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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1949104 No.1949104 [Reply] [Original]

Are we done bitching about Mai Kaze's Touhou anime? Or are we just pretending like it doesn't exist like Tsukihime?

>> No.1949109

It exists. I approved it due to the tea drinking.

The fighting scene has got to go, though. Needs more walking slowly.

>> No.1949111

What. Do you want a discussion? Is that why you brought it up?

>> No.1949119

More tea drinkan. Less shootan. More Alice-tan!

>> No.1949127

Suddenly so much tea appreciation in /jp/.


>> No.1949124


>> No.1949126

It was just a 20 minute animation. There is not a lot to talk about, and it's not that it was that bad either. Or at least not "disco planets Luna Marius" bad.

>> No.1949130

The bloomer shots need to go

Everything else can stay

Could also use a different character design approach, this chibi/fat thing is stupid. Give me my generic teen animu design

>> No.1949138

It exists. I liked it. I enjoy tea drinking and fighting. Need serious Suika though.

>> No.1949136

There needs to be more girls love. Seriously, the fanbase is built on girls love.

>> No.1949143


>> No.1949145

It needs more Aya.

In fact they should make Aya the main character.

>> No.1949149


What are you gay?

>> No.1949151
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>>Suddenly so much tea appreciation in /jp/.


Also, Marimite is airing again. That series also creates awareness of tea.

>> No.1949166
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I like drinking some Ceylon tea while watching Marimite. Makes me feel like I'm there with Yumi-chan.

>> No.1949168

It's shit.

>> No.1949169

Marimite is beautiful.

I'm not liking the lack of subtly of this season, but it's still excellent.

>> No.1949182
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/jp/ meetup.

>> No.1949186
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A nice cup of tea would be great right now. I have a slight cold and it would help soothe my sore throat.

>> No.1949190

I didn't really like the anime adaptation. Seemed like a shitty attempt by a circle trying to get famous and get attention by a real studio like Kyo Ani,

>> No.1949200

Too cute. Didn't like it.

>> No.1949202

Alice had a man silhouette, simply unacceptable.

>> No.1949207

I don't remember seeing Alice anywhere...

>> No.1949219

I liked it. I didn't think the character designs were bad, I just thought that they weren't drawn well because this was a doujin group. I like the bloomer shot, but I wouldn't make a habbit of doing that. It sounded nice. All of the non-character art looked great too. I'm still waiting for Sakuya to switch over to crazy mode and speak like Suigintou while shooting danmaku everywhere.

>> No.1949333

>I'm still waiting for Sakuya to switch over to crazy mode and speak like Suigintou while shooting danmaku everywhere.


>> No.1949434

For all the nay sayers, I say:

"You do it better with no professional budget, and then raise your opinion."

For what it was, an amateur production studio, it was very good. The voice acting was very nice, in my opinion, and the only real thing I didn't like/that was pointed out to me was that the characters' shading style didn't really match the scenery or special effects, so they seemed horribly out of place.

>> No.1949442

Needs more Yakumos

>> No.1949462
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>a real studio like Kyo Ani
>Kyo Ani

>> No.1949468
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Agreed. Give us 17 years old Yukarin.

>> No.1949491



>> No.1949534

KyoAni is a bad studio now? Oh wait, don't say anything. I know you're going to nitpick me or something.

>> No.1949546

Fags are now angry at Munto. And still pissed with Raki Suta. Granted, I don't favor them but the trolling has gotten way too silly.

>> No.1949585

If Yukari get a shrill young voice and not a sexy onesan voice imma rage like there is no tomorrow.

>> No.1949591

Yukari needs a "lol I trol u" voice. Jyunanasai fits.

>> No.1949593


>> No.1949608


>> No.1949630

This anime converted me from being a regular at Gaia to being a regular at 4chan, despite the fact that it sucked like Alice's handmade balls.

>> No.1949647

Yukari is Miki Itou.

Accept no substitute.

>> No.1949661

This anime helped me with my bisexuality.

>> No.1949663


>> No.1949691

Anon is pansexual.

>> No.1949782

Go back.
