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File: 281 KB, 1087x1295, 1527451473454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19110898 No.19110898 [Reply] [Original]

How are we supposed to get newer generations into Touhou?

>> No.19110906

We don't now fuck off

>> No.19110908

We don't.

>> No.19110921
File: 27 KB, 474x417, Cirno Kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

english versions for xbox ps and wii in every gamestop and an anime on toonami

>> No.19110924

touhou is more popular with japanese lolis than japanese ojis.

>> No.19110970

Get out, and never return.

>> No.19111136
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 82749DA8-E706-4DCC-86C1-BF93052E62A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here

>> No.19111186

there are 2hu games being released on ps4. Doesn't matter because it's slowly dying

>> No.19111231

an anime, just like jojo received lots of fresh blood.

>> No.19111256

they already did thanks to undertale

>> No.19111885

make a mobagey

>> No.19112532
File: 664 KB, 1389x1018, DO IT FOR HER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create Touhou media outside of the standard Anime style.

I promise you'd see a resurgence.

>> No.19112619

Closedverse has a Roubou group.

And I doubt anyone there is over the age of 13.

>> No.19112690

I thought there were more children getting into Touhou now than ever before in the franchise's history?

>> No.19112789
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>an episode of the simpsons where homer gets the computers at the nuclear plant locked down with reisenware and he has to get good at touhou to prevent a meltdown

>> No.19112836

I don't see a problem with getting kids into touhou, unless it's for retarded elitism.

>> No.19113398

I recognize that desktop

>> No.19113422

can you redpill me on touhou and touhou memes? you fegs are gonna swallow up my homeboard. i'll just learn your ways

>> No.19113529

We shouldn't

>> No.19113627

its too late my friend, 10 years too late. touhou is past its prime and theres nothing you can do to regain that feeling of being a fan of the 2hus in 2008 or better yet earlier than that.

>> No.19113667

ok so whats the deal with
1.Cirno (ass cancer)
2. Sakuya
3. Koishi
4. Marisa
5. Alice
6. satori
that'll be it thamk you

>> No.19113689

I hate it when someone sees a bullet hell of any variety and think "dude this is so touhou"

>> No.19113693

>outside of the standard anime style

I like this
Imagine if studio Trigger made a touhou series. It would fit perfectly

>> No.19113697

By this I mean it should still have an anime style but not that generic crap that we keep seeing.

>> No.19113711 [DELETED] 

You don't you fucking retard.
If you knew what they were like firs hand, you'd be hard ressed to find someone who wouldn't put them in a concentration camp to be put down by the masses for the sheer amount of garbage they do daily.
They are the worst tier of normalfags to add onto the "western world is so fucking backwards dude, why are they shitting themselves over a fucking letter!" Crap.
Add that and worthless attention whoring and you have a group of people you wouldn't dare be in the near vicinity of for any period of time in order to remain sane.

Now you're telling me. That you. WANT these faggots to be invested in one of the few last good things of the dying breed tyat is the older times of the internet and fanbase of games?
It's almost as if you are just ASKING to be removed.

Inpolite Sage.
Go fuck yourself. Crossboarder.
And while you're at it- kill yourself so we can relieved of your presence in this already shitty, slowly descending into hell, world.
Go suck some other dudes cock. Dude.
You're probably riddled with diseases that'll make Medicine wet herself in fear.

>> No.19113725

The answer to your question is an absolute irrefutable "NO."

>> No.19113726 [DELETED] 

Anon please remember your blood pressure

>> No.19113736 [DELETED] 

I try.

>> No.19113737

That's not a good idea Anon.

>> No.19113741

Make Reimu actually likeable. Or just make more characters that appeal to lonely teenage boys considering suicide.

>> No.19113752
File: 225 KB, 1128x1461, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_enushi_toho193__38ca78631ef73bdfab9f081272fc78f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you

>> No.19113773

I see reimu eating her favorite mud cakes

>> No.19113781

It's the truth, anon. You might like Reimu. But to your average teenager, western or asian. She's about as appealing as being kicked down a flight of stairs.

>> No.19113791

So what you're saying is that we need a big tittied gamer girl who makes references to titles everyone knows about

>> No.19113815

No. Just somebody more likeable and relatable. Not just some selfish privileged lazy bitch.

>> No.19113821

How are those things not relateable for the average teenager

>> No.19113830

So you just want average kawaii ugu moe heroine. Feel free to go back to /a/ anytime man.

>> No.19113832

Most teenagers don't like to think they're privileged, lazy, or selfish. So, being shown a mirror in the form of Reimu is unappealing.

>> No.19113837

They only care bout shitty memes and doing what they want you utter idiot.
What you've saying in your posts is inane. So inane that it isn't even something to laugh at due to the sheer stupidity that had to be applied to write something of the sorts, or type, in your case.

>> No.19113841

Time to smash another keyboard.

>> No.19113845

I personally just want a main character that's actually fighting to improve Gensokyo. Instead of sitting around engaging in get rich quick schemes while innocent people are dying.

But this isn't about me. This is about how to make Reimu more palatable to a teenage audience.

>> No.19113849

Oh so you want Byakuren to be the mc

>> No.19113850

Alright I'm taking my words back. Fuck off to /co/.

>> No.19113852

You're such a moron.

>> No.19113857

I'd argue its more of a /tg/ thing to desire a more black and white story.

>> No.19113860
File: 143 KB, 800x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19113866

Maybe but that guy basically suggests lawful tumblr and boy /tg/ hates those types.

>> No.19113874

That could work, yeah.

No. I'm not that fond of /co/, honestly.

Takes one to know one.

I would be willing to settle for black and grey. But at the moment, it's more like black and even more black. All of them working together.

>> No.19113878

Belongs in the trash.
They're shit for a reason.

>> No.19113879

For a while now i've had a desire to try and see what Touhou is like.
However, i've heard that the first games came out on PC-98, which makes accessing them somewhat more difficult.
Should i skip them and start later down the line, or go through the effort?

>> No.19113883

Why are you asking this.
Play every single fucking game. Start to finish.
It is not that hard.

>> No.19113892 [DELETED] 


>> No.19113909 [DELETED] 

Search the archive. They've been bundled together.

>> No.19113913

Slightly unrelated, but do you know any source/s/guides where i could go through the process of learning to read Japanese?
Asking since i'm fairly certain there arent english translations

>> No.19113921

The hell? Every game is translated mate. There should be all in one pack on nyaa.

>> No.19113923


>> No.19113938
File: 256 KB, 851x825, __matara_okina_hidden_star_in_four_seasons_steam_platform_and_touhou_drawn_by_suenari_peace__b824db0d65089a7453c2563bde905b19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this arguing about story is such a misfire on why touhou doesn't spread that much. Amongst normies its at best known as a infamous bullet hell with lots of characters. Tell them to just play the game and they'll have to ask which one, and it all goes to shit from there. The average person wont dedicate their time to get through the average game, and even if they finish a game they still have a lot of others to go through to even get a introduction of some characters.
Semi related, but touhou also lacks watchability. Youtubers and Twitch are big on introducing games to people, and touhou isn't interesting to watch or get reactions from streamers.

>> No.19113974 [DELETED] 

holy fucking shit anon, chill out.
anyway i'm ok with some dude's cock :3
imho people that talk like you is why the fanbase is dying in the west, we turn it in a dick measurement contest and we don't help at all newfags with the slightest interest in the game.
Now if you think the SJW shit will infect the fandom it already had, just lurk a bit touhou on tumblr, only that nobody postes it on /r/cringe because nobody wants to give a shit about touhou thank to us and people spamming easy modo memes.
You are the reason touhou is dying, i hope you are proud of your autism

>> No.19113977

actually if speedruns are popular touhou scoring and LNN attemps can be popular for the same reason

>> No.19113985

People like speedruns of games they know about

>> No.19113997

belive me, if touhou gets on AGDQ or ESA it would become a hit.
Aya games and ISC can be good speedgames but the TGM runs teach that even something like a score run or a no-bomb run can become really entarteining on a speedrun marathon.
I remeber doing some eosd attempts in my local comic book store, i am pretty average but i manage to get a crowd of people watching me and giving me a lot of compliments when i cleared the run.
Touhou is an highly entartaining game for normies, even if they don't know shit about it.

>> No.19114000

correction: Touhou is an highly entartaining game for normies to watch

>> No.19114038 [DELETED] 

Good. Let any "fanbase" die. I'll still like touhou but I'll be happier if pieces of shit like you were driven off. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.19114044

Correction: Touhou is an highly entertaining game to watch in general. Even i managed to get people watching when i played it in a more public space. And i'm not even that good. I'm honestly not sure why it hasn't become more popular on Youtube or Twitch. Especially when you consider how many people enjoyed watching people struggle with the Sans fight in Undertale.

>> No.19114047 [DELETED] 

>If you knew what they were like first hand
Yeah, your generation was great and all the generations that came before and after it were shit.

>> No.19114050 [DELETED] 


It's just some autisic /vg/ poster anons. Don't take it too seriously.

>> No.19114067 [DELETED] 

if you want to be alone that's fine, but allow people to make communities on the game they love.
I can stomach the cancer and the /r/cringe-tier posts if it means having more people love my favorite series

>> No.19114100

Wasnt there an article last year that said that touhou is surprisingly popular with elementary schoolers?

>> No.19114113

it was a twitter post and he was talking about japan

>> No.19114138

1. Cirno doesn't have ass cancer.
2. The perfect and elegant meido.
3. Little rock in japanese.
4. She will steal anything.
5. My wife.
6. Little rock's older sister, Big rock.

>> No.19114350

Reimu's lack of heroism is one of the best things about her.

>> No.19114355

You can skip the PC 98 games and start at EoSD or PCB. In fact, that's the common recommendation. The PC98 games are dubiously canonical.

>> No.19114367

I honestly think the biggest problem with getting into Touhou is the fanworks making it seem a lot more typical than it actually is. Lots of cute little girls getting along and making out and shit, whereas the games and other official works present something VERY different. And even if you want to get into them, they're primarily bullet hell. Not popular in the West.

I remember though, first starting with PCB and being shocked and intrigued by how much Reimu was willing to kick ass and take names. Not at ALL the impression I'd gathered.

>> No.19114371

it was also middle schoolers, pretty sure, and girls specifically

>> No.19114401


>appeal to lonely teenage boys considering suicide.

/jp/ at its inception was litterally only made of that so argument discarded.

>> No.19114407


The race traitor scheming bitch ?

>> No.19114419

To each their own. But i do have to ask, why? What's so appealing about a woman that sits around, enjoying her privileged position while innocent people are being systematically murdered?

>> No.19114427


I could live with gaijin normies liking touhous but GIRLS, even worse, TEENAGE girls ?

>> No.19114434

Yes. Although, to be fair. Most of the fanbase prefers "cute girls having fun together" over "anything resembling drama".

I always thought Touhou's brief popularity in the west was mostly caused by twenty something lonely adults considering suicide. Not teenagers.

>> No.19114438

They're Japanese girls. Most of them are into it because of Youtube videos, so they'll just end up as secondaries anyway because girls don't play video games.

>> No.19114472

It's not drama either. It's silly but also dark. I like it, at any rate.

You have to remember that she's Taoist in mindset, but basically she has very firmly accepted "the way the world works", for all that that means. She actually doesn't enjoy much "privilege". While she can use her vast power to explore the world or exploit people, she doesn't. She tries to exploit people and usually fails, because she's no good at it. Marisa does use her power to her advantage, but on the other hand she has earned it.

Reimu is very much "natural", from her attitude to her strength. She just does her job and has no compulsion to do anything beyond that. While she can be heroic (very rarely), it's interesting that for the most part she just wants peace and quiet, not to do the "right" thing. That she is confident and self-assured is also admirable and cool, paired with her being somewhat of an idiot. She is thoroughly imperfect and that is interesting. I can't name another hero or heroine similar to her.

>> No.19114677


The sheer fact she isn't a moeblob or a smug bitch is enough to make her top tier.

>> No.19114695

She is kinda smug sometimes, but not the overtly kind of way.

>> No.19114705

You recognize the default Windows 7 desktop?

>> No.19114724

>It's not drama either.
True. But still, the portrayal most people prefer isn't dark at all.

>She is thoroughly imperfect and that is interesting. I can't name another hero or heroine similar to her.
I can understand why you feel the way you do. Personally, Reimu's particular brand of imperfection is something that i utterly despise. But i can understand why you find it interesting.

However, i do kind of think that making a character like that the lead might be a bad idea. Sure, the protagonist of a story doesn't need to be heroic. But they do need to be... something. Even The Dude wanted his rug back. It's also something that's going to preclude Canon Touhou from ever becoming popular. Most people just don't like reading a story were the main characters does nothing while innocent people are being systematically murdered and oppressed on a daily basis.

>> No.19114813

>Semi related, but touhou also lacks watchability.
Disagree, the only game I watch on twitch these days is touhou

To be fair I was already into the series before I started watching, but it's nice to watch people who are way better than me at these games

>> No.19114842

It's fine if you don't like her character but,

>But they do need to be... something.
She does do something. She investigates and solves incidents in the game when you play as her.

>while innocent people are being systematically murdered and oppressed on a daily basis
Were are you getting this? Don't tell me humans should rise up rule gensokyo.

>> No.19114857

>She does do something
She does something. But she has no drive to do something. No goal, no nothing. She just goes through life, not really amounting to anything.

>Don't tell me humans should rise up rule gensokyo.
I won't go that far. But Yukari does not to stop abducting people. And the Human Villagers should be allowed some self determination. Reimu has the power to easily make that a reality, and the fact that she doesn't would make her rather unlikeable in the eyes of most people.

>> No.19114859

we've got self-determination out here outside gensokyo and it doesn't seem to be doing that much for us

>> No.19114883

>we've got self-determination out here outside gensokyo and it doesn't seem to be doing that much for us.
Nonsense. Compared to the people of post civilisations and societies. We might as well be fucking gods. And, speaking for myself, i live in a borderline utopia of abundant resources and freedom. Meanwhile, in Gensokyo, i would have been dead before i was twelve. And that's a pretty generous assessment.

