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1944344 No.1944344 [Reply] [Original]

Hai /jp/

I'm interested in playing a good VN - the last "VN" I've played was Nocturnal Illusion like 10 years ago. Here's the kicker though:
1) I'm looking for a VN that doesn't have the typical "High school drama, imouto oniichan sugoi sugoi" shit-factor.
2) I want something a bit more "mature", without entering weird crap like paranormal, gore, bondage and all that kind of crap.
3) Also, I'm not looking for a Hentai VN.
4) It has to be in English, since my japanese just isn't that good (I only know the kanas and a handful of kanji, so yeah, not enough for a VN by a long shot)

Can /jp/ hook a bro up? ありがとう、みんな

>> No.1944356

Saya no Uta

>> No.1944358


>> No.1944371

Start here.

>> No.1944380

Read a book, damn.

>> No.1944393

Any specific torrent sites I should look at to find them? I looked at the website for Saya no Uta, the art style is beautiful - and Umineko's art is crap, but the plot seems interesting. I am torn.

I read plenty of books, I'm just looking for something with more visual oomph.

>> No.1944406

Crescendo. Not very popular, but very nice game by DO.
Dividead is pretty good. Gloria is also good, choose your own adventure game. Both of these by the now dead C'sWare.

>> No.1944407

Discover the joy of /rs/, please:

>> No.1944415

>without entering weird crap like paranormal, gore, bondage and all that kind of crap
>Saya no Uta

>> No.1944424

I remember trying Dividead and Gloria years ago, didn't really care for them. I'll give Crescendo a go though.

Thank you, I hope they are in English though - there's no indication there...

>> No.1944458

Check Divi Dead if you liked Nocturnal Illusion. It's really a great vn with the same eerie atmosphere.

>> No.1944505

Read Umineko no Naku Koro ni
It seems to be pretty much exactly what you want, the music is amazing and the art doesn't matter that much/you'll get used to it.

>> No.1944509

There are patches that are easy to find. Check /rs/.

>> No.1944518

O lawd I haven't played Nocturnal Illusion in years. Good times, brah.

>> No.1945418


WTF man, I just tried Saya no Uta. Not only there IS loli sex, but there's also nothing BUT Guro and shit and crap and oh, wait, only TWO decisions to be made in the whole "GAME". Thanks for nothing, anon. You suck.

>> No.1945427


>> No.1945428


>> No.1945464

Listen to the wise anons...Umineko is probably going to appeal to you. Look for Ep 4 torrent, and then go to this site for a patch and info about the game.


>> No.1945470

tsukihime. english patch has option to skip h-scene

>> No.1945512

>without entering weird crap like paranormal, gore, bondage and all that kind of crap.
Although OP should still get around to playing Tsukhime eventually.

>> No.1945514


This. It has a little weird crap in it, but absolutely nothing else OP lists. Apparently the fact that Hirameki didn't include sex scenes in its games led to its downfall, too. Fucking Japanese idiots, wanting sex scenes in every game.

>> No.1945516

Higurashi no Naku koro ni (the VN is named When they Cry, i think...) and Umineko no naku koro niGod, i want a translation for Umineko...

>> No.1945517

It's hard to tell wise anons from dumb ones. I happened to listen to the wrong one, and now I deeply regret it.

>> No.1945523

Sex sells.

>> No.1945524

Umineko is translated up to EP3, and EP4 is underway slowpoke.

>> No.1945531

Probably want to wiki some of the suggestions first OP.
Saya has a Wikipedia page.

>> No.1945535


Actually, Crescendo is still pretty much in the "high school drama" category, but I guess it's not as cliched (though perhaps more angsty than the norm).

Also, speaking of the older stuff, did you ever try Desire and Eve Burst Error? I remember those were pretty high tier relatively (both from C's Ware if I recall correctly).

Anyways, as far as fitting your criterion, I can only think of Ever17 and Umineko, though both certainly dabble into the paranormal to some extent (and the latter is more of a linear story than a multi-choice VN). Also, maybe Chaos; Head for the lulz.

>> No.1945536

Anon that recommended it here.

My thinking was that if you were a pussy, you'd be pissed (mission accomplished), and if you weren't you could look past the gore and actually enjoy the story

Win-win for me really. Enjoy your faggotry.

>> No.1945537


True, but that's what doujins are for.

>> No.1945548

/jp/ will pretty much unanimously tell you that umineko is good, and I agree with them.
I haven't been as interested in any VN since tsukihime.
Not that I didn't like other ones, but umineko ends up being so much better than other things considered to be good that it's comedic.

