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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19282 No.19282 [Reply] [Original]

Fuk.. i miss cirno in /a/


>> No.19326
File: 294 KB, 512x512, 1203560141238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno sucks.

>> No.19334
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>> No.19356
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>> No.19394
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Although i'm an Eienteifag, the lack of Cirno in /a/ makes it boring as hell.

>> No.19396
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>> No.19412
File: 108 KB, 865x618, 1203560494789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic speaks for itself. Cirno belongs here

>> No.19434
File: 75 KB, 566x800, 1203560560365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how we're BOTH /jp/sies and Jews, now.

>> No.19454
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she's our 9 now! you can't have her back!

>> No.19491
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>> No.19524
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>> No.19539
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>> No.19543
File: 46 KB, 500x600, 1203560934346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/...it's hard to explain how I feel about all this, but...

I felt like /a/ was full of my friends. It was a place I could go when I was feeling down, everyone there--I won't say they were nice, because a lot of the time, they weren't nice at all. But even though /a/ was bitter and sarcastic and mean, sometimes--

I mean, sometimes /a/ and the people in it--they suddenly showed that they had hearts. It sounds stupid and cheesy and naive, but that's the only way I can describe it. There was some freakish harmony in the way the anime and manga fans mixed with the--the "other people", I guess. The people who weren't quite one thing and not quite not that, either.

I don't even know what I'm trying to say. I'm babbling. Like I don't even have a point.

We're separated, now. Scattered to the four winds, or something like that. I don't know.

Everything--before it ended--everything was kind of nice, wasn't it? We were all miserable, but we were all miserable together, and there was something wonderfully peaceful about it all--

It felt like a dream that went on and on and on, and nobody thought it would ever stop.

>> No.19556
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>> No.19562
File: 20 KB, 500x600, 1203561005667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://walfas.org/flash/letty.swf made me bawwwww

Cirno shows some emotion for once.

>> No.19567
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>> No.19591
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>> No.19675
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come to jp, we have pie.

>> No.19724
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>> No.19781
File: 20 KB, 404x262, 1203561859377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is /a/ without the fail.

I never liked anime, I only went there for the stuff that's on here. Especially the touhou.

>> No.19794
File: 19 KB, 400x350, 1203561897268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19308

join us /a/fag

>> No.19313


>> No.19291


>> No.19323

Cirno is here now

>> No.19339

he got banned? all right!

>> No.19363

Cirno is still welcome here with the /jp/sies.

>> No.19379


Cirno leads the /jp/sies
She's our moses

>> No.19398


>> No.19461

Not very observant are you?

>> No.19463


/a/ has had a boring, lonely feel to it since the split.

>> No.19476

>>touhou might be the israelites of 4chan

>> No.19479


Looks like I'm the one who needs to pay more attention

>> No.19492

And as lonely as it is, they can't even have ronery~ threads.

>> No.19493

really? I have yet to go back.

>> No.19514

Yes, I'm aware of the reference.

>> No.19508

hahaha oh wow

>> No.19549

No more Cirno promotions in /a/. I missed seeing Giovanni punch her in the face.

>> No.19550


Maybe my post caught on after all.

>> No.19574


I've only browsed through it a few times, but it felt like a community that was trying to stay active but was having trouble, sorta forced, as compared to the natural flow that it had before.

/a/'s definitely lost its culture with the split.

>> No.19614

/jp/ proves that "Touhou fags" controlled /a/.

>> No.19640

You Touhoufags were the cancer on old /a/. But there cannot be win without fail. New /a/ sucks.

>> No.19652

No, moot said that on Sunday. After which, it was immediately morphed by anonymous into "the Jews of 4chan." A title which we /jp/sies have appropriated to ourselves now (since this is the new home of Touhou).

The thread where moot said this is in the archive under /a/. It's the second thread on the first page.

>> No.19664

Everytime I see the thumbnail of this pic it looks as if she was bending over with her ass exposed

>> No.19729

/jp/ is now /a/

>> No.19728

/a/ doesn't miss Cirno.

Please keep her locked up in /jp/.


>> No.19759

We will.

I'm glad we could come to an arrangement that is mutually beneficial. Moot is truly wise.

>> No.19761

New /a/ sucks so much I think I might move to /jp/ even thou I don't particularly like japan.PROVE ME WRONG

>> No.19768


No one loves japan here

>> No.19773


>> No.19765


You liked anime and manga

anime and manga= japan

>> No.19791

/jp/ is not /touhou/

>> No.19806

I guess the "nobody on /a/ watches anime" meme is dead now. ;_;

>> No.19819

If you don't like something, hide the thread instead of being a whiny little bitch about it. There's plenty of stuff being discussed here.

>> No.19848

>I never liked anime, I only went there for the stuff that's on here.

And a tripfag. You represent everything that was shit about /a/. I'm glad they made a /jp/ for people like you, I really am. It will make more people happy to separate weaboos and anime fans.

>> No.19852

"Nobody on /jp/ is Japanese" is highly accurate

>> No.19877

more like "nobody in /jp/ loves the Japanese"

>> No.19879

Correct: it's /touhou_vn_fig_and_weeaboo/

Unless, by some turn of events it turns into 95% manga discussion.

>> No.19910

I like /jp/ HAETS JAPAN.

>> No.19912

haha oh wow. tripfags, I bet you've never even read any of my posts on /a/.

>> No.19925

If you hate /jp/ so much, why are you here? Instead of telling US how great /a/ is without us, GO ENJOY IT yourself. Otherwise we're going to start thinking that you actually miss us.

>> No.20055

I like anime & manga, but /a/ is too shitty right now. And since /a/ content in a way belong to /jp/, i'll rather stay here.

>> No.20182

I find it interesting that /a/ is still in full shitstorm mode right now, while /jp/ has pretty much calmed down from the initial shock of the sho/a/h.

Of course, the SaiGAR results from today seem to be contributing to the shitstorm, too, over there.

>> No.20231

sho/a/h? I don't know, it sounds weird what about calling this historical event Cism/a/ instead?

>> No.20250

Does anyone else find it strange that SaiGAR is still an /a/ thing? Not that I mind.

>> No.20263

Please let them keep it.

>> No.20264

shhh, don't tell them, we don't want that shit here...

>> No.20267


It's gonna happen when morning comes again. It's a new board. It's a battlefield.

>> No.20255

You missed /jp/ this morning, which was in full shitstorm mode after the initial euphoria. All the tripfriends b& from /a/ didn't help much.

>> No.20329

Swung by /a/ just now and it's appears to be in full elitist mode. /a/ is now full of elitists who actually think they are elite.

>> No.20359

Sho/a/h references the whole "Jews of 4chan" thing. It was widely agreed on last night.

SaiMOE and SaiGAR are clearly anime-related, and so /a/ material.

Must have happened after I left around 5:30 EST. Who got b&, and why? I thought most of the principal tripfriends had sworn off of bothering /a/.

>> No.20433

Proof that /a/ and /jp/ are the same thing.

Just like a tiger can't change his stripes, an anon can't change his cancer.

>> No.20648

I'm /a/ material. ;_;

>> No.20648,1 [INTERNAL] 