>> No.19114901


Why should it matter if most people don't like mc ignoring innocents dying. If they don't like touhou they can instead enjoy other forms of entertainment, it's that simple.

>> No.19114935

We need writefags.

>> No.19114942

Sekistory when?

>> No.19114943


>i live in a borderline utopia of abundant resources and freedom

I thought all /jp/sy on autism buxx already joigned gensokyo ?

>> No.19114959

*Sekistory chapter 3, I mean.

>> No.19114965

Well, then you would be wrong.

>> No.19114967

Nothing wrong with it. I'm just saying, it does mean Canon Touhou will never be appealing to most people. Who will either prefer something else, or the sanitized and boring fanon version.

>> No.19115475 [SPOILER] 
File: 731 KB, 1543x1400, 1527521323166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skip the PC 98 games
But then you miss best 2hu

>> No.19115486

You are not and never will be welcome on 4chan. Fuck off back to your dying spin-off, scum.

>> No.19115527

Who r u quoting right now?

>> No.19115641

>Who r u
>right now?
>g o

>> No.19115655



>> No.19115674

Isn't the franchise/merch still popular among children in Japan?

>> No.19115879

I've honestly never heard "yeah I cant get into touhou cause reimu is a bitch" in my life

>> No.19115912

We need more hatate!

>> No.19116031

what youtube videos are you talink about?

>> No.19116034

I have seen plenty of people who would like the story of Touhou a lot more if Reimu wasn't such a bitch. And even more people who prefer nicer and less flawed Fanon portrayals of her to the real deal.

>> No.19116068


>> No.19116070

Where? Examples man.

>> No.19116095


Fuck off retard

>> No.19116164

A few threads, mostly on boards and places outside /jp/. As for the nicer fanon portrayals, those are very commonplace. In everything from fangames, doujins, and even fanfics.

>> No.19116166


>> No.19116173

I know some boards ignore the Remiu part of 2hu entierly, like how /bant/ focuses mostly on Cirno and the fairy mangas. They'd recognize Clownpiece before they would Reimu, let alone put two and two together that they come from the same series.

>> No.19116189
File: 67 KB, 900x500, chibi_reimu_crying_by_simsvaleria-d78az2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu is forgotten and only the memes are remembered.
Shit, this actually makes me pretty depressed...
Tell me It's not real...

>> No.19116195

/bant/ is also designated shitposting board.

>> No.19116222

kuso fucking thread. touhou doesnt need to go out of its way to "draw in" new fans, especially from the west. ZUN said the series is popular AS-IS with young japanese girls anyway so what's the point of this? it will keep going and if new people like it great, but if they dont who cares, you dont need to worry about new fans. its a danmaku series and STGs are always going to be niche

You realize Reimu has been the most popular character in Touhou pretty much for its entire existence, right? And it's not really close. Koishi won once but Reimu routinely dominates the character polls and constantly gets new art regardless of FOTM characters.

Changing her attitude ruins her whole appeal. She's the most popular character, and she's ZUN's favorite.

oh right the opinion of people of some people on fucking moronic western boards like /bant/ or /v/ who won't ever play the games anyway means a lot compared to the large amounts of support for the character

and youre just a retard who cries about the setting, never mind. humanity fuck yeah is a mental disorder.

/bant/ was a fucking mistake. get out of /jp/ and take retards like this with you

>> No.19116233
File: 126 KB, 410x380, unknown-128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.19116249

Which places? And I dare you if you mention /bant/.

>> No.19116290

I honestly don't particularly care. But i would like more people to get into Touhou. Even if that means having to change a few things, things that i admittingly already don't like.

>You realize Reimu has been the most popular character in Touhou pretty much for its entire existence, right?
Yes. Because most people that genuinely like Touhou are also people that like Reimu as a protagonist. While some people like me, weirdos, like Touhou regardless of its lead. Most people would just find something else.

>oh right the opinion of people of some people on fucking moronic western boards like /bant/ or /v/ who won't ever play the games anyway means a lot compared to the large amounts of support for the character.
Opinions are still opinions. Even if you think these don't have value. I do still think they indicate that a lot of people aren't that fond of Reimu.

>and youre just a retard who cries about the setting
Show how much you know. I complain about everything BUT the setting. It's the story i dislike.

>> No.19116316

/vg/ and /v/. The Touhou board on Reddit. Almost every site hosting fanart and doujins. Most fan websites, the few that remain. Any site hosting fanart or doujins.

>> No.19116339

You're really fucking dense man. What I want you is to link those opinions. Not just " oh some guy mentioned this".

>> No.19116383

It's a opinion i've seen flung around here and there. I don't have any screenshots, never thought i would need it. If i stumble across it, i'll try and link it if the thread is still up.

Regardless, knowing what i know about stories. I do think having a lead like Reimu would prevent Touhou from ever having mainstream appeal. But you could argue that's a good thing.

>> No.19116385

Contrary to popular belief, Reimu is not the sole driving force of the setting. People that are fans of Touhou for the other PoV works are just as valid as those who are in it for your waifu. Just like the people who prefer Luigi or Wario to Mario.

>> No.19116407
File: 135 KB, 256x320, 090_reimu_p1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only brainlets (see: this thread) dislike Reimu, for she is a goddess beyond compare

>> No.19116431

>But i would like more people to get into Touhou. Even if that means having to change a few things, things that i admittingly already don't like.
Then you don't want more people to get into Touhou, you want to change Touhou to fit the needs of some nebulous person who might not like it anyway, all for no real discernible reason

>> No.19116450

way to miss the entire point of the post. crying about "my poor oppressed humans, why doesn't anyone stand up for them" is crying about the setting. the human village and the role of humans is extremely critical to the way gensokyo works.

this is a completely separate point to "you shouldn't change reimu because it would be retarded". obviously reimu isn't the sole factor of what touhou is, that was never implied.

>> No.19116489


>> No.19116496

The closest character you're going to get to this mythical version of Reimu you want is Sanae, and Sanae is (rightfully) more concerned with amassing faith for her goddesses than anything else.

>But this isn't about me. This is about how to make Reimu more palatable to a teenage audience.
>But to your average teenager, western or asian. She's about as appealing as being kicked down a flight of stairs.
How did you arrive at this conclusion? She's extraordinarily popular.

>> No.19116592
File: 72 KB, 850x850, __inaba_tewi_touhou_drawn_by_miata_miata8674__sample-f48a368842081669bf3af5e32da16563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not getting my message at all.

>> No.19116632 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 242x130, 1527534571667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about you reach over and…

>> No.19116644

I do want people to get into Touhou. If that means changing the characters to make more people interested in the setting, i'm fine with that.

>Sanae is (rightfully) more concerned with amassing faith for her goddesses than anything else.
Sanae is a lot lower on the power scale than Reimu though. Nor is she anywhere near as important to the balance of Gensokyo as Reimu.

>She's extraordinarily popular.
More in Japan than the West. But regardless, even if she is popular with people that are Touhou fans. I do think she's a big barrier to more people getting into the story, rather than just the memes and the fan content.

>> No.19116645

and I say you know we should this time.

>> No.19116663

Like, it's fine if you like her. But i just can't.

>is crying about the setting. the human village and the role of humans is extremely critical to the way gensokyo works.
No, it's not. My problem is not "people are being killed oppressed". It's that none of our supposed leads seem to give a fuck. Either not caring, or downright working to keep this status quo intact.

My problem with Touhou is the story and characters, not the setting. That i actually like quite a bit.

>> No.19116671

*My problem is not "people are being killed and oppressed".

>> No.19116680
File: 89 KB, 400x421, tumblr_p8zz98yL2I1un96evo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50/50 it is!

>> No.19116804


You don't even have the slightest idea how Gensokyo works you fucking moron. Don't say you like the setting if you barely have an idea of what is is.

>> No.19116817

Then you're just a retard. Changing characters makes it no longer what ZUN wants Touhou to be and instead what you want it to be because you think it'll get some western teenbros to like it. As you've been told multiple times it's currently popular with teenage girls in Japan, if you give a shit about that. Who cares what some random person on /v/ thinks when the evidence for Reimu being a lead that many people enjoy is overwhelming. Nobody's going to 100% like anything but it's very obvious that young people still like Reimu a lot.

Again, I'm not entirely sure why you care at all about "getting new generations into Touhou" and why this of all things is your sticking point considering the fact that it's an STG is a much bigger barrier to entry for normal people. ZUN should be allowed to make whatever kind of game or story he wants. He shouldn't have to try to appeal to roneryfags with his games or story if he doesn't want to.

>> No.19116868

No need to be so rude. If you want to argue i don't know anything about the setting. Then please, point out what i don't know about the setting.

If you have faith that Touhou and Reimu will remain popular, then fair enough. I'm more doubtful. But i would like to be proven wrong.

>Again, I'm not entirely sure why you care at all about "getting new generations into Touhou" and why this of all things is your sticking point considering the fact that it's an STG is a much bigger barrier to entry for normal people.
I agree that it's status as bullet hell game is a bigger barrier to enjoying the games. But for the story, which you can enjoy without playing the games, then i think the protagonist is a way bigger barrier.

And yes, ZUN should be make whatever he wants. If he doesn't feel comfortable doing something, i don't want or expect him to make a change.

>> No.19116907
File: 141 KB, 1000x804, 1472512327896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I was going to ask why are you pretending that 4chins doesn't have archives with search function so I decided to check /vg/ for those hot opinions and boy oh boy now I know why won't you link a shit because I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Apparently this guy have established persona there like "anti reimu guy" or "reimu hater" that managed to wrote walls of texts on "why Reimu is shit" and most people there wants him dead or at least gone. And not just that, no, this guy here is pure unrefined Undertale faggot.
I thought at first that you're just Touhou newbie but holy shit I was wrong and everything makes sense now. Holy shit I can't. I literally can't.

>> No.19117004

I wasn't pretending. I just didn't bother to link shit where i was involved in because i found that cheating.

As for my supposed love of Undertale. I like it as a game, and i feel it did a few similar things to Touhou but better. But that's about it. If you want to extregrate that. Please, go ahead, i won't stop you.

>> No.19117011

Your picture scares me, anon.

>> No.19117057
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>You realize Reimu has been the most popular character in Touhou pretty much for its entire existence, right?
Using the older polls as reference, Reimu wasnt quite as popular in the early Windows era days. Sakuya, Marisa, Youmu, Yuyuko, Reisen and Koishi have all beaten her and she didnt even place 1st until the 5th poll in 2008. As the series grew its inevitable that with more fans of varying levels of engagement with the series increased in number that the main character and poster girl of the series would become the most popular. Being the main character of anything gives said character an easy boost in popularity. Also I wouldnt exactly say she's "ZUN's favorite" since ZUN tries not too have favorites, but its very clear he has a special affection for her (and Marisa for that matter).
>It's that none of our supposed leads seem to give a fuck.
Marisa gives alot of a fuck about her fellow humans, but she also understands how shit works and knows that even if she wanted too she couldnt change anything on her own.

Some people also seem to give Reimu's role as the main character a bit more weight than it actually deserves. While there really isnt any disputing that she is the "main" character, she is also never the sole focus. Every game (ruling out spinoffs) outside of HRtP and SoEW has multiple characters too chose from that share the main character space for that game, and is never the sole focus of any of the print works. She always appears in some capacity and has some importance (as does Marisa), but she is never actually the "main character" of the series she is the main character of and simply shares the stage equally with everyone else even though her presence is a bit more commanding. Hopefully that makes sense and doesnt sound like autistic rambling.
Either way, Reimu doesnt need too change and Touhou doesnt need too change. ZUN does whatever the fuck he wants and thats part of why I love the series.

>> No.19117155

>Marisa gives alot of a fuck about her fellow humans, but she also understands how shit works and knows that even if she wanted too she couldnt change anything on her own.
True. She's pretty low on the power scale, really.

>Hopefully that makes sense and doesnt sound like autistic rambling.
Nah. I get what you mean. That Reimu isn't the sole reason is the reason why i do still like Touhou.

And while i would like to see Reimu change, either because of a retcon or because of character development. I do respect ZUN's desire to just make whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.19117168

Touhou has existed for 2 decades, and has consistently been one of the most popular things in Japan even when the internet wasn't as big as it was.

Reitaisai is still the biggest single-themed convention in Japan. Touhou may recline here and there because of competitors in the doujin scene, but it will always come back until ZUN stops for whatever reason or something big happens that makes everyone hate it.

Also, you hating Reimu wanting her to act more like a fucking waifu or something is cancer. One of Touhou's best attributes is that every single character has something that makes them flawed.

It gives them a whole lot more of a personality instead of just being full of memes and waifushit.

Reimu being an incredibly flawed character makes her 10x better and memorable than a lot of protags out there.

>> No.19117183

Like i said, if you're confident in the future of Touhou. Then more power to you. If anything, i envy you.

As for Reimu, it's not simply her flaws why i dislike her. It's both her exact type of flaw, and her lack of anything resembling a redeemable trait.

>> No.19117197

I'm pretty sure Marisa cares about the humans as much as Reimu cares about them, only that Marisa is a lot more hardworking mainly because she's competing against a natural genius.

I mean, she lives in the Forest of Magic instead of the Human Village and has been constantly hinted to want to be a Youkai Magician. Not exactly the paladin of humans.

>> No.19117212

She's displayed some pretty pro human sentiment a few times. And while she does want to surpass her humanity. She's still firmly on the villagers side.

>> No.19117261

>Also I wouldnt exactly say she's "ZUN's favorite" since ZUN tries not too have favorites, but its very clear he has a special affection for her (and Marisa for that matter).
He was actually said that when he was in USA expo.

>> No.19117273


Giants in Japan like Gundam, Monster Hunter, and Dragon Quest has tons of popularity and have maintained this popularity for decades despite not being very mainstream outside of Japan. MH has only gotten western appeal very recently.
Touhou's the same thing.
I literally don't see why you'd think otherwise.