>> No.1945555

I hope you die in a slow fire filled with all disgusting guro you seem to enjoy so much. I appreciate the mystery of the story, but I hate the gratuitous gore. Go fuck yourself.

I know, that one is on me. My fault for trusting /jp/ blindly.

Maybe the VN genre is just not what I'm looking for. Thanks for the suggestions though.

>> No.1945563

It's not "they." One is "cicidas" and the other is "gulls."

>> No.1945581

Thank you kind Anon. I will download it and proceed to killing myself in the meantime.

>> No.1945591

Is there a rapidshit for Ever17? Checked /rs/ but the only files that appear large enough aren't it.

>> No.1945609


There's a torrent of it around somewhere.

>> No.1945612

I still have my cds that I burned of ever17.
It spans 4 cds.
I wouldn't count on finding it on rapidshare.

>> No.1945617

Op, go here: http://www.shii.org/translate.. It's a catalog of quite possibly all fan-translated VN's. Oh, and judging by >>1945418, you don't like VN's with linear plotlines, but there are quite a few that are actually really good.

>> No.1945625

ITT We can't use the Ctrl key

Toughen up OP

>> No.1945642

Ah. Off to dredge the depths of the unseeded hell Hongfire is then. Wheeee

>> No.1945686

I don't doubt that there are good linear VNs, but honestly, if I want a linear experience I'll go read a book - and since I do that enough, I wanted to get something different through a VN. Just not something like that hellhole that was Saya no Uta (which broke 2 of the 4 things I said I wasn't caring for at all at OP).

I've bookmarked that site though, and will glance through it in the morning. Thanks, anon.

>> No.1945726

Just curious, how the hell are you supposed to use TLWiki translations? just install the game and move the files from the patch into the game's directory? Specifically I'm attempting to get Saya no Uta to work.

>> No.1945736


>> No.1945753

Wow, really? Mirror Moon's installers have made me totally forget how to do this. Thanks.

>> No.1945772

I'm not sure why you would be of the opinion that this is a bad thing.

>> No.1945786

Bear in mind that even if both are linear, a book can't give the same experience as some VNs. Umineko is a good example of this. Honestly the criterion you listed in >>1944344 are so conflictive I thought you were trolling at first. Saying you want a VN that isnt a generic High school drama but also doesn't deal with the paranormal and isnt gory narrows your options by alot. Further saying it can't be linear pretty much makes all hope lost.

Some options you may consider- Clannad. Tsukihime. Planetarian. Ever 17. Umineko. Other games that have been discussed above.

All of them are going to break one of your rules or another (aside from being in English) but are all excellent VNs. Pick your poison or move on.

>> No.1945793

Hence the name Visual Novel. If you want gameplay, go for Touhou or something.

Rance is a sucky RPG. So don't mention it.

>> No.1945813


Have you tried much interactive fiction? Most of them tend to be text-only based ordeals, but most have some sort of nonlinearity to them. And of course, the subject matter is a lot broader than one would experience in VNs.

>> No.1945852
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How has nobody recommended Phantom of Inferno yet? (Don't get the ZephyrX iso, it's corrupt)

>> No.1945860

Broaden my horizons some. When someone says 'interactive fiction' what I see in my head is something akin to... I'm not sure what to call it. A glorified fanfiction with multiple authors? I found http://members.tripod.com/~project_xat/ years and years ago roaming around searching for Xenogears related sites. For a wonder the site is still there. Inactive, but there. Is this what you're talking about?

>> No.1945877

No. http://www.wurb.com/if/

>> No.1945894


Basically, they tend to be in the style of Zork - text commands/exploration and such, though they can also be quite advanced such as in Façade.

>> No.1945907


>> No.1945938

What do you know, my "worst tripfags.txt" file is getting bigger.

>> No.1946044
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It rarely has multiple authors and I've never seen a fanfiction one, though there probably is one somewhere by now. They're just text-based adventure games, come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them focus a lot on puzzles and exploration, others will focus more on story and characters.

>> No.1946849

I wasn't trolling at all, I really just want to play something. Nocturnal Illusion is the best example: it's neither 1) or 2), even if does dab into paranormal it never gets into guro and crap like that - and it's not linear at all, or at least it gives you a good illusion of control because you get to choose where to go, who to talk to, etc. I'll give Clannad a go, even if it is High School drama like, I need to cleanse my eyes from that fucked up Saya no Uta.

As I said above, Nocturnal Illusion does have choice, it is interactive, and it's basically a Visual Novel, is it not? Also, and this may also sound like trolling, I've got no idea of what Tohou actually is, and Google doesn't help me decipher it at all.

