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1946234 No.1946234 [Reply] [Original]

What do Japanese people think of beds?

Personally, I like my bed, and find the idea of sleeping on the floor unappealing.

>> No.1946237

>and find the idea of sleeping on the floor unappealing.

So do the Japanese, which is why they use futons instead.

>> No.1946238

I currently sleep on the floor on a thin (~ 5 inches thick) mattress from Ikea, which is labeled as a futon (college student that has to move relatively often, so getting a bedframe would be a bitch to move). After like a week it felt like a normal bed, so it doesn't bother me. The only big problem is that it doesn't allow for sitting space like a normal bed.

>> No.1946241

I don't really care. Only time I touch my bed is to sleep. Sleeping on the ground makes it more likely for my cat to try to attack my face at night tough.

>> No.1946242

I wouldn't mind if they just put mattresses on the floor, but futons look really thin, I can't see how they'd be comfy at all.

>> No.1946244

The funniest thing is, I sleep on a bed high off the ground in a home that is not infested with cockroaches, yet in Japan (city and countryside) cockroach infestation is almost the norm.

But then, Japs like bugs. Ultraman is a bug after all.

>> No.1946246

I all the springs in my bed.

>> No.1946258

i like sleeping in the floor, because I don't have bed to make, I just grab the sheets and stuff them in the closet. Then when I need them, I just take them out.

>> No.1946259

you could do the same thing with a bed

>> No.1946263


they are not supposed to be comfortable

>> No.1946264

they're like 2 inches thick when you first get them, and stuffed full of cottom or something.
i thought it'd be uncomfortable at first too, but i got a really good night sleep everytime i slept on them.
they're really soft and warm, and in summer they dont get too hot.
good for sex too ;)
unlike mattresses that wear out and you can feel the springs, with futons you can beat them and push the cotton or whatever back into place.

>> No.1946267

Yeah, but it wouldn't look presentable if an outsider came to visit.

>> No.1946269
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>good for sex too ;)

>> No.1946275
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>good for sex too ;)

>> No.1946278
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>good for sex too ;)

>> No.1946282

I just have a homemade wooden bed frame which supports my foam mattress.
There are two drawers on wheels under the bed where I store my beer and my stockpile of juice along with some other stuff like spare sheets, a sleeping bag, etc.

>> No.1946283
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>good for sex too ;)

>> No.1946286
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>good for sex too ;)

>> No.1946291

slept on one in japan. honestly pretty nice in the summer

>> No.1946294

>>1946264 good for sex too ;)
i dont know why everyone is doing it, but ill do it too.
like i said, my GF likes to fuck on a futon.
better than having to change position and then almost fall off a singles' bed.

>> No.1946298
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>good for sex too ;)

>> No.1946299
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>GF likes to fuck on a futon

>> No.1946300
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>my GF likes to fuck

>> No.1946302


I know you like futa and all, and that's excusable I guess, but Hellsing? I'm starting to seriously question your tastes.

>> No.1946303

>better than having to change position and then almost fall off a singles' bed.

I'm imagining a whale in severe cramps, here. ARE YOU SO FUCKING HUGE THAT YOU ROLL OUT OF YOUR BED WHEN YOU FAP?

>> No.1946304

Nazi vampires eating babies?

>> No.1946306
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>> No.1946312

ok guys, i have a headache now.
im not gonna bother refreshing this thread anymore.
just so you know, a singles' bed in japan is the size of a kids bed in america.

>> No.1946319

that's because Japs are tiny

>> No.1946324

We Asians have a higher resistance to cold. That is why we sleep on the floor and our futons are thin.

>> No.1946328

I don't think you know what "cold" is. Come to my country.

>> No.1946333

And what? Expect me to huddle next to a radiator that your mere -10 Degree winter? Oh Please.

>> No.1946337

-10 ahahaha you must be joking more like -15 in the day

>> No.1946357

What country is this?

It was -30C awhile ago. I always sleep without a shirt on regardless of temperature. No personal heater, just a blanket. The furnace turns off during 9PM to 5AM every night.

>> No.1946359

haha pussy

I sleep in the snow in -45C naked, and have to fan myself to keep cool

>> No.1946364

You weak fuck

I sleep in -60C buried up to my neck in snow, and cram snow up my ass to keep cool

>> No.1946365

Sup guys. Never gets below 10C here.

>> No.1946387

Asians are not resistant to cold. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.1946389

Must be nice.

My fucking skin is always cracking and eventually it starts bleeding.

No amount of moisturizer helps.

Fuck you winter.

>> No.1946394

Winter only affects my lips. Hell, any change of weather affects my lips.

>> No.1946395

ITT buttfrosted Siberians

>> No.1946401

I don't have any problem with lips per se. I throw a fuck load of lip balm on and I'm good to go, when I do go outside.

It's just my hands get it the worst. And I'm constantly washing my hands because I'm a cleanfag so it doesn't help keep my hands from getting dry.

>> No.1946403
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Hu cares sleeping on the floor?

>> No.1946415
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>> No.1946429 [SPOILER] 
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>good for sex too ;)
Oh gee, am I late to the party? Let me join!

>> No.1946434

Nigga I don't know about you, but my futon was so awesomely comfortable as a couch. Just to come home and sit on that thing was so soothing. I miss it.

>> No.1946496


Is this true?

>> No.1946503

/jp/ - /b/tard reaction images

>> No.1946523


Which automatically means it doesn't suck, right?


>> No.1946524
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>> No.1946531

Japanese is great.

>> No.1946532

I like tatami and futon.

>> No.1946533

I like tatamis and futons

>> No.1946534


>> No.1946537


>> No.1946539

If you're rich enough, have enough space, you have a permanent bed.

If you live in a box apartment and don't have enough room, you sleep on a futon that you can pack away.

I don't mind sleeping on floors at all, and the last bed I had a wooden board near the edges of the matress' insides, so that it was much harder. But given the choice, between a bed or sleeping on the floor, I'd take a bed, everytime.

>> No.1946543
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>> No.1946546

Japanese futon + tatamis = epic win!

>> No.1946547
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>> No.1946564


>> No.1946590


>> No.1946602

What are you on about? Not being eloquent isn't a bannable offence is it?

I have to agree here. A room with tatami and futons is a good place to sleep. Tatami has a nice smell as well.

>> No.1946605

>> The furnace turns off during 9PM to ..
I would die of cold. My hands get ice cold working on a computer, so no heating equals painfully cold hands unless I am doing something active, which is unlikely after 21:00.