As long as ZUN makes Touhou shit, Touhou's status will be as it is.
Same for everything with an extremely dedicated fandom that proceeded to survive for a long time.

I don't get your dislike of Reimu.
Reimu's main flaws are that she's lazy, barely takes anything seriously, a lack of business sense, and has some form of disdain for Youkai (although this is definitely chaning).

Very far from the worst character in Touhou ideally. Seems to me you dislike Reimu because she's the protagonist, not because of her character itself, which doesn't make much sense as a whole.

Mainly because one of Touhou's things is that everything changes per the character's point of view, as we see everywhere in the series.

>> No.19117319

Yes, Marisa is "pro-human", much like pretty much every human we know so far. That doesn't really make much of a difference.

We know one of the few things that Reimu takes seriously is the state of the Human Village, as we know from FS. Same with Marisa.
If anything, Reimu cares more for the Humans than Marisa. I'm fairly certain Marisa's more focused on her studies and her interests than incident solving while Reimu is always focused on the latter during incidents.

>> No.19117350

Hmmm. Well, you are probably right that even if the western fanbase dies out. Touhou will be just fine. Still, i do like the idea of Touhou becoming more popular. But i can understand why most other fans won't care.

>Reimu's main flaws are that she's lazy, barely takes anything seriously, a lack of business sense, and has some form of disdain for Youkai (although this is definitely chaning).
My big problem with Reimu is that she actively supports the status quo of Gensokyo. The same status quo that involves innocent people being abducted and murdered, and the villagers being kept in Gensokyo against their will.

If she's doing this out of malice or stupidity, i don't know. But it's pretty bad either way.

>> No.19117354

>We know one of the few things that Reimu takes seriously is the state of the Human Village
She cares about the Human Village, yes. But i strongly doubt she cares about the Human Villagers. Otherwise, she wouldn't be lying against them. And working to keep them all trapped in Gensokyo.

>> No.19117361

Marisa isn't as detached as Reimu. At least, she hasn't been since Subterranean Animism. There's a few times throughout the series where she tries to hide how much she really cares, or even snaps at Reimu for not taking her job seriously.

I mean, Marisa has actual *friends* in the village, so it's more personal for her.

>> No.19117394

Marisa's concern for other humans comes up much more frequently than Reimu's. Not saying Reimu doesnt care, just the Marisa seems too care a bit more. Also she lives in the Forest of Magic for multiple reasons but her relationship with humans isnt one of them (except maybe her family) and I dont think its ever been explicitly said she wants to be a Youkai, only that she wants to be immortal.

He was responding too the question of "What character has a special place in your heart" and to be fair him saying Reimu is no surprise since she's literally been around since the beginning. Its clear that Reimu and Marisa are the characters that he cares the most about and seemingly equally, but stacking them against eachother Reimu would certainly come out a bit higher.

Gotta disagree. Marisa's concern always seems more genuine. Similar too what >>19117354
said, Reimu's concern often seems more about the village itself and not the villagers. Thats not too say she doesnt care about them at all, just that she doesnt care as much.

>> No.19117428

jesus christ. embarassing. no wonder this guy is deluded enough to think nobody can like Reimu and she needs to change

>> No.19117439

For one, Reimu doesn't support that. Innocent people being "abducted and murdered" has long been banned in Gensokyo, and even Youkai will stop other Youkai from doing that. We know that for a fact.
Even an Youkai outsider like Mamizou will stop Youkai acting outside the laws, let alone Reimu.

For two, "against their will" is wrong. We know for a fact that some adults in Gensokyo know how the place works and still continue to live with that in mind.
Gensokyo is a place of mutual existence between Youkai and Human. People in the human village are less like farm animals unlike before, and more of lower-class workers working for their bosses.
Your bosses gives you salary, health insurance, and everything else and you do your thing. That's what's happening in Gensokyo.
And mind you, even IF yours was the case, Reimu can't do anything about it. Mainly because of the fact that even she can't go outside Gensokyo willingly.
A human rebellion will do nothing other than break a mutual pact and make youkai-human relations much worse.

Do remind yourself this:
The fact that Youkai are even giving humans a mutual coexistence is a miracle. They could turn them into no less than farm animals if they wanted to and they would barely be able to do anything.

>> No.19117490

Your perspective of what the human village is rather screwed.
One, she barely hides anything. Akyuu's and Aya's work report almost everything Reimu and Marisa does, and those are scattered across the human village.
Kosuzu didn't know about what the village's significance was mainly because she's a kid, not because she's a villager.

Also, everything she does for her work is for the sake of peace in the human village. Does she care for the villagers? Of course. We know that she's willing to go far beyond for Kosuzu.
We know no names about their friends in the human village other than her so that statement about "caring about the villagers" is rather icky. However, we know that both Reimu and Marisa help individual humans from time to time.

For example, the entire reason of why Reimu killed the Fortune Teller and why that law exists is to preserve peace.
If the fortune teller was allowed to surpass humanity and become a youkai without consequences, then more people would do it. Clean, cut, and simple.

Your perspective of both Reimu and the Human Village seems to be buried in a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings.

>> No.19117552

What does what I have to say have to do with humans? I'm talking about the people who are fans of Touhou Sangetsusei, the music CDs, Soku, and all the other non-Reimu-centered works. You don't need Reimu to make a Touhou story, and you don't need to like Reimu to be a Touhou fan, and the idea that she needs to both be present in a Touhou work as well as changed in order to make her more accessible is flawed when you can instead take a character with the personality you want the PoV for the story to be. Sangetsusei and the CDs in particular have managed to reach out to fan groups which otherwise wouldn't be interested in the setting as shown by the "main" point of view of the shooters.

Call them secondaries if you will, but they provide a different perspective to the setting than the majority of fans that began with EoSD.

>> No.19117623
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go hang out with the guy downtown who tries to hand out copies of his mixtape, but instead of bad chop-and-screw mumble rap recordings, hand out old touhou games.

>> No.19117733

>no wonder this guy is deluded enough to think nobody can like Reimu and she needs to change
>Nobody can like Reimu.
Ah, yes. That's why i repeatedly say i can understand why people like Reimu.

>> No.19117828

It's illegal to abduct innocent VILLAGERS. Outsiders have no such luck. And Yukari is deliberately sending such people to Gensokyo to be killed and eaten.

>For two, "against their will" is wrong. We know for a fact that some adults in Gensokyo know how the place works and still continue to live with that in mind.
The only villager that seems to be in the know is Akyuu, and now Kosuzu. The vast majority doesn't seem to have a clue. And would probably rather live in the outside world, if given the chance.

>Gensokyo is a place of mutual existence between Youkai and Human. People in the human village are less like farm animals unlike before, and more of lower-class workers working for their bosses.
I strongly disagree with that assessment. The human villagers are essentially being treated as cattle, not being allowed any self determination. However, it's done subtly rather than overtly. Because if it was done overtly, the human villagers would simply commit mass suicide. Which would in turn endanger the Youkai, who need their belief to keep living. So, they give them the necessity to survive. While also making sure they never have the power to actually improve their situation.

And yes, a rebellion would be futile. Unless it was led by somebody like Reimu, who could easily gather allies AND is strong enough to stand up to Yukari. It would leave quite a few bodies on the floor. But it would be way better in the long run, for humans and Youkai.

>> No.19117855

>Kosuzu didn't know about what the village's significance was mainly because she's a kid, not because she's a villager.
Most villagers don't realize the village's significance. Because if they did, i doubt they could keep living the way they are. Knowing you exist only to feed the very same parasitic creatures that keep you entrapped, that would break most people.

>Also, everything she does for her work is for the sake of peace in the human village.
No. Everything she does, intentionally or not, is for the sake of maintaining Gensokyo. Even if that means keeping the villagers trapped for all eternity.

>If the fortune teller was allowed to surpass humanity and become a youkai without consequences, then more people would do it.
Yes. More people would do it. But that's only because in their eyes, it's the only way out of the live they now have. She's keeping peace by murdering innocent people that just want a better life.

>> No.19117894

*So, they give them the necessities to survive. While also making sure they never have the power to actually improve their situation.

>> No.19117946

We need to breed and ensure our children grow up with Touhou. We also need to keep them away from shitty western millennial meme culture.

>> No.19117953

>Implying ZUN isn't the father of modern bullet hell
Every bullet hell takes influence from Touhou by virtue of being a bullet hell

>> No.19117955

then your entire assertion that Reimu must change because newcomers won't like her is completely faulty

>> No.19117967

Fortune Teller fags should all commit suicide just like he did and Touhou threads would be a much better place

>> No.19117995

Right... and we don't even know if Reimu knows about that (Yukari only told that to Kasen, who she considers as an "ally"), and that is also outside of Reimu's job jurisdiction, which is the protection of the human village.
Your point being?

You dense? Akyuu writes about Gensokyo. PMiSS is all about that shit, and that's available for public.
Reminds yourself that every single thing that Aya and Akyuu published is also read by the human villagers.

>not being allowed any self determination
What does this even mean

Humans are allowed to do whatever they want in Gensokyo as long as they don't break the laws... which are
1. Don't try to become a youkai.
2. Everything else that we're not allowed to do, like trespassing and cause trouble.

So uh, wow. How incredibly dystopian. Whatever shall the humans do?

They don't even have to worry about bad weather, bad luck, servants, protection, and everything else: the youkai sages give almost everything they need.

"easily gather allies"
Sure... allies like Marisa and no one else relevant. That's plausible. Totally.

Sanae and definitely Sakuya won't agree to her, either. So no, that's not going to happen.

>> No.19118023
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>murdering innocent people
Your forgot one detail. Youkai aren't people.

>> No.19118104
File: 611 KB, 1002x1440, stop being retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people actually read the mangas and the print works or do you just not pay attention?

They do. This is public fucking knowledge.
Again, PMiSS and other Akyuu works are available for public in the human village, and whoops, PMiSS is one the main reasons why we know about Gensokyo.

Akyuu and Aya, again, WRITE about Gensokyo, and Akyuu is an ally of the humans through and through.
We even know from shit like Hopeless Masquerade and the spooky festival that Humans and Youkai interact with each other.

And this observation comes from? Trying to make Touhou edgier than it is?
Reimu helps individual humans time and time again. She'll try to help that guy that was near-death when he tried to go to the shrine. She'll go out of her way to help Kosuzu. She'll investigate someone's house burnt on fire. She'll get annoyed if she can't catch a youkai annoying the local school.

Reimu's not some fucking machine with only one thing in mind.

No, because if everyone was a fucking youkai then youkai wouldn't exist. Start using your brain.

>> No.19118120

>I mean, Marisa has actual *friends* in the village, so it's more personal for her.
We had an entire manga where Reimu goes out of her way to try and protect her friend in the village from harm.

>> No.19118284

Nah, he's just shitposting. Anyway if you people want to keep replying to him then go ahead.


>> No.19119411

I'll just put him in the same pantheon of retard shitposters as the guy who is very vehement that Reimu should kill Alice, and the one who hates Aunn and thinks she was specifically crafted for children

>> No.19120149

We don't need to change anything. Touhou is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. All we need is more advertising!

>> No.19120190

No. It's not. It can be possible for people to like Reimu. And for her to still be a barrier to people getting into Touhou.

I'm not even a fortune teller fag.

>> No.19120222

>Your point being?
My point being that she either knows, and doesn't do anything about it. Or that she's too lazy and stupid to figure out the blindly obvious. Either way, not a good look.

> Akyuu writes about Gensokyo. PMiSS is all about that shit, and that's available for public.
Yeah. But Akyuu doesn't really write down "The human villagers are all basically cattle". The people of Gensokyo know Youkai have infiltrated their society. But just how much, and the true reason why, that they don't know.

>What does this even mean
What it means is that the humans don't get a choice in what their future is going to look like. That is determined by their Youkai overlords. They aren't even allowed to have a leader to make choices for them. It's really not that different from any other oppressed minority.

Also, everything the Youkai sages give them they would have in the outside world. Expect with a far smaller sacrifice.

>Sure... allies like Marisa and no one else relevant.
I think she would be able to get Sanae on her side. It mostly depends on what Kanako and Suwako do, who should be easily convinced if they can somehow use this to gather more faith. Mokou and Keine are already firmly on the villagers side. Eientei has their own beefs with Yukari that might be exploited. Remilia adores Reimu. Both the Buddhists and Taoists are already interested in changing Gensokyo. Kasen would probably join her.

>> No.19120229

>They do. This is public fucking knowledge.
Again, they know that they are being infiltrated. Knowing just how much, and why, is a privilege only a few have.

Also, the human village described in PMISS was a completely different place to the one shown in FS. One were humans were way more powerful. And the Youkai sages role in everything mostly relegated to making sure no Youkai attack the place. Quite a few retcons have happened since then.

>Reimu helps individual humans time and time again.
She'll help villagers because it's her job. But she doesn't seem to give a fuck about outsiders. Or that she's working to keep the villagers trapped in Gensokyo.

>No, because if everyone was a fucking youkai then youkai wouldn't exist. Start using your brain.
You know. When it's a genuine risk that the entire town, which seems to consist of around ten thousand people, might turn into Youkai. I think the people there really aren't all that happy with their situation.

>> No.19120369
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You know, it feels good knowing that Reimu never has, or never will be, some boring lawfully good superhero that you want just because you have shit tastes and want to appeal to a broader audience (as if touhou doesn't have broad appeal already). Assumptions about the human village be damned.

She will always be an elegant arrogant shrine maiden that wants nothing more than peace and quite, balance, and the border in it's place (and tea, sweets, donations, and saki/beer). And will kick anyone teeth in if someone tries to break that. So you may as well stop complaining about it and accept it, lest you go insane.

>> No.19121286

I've accepted it years ago. But i'll never stop disliking Reimu for being a selfish, awful person. One willing to let countless people die and rot away, just so that she can enjoy a life of peace and comfort.

