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File: 389 KB, 530x750, older-sis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1918201 No.1918201 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.1918223

older sisters in real life are totally and utterly apathetic towards their younger brothers, it's not that they are malicious, or that they dont know how we feel, it's that they dont care.

you'd know this if you guys actually had older sisters.

>> No.1918233

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>> No.1918237
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>> No.1918240

All of the older sisters I've seen have been disgustingly ugly. Maybe it's because they have been the older sisters of my disgusting nerd friends. It runs in the genes

>> No.1918248


Not true, my mom and aunt have always been really close. Then again, you're probably referring to your American generation.

>> No.1918251

Well my sister didn't want me to be born because she didn't want to share the inheritance, and it's not because she was a child, she was around 30.

>> No.1918253

Not true. My older sis was awesome (as is most of my fam really) but then again she is utterly fucking dead. She got hit by a log truck with a drunk driver. Hello closed casket funeral. Cue me weeping and drinking to this day.

My little sister is dealing with it better than I am, and she is a peach. If it wasn't for that pesky westermarck effect I'd be living the dream, but alas even though she's kinda hot I am not into her.


>> No.1918262

When I raise my glass tonight brother, I shall drink in your sister's memory. That's such an awful thing. God... you've made me depressed for fuck sake.

>> No.1918305
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>> No.1918308

It must suck having a family that does not care about you LOL

>> No.1918328

fuck you, anyone who says they are nice is lying.

>> No.1918332

my elder sister is too affectionate...she looks great but is too close.

>> No.1918337


>> No.1918340

Yeah. I posted that since tonight is ... the anniversary of her death. It's been a year now. Tonight is all about whisky and the songs she loved. Nick Cave's version of "Rainy Night in Soho" is first up


>> No.1918342

In one of the Hidamari Sketch radio sessions, the manga author came on, and each of the vocal cast gave her a line to say.

Ryoko Shintani gave her the line 「ちっちゃいお姉さんが好き?」 ("Do you like small older sisters?")

I think about everyone present exploded into a nosebleed.

>> No.1918343
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I wish I had an older sister.

Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.

>> No.1918345


>> No.1918348

Was she slutty?

>> No.1918352

o| ̄|_

>> No.1918366

No clue really. I know she had a boyfriend during HS but he was some kind of nerd and I don't recall seeing anyone "unsavoury" around the house so I'll go ahead and guess a "no" is appropriate. She, like the rest of my family, was a bookworm and a music dork rather than a lolclubslut/normalfag.

>> No.1918370

She may well have been a virgin then. God what a wonderful girl she must have been ;_;

>> No.1918389
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>> No.1918390

That's the worst part. She was ... I mean yes I am drunk but fuck she was a real flower of a human, that got cut down before her prime.

>> No.1918402

She honestly sounds just amazing man, pure and innocent and stuff. I bet she was smart and kind too. Was she the kind of girl that if she saw anon sitting alone in one her classes, would sit next to him?

>> No.1918409

I have no idea, and I can't ask her ... ;_;
but like, yeah, she was far from perfect, she had a bit of a temper and could be withdrawn sometimes, but come hell or high water she was still my sister and I loved her to bits. We used to smoke pot on the roof of our house and listen to music down in her room before she left home. ;_;
fuck, I am crying so hard I can barely type.

>> No.1918416

My older sister raped me.

>> No.1918423

guy, I don't want to sleep with her geez,
Im a nice little bro,as well as a great older bro, and yes I have a somewhat of a sister complex. taking action In RL helllllllllllllll no!

>> No.1918427


>> No.1918428

If she was hot and caring : GJ.
If she was ugly and a bitch : Shitsux.

>> No.1918430

Was she into any nerdy interests?
And was she pretty?
And broseph, fellow drinker here, I'm close to tears too, seriously...

>> No.1918431


>> No.1918445

Philosophy, litterature, poetry (the classics, no goth faggotry) and some music. Fleetwood Mac, Nick Cave and the Mountain Goats were "our" bands. I still can't listen to most of Fleetwood's 70's stuff without totally falling apart.

Pretty? Fuck, hard question. She was short, 5'6" and kinda plump, but far from fat. "Generous hourglass" perhaps? She had hair down to her neck when she died, natural brown. Green eyes, just like me.

son of a bitch, life is just not fair now is it? ;_;

>> No.1918447

My sister is bipolar, whores herself for drugs, and I haven't seen her in a few years. I kind of miss her.