As I said above, games like Nocturnal Illusion, Paradise Heights and those old HVNs had a lot more "gameplay", while still being, in essence, VNs. I guess I'm looking for newer versions of those kinds of games, without them being nothing but hentai games.

>> No.1946852

OP, go play CLANNAD. It fits your criteria perfectly.

>> No.1946867

Wow 7 hours.

Narcissu maybe.

>> No.1946871

My first VN was Ultra Vixen 2 :/

>> No.1946874

Silver Giniro, if you like the BAD END!

>> No.1946907

Wanko to kurasou it fits your criteria perfectly

>> No.1946938
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>> No.1946976

Seriously, if you can get your hands on Phantom of Inferno it's probably what you're looking for. Nothing paranormal, although there is sex it's offscreen or implied there are no h-scenes in the English version, no high-school drama, lots of different ways for the story to go.

>> No.1947988

Thanks for the help, /jp/

I think I'm going to go with Wanko to Kurasou, maybe Phantom to Inferno and, reluctantly, CLANNAD. Then I'll go from there. Thanks again.

>> No.1947992

Yeah, you're a troll.

>> No.1948024


>> No.1948026



No high school bullshit
Mature without entering paranormal and the similar bullshit
Lots of baw

>> No.1948036

play Kikokugai - no bullshit, kung-fu only.

>> No.1948047

Phantom of Inferno

Ever 17 maybe too, but it enters into some paranormal things a bit. Its still really good thought.

>> No.1948051

>Wanko to Kurasou

oh you

>> No.1948056

I recommend Clannad.

>> No.1948067

Don't want umineko because it doesn't give you options?
Retarded, in the first place it usually just means the difference between finishing the thing and getting a bad end, and usually for no discernible reason for one way or the other.
The ability to choose more than just a few select things becomes pointless and often tedious.

Good story is good regardless of what little options it gives you.

Yet you're going with ones that break rules 1 and 3.

You either don't even know what the hell you want or are a troll.

>> No.1948081



>> No.1948098

ok this thread is fucking hilarious.

OP's requirements are so ridiculously restrictive, considering how few translated VN's there are, I can't believe the thread has gone on this long... I guess people just really love to push Umineko.

And then the fact that the OP debates everything suggested, then instantly accepts the troll responses, makes it incredibly obvious that he's just trolling us.


>> No.1948107

guess rule2 weighs more then the others for him, his loss for missing out on saya & umineko for a weak reason though, not like either of those stories are carried by the guro/sex or similar

>> No.1948111


Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17 Ever17

>> No.1948114

His taste is fucking boring.

OP is a failure.

>> No.1948127

>>1948067 again
I honestly don't even care which ones he goes with, it's his stupid ass reasons for choosing certain ones or not as well as blatantly ignoring his own rules for wanko that annoy me.

The more I stick around the more I realize the op has to be a troll.

>> No.1948160
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I thought you didn't want loli sex.

>> No.1948165

What amazes me is that OP played Saya no Uta even though the VERY FIRST THING the game does is say "This VN is guro-tastic, please select the level of censorship you want."

>> No.1948392

I look into Narcissu too then, thanks.

I didn't say I didn't want Umineko, bro. I went to Wikipedia and didn't really care for the art style much, so I'm not putting it into my first tier of VNs to tackle. I'm not trolling, I just really know nothing about VNs and I came here looking for some suggestions.

I understand they are constrictive, but why is that a problem? I asked for suggestions, if there's nothing that meets the criteria then that's my answer, man, it's not really a problem, is it?

Yes, rule 2 is definitely the one that would be a deal breaker, I should've put more emphasis on that. Also, I should've stressed that I'm not looking for a Hentai VN, but I'll still check out the suggestions even if there is some H in them.

I realize how much of a contradiction I am, but I looked at the Wanko to Kurasou wiki entry and stuff and while it is very much breaking rule 1, I kinda reconsidered because after getting mindfucked by Saya no Uta last night, I need the "happy cheeriness" and cuteness of it. Yes, I'm being totally irrational about this.

Sorry if my taste is boring to you, but subjecting myself to things I know I don't enjoy (horror, guro, etc) is plain stupid - And I was stupid enough to stick with Saya no Uta last night for 2 hours just because this thread kept insisting that I fail - After those 2 hours and seeing the neighbour being devoured, I decided that it's just not for me (granted, the story IS interesting, but I can't get past the guro)

>> No.1948406

Further clarification on this point: I tried to look past the guro like some anons suggested, and it totally backfired. Call me a pussy, but there's just too much blood, killing, guts and the like for me to really stick with it for however long it goes for. Sad, because the story itself, the mystery of it all, is really intriguing -- it just totally fucks with my mind and I can't really bare it. Last time I watched a horror movie was the japanese version of Dark Water, and I couldn't sleep the whole night. I'm a wimp.