I mean. Like other people pointed out. It's surprisingly easy to just ignore the whole Reimu part of Touhou.

>> No.19121289
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Watch this.
Toby drinked beer with ZUN, then literally said to his fans "go play some 2hu, you little annoying fucks".

>> No.19121352

Not that easy, considering ZUN feels the need to shove her in every single fucking manga chapter in addition to games. Even the fairy ones.

>> No.19121378

I just don't pay too much attention to her, and focus on the characters i do like when reading print work.

>> No.19121419

>countless people die

>> No.19121420

Outsiders. Who are abducted by Yukari with the intention of having Youkai eat them.

>> No.19121663

3 people dies in touhou, one by reimu's hand since he willingly became a yokai, and that goes against the spellcard rules

>> No.19121681

How the fuck can someone who reads the fairy mangas not know who Reimu is?

>> No.19121682

Yes. But it's mentioned repeatedly in print works that most outsiders that end up in Gensokyo are eaten. Even if we assume that "most" is only about sixty percent. That still means a lot of innocent people are dying on a pretty regular basis. And Yukari downright admits in WaHH that she views the outside world as Gensokyo's food supply.

>> No.19121698

but yokai need to do that to survive, so there are "safezones" where humans can be safe.

>> No.19121699

Because they don't care about the annoying bitchy lady that keeps intruding on their cute fairy story?

>> No.19121705

>but yokai need to do that to survive
No, they don't. It's never been stated that they actually need human flesh to survive. And even if they did, Yukari could just steal dead bodies instead.

>> No.19121737

would you eat a dead pig in putrefaction? i think not

>> No.19121757

Yukari is a borderline reality warper. Don't tell me preserving meat is beyond her ability.

And again, it's never actually been said Youkai NEED to eat human flesh. It seems to be more of a want.

>> No.19121766

>outside world as Gensokyo's food supply
Yukari in particular rarely attack humans

>> No.19121767

Never. Author is doing other things.

>> No.19121773

She rarely attacks NATIVE humans. PMISS actually strongly implies that she attacks outsiders. As does her dialogue in PCB.

Also, spiriting people away to be killed by Youkai is not the same thing as "attacking them".

>> No.19121801

PMSS is an exageration, since the source is aya, so we don't really know what Yukari does.
Anyway i agree that it's better to stay away from her

>> No.19121807

It's hard to say how accurate PMISS is. And Yukari herself is a liar. But people ending up in Gensokyo and being eaten IS true. And there's no way to excuse it.

>> No.19121822

For me i treat pmss like a kotaku artucle on gensokyo
There is some glimpse of truth but there is a lot of clickbaity shit too so don't take it as the evangelic truth

>> No.19121835

no wonder he could never link any examples, because the person complaining is always him. both dangerously stupid and intentionally trying to rile people up is a great combination

because shes the fucking protagonist

you would still fucking know who she is because the fairies like her and half of what they do revolves around the shrine

you want to change touhou to suit your own personal needs and desires under the guise of "wow people (me) dont like reimu. it NEEDS to change we NEED new people getting into it, this is the only way!!" when you know for a fact there are plenty of people and children who like it as is. yet youd rather change it into precure or dbz for no reason. fantastic shitposting dude.

the sad thing is you probably genuinely want touhou to be some shitty waifu shounen about MUH POOR HUMANS rising up against the mean ol youkai when that runs completely counter to what gensokyo is as a setting. you say you "like" the setting but then all you do is cry about it being dangerous. you dont like the setting, you like some nebulous idealized setting in your head where the village isnt what it needs to be for Gensokyo to function. you dont understand it and you never will.

fuck off. go back to /vg/ where they apparently tolerate you for some reason. you can even cry to them and say "/jp/ is full of dummies that dont like my headcanon!!" like its obvious you like to do.

>> No.19121841

I agree. But i really don't think Akyuu is lying or is wrong about what happens to most outsiders. That most don't make it out alive has been a part of the lore since the PCB prologue.

>> No.19121852

you clearly havent "accepted it" because youre in here crying about it and demanding things need to be changed

reimu lives in abject poverty by the way

>> No.19121862

We need to wait for some Youtuber to make video about it. This is how games get popular today.

>> No.19121882
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There actually are touhou youtube channels...
I wish i was the popular youtuber in question so i can make people apprecciate touhou and get $$$$$$

>> No.19121896

>you want to change touhou to suit your own personal needs and desires under the guise of "wow people (me) dont like reimu. it NEEDS to change we NEED new people getting into it, this is the only way!!"
I think you might be exaggerating my arguments a bit. I never said "IT'S THE ONLY WAY!". But i do think more people would get into canon Touhou as a story if Reimu was more likeable and heroic. Feel free to disagree with me, but it's what i think.

>the sad thing is you probably genuinely want touhou to be some shitty waifu shounen about MUH POOR HUMANS rising up against the mean ol youkai when that runs completely counter to what gensokyo is as a setting. you say you "like" the setting but then all you do is cry about it being dangerous.
No, what i want is for the characters to actually act like injustices are being committed. That innocent people are dying, probably unnecessarily. And that the human Villagers are being kept in Gensokyo against their will. They don't need to start a rebellion, or spend every day moping around about how shit everything is. I just want them to act like decent people.

>you dont like the setting, you like some nebulous idealized setting in your head where the village isnt what it needs to be for Gensokyo to function. you dont understand it and you never will.
I like the setting just fine. It's how main characters react to the setting that annoys me. And i'm sorry, the Human Villagers don't need to be treated the way they currently are for Gensokyo to function. Not even being allowed a leader, and being spied upon constantly. None of that is even remotely necessary. It's just what evil people like Yukari prefer.

I talk about it because i like talking about it. It's a fun subject. Hell, i've actually seen some pretty good arguments in favor of Reimu over the months.

>reimu lives in abject poverty by the way
She doesn't exactly look like she's wanting for anything.

>> No.19121909
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Yeah, but I mean some mainstream YouTubers would make a video about it.
PewDiePie likes 2hu music, so he might like the game.
We could make some threads on his subreddit.

>> No.19121938


>She doesn't exactly look like she's wanting for anything.

have you even read the manga

>> No.19121941

Everybody heard un Owen and necrofantasia so there are a lot of fans of 2hu musica even if they don't know the source
And 4chan is not your personal army bro

>> No.19121945

I have. And while she isn't exactly rich. I don't look at her situation and think "Abject poverty".

>> No.19121958

It sounds like you don't even want to make Touhou popular... he is like the only youtuber who at least mentioned it.
>And 4chan is not your personal army bro

>> No.19121981

There is nitrorad too.
I'd love to make touhou popular but we need to play our cards well
Shitposting on a subreddit is the worst thing we could do ti get good exposure

>> No.19121995

You mean "the monk that passes off her chores to her followers"?
Miko is the actual hero Gensokyo needs.

>> No.19122009

Miko is the lawful good pragmatic to Byakuren's chaotic good idealist. Only if they work together could they truly improve Gensokyo.

>> No.19122056

Good god Miko fans are autistic as hell

>> No.19122065

why the fuck are you trying to "make touhou popular" by exposing it to retard children through e-celebs

who gives a single fuck if touhou is popular in the mainstream west? why do you want that so badly?

>> No.19122078

More merchandise.
More events/cons. ←
More more community content.

>> No.19122120

And Miko already done her part in trying to make Gensokyo a better place, as well as Byakuren in another manner.

If you're talking about them seizing power and starting a revolution to reorganize Gensokyo, both of them should be aware at this point why would that be a super dumb idea that would make them targeted by pretty much everyone else and would cause major short-term loss even if it's successful somehow.

Knowing Miko though, if she knows of a way to do so and she believed that it would be for the better, she won't hesitate in assuming power.

>> No.19122134

I am talking about that. And i don't think it's impossible. They just need to find a way to either kill Reimu or get her on their side, and then eliminate Yukari.

It would kill quite a few people. But it would be better in the long run. Most of the people that die deserve it anyway.

>> No.19122157

This "Kill Reimu Gensokyo is evil" shit is the most secondary opinion I've ever seen.

>> No.19122189

>Kill Reimu.
I don't think it would be necessary. Unless Reimu truly is as evil as i think.

>Gensokyo is evil.
Not necessarily. But it is essentially a parasite, feeding on the outside world. And the human villagers would be far happier if the whole place just disappeared.

Still. I don't think it, or Youkai, are beyond redemption. Just some of its major players.

>> No.19122192
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Then why the fuck are you here and not contributing to some non-profit organization trying to help out others, if it bothers you so much that a character isn't as much of an annoying moralfag as you are? What the fuck is with this moralfaggotry? Do you try to moralfag animals for consuming those on the lower end of the food chain? How the fuck can you miss the point of Touhou this fucking bad? Explain it to me objectively why Reimu should be compelled to do more than she currently is. Touhou is not and was never about human superiority. Gensokyo is a world where humans are not on top of the food chain and they and youkai share a symbiotic relationship with each other and why is this a bad thing? Why do you want Touhou's narrative to conform to typical, Western, humanist trash?

>> No.19122219

Right, like all the HIGH QUALITY fan content you see produced for great series like FNAF and Undertale?

Touhou was already massive. It will not reach its peak again. Trying to go shill it to all your favorite e-celebs is retarded. It is fine for a game to not be more popular, especially considering Touhou was already a WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON when it was at its peak, it is literally the biggest and most popular indie series that has ever been produced. And you want to make people like PewDiePie and Markiplier play it and bring in autistic retards...so you can go to a convention and buy merchandise for a game that already has fucktons?

Reitaisai is the biggest themed convention in Japan by a wide margin, and there are massive amounts of works still being produced at it and Comiket. Better learn Japanese, moron.

Miko has already given up on the idea of aggressively organizing the humans and she knows its fucking retarded. This is KNOWN from the games. She, like Byakuren, is now just trying to amass faith and power that way. Stop trying to enforce your headcanon ideas on what you think Touhou should be.

You also seem to think that every other group of youkai or religious group would not move in if even the slightest violent move was made. It has been explained multiple times that every group of youkai maintains a very delicate balance of power between the others and is trying to amass faith and power through less overt means. Like Moriya building the ropeway. This is why literally every faction in the series was hunting Seija. Reimu and Yukari are not the only people who are maintaining Gensokyo. And Aya has said before that should Reimu disappear they would have to just find another Shrine Maiden.

>It would kill quite a few people. But it would be better in the long run. Most of the people that die deserve it anyway.
For fucking who? The humans? This would crumble 95% of the entire cast other than the villagers and whatever faction seized power. The elimination of spellcard rules and use of actual violence in the series would lead to stupid powerlevel shit, the deaths of almost the entire cast, INCLUDING your precious humans. The setting dies, and the series ends with this. "Reimu deserves to die" has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever read on this board.

The whole point of the fucking setting is the youkai. The human village is key to all this because they provide faith for the youkai, and as such all youkai protect the village from disasters and make sure the humans are okay. The whole point of the setting is that the humans aren't on top and they never will be. You have to be seriously fucking dumb to assert that you love the setting but want to completely change it and its characters.

Please kill yourself, retard that doesn't understand Gensokyo. Go the fuck back to /vg/ already.

>> No.19122234

>And the human villagers would be far happier if the whole place just disappeared.
if the youkai disappeared they'd simply be wiped out by a flood or earthquake or other natural disaster. and the villagers are fucking retards who only care about popular trends

stop being a fucking moron

>> No.19122241


Fuck off retard

Why would you want westerners to create touhou fan content or hold cons?

>> No.19122248

Youkai cannot continue their existence without Gensokyo and the system in it to continue their existence of the time being. That's like why everything in Touhou is as it is.

Byakuren tries to figure out an alternate way but in the end her way was more like having Youkai accept their death instead. Without the closed cage of Gensokyo to protect them from the advancement of science and knowledge in the Outside World and without the village humans being maintained so their concept of existence can remain relevant, they would just die out.

Just wanting the humans to thrive while ignoring why the setting is as it is, is definitely a really secondary-tier opinion. It shows a lack of care to the majority of the setting and and to the franchise itself, wanting to turn it into something it really isn't.

>> No.19122249

You do realize that many outsiders who come to Gensokyo stay of their own volition, correct?
You're applying your limited perspective to make an ethical call in regards to something that is far greater than a single person can really understand.

>> No.19122269

There is a fuckton of this in Japan. Sorry you think the world and works should only pander to western children. Everything is not for you.

>> No.19122271

Can't mods just permaban this moron already

>> No.19122370

Kill yourself.

>> No.19122372

How would that even be "blindly obvious"?
Yukari is known, even in the confines and standards of fucking Gensokyo, to be mysterious, hard to read, and always missing in action.
And even if she knew, what would she even do? Try to fight and die, then get replaced?

She doesn't because they're not. Go fucking read SoPM and PMiSS in their entirety.

No, they aren't allowed to have a leader because Youkai and Gods are their leaders and they very fully accept that. They fear and respect youkai and they worship their gods.

Do remind yourself that the entire reason Gensokyo became this way is because of the fact that Gensokyo was the only remaining place in Japan that adheres to these standards during modern times.

No, they don't. In here, you'd get destroyed by weather. In here, you don't get magical servants. In here, you don't get wards that instantly stave off rat infestations. In here, you get incurable sickness and it's all over.
In Gensokyo, Gods and Youkai have the power to go beyond those.

Sanae will choose Kanako and Suwako before Reimu. The Moriya Shrine's main source of faith are the denizens of Youkai Mountain, of which there are FAR more than human villagers.
Mokou doesn't care about anything other than Kaguya.
Keine, maybe. She's irrelevant, though.
You really think Eientei would do that? Kek. They stand with no one, and they won't make any big troubles especially knowing how some Youkai can fuck their situation to the lunarians up.
Remilia is a full-fledged youkai, and she's one of the reasons why the Spellcard Rules had to be done. Absolutely fucking no.
Kasen won't join her since she's a Youkai Sage, and that this action is stupid.

