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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 114 KB, 480x854, 2873_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1917946 No.1917946 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /jp/!

It has been a while since my previous Aya-sama thread, so I hope you haven't forgotten about me and my Aya-sama. A lot has happened on this board when I wasn't around to post my Aya-sama, and I would like to stress once again that both the H!P- and my Aya-sama threads are vital parts of this board. They belong here, whether you like it or not. So let's not spend time spitting on each other. Instead, let us show the world that we are human beings who have an ounce of tolerance in them. From now on, I would like to ask everyone to ignore the threads they don't like. Then this board will turn into a place full of warmth and kindness in no time, and all of us will be able to discuss our favorite /jp/-related topics in peace.

That being said, enjoy the thread! ♥

>> No.1917952

>I would like to ask everyone to ignore the threads they don't like

this will certainly work here

>> No.1917956

whats wrong with the face?

>> No.1917957


>> No.1917959
File: 101 KB, 480x854, 2319_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, she really is that cute. ♥

>> No.1917961

But we already had an Aya thread earlier.

>> No.1917970
File: 134 KB, 480x854, 3112_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it wasn't really causing the shit-storm ol' DAHF here is able to muster.

>> No.1917968

I'd like you to define "tolerance" and "human beings".

>> No.1917975


I have lots of bottled up anger

It is therapeutic for me to mash my keys in frustration and sage your threads in futility.

>> No.1917981
File: 566 KB, 975x1402, Aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll contribute

>> No.1917989
File: 68 KB, 240x400, 私.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1917995

Hey OP!

You do realize she's probably cleaning dick cheese off producers' cocks with her cute little mouth, right?

I mean, these girls have to do lots of "favors" to hit it big in the biz.

>> No.1917999
File: 40 KB, 240x400, zunebackground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1918000

> 僕の平野綾様スレ Part3
I would like to thank you for filling out the subject line, this is very nice when a thread is hidden as you know exactly what is hidden.

I wish you the best of luck with your mistress Hira no Aya. ♥♥♥

>> No.1918010
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>> No.1918020
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>> No.1918026
File: 112 KB, 480x854, 1968_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reiserFS, I was adressing you in particular because I saw you saging the H!P threads and threaten the wotas to destroy their threads.
>I'd like you to define "tolerance" and "human beings".
To show tolerance means that you should stop discriminating against us idol-fans just because you disapprove of us. If you want a definition of "human being" just look into a mirror and do some soul-searching, I'm sure you are just as human as the rest of us. ♥

I know it goes without saying, but it's good to see you after such a long time, "Superior Aya"-guy. ♥

Thanks! ♥

>> No.1918030


Not OP, but read her shirt that she wore during her concert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxVSj-vPNqM&feature=related

Says something like:


>> No.1918042

>>you should stop discriminating against us idol-fans just because you disapprove of us.


>> No.1918043

Fortunately, I'm different from normal human beings.

>> No.1918047
File: 105 KB, 480x854, 1985_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way?

>> No.1918051

There's absolutely no reason why I should explain it to some idolfag. Figure it out yourself.

>> No.1918056
File: 8 KB, 241x332, -jp- - Japan-General_1231958102124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get Greasemonkey's 4chan thread filter and you don't even have to minimize it (not that you'll see this post though).

/jp/ is so much better when I can't see reiserFS' constant whining.

>> No.1918063

Sure, if you convert it to an extension for me (or patch the fourchon extension).

>> No.1918070
File: 114 KB, 480x854, 3097_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back, bro.

>> No.1918077

She is going to look so fucking stupid when she is older.

>> No.1918116
File: 96 KB, 480x854, 2479_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are evading the question, but I guess that was to be expected. "Being different" is often frowned upon in our society and people who are "different" don't have an easy life, but I assume you know that. The fact that you claim to be happy about it means you have come to terms with not being normal by hating everyone and everything that is, be it real women or people in general.