>> No.1948429

See through Fuminori's eyes, not your own. It makes the H scenes nicer.

>> No.1948467

forget this guy, I'm in need of that visual novel downloadin' website, it had anime too such as the legend of galactic heroes. I think it was called anime kana kana or some shit, its impossible to find on google.

>> No.1948470

That's another problem, really. I think Fuminori is a total bastard. I mean, why the hell did he have to do that to Yoh, really? He KNOWS that he is the one seeing things fucked up, he KNOWS that in reality, it's still the same people, yet he treats them like they are actually piles of guts? Makes absolutely no sense -- or rather, it only makes sense if he is an absolute, twisted fucker. Really, how can anyone relate to Fuminori? He is the least likable character, right along stupid mean monster/loli Saya. They just make no sense at all.

>> No.1948472

everybody should play ever17

not just OP

it should be incorporated into school curriculums around the world

who needs shakespeare

>> No.1948480

>Wanko to Kurasou
>quoting rule 1 on it

You're already recognized as a troll, you can stop now.

>> No.1948497

After seeing many anons recommending Ever17, I'll trust your judgment again and look for it - Wikipedia's explanation of the plot leaves me thinking that I could actually enjoy this one a lot - here's to hoping there's no guro though.

>> No.1948507

Thing is I wasn't trolling really. In fact, with my blind trust (and naivete) for anon's word, I ended up trying Saya no Uta, ending up in /jp/ trolling me. Really, bro, not trolling, just looking for answers and maintaining a conversation. Trolls would lose interest in this much faster, I'd think.

>> No.1948523


There's just mostly just some blood without the guts, so it shouldn't be too bad.

>> No.1948526

Sounds great, thanks mate. Looking for it now.

>> No.1948609


I ain't your mate, tripfriend pal.

>> No.1948626

>Phantom of Inferno
>No high school drama
Part Three takes place mostly in a high school, but the only high school drama is a fucking awesome school shooting. Except there are no students or teachers involved.
This scene contains exploding lab rooms, cars rewired to explode upon ignition, electrocution traps, and knife fights.
Go for Phantom, but don't do Mio's route. Fuck her and her normal schoolgirlness.

>> No.1948637

And it's actually just generic coughing up blood syndrome.

>> No.1948652

These aren't life changing decisions, god damn, just read them.

>> No.1949027

That actually sounds awesome, adding Phantom to Inferno to my queue! Thanks!

>> No.1949834

Posting in this thread again to let people know that I've went on with Saya no Uta. I've so far gotten 2 "bad endings" I suppose, and I'm conflicted. I hate everything about this VN, I hate the 2 "main" characters, I hate the guro, I hate the paranormal of it. Yet I find the story itself to be so convoluted and bizarre that it's appealing.
Ultimately, I'm not enjoying the experience, I actually feel mostly revolted by it all... but I guess a part of me wishes that I'll be able to find an ending that shows me Fuminori and Saya dying a painful, slow, death. Here I go for the 3rd ending, hoping that I'll be able to cleanse myself with something else afterwards.

I guess I'm a masochist.

>> No.1949836


>> No.1949844

Kill yourself you fucking pussy

>> No.1949845

>Posting in this thread again to let people know that I'm a huge faggot.

>> No.1949850

Stop posting

>> No.1949859

I honestly don't get how so many people here in /jp/ are attracted to the kind of horrors that I find in this game... I admit that I am curious as to how this thing will wrap up with some sort of sense of justice for the things these... "monsters"... have done, but I find absolutely no joy in reading this VN. It's more inertia than anything else that is driving me through...
Am I alone on those feelings, /jp/? Please, don't label me a troll, I'm honestly interested in some intelligent conversation here.

>> No.1949860

You're alone and a troll. Sorry, Bubba.

>> No.1949864

say that to my fists and see what happens

>> No.1949872

4/10, needs more actual dedication

>> No.1949877
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>> No.1949885

Wow, you guys are terribly shortsighted and defensive. Am I desecrating some sort of religion here in /jp/ with my opinions on this particular VN? The fact that you also label me a troll over and over again truly keeps me puzzled - how am I trolling? By honestly trying to get your opinions on this matter that I presented above? That's just silly, guys

>> No.1949890

Whatever you say, bubba Nox.

>> No.1949892

Sounds like this faggot doesn't know how to play a VN.
You don't "read" it. Its not a fucking nonfiction novel.
You "become" the main character.
Fuminori? Thats you. You're supposed to feel his pain, and his sadness.

As far as you should be concerned, all characters other than Fuminori and Saya are the monsters.

