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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 1008x633, 1220528431457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1914543 No.1914543 [Reply] [Original]

Too lazy to explain
That's what I want, but /g/ are won't help
Good pictures for the background of the custom style?

If you guys like trading something I can offer a little in the way of tech support but I can't guarantee anything.
Or, you know, you can use this to dump nice pictures.

>> No.1914546

reported for /hc/

>> No.1914548

/r/ 1600x1200 tidus wallpaper

>> No.1914558

What's the deal with the retarded Tidus image on every wallpaper thread? I'm guessing it must be some sort of /w/ meme?

>> No.1914566
File: 316 KB, 1600x1152, 1231894719885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's borderline SFW, grow up.

Here you go I guess.

>> No.1914564

/r/ background image

>> No.1914565

lurk moar

>> No.1914568

>but /g/ are won't help

>> No.1914570
File: 59 KB, 500x360, 1231894790047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914571
File: 5 KB, 126x102, 1231894807032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1914572

no, /g/ meme.

some time ago /g/ got flooded by Tidus images. Get it? Tidus destroying technology? Yeah. And I mean /g/ was completely wiped out by these images. All 10 pages had Tidus on them.

>> No.1914576
File: 107 KB, 921x1110, 1231894844305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ get annoyed at desktop threads in a technology board, they'd prefer them to fuck off the /wg/ or /w/
So it's became a meme, I don't know where it came from or how it became a meme, but where you see desktop threads you see tidus.

>> No.1914575

I don't lurk shit boards.

>> No.1914577


And those 10 pages were better than what's usually on /g/ anyway.

>> No.1914585

>I don't lurk shit boards.
Then what are you doing here?

>> No.1914583
File: 107 KB, 921x1110, 1231894910070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ get annoyed at desktop threads in a technology board, they'd prefer them to fuck off to /wg/ or /w/
So it became a meme, I don't know where it came from or how it became a meme, but where you see desktop threads you see tidus.

I'd read ED if I were you.

>> No.1914587

Why would someone want to look at that ghoul Rin all the time?

>> No.1914589

That explains it, thanks. I don't really go to /g/ because every time I tried to go there the stupidity and ignorance around everything that had to do with computers and dumb tripfags made me rage, but with /prog/ turning into shit, I might have to give it another shot.

>> No.1914592
File: 57 KB, 440x768, 1231894973021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914593

>read ED

retard detected

>> No.1914596
File: 68 KB, 440x768, 1231895019949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914601
File: 54 KB, 440x768, 1231895059547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914604
File: 270 KB, 608x704, 1231895098947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914606


It's 1am
Also, lrn2English? This is /jp/ and you care about spelling?

Pretty much yeah.

I don't know who they are. I just want some damn pictures!

>> No.1914608
File: 243 KB, 500x703, 1231895149296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914612

If you get past the trolls and idiots it's not that bad.
Partly because you're staring at a blank page.

Thanks guys.

>> No.1914616

>I'd read ED if I were you.
I don't read ED anymore because I'm still an admin there (since 2005 or so, when the only 4chan-related pages on there were [[Cracky-chan]] and [[not4chan]]). Hitting the "Random page" link there now causes my veins to burst with rage, so I'd just go berserk and delete fucking everything or do something equally stupid.

>> No.1914619


What are you doing?

>> No.1914621

FrozenVoid will probably give up in a matter of weeks.

Thanks, do you have one that's 1600x1200 too? I don't have that silly Windows thing in the bottom of the screen.

>> No.1914622

Why doesn't gravity make her skirt fall and expose her underwear?
Does Japan defy the laws of physics?

>> No.1914625

I don't like where this thread is going....

>> No.1914626

>Does Japan defy the laws of physics?

hurr hurr hurr

>> No.1914631

She is not falling, she is just floating through time.

>> No.1914632

>FrozenVoid will probably give up in a matter of weeks.
If everyone used the FrozenVoid Greasemonkey script, things would be so much better. I disabled it once just to see how bad the destruction was and it was traumatizing.

>> No.1914639
File: 326 KB, 1600x1200, 1231895567071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already had it there, it was easier to copy and paste link.

Ah sorry, I resized it wrong.

>> No.1914638

I'd consider using the script if it was converted to a standalone extension.

>> No.1914646
File: 81 KB, 700x800, 1231895689728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914647

I stand by my laws of physics question then.

>> No.1914650

It's stretched from a 400px image anyway, you could just set windows to stretch it.

>> No.1914654
File: 145 KB, 288x768, 1231895833295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914652

So you think installing n extensions is better than installing Greasemonkey + n scripts?

Even if you want Greasemonkey just for one script, that's still only one extension you have to install.

>> No.1914653


I don't go to /g/ but I'm curious now, is this frozen fag just a really bad tripfag or something? Is he as bad as zoltan?

>> No.1914655
File: 110 KB, 600x827, 1231895891334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914659

>is this frozen fag just a really bad tripfag
All tripfags on /g/ are either trolls, idiots, or don't even try to help. Actually they're just the same as any /g/ user, forget I said that.

>> No.1914660

He's from /prog/, not /g/. At least I don't think he goes to /g/, but I don't browse /g/. He's a REALLY bad poster. REALLY REALLY bad. So bad you think he's constantly trolling, but he's not.

Imagine Croatia x 10.