>> No.1918148

Get out troll

>> No.1918158

do you ever jerk off to her pics

>> No.1918165
File: 31 KB, 240x400, 1098_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's good to see you after such a long time, "Superior Aya"-guy. ♥

Come on now, is installing the Greasemonkey extension and this script really too much work?


>> No.1918175


>> No.1918185

Yes; I suppose I'll have to do it myself, then.

>> No.1918217
File: 105 KB, 480x854, 2355_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1918242

Try harder next time, your resistance is entertaining.

>> No.1918301
File: 134 KB, 480x854, 1231961492949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seem like I hit the nail on the head. ♥

>> No.1918303
File: 132 KB, 480x854, 2721_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like I hit the nail on the head. ♥

>> No.1918315


reiserFS is very easily trolled and always angry. This makes him different to most human beings, because he basically has no spine.

>> No.1918319

What's H!P- ?

>> No.1918331
File: 84 KB, 368x245, mikufascinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I would like to stress once again that both the H!P- and my Aya-sama threads are vital parts of this board

And there you go again, full speed without a leash.

>> No.1918339
File: 39 KB, 240x400, 537_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you.

The Hello! Project.

>> No.1918356

this thread is for niggers

>> No.1918417

>> No.1918422
File: 224 KB, 675x700, d856ac6aaddb7d663139f5fa5ae69c1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I've had enough of your faggotry. Jumping to arguments like "H!P- and "my" Aya-sama threads are "vital" parts of this board" or "But they were here since the beginning!" without proof is just pathetic and has no meaning behind them at all. These kinds of threads began to spread around fast during last years summer, and I'm not referring to some "newfaggotry". From there on it just got worse, occasional 3Dfags trolling our threads for the hell of nothing and way more 3D in general. "3D pig disgusting" is not a forced meme, but is rather a way of living. Oh yeah, mentioning "tolerance", but not even asking /jp/ beforehand if they need these kind of threads seems perfectly logical to me, but that was just as expected. The number of responses just prove the point that you're in no way welcome here.

>> No.1918515

>would like some cheese with his whine

>> No.1918629
File: 106 KB, 480x854, 2704_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1918821
File: 114 KB, 480x854, 2274_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1918830
File: 9 KB, 350x332, ayahirano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1918835
File: 65 KB, 557x426, ayahirano2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1918837

It looks like she'd give a killer blowjob. Imagine those eyes looking up at you while she uses her tongue to explore every inch of your cock.

>> No.1918842


>> No.1918848
File: 64 KB, 960x686, 1231970749790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1918850
File: 90 KB, 600x601, hiranoayalovegun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed you ♥

>> No.1918864

Anon, I-I think I love this 3D pig thread. :3
M-moar please.

>> No.1918889

Look, the problem here is that the otaku population of /a/ was offered a safehaven from the discrimination that ran rampant over the VN/Touhou/etc fans. Then, said safehaven apparently welcomes all sorts of OTHER fans that, by their very nature, HATE the VN/Touhou/etc fanbase. And then we're told that we have to coexist peacefully. Trolling goes BOTH ways, it's not just the "Touhoufags" that troll the 3D threads, it's also the other way around, and it happens all the fucking time. Moderators, why can't you realize that the people that make these idol threads are not doing it out of "love" of their idols like DHAF suggests, they're doing it to fucking troll. It's so blatantly obvious that I think you mods/janitors keep letting it happen because you just hate /jp/ and its purported userbase that much.

>> No.1918929
File: 102 KB, 480x854, 1858_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy bro, it's just an imageboard (if means more to you than that, maybe you should seek some help).

>> No.1918939

It is our 4chonz

>> No.1918972


They do hate /jp/, and so does moot. But he can tolerate the enormous failure that is /b/ every single day, somehow. Why do they even keep this board around if they have such contempt for it?

>> No.1918998
File: 157 KB, 1000x1500, aya_hirano52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this picture of her.

