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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1926275 No.1926275 [Reply] [Original]

ITT classic VNs /jp/ doesn't talk about (much).

>> No.1926282
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>> No.1926283

I've seen some threads about it a while ago.
It's by Looseboy after all, even if it's his first eroge (I think).

>> No.1926284

It should be translated soon.

>> No.1926287
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Actually, Natsu no Tomoshibi is his first eroge. It's good, too! Although possibly not as good as A Profile.

>> No.1926291

shes going to crash her plane into my aircraft carrier

>> No.1926296
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ITT we still remain hopeful that scenario writer and artist will once again collaborate to create something this brilliant.

ITT we also deep down know it's never going to happen. ;_;

>> No.1926306

Gotta love these threads, I was just wondering wich VN to read next.

>> No.1926316
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>> No.1926322

Suigetsu was so fucking awesome.

>> No.1926353

I just saw this thread on the front page, and I'm not normally on /jp/ or play such games, but I'd really like to know what exactly it is that makes these games appeal to you guys.

>> No.1926357
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There's hardly any talk of non-PC games.

>> No.1926358

Not OP here,
I've been Playing Fate/Stay for a little bit now
My question is, if I already know the basics of the plot due to spoilers here, will I miss a lot of I just skip to battles?
Also, /jp/ never talks about OMGWTFOTL except in casual references

>> No.1926362

Start a new thread.
Answering you here would just hijack this thread and nobody wants this.

>> No.1926370

My apologies.
Red Shift.

>> No.1926373

but those aren't classic

would you get out already

>> No.1926374
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Gin'iro, the eroge that made Nekonekosoft famous.

>> No.1926375

That reminds me, did anyone ever upload it anywhere? The only torrent I found of it was dead.

>> No.1926381
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Insert any untranslated game and you have "a game that /jp/ never talks about"

>> No.1926385
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Stellar voice cast and the story wasn't bad as well.

>> No.1926388
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/jp/ talks about littlewitch vidya.

... Sometimes.

>> No.1926394

I've seen one thread recently due to them announcing a new game.

And one more that I started about Quartett!!.

>> No.1926398


>> No.1926400

Pay some more attention, brother. I make one like bi-weekly!

>> No.1926409

They tend to be pretty ignored from what I've seen, though!

>> No.1926410
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I'm all too aware ;_;

>> No.1926411

It's alright, Klein. I read them.

>> No.1926413

It's alright, now that I've finally gotten around to actually playing Quartett (and am almost done fucking Yuni), from now on, the two of us can discuss it!


>> No.1926418
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>> No.1926420
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>> No.1926421
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I've seen it mentioned, but never actually talked about.

>> No.1926422
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>> No.1926425
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Do you believe, Anonymous?

>> No.1926426
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>> No.1926428

MuvLuv is talked about all the fucking time.

>> No.1926429
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Because I believe.

>> No.1926430
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awesome stuff

>> No.1926431
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Also, VNs /jp/ should talk about more (and probably will once DEPTH EDITION comes out...)

>> No.1926433

welcome to the reason this game will never be translated, ever.

>> No.1926434
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I can post like 4352542 more titles, but you get the picture.

>> No.1926436
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I've said my fair share about MOON., thank you very much.

>> No.1926437

don't toy with my feelings like this...

>> No.1926440

Except that game was a disappointment, and it's no surprise that /jp/ doesn't want to talk about it.

We don't talk about Dies Irae, do we?

>> No.1926441
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What the reason, there are like 4-5 walls like this. Most of text is easy to read/translate. It's just fucking long.

>> No.1926444

Dies Irae fails cause it wasn't finished. Kimi no Tsubasa fails by default.

>> No.1926449
File: 118 KB, 806x625, 1232124442877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, there's been a bit of chatter about these games before.

Jeez this one was difficult to play, though.

>> No.1926448

spoilers ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck you

>> No.1926450

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1926458
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>> No.1926460
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Everyone knows about Tamayura. But what about its spiritual predecessor?

>> No.1926464

Source, please!

>> No.1926467
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>> No.1926468
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Karin route, fuck yes.

>> No.1926471
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>> No.1926481

Not sure why /jp/ doesn't talk about Forest, considering how much it seems to like other Liar-soft titles (Inganock, Sharnoth etc.)

>> No.1926486

That from the PS2 version? I'd been meaning to check it out, but I might just wait for DEPTH EDITION. Won't have to emulate then.

>> No.1926489
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>> No.1926497

You have got to be kidding.

>> No.1926513

Forest is just difficult.
For one, you really had to have a good level of moonspeak to play it.
And it's really not for everyone.

>> No.1926520

This image always makes me really sad. ;_;

>> No.1926540

Yeah, you might as well wait for the Depth Edition since at least without delays it should be out sometime before summer. Emulating is a headache.

>> No.1926551
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>> No.1926553

You'll be glad to know that mere minutes after that you get to watch the same thing happen to a cute girl trying to save her terminally ill sister. And since she was her sister's only hope, you get to in a way watch them both die at the same time!

>> No.1926559

And yet, I still want to play this. Am I a sick fuck, anon?

>> No.1926566


>> No.1926581

>I can post like 4352542 more titles, but you get the picture.

Yes we get the picture, but the part about "post titles" seem to have been lost on the way because I see a lot of noname images posted.

>> No.1926580
File: 61 KB, 506x351, 1232126877552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you implying that School Days isnt a classic?

>> No.1926611

if you want to know the source, just ask it.

>> No.1926628
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>> No.1926662


Rika's yanyan was so adorable...

>> No.1927637


Why wouldn't I want source for everyone so I can look them up?

>> No.1927671

Is there a VN where the Main Character isn't a pussy?

>> No.1928070

Saya No Uta, and probably any other Nitro+ game

>> No.1928118
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