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1951093 No.1951093 [Reply] [Original]

Why in the hell is Obama so popular over in Japan?

I've never seen Bush once in an anime yet I'm seeing Obama references on his first day in office. Liberal faggots.

>> No.1951099

There's a town on the west coast of japan called obama. It's also an actual (very uncommon) japanese surname.

Thus, hooplah.

(also, he's not an idiot or transparently evil, which is surprising)

>> No.1951107

I'd have bothered to vote if Obama had been a cute tsundere drill-haired loli.

>> No.1951103

City in Japan called Obama.

That's literally the only reason.

Oh yeah, and Japan loves black people for some reason.

>> No.1951106

They find it amusing that he's black.

>> No.1951109

I believe that's a Bob the Builder reference.

No President would embarrass himself by ripping a line from a kid's show and having an entire nation repeat it constantly like oblivious sheep. That's going a bit far for trolling.

>> No.1951114

Japan like black cock

>> No.1951115

He's from Chicago, expect to be surprised by the shit he pulls.

>> No.1951116



Obviously Black Android Made for Assassination.


>> No.1951121

>Why in the hell is Obama so popular over in Japan?

I was asking the same thing but with the UK in mind.

>> No.1951126

I voted for McCain so Obama's daughters wouldn't be protected by Secret Service.

Leave it to the idiotic Amerifags to ruin a perfectly good plan.

>> No.1951122


That was pretty sweet. Nice one.

>> No.1951123

They did a Hillary reference too.

tsundere hillary-chan oh gott mein fuhrer