>> No.1919053
File: 32 KB, 254x421, Aya Hirano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Aya hirano threads

>> No.1919610
File: 102 KB, 480x854, 2016_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1919652

Just be glad it's still here. We'd be out of a board if it wasn't.

>> No.1919687

They also hate /b/, so they pretty much ignore it.

>> No.1919723

I like Touhou and H!P, actually I enjoy very much browsing around /jp/, also I am not that into VN, but I have played some. Its just you guys are pretty narrowminded

>> No.1919761
File: 9 KB, 252x252, idort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I don't believe you.

>> No.1919805

Why does ayayaya-sama have a mole on her face ?
She's not bootiful anymoreeeee... ;_;

>> No.1919815


>> No.1920483
File: 103 KB, 480x854, 2027_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1920985
File: 104 KB, 480x854, 2716_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's one of her biggest charm points. ♥

>> No.1921006


Requesting that said pic. I know I seen it before, it is red tshirt.

So what do our Dedicated Slut-Sama Fan have to say about it? Do you think she is still pure?

>> No.1921027

aya hirano sucks now. her shit is either too boring or sounds too much like the fucking H!P. her first album was a crapshoot as well~

>> No.1921030

OMG DFC DFC DFC in 3D ????
wait.. 3D is shit. So GTFO. /s/ or /mu/ may accept you.

>> No.1921133

Hey, Hirano Fan, I wanted to tell you something...

Why do you make these thread when all you do is just post random pictures of her? And when you do say something it's usually when you're arguing with some troll.

Instead of just posting pictures, tell us something interesting about Aya in every post! Tell us about what she is currently up to, what she likes, etc. These threads would be a lot more entertaining if you did that.

Or do you only care about her because of her looks?

>> No.1921142

I report every thread he makes, but that doesn't seem to work. Also his janitor buddy keeps deleting posts from his thread, I think this needs to be reported. No one should be abusing such power and no one with such privileges should favor another user, especially a troll.

>> No.1921145

I report every thread he makes, but that doesn't seem to work. Also his janitor buddy keeps deleting posts from his thread, I think this needs to be reported over to moot. No one should be abusing such power and no one with such privileges should favor another user, especially a troll.

>> No.1921153
File: 634 KB, 1000x1426, 046pm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was most likely her producer who forced my Aya-sama to wear it. The very same producer who told her to wear that one bikini the wrong way. God, I hate that guy. He really tries to ruin my Aya-sama's career.

>> No.1921163

Why would her career be ruined any furthermore ?
She's already a 3D pig disgusting woman.

>> No.1921183
File: 190 KB, 566x800, 445ee43e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1921184
File: 502 KB, 1116x1600, b71b3a1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1921193

I remember needing someone to point out what was wrong for me.

>> No.1921198


If that said producer can force her to wear such a slutty shirt.
I am sure he can ask her for some favors too like BJ and sex. I am sure she isn't as pure as you think she is.

>> No.1921552
File: 110 KB, 480x854, 2107_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am sure she isn't as pure as you think she is.
She really is. Not all women are sluts. ♥

>> No.1921576
File: 50 KB, 440x660, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being the dedicated Hirano Aya-sama fan that you are, I'm sure you heard about this?


Despite Christmas in Japan being a day for romance (like Valentines Day in the West), Hirano Aya posted a pic on Christmas day 2007 of her hanging out with a bunch of girls along with an entry saying "I spent Christmas with only girls! It was the best!" However, upon examining the exif data, Anonymous found that the picture was actually taken on the 21st of December. In other words, Hirano Aya-sama DELIBERATELY LIED about the day the picture was taken. Gee, I wonder what she was really doing on Christmas day...

Unlike your 3D hoes, my lovely 2D wives will never betray me.