You dirty ingrate.

>> No.1949895


SnU & Nitro+ fanboys are actually more rabid than TM fanboys.

You get used to it.

>> No.1949899

Never post again

>> No.1949909

Listen to the other Anons and go play Ever17 already. It will make you BAAAW first, then make you shit bricks when you finally get to the end. Has some mild paranormal shit, but no guro or ero scenes.
This is one of the few VNs that you will never ever forget, and even hearing its theme music will get you emotional.

>> No.1949910

Damn, that is terrifying... I don't think "becoming" this monster is healthy. I'm glad I don't "know how to play VNs" - I've got no interest in becoming someone as unrelatable as him, that's for sure. The second he stops thinking of people as humans I jumped the shark - I mean, I can understand sensory overload from his condition, but he *knows* better than that, so why should I feel any sort of pity towards something that is so clearly a calculated, cold and twisted choice? It makes absolutely no sense, and it's not even properly explained. It even defies that old saying of "what matters is on the inside". He knows they are human even if they don't look it anymore (to him), yet he treats them as garbage just because of their looks? How could ANYONE feel compelled to become such a shallow character?

I am baffled.

>> No.1949914

all virtual novels suck

i hope this information helped

>> No.1949917

I know I want to do that, I just can't seem to guess which of the Ever17 files listed on /rs/ happens to be the actual game.

>> No.1949923

You want happy endings rite. I suppose you don't read any novels where the character is in disagreement with your beliefs. That's shallow. Try again, troll.

>> No.1949924
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>> No.1949926

...you have just forced me to dig up my backup HDD with Phantom on it and play it.

>> No.1949931

heh... all novels are visual

>> No.1949937

I read novels where I don't agree with the points or the characters, but I never "become" the characters. The fact that a VN is supposed to make you become a character, I can deal with. The fact that anyone in their right mind would want to become this kind of murderous, mentally unstable person absolutely eludes me.

>> No.1949945


/jp/ hosts all kinds of rejects.

>> No.1949941

Go play ever17 and stop posting.

>> No.1949951

I've been largely ignoring all the discussion of Saya since the translation was released, since I figured it would just irritate me. So I have no idea what others have said to you but...

I liked Saya because I found it an interesting comment on how fragile one's 'humanity' is and how strongly it is based on aesthetics. Fuminori lost his ability to identify with other human beings, and thus he treated them completely differently. He retained values and morals, they just no longer applied to humans. He clings desperately to the only beautiful and 'human' thing left in his new life. We got to see things from Fuminori's point of view, so we understood how his thinking had progressed to that state, but we were also reminded of what the 'norm' was through the scenes with other characters and the inclusion of mundane things like school, transit and a ski vacation with friends. I thought that was interesting. I guess if you don't agree that people are like that, you might not like it.

I liked the atmosphere of the game too though.

>> No.1949959

I'm sure that if everyone and everything you saw except for Saya was the most disgusting mass of rancid, quivering flesh you've ever seen, you would think differently.
You need to try harder to understand the main character- This isn't a children's book where all the qualities of the main character are designed to appeal to you.

>> No.1949969


it's a facade, really - most just "worship" this shit because it's so grotesque it's cool, but when it comes down to it, they can't honestly "become" such a theatricated character. Maybe they wish they could, but they can't. Anon is by definition vanilla - very opaque vanilla, but vanilla non the less.

>> No.1949971


I'm sure if you were Fuminori's friend, you'd think differently.

>> No.1949972

I don't know if people are like that or not, to be honest. Maybe I'm hopeful, or positive, but I want to believe people can look beyond aesthetics, and not judge every book solely by its cover - life has different levels, textures, readings. I can certainly understand the *existence* of someone like Fuminori, but its not someone who I think is the norm - not in the least. If human beings are really the way he is, I weep for humanity.

Thank you for some actual conversation, anon - everybody else limited themselves to calling me a troll and a fag, instead of engaging in some interesting talk.

>> No.1949988

I'm the guy you just quoted, and I find this statement to be valid. However, the game does not convey those perspectives nearly as strongly as Fuminori's himself.

>> No.1950002


This is a very nice observation. I guess one of the main challenges of the game is whether you can sympathize more with the main character because such shallowness is often an innate human characteristic. Taking the more idealistic road can be seen as a high-handed sort of ignorance (and sympathizing with humanity, ironically).

There's a lot of contradictions within the game, but I guess it's also what makes it interesting to think about.

>> No.1950018

Hmm.. I've yet to play SnU but regardless it seems like you're making a massive deal out of nothing. It's a fictional story.. why the hell does it seem like you're taking it so seriously? I wouldn't get it if someone took a good realistic Hollywood movie seriously, let alone an animated piece of work. And this is just a visual novel with still images, voices and text.