>> No.1914661

The last time I used this it made the page scroll really slowly and no one seemed to know why and I'm used to scrolling 12 lines at a time so it got annoying fast.

>> No.1914663
File: 177 KB, 800x1151, 1231896087714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1914669



>> No.1914678


>> No.1914683

Hahahaha oh God. So not only does he post with a trip on /prog/, he also uses that username everywhere else on the Internet?

He's even dumber than I thought.

>> No.1914684

/jp/ - /g//prog//General

>> No.1914691

Shhh you, /jp/ and /g/ are bros.
Did you not see the epic cross-board collaboration?

>> No.1914701


Thanks, but I don't use Firefox 4 nor do I feel like chopping up the image or whatever. I'm not good with coding or css or anything, seems like a pain to just an image in the background to look at.

>> No.1914704

>epic cross-board collaboration?
It's only over when someone buys that doujin and scans it.

>> No.1914705

Well hey, it's not like you see /jp/ related pictures and lolis posted in /g/ all the ti- wait, carry on.

>> No.1914706

>Firefox 4
Whoa is that out already.

>> No.1914709

I don't know why he said Firefox 4 when it's not really even finished.
I don't even think they had heard about it back then.
And I have no idea what the other thing means.

I guess it's a price to pay for having a background like that. I usually use page up/down to scroll so I don't notice it.

bumping for more pics?
I guess I'll try /e/ next, though I'd rather not, their tastes seem a little off, same goes for /a/.

>> No.1914713


>I guess I'll try /e/ next


>> No.1914714

I would if I had a credit card and knew how.
/g/ really suck at paying for things.

That's my point, there's so much /jp/ and loli in /g/ why can't you guys handle a bit of /g/ for a while?


>> No.1914719

I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll brace for some sort of fail.

>> No.1914720


>here's so much /jp/ and loli in /g/ why can't you guys handle a bit of /g/ for a while?

If I was on /g/ I'd whine about the /jp/ shit, too.

>> No.1914724
File: 123 KB, 285x421, 1231897422182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1914727

>why can't you guys handle a bit of /g/ for a while?
But you're just asking for some pictures. That's not very lol ratemyrig/wallpapers/prog/whatever.

>> No.1914729

Most people hate the loliragers

>> No.1914738


I use my mousewheel and I read really fast and spend all day on 4chan so slow scrolling is really not an option for me. I might try it again with different images but I already uninstalled that Stylish or whatever extension, I don't remember what it was called.

>> No.1914732

Thread went off about Tidus and some tripfag, that's not very /jp/

>> No.1914733

>I guess I'll try /e/ next

Why can't you just use a booru? There are millions of them these days, no one even needs imageboards anymore.

>> No.1914739
File: 253 KB, 971x685, 1231897630663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HmmmI remember when I made that userstyle, old so long ago. In the mean time it's been tweaked to hell and back.

>> No.1914741

>Why can't you just use a booru?
A what?

>> No.1914748

Mind posting that then?
Unless I find something I like better, that'll be my choice.

>> No.1914749


Search for your favorite fetish, body part, pose, hair color, etc. and get hundreds of results.

Now go away.

>> No.1914750

Do you see the front page? Yeah, nobody knows what /jp/ is about anymore.

>> No.1914754

Interesting, thank you.

>> No.1914751

Also http://anisearch.net/

>> No.1914758
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1231897961246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1914766

For a /g/ denizen you sure are sheltered.

>> No.1914781

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain(zip.4chan.org),
domain(cgi.4chan.org) {
body[bgcolor], TABLE > TBODY > TR > TD.reply, TABLE > TBODY > TR > TD.replyhl, TABLE[id^="inline_quote_"] {
background-image:url(www.picture-example.com) !important;
background-position:bottom right !important;
background-repeat:no-repeat !important;
background-attachment:fixed !important
DIV[class="4chan_ext_thread"] > BLOCKQUOTE:not(:last-child) {
max-width:465px !important

>> No.1914785

Yup, I haven't really taken much interest in the loli and anime until recently, hell I haven't even watched much anime at all.
Just a bit of fruits basket and the obligatory shugo chara

Awww, poor you.

>> No.1914788


>> No.1914799

Just make sure the image itself is 80-50% semi transparent and everything will be readable.

>> No.1914804
File: 131 KB, 1238x561, 1231898656053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-moz-border-radius-bottomright:12px !important;
-moz-border-radius-topright:12px !important;
for rounded borders.

>> No.1914814


>> No.1914832

Forgot to tweak it to be independent of 4chan extension
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain(zip.4chan.org),
domain(cgi.4chan.org) {
body[bgcolor], TABLE > TBODY > TR > TD.reply, TABLE > TBODY > TR > TD.replyhl, TABLE[id^="inline_quote_"] {
background-image:url(www.picture-example.com) !important;
background-position:bottom right !important;
background-repeat:no-repeat !important;
background-attachment:fixed !important
BLOCKQUOTE:not(:last-child) {

>> No.1914934

/r/ SakuraxRin vector

>> No.1915025
File: 481 KB, 527x746, 1231901742491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this>>1914739 image?
<- Here you go.
Save it as:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\images\sakura_rin_semi_transparent.png

And change
background-image:url(www.picture-example.com) !important;
background-image:url(resource:/images/sakura_rin_semi_transparent.png) !important;