>> No.1921587

um yeah the jig's up She was giving me a BJ on christmas day and I came all over her face and hair. SHIT WAS SO CASH

>> No.1921701
File: 24 KB, 462x635, snapshot20090115135423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1921733

besides from the point that Hirano Aya is the best and I hoard everything I find of her, Nag is a second hand slut or didn't you hear?

>> No.1922364
File: 118 KB, 480x854, 2533_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple. My Aya-sama really was with her girls on that day. When she came home to write about it on her blog she realized that she forgot to take pictures. Being the clever girl that my Aya-sama is, she simply posted an old picture that fits the context.
Brilliant. ♥

>> No.1922375

try harder

>> No.1922379


She was holding filthy greasy nigger cocks between her lips that day.

>> No.1922380

pukes... then continues trolling.

>> No.1922383

afaik she always had it.

>> No.1922388

Jesus titty christ, why the same expression in EVERY FUCKING PHOTO.

>> No.1922389

Man, I wish I was a mod on /jp/, I'd sprinkle the (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) like fairy dust.

Of course, I'd leave these threads alone ;)

>> No.1922390

Welcome back DHAF!!!

>> No.1922428
File: 12 KB, 250x200, bestiality-sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mini-image dumper commencing...

>> No.1922431
File: 17 KB, 300x200, cum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1922435
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>> No.1922443
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>> No.1922446
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>> No.1922450
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>> No.1922455
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>> No.1922458
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>> No.1922459
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>> No.1922462
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>> No.1922466
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>> No.1922468
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>> No.1922470
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>> No.1922533
File: 33 KB, 450x350, 2_21_052507_MonsterPig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting.

>> No.1922541

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting sd

>> No.1922546

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 333555

>> No.1922548

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 3335333

>> No.1922551

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 4cvcv44

>> No.1922553

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting bvnbnbv4

>> No.1922554

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting b3dfdfmmmmm

>> No.1922557

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting b3dsdf324523423123

>> No.1922558

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting b123123618293

>> No.1922559

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting xxx4449999

>> No.1922560

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting xcv223423-=0-=

>> No.1922563

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 556677,./

>> No.1922566

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 33333==0

>> No.1922567

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 34444nbnvqwdxzc

>> No.1922569

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 2333

>> No.1922570

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ^^^&&&&

>> No.1922572

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ^^^(((())))

>> No.1922575

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ^^^~~!@@@$

>> No.1922576

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ^^^~~!23423476

>> No.1922578

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ^^^~23423mmmmm

>> No.1922580

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ****@@@@@

>> No.1922581

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ****`12768870

>> No.1922582

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting **||+_#@+_$

>> No.1922583

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting **|222234,.olp

>> No.1922584

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting *2296695869

>> No.1922587

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting *`12-0-fjvbdfkljg

>> No.1922590

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting *`234266nbvasdas

>> No.1922592

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting *`23zqeqqqqqq

>> No.1922593

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 1299999999999999

>> No.1922595

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 1299999999933429

>> No.1922597

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 129999sdfdfd

>> No.1922603

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 4444444443333333

>> No.1922606

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 444==\34=5345

>> No.1922613
File: 76 KB, 480x854, 2677_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it.

>> No.1922622

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 44433342877nt fdd

>> No.1922615

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 44423423423

>> No.1922618

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 444765323ftyrftr

>> No.1922619

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 44476234324234mmnbvds

>> No.1922624

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 23423498`712897`182

>> No.1922627

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting @@###LOLOLOLOL

>> No.1922628

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 1321388###LOLOLOLOL

>> No.1922630

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 1232388777nbvzsdf

>> No.1922637

Go away, everyone's sick of Hirano thanks to you. Your obsession over her is annoying

>> No.1922636

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 98734*-24++++sdfsd

>> No.1922638

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting ////*34-5*-21-34++

>> No.1922640

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 2333vdjijqpweropwe

>> No.1922642

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 2333vd2334343weropwe

>> No.1922648

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 6(#*$&@#(*^$S

>> No.1922645

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 233333879413asddsdxc

>> No.1922647

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 255bbbbbbbnsaefsxczx

>> No.1922649

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 6(#|||@|#@#@

>> No.1922650

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 6343487bvc6v4badsfaqwe

>> No.1922652

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 6440000000000

>> No.1922654

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 64433333333333333334

>> No.1922655
File: 51 KB, 1113x593, -jp- - Japan-General_1232049790675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just filter reiserFS' hissy fit out (after you report it obviously).