Plus, the fact that you suggested you were going to play Wanko to Kurasou completely mind-fucked me considering all the rules you've set and complaints you've made. It's a game full of loli-furry hentai and yet you'd choose it over Umineko, Ever17, Phantom of Inferno and Clannad?

I read a lot of books as well as some visual novels and the main draw of VNs is the fact that the stories are Japanese and similar in style to anime and manga, although in some cases deeper. The interactivity of them isn't the main point, although being able to read through several alternate paths set in the same world is definitely a drawing point.

First try out Planetarian as it's a really short read (a couple hours) and will give you an idea of what Key's VNs are like. You have to read it in one go otherwise I doubt you'd enjoy it anywhere near as much. If you like that, consider checking out Clannad next (or soon). It's a damn long game but the stories are absorbing and enjoyable.

Make sure you check out Ever17, Tsukihime, Phantom of Inferno, Umineko and Utawarerumono. Also note down Hourglass of Summer, Kagetsu Tohya, Fate/Stay Night, Kanon and maybe Tears to Tiara for later.

>> No.1950022

Also, not sympathizing with Fuminori can be seen as absolute rejection for something so twisted, calculated and cold. That is my main problem with the character: his madness isn't just a consequence - chooses to ignore the humanity of the world just because he can't perceive it anymore, even when he is fully aware of this being ultimately wrong. I could sympathize with him a bit more if he suddenly woke up to this world, and was plainly mad. This is not the case with Fuminori. He is cold, manipulative, evil and calculative. He is also selfish, arrogant and childish. Sure, he can love Saya - but only because she happens to LOOK like the ideal of humanity in his mind - her behavior doesn't match her innocent looks, Fuminori knows this and chooses it's easier to not deal with it. He accepts this in lieu of a more "aesthetically pleasing" reality.

I could go on, but I'm pretty sure you guys get the point I'm going for here.

>> No.1950026

Ever17, not so good. It sucks to infinity.

>> No.1950033

Funimori accepts Saya's cruelty. He understands that when he sees what she did to that other girl

>> No.1950036

what's that old game where you play as two detectives? A man and a woman.

eve something something

>> No.1950046


Burst Error

>> No.1950047

People have been able to dehumanize others for sillier reasons, no? Skin colour, religion, nationality. What is that compared to the fact that Fuminori sees people as entirely different (and revolting) organisms? I do not think one can really find fault in how Fuminori behaves. He has no hope except Saya, the most 'moral' action he could have taken would probably have been to kill himself while he was still in the hospital.

Shallow makes it sound so negative, and deceptively easy to avoid. While it would be nice if we could look past such an extreme physical form, I think it would take a saint to be able to do so.

I get what you're saying, he's definitely aware that what he's doing is 'wrong'... but I don't think he's evil. I imagine it would be incredibly hard to do what you mentally understand as being right, when your gut is telling you otherwise. Usually humans at least have some alignment between their gut feelings and what they know is right, but if you didn't? I think it'd be pretty tough. Who would want to live like that?

>Thank you for some actual conversation, anon - everybody else limited themselves to calling me a troll and a fag, instead of engaging in some interesting talk.
No problem. Your question didn't sound troll-like to me, perhaps it would if I had been discussing the game with everyone else? No clue.

>> No.1950053

As much as the game strays from reality, you have to remember that HAPPY END is not something rooted in reality in the first place.
It doesn't matter that he came to love Saya because of how she looked, and felt, and smelled.
What essentially matters was that the love was there. You cannot simply decide that something aesthetically pleasing to all of your senses (eating a person) is morally wrong- Fuminori never really was the kind of guy to think about things like that.
His actions are determined by how he really feels- even if the way he feels is the product of his terribly distorted reality.
And you would call that man a monster? Have shame.

>> No.1950055


Well, it's easier to point out the "error of his ways" in the third person, and in retrospect, but honestly, I think he just chose the simpler path - he accepted this "new" reality with Saya as the centerpiece. He was weak, but can we honestly claim to be stronger in the same situation? Maybe, but maybe not.

>> No.1950104

You make great points there, honestly, especially your first point. Humans do tend to dehumanize that which scares them, don't they? Hell, I guess I'm doing that myself by the mere repulsion that I feel for this character - which also has fear embedded into it, product of the possibility of humans truly being that way. Very interesting points, anon. Much obliged.

