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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1913209 No.1913209 [Reply] [Original]

What do Japenese people think about Americans?

>> No.1913234
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>> No.1913237

The same thing everybody else does.

>> No.1913238

>Japanese people


>> No.1913263

just type your question out on Google ...

>> No.1913280

Rude fat guy.

>> No.1913285

Baka gaijin.

>> No.1913299

They hate us. Just like they hate every other country. But that won't stop them from moving here.

>> No.1913316

>We hate them. Just like we hate every other country

Look, it works both ways for every country!

>> No.1913320

They want to be like the Americans, but don't want to admit it.

>> No.1913335

Its pretty obvious. Sailor Moon does not look Japanese

>> No.1913344


Anime characters don't look like nobody

>> No.1913405

Thats because the japs are a bunch of self hating faggots. Their society is clearly reflected in their entertainment. JRPGs are always linear as fuck, orderly and ronery single player whereas Western games open, fun, and often have online play. Modern manga always has overly perfect characters to the point of being fucking annoying and gay whereas characters in comics often have flaws and somewhat resemble reality.

tl;dr - Japans a bunch of fags

>> No.1913415


>Modern manga always has overly perfect characters to the point of being fucking annoying and gay whereas characters in comics often have flaws and somewhat resemble reality.

stop reading shitty shounen.

>> No.1913418

the native Japanese that I have know LOVE the USA- the culture, mainly..

>> No.1913419

You stop riding on Japans cock

>> No.1913420

They are tsundere for America

>> No.1913423

>Modern manga always has overly perfect characters to the point of being fucking annoying
I don't think you read much manga. If a character ever annoys me it's usually because they're acting too idiotic, not too perfect.

>> No.1913435

>Modern manga always has overly perfect characters
No, only about half of them. The other half have characters that are complete failures in every way that are intended to be self inserts.

>> No.1913439

Sorry, I meant visually

>> No.1913440


>> No.1913443


Thread over.

>> No.1913445

>Western comics are realistic

>> No.1913456

They tend to based on 'well yeah it COULD happen, and people tend to die when they're killed.' rather then 'LOL I CUT TANKS IN HALF ROFL'

>> No.1913461

Try finishing the sentence or have you never read a comic before except for superman. Comic characters do look more realistic visually, they have flaws, freckles, wrinkles, etc.

>> No.1913462

Nobody likes americans.


>> No.1913463

ASAIK Kaiji includes ugly characters. Protagonist gets a very ugly girlfriend

>> No.1913464


>> No.1913466


What are you talking about. Kaiji is a sex symbol in /a/!

As for his girlfriend, I think Nobuyuki Fukumoto tried his damndest to draw an attractive moe girl and just failed spectacularly.

>> No.1913467

ITT: People who forgot the whole point about comics. On both sides.

>> No.1913468

Also Western comics focus on Quality versus Quantity. aka jump pushing out a chapter once a week for example.

>> No.1913469




>> No.1913475

I thought superdickery.com pretty much disassembled the american superhero market already.

>> No.1913502

You know what else is obsessed with visual perfection? American pop culture, which is a far better representation of American society than comics. To say that only the Japanese are obsessed with physical beauty is wrong, it's basically a universal human characteristic.

I usually don't defend Japan, but it always irritates me when people point out flaws in Japanese culture while ignoring the fact that their very own culture has the exact same problems.

>> No.1913504

Superheroes are like he equivalent or Japans moe only less pathetic

>> No.1913520

You make me laugh even harder.
Yeah, because all those

I'm not a huge manga fan/reader where some unrealistic shit superheroes play a role, but damn, at least sometimes they actually die.
I mean, how long is superman, spierman and that robot iron whatever thing and all that other generic bullshit.

If you're over 14 and still read "serious" comics then you're a fucknut, the problem however is that there are no comics that are actually funny for adults. Whereas there are mangas that have humour only adults really understand.

>> No.1913555
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>mangas that have humour only adults really understand.


>> No.1913569
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Because amerikkka is so good at being funny, right?

