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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 134 KB, 1024x768, adoption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1948294 No.1948294 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a well educated, liberal, secular arab. Can I adopt a little Japanese kid when I become a naturalized citizen, or do I have to fuck somebody to get an asian-looking daughter?

Picture from superior Japan-forum related.

>> No.1948315

Fuck you sand-nigger

>> No.1948310

Why are you looking for an "asian-looking daughter"?

>> No.1948311

>I'm a troll.
Fuck off.

>> No.1948312


>> No.1948313

If you're not married you don't stand a chance in any country.

>> No.1948317

Haha oh wow.

>> No.1948323

Gee whizz, I bet your adopted daughter would love to know that the sole reason you chose her was because you have yellow fever.

>> No.1948326

Pretty much this. There are exceptions, and you will almost undoubtedly not apply to them.

>> No.1948328

"Abduction" is the word you're looking for, retard.

>> No.1948332

So what? Europeans pick Asian and Latin-American kids all the time because it's trendy. I've yet to see someone adopt an Arab kid. Besides, Asian girls are calm of nature, and Ace all their tests. I don't want a white whore with her thong up her back when I become a parent.


But if I get married everything is good right? They're not gonna deny me a kid just because I have a muslim name?

>> No.1948341

Asians don't fuck arabs you coon

>> No.1948349

>I want to fuck a japanese loli.

>> No.1948347

steps to adoption:
get married
find out wife can't have children
file paper work
adopt a very young (the younger the better for the child)

>> No.1948352
File: 28 KB, 454x336, 1232489113582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong you stupid homo. Yu Darvish has an Iranian father and is currently fucking one of the hottest Japanese females alive.

>> No.1948359

Shut your mouth terrorist.

>> No.1948369

Wow, one example
Keep dreaming faggot

Asians will always STAY Asian until we're the only race left, take your race mixing shit and gtfo

>> No.1948381

I'm not sure I have ever seen an arab child up for adoption over here. Mostly just white and black children.

They shouldn't deny based on name alone. If memory serves me right, as long as you are a citizen (can get that through the naturalization process or through the marriage) and married you can adopt usually. Sometimes they want to know why you want to adopt a child, and that's a fairly reasonable question considering what they are handing over.

>> No.1948393

That's why I get bugged by Fillipino and Korean bitches who want to date me. Keep on dreaming asshole. If there had been any Japanese in Oslo I'd surely date one of them.

>> No.1948400

Of course you would. Go out and buy a 600kr. bottle of vodka and they'll jump right on you.

>> No.1948411

Ignore them, most of them think manga = real life.

When I was working in Saudi Arabia, the asians would sleep with anyone and anything.

>> No.1948402

You're an Arabian living in Norway who wants a Japanese daughter?

What the fuck.

>> No.1948403
File: 15 KB, 755x284, 1232489660630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is currently fucking one of the hottest Japanese females alive.
>hottest Japanese females alive.

The stupid fuck is now married to her. It's good to have a child of my own blood, so that's why we are getting married.


>> No.1948405

This happens in school and public libraries, I never go out on parties due to my IBS problem, and I never date women for the same reason.

>> No.1948408

McDonald's Japanese President, Den Fujita, stated "the reason Japanese people are so short and have yellow skins is because they have eaten nothing but fish and rice for two thousand years"; "if we eat McDonald's hamburgers and potatoes for a thousand years we will become taller, our skin become white and our hair blonde".

>> No.1948421

Asians fuck...
Asians love...
They love Indians and Arabs because the race as a whole portray themselves as intelligent.
As for Blacks...well...I don't get it either.

>> No.1948427

>They love Indians and Arabs because the race as a whole portray themselves as intelligent.

I don't get it. What the fuck?

>> No.1948433

/jp/ - Generalizations/General

>> No.1948456

I fucking hate it when uneducated liberals bastardize this word.

>> No.1948454

Yeah, I saw the same in Dubai. Asian women aren't that obsessive of races. Usually it's fat, friendless, ugly guys in their 20's that are yelling their lungs out about how race mixing is bad and that Japanese would never date an Arab. Women look for love, if an Arab can give them that better than a Japanese they'd pick the Arab.

Yeah, he's married to her. An accomplishment a nerd like you would never be able to achieve. And yes, she is one of the prettiest Japanese females in the entertainment industry. Suck it faggot.

>> No.1948477

I fucking hate when people use "liberal" like it's some kind of insult

>> No.1948490

>uneducated liberals

I'm quite left of center myself.

>> No.1948492

>/jp/ lacks direction and is full of pedophiles

>> No.1948512

It's like I'm really posting on /n/!

>> No.1948557


Is her father of the Hazara tribe?

>> No.1948563

>>/jp/ lacks of pedophiles and is full of direction.

>> No.1948578

I know that I would be a moralfag by saying this... but going to Japan and try to adopt a girl (notice that the poster pointed at the kid being girl) is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Those kid of people make me sick. Fucking weaboos.

That or they are only trolling. If they are, they are the kings of trolling.

>> No.1948576

i hate you

>> No.1948589

i've only ever met asians who think niggers/arabs/indians are disgusting lowlifes

>> No.1948590

>I know that I would be a moralfag by saying this

Any sane person would be offended.

>> No.1948591

how adopt from japamn

>> No.1948600

I'm offended and I'm a deranged pedophile.

>> No.1948606

How many Asians have you met? In my city there's tons of Asians married/fucking Kurds, Arabs and Middle-Eastern men in general.

>> No.1948614

i want a little asian daughter - but i'll get her the old fashioned way, kidnapping

>> No.1948622

>/jp/ lacks children and is full of pedophiles

>> No.1948624

I'm Asian and I find Arab guys kinda cute

I'm a guy though.

>> No.1948627

tons, mostly online though - that means they're proper asians who're living in (east) asia, not ones who've been exiled from their homeland

>> No.1948702
File: 156 KB, 1024x1105, 1232493496230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1948721

It's like double the rage!

>> No.1948865