One thing I'm not going to deny is the love for Saya, which was probably genuine. However, that love for Saya, the only remnant of what he considers "good and pure" and whatever else, is just awfully convenient to love. He knows Saya is probably the error in the equation, but he is blinded by her illusion - there's my problem, he knows better yet he pretends - or at least attempts - to be blissfully unaware of this until things spiral down. I just can't relate to someone willing to throw common sense and morality out the window for such a flimsy reason, without doing anything to get help in the first place. I understand this is my own perception though, so please don't flame me for it.

I agree, I don't really know how I'd react in his shoes - I honestly wish that I don't have that capacity to ignore humanity in others, though. The mere thought scares the hell out of me. Denying someone else's humanity just feels wrong to me, and completely unjustifiable.

>> No.1950126

By the way, I just finished the last ending, and I like the message at the end. I won't spoil it for those who might not've finished the game. In my opinion, the tragedy of this story does deliver some sort of strong message at the end (barely), but at the expense of casting so many doubts on humanity (or the depiction of it) itself. It's pretty obvious to me that I'm not the target for this kind of message - I've got more hope than that, I guess.

All in all, I got very little out of the experience. It wasn't rewarding, it was very depressing and had very little entertainment - as I said before, only my own curiosity kept me going, along with the hope of seeing my own sense of justice reflected upon one of the endings, which only kinda happened. That said, I wouldn't flat out discard Saya no Uta at this point, but just say that it is definitely not my cup of tea, and I really wish it is not the cup of tea of my loved ones - that'd scare the crap out of me, really.

>> No.1950128

>the cup of tea of my loved ones

That would turn me on.

>> No.1950153

Did you even read my post? Maybe then you could check out some stuff that you might actually like instead of still reading something you don't and keeping up the moaning.

>> No.1950155

>7:00am :you wake up from your flesh bed and take a shower in blood
>7:10am :you get out of shower and proceed to eat flesh toast, surprisingly, it tastes like flesh
>7:20am :you head to your classes early to read through your flesh notes before class, but much to your chagrin it is all covered in flesh and blood, completely unintelligible
>8:00am: you wait patiently through class while you listen to your annoying professor blabber on about something, you can't make it out because your condition makes him sound like hes underwater
>11:00am: you get reminded you have a major test approaching, wishing you could read your notes at this point. You begin to head back home
>11:30am: You can't wait in anticipation to see the only normal person in your life, the sooner you get home the better, but then suddenly your ex-girlfriend who is now a deformed flesh monster decides now is a good time to whine in your face.

How do you respond to this with a happy response?

>> No.1950173


>> No.1950179


A flesh bed is nice and warm, so is a blood shower.
Flesh tastes like chicken, a wholesome nigger breakfast.
My handwriting is unintelligible anyway, no loss here.
I play Underwater Ray Romano instead of paying attention anyway.
Studying is for suckers.
Deformed flesh monsters can be moe. Besides, I can ask her what the professor said.
This day doesn't sound that bad, really.

>> No.1950218

Sorry, I did read your post -- I thought I had replied, even, but I now realize I didn't. I'll check out some of those games you recommended, I already have a friend who recommends Clannad, and I definitely am intrigued by Phantom of Inferno and Ever17.

I don't disagree, I'd probably feel like shit most of the day and want to go home to the only remnant of what I believe is normalcy is. However, I also know I'd never even get to that point if I was in his shoes - I could never walk those shoes, nor would I intend to or claim that I would. I'd probably be one of those other patients at the hospital who go insane and become heroes.

>> No.1950255

i hope you mean "An hero", because your claiming that if you came down with this condition you would some how do something heroic?

>> No.1950270

I am anon. I am the guy who is responding sarcastically and antagonizing you repeatedly in this thread. I said you don't know how to play VNs, and that his love is real.

I could and would do what he did.
I have no regrets. This is the only path.

>> No.1950271

"An hero" is exactly what I meant.

>> No.1950273

Sad to hear that you are so broken inside.

>> No.1950334

Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.

>> No.1950368

So as I pray,
Unlimited Flesh Works

>> No.1950369

stories have to be about justice to be good? pffft. fail.

>> No.1950459

You are the one who fails for not understanding what I meant. That I would've liked for the game to end in accordance to my own sense of justice has absolutely nothing to do with me wanting the game to be *about* justice - two completely different things there.

Also, self sage as I'm going to bed and there's no point in me bumping my own thread when I won't be around to reply to it. Have a good night, /jp/

>> No.1950466

Well fuck, I forgot my sage. Better late than never.

>> No.1950472

Shitty troll.
That being said, the only game that reasonably fits your requirements is Phantom of Inferno. Most games not about high school drama (something I hate as well) will have either paranormal stuff or H not to mention most aren't in English. I suggest you pick up choose-your-own-adventure books and get out.