>> No.19122385
File: 119 KB, 850x708, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_ufu__sample-dfb3e6259d0997505c0654f45081e8e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right, like all the HIGH-QUALITY fan content you see produced for great series like FNAF and Undertale?
Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony, it was made by Japs so. That doesn't count.
I don't know what attracts kids to these "games".
>Touhou was already massive. It will not reach its peak again. Trying to go shill it to all your favourite e-celebs is retarded. It is fine for a game to not be more popular, especially considering Touhou was already a WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON when it was at its peak, it is literally the biggest and most popular indie series that has ever been produced. And you want to make people like PewDiePie and Markiplier play it and bring in autistic retards...so you can go to a convention and buy merchandise for a game that already has fucktons?
Basically, what are you saying "I don't want the west to influence 2hu"?
I don't want either, I just would like to have (for example) irl conversation about 2hu.
You know what I mean?
>Better learn Japanese, moron.
I don't think this is a reason to learn Japanese for just reading a manga, that's just pure autism to me. If I had the time I probably would.
I still want people to see me as a kinda normal person.
On the one hand you want to learn it but on the other hand you worry what people will think...
Let's exclude the fan content that was a stupid idea I agree.
But what's the problem with the cons?
How much you have to project the worst at other people to feel better about yourself?

>> No.19122391
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>> No.19122396

r/touhou is good subreddit

>> No.19122409

>Then why the fuck are you here and not contributing to some non-profit organization trying to help out others
I already help people to the best of my ability in real life.

>Do you try to moralfag animals for consuming those on the lower end of the food chain?
Don't be silly. Humans and Youkai can't really be compared to animals. They are far smarter.

>Explain it to me objectively why Reimu should be compelled to do more than she currently is.
Because she has the power to save lives and make the world a better place. Something that almost nobody in Gensokyo, human or youkai, has.

>Gensokyo is a world where humans are not on top of the food chain and they and youkai share a symbiotic relationship with each other and why is this a bad thing?
It's bad because the relationship is not a symbiotic relationship, it's parasitic. The humans are kept against their will. People are brought in from the outside world to die. All for the sake of creatures that i honestly don't see much reason to sympathize with. The only reason why i still do is because of the very same moralfaggotry that you so eagerly decry.

>Why do you want Touhou's narrative to conform to typical, Western, humanist trash?
I don't. What i want is for the main characters to act like decent people. And as for why, because it would make a better narrative.

>> No.19122442

God why does this even matter

Why do you guys have to argue over the dumbest shit.

>> No.19122447

No it isn't. You fucking people should seriously try to understand what you read.
Let me send you through a journey of sensibility.
>Humans know about the outside world.
>Humans know about the Youkai Sages.
>Humans worship gods.
>Humans intermingle with Youkai on a daily basis.
> Humans know that the Human Village is highly protected by the Youkai.
>Youkai and Humans go to parties together.

Yeah, sure. They don't know. lmao

No, it isn't? Humans weren't shown to be powerful in PMiSS, only a specific few "Youkai Hunters" are.
And part of the Youkai Sages role is that. You even see it in action in FS. Are you high?
There's no retcon.

>She doesn't give a fuck about outsiders
queue Sumireko.
And no she's not. I've already told why.

No, faggot. If people have the chance to be immortal and have godly superpowers, they would take it. This is exactly part of what Byakuren's backstory entailed.
Start using your brain even more.

>> No.19122467

>You also seem to think that every other group of youkai or religious group would not move in if even the slightest violent move was made. It has been explained multiple times that every group of youkai maintains a very delicate balance of power between the others and is trying to amass faith and power through less overt means. Like Moriya building the ropeway. This is why literally every faction in the series was hunting Seija. Reimu and Yukari are not the only people who are maintaining Gensokyo. And Aya has said before that should Reimu disappear they would have to just find another Shrine Maiden.
I don't think it would be impossible to convince a lot of the major players to turn against the status quo for their own ambitions/beliefs. The remaining few would try and stop them, but i don't think they would all have to be massacred to the last man.

>For fucking who?
For the humans of Gensokyo. For the outside world. And even for the Youkai themselves. Who will never be able to redeem themselves with the current status quo.

>The whole point of the fucking setting is the youkai. The human village is key to all this because they provide faith for the youkai, and as such all youkai protect the village from disasters and make sure the humans are okay. The whole point of the setting is that the humans aren't on top and they never will be.
I don't really have any reason to sympathize much with the youkai. I don't want them all to die, but that's about where my sympathy ends. Also, i honestly don't mind that shit sucks, and evil will win forever. I just wish the main characters would act more like that was the case.

>> No.19122468

Because i want people to appreciate my favorite series.
Even if it means /r/cringe posts that will make look the fandom bad.
Humans are social creatures and what we're doing here is to simulate a conversation about touhou with the power of the internet.
This is not the real world, and i don't want to be alone liking this series

>> No.19122477

Touhou Con was kind of a massive financial fuck up, it's not happening again.

>> No.19122481

>I don't think this is a reason to learn Japanese for just reading a manga, that's just pure autism to me. If I had the time I probably would.
>I still want people to see me as a kinda normal person.
jesus christ you know you can do a lot of shit if you learn another language, you don't have to tell people you learned it to read manga. you can use it to TALK TO JAPANESE PEOPLE since you apparently want to talk about Touhou even though you're a blithering imbecile who doesn't know anything about the setting.

you're more of an autist for worrying about this than you would be for learning Japanese.

>What i want is for the main characters to act like decent people. And as for why, because it would make a better narrative.
completely and utterly subjective. it would not make for a better narrative. flawed characters are good, and that is one of the most unique and interesting things about Touhou. Reimu being a generic shounen protagonist would be fucking retarded

>Because she has the power to save lives and make the world a better place. Something that almost nobody in Gensokyo, human or youkai, has.
do you think Reimu is the only person with super powers or what?

>> No.19122496

>For the humans of Gensokyo. For the outside world. And even for the Youkai themselves. Who will never be able to redeem themselves with the current status quo.
i disagree with >>19122157. THIS is the most secondary shit i've ever read.

>> No.19122498
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>I already help people to the best of my ability in real life.
You absolutely do not because you're wasting your time here on 4chan. Don't pretend otherwise, that's why all of us are here.
>Humans and Youkai can't really be compared to animals. They are far smarter.
And? Why does it matter that they're smarter.
>Because she has the power to save lives and make the world a better place.
Nowhere in this statement is there anything that says she is obligated to use them specifically for the sake of humans and only them specifically.
>It's bad because the relationship is not a symbiotic relationship, it's parasitic. The humans are kept against their will. People are brought in from the outside world to die. All for the sake of creatures that i honestly don't see much reason to sympathize with.
>People in this thread have already explained to you how it's not as simple as that. And if humans and Youkai are equally intelligent then why sympathize with one and not the other?
The only reason why i still do is because of the very same moralfaggotry that you so eagerly decry.
Go on, what does being a moralfag have anything to do with sympathizing with the Youkai?

>> No.19122506

>Humans are social creatures and what we're doing here is to simulate a conversation about touhou with the power of the internet.
>This is not the real world, and i don't want to be alone liking this series
You're an absolute fucking autist. Unsurprising.

>> No.19122508

No. If the Youkai disappeared. The villagers would be free to rejoin the outside world.

>You do realize that many outsiders who come to Gensokyo stay of their own volition, correct?
People do weird things. And we don't really know their reasons for choosing to stay. So, it's a pretty moot point.

>You're applying your limited perspective to make an ethical call in regards to something that is far greater than a single person can really understand.
I honestly don't see the situation as that complex. I can't think of anything that would excuse keeping Gensokyo as it is.

>> No.19122521
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>What i want is for the main characters to act like decent people. And as for why, because it would make a better narrative.
Decent people here does not mean decent or good as in quality or as characters, but good as a moral adjective. That has absolutely no relation to story or narrative quality. Stop fucking deflecting points and argue properly.

>> No.19122533

yes, a bunch of people from feudal japan would move out of their village en masse and be able to assimilate to a completely modern society that they don't understand before the rainy season destroys their village

>> No.19122534
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>Who will never be able to redeem themselves with the current status quo.
What the fuck do you mean redeem themselves? To who? Why? What is with your obsession with the idea of redemption and labeling things as evil? Stop acting like an emotionally stunted child and understand your own morality isn't universal.

>> No.19122554

>How would that even be "blindly obvious"?
Her nickname is literally "The One behind the spiriting away." And Reimu knows this.

>And even if she knew, what would she even do? Try to fight and die, then get replaced?
Organize a rebellion? Like i said, i don't think it's impossible to win. Especially since Reimu herself is supposed to be stupidly broken and op. At the very least, having her realize the sacrifice necessary to keep Gensokyo running might make her a better person.

>Go fucking read SoPM and PMiSS in their entirety.
I have. And my conclusion is that the human villagers are being treated as cattle.

>No, they aren't allowed to have a leader because Youkai and Gods are their leaders and they very fully accept that.
They don't accept that. They're forced into accepting that.

>No, they don't. In here, you'd get destroyed by weather. In here, you don't get magical servants. In here, you don't get wards that instantly stave off rat infestations. In here, you get incurable sickness and it's all over.
In Gensokyo, Gods and Youkai have the power to go beyond those.
In here, we have ways of getting around the problems caused by weather. In here, we don't need magical servants. In here, we have ways of easily dealing with rat invasions. In here, we've been increasing our healthcare for decades. Humans have the power to surpass what Youkai and Gods do, while still keeping their freedom.

>> No.19122558

okay let me spell it out for you again because it wasn't clear the first time.

>Touhou was already massive. It will not reach its peak again. Trying to go shill it to all your favorite e-celebs is retarded. It is fine for a game to not be more popular, especially considering Touhou was already a WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON when it was at its peak, it is literally the biggest and most popular indie series that has ever been produced.

>Reitaisai is the biggest themed convention in Japan by a wide margin, and there are massive amounts of works still being produced at it and Comiket. Better learn Japanese, moron.

There are fucking tons of Touhou fans out there you can talk to, and you're deflecting your reason for not learning Japanese to talk to them as "it's not real". Just because little johnny down the street who watches PewDiePie all day doesn't know what it is doesn't mean it isn't popular. If the internet didn't exist you wouldn't even know what Touhou fucking is in the first place.

>> No.19122560

outside world as a whole doesn't give a fuck about Gensokyo. and youkai what? Why should they redeem themselves because they wanted to exist?

What sort of moral highground do humanity have in the setting that you can pretty much declare that just to exist is a crime for Youkai?

>> No.19122574

I can, to some extent, understand that. But i still refuse to accept that it's "the only way". There is no reason why outsiders need to be brought to Gensokyo to die. Or why the Human villagers need to be robbed of all self determination.

>Just wanting the humans to thrive while ignoring why the setting is as it is, is definitely a really secondary-tier opinion.
I'm rooting for the humans more than the Youkai, certainly. But i don't really mind if evil wins forever. I just want the characters to act like that's what happening. And have some kind of problem with it. Otherwise, it's just hard to root for them.

>> No.19122578

>For the humans of Gensokyo.
The humans have no desire to do anything but exist. They have ample opportunities to learn and don't take them. Keine tells Aya that her school is unpopular. No one reads Akyuu's history books, but they all read Agatha Chris Q's crime dramas. Who are you to say they should change their lives?

>For the outside world.
How the fuck does this have anything to do with the Outside World?

>And even for the Youkai themselves. Who will never be able to redeem themselves with the current status quo.
Yes this is much better for youkai like Kyouko who will just vanish. "Redeem", what? To who? Who are you to decide that they are all "evil" in need of "redemption"?

>> No.19122589

"humanity fuck yeah" is a mental disorder

the whole fucking appeal of touhou is the setting and the characters, 90% of whom are the youkai

you don't actually like the setting if you want to change it this much.

>> No.19122599
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Lisen up you dumb, I have to study 2 extra languages rn, so I don't have a fucking time to learn the other one.
>ince you apparently want to talk about Touhou even though you're a blithering imbecile who doesn't know anything about the setting.
Where did you come up with that?
>you're more of an autist for worrying about this than you would be for learning Japanese.
anxiety, I wouldn't call it autistic. But as you wish.

>> No.19122600
File: 37 KB, 419x424, 1493577577590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand that your mentality for approaching Touhou as a whole is so utterly incompatible with how the series is supposed to be appreciated. Everything in this post demonstrates that so perfectly.

>> No.19122601

>There is no reason why outsiders need to be brought to Gensokyo to die
Because Youkai's concept from the very start is that they're maneating creatures that was born from human's fear of the irrational?

>But i don't really mind if evil wins forever.
And why is it evil for something to just wish that they want to continue existing?

Why is evil that the Youkai wanted to do so, while you supported humans to achieve the same thing and to drive Youkai to nonexistence inevitably?

And which characters would care?

Most of the setting ARE youkai or gods, people that would not want the current system to go.

>> No.19122603

>How much you have to project the worst at other people to feel better about yourself?
You have literally said that you want to change the characters and story in order to better appeal to western children. It is popular with children in Japan. There are tons of fan events, merch, and works in Japan. Touhou does not, and should not change to appeal to western children. Accept that not all media is meant to appeal to you.

>> No.19122604

oh...no? Spiriting away.
No. Learn what "away" means. It's not talking about outsiders.
Holy shit.

Organize a rebellion then utterly get destroyed instantly. Kek.
Okina managed to body her alone while barely being serious. Bring the entirety of Youkai all of which are stronger than 99% of the human population and yeah, sure.
Totally within the realms of possibility.

No, you haven't. Very clear since you don't know what you're talking about half the time. You probably have the Touhou wiki open in your tabs.

Source: Your ass.

Yeah, say that to the millions of people that die of sickness. Say that to the people that got utterly ravaged by the recent supertyphoons. Say that to the rich people that buy humans via human trafficking.
Yeah, sure. Keep being retarded.

>> No.19122615

so you want to change touhou so drastically and appeal to so many normalfags that you can be lazy and talk to your neighbors (not online, that's fake and doesnt count) about Touhou instead of actually putting in the effort to learn Japanese and talk to the people that love the series for what it is

>> No.19122623

>And? Why does it matter that they're smarter.
For the same reason why most laws and philosophy people hold humans to higher standards than animals.

