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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1915114 No.1915114 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering, but in this day and age, would there even be a point in learning Japanese? What makes Japanese a better language to learn compared to stuff such as French, Russian or German?

>> No.1915118

The porn.

>> No.1915120

nice picture,
quick answer, if you live in japan you must learn japanese
a discussion about what language is superior prolly wouldn't be a good idea

>> No.1915121

personal preference, interest, and people you know...

what defines a "good" language and a "bad" langauge anyway?

>> No.1915125

Do you not understand the concept of language?

>> No.1915127

For your hobby, and your enjoyment.

>> No.1915129

Probably for what purposes you are going to learn a language for.





>> No.1915130

Interest. I'm interested in Japan, so I learned Japanese. I wouldn't learn a language if I had no interest in the country

>> No.1915141

I've always had the typical weaboo dream
(move to Japan, become mangaka/work on game design).
So I've been learning some.
Although at the same time I'm growing up and realized such goals are unattainable (even with an IB Diploma).
This might be a reason to lean it.

>> No.1915153

fucking japanese girls

>> No.1915178

Honestly if its just fucking Japanese girls you are after don't bother learning Japanese. The girls here find it adorable when you try to speak some fucked up Japanese and think your way cooler speaking English to begin with. If you are looking for a deeper relationship then yeah learn it. The more I can speak Japanese the less I'm liking my girls personality so there is a downside.

>> No.1915185

Absolutely nothing. Japanese is a dying race, I give them 20 years before their people die off from killing themselves just like how they killed the Japanese Wolf into extinction.

The Japanese wolf cursed them.

>> No.1915183

I am learning Japanese so I can read raw lolicon. That is just about it.

Of course whenever somebody asks, I just say "I wanted to try something different ^_^"

>> No.1915188

>The more I can speak Japanese the less I'm liking my girls personality so there is a downside.
oo do tell

>> No.1915190

there's a difference between just fucking japanese girls and actually having a relationship with one.
Japanese girls are like girls anywhere -- their personality is probably shit. Once they get past the novelty of your funny broken Japanese, youre the same as all the other people they know (maybe down a little because you're not japanese).
Same with them, then they become boring regular girls.

But if you find some that you actually connect with on a personal level, then more power to you. Good luck though.

>> No.1915194

speaking of which, how can japanese people type on keyboards when there are like 6,000 types of kanji, and including hiragana and katakana and shit.

>> No.1915211

woa, you realize you're in /jp/?
your knowledge of women will scare and anger many here

>> No.1915214

Type in kana, press space, select kanji from list

>> No.1915219

she is a vain, boring bitch who only cares about how she appears to other people, make up , shopping and talking about going to fucking france. She never makes any decisions and agrees with everything I say no matter how much I try to get a rise out of her. Did I mention the boring as FUCK personality.

>> No.1915216

Girls love french, though. Especially when they can't understand a word you're saying.

And british accents.
I can tell.

>> No.1915226

>going to fucking france.

You see?

>> No.1915227

such is the typical japanese girl.
obsessed with appearance and incredibly obedient.
Rather annoying, isnt it?

>> No.1915247

>Type in kana
romaji to kanji works too, most programmers use that from what I've heard

>> No.1915245

I didn't know fuck was boring...

>> No.1915252

so this is what passes for wit on /jp/?

>> No.1915256

I would think that makes the perfect recyclable girlfriend.

>> No.1915266

I've never heard any stories on how to pick up Japanese girls, is there some kind of sex-tourism say, like infamous Thailand?
Who wouldn't want to fuck a gothlolita anyway?

>> No.1915275


Just look American.

>> No.1915317


>> No.1915320

Unfortunately you will probably just pick up a normal girl.

>> No.1915393

There's no fucking point in learning German. I recently found out people in Germany spoke English well.

>> No.1915469

the IME thing microsoft has:
so lets say i wanted to saw "my name is X" you first type it romanized which is "watashi no namae wa X" then hit space and it will change it into "わたしのなまえはX” Now with different kanji and shit the IME will auto convert obvious ones, but if it does it wrong you can just type what you want hit space and choose the kanji you wanted. The IME has a learn feature so eventually you have to hit space less and less.
final sentence: "私の名前はX”

>> No.1915474

This was for>>1915469

>> No.1915505

Good luck on a very shitty career

>> No.1915965


What's wrong with being an English teacher in Japan?

>> No.1916231

Unless you teach in a private school, or at least a smaller school, your life will be a miserable hell.

>> No.1916249


he speaks some truth they are in a horrible recession and everything is pricy and public schools are sure to suck major cock in asses but hey try it man if you think dickbutt wont get you.

>> No.1916464


Name any country that those aren't true in right now.

>> No.1916477


>> No.1916481

Capital letters and punctuation are free, use them. Your comment sounds like the ramblings of a senile old man who just had a frontal lobotomy.

>> No.1916566
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>> No.1916583


seriously though-- If you want to teach here in Japan, then get teaching qualifications in your home country before you come. You can get a much better/secure/higher paying/enjoyable job at an international school teaching your subject of interest to smart, rich japanese/foreign kids. Or even better, get a masters and teach at a University (not as secure tho). Otherwise, enjoy working shitty hours at a shitty conversation school with shitty students.

>> No.1916618

Because it gives you access to the culture of the second most influential country in the world.

I say that because Japan is second only to the USA economically, and Japan is the only country to my knowledge that has created weeaboos in large numbers.

>> No.1916628

Language is superior and good if you work in the business world. That is all.

>> No.1916631


Such a bunch of deluded ignorant bullshit in this post.

>> No.1916636

uhh yeah..... right....
the only thing true is that japan makes weaboos