>> No.1913584

I cant even tell if you are trolling anymore. Japanese jokes consist of shitty slapstick and LOL KONATA YOU ARE SO CRAZY LOL CANT BELIEVE YOU DO THAT. The only funny thing I ever watched from Japan was Cromartie. Also, get your head out of your weaboo ass and actually read a real comic before judging them like a faggot

>> No.1913589
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>> No.1913626
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>> No.1913633


>> No.1913636

He probably was trolling, but in all honesty I laugh a lot more at anime than I do at American comedy shows. I'm not even just talking about the hundreds of shitty sitcoms, most of the shows on Comedy Central and adult swim are just as bad.

>> No.1913650

>actually read a real comic before judging them like a faggot

Please enlighten me. What would you call a "real" comic?
I am glad that you said "comic" though, because "graphic novel" is just a term used by adults to justify the fact that they are reading fucking comic books.

>> No.1913666

Western comics are essentially all the equivalent of battle shounen, with the exception being Alan Moore. Sorry, reading comics is even worse then manga, even if you get more normalfag street cred for it.

>> No.1913671

I dont know, planetary? sandman? But you should probably stop trying to act all adult like comics are childish because you know, you're in /jp/ and probably some typemoon or touhou faggot

>> No.1913690

translates to
>The only comic I have ever read is watchmen

>> No.1913700
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>>there are no comics that are actually funny for adults.

>> No.1913707

type moon vns have better stories.

>> No.1913708

You know what's really sad? Watchmen was supposed to be a deconstruction of superhero comics that would eventually lead to a new, expansive, enlightened comic scene where we had more than just one stagnant genre of men in tights. But what did it actually lead to? More SUPERHEROES, but now with more GRIMDARK.

>> No.1913727

We just don't get Japanese humor.

>> No.1913752

Thats like saying Evangelion was a deconstruction that would lead to something better but now we have gurren lagann. Superheroes are like Japans Moe but less pathetic. And there are non superhero comics. Y the last man, Sky dolls, Transmetro, Preacher, Hellboy, Bone, etc. etc.

>> No.1913762

Watchmen... by Terry Pratchett, eh? Pretty nice series.

>> No.1913767

>>1913752Superheroes are like Japans Moe but less pathetic
I think you mean "just as pathetic."

>> No.1913787

Quite simply, in comics there is nothing that competes with manga like Monster or Sanctuary that isn't Alan Moore. It seems that most comic writers are so self-conscious about the fact that they are writing FOR COMICS that once they pass a basic threshold of GRIMDARK, they think they are exploring a COOL NEW ART FORM free from criticism. It's kind of sad that people think that a comics versus manga debate is even worthy of anyone's attention when manga has explored entire genres that are completely alien to anything found in comics. When political thrillers, romantic comedies, war dramas, or serious adaptations of literature become common in comics, maybe I'll take them more seriously.

>> No.1913811
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haha oh wow, a mod actually deleted my post

>> No.1913815

>political thrillers, romantic comedies, war dramas,
Jeez, manga invented so many things. Japan is so sugoi

>> No.1913829


Western comics cater to an increasingly narrow and insular demographic. Sure, people will watch high-budget movies based on them, but do you think that makes them want to read the comics? Fuck no.

Meanwhile, there's manga for every kind of person in Japan. And millions more around the world.

>> No.1913832

>found in comics

Learn to read, faggot.

>> No.1913836


>> No.1913841


sugoi, sugoi

>> No.1913842

Manga are comics, anime are cartoons

>> No.1913856

Almost everything 2D is perceived as children shit in the West.

>> No.1913859
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>> No.1913865

It's a differentiation used for the sake of identifying styles and points of origin. But hey, if you want to get butthurt over semantics go ahead.

>> No.1913875

true dat, dont forget that /co/ has a LOT more femanons and they all talk about their boyfriends and there are normalfag guys there and stuff.

Plus girls used to camwhore there in the early days of that board.

