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File: 247 KB, 850x597, __hakurei_reimu_izayoi_sakuya_kii_kirisame_marisa_kochiya_sanae_and_others_strikers_1945_and_touhou_drawn_by_byeontae_jagga__sample-5ada165f843942b7bdad9777c4b381a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19479418 No.19479418 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say we are back in WWII naval era warfare.
How effective would it be to slap a touhou into a warship for extra AA firepower?
What would be more effective, having them attack from the deck, make them dogfight enemy aircraft or a combination of both?
Who would you use and optionally, on what warship?

>> No.19481701

Does danmaku actually deal considerable damage?

>> No.19482021

It seems to be able to rip and tear fabric at least.

>> No.19482111

Depends entirely on hu we're talking about. Characters with massive fire power, like Marisa and Yuuka, are natural choices for artillery. In general, downing ships is more prudent than downing aircraft, but if you did want a dogfighter then a youkai is the natural choice for being near impossible to down with bullets.
That said, in general anyone who can sink enemy ships while keeping your ships from sinking is your best bet. As such, Hus like Murasa and Nitori are likely your best bets, despite not being fantastic in sheer fire power.

>> No.19482175
File: 582 KB, 1013x702, tengu40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How effective would it be to slap a touhou into a warship for extra AA firepower?
Depends on the Touhou. Garden variety danmaku wouldn't be very good, too slow, but characters with faster shots would do alright. Can never expect that much from AA gun though.

>What would be more effective, having them attack from the deck, make them dogfight enemy aircraft or a combination of both?
The one that gets them in the air. Always, always, always, especially in WW2. Maybe not dogfighting, but air power is king.

>Who would you use and optionally, on what warship?
Pic related. If air power is king, then why settle for anything less than the kings and queens of the sky? Japs would have won the war if they'd convinced the tengu too stick around.
>Hahaha, what is this!? Look at this fat little plane! It's so cute! Look at all it's guns, wait...are there some on it's back? There are! Pffft, why? That's so stupid! Oh whoops, spotted, there he goes...380, 390...awww no, he just barely can't make 400, that's just adorable~!

>> No.19484560 [DELETED] 

>How effective would it be to slap a touhou into a warship for extra AA firepower?
I tried to find a pic of a 2hu fucking a kanco, but I couldn't not find a proper one.

>> No.19484562

>How effective would it be to slap a touhou into a warship for extra AA firepower?
I tried to find a pic of a 2hu fucking a kanco, but I could not find a proper one.

>> No.19484575

Reimu's literal paper amulets can destroy futuristic mega tanks like Evil Eye Sigma, and also break gigantic boulders in Subterranean Animism.

>> No.19484686

Just use dogfight instead. Warships aren’t Japan’s game when it came to the war. It was their effectiveness in the air

>> No.19485311

You can't win a naval war with just dogfighting.

>> No.19485754

You do, actually. US aircraft carriers and the planes they carried were the main reason why Japan lost in the pacific.