>Nowhere in this statement is there anything that says she is obligated to use them specifically for the sake of humans and only them specifically.
She doesn't have to use it just for the sake of humans. But if you have the power to prevent suffering, and make the world a better place. Then i do think you are obligated to at least try.

>Go on, what does being a moralfag have anything to do with sympathizing with the Youkai?
Because i think genocide is bad. And i have enough empathy to understand why Youkai don't want to all die out.

I do think having main characters that are awful people can be detrimental to the quality of the story. Especially if you are expected to root for them.

>> No.19122632

>I don't think it would be impossible to convince a lot of the major players to turn against the status quo for their own ambitions/beliefs
Then you don't understand Gensokyo at all. The whole reason one hasn't made a move right now is because they're all in a cold war over the humans. If you grouped a bunch of them together to "rebel", you'd get the same result, or whatever youkai joined it for their own ambitions would attempt to seize power

A youkai like fucking Remilia is not going to completely rebel against Gensokyo just so they can let the humans walk free.

>> No.19122633

It would be tough at first. But once they've assimilated to their new life. They'll be far happier with everything their new life has to offer them.

Redeem themselves by the standards of most human morality. Yes, such values are not universal. But i do think they are infinitely superior to the ones Youkai have.

>> No.19122647

Dude, just stop.

Reimu is not someone who you are supposed to root for in the first place. Nobody is. Touhou is not a grand narrative where there's this overarching plot that requires a villain and a protagonist willing to fix it.

>> No.19122648

>outside world as a whole doesn't give a fuck about Gensokyo.
They would give a fuck if they knew it existed. And was killing people.

>Why should they redeem themselves because they wanted to exist?
They should redeem themselves for all of the suffering is misery they caused. There's nothing wrong with wanting to exist. But when it comes at the cost of the lives of other sapient lifeforms. I think you do need to make amends in some form eventually.

>> No.19122654

Youkai are not an objective evil. Stop enforcing your morality on the series.

>> No.19122673

And you forgot that it was human where Youkai were born from in the first place. Human fears created youkai, and they act according to those fears that shaped them.

And again, why would the Outside World care? Yukari only gaps people that wouldn't take much attention to abduct in the first place, and it's not like she's abducting them in a rate that would make it anything special to the Outside World.

>> No.19122681

>The humans have no desire to do anything but exist.
No. They're forced into a situation were they can do nothing but exist. Sure, a lot of people reject the chance to gain more knowledge. But i don't think that's because they aren't interested in improving their situation. They just don't see much value in learning certain things.

>How the fuck does this have anything to do with the Outside World?
Because outsiders are being systematically murdered.

>Who are you to decide that they are all "evil" in need of "redemption"?
Somebody that believes in human morality. And thinks Youkai morality is bad.

There are plenty of settings that i like, but were i would still like the situation to improve.

>Please understand that your mentality for approaching Touhou as a whole is so utterly incompatible with how the series is supposed to be appreciated.
Touhou isn't "meant" to be appreciated in a certain way. The only real argument you might have in your favour is author intent. And ZUN isn't the kind of author to reveal his intent.

>> No.19122688
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Touhou is dying
Proof: pic related

>> No.19122690
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Anon, the social anxiety guy isn't the dumbass trying to change Reimu.
>For the same reason why most laws and philosophy people hold humans to higher standards than animals.
And there is literally no reason why Youkai should be adhering to these laws and *Western philosophical concepts.
>But if you have the power to prevent suffering, and make the world a better place. Then i do think you are obligated to at least try.
See, it's all your own preference. Also it's my fault for shitty greentexting but you ignored the part where I said everyone in the thread has explained to you how the issue isn't as you try to frame it.
>can be detrimental to the quality of the story. Especially if you are expected to root for them.
Which is fair, but you're rooting for them against who? The humans are not the villains for the Youkai characters to overcome, the humans in general aside from a few standout individuals are not even a factor in the narrative structure most of the time. Trying to approach Touhou with the mindset that there has to be good guys to root for and bad guys who do evil is again, detrimental.
>once they've assimilated
Yeah, if you gloss over any potential problems with that form of mass immigration, sure. And who are you to speak for the happiness of these people?
>Yes, such values are not universal. But i do think they are infinitely superior to the ones Youkai have.
Again this is nothing but your own personal preference that you are failing to keep yourself from applying to Touhou.

>> No.19122708

then he's not as big of a retard as i thought

but still a moron for arbitrarily deciding that meeting people online "isn't real" when there are a massive amount of Japanese people who love touhou and would love to talk about it with people

>> No.19122710

Holy fucking shit, this form of moralfaggotry is astounding.

Youkai don't have to have the same form of moral standards humans have, especially yours who seems to not know how anything outside your special place works.

Youkai fucking help humans. Mamizou, an outsider, a total stranger, and a full-fledged youkai willing to fool Kosuzu to get a Tanuki scroll, fucked up a Youkai to pretect the Human Village.
Kasen, a fucking Youkai Sage, constantly helps the human village as much as Reimu and Marisa has.

How can one be so ignorant.

>> No.19122717

fucking this

>> No.19122728

humans dont give a fuck about genocides in the next country over. they, especially JAPAN, absolutely would not care about the dregs of society getting eaten by youkai, who, by the way, don't exist as a concept to almost all Outside World people

there's a reason Sumireko is a chuuni dork, if she told people about the world in her dreams they'd laugh at her

>> No.19122732

There's also the Kappa prevent floods, the Tengu prevent landslides and save people from storms, etc

>> No.19122734

Kasen is an oni, though.

>> No.19122738

>Because Youkai's concept from the very start is that they're maneating creatures that was born from human's fear of the irrational?
Yeah. And i feel they can outgrow that. Becoming something better in the process.

>And why is it evil for something to just wish that they want to continue existing?
The goal is fine, the method is not. Like, are you seriously so lacking in creativity that you believe the current status quo of Gensokyo is the ONLY way Youkai don't eventually fade into nonexistence?

>And which characters would care?
Mostly Reimu. Marisa and Sanae already seem to care to some extent. They just can't do anything.

Like i said. I think Reimu could start a successful rebellion. She's both powerful and well liked enough that she might be able to organize a whole bunch of different factions into working together without everything collapsing into in fighting afterwards.

I agree that touhou isn't the kind of story that has a clear hero and a antagonist. But it does have good and bad people, and i somewhat doubt the protagonist is supposed to be one of the bad ones.

Youkai are, by most systems of morality, objectively evil.

>Human fears created youkai, and they act according to those fears that shaped them.
It's not like they even knew that was the case. I don't really see why that changes anything.

>And again, why would the Outside World care?
Because innocent people are being systematically murdered? Like, do you really think no government would have a problem with that?

>> No.19122744
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Hey guys, sorry for intrude and all but

>> No.19122757
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>The only real argument you might have in your favour is author intent.
Then I actually do have something to stand on.

Notice how none of the stories ever paint one side of character as being clearly right, there's always ambiguity because the biases of the narrators are always made clear (especially with print works). It actually allows the series as a whole to present a fairly unbiased view of its characters without ever telling you who you are supposed to root for because that's not how Touhou works. This is part of, if not the primary reason why making Reimu a more traditional protagonist does not work. Because Reimu appears in practically every work, she acts as the lens for the audience to interpret and receive the various Youkai characters. If Reimu was that boring then the series would be encouraging the sort of messages that you have ingrained in your head, sure. Then there's no point in introducing all these colorful, nuanced Youkai characters.

Trying to apply some form of objective morality to Touhou goes against this kind of storytelling.

>> No.19122758

I give up on you retards.
No mather what I say you will still think that I want to rebuild 2hu, westernise it.
But I don't, you will keep projecting bullshit just to win an argumen. That's all
I just said IT WOULD BE NICE IF not that I want to do ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

>actually putting in the effort to learn Japanese

>> No.19122771

Just fuck off already, please.

>> No.19122774

>And there is literally no reason why Youkai should be adhering to these laws and *Western philosophical concepts.
Also eastern philosophical concepts. And regardless, i do think there is a reason. Which is that it's a lot better than Youkai laws and philosophy. If you can even call it that.

>See, it's all your own preference.
Yes. It's my preference. But i think most people would agree.

>but you're rooting for them against who?
I'm not rooting "against" somebody. I want them to get out of their situation. But i don't want Youkai kind to be exterminated in the process.

>And who are you to speak for the happiness of these people?
Somebody that correctly beliefs people are way happier in the outside world than they would be in Gensokyo. At least the majority.

>Again this is nothing but your own personal preference that you are failing to keep yourself from applying to Touhou.
That's fine. But, well, i still think human values are superior. And i don't see any reason why you would disagree with that. Unless you're some insane social darwinist type.

>Youkai don't have to have the same form of moral standards humans have, especially yours who seems to not know how anything outside your special place works.
I don't know why Youkai not having the same values as humans is a good thing.

>Youkai fucking help humans.
They don't help them. They put them in a situation were they NEED help.

>> No.19122781

She actually did tell people about it online. They think she's talking nonsense or starting a cult.

>> No.19122783

If you're not the retard who wants to change the series because he hates Reimu then you're the guy who wants to post on subreddits so PewDiePie will play the game, which is also stupid.

I'm sorry you are busy learning other languges but there are a massive amount of Japanese fans who love touhou AND a good amount of western fans online who also love touhou that you can talk to. I don't have any idea why you would consider making friends online to be not real or not valid.

>> No.19122790

based teenbro who wants youtubers to play touhou so he can talk about it at school

>> No.19122814

>humans dont give a fuck about genocides in the next country over.
Many, MANY humans do care about such things.

>> No.19122818

My fucking god.

I never said it's a good thing? I said they don't have to.
If fucking youkai have the same bullshit values as humans have, Touhou would barely be as interesting.
Youkai are supposed to be mysterious creatures.

No? Are you retarded?
For one, that youkai that Mamizou fucked came from the outside world because it ate a bunch of humans. Yeah, totally Gensokyo's fault those humans from the outside world got fucked by some rando youkai.
Two, change "Youkai" to "Terrorist". Same shit.

>> No.19122828

they say they care to virtue signal, but they don't really. just so people know they care. they don't offer aid or donate or protest.

>> No.19122843

they offer their condemnation and prayers and wellwishes and other empty words, but the majority of the people will then just treat it as someone else's problem and continue on with their lives without giving any further care about it.

>> No.19122845

I agree that Touhou gives you a unbiased view of its characters. But that's done for the sake of reaching your own conclusion about everything. Which i have, a very negative conclusion.

And regardless, making Reimu a decent person that you CAN root for won't take away from her role as audience lens. She is, at the end of the day, just another person with her own opinions. Being the protagonist does not automatically make you the morale center of the story, or the person you HAVE to agree with.

>> No.19122900
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>Also eastern philosophical concepts
I can think of at least several instances of eastern philosophy that do not promote freedom for fellow men but instead, obedience and compliance for the sake of harmony.
>Which is that it's a lot better than Youkai laws and philosophy. If you can even call it that.
Trying to compare which race's philosophy is pointless. It's better for the humans and there's no reason the Youkai has to care about that. Being 'better' in some vague, subjective metric is not a reason or even a valid point in this discussion.
>Somebody that correctly beliefs people are way happier in the outside world than they would be in Gensokyo
The happiness of the Human village in comparison to the outside world has never been relevant to Touhou on a thematic or narrative level. They live in Gensokyo and they find ways to live, that's all there is to it. Hoping for more for the Humans is just projecting your own moralfaggotry in.
>That's fine. But, well, i still think human values are superior. And i don't see any reason why you would disagree with that. Unless you're some insane social darwinist type.
Refer to a previous point.
>I don't know why Youkai not having the same values as humans is a good thing.
Why is it a good thing? Good in what way? Again, refer to previous point.
>They don't help them. They put them in a situation were they NEED help.
They're put into that situation because that's the equilibrium reached from both sides trying to survive. Youkai helping out in this situation still counts as help.
Then why not keep Reimu as is and simply not agree with her? Clearly, Reimu's personality only drags your personal enjoyment down rather than being some kind of objective criticism. Her personality and beliefs shape how she interacts with the characters in the story, and the way she currently is allows her to perfectly fulfill her narrative purpose. Changing her to appeal to Western audiences misses the point and would destroy the foundations of Touhou's narrative structure.

>> No.19122915

>Somebody that correctly beliefs people are way happier in the outside world than they would be in Gensokyo
You have no reference point for this.

>> No.19122924

>If fucking youkai have the same bullshit values as humans have, Touhou would barely be as interesting.
I think Youkai redemption, for lack of a better description, would be very interesting as a narrative development. Things afterwards would be a bit boring. But that's why you save such major developments for the ending.

I'm not saying that's what HAS to happen. Or even that it's what i would like to see it happen. But don't discredit the idea of hand.

>No? Are you retarded?
But they do. They create a situation were the human villagers are forced to rely on supernatural help to survive. In the outside world, they would have no need for gods and Youkai.

>Yeah, totally Gensokyo's fault those humans from the outside world got fucked by some rando youkai.
I mean. That isn't Gensokyo fault. But a lot of other things are.

>Two, change "Youkai" to "Terrorist". Same shit.
What. Just, what?

Plenty of people donate. And while i admit protesting has slowed down, that's a pretty recent phenomenon.

There isn't a whole lot most people can do about it anyway. The best they can do is influence their decision during the next election. Joining a humanitarian organization isn't always a option.

Yes. I do. It's called "knowing how fucking privileged first world countries are nowadays". Compared to pre industrial societies, most of our lives are borderline utopian. Gensokyo is no exception.

>> No.19122927
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One last thing because I'm going to sleep. Faggot.

>> No.19122946

Holy shit this thread is actually giving me a headache. Thank fuck ZUN doesnt give a shit what fans (especially western fans) think.