>> No.1922691

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 322347545644

>> No.1922697

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 3221231235647546456456

>> No.1922701

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 34099498571927391273

>> No.1922705

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 33223423,pdfpppppp

>> No.1922709

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 33sssssssssss3222222222

>> No.1922717

never gonna give you up.
3D pig disgusting 33sss33333333

>> No.1922720

nevser gonna give you up.
3D is so pig disgusting 33/4-*3/4-*/2-3*4/-*

>> No.1922723

nevser gonna give you up.
3D is so pig disgusting 33/343435621

>> No.1922726

nevser gonna give you up.
3D is so pig disgusting 33097078bmbhhhhhhhhghj

>> No.1922728

nevser gonna give you up.
3D is so pig disgusting 32 3
be back for more tomorrow. :3 love n kisses

>> No.1922733

Lol, you really think reiser is behind this ?

>> No.1922758

Got a link to a nice web sight from /prog/, this makes Greasemonkey scripts into light standalone extensions.


Now we can all ignore all the shit we don't want to see without having to install all of that Greasemonkey shit!

>> No.1922767

Such a method, is so sissy like.

>> No.1922773

He did spend a few days bragging about his 1337 script that was going ruin the idol threads "in minutes", who else could it be?

>> No.1922810

I don't know, perhaps the people who are tired of Aya Hirano threads?

>> No.1922833
File: 97 KB, 480x854, 2707_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1922845


/r/ing link to her website.

>> No.1922877
File: 443 KB, 1200x950, 1209617751876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Aya that should be allowed in this board is <.

Who the fuck is "Hirano" anyways?( not a serious question, just using it to prove a point.)

>> No.1922879
File: 87 KB, 480x854, 2548_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1922902

I forgot to tell you about my botnet.I hope the grow slut enjoys her ddos.

>> No.1922917

The next time mugenjohncel shows up I'll request an art with Aya Hirano in his usual style, just for you.

>> No.1922919


lol u r so cool

>> No.1923028
File: 109 KB, 480x854, 2546_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1923041
File: 114 KB, 734x750, 1231406205936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow slut
I cant believe it took me this long to notice this. Did I just say grow slut?

>crow slut

>> No.1923063

So, how can you explain the utterly monotonous expressions that Aya uses? I find her condescending if she believes that she can please her fans with that oddly curled smile in every picture. I'd like to see her show some actual emotion, instead of this obviously forced, weirdly shaped smile.

>> No.1923080
File: 91 KB, 480x854, 2499_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is emotional enough for you. ♥

>> No.1923099

Oooh, a pleasant surprise. More like this, please.

>> No.1923167

Taking you awhile. Having trouble finding more? That's what I thought. She's an emotionless bitch that only knows one facial expression.

>> No.1924334
File: 718 KB, 1516x2000, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1924443

I have a question: these pics are all taken similarly, why? Does Aya take these with a cellphone?

>> No.1924531
File: 39 KB, 240x400, 1660_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Aya take these with a cellphone?
Yup, a DoCoMo N905i these days.

>> No.1924557

Oh, I see.

>> No.1924569
File: 40 KB, 240x400, 1700_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure are dedicated.

>> No.1924574
File: 210 KB, 1298x868, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck. I was about to make a thread when I saw her ugly face on the front page. It was taking me a while to find the image, and I couldn't stand to look, so I covered it with the window.

fukken saged, ruin somebody else's eyesight

>> No.1924585

Christ aya, stop trying to make the :3 face, It doesn't work on actual human beings, and you look like a kid with Down's Syndrome doing it.