>> No.1918453

>whores herself for drugs

You exagerrate.

>> No.1918455

Florida? Pennsylvania?

>> No.1918457


My step-sister is exactly like that.

I hope she die

>> No.1918471

Did she like Dante Alighieri and Homer and Virgil and stuff?

And I just can't understand drunk driving fucktards at all. I'm close to tears myself and I'm going to get another beer because I just can't stomach the damn thought that some fucktarded drunk ruined some beautiful young girl's life, if it wasn't for him. She would still be alive.

Was she the kind of sister that let you hug her if you were feeling down?

>> No.1918476

Why do you miss her? Because you heard the other guy's story about his sister dying?

>> No.1918491

Are older sisters better than older brothers?

>> No.1918503


I'll take >>1918343 instead of GAR

>> No.1918512

Yeah, Dante and Homer I know for sure, but I have to admit, I never got into her reading-thing since I am well, not that bright. I was always more about the music. She pushed books on me and I made her piles of mixtapes.

And no, drunk drivers can go fuck themselves. I wasn't too keen on them before the accident, but these days I want to see them hang. They took my sister from me and ruined what's left of my life. Selfish assholes.

She hugged me a lot during my worst teenage years (I am 20 now, she was two years older than me but was a lot more mature than I ever was), when it felt like no one cared and depression took hold of me, she'd talk it out with me and hug me. We'd sit on the roof and she'd just listen and give me gentle guidance on how to deal with all the shit that was going on, the alienation, anger, frustration and helplessness you feel when you were 16-17 years old. She lifted so much from my shoulders during that time. And now, when I need her more than ever, she's just not here, and never will be again.

>> No.1918523

I just hugged my elder sister...

>> No.1918531
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What does it feel like? What did she say?

>> No.1918536
File: 186 KB, 593x445, oneesantoboku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the people asking about anon's dearly departed sister is kind of creepy.

Hey >>1918253, get out of this dump of a website and spend some time with your family. You've got to cherish them while they're still here.

>> No.1918534

Dunno how much it means to you, it probably means nothing. And I don't blame you, but from what you've told me, it just makes me feel.... empty inside myself. People that fundamentally decent just don't deserve anything bad to happen to them in their life, least of all die.

What did she think of the fact you didn't have much success with girls.

And awesome taste, Dante and Homer.

>> No.1918537


I've been avoiding her. It kills me to see how much the drugs changed her. Being bipolar made her hard to deal with, especially for my parents, but she used to be a sweet girl.

>> No.1918541


Why did you hug her?

>> No.1918549


There's still a chance for you to help her anonymous, for you to change her. To be her knight in shining armor.

And does she actually, truthfully sell her body for drugs?

Also, is she hot?

>> No.1918571

No man, they don't and trust me, especially today I appreciate your condoleances. I really needed to talk about this apparently. I have been keeping it all inside me, showing very little for a year now.

She didin't think much of it really. She always told me that "someday, you'll meet someone. You won't realize at first but soon enough you will . There is someone out there for everyone" ;_;

>> No.1918572

This. Well, mine is anyway.

>> No.1918593

No problem. It just really touched me.

She just sounds like the kind of guy your average anon could fall for some day. You know, really sweet and caring and just fundamentally kind. Of course really intelligent too.

>> No.1918617

Yeah, in a way I guess she would have made for a perfect girl for some lucky anon. But I guess we'll never know.


>> No.1918638


fuck me, why did you post that ?

>> No.1918641

my sister is one of the few human beings i actually like.

>> No.1918644


At least it wasn't Aozora!

>> No.1918649


Air left a fucking unhealable wound, that song always make me tear up.

>> No.1918659


>> No.1918664


Fuck it, I'm not watching that. I don't want to be depressed this evening

>> No.1918675

sauce? I have a raging boner thanks to you.

>> No.1918698


>> No.1918703



>> No.1918710

These threads always leave me surprised at just how many anonymous have/had a good relationship with their sister.

>> No.1918711


I wish to have Misuzu as a sister

>> No.1918712

thanks bromie, it means a lot to me.

Also; I have two older sisters, ages 21 and 23. One is an irritating slut, the other is quite nice and I get along with her fine. I guess I'd have sex with them if the opportunity arose, but its not high on my list of priorities.

>> No.1918715

keyword is "older sister"

younger sisters are demons.

>> No.1918717


Heres something that will cheer you up


>> No.1918716

I love my step sisters, and they love me.
I should go visit them this weekend or something.

