TURN!

>> No.1952745


This could be referencing any number of games.

>> No.1952746

Well I was going to say that they'll charge up your Musou but yeah.

>> No.1953320

samurai and knights were pretty much the same thing. people who debate knight vs. samurai typically do not know much about either, or else they would realize that there is no one answer and its a silly debate anyway

>> No.1953347


>> No.1953351

So basically they're both dicks when they're suppose to help protect citizens.

>> No.1953362

what citizens? they had no such concept.

as for east asian history, other than samurai the only interesting thing is a few wars. contentental Asia sucks

>> No.1953382
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In during the inevitable shitstorm

>> No.1953396


>> No.1953463

Honestly I think there's only three people actually posting in this thread. OP and two trolls.

>> No.1953496

Samurai were just assholes who bullied villagers all day.

Most Knights were respected heros because they followed the code of chivalry.

>> No.1953515

ok enough with the trolling

>> No.1953528
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>Most Knights were respected heros because they followed the code of chivalry.

>> No.1953550

The only person who committed sepukku "honorably" was Yukio Mishima.
Fuck. Yeah.

>> No.1953559

>Samurai were just assholes with swords.
>Most Knights were respected heroes because they had swords.