>> No.19122966
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I like Reimu she is cool.
And with subreddit... that was a joke.
When PewDiePie mentioned 2hu everybody was talking about it... I don't really know here I'm going with this...

Online friends... It feels so limited for some reason. Ech, maybe I'm trying to be normal too hard.

>> No.19122971

Your shit is making Touhou to be some linear, save the humans type of deal, which is fucking gay and completely changes what Touhou is.

Yeah, in the outside world, we rely on technology and ouselves.
All of which aren't as powerful as Gods and Youkai and we, alongside everything else the world has to give, constantly keep fucking humans up. Sure.
One problem the human village exclusively has the gods and the youkai give 10 advantages that humans from the outside world don't have.


Because we have to worry about terrorists. war, and other shit while the human village has to worry about Youkai. Which is the same shit, but war doesn't give blessings of gods and various magical advantages.

Keep trying to force yourself to view the world in a better fucking place. As someone that lived in a 3rd world country, the outside world is a shithole in comparison to Gensokyo.

>> No.19123018

>I can think of at least several instances of eastern philosophy that do not promote freedom for fellow men but instead, obedience and compliance for the sake of harmony.
Yes. But most of those systems would also argue for Genocide of something like Youkai for the sake of the majority.

>Trying to compare which race's philosophy is pointless.
Yeah, it's pointless because Youkai don't have any. Most of them are sociopathic murderers. I won't excuse their actions just because "Different values, lol". Like i said, the only reason why i don't argue they shouldn't all be killed is because of that very same human morality.

>The happiness of the Human village in comparison to the outside world has never been relevant to Touhou on a thematic or narrative level.
Comparisons between Gensokyo and the Outside world has been thematically and narratively important since PCB.

>They live in Gensokyo and they find ways to live, that's all there is to it. Hoping for more for the Humans is just projecting your own moralfaggotry in.
No. It's me for rooting people that i feel deserve better. There is nothing wrong with that.

>They're put into that situation because that's the equilibrium reached from both sides trying to survive.
It's not a equilibrium anymore than any oppressed minority exists in equilibrium with their oppressors. It's not help when the only reason they need help is because of Youkai. That just means it's keeping their golden goose alive.

>Then why not keep Reimu as is and simply not agree with her?
Because she's the main character, and i hate her with a burning passion. Unless you're going for a intentional villain protagonist, i do view that as a narrative failure. One that i do genuinely belief is going to make it harder for people to get into Gensokyo. And again, it's not like it's impossible to keep her current narrative role. But still make her a decent person. Literally all i'm asking is for her to at least give a fuck. Even if that fuck is just going "shit sucks, but nothing i can do unfortunately". That at least shows that she cares.

>> No.19123039

Call one, ONE instance where it says "humans in the outside world are happier than in Gensokyo" other than your fucking ass.

If anything, some humans that stray into Gensokyo choose to be in here because it's happier.
Your mental gymnastics are outstanding.

>> No.19123056

>Your shit is making Touhou to be some linear, save the humans type of deal, which is fucking gay and completely changes what Touhou is.
I think Touhou work just fine as a linear narrative. It doesn't have to be saving about saving humans. Could be a linear plot about a wide variety of matters.

>One problem the human village exclusively has the gods and the youkai give 10 advantages that humans from the outside world don't have.
There is literally nothing the gods can give the human villagers that we can't do with technology.

>Which is the same shit, but war doesn't give blessings of gods and various magical advantages.
I don't think the worry we have about terrorists can even be compared to the worry the Human Villagers about Youkai. If only because we AREN'T RULED BY TERRORISTS! That's WHY they're terrorists, because they aren't the once in power.

>As someone that lived in a 3rd world country, the outside world is a shithole in comparison to Gensokyo.
Oh, i'll admit Gensokyo is better than most war torn/starving third world countries, and maybe Rusia. But everywhere else, way better.

>> No.19123058

>Touhou was already massive. It will not reach its peak again.
Sad but true, in fact i was the guy against the idea od shilling pewdiepie because It's reterded for us and annoying to him.
As for it being massive... Only on the internet, it never reached undertale level of big in the west.
>There are fucking tons of Touhou fans out there you can talk to
On the internet, internet friends are not real friends for me, maybe i'm becoming a normie
> your reason for not learning Japanese to talk to them as "it's not real"
I'm not that guy, my reason to noto learn japanese is because i'm lazy and i'm already learning programming for the uni and guitar

>> No.19123059
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Sorry I shittalked you. I'll try to level with you. I thought you were the idiot that keeps arguing about the setting here. I don't think your core intent is bad, but I don't think trying to appeal to younger people in the west by marketing to them is the way to go. STGs will always be niche regardless, and the kinds of people that will be brought in by e-celeb marketing will either be negligible (they will market it as WOW TOUHOU IS SO HARD, or they will be like the people from Undertale who think about it for a bit and then stop caring), or the kinds of people that won't add anything to the conversation and just meme about the e-celeb. Touhou is already wildly successful for what it is. Trying to get a western Reitaisai is a pipe dream. Series that are huge here like Marvelshit don't even have that to the degree that Reitaisai exists in Japan. Your best bet would be going to a comiccon in a Touhou cosplay and finding other Touhou cosplayers and talking to them.

We live in an online age. It is much, much easier to communicate with people with like-minded interests through this. Or you could be a pen-pal with someone. I think it would be easier and better for you to find people who already appreciate the series rather than hoping random normal people get into Touhou. Especially considering how much the Japanese love Touhou, I'm sure you could find friends who like to talk about it if you could communicate with them. I've met plenty of people I enjoy talking to about Touhou from Europe and Japan. Social anxiety sucks, but you'll find that a lot of people online are willing to talk about things they're interested in.

It sucks that all the cool stuff for Touhou is in Japan, but it is an inherently Japanese series. If you could learn the language you'd have access to much more of their fancontent, and could even go to Japan for Reitaisai. Making friends with someone across the ocean isn't inherently less real than making friends with someone you know down the street. You're much more likely to find people who have interests that align with your own by doing so.

The internet is the whole reason we in the west are even aware of this game. Much more people make friends and communicate this way. It's not inherently a less legitimate way to talk to people, its just different. Yes, you won't be able to go out to eat with them every night or something, but that doesn't make them less of a person or your friendship less valid.

>> No.19123067

It's too bad. I think if you learned Japanese and tried to talk to people online you'd enjoy it. I barely know the language and have met some very nice people through Touhou. Maybe give it a try, lots of them will even communicate in broken english if you try.

>> No.19123071

She does give a fuck? An insurmountable amount, enough for her to actually stand up and solve incidents like in every game?

You are only in denial because you see everything Reimu does as something like "she's only trying to keep the humans inside gensokyo" or some gay shit. Despite there not being any evidence for this, and fact that the complete opposite exists.

So yeah, you're just retarded. Case closed.

>> No.19123084
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I don't need to. Because modern people being happier than people in pre industrial societies is a given to anybody that knows jack shit about human history. But fine, here is your example:

And yes, some outsiders do choose to stay in Gensokyo. We don't know why though. They could be criminals fleeing the law, for all we know.

>> No.19123085

Why not, i'll lurk djt for a bit just for fun and i'll see if i stick to it
Anyway where do you go to meet japanese people? Djt?

>> No.19123087

Again, you have no reference point for how content or happy the people in Gensokyo are, or how much they would even desire change.

The people who get spirited away to Gensokyo often stay because they are lonely, sad, dregs of society in OUR OUTSIDE WORLD who prefer Gensokyo.

>Because she's the main character, and i hate her with a burning passion. Unless you're going for a intentional villain protagonist, i do view that as a narrative failure.
Completely subjective, again, because many people like Reimu. You are trying to enforce some objective standard of "narrative failure" n Touhou as a series because you just don't happen to like the protagonist.

>> No.19123091
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Can anti-Reimu faggot post his 1cc chart. I want see if he's good at games like he's at shitposting on the internet.

>> No.19123104
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Your opinion sucks, then. Touhou having a linear narrative means that it'll stray from its focus and instead of being focused on the world it would be focused on plot points.
Which completely betrays a large part of what makes Touhou unique and downright amazing.

>There is literally nothing the gods can give the human villagers that we can't do with technology.

You're either incredibly retarded or in denial, holy shit.

No, but we can be ruled by people worse than terrorists and even Youkai. kek
Tell that to North Korea.

Not really.

>> No.19123110

I don't use DJT at all actually. I mostly have communicated with Japanese people through various video game communities, and (sadly) social media. I talk to a lot of Japanese people on twitter who like things like games, fanart, and fumos. I usually just send them a message about their work and they are very courteous about responding.

I just think if you gave a shot to opening up to people online and making friends who also like Touhou you might like it. But you might not, that's entirely up to you.

>> No.19123149

If i have to learn something i usually go for the best way, i don't really like the "good enough" way
For exeample english is not my first language, and i lurk on the english side of the internet to practice it

>> No.19123153

Reimu solves incidents because it's her job to solve incidents. Not because she cares about the human villagers. If she cared about the Human Villagers, she would be putting her virtually unlimited powers to work actually changing things. And i don't even mean starting a rebellion.

>Again, you have no reference point for how content or happy the people in Gensokyo
I do. It's called history. People have always desired change and improvement for themselves and the people they love.

And yes. Some people do prefer Gensokyo. Why, we don't know. They could be convicted murderers or hippies, or just crazy people.

>You are trying to enforce some objective standard of "narrative failure" n Touhou as a series because you just don't happen to like the protagonist.
I think she's a bad protagonist, yes. And i know there are people that agree and disagree with me. I think it's a narrative failure, and i've explained why. But if you disagree with me. Please, go ahead. I can't force my opinion on others.

>> No.19123154

Except the Fortune Teller was a wacko, the guy became a Youkai to reject Youkai rule.

We have the opposite of that via Maribel. Maribel thinks Gensokyo is a better place than the outside world. Not only that, but the future outside world versus past Gensokyo.

No, they're not. People that stray in Gensokyo are people that are forgotten by society.
Stop reaching.

>> No.19123175

Kuso thread, kill yourself out of /jp/ Reimu hater.

>> No.19123186

Do you realize that Reimu can stop being a Hakurei Shrine Maiden and just stop doing her work? This isn't some company.

She's not being paid by anyone. She'll live even if she doesn't do her Hakurei work, and she'll get replaced.

She has this as her job because she cares, because we fucking know she cares. She gets all sorts of angry everytime a large incident happen or whenever humans are in big trouble.
Mental Gymnastics are an outstanding thing.

>> No.19123207

My chart is pretty empty. I've cleared a few games on normal. And i've beaten two extra bosses. I have no shame admitting that.

>Your opinion sucks
Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion man.

>Which completely betrays a large part of what makes Touhou unique and downright amazing.
I think both can work. Especially with multiple print works. You can have both linear plots were shit changes. And what we have now.

>You're either incredibly retarded or in denial, holy shit.
I think you are in denial. I have yet to see the gods of Gensokyo do anything that we can't do. And that's not even getting into what we can do over a thousand years. Or a million.

>No, but we can be ruled by people worse than terrorists and even Youkai.
Yeah, we can be ruled by worse people. But most countries are not.

>Not really.
Ah, yes. Please explain to me how a pre industrial society can possibly compare to the borderline utopian life a middle class citizen of most countries has.

Merry old england is a cute little fantasy. But it is just that, a fantasy. Life as a farmer, even in a magical world, really isn't anything to write home about.

>> No.19123231

You do realize that Reimu is largely anti-youkai right? Hell, if there's a reason to dislike Reimu, it's that she's fucking racist against Youkai.

She barged in and stopped talks in SoPM, talks to make Gensokyo better, because there's Youkai involved, for example.
Stop your retardation kudasai

>> No.19123235

Instead of trying to become a better human as a magician he kills himself, puts Kosuzu in danger, and becomes a youkai

Who gets mad because Kosuzu is in danger I wonder? Oh right, Reimu.

>> No.19123243
File: 1.07 MB, 900x1500, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_cheunes__e8bf670fd6270f46b2e23d5db4337397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda deserved that shit-talk anyway.
I know where you are coming from with Western influence, for sure overwhelming amount of bad people would be greater than the positive outcome. If we are talking about kids. (And 2hu is hostile twoards kids, so that makes I good)

I'm getting tired of internet communication, I really hate not having friends whom are not interested in same weeb shit like me.

You know how it goes with normalfag...
"I want to visit Japan guys, don't you want aswell?" then it goes along those lines "Bruh, are you weeb or something, anime is for losers" etc. It gets really annoying.
And I really really like 2hu cosplay...

When otaku Will be viewed as common people.

>> No.19123256

>Except the Fortune Teller was a wacko, the guy became a Youkai to reject Youkai rule.
No. He became a Youkai to ESCAPE Youkai rule. And regardless, you wanted a example. And i gave you one, even though i didn't think it was necessary.

>We have the opposite of that via Maribel. Maribel thinks Gensokyo is a better place than the outside world.
Maribel is even more of a wacko than the fortune teller. And she's probably going to eventually become a mass murdering sociopathic tyrant. I don't put much value to her ideas.

>No, they're not. People that stray in Gensokyo are people that are forgotten by society.
Some people, yes. But not all of them. There are multiple ways people can end up in Gensokyo.

>Do you realize that Reimu can stop being a Hakurei Shrine Maiden and just stop doing her work?
We don't know how easy that is. And either way, the Hakurei Shrine Maidens are some of the most privileged people in Gensokyo. The job is a lot better than people give it credit. And Reimu isn't the type to like hard work.

Like, could you honestly see Reimu working as a farmer? No, she would be miserable having that kind of life. That's why she sticks with the one she now has.

>> No.19123271
File: 217 KB, 554x664, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_cottontailtokki__6a8400a82f851e502c1618c35f5069ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1cc Touhou 3, does it count?

>> No.19123275

Sure thing champ.

>I have yet to see the gods of Gensokyo do anything that we can't do.
Say that to Kosuzu when she got utterly destroyed by a storm the moment she left the human village gates. That fucking typhoon in that image that cost billions of dollars to fix?
Gods can stop that from even touching anything.
Yeah, Technology can do that. Sure.

