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190437 No.190437 [Reply] [Original]

UNICEF calls on Japan to crack down on child pornography

Japan should ban possession of child pornography and crack down on animated films, comic books and computer games that show children being sexually exploited, UNICEF said Tuesday.


>> No.190442

welcome to 2 hours ago

>> No.190443

We already have a thread on this but it doesn't look like it from the image.

Delete thread please.

>> No.190461

old /n/ews are old

>> No.190464

Japan will stop making CP when it stops hunting whales.

>> No.190483
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In Japan

>> No.190496

Hentai Manga & Hentai Anime are BAN!

>> No.190504

those people who are against CP are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place.

>> No.190507

japan falls into a deeper recession.

>> No.190509

Goodbye, Hentai....

>> No.190510


The guy on the right doesn't look like he's with UNICEF on this one.

>> No.190522

UNICEF says Japan failing to control child porn

>> No.190526

>>190509 Goodbye, Pedo-Hentai....

Fixed. The rest of us will be unaffected by this and continue to fap happily in /h/.

>> No.190528

this is AT LEAST the fifth thread today for fucks sake.

>> No.190533

>children being sexually exploited

So if a manga shows a child sexually exploiting an adult, it's ALRIGHT

>> No.190534


i can hear faggots crying over this

>> No.190540

Japan is probably the last frontier against elitist PROTECT THE CHILDREN/MINORITIES/DECENCY faggots.

But even that is decaying, as you can see with the lack of boobs and penis in anime today.

>> No.190607

Child pornography is illegal in the United States.

>> No.190613

Cool, you abolished loli/shotacon! Umm, now if you could only get rid of the scat/pee porn videos then that'd be really, really great.

>> No.190656

Along with the gay/lesbian stuff, the SM and the fake rape. Thanks in advance.

>> No.190666

自民党、公明党、アメリカ政府, Microsoft, Yahoo!


>> No.190675

then get rid of all that missionary position porn. lets clean this place up.

>> No.190708

Agreeable group
U.S. Government, Microsoft, Yahoo!

>> No.190738

Come next Halloween I will not be giving you money grubbing bastards so much as a penny, UNICEF.

>> No.190771


Actually, they're just asking for the one penny.

>> No.190821

Just do what I do; if you see the unicef thing in the kid's hands, kick him square in the chest and throw a handful of candy at him.

>> No.190837
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OP is mixing two entirely separate things.
One refers to a quirk in japanese law, for which the crime is only to distribute CP but not having it. This will probably change in the future.
The other is just a moral thing to prohibit comics and the like about CP. This one is much less likely to pass.
Not that I really care, I was never into loli stuff, but it could open a big can of worms, like when stupid guys in US define CP even hentai with Rei Ayanami, cause its fictional persona is supposed to be a teen.

>> No.190846


>> No.190955
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>> No.191078

Kodomo poruno


>> No.191181
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>> No.192372


Oh no you won't.

How many of the characters in anime are UNDER 18?

Oh shit, better get rid of all those Gurren Lagann Yoko pics of her wearing her first outfit before v&.

Say goodbye to porn of most of Higurashi, Haruhi, Clannad, Fate/SN, Geass, or any other middle/high series with <18 characters.

Then there's the loopholes for series like Bleach and Touhou hundreds of years old but appearance of <18, Mahoromatic <9 years old. Spice and Wolf? v&.

Child pornography laws are FINE in Japan, even the US has the same stance in everything except possession of the real stuff.

If you start convicting based on acts committed on a fictional child.... Then why are you going to start trying people for simulated murder, rape, theft and various other acts committed in a fictional world?

Child pornography is only illegal because a child is "hurt" in the process and there are already laws in place that make raping a child, taking explicit pictures of a child, or showing pornography to a child illegal.

Thus, there is no need to regulate it any more than it is at the moment.

>> No.192422

Minshutō is joining the dark forces as well.

>> No.192467

Not to long ago in the United States, All Porn was banned.

Your grand parents are old enough to know how that was. Jerkin it to SEARS catelogs.

>> No.192484

Also all the bloody porn.

>> No.192529

hey, that's not funny, I got banned for that

>> No.193267

UNICEF that does this insistence is Unicef Association of Japan that
is not United Nations UNICEF.
This civilian organizations are the Steller's sea lion scatter smells.

United Nations UNICEF
Umbrella organization
Then, it is not.
It ..single.. becomes it.
Cooperation group

>> No.193277


You can stop freaking out now.
3D loli = BAD
2D loli = GOOD

>> No.193284

I'm ready to literally blow you at this point.

I wrote a post stating this like, 13 hours ago and NOBODY read it.

It's like this: UNICEF JAPAN is a small, small speck of shit in UNICEF which is a neglected turd stuck to the asshair of the hulking, bahamut-like carcass that is the UN.

Like, y'all yanks may have respect for the UN but trust me just this once, they are a big fucking joke.

Sweat not, your doujin aren't exactly in peril.

>> No.193546

yanks have no respect for the UN actually. The citizens that know what is up want us the hell out of the UN. Out yesterday.

>> No.193560

As long as they don't interfere with the eroge or doujinshi business I could care less.

>> No.193640

>I could care less

Your English fails.

>> No.193655


>> No.193670

Actually, yours does.

>> No.193673

seriously, why do you guys always use "could" as "couldn't" I understand it with "your" and "you're" but... could?

>> No.193678


Ha ha, oh wow.

>> No.194039

UN = a shittier version of the League of Nations

>> No.194153

Uh, no, it's the other way around lol

>> No.195667

If the UN actually did its job--like stopping genocide when it's happening in front of them--then maybe the Moon would stop falling and killing us all in the freaky Groundhog's Day loop we've all been experiencing lately.

And why the hell is it grinning at me, anyway?

>> No.195695

The UN is a spectacular failure. Their resolutions are empty words and the sanctions starve millions and keep dictators in power because of corrupt officials in the UN.

>> No.195709


>> No.195730

2d loli are fine,3d are pig disgusting!

>> No.195779
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The Japan Committee for UNICEF

is NOT lower organization of UN Children's Fund.

>> No.195799

As disgusting as I find loli to be, it's fucking pictures, there is no exploitation, there is no crime.

>> No.195832

Clean education?
White Jew style "national power weakening politics" partⅣ

>> No.195899

The 2nd sequence target of Government party is target which constructs "same Censorship environment as huge intranet of P.R.C" to Japan network environment.
When they are realized, there is not freedom of all utterance and expression.

>> No.195922
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>>crack down on animated films, comic books and computer games that show children being sexually exploited

>> No.196253

Interesting. Where does the picture come from? 2ch? Pointer?

>> No.196259


>> No.196266

welcome to yesterday.

>> No.196274

/thread. LOLI WIN

>> No.196275

tentacle and monster secks too please. we can do without it.

>> No.196298

not gonna happen, please look above.

>> No.197490


>> No.197659
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unicef giving in
