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1918582 No.1918582 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I was told that Yume Miru Kusuri is fucking awesome. Is that so?

>> No.1918590

You were lied to.

>> No.1918592

It's good, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.1918594


People who are inexperienced with VNs won't appreciate it and those who are will find it bland.

>> No.1918595

Play a real vn like FSN

>> No.1918598

There's suicide, murder and rape. No way it can be bad.

>> No.1918604


I'd say "bland" is the right term.

>> No.1918607

So, this is the Elfen Lied of visual novels?

>> No.1918610

Nekoko's route is a 9/10, Aeka's 7, and no one played the 3rd girl's route because her character design sucked. Play Nekoko's route at least, since it has one of the best endings in any VN I've seen. Aeka's feels pretty forced, and, like I said before, ugly smoker girl is ugly. I've heard a couple good things about her route, but I can't get over the art.

Just play it, you fag.

>> No.1918614

Don't forget strangling a bitch, along with your girl.

>> No.1918615

Saya no Uta is the Elfen Lied of VNs.

>> No.1918616

>no one played the 3rd girl's route because her character design sucked
speak for yourself faggot

>> No.1918619


That happens to be why I've yet to play it. Well, that and spare time.

>> No.1918623

I'd say you are "idiotic" and that you have "bad taste".
It looked like yet another badly scripter hentai game rather than a VN, but it manages to do relatable characters, a consistant (albeit short) story and all this with healthy humor included.
It's good.
For me, it was fucking awesome.

>> No.1918632

>Play Nekoko's route at least, since it has one of the best endings in any VN I've seen.

Everyone says this, and I always say that ending resorts to a cheap emotional gimmick that it honestly didn't need and would have been much better without.

>> No.1918633

Only Saya actually has a plot.

>> No.1918636

Except SnU has real values other than murder and rape, YMK in other hand...

>> No.1918642

YMK, not so good

>> No.1918643


How would you have prefered it to end then?

>> No.1918646

Elfen Lied is a harem, it doesn't need a plot.

>> No.1918650

OP, go play it and check for yourself.

It's not awesome, but not terrible either. It achieves exactly what it sets to achieve, I think.

The imouto alone is worth it TOO BAD SHE DOESN'T HAVE A ROUTE AAAARGH

>> No.1918660

Best part of YMK: Nekoko's video game H scene.

>> No.1918682

I hated all of the 3 heroines. And the music was shit. Not funny at all, full of cliches, and it probably would have been moving except I didn't give a shit about any of the girls.

>> No.1918689

No, School Days is the Elfen Lied of VNs.

>> No.1918695

Just one minor change to take out the aforementioned cheap gimmick is all it really needs.

Because honestly, disappearing on someone that cares deeply about you without a word for three years is one of the cruelest things you can possibly do to a person. I'd say it's easily meaner than anything Antionette does. And it doesn't really add anything to the ending except as a cheap way to force it to be more dramatic than it needs to be. And it doesn't even work because it doesn't fool the player at all.

So that alone ruined the ending for me.

>> No.1918697

It's overhyped as hell.

It was solid. Wasn't really exceptional in any way, shape or form.

>> No.1918702

That's what happens when only a handful of VNs are translated.

>> No.1918704

Aeka's route was way too melodramatic
Senpai's was boring.

>> No.1918720

Nekoko also had the best fucking ending.

>> No.1918722

I mostly agree with you and will add that the very end, the amusement park scene, felt pretty cheesy. I still really liked Nekoko's route and YMK as a whole though.

>> No.1918730

I'd say VNs in general aren't very amazing, so expecting any of them to be awesome in a literary sense will let you down like that.

>> No.1918736


we're comparing it to other VNs. durp hurp.

>> No.1918738

So, she went off with her parents and got over her problems instead of clinging to the protagonist like Aeka? How is this a bad thing?

>> No.1918746

Oh, yeah, Nekoko's route up to that point was really good, but the ending was a huge letdown.

I don't think a lot people grasp just how cruel of a thing that was to do, though. And her reason for doing it was pretty bullshit, too.

>> No.1918761

The bad thing is she purposely didn't say anything about it to the protagonist.

Can you even imagine how painful it is for someone who is such a major part of your life to just vanish without a trace for such a long period of time? It's honestly one of the cruelest things you can do to a person emotionally.

>> No.1918763

Senpai's route was Rape Ayumi or Don't rape Ayumi

>> No.1918768


>> No.1918783

Mizuki's route is almost a practical joke on the player because she pretends to like the choices that don't actually increase her score. And pretends not to like the ones that do.

>> No.1918795

It's like she's really real!

>> No.1918807

Back when /jp/ first started playing this VN everyone said nekoko's route was the shit route and not worth playing.

Now everyone likes that route?

>> No.1918805

It was nice. I loved Aeka's route, specially the end (Oh ho, must Aeka choke a bitch?!). Mizuki's route was sorta "let's do it for the lulz", which was good, but hated the good end.
Didn't play Nekoko's yet, and after reading this thread, I don't think I want to anymore.

>> No.1918809

ur a faget

>> No.1918817

no u

>> No.1918826

I don't recall there ever being a consensus.

>> No.1918858

>Back when /a/ first started playing
This is is that old.

>> No.1918882

I enjoyed it.

>> No.1918904

Play it.

I'm sure alot of people skipped her route too. She is a ugly smoking bitch.