Oh yeahhhh we just need to wait a million years instead of just, you know, doing it right now.
because Gods can do that right now.
Stop reaching.

Most people are poor as shit.

>Please explain to me how a pre industrial society can possibly compare to the borderline utopian life a middle class citizen of most countries has.
When that pre-industrial society has magic on their side, it's pretty fucking easy to visualize.

And life as some third-class worker isn't anything to write home about, either.

>> No.19123292

Reimu isn't anti Youkai. In the very same book you mentioned, Miko points out that despite her claims. Reimu doesn't want to create a human only world. And instead desires a peace without fighting.

Which, i would say is a good thing. Even if i don't think she realizes what kind of a cost that peace would have for both villagers and outsiders. Or she just doesn't care.

Because he wanted a better life. His methods were questionable, but it's not like Kosuzu was actually in danger. And Reimu only killed him because "the rules".

>> No.19123303

It's literally within her power to do that. Youkai wouldn't be able to stop her from not doing that. Hell, some Youkai would be happy if she did that.

She could've even just stayed in the Lunar Capital.

She can very easily live the same way Marisa does. Who says she has to be a farmer?

>> No.19123336

Reimu already does her job by solving incidents that hurt or endanger the humans, notably Remi's poison fog, Tenshi's retarded earthquakes, or the Yorigami scams

>> No.19123338

All your points are so fucking reaching in places just to try and strengthen your points it's insane.

That's exactly what I said.

We don't know what Maribel is. Stop reaching and face facts. Maribel didn't become a fucking youkai and inconvenience people just to go in Gensokyo.

No. Most people that come in Gensokyo are exactly that. One of the entire reasons of Gensokyo's shit was that it's the place of the forgotten. People like Sumireko and Maribel are rare occurences.
Stop reaching.

>> No.19123345

>Yeah, Technology can do that. Sure.
We have the technology to easily deal with the aftermath of such disaster. Without having to live a worthless life of subservience to malicious supernatural creatures.

>Oh yeahhhh we just need to wait a million years instead of just, you know, doing it right now.
I would say it's more like, about a hundred.

>Most people are poor as shit.
In comparison to who? Historically, even the poor are way richer than they've ever been in many countries.

>When that pre-industrial society has magic on their side, it's pretty fucking easy to visualize.
With the exception of a few magicians, they don't have magic on their side. Gods and youkai only help them to survive, not to make their life better.

>It's literally within her power to do that.
Again, we don't know that. Just that she could be replaced. The consequences for quitting are unknown.

>She can very easily live the same way Marisa does.
Marisa works like crazy to be as powerful as she is. Reimu would never be able to pull off the same feat.

>Who says she has to be a farmer?
Me. Because she's stupid and poorly educated.

>> No.19123349

Oh no, a positive attribute for Reimu!
Or, she doesn't care. Because I said so.
Got em.

>> No.19123361

>Maribel didn't become a fucking youkai and inconvenience people just to go in Gensokyo.
I said probably. The hints are pretty strong, anon.

>No. Most people that come in Gensokyo are exactly that.
Actually most people have probably been abducted by Yukari. That's why she's called "the one behind the spiriting away.", because she's the one behind it.

>> No.19123368

Maribel and all these other humans (like Sumireko) who prefer being in Gensokyo still count, despite your assertions that they don't for whatever reason.

>And either way, the Hakurei Shrine Maidens are some of the most privileged people in Gensokyo.
Source: your ass

she is poor as shit and has to routinely go out and solve incidents and stop the youkai

>> No.19123372

>We have the technology to easily deal with the aftermath
How do you deal with the aftermath of death?

>> No.19123384

Yes, the AFTERMATH. HOLY SHIT you are retarded.
Can you not see the difference between being protected by magical gods from a giant storm and cleaning up some mess a giant storm made?

Same shit applies. All you're doing is making guesses that mean nothing while there are alternatives that can do that right now.

In comparison to the rich and the bourgeois? 2 billion people live in just two countries. Just two.
Poverty is widespread.

>With the exception of a few magicians, they don't have magic on their side. Gods and youkai only help them to survive, not to make their life better.
Said the man, as Youkai give them magic servants.

Reimu doesn't have to because she already has that power. Her calling gods is far from the only thing she has.
And no, Reimu isn't poorly educated. So far the only thing we know she's bad at is business sense.
Which isn't really everything.

>> No.19123403

Actually Fortune Teller would realistically be best described as power hungry. Becoming something more than your average human villager is certainly doable its just that his method was a huge problem. Marisa made a name for herself without needing too resort too what he did.
Humans from the Human Village are perfectly capable and allowed to go beyond just being your average citizens, though it obviously comes with risks. Most of the human villagers dont see themselves as put down or oppressed so they see no need too do so. Even still we know that within the village there are also a handful of people we dont even know about that exterminate Youkai and go slightly beyond expectations. Being a human in Gensokyo is far from being a raw deal.

To be fair most incidents arent really dangerous to anybody. Even the Scarlet Mist incident was more or less just putting on a show, since its heavily implied in later works that Remi never actually planned/expected to succeed. Most incidents are just a bunch of flash and flare though obviously some do have a level of danger too them (especially in the case of LoLK). Either way though it doesnt take away from the importance of her job, I just wanted to point this out.

>> No.19123404

The hints mean nothing to the argument.

Nice. We know that one is right but you still keep reaching.
Sure, they want to keep living inside Gensokyo
because they got abducted.

>> No.19123424

You're pretty stupid.

That's tantamount to saying:
>I don't trust this guy because he might become a serial killer someday.
>I don't know if he will be but there's small hints that he might become one, so fuck him.

>> No.19123426

I can relate a lot with this
Are youtube secretly me?
In uni even if i am at computer science mostra people if they are on the anime shit like me they will probably follow the worst anime of the season for some reason or they will play the lastest Bethesda or Ubisoft shit.
In the years i learned how to talk with normies and i became interested in those kind of things too like sports, fashion or similar.
But i feel so alone sometimes when i don't know anyone that will go full autistic with me on 2hu and that's why i continue getting here.
Life is compromises and i chose mine, and i think it's better to be with friends with different interestes in a way...
Btw reimu and marisa are my favorite protagonists in fiction, i am so attached to them...

>> No.19123450

FT was opportunistic asshole. Gensoyko offers you a lot of ways how to become stronger but he literally pick up easy modo. Not to mention that his last words was literally "muh headcanon told me otherwise".

>> No.19123480

you two should be friends! you can make your first western touhou friends online

>> No.19123489

killing himself, becoming a youkai, and putting Kosuzu in danger was most certainly the most retarded choice he could have made

didn't want to work hard and become a hermit or magician

FT was a dumbass and I'm glad he's dead

>> No.19123615
File: 182 KB, 563x464, 1348360565125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see that our issues are quite similar.

I just want to go full autistic over 2hu, just this burst of "joy" where I can share my opinion and thoughts... Just let it all out, the things I didn't even spoken out loud.
But I prefer people with similar interests.

I won't be replying now, night.

>> No.19123705

I feel that, for something else.
Be glad that fans of touhou don’t have a 95% chance of being terrible people.

>> No.19123739

on what, if I can ask?

>> No.19123800

Definitely not saying. But I can at least assure you it ain’t horsefuckery.

>> No.19123928

>Maribel and all these other humans (like Sumireko) who prefer being in Gensokyo still count
I never said they don't count. People make weird choices. And for some, the very allure of starting over again will make any sacrifice worth it.

>Source: your ass
Source: Pmiss.
>Due to her easygoing appearance, it's impossible to tell whether she realizes this or not, but the Hakurei shrine maidens really do have all of Gensokyo under their thumbs.

By making sure less people die in the first place? Which we do, pretty successfully in a lot of countries.

>Can you not see the difference between being protected by magical gods from a giant storm and cleaning up some mess a giant storm made?
I can. But dealing with natural disasters is still something we can do just fine in the outside world. It's not something we need gods for.

>All you're doing is making guesses that mean nothing while there are alternatives that can do that right now.
I'm making guesses based on the fact that human development has exploded since the beginning of the industrial revolution, and shows no sign of stopping. There's a reason why gods are dying out. We don't need them anymore.

>In comparison to the rich and the bourgeois?
That's a pointless comparison. The rich have always had way more cash than the poor. Even in Gensokyo, a wealth difference does exist. And while you can't exactly speak of poverty, i somewhat doubt a farmer in that society has much spending power.

>Poverty is widespread.
Yes. It's ALWAYS been widespread. The conditions most people lived in for millennials was worse than any poverty we have today.

>Said the man, as Youkai give them magic servants.
Most human villagers don't have a magic servant.

>And no, Reimu isn't poorly educated. So far the only thing we know she's bad at is business sense.
I'm sorry. But she is kind of a idiot that doesn't seem to know anything.

>> No.19123943

>Actually Fortune Teller would realistically be best described as power hungry.
He made his mistakes. I still don't think he deserved what happened to him. But i freely admit his methods were questionable.

>Marisa made a name for herself without needing too resort too what he did.
She also worked like crazy. Stole a fuck ton of magical shit. And possibly had a really good teacher. It's not impossible to replicate her feats. But it's something reserved for a small elite, otherwise everybody would be a magician.

>Even still we know that within the village there are also a handful of people we dont even know about that exterminate Youkai
I'm pretty sure that's been retconned. Alongside a lot of earlier village lore. The humans seem pretty much completely helpless in the spin off manga.

>Being a human in Gensokyo is far from being a raw deal.
Sure. It's pretty livable. And by the standards of 1890, pretty decent. I can say the same thing about 80% of the world however. And, here is the important bit, it's not 1890 anymore.

>> No.19123952

Then let me put it more bluntly. Maribel is clearly going crazy, i wouldn't put too much stock in her opinions.

>Gensoyko offers you a lot of ways how to become stronger but he literally pick up easy modo.
It really only offers two, becoming a magician or becoming a priest. And considering what he discovered about Gensokyo, i don't think he would be all that interested in the second option.

>> No.19123959


>> No.19124062

Man, you really are fucking insane.

>> No.19124067

Yeah, sure. If that helps you sleep at night.

>> No.19124070

>By making sure less people die in the first place?
As opposed to none at all?
>Which we do, pretty successfully in a lot of countries.
Still not as effective as what a godly being could do.

>> No.19124078

I don't want to read all this kuso so can somebody give me a TLDR on why two autists are fighting so hard?

>> No.19124084

>As opposed to none at all?
As opposed to relying on fickle and selfish gods to fix their problems.

>Still not as effective as what a godly being could do.
It's a sacrifice most people would be willing to make to have freedom.

>> No.19124097

>As opposed to relying on fickle and selfish gods to fix their problems.
Those gods have a good reason to keep you alive.
>It's a sacrifice most people would be willing to make to have freedom.
Everyone loves to say they prefer freedom to slavery from the comfort and safety of their home.

>> No.19124106

>Those gods have a good reason to keep you alive.
Yes. But they're still selfish assholes that we can live without.

>Everyone loves to say they prefer freedom to slavery from the comfort and safety of their home.
Yes. Because it's the truth. People will always desire freedom. The humans of Gensokyo are no different.

>> No.19124127

No guessing games either.

>> No.19124153

Anyway, i think it's time to end this particular conversation. It's been fun, but all good things must come to a end.

I'll leave with these words. The Youkai of Gensokyo might enjoy their life now. But one day, in the far future, Humanity will have reached a point where the impossible has become commonplace. The humanity of that time will have no issue finding Gensokyo. And they will have even less of a issue burning it down to the ground.

And as the Youkai and gods of that place are all effortlessly butchered. Easily defeated by weapons and technology far beyond their comprehension. They'll finally realize "Well, shit. Guess we should have tried and changing our ways". And then Humanity will be happy forever. Because unless Youkai find redemption, that's the only ending that will eventually await Gensokyo.

>> No.19124209


>> No.19124239
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, hard to understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok dude.

>> No.19124272
File: 645 KB, 900x1125, Social architect of the Moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see someone on Earth gets it.

>> No.19124315

be sure to kill yourself on your way back to your own shitty board

>> No.19124400

It's actually amazing how you get people this mad.

>> No.19124788

What an edgelord.
I bet this guy unironically enjoys 40k too.

>> No.19126525

I know. It's a talent that surprises even me.

Not really. I like the setting, or at least aspects of it. But i rarely get into the actual story. A bit like Touhou, really.

>> No.19126579

This is Poe's Law in full effect. People kept joking around about Reimu being some awful person and now some people can't actually tell whether this retard is serious or just baiting people.

To be clear, he's actually just baiting you all. Every post he's made has followed the same exact bait formula of making outrageous and unsupported claims and then retreating to acting like he's just stating an opinion and everyone else is being unreasonable for calling out his blatant falsehoods. If someone sincerely held these views they'd at least be more receptive to counter-arguments rather than blatantly arguing in bad faith.

>> No.19128955

If you don't want Reimu THEN DON'T INCLUDE HER IN THE GAME. Simple as that.

>> No.19128979

If Reimu was actually selfish and awful she could bend Gensokyo in two with a single incantation of Fantasy Heaven. You read too much doujins, and the person you're complaining to puts too much emphasis on Reimu. She's a plot device. Marisa is the PoV character and protagonist with more appearances than Reimu herself.

>> No.19129097

Sanae completely left her life in the modern outside world behind to come to Gensokyo. but im sure she and Sumireko dont count either

>> No.19129118

americans dont even give a shit about their own children being massacred in school, you are delusional to think the average japanese person would give a fuck about a suicidal NEET disappearing. those people are considered subhuman

>> No.19129132


40k is a lot of things but it isn't edgy, retard

>> No.19130322

They'll come on their own if they aren't faggots

>> No.19130780

This is not a case of poe's law, i genuinly belief what i posted yesterday. Even pointing out from the start that most of it is opinion, not fact. And i have been receptive to counterarguments if they aren't completely retarded anti morality nonsense.
