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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 428 KB, 1846x1865, animepaperscansnitroplual4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1918952 No.1918952 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanted to throw out a friendly invitation to the /jp/ IRC channel, it's been around for a while but hasn't been too active lately. There are bots with visual novels for download (I add more constantly) and I thought It'd be nice if there were more discussions about vns/etc.

So please join us, #/jp/ on irc.rizon.net

>> No.1918957

I'm afraid to break the silence.

>> No.1918985

We won't bite.

>> No.1919002

IRC huh, didn't think people still used that.

>> No.1918999

advertising your shitty irc chan as 'the' /jp/ irc channel is pretty homoerotic of you

>> No.1919006

although that download bot is pretty nifty, i'll give you that

>> No.1919024


If there's something you want added, you can request it and I'll try to put it up

>> No.1919031

I'd have joined if it wasn't called /jp/, but anyways nice project, the bot idea sounds really awesome

>> No.1919039

Faggots huh, didn't think people still call themselves like that.

>> No.1919069


>> No.1919078

How the fuck do you work irc?

after like 30 mins i've had to open ports, pick a name that isn't taken or not allowed, and now i have to register or some shit.

fuck there is no way it is worth it

>> No.1919084

you don't need to register

if you're using mirc the commands are just "/server irc.rizon.net" to connect to the server "/nick nickname" to change your nick and "/join #/jp/" to join the channel

>> No.1919085

Step away from the computer before you harm yourself.

>> No.1919154


>> No.1919166
File: 183 KB, 425x1700, SAYAIRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ sure has had a lot of Saya related threads this past week.
Not that that's a bad thing.

>> No.1919197
File: 242 KB, 896x553, 1231805620947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1919998

Not a bad place actually.

>> No.1919999


>> No.1920015

I've been there since the begining and I don't think we've broken 1,000 lines of text.

Not that I say anything either.

>> No.1920038

reimu's broadcast was enough for me. i hardly can stay anything else

>> No.1920123

The bot's missing Fate/ Stay Night, Umineko, Clannad, Da Capo, Wind -A Breath of Heart-, One ~To the Radiant Season~, Men At Work! 2, Gadget Trial and despite including crappy official releases like Do You Like Horny Bunnies 2 it doesn't have anything of Hirameki's other than Ever17.

>> No.1920159

I don't know how to use IRC that well. Is there a way to hide my IP?

>> No.1920170

All hostmasks on Rizon are masked. That being said, you can still request a vhost. /msg hostserv help.

>> No.1920286

And it's missing Kanon.

>> No.1920302

how do i use irc? im on linux and i dont know how on this

>> No.1920304

Only normalfags use IRC.

>> No.1920306

Rizon is the shittiest network on earth, use something decent link Synirc.

>> No.1920320

troll harder. then go to apps->add/remove and search for irc.

>> No.1920329

but i did i doenloaded something called weechat and im on there but i cant connect to anything

>> No.1920343

>>1920329 here

please help me!

>> No.1920341

on the command prompt type in /server irc.synirc.net
then type /join #denpa

congratulations you are in a decent IRC channel

>> No.1920356

it says the server is not found it did the same thing with everything else

>> No.1920383

#lurk (gotlurk.net) is pretty much the best method of downloading English manga currently in existence. What's the problem?

>> No.1920388

Their constant demands for donations is the problem.

>> No.1920403

Best IRC channel ever.

>> No.1920409

I'll talk if you break the silence.

>> No.1920416

They always seem to get them from somewhere that isn't us so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.1920418

newfags don't know how to use /ignore

>> No.1921846

Fuck. What does the bot have?

>> No.1921871

ignores = ( { level = "ALL"; channels = ( "#lurk" ); } );

Feels good man.

>> No.1921898

He got what he deserved.

>> No.1923355


>> No.1923481

Bot is a lot faster than torrents. I probably won't chat in the channel unless some people who aren't enormous fags are talking (hasn't happened yet), but I'll use the dl bots occasionally. Put more stuff on, like all of the Key, Type-Moon, and Nitro+ VNs, regardless of whether they've been translated, and put up both the translated and untranslated versions for VNs that have been translated.

>> No.1923797

I linked some chat op to most of the touhou games so the bot has those if anyone needs a (presumably) reliable source.

>> No.1923813

But it's still silent.

>> No.1923830

Fansubbers use irc. They're not normalfags, but yes they are fags (I've been one, I should know). What would you do without subbed anime? Granted, without Naruto and Bleach being subbed I'd rejoice.

>> No.1923837

>they are fags (I've been one, I should know)
Does a penis moving back and forth in your ass really feel good?

>> No.1923862

I'm working on it, jeez


>> No.1923879

It does actually, you should try it sometime.

>> No.1923901

Can you climax when that happens?

>> No.1924066

tripfag channel only.

seriously, don't bother unless you're going to lurk for easy vn dccs, or are a faggot. Compared to this, the circlejerking on #meltanjp seems pretty tolerable.

>> No.1924842

Is magister there?

>> No.1924852

Pretty much.

>> No.1924869

"Oh god, people are using names and aren't anonymous on IRC? Fuck this tripfag shit"

>> No.1924872

I didn't like IRC over a decade ago, and I still don't like it now.

At least in the 90's it had some useful aspects. It's pretty much obsolete in this day in age though.

>> No.1924877


It attracts tripfags who as we all know are retards.

>> No.1924892

Or normalfags.

>> No.1925262

sauce on OP's pic

any idea

>> No.1925284

saya no uta

>> No.1926252