>> No.1918908

Make you own decisions you indecisive fuck

>> No.1918915

Yume Miru Kusuri was missing three things that will preclude it from ever being considered a great VN: a FABULOUS route, an imouto route, and a let-them-eat-cake route

>> No.1918928
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Kouhei is an empty person who doesn't have feelings without Nekoko.

He has no opinion to her abandoning him.

Actually it was very obviously written that Kouhei cried a lot initially, and 3 years is a long time to get over it.

>> No.1918991 [SPOILER] 
File: 789 KB, 800x600, 1231973534169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree at least for the imouto. I must say though I bawwwed at nekoko's ending

>> No.1920008

Which is exactly why I state that Nekoko doing that to him is so much crueler than everything Antoinette does combined.

Which ruins the ending for me and almost ruins her entire character for me.

>> No.1920023 [SPOILER] 
File: 556 KB, 800x600, 1231992731272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You just want a dependent harlot like Aeka and not a strong girl who tried to fix her life with her own power.

Hiroko chose to bake her cake so she could eat it happily.

>> No.1920024

Spoiler:-Kouhei Boss are gay

>> No.1920027

No, I would have liked to have not done it in the absolute worst possible way.

>> No.1920036

No, I would have liked her to have not done it in the absolute worst possible way.

>> No.1920040





>> No.1920065

That's why I call it and an unnecessary cheap emotional gimmick.

"I am going to subject the single person I care about most in my life to the worst emotional trauma possible simply because I don't feel fit to be with him."

That line of thinking makes me lose all respect for her. Even a single, short note would have been enough.

>> No.1920068

Whine less.

>> No.1920089

I am sorry that I do not share your opinions on a work of fiction and that I try to elaborate the reasons for such in an intelligent manner. Let us just call each other fags instead of having any sort of discussion!


>> No.1920092

>worst emotional trauma

Just disappearing for three years is the worst emotional trauma? I mean, he missed her and cried some, but come on.

>> No.1920113

I don't think you realize how important she was to him or how painful it is for a person that is such a large part of your life to simply vanish without trace.

>> No.1920124

Nekoko's route was really pushing the whole "suspension of disbelief" thing, even by the standards of a visual novel.

>> No.1920128


>I don't think you realize how important she was to him

NEKOKO was important to him.
I think he already took the brunt of emotion when he learned that Nekoko was just a little girl tripping balls.

>> No.1920133

>he missed her and cried some

three years later and "I'm still not completely over it" isn't simply "crying some"

>> No.1920134

The reason I don't like Nekoko's ending isn't because what she did was cruel (although it was), it's that her actions were so unrealistically idiotic that it's obvious the writers were just going for extra drama and baaaaw effect. In real life no one would completely sever all ties with the person they loved for three years just because they wanted to get over a drug problem. One could argue that most of the drama in YMK is pretty forced, but the end of Nekoko's route is easily the worst offender.

>> No.1920144


But /jp/ loev forced drama

>> No.1920145

I don't think so at all, and I have no idea what could have given you that impression.

>> No.1920152

He basically knew that from the beginning though. It's not like he ever believed any of the fairy bullshit.

>> No.1920154

Wasn't he keeping her relationship with her a secret?

>> No.1920157

Apparently so.

That doesn't make it a good thing, though.

>> No.1920172


He wanted to, though.

>> No.1920183

>In real life no one would completely sever all ties with the person they loved for three years just because they wanted to get over a drug problem.
You fags sure are shelter-Oh wait, I'm on /jp/. Proceed.

>> No.1920192

To be honest so do I, to an extent. I liked the rest of YMK, and I like Key games, but even for me the end of Nekoko's route was too much. The only time it bugs me is when the pathos revolves around someone doing something so incredibly stupid that I just can't see any real person ever being in such a situation.

>> No.1920187

No he didn't, he was more interested in simply helping her.

>> No.1920209

They tend to NOTIFY important people first. They don't just vanish. That's the point. The lack of any explanation.

The only people who would do something like that would have to be mentally unbalanced.

>> No.1920223

They don't. They either go to therapy or rehab, but either way they at least let their loved one know what they're doing, they don't just disappear.

>> No.1920235
File: 124 KB, 500x723, 1231995323073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The only people who would do something like that would have to be mentally unbalanced.


>> No.1920240

Yeah, I'm sure writing a note was the first thing on her mind while she was having cramps and thrashing around.

>> No.1920241

Thanks for justifying my point, however >>1920209 got it right with >The only people who would do something like that would have to be mentally unbalanced.

>> No.1920252


It can appear that way - the writing is pretty entertaining for the most part, and even pseudo-philosophical enough to make it seem like it's DEEP (though in the end, it's probably not).

I've hadn't had much expectations when I tried it, but I found it pretty enjoyable and fluid - though occasionally some of the sex scenes felt dragged out and messed up the pace. Just give it a try and make your own judgment about it.

Oh and one thing I can say for sure that the music is top-tier; definitely one of the highlights for the game. I've ended up copying the music files from disc (they have it both in mp3 and lossless aif, though the latter don't have the translated names), listening to them once in a while in my PMP.

>> No.1920308

Right. You can say that it happens I can say that it doesn't, nothing will come of it. Despite what you may think I have known people who have gone to therapy for drugs and other problems, and I really don't think even a mentally unstable person would act like Nekoko did. I'm just saying that I found the scenario too unrealistic to be moved by it, so it made the route somewhat worse.