>> No.1913877
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They think ameriacns draw very good mango

>> No.1913876

Thats because we have people who can act and we have other good mediums of entertainment. We don't have a ghost in the shell because we have Blade Runner. When someone wants to make something adult in the west, they make a movie.

>> No.1913879

I'm tempted to post this in /co/ and start a board war

>> No.1913882

>>1913876When someone wants to make something adult in the west, they make a movie.
That's part of the problem.

>> No.1913890

contemporary japanese literature (last 20 years or so) is better than our literature.

>> No.1913895


obvious troll is obvious...I had a nice laugh though

>> No.1913899

What good novelists have we had in the last 20 years?

>> No.1913906
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Where's my Nobel prize?

>> No.1913910

The chick that wrote Twilight.

>> No.1913913

Sad thing is, it's probably not a troll

>> No.1913914


>> No.1913915

Well, Japan didn't have much good novelists either so...

screw the two, we have Europe

>> No.1913920
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Shut your mouth

>> No.1913925

japan may make shit, but goddamnit it's OUR shit

>> No.1913931

American literature is shit, keep in mind Tom Wolfe who is considered to be a lynchpin of modern US literature wrote some shitty novel about some faggot jock ("A Man in Full") where he completely MISSED THE POINT of stoicism by a FUCKING MILE.

He also wrote some book which subtly lambasted whores. That one about the whore at college who loses her virginity when she is 18 (slut). Can't remember the name.

>> No.1913942

Oh, finally, Athens is here. Now this thread is completely shit.

>> No.1913943

This post is embarrassing

>> No.1913946

Soon Murakami-San, soon...

>> No.1913949

lol no

>> No.1913950

Pynchon? DeLillo? David Foster Wallace? Cormac McCarthy?

>> No.1913953

If Orhan fucking Pamuk can win one for My name is Red or whatever that awful novel was called, then surely Murakami can.

>> No.1913960

keep dreaming

>> No.1913964

McCarthy is decent. Wallace is typical postmodernist pontification. No magic, just humdrum shit that you are expected to be interested in.

>> No.1914008

What does Japan think of Westerns? Those were pretty epic.

>> No.1914018

Both countries should be ashamed for creating disgusting weeaboo such as ourselves.

>> No.1914031

This is now a "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" thread.

>> No.1914062
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God-tier movie.

But to be truthful to myself, I actually enjoyed the scene with Tuco and his brother in the church more than the climactic Mexican Standoff.

>> No.1914086

The music in that movie is fucking beautiful. Ennio Morricone is awesome

>> No.1914101

I laughed for the entire duration of Yojimbo when I first saw it, thinking how Leone ripped off Kurosawa.


The awesome music and the tension makes the latter more powerful in my book, but I agree that it's a perfectly executed scene and comes close second.

>> No.1914113
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The Ecstasy of Gold!

>> No.1914116

Agreed. I wish to see a pissed off Japanese dude drop-kick one of those fat fucking narutards and have it put on jewtube so I can watch it repeatedly.

>> No.1914117

Every one hate U.S.A, not only japan

>> No.1914127
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I played Tre Donneli Crudeli before I watched the movie that largely inspired it. They even ripped off the Mexican standoff theme which was awesome.

>> No.1914162

Haha, too bad none of them fucking matter

>> No.1914185

Even Americans hate America but the rest of the world is even worse so its kinda like drinking watery diarrhea as opposed to drinking post-Mexican-food-binge diarrhea.

>> No.1914207

I just wrote

>> No.1914260

I agree somewhat. It seems as though Japanese literature has dramatically more variety and generally better quality than what is often put forth in America. The popular books published in English are usually just masturbation material going on about pretty guys, magic voodoo(vamped, twilight, historian), or spies and random bullshit like that. It seems mostly a problem with how American businesses approach the issue, mostly resorting to novels that appeal to as wide an audience as possible and ending up with really dull stories, while the Japanese come up with an ocean of crap that smaller groups would greatly enjoy.

>> No.1914253

Hate the Government, not the country; The Politicians in the US have their heads so far up their asses that they are eating their own shit.
