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File: 83 KB, 600x572, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1905259 No.1905259 [Reply] [Original]

She's my favorite.

>> No.1905285


>> No.1905300


Kuromaru 4 is out. So are a few new slime builds, and some other horrible monstrosities. It's making characters compatible with them that takes longer.

>> No.1905304

/r/ing link to that game.

>> No.1905313
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>> No.1905312

I wish to strike the one who made it.

>> No.1905318

I wish to strike the one who made it.

>> No.1905327

You don't want it. MUGEN is a horrible monstrosity.

>> No.1905333
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>> No.1905345

MUGEN is shit. Also, Suika is the only awesome Toehoe.

>> No.1905357

Drunken lolis are the cutest.

>> No.1905379


Which mugen is that?

Will the Suika mods work on any mugen? I don't know shit about mugen. I downloaded the game a year ago and it only had western characters so I deleted it.

>> No.1905422

She's not really drunk, her jug is actually full of water. She just pretends to be drunk so guys will hit on her. And if a guy she doesn't like hits on her, she impales him on her horn.

>> No.1905435

Those are some pretty inconvenient horns for impaling.

>> No.1905441
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>> No.1905460
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That's not what ZUN actually believes. Also, she'd rather punch people into the sun.

>> No.1905465

I'd her horn.

>> No.1905499

>>1905422 She just pretends to be drunk so guys will hit on her.
She's like 10 you sick fuck.

>> No.1905507

10 centuries.

>> No.1905509

Probably closer to 1000. She's older than Yuugi.

>> No.1905521

What the fuck you ladies are doing?

>> No.1905536
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>> No.1905540

>>1905460 That's not what ZUN actually believes.
So? Zun's probably never even met her.

>> No.1905563


>> No.1905576

It's sort of strange.

ZUN explicitly states that she's got a childish attitude, but almost all her dialogue points otherwise.

>> No.1905578
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He meets her every time he's drunk enough.

>> No.1905597

Well, you could pick one or the other, or you could try to explain it by saying that she was drunk.

>> No.1905595

You are a proud warrior in East Asia, serving a most charismatic and ambitious young warlord by the name of Temujin. In his glorious unification of his ancestral homeland, you serve him with the might and energy of a hundred men. After the most magnificent of battles, you see a strange distortion of space, where two oddly clothed women, one who somehow appears to have several large furry tails, are dragging exhausted sleeping soldiers. You, knowing no fear, charge towards the women full bore. However, you misjudge the distortion, falling through time and space.

When you finally gather your wits, you find yourself in a strange world, one you gather must be tales of the land far to the east beyond the sea. You find you have landed in a place called "Hakurei Shrine", and that the lady in charge is a miko by the name of Reimu. She's rather annoyed by your less than pleasant smell and tendency to devour a small feast at one sitting. Worse yet, you don't have any of this "money" stuff she keeps going on about. She mutters under her breath how you must be another "oni".

Upon those words, a young girl with horns sticking out of her head leaps at you and pins you to the ground. "Another oni!" she squeals with delight. The two of you certainly seem sure to get along well together.

>> No.1905599

As time passes, you enjoy the company of this young oni girl by the name of Suika. Even your remarkable strength is easily matched by this girl, and her tolerance for alcohol outdoes even your own. She loves competition, and you find yourself exhausted, bruised, with many hangovers, and with a very sore pelvis (Although you agree that both of you won that competition very much.), and you couldn't imagine a greater reward for a warrior who must have been slain in battle and granted the delights of the heavens.

One hot summer's day, you mention to Suika that the sun is a terrible thing, far too hot and far too bright. She agrees, and insists you two get drunk in order to cool down. Her answer for everything, and not a bad one at that. After what seems to be endless amounts of this liquor she calls "sake", you get a brilliant idea. "I should punch the sun!" you exclaim. Suika agrees emphatically. However, you sadly remember that humans cannot fly, and you just can't quite reach the sun to punch it, even though you try for a full hour. Suika then has a brilliant idea of her own. She will use her awesome strength to throw you at the sun, so you can punch it.

>> No.1905600

Hey, I remember this.

>> No.1905601

You fly through the air so fast, you are shocked to find that up in the sky really high, everything is black with a bunch of tiny spots of light. There doesn't seem to be any air up here... However, the woman you saw on that fateful day peeks her head at you, somehow traveling at the same speed you are, and explains briefly "Mongols are like Batman. You can breathe in space." What this means, you never manage to find out. As you reach the sun, you punch it with all your might. Or rather, you fly into the sun with your fist mightily stretched out. Even a mighty Mongol quickly burns to a crisp when he lands on the sun.

Suika has realized this, far too late. She's sad that her new friend is gone. However, the freak occurrence of a total solar eclipse the next day warms her heart. You really did beat the crap out of the sun after all.

>> No.1905605


Except that Japanese ZUN possesses the powers of each touhou.

>> No.1905615
File: 360 KB, 800x637, 1231733086465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except that Japanese ZUN possesses the powers of each touhou.

>> No.1905617

>You really did beat the crap out of the sun after all.

>> No.1905626

That mongol copypasta is what really got me motivated to going and seeing Mongol at the movie theatre and I wasn't disappointed. Except by the lack of Suika.

>> No.1905633

Mongols don't burn up into a crisp!

They merely allow them sun to merge with it by disperseing their atoms through out it.

It's how they breed, you see.

Give or take a hundred years or so and he'll be back, better than ever.

>> No.1905647

The odd part of this is that the Mongol one with Suika had the best ending, in that all the others saw you either murdered, murdered then eaten, or your partner eaten and then you eaten.

That was a disturbing thread.

>> No.1905676

Did ZUN compose Broken Moon?

>> No.1905684

You'd be incinerated before you even touched the surface of the sun proper.

>> No.1905696

U2 did it.

>> No.1905708

So ZUN had no part in making it?

Sort of strange how the Pre-battle theme managed to have a greater association with Suika in comparison to her actual "official" theme. It looks like it's gotten to the point where her main theme has been changed to Broken Moon.

>> No.1905722

No, her main theme is definitely Missing Power. Broken Moon fits her prefight dialogue, but Missing Power is when the oni starts the asskicking.

>> No.1905832

I don't know. Broken Moon fit her pretty well in SWR.

>> No.1905835

I'd actually say that Broken Moon fits her better as a character, but for being a last boss, Missing Power was the better choice.

>> No.1906049

Prefight music has always been interchangeable with boss music when determining a character's "theme". I mean look at China, is her theme Meiji 1884 Shanghai Alice, or is it more Chinese Tea?

>> No.1906062

No, they're all awesome!

>> No.1906070

But the stage theme plays for a hell of a long time.

Hell, if you just skip through the dialogue fast enough, you don't even really listen to Broken Moon at all.

>> No.1906097

IaMP is different though. Broken Moon doesn't fit the mood of the battle (or dialogue) at all, and Broken Moon is really the only pre-battle track acknowledged by anyone. In the other games, you had to listen to the stage songs, which played for a relatively long time. Broken Moon is really short. Hell, if you scrolled through the text, you barely even listened to the song at all. It would make much more sense for Missing Power to have a closer association with Suika, but obviously, such is not the case.

Just my thoughts, though.

>> No.1906724


where to find moar?

>> No.1906761

Obviously, she gets smarter and more mature the drunker she gets.

Like dwarves, oni can't be at their full potential without a steady supply of the alchyhol.