Not that I care, she can burn in hell

>> No.1924587

I have the exact same problem with those threads.

>> No.1924595

OP most likely has a restraining order on him from Aya Hirano.

>> No.1924620

OP must really have bad taste in celebrities.


>> No.1924641
File: 745 KB, 1512x2000, 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, we're definitely gonna hear about DHAF in the news after he gets rejected or she gets married to someone else.

My money is still on murder/suicide, poor Hirano is going to meet a violent end at his hands.

>> No.1925159
File: 70 KB, 480x854, 3055_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never hurt my Aya-sama. Her "boyfriend" is going to suffer, though.

>> No.1925163

lol. I like how you blacked out the other person in the picture.

>> No.1925182

That would hurt her though.

>> No.1925209

Lol'd at the picture.

Also age.

>> No.1926116
File: 101 KB, 480x854, 1889_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it wouldn't. My Aya-sama loves me and only me. Once I step into her life she will realize that she doesn't need anyone else and dump her "boyfriend". That's what I meant by "suffer". I won't hurt him physically unless I have to.

By the way, I just noticed that my Aya-sama's homepage is down. I hope this isn't your doing, /jp/.

>> No.1926133

I would never do such a thing, and I don't think the others would do anything to hurt your Aya-sama either. ♥

>> No.1926170

I still can't believe that my post was deleted instead of DHAF's blatant trolling. That's it, mods are officially 3Dfags. What's the matter? Too TRUE for you?

>> No.1926247
File: 96 KB, 1000x714, 1221695445069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't hurt him physically unless I have to.

Oh man, there's tears in my eyes, fuck.

I could imagine you printing out your 480x854 images of this camslut and attempting to give the poor man a papercut in his sleep.

>> No.1926397
File: 95 KB, 480x854, 1886_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1926416

go away

>> No.1926731
File: 108 KB, 480x854, 2133_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1926813

Aya-sama Fan-sama do you have any idea when she will realise it is you that she truly wants? I do not want to doubt your patience, but you might be waiting a long time.

>> No.1926817

>but you might be waiting a long time.

I-I'm sorry! I take that back.

>> No.1927221
File: 110 KB, 480x854, 2203_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few more years. ♥

>> No.1927234
File: 4 KB, 210x168, 1232137243471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised if she realised it within the next few minutes. You are a handsome man Aya-sama Fan-sama. I wish the best for the both of you, and I will always support the both of you. ♥

>> No.1927237

What happens when Aya-sama gets old and and gets all wrinkly and starts smelling like old wood down there.

>> No.1927239

forgot my question mark


>> No.1927245

>What happens when Aya-sama gets old and and gets all wrinkly and starts smelling like old rotten fish down there.

>> No.1927250

I was thinking about something more musky, you know. Old fish is simply disgusting.

>> No.1927252
File: 23 KB, 480x412, 1232137508134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall pray for you three.

>> No.1927286

ITT people hate on Aya because she is popular and pretty and unattainable

>> No.1927295
File: 70 KB, 881x443, 1232138011992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aya-sama thread

>> No.1927443
File: 135 KB, 480x854, 1232140251990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for me! ♥

>> No.1927455

Of course Aya-sama Fan-sama, but I'm sure when he said "people who hate on Aya" he didn't mean you, because you only shower her with love and affection. ♥

>> No.1927557
File: 93 KB, 480x854, 1232142651944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1928432

why are you so creepy :(

>> No.1928985

r u a guy or a girl
Post a picture of yourself

>> No.1929179

mai waifu

>> No.1930194
File: 98 KB, 480x854, 1232181529813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1930207

jesus why are her eyes crooked?

>> No.1930217
File: 150 KB, 500x333, 1232182129599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>vital parts of this board.

>> No.1930220

Which one ?