>> No.1950705

How did you not enjoy the ending where he dies? Because his friend goes batshit? It's reasonable he went crazy after what he saw, the doctor even warned him about it.

You didn't like Saya because the protagonist didn't make the choices you would make. He decided to keep on living, while you would've easily given up and died. You may mask your resentment for him behind your "morals", but whats really bothering you is that this man you hate, is much stronger than you could ever hope to be, and this shames you.

>> No.1950761
File: 15 KB, 1190x298, 1232522289003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1951029

I cannot find a bt for phantom at all(a working one), this is a first for me

>> No.1951222



I uploaded all 4 discs long time ago. I don't have links for other CDs anymore - deleted due to inactivity.

>> No.1951269

some kind anon posted this awhile back:

Phantom of Inferno: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2753d05323c2857dab1eab3e9fa335cab011413be780af8f

Exodus Guilty Trilogy: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2753d05323c2857dab1eab3e9fa335caa3b6b76eae93b39c

Tea Society of a Witch: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2753d05323c2857dab1eab3e9fa335ca02a77ff0%2091e77a4b

Dragonia: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2753d05323c2857dab1eab3e9fa335ca6d5e05f81b39772b

Hourglass of Summer:

>> No.1951302

That's the uncorrupted version of PoI, right?

>> No.1951501

Divi Dead

>> No.1951548

It is a favorite game of several of my loved ones. Lucky me.

>> No.1952633

No, not really. I don't envy the main character's ability to disregard everything human, to be selfish and look at just his own benefit. I'm not masking myself in morals, I just firmly believe in my own morality. It's not that he is strong and keeps on living, it's that he is weak and keeps on living in the way most convenient to him - with complete disregard for rationality and good judgement. He knows better than what he did, he didn't suddenly wake up insane - he chose to take the route of "well, everything looks fucked up, might us well be fucked up" even when he knew that what he saw was nothing but a fabrication of his own head. By knowing better, yet acting the way he does, he already gets no sympathy from me. Sorry, but that's just how I feel. What you label as strength, to me is utter selfishness and weakness.

That is fucking awesome, bros. Thanks a lot!

>> No.1952680

could some very kind anon possibly post a list of the translated (into English) visual novels please?

Or, a list of those known to be on /rs/?

If too much hassle, some good links to sites / blogs where they can be downloaded from [rs, mu etc] would be appreciated.

Thank you very much.

/jp/ does have a purpose, it may be far from perfect, but 4chan would be worse off without it.

opinion over.

>> No.1952696

You can download some eroges from /jp/ IRC channel.

>> No.1952706

well, I live with an insane girl, and I can tell you that when nothing makes sense anymore, and suddenly you see something that does make sense you will grab onto it for dear life.

>> No.1952760


Thank you kind anon, kind of jonesing for a list though, I just don't know whats out there...

>> No.1952766

I wanted to use letmegoogle but since you i'm in good mood...

>> No.1952782


Thank you kindly guv'nor!

I have not read any fiction for over 10 years (apart from what is written in "the news") and wanted to give this whole VN malarkey a shot.

Thanks for taking the time to help out rather than the usual "use google much" shite posted here.

>> No.1952852

Here's a link to the fan-translated VNs that are out: http://shii.org/translate/

The ones that aren't listed as free are obviously the larger commercial ones and should be the main ones to check out. Also you can see what games are available on peachprincess.com.

The visual novels that can be found on #/jp/ (Rizon): http://gilheney.com/VNs/?bot=[jp]VNs-English

>> No.1952866

Also, note to OP, you can't play Ever17 with just the RS links the guy above posted. You need all four CDs to install it. As long as you know how to use IRC you can just get it from the bot on /jp/

>> No.1952882


Thank you very much indeed, that's going to be very helpful, much obliged anon!

>> No.1952960

Yep, I know how to use IRC so I'm probably going to get it that way. Thanks though!

>> No.1954590

So i didn't like saya no uta, i know lots like it. But i didnt. And im sure its not what the original poster wanted to read. The story needs work.

>> No.1954754

Pffft, that VN was so bad it was funny.
The Story was written by a website designer.
The director is the president of a music studio.
First decision point can lead you to a bad end.
You can use 'items' even if you didn't chose the right option to get them in the first place.
One decision point is calling a coin flip.
Another one has you wander through a "dungeon."
This is no more than choosing left or right for a half dozen times, looping back to the start of the dungeon until you either get a bad end or you get out.
Another decision point is a quiz show.
The answers are found nowhere in the game, but in the game's manual.
It doesn't matter if you win or lose, anyway.

One ending is supposed to be a cliffhanger open for a sequel, cutting to the credits...