>> No.1918725

Please see >>1918617

>> No.1918732

>One is an irritating slut

Lots of different guys?

>> No.1918734

Christ, all of this AIR stuff is killing me over here. Anyway, I know a fair bit about grieving, obviously, and I am telling you people, take the time to reconnect with your family since when worst comes to worst they are the only thing you have. I just ... I just want my sister back.

>> No.1918741


Heres something that will cheer you up


>> No.1918744



>> No.1918748

What's the story Anonymous?

>> No.1918754
File: 37 KB, 704x396, snapshot20090113233404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the apathy that makes it hot.

>> No.1918753

Also, post the HD link at least


>> No.1918757

I'd be happy if I had an older sister. Hell, I'd be happy if I had any living relatives period. But, alas, I do not. Oh well, I don't like worrying about about crap from my past. Serves no purpose to dwell on stuff like that..

I do really like brother/sister incest stories, though. Maybe it's just some subconscious longing for an older sister or something. Either way, Freud would have a field day.

>> No.1918760


You shall taste my own sorrow

>> No.1918765

He posted about his sister throughout his thread:


>> No.1918775


Sauce? Searched the title of the cap on RS but got nothing.

>> No.1918784

Yes, and shes generally very shallow and fake.

>> No.1918794

How many guys?

>> No.1920025
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>> No.1920161

older sisters

>> No.1921773

Get in line.

>> No.1921775

I love my older sisters and my younger sisters. No, not that way. Only as sisters.

>> No.1921782

But they could be so much more.

>> No.1921783

i recommend to you all "Soma" the animu

i assure you, you'll love it :P

>> No.1921786

yeah, they could be ninjas

>> No.1921788


the day after i finished watching that animu...i saw a bunch of little kids throwing paper aeroplanes...

my eyes started to water, i admit.

>> No.1921799

Such as the two older ones serving as my maids?

>> No.1921832

I cannot find any anime by this name.

>> No.1921882
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>> No.1921921


Try "oneesan to boku"

>> No.1921931
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>> No.1923299


Holy crap, source of this gold?

Also, I love older sisters. I wish I had one. Even though I know the allure is mostly just fantasy, it doesn't keep it from being erotic.

>> No.1924180


Source? 06.jpg isn't very helpful.

>> No.1924224

Nee-chan and Pudding.

>> No.1924630

I'm the oldest, so I dont think my attitude could handle having an older sister/brother. I boss around my younger siblings, and tease them to no end, then again my personality probably comes from the fact I'm the oldest.

>> No.1924689

Sauce please, filename is not helpful.

>> No.1925293


>> No.1925689

I don't know, I have a middle sister (well, she's younger than me, but older than my youngest sister) and of the four she's my least favorite. She's also the only one that doesn't live with me (granted the older ones have lived with me my whole life and the youngest has only lived with me for about five years, but oh well). She's also in college for what that's worth, but does stop by from time to time (breaks and shit) and does have a room here. Of the four, she just seems so ... normal. The other three are rather eccentric and fun to be around for various reasons.

>> No.1925707

forgive me for being a horrible person:

what about a doujin, with nee-san making advances on protagonist, but then, as soon as protagonist gets the courage to fuck her brains out


then a page about MC drinking himself to death


>> No.1925719

forget the first part ... drinking ones self to death sounds like more fun.

>> No.1925937

What would you do if you found your older sister crying because of a breakup and she started hitting on you heavily?

>> No.1926309

What's it feel like to hug your nee-chan?

>> No.1926574

Feels bad man. Renal faliure is the suck. This I know from personal experience.

>> No.1926640

I wish i have one ;_;

>> No.1926686

Both younger and older sisters have their merits, and I'd like to have both.

In bed.

>> No.1926701


Does he have sex with the corpse or does he fuck her while she's dying so that he can finally show her how much he loves her before she dies?

>> No.1926714

You're that awesome dude with the forgetful wife aren't you?

>> No.1926746

I will again repeat myself on the matter of older sisters, even though some will have heard it before, in order to spread the truth:

The average woman has a lousy personality. Anonymous, of all people, knows this well, as he hates the average woman. Older sisters are born before you, and therefore you have no control over how they're raised. It is, in a way, left to the coincidences. They become average. There's no one there for her to teach her to not be slutty, there's no one there to teach her how to act like a charming woman. She will simply be forever out of your reach.
